The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 07, 1905, Image 3

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    iitfnJ sinn6f the Inner mem w m ui me jicaa arm tnroat,
".11U."" 1 I ... AT I .."" - , . . . - ..... I '
"Ti. ..trmllOJl v . tlnia att.l rMtlt1i.flnttiA .1ia.a 1...4. ...
Hf.'.L ot only a veAuB ww. uui coni-
itlMV Jirntntonc. It 19 ue www -awirm usually DCgltiS With a
iJQU"BV . .-h fll DOIHHIIB. YYJIltU tMU W1IUW11 Oil LlirOUfrll tll
ip . . .... niiL vy.v. ---- . . - - . ., . t.
', findtoc.4 . ... ti, i,Q timrn pritinvifttr and i-ilarrttcf Ihkh....
uU'l . 1 1 1 1 LI UV"J " : . . . ' .. O- ' I
.ifrftJf'i""." jt.MSP. TJicre is a sicacninz anu oncnBtve U Bchnrrra
.unr """" iMi77itif noise in me cars, iicauncnrt ntui nn xou fluid vnn ,..n i... ... . oihin iin . . . .
uivt r'i. . rtniiHLUiib ---r . . ... , . . ,..,. jiili'i f!HTfn in vuuulq lu li'hii ic n n w inn en Ttrtllnti
. . -trll. . ttly.H1... itiiiin nut tlmllnr Trnn l.-.t. 11. Imltlltwll IIU ... ... . " " .... . . " "
vv v'Zheaitm, wiucimi y v Uuw inw Uie , . "u 1 1B M,s Snowfluke. w,u nc,P thorn In their life work. If
..liHnu LW" .. .. .i.-L j it imi. im I . .. . -
MnanmBo suro to put plenty of cuUurc will ho a paying investment
nut in tho enke. CookI'll nmn. to 8ivc uIm a course In' an agricultural
- ..v ..II
Tk Boy mnt iht Purm.
The wonderful strides In agricul
tural Hdence, as woll as tha rast in
crease In tho insect enemies of grow
ing? things, has both boomed and de
terred farm work as a profession, so
that tho old-time, ideas of farming can
not bo said to bring success except in a
very moderate degree. Tho farming
of tho future must be done by tiie boys
And trlrta nt ..t ...
vr ti i . .. v-u u wu owe it io
n v , y have deceived our emidren to give them tho best pos-
I Tth lias an oaor mui m vta wviidiv.-. yuiuuu m worse in
l"0 ilic COld WCftWICr uiunun "iw .u uiruiua, unu UIC pOIB-
ljj.fle IOC tU1 .t-. riniia l(t 4tinf 1. V..
flflUS";-, - -,1 I SSUCS. CaUBlUK V11B lllUULUUiailOn WMlCll Btnrta nln.1 .. . .. - r.
iiDii'K" - . t. t-tuumi k unznr.
...ttW secretions to PC au- aeyerl year aro my blood wan hnA "I don't Um n.n ...... .... of
?! .tli. When tiie Uoou rhu I i,a in adaitlon a dreadful oaso of f i,n,u.n ""7 . V 1,01 '
...nrrlinl uirru. nous vras ettonntd un. T t uiruu llllKini' to lilm flvn
in md felt unfit for wnrir. T
ioua may
menoea tho uo or S. 8. B. on the raeora.
mondfttitm of friend, and in a abort
tlnio It oured m nound and wall. Itnut
xny blood la (rood condition and X haYi
iiau tun iiKiiteac return of th
QUO. 11. rtATfTf.
, 27o. COO Edgar St. Xvauavlllo. Ind.
WPcu 7" fl. this c
. Miim ni ..
ti. tr.1V 1 UU ' . ' TIAVAP III
t if the trouble is not checked the lungs become diseased from.
ii-mMflbranes u" -- t. - r "w""'1-
Uiir..7iU-e the annoyinnrnymptoms lor a time, but the poison is
'"r? .tl- - .(.ntliritl1 llnl.l ntl tlll nvnlpttl ffltlll ill... nrn. 1fr-
manifest itself in worse form than before. S. S. S. is the greatest of
"..- .r1ti It 1int pImnamI tlmMnnrl. lli?nTiiit- clrn...
pannersi -,,,,..-, i,.niii,r..i ..t-n .t.- .ti .
lu a . . i. . .. . . . i : . . . i . .. .. i ..
