HE WEI AT k iir m pcWd Form for Oar guy Keaucre LUIWMil 111 J4i CONTINENTS ,.uL.i Important but . .. unresting .1.1 1 MB 0ftha Pa- T rkey not yield to tho power u . . iMt.i ni n train At. . n..H urn iiizuw if k - ''.Went is behind ft movement . trial has beon postponou WT'J ess on account of the r. ..i unlives. 70 vesaolfl jind A'i.Irtnn l,a liflon BUBtftlllOd f,lea IblB season. Th.WMbington congroBsIonal dole !be Iklmrunplans for united Puoa. Hitdicock to Indorse Sn" Ion irrigation project. MlMisslppl congress llflB 1B. ,it railing on congress rrbSuth of the Columbia. tT 0. Bristol nas uoon A Sates dUtrlct attorney for Ore- B. L. Kddy register, and J. M. tfffli " . " .i n. Tl,.l,.i loml liiience receiver oi mu BMortiof further disastora during L.iUnt etorm on Lnko Superior. "T Y.i ..1 rnnnrtcil lost IB tllO DB 1W ' . jfis men. 0fW to the recent embezzlement . ,l. c.iiln iinv nffipn nnd a feel ttO ID8 0' , it 4 t r iuv8 . . . joldfromtueuortn is iiKoiy i ruw T r -t. ttm mrrrn llmrt. lud f ud revolatlonu aro coming i Braka. Miranij Ito Mva Japan does not in- . taw annex vorca. SiMinr Pttnrnn. of Colorado, boa fcaflned $1,000 (or contempt oi court. UiTilIin sugar planters will try to IfeirpluUtions. Tinminv U still flahtlnir ihn order v - ----- --o r . i I it. . i 1 1. W i recount oi inu votes cash ia wiu 5ti lork election. EeTtral nen convicted of fraud in k recent New York oleteions havo innnloeion in an oil warebosso in mm uty reeuiteu in a loaa oi f 170. w wioro tne iiatnes were tuctln fumed. Germinr will annoint a roceiver for m ixjaiuDie insurance company in ' J UU.VWW - J IVUUI 1 U J ... It il feared that ItiiMtln mav 1m tad to Die nsner mnnnv nml a nnmil. blebtnlruptcy is also staring tbo coun- vjww lace. Minliter Baulera han rnslirnivl li!n Wtitllrna. It aal.l l.n ) .it.i 46 ftnia 4Iia TTHU,..I r?ii il,f.l...Tt. Germinv ) wr Intention of terminating thu nrea. ""VW iicqlv Willi Tllik n iiimi Uln nn i waior ifnrton has beon sentenced to hi months In the county jail and Hi . 2'500- An "PPoal will "Ucatotbe Supremo court. KwYorkt bU,,dIn8 8tr,k tbrcatens A?Ss.ian peaaant congr088 faience nl tik.i t . e u monou ior a retrial. u ,D'B7f'd of the season baa g mark through the entire Middle .r.fcbra!,c,!M ' the British Lib- y '8 patch up their iMaSe..C0?rt of the United "aid itrusta Wa Iaw flBai,,8t in' htiiZlu 8upre,no co,,rt 1,1,8 or' Ta:,d baHot9 in b Za"vo t0 the work of tbo " congress. Seniif,. a , . : r ! 8nld to havo secured kZ& kieiTL,S&l,0,mnovor kown flood, "8 nro U'witouod ft he' il her m , H10 Penitentiary r,s D,"J $'$ rofrm haB ftithl fle0Umtotl States. Ac Nred,;11" w6on number Into the $wkewM felt through. GREATEST HARVEST IN HISTORY rV'eitrf) YaY Wai Record SrtakarMn United States. Waabjngton, tfoy.28. "Wealth pro duction on the farms o( the United States in 1005 reacbod the highest amount ever auaincu in tins or any other country $6,415,000,000." In the first annual report of bis tbjrd term secretary oi Agrlculturo Wilson preflents an array of figures and a state ment representing products and proflta of tbo farmers of this country, which lie aumita "u reams oi wealth produc Hon could hardly equal." Four cropa make now blab records as to value corn, bay, wheat and rice although In amount of production tbo corn ia the only one that exceeds pro vlous yields. In every crop tbo gen eral level of production was high and that of prices still higher. Beaido the enormous yield of wealth tbo secretary estimates that tbo farms of the country haVo increased In valuo during tbo past uvo years to a present aggregate of $0, 180,000,000. "Evory sunset during the past flvo years," ho says, "baa, registered , an in crease of $3,400,000 in tbo value of the farms of this country." Analyzing the principal crops for the year, tbo secretary says that corn react) od its highest production at 2, 708,000,000 bushols, a gain of 42,000, 000 over tbo next highest year, 1800; liny la second in order of valuo, al though cotton hold second place during tho two preceding years. The bay crop this year ia valued at $00,000,000. Cotton comcfl third, with a valuation of $575,000,000; wheat, $625,000,000; oats, $282,000,000; potatoes, $138, 000,000; barley, $68,000,000; tobacco, $12,000,000; augar, cano and sugar beets, $50,000,000; rice, $13,000, 000; dairy products, $50,000,000, an increase of $54,000,000, over last year. PLENTY OF MONEY. Secretary of Interior Has Not Bnen Furnished Proper Figures. Washington, Nov. 28.