The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 30, 1905, Image 8

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fc . immiaamimmmMmmmmaammmmamam---.-
Industrial Center
p.. Central
n p p
r v
4, A. -JH
Rotated hi Willow Creek Basin and in the midst of a;n
Jie patural trading point for Agency Plains and otfyer
surrpundmg wheat plateau districts.
during the next 12 moqtfrs, affording sample tranportation facilities and assuring rapid development
A big Flouring Mill Jiub completed, and mfiphinery installed ready for operating,
Iong. die tanc.e telephone cp.nneotio.ns. DAILY MAILS.
W.AB ' eally Jocaf,ed la the fatuous Wlllqvj Cook Basin,, comprising WO stiuaro miles of. the finest wheat ai In, OroKpf, (tyinoi
a natural townsite looation, with flue water easily obtaiued in wolls from 12 to 20 foot deep. Ia rnost equnbje ollraatp In
Qregoq, and good roads the jrear firouud. Al roads lead, down hill to MA,DRAHt aut this. 8 the natural tp"!;
ag poJnt ofrloU wheat bolt larger han Sherman, County.
Buy Lots Now. Pripe, $5Q ane y awards,
por p,rticular inquire of DON Pj REA, pgcppjRY of townpite company.
The Madras Pioneer
Nov, 3Q, 1905
(Continued frflm KV
passed the average of foreign
yields. The future of this ex
rtort market lor durum seems
assured, and as the departmen
officials believe it will grow from
year to year, they are encour
aging itsioulture in Eastern Or
Durum wheat is not much
used in - breadmakiuc as the
flour is yellow in color. Al
though it can he put through a
bleaching urocess. it does not
meet with the demand for mill
Ing purposes as do the standard
hard wheat varieties, such as
bhlestem and club.
Durum wheat has not yet at
tracted any gieat attention in
Eastern Oregon, although in
Eastern Washington and Idaho
it is grown extensively and with
good profit. It is exceedingly
haid and produces more to the
nhre than do the bluestem or
club varieties, but there haw not
as vet been mudh ol it grown in
this section owing to the lack
of demand in the local market,
Mri. E. H. Dean of Haycreek was a
Visitor in town during the week. ' .
Horn on Sunday, Nov. 10, 1905, to the
wife of VV. H. Stnnehocher, a Boy.
Ben Jones of Prinevilie was in town on
Monday evening on his way to the Big
Harrv Douthimf Cross Keys was in
town during the week looking after bust
ness Interests. t .
The literary society holds its regular
meeting next (Saturday evening. An
interesting program has been prepared.
Mrs. E. C. Goodwin, who spent last
week visiting in Madras, returned on Sat
urday morning to her hornet The Dalles.
A, C, Sunford left yesterday morning
forShahikoW sped Thanksgiving Day
with hi family. He expects .to return at
41 end of the wek.
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber, moulding, door- and window
atops and sliingleB at the Grizzly Lake
Lumber Yard.
A. Pierson has again taken charge of
the meat market formerly conducted by
Harry Douthit, and will cavry a supply of
choice fresh meats. He solicits a share
of your business.
Department of tbe Interior.
Land Offlcd at The Dalles, Oregon,
November 14, 1G05.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-nanied settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said 'proof will be
made before Don P. Rea. tJ. is. Commis
sioner, ut liis ofllce in Jfadrns, Oregon, on
January 4, 130C, viz:
Frank E. Hodman,
of Madras, Oregon, on II. E. No. ip gOO, for
the nw quarter sec 84, tp 11 8, r 18 e, w in.
Jle names the following witnesses to
prove hia continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
II & Nisscn, J II llorney, II It Cdok J
P Halm, all of Madras, Oregon,
p-nSO-jl Register.
f you have a farm or town property
h sa.let list U with, (he Mftdra Realty
Company, Madras, Oregop. Office in
Townsite Buildiug, Madras, Oregon.
Department of thy Interior.