Then lll6 inuaaiCU juciuiiuuvo nuw hobhvo tuviu vu jicui, ihc uia
the system is strengthened, every one
of the annoying and disgusting symp
toms pass away, and the patient is left
in perfect health. S. S. S. is the best
remedy for Catarrh. It goes right into
the blood and removes ail effete matter
nnd catarrhal poison and cures the dis-
.....ii nnr1 ntthesamc time builds ur the entire fivsteni liv its fitm
anriiiii. . . . . . : J
ika.u w ., . . - ft . .. t- ..... . ... .
i ... j. . m riinm(? fine; mi L.iiL.11111. V..L Liu 1 ii hiiiiii.t.h wii Tin.i rtnr
IfTIUilUt - " - . - - - ... ' - wu.
i.! i.nirtiTienr nciniiii in auvisincr local trfaitnciir m ii uetvi
5,8.8. wt swift ar&uit-iu co., Atlanta, ga
......4... ..... . " "
. luuiuH ueroro no said I was an Idiot."
"Why U10 delay?" Judgo. .
Very Oulckj First UuBsinn You
mo Hgnt was quickly over? Sec-
bit cough mediclno Jn the world for all
in. R lnnK troublc.w- Eu C 8TDAET,
one cannot afford the full course
four years, or if the boy is not sum-
clently well educated to take this
course, givo him tho shorter one of
two years, or, better than nothing, let
him tako tho short winter course of
from ten to twelvo weeks and study
ntui ifnuUi,...v ... ' . - . . "."v. in wincu no is
: 11 was nniHiiea Do- interested. You will find that his in.
W y Jat'kPy Ilo-.tprest in the work win be enough
manofTopolotowsky. grcatcr to wnrrant the cxpe8e. True!
u,u oy vy. cert, r wnnf mnm no may not loam n cmnf i mm
Pnyj I'm only getting "four" a week, s"rt course, but It will be enough to , a3 hpm0nrh wli!?Jnoi
nnd give my mother all I earn. Pro! open his eyes to the possibilities, and Hl"8 at bodt,me' Ju8t ono
I'Mcior v nnt uo you do with the oth- uo mil no placed on the right track
cr thrco and a half ? Puck. 1 to study and work by himself. Talk
Wllllo Papa, If 1 was twins would to tuo boy nbout it( nnd wrlto to the
you buy tho other boy a banana, too? n6r,cu,tural college of your State for
Papa Certainly, niv son. Willi detailed Information.
wen, pnpn, you surely ain't going to
If he tells you to take Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for your
severe cough or bronchial
trouble, then take It. If he has I
anytnmg better, then take that.
But we know what he will say;
for doctors have used this
cough medicine over 60 years.
. "I "el Ayer'i Cherrr Tectoral for
nra coldi, bad couzht, and Inflnenza. It ba
done mo (treat pood, and I believe It If tb
Idl Made by J. O.Ayet Co.. Lowell, llwi.
JM AUo sianufiratarert of
11 . CBSI? WHIRt ML US! f All$.. UH
'rules (load.
. .. iiroPTAD L7
r v u i" n I . .......
bU I
H.r Mlitrable r.ncV.
LtSaamer Girl-Did you hear
ilii mlsewble luck l uaa yester-
1 Eaamcr Girl No; what was
( Eommer Girl While in bath-
Icurtjcued we from drowning.
I Summer Girl Why, I'd call
I lack.
iimmtt Girl Dut tho man In
i Is married.
No lluben' Work.
Mrs. Al de Mustahd And have you
any paintings by Hubons?
Mrs. Justin de Hunch .Mercy, no!
All our pictures aro by the best ar
tists. Mrs, A. Uo M. But Rubens
Mrs. J. do B. Don't tell me. I nev
er saw a rubo yet that could paint
Cleveland Leader.
European Breakfasts.
Mark Twain, in speaking of tho typl
cal European breakfasts, said: "Uo
cheat mo out of another banana Just
because I'm all In one piece? Judgo.