- When tho secretary of the Interior and tho Recla mation service reach an understanding an to the extent and condition of the national reclamation fund, it ia expect ed that a number of new irrigation pro jecta, including projects in Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington, will bo approved and placed under contract. But until there is a complete under standing, tho present chaotic condition must continue, and inactivity will bo the rule, eavo on projects that aro act ually under contract. Tho great misunderstanding that now prevails ia as to tbo amount of money available for use, and tho restrictions under which that money may bo ex pended. Tho Reclamation aervice hab ita own sot of figures, but thoso flgurei do not coincide with tbo figures which kavo been furnished Secretary Hitch cock by the men in hla own department upon whom ho relics. Tho secretary, confronted with very different financial statements, from sources which ought to agreo, haa concluded that neither ia right, yet ho ia unable to Oguro out for himself just how much money he has to spend, and how much ho baa spent in tho 3)4 yeara tho reclamation law baa boon in forco. WRECK TAKES FIRE. Fourteen Persons Lose Lives In Mas sachusetts Disaster. Lincoln, Mass., Nov. 28. Fourteen persona wero killed, 25 were seriously injured, and probably a score of others cut and bruised in tbo most disastrous railroad wreck recorded in this state for many years. Tho wreck occurred at 8:16 o'clock, at Bakor'a Bridge sta tion, a mile and a half west of Lincoln, on tho main lino of the Fitchburg di vision of tho Boston & Maine railroad. Tho regular express, which loft Boston at 7:45 o'clock for Montreal, oy way pi tho Rutland eye torn, crashed into tho rear end of an accommodation train bound for points on the Marlborough br.Mich, and which started from Boston at 7:15. Of tbo dead, a dozen wero passengers in tho two rear cars of tho Marlborough train. Tho other two wore Engineer Barnard, of the Montreal express, and hla fireman. No passengers on tno express tram wore injured, ui tuose who lost their lives, a numuor wero ap parently Instantly killed iuSthe collis ion, while othora woro olthor burnod to death or died from suffocation. Oppose Rate Legislation. Chicago, Nov. 28. An organized movomont on the part of railroad em ployes in every branch of tho sorvico i as boon put on foot to securo con- cortod action againBt tho Roosevelt idoa of rato legislation. Preliminary Bteps mvo already beon taken by recommit- teo of tbo brotberhooda of railroad mon for n genoral mass meeting. Rato reg ulation, in tho opinion of tho em pjoyen, means a subsequent roducMon n wagos for thorn, and tnoy propoBO a strong organization to oppoBo traiiie rates. No Flowers at Capitol Washington, Nov. 28. Thoro will be no flowora In olthor houso on the opening day of congress. A resolution of the eonato was adopted during tho ast sosslon of congreaa barring flowers from the senate chamber. Mr, Cannon ihb alroady glvon notlco that ho will not allow the flowora to bo brought In as heretofore. Rivalry of admirers of different members of both housqs reached a atago whore the deskB woro burled in flowora . Famine In Part of Japan. VIotoria, B. 0., Nov. 28. Famlno prevails because of the failure of tiie rice crop in Northeast Japan. The gov rBsaent lias bgun relief measure, SIDETRACK TARIFF Rate Regolaiiori the Only Prob lem Before Coming Session. CONCENTRATION OF ATTENTION President Will Not Give Senate Any Excuse to Avoid Action by De bating In the Air. Washington, Nov. 28. For varioua roasona President Roosovolt will not urgo congress at tho approaching ses sion to take up the question of tariff rovlaion. He believes tho railroad rate question Ib the most vital issue which confronts the people of tho United States today, and ho is thorefore un willing to bring to tho front any other problem whoso discussion would tend to postpono, if not defeat, legislation on that subject. Ho proceeds on tho theory that tho worst evil should be first cured. Alter four yeara' experi onco In tho white house, and with i comprehensive knowledge of the metb ous resorted to by congress to defeat legislation which is distasteful, the president is fully aware that ho would materially decrease tho chances of got ting rato legislation if he should make tariff revision an Ibbuo of equal import anco with the regulation of freight rates, lie is awaro that the senate would quickly seize upon tbia opportu nity anu concontrato ita attention on tariff bill, not so much with any Idea of modifying tho Dlngley tariff aa to distract attention and sidetrack the rato bill beforo It reached a critical stage. There is other legislation which the president hopes to have passed besides .1 M t . m mo rauroau rate Dili, out he is more anxious about that measure than any other, and he will concentrate his efforts to securo such a law as will, in his judgment, effectively check diecrim inations of all sorts. He wants a law which will apply the "square deal" rule to railroad business, and if bis in fluence, backed by public opinion, can bring it about, such a law will be writ ten on the statute books before the first session of the Fifty-ninth congress ad ourns. CANAL ENGINEERS DEPART. Ridicule Reports They Have Changed Decision on Sea Level. Washington, Nov. 28. The five for eign dolegates to tho board of' consult ing engineers of the Isthmain Canal commission left for New York today, and will sail for thoir homes. They will meet again in Brussels during the first days of January. General Davis will go to that city as representative of tho American members of the board, and will take with him the documents, which aro not yet drawn up, and which then will have to be signed by the for eign delegates. Speaking of published stonea that they had reconsidered their first vote, one of the delegates made the following statement: "Whatever wo have had to say will be found In the report which will shortly be in the hands of President Roosevelt. That we should change our vote on a aubject to which for threo months wo bad given the closest atten tion, and ahould change it merely be cause some parties are not contented with It, is a great absurdity." Leave Isle of Pines to Cuba. Washington, Nov. 28. Tho Cuban government will be permitted to settle to its own satisfaction tho existing trouble on tho Isle of Pines. The State department has so announced. Of course, if American citizenB were to bo unduly persecuted or maltreated be caueo of any exercise by them o their right of freedom of speech or aasembly, this government will take steps to se cure for them justice. But if those Americans on the islands place them solves outside tho pale of the law by refusing to recognize tho authority of the Cuban government, they will bare to tako tbo consequences. Pesthousa Was Burglarized. Butte, Mont., Nov. 28. A Great Falls dispatch to the Miner states that tho people of Teton county aro in a fu roro over what Is believed to be a threatened opldomic of smallpox as the result of burglarizing of the poBthouso. Several smallpox patients were confined in tho detention Iioubo and tho place has never boon fumigated to tbo extent that it is believed that all danger of contagion is past. The people havo been publicly warned by tho health offloialB to bo on tbo alert for any ap pearanco of tho disease. Allies Have Acted. London, Nov. 28. Tho Daily Mail publishes tho following dispatch from Mityleno, dated November 27: "Eight warships of the combined fleet arrived here at 8 o'clock this morning. Admi ral Rittor von Jedlna, accompanied by the Austrian consul, proceeded to tbo government housp at 10:30 o'clock and handed an ultimatum to tho govornor. At 1 o'clock this aftornoon 600 aallors landed and seized the cuBtoms and tele graph ofllco. Everything la quiet." Governor of Moscow Dismissed. London, Nov. 28. The correspond ent of the Standard at Moscow aaya that Gonoral Drunovo, governor of Moscow, haa boon dlamissed In dlsgraco owing to the revolutionary proceedings of the congress of peasants. MAY COSE POSlf fON. Mitchell Likely" To-.' Be- Displaced erf Senate Canal Committee, Washington, Nov. 27. Apparently Duiiaior Aiiicnon la to bo deprived of tho chairmanship of the committee on intoroceanic canala when the senato re organizes next month. This has not beon definitely decided, but It is tho concensus of opinion of arriving Bona tora that Mitchell will have to rolln qulsh hla chalrmanahlp in order that BOmo active member of ihn rnnnl inm. mittee can preside at Its meetings thia winter. congress must appropriate money eady In the coming session for contin uing work on tho Panama canal, and must aeciuo whether toe canal shall bo built with lockfi or at th'n This legislation, together with all other legislation pertaining to tho canal and tuu cnnai zone, must do considered by tho canal committee, and will hn nnn of tho most important topics to bo con senators bolievo tho rnnnl mm m It. ton should havo an active chairman, who can not onlv nreaido nt committeo meetings, but who can vote both in committeo and in the senate, and who can furthermore take charge of canal legislation after it haa been reported to tun senate. AMEND IMMIGRATION LAWS. Sargent's Plan for Keeping Out All Undesirables. Washington. Nov. 27. Radical changes in tho immigration lawa will be made next year, if the suggestions of Commissioner General Sargent, are put into cusct. Mr. Sargent ia anxioua to have limits placed on the number of immigrants, and that persons who aro either too young or too old to sup port themselves should not be per mitted to disembark. This would not however, apply to those who can furn lab guarantees that they are on theii way to relatives. Mr. sargent believes that by an ar rangement with foreign governments the useless traflic of deportation of lm migrants unfit to land here could be b topped, lielore an Immigrant ia per mitted to take passage for