Ilronco WII What did Tough Tomp
kins die of? Grizzly Pete Wnll. tln
Tho Nbrth Pole,
It is ofion eaid that, when the North
Polo is discovered, there will bo found
a Scotchman doing business. The
Hiehlanrinr nl
?m?ldn?rwT .f acUane,1flalr a' amongst the pioneers of tho American
? f ? 5 K , Ilr0"C0 I,m-Lun weat. His Herculean strength fitted
trouble? Grizzly Pclc-No; ho was him for frontier life, and to his con-lynchod.-Judge.
j etant use of "porridge" for breakfast is
"I got a flno Job in de business col-! attributed his splendid physique. This
loge." "Geo wot d'yer do?" "Do generation can be as brawny by eatine
ttrmn' teacher hired me lo shako do
table when de now pupils write, 'This
Is a sample- of my handwriting before
I began taking lessons.'" Exchange.
Brilliant Billy: Bill had a bill-
board. Bill also had a board bill. Tho
board bill bored Bill, so that Bill sold
two oill-hoard to pay his hoard bill. So
Cause and Effect.
Mrs. Caller I see your husband Is
smoking again. I thought he had
given It up.
Mrs. Shopper So he did; but I
found such a lovely smoking Jacket at
Tiie Goiutne TOWER'5
it is made of the but
materials, in black orellow,
fully guaranteed, and sold by
reliable dealers ererjwhere.
luiun IU, LAN.
!ioM,500 to 2,000 ocrcs of pasture
in tho Willamette valley, within
iace oi'the railroad. Must bo
Me In price, Midi watered unil
ukLinn. Lane, hen ton or Pol it
It. Addrert, with full imrtlculnrs,
,(. no aiarquam niug., 1'ort-
piable Information
ifjre One Dollar for a Postal
rit the first reliable news of
WtttO tell 1 horizontal Mm
pleat styles, within our range
E- w coo not wnt inquiries it
eforverUc!, tracUon or gas
"I" Blltr i and n,Vm..ur.
M Uii.tS,!,,.!!,, tbi world. ...
Ll. ""inilArUl.ia
ESuTfcDs.. Vr.UrTnUIWI...
; 1.000,009 u.r.
borad Bill.
Useless Kxpense: Lawyer Now,
seo hero; before I take your case, I
waut to know If you're guilty Prls
ouer Am I guilty? D'yer supposo I'd
be fool enough ter biro the most ex
pensive lawyer in tho town if I wuz
"Do you know," said a Sunday
school teacher addressing a new pupil
you know what I'll do? 111 nail a iln U1" mraut class, "that you have a
piece of cuttle-flsh bone to tho cbim- oul?" "Course I do," replied tho llt-
jioy, and every morning I'll hop upon.t'o fellow, placing his hand over his
. i. . . . . i ... . .. ... 'i ... .I ..... ...
n hnrrrsln arnln (hot )m 4n. i..i
ntn Illll ,.. i.. t . ... " "c ual- i(
" Jinuunru uj pay 1113 commence again.
uuuiu um, uio ooara U no loniror
tho mantel and tako a pick at it with
a tin bill. It will be just as filling
and much cheaper than a European
breakfast "
It is evident that Mr. Clemens pre
fers tho typical American breakfast
dish of rillsbury'fl Vitos with good
cream and sugar.
ICconomlcal Thonjrht.
"Ob, Georgel" said Mrs. Youngman,
"my canary bird'a dead."
"Yes?" replied her husband. "1'ou'ro
! not grieving much."
I "No; you see, I can havo it stuffed
j for my hat next fall, and then the rest
of Uio hat won't cost you so much."
Philadelphia Press.
I i . .
I For bronchial trouwri try rio's Care
for Conitiniptlon. It is n good cough
wBuiuuic, At uriiKKiMi", price -jui cents.
Tho Innrltntila ComparUnn.
The son of tho old counterfeiter gazed
critically at the bogus coins that th
hopeful young apprentice spread before
him. .
Thon he shook his grlxrled head.
"These aro not as good as the dollars
that father used to make," ho slowly
iald. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
CITQ l'ermnntljr Cured. Nontaor nerrouinejs
fl 10 Afterflratday'euaeoflJr.Kllne'iUreatNerve
J e.ilprrr. Hend forFr8 trial bottlendtrll,
Vt.lL 11. Kline, I4tl.. Wl Arcb UU, 1'bllftdelpMa, l'n.