America, he should undergo an examination at the point of embarkation. HITCHCOCK TO RESIGN. Rumor That Western Congressmen Have Got His Scalp. Washington, Nov. 27. The fact leaked out tonight from a xesponsible source that at a recent cabinet meeting Ethan Allen Hitchcock, secretary of the Interior, expressed a desire to ten der his resignation July 1 next. The same authority announces that Vespa sian Warner, of Illinois, now commis- aioner of pensions, ia to succeed him. It is said the proposed change in tho cabinet haa been brought about by members of congress from western states, who charge that Mr. Hitchcock, in operations against land grabber!, has permitted his personal feelings to enter into tho prosecutions. While thia charge had been often repeated, it ia said that the retirement of Mr. Hitchcock will be wholly due to the desire of the president to surround himself with younger men. MILLION WOMEN FIGHT SVIOOT. Characterize Htm as a Man Sanction ing Practice of Polygamy. Philadelphia, Nov. 27. A meeting of the executive committee of the Na tional League of Women's organiza tions, lormed two yeara ago to oppose tho continuance in tho United States senate oi Senator Reed Smoot, of Utah, was held here today. Women from all sections of the country were present. It was announced that a petition would be presented to the senate asking for the exclusion of Mr. Smoot on the ground that "he iB a member of a hoirarchy whose president and a major ity of the members pratctice and teach polygamy." The memorial will state that "Mr. Smoot has never raised bis voice against these doctrines, and the Mormon hierarchy has broken ita cov enants which it gave to the United States when statehood was granted." Summoned by Judge Hunt. Helena, Noy. 27. United Btatea Judge Hunt today ordered Frederick A. Hyde, John A. Benson and other Cali fornians to appear and answer on Feb ruary 5 the complaint charging them with having fraudulently obtained a forect reserve scrip, under which 4,000 acres of Montana, land was secured from the government. The government seeks to have the land retored to it. There aro a number of Montaua corporations and individuals who aro also named aB defendants in the bill of complaint filed. Burton is Guilty. St. Louis, Nov. 27. Senator J. R. Burton, of Kansas, was Saturday night found guilty on all six counts in the indictmont upon which lie haa beon on trial for the past week in tho United States Circuit court, charged with hav ing agreed to accept and having ac cepted compensation from tho Rialto Grain & Securities company, of St, Louis, to appear for the company in the capacity of an attornoy beforo tho Poat ofllco department. Will Cut Forests and Crops, Iibau, Nov. 27. Agrarian disorders have broken out in the Baltic province. A peasant meeting adopted resolutions to cut forest on private land and to ap propriate cropa. Tho governor general has issued a proclamation to the troops to fire on eueh offenders, and Baying that tho participants at such meetings will be court martlalod &nd Bent to dis tant provinoes. MPmUl The Story of In-Door Shb. Once on a time, In far Japan, There Hred a busy little man, So merry nnd so full of fun That people called him In-door Sun. Now In-door Sun made mirrors fine, Like those in your house and In mine, And In these looking-glasses bright His own face saw from morn till night It made him feel so very sad To see his face look cross and bad, That he began to take great care To keep a sweet s&ile always there. And soon be found that those he knew, All seemed to liko him better, too; For, like the mirrors, every one Began to smile on In-door Sun! Now try thU Just one day and scb How bright and smiling you can be; You'll find both happiness and fun In playing you're an "In-door sunt" Little Folks. A Contlr Skate. Roller skating Is older than most folk Imagine. Joseph Merlin, a Bel gian, born In 1735, a clever, inventive fellow, went to London In 1700 and exhibited his novelties at a museum In Spring Gardens, and afterward in Prince's street, Hanover Square. Hav ing made a pair of skates to run on skin, were on her hands. These fitted! perfectly and were ornamonted with strips of skin from some animal per haps the seal. To completo this elab orate outfit this Eskimo belle carried in her hand not a bouquet but a long eagle feather. In fact she 'carried two, one in each hand, which she waved as she danced. No doubt this) young lady mode a charming picture. At least the young gallants of her set thought she did. LACK OF MEN, NOT WORK. Revelation of the Real Problem of the Unemployed. Leroy Scott contributes to World's Work the result of a first-hand In vestigation of the unemployed In the United States. He makes some star tling revelations andlncldentally scat ters the tissue of sentimentality that has hung about tuo "poor man looking for a Job." He declares that tho real problem is not to find work for men, but men for work. Ninety per cent of the men out of work don't want work. Mr. Scott says: "In largo cities the men who stand In bread lines, who patronize free soup kitchens and missions; who sleep In municipal lodging houses and f 9 111 si tflv Kite tread, figfit tae&ci. Hrown breed and pone. e one 73 wit I l V if yfkvn tidy ij gy,rouicy C" -Youth's Companion. wheels, he appeared with them at a masked ball given by Mrs. Cornelys, In Carlisle House, Soho. He was duly invited to display his skill. Having put on tho skates he took a violin and began whirling about to his own music One thing he had not studied. however, and that was how to guide himself and to stop quickly, and the result was that before the performance had lasted very long he dashed Into an Immense mirror valued at $2,500, smashed his fiddle to bits, and serious ly injured himself. That appears to have dampened the spirit of Inventors, for we hear nothing of other wheel skates for nearly half a century. A True Incident. A French family has recently had Its fortunes restored In a way to sug gest story telling. They were wretch edly poor, selling ono possession after another In order to live. One day the mother, In moving au old desk of her great-grandfather, came upon an old book, between the pages of which was a stamp of the Island of Maurice of 1847. A traveler stopping to rest in the cottage one day saw this stamp, which a boy was sticking to a home-made en velope; playing "postofflce" with a lit tle friend. This traveler (a man of wealth and a collector of curios) saw that It was very rare. In truth, thero wero but two others In existence, one belonging to the King of England and one to tho Czar of Russia, ne told the family of their treasure, and It waa through his interest and exertions that tho stamp was subsequently sold for $7,500. An EaUttuo's Dreai. When an Eskimo young lady goes to a ball sho Is a gorgeous sight to gaze upon. You did not know that they had dances In her country? Well, they do, and a traveler reports Just how a belle was dressed on such an occasion. Her dress was mado of the Intes tines of a seal, split nnd sewed togeth er. This makes a transparent gar ment, and the girl trimmed it with elaborate embroidery of colored worsteds and fringed it with strings of beads. Her trousers wero whlto and made of Siberian reindeer skin, em broidered with strips of wolf skin. Her hair was braided on each side with strips of wolf skin and Btrips of beads. Heavy necklaces and pendants of beads and teeth of animals hung around her neck and over her should ers. Snow-white gloves, made ef fawn In police stations, are properly re garded as unfortunates who have failed to find work. The Charity Or ganisation Soslety and the Association for Improving the condition of th Poor, both of New York, recently had cards printed addressed to unemployed men, offering work and financial and medical aid. During March and April 28,000 of these cards were distributed to men in bread lines, missions and lodging bouses. Three hundred and five responded a little more than 1 per cent It would aeem that self-respecting men, eager to work, would seize at such chance. At the two lodging bouses, of the Philadelphia Society for Organlzlnz Charity, the of ficers clip from the morning papers and post on a bulletin board the ad vertisements asking for male help, so that the men can read them when discharged at G a. m. As a rule no more than two or three men from a crowd of 100 or 150 glance at the ad vertisements. "Among unorganized workers men are frequently upemployed through a desire to choose their Job. I sat a large part of one day listening to the talk between clerk and applicants. Job after Job was refused because the applicants were not pleased with the work or the wages. A typical case was that of a young fellow who was of fered a good opening In an office at $12 a wook; he refused because ho wanted to start at $15. On the pre vious day tills agency had found a Job for a man whose family was being sup ported by a charity society. The man went to his new work in the morning: in the afternoon he wns back at tho agency. 'They only wanted to pay mo ?1,75," .ho complained. 'I won't work for less than $2 for anybody.' " IIott the Trouble A roue. "I suppose ho clasped you in his arms when tho canoo upset?" "No; quite the opposite." "Quito tho opposite?" "Yes; the canoo upset when ha clasped me in his arms." Houston (Texas) Post A Subtle DUtlnctlon. Mother of Parvenuo Financier (to visitor) All these aro photographs or? my eon. noro you see him as a child, thero as a man and there as a baron Journal Arausant An average girl is never Mtlsfled until she acquired son-in-law for bc mother.