Dummclgh What about this canteen
Brisque Oh, thero's nothing in It!"
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
t r
!0fChas.ira.W Bought has borno tho lKna-
""PervlHion f""ll m,lt?..3AnlcrA"?
w.TiT.i . you in iri " Allow no one
LYWU.ia.ii" tlountorfoltsi. Tmltul nn u BiKl
.a of Chidren E?PorlmentH, unci endRiigor tiie
la. ""u'l
Siopf iSfefto for Cwtor OH, ?ar?r
-l!xporlonce against Experiment.
1IS W its KUarttiitnr
It is IMcftBant. It
Uno nor other Nurcotio
lu??8 overlslmAiu "artt"too. It destroys Worms
,riin i- . ""..HiiiiLOB Liin unnii. rnfrinnrnii t.
& Kjving Lo ,lthy ami naWal deep.
m to Always Bought
NlftnatiiKA A
"! use
Por Ove
30 Years.
heart, "I can feel it Uck." Moberly
(Mo.) Monitor.
Tho Indian Bureau: "I've been
raillii'," Bald Pat, "a good dalo In tho
papers about a bureau for the Indians.
Now, I don't believe In their havln' a
bureau. I can't afford to havo n bu
reau mcsllfl I knpo me papers in a
box under the bed."
Parson Of course you aro not afraid
to die, Brother Jones. Your good wife,
who went before, will meet you at
the pearly gates, you know. Sick Man
Yes; and a peach of a lime I'll havo
explaining to her all I've done for tho
past ten years! Judge.
Another Heartless Monopolist: Mrs.
Gabble No, indeed, I don't have that
woman doctor any more. Query
Why, 1 thought you liked her. Mrs.
Gabble Oh, she got to bo hateful. Sho
used to keep tho thermometer in my
mouth nearly all tho time, so thnt I
couldn't say a word, while she raonop
olized tho conversation.
A Lively Animal: Ho was a good-
natured German, nnd his face fairly
beamed as ho walked Into a drug
store. Tho first tiling that caught his
attention was an electric fan buzzing
Imsllv on the soda counter. Ho looked
at It with great Interest, and Uien
turned to tho clerk. "Py golly!" ho
said, smilingly, 'Mat's a litly squirrel
vot you got In dare, ain't id?" Lijipln
cott's Mngazine.
Roflned Pork: Harold was playing
"keen store" nnd hnd provailed upon
his crandmothcr to become ono of his
natrons. When she appeared In tho
rolo of customer ho said: "Havo some
nlco vegetables or fruit or meat? Hero
is some extra nlco boiled ham. uavo
some?" "No, thank you," sho said, V'I
,in'i- nun iinin." "Oh. but I think
vou'd llko this, ma'am. It is hardly a
bit hammy." Llppincottls,
a xfomorv for Dntos: A school
teacher was trying to impress upon n
nhnliir'a mind that Columbus dlscov-
nrnd Amoiicn in H92. "Now, John,"
ho said, "I will toll you tho dato In
rhyme, so tnat you won't forgot It 'In
fourtoon hundred and nlnoty-two Co
lumbus sailed tho ocean blue,' Now.
can you remombor that, John " "Yes,"
replied John. "Next day tho tcachor
said, "John, when did Columbus dis
cover America?" "In fourteen hundred
and nlnoty-thrco Columbus sailed the
dark-bluo Ben."
Improving tho Opportunity: "Hero,
my good man," sho said ono day last
week to a man who had begged nlms
of hor, "hero Is n three-penny pleco,
and please, to understand that I do not
glvo tills bocuuso I hope to bo reward
ed for my chnrlty somo day, but be
cause it gives mo plea suro to do so."
Tho burly beggar looked dubiously at
tho tiny silver colu. "Look 'ero, mum,"
ho said, "in this 'oro wickcu worm we
don't ofton got tho chnnco to enjoy
ourselves. Why not mnuo it n sniiuu'
and avo a real good tlmo7"
Of course, It's tuo proper thing for
a man to havo a bnckbono, but he
should romombqr thnt it is Jointed.
Beware of Ointments lor Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
umorcnrr will surelr deatrov tho HATHA nf
mell and completely dorango tho whole sy
toin when entering It through the mucous
urfftces. Such articles should never be used
excepton prescriptions from reputable phy
sician, as the damagu they will do Is tenfold
to the good you can possibly derlvefrom them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. i.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains nomercury,
ami Is taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
In buyintr Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure you get
tho genuine. It Is taken Internally, and made
in Toledo, Ohio, by Y. J. Choney fc Co. Testi
monials free.
Bold by Urugslsts, price 75c. per bottle.
hall's Family rills are the best.
Professional Advice.
The new doctor had been called In
to sec a lady with a swollen Jaw.
"Does it hurt you to talk?" asked the
pill dispenser.
"Yes," she replied.
"Then don't," said the M. D. "Two
dollars, please." Chicago Dally News.
Mothers vrlll find Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing
Byrup the best remedy to use for their children
during the teething period.
Stubb There goes Miss Flasher. Says
she is Just back from Newport and her
complexion is as brown as a nut.
Penn Yes, a chestnut.
Height of Sea Waves.
Careful experiments made by a noted
English navigator along the north
coast of Spain show that waves fre
quently attain a height of 42 feet,
which is nothing comparedvto the rise
of Pillsbury's Vitos in the estimation
of people who like good, pure, common
sense wheat food. You will like it. Ask
for it at your grocer's.
Methods of tlio Magnates.
Reporter And why do you carry a
Waterbury watch?
Rockysagc To wind when I've noth
ing else to to do.
Reporter What do you gain by that?
Rockysage I save time. Cleveland
A New Organ
Delivered to anv Rnll-
road Station or Doat
Landing In Oregon
To Break In New Shoes.
Always shake In Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder.
It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet.
Cures corns. Ingrowing nails and bunions. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 2Sc- Don't accept
anv substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Addres
Allen S. Qlmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Here Is a picture of one of the most perfectly
finished organs now manufactured. -It Is th
Pacific Queen, made especialtr for Kllcrs Plane
House. Choice of fancy walnut or (.elected
oakca'es. Fine, very large beveled plate mir
ror, perfectly finished; an ornament to any
Numerous new and valuable Improvement
are embodied in this organ, making it at once,
one of the best and most durable organs man
ufactured in the United States.
i ullt with special regard to Pacific Coast
Jiesides the regular reed tone, this instru
ment also has several octaves of the regular
pipe effects, to be found in no other make.
Special Introductory offer.
To Introduce this Organ we are making mork
exceptional concessions in our prices and.
terms and will deliver aperfect and fully guar
antetd Organ freight paid, to'any railrtad sta
tion or boat landing In the state of Oregon for
116, on payment of ;S down and SI a month.
The fancier styles- S.'2, $56, etc., on same terms.
write us today, as this oner is limited oi
the first 100 Instruments.
only t
In After Yean..
Wlfe But during our courtship you
never objected to my talking.
liusuanu or course not. Being j i 8Uou(1 Bay 80j Whyi he
talked to Is one tiling and being talked to lick any one In the hotel who
at Is quite another. agreed with him on the subject."
"Bobbins was tickled to death over
the outcome of the Portsmouth confer
ence. He is a radical advocate of uni
versal peace."
"That so?"
Largest, Leading and Most Responsible West
ern ueaiers.
Washington street, corner Park, Portland
Sprague ave. and Post st., Spokane, Wash.
514 Market street, San Francisco, Cal.
No. 481903
WHEN writing? to advertisers ploaec
mention tblg paper.
V- ira
TheWinning Stroke
If more tlian ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the
game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy
ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason
able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the
health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's
improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches,
etc. It is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to
choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas
ant Syrup of Figy, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect
ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after
effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs,
simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without
griping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way,
as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature.
As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manu
facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most
beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their
general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con
sidering in making purchases.
It Is because of the fact that SYRDP F FIGS
is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by
physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well
Informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain
quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a
bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a
laxative remedy Is required. Please to remember that the
genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale In bottles of one size
only, by all reputable druggists and that full name of th
company California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on
uio iron oi every paciiage. regular price, 50c per bottle,
l,rv::v-' YT.'Ot
It'' "K.&m
im, A-.f:"J::.-3
Fit ...Vvs-Vl
11 ... . -a
V -A.'
... . I..-
It's up to somo egoUata to cousult
iib "I" doctor. 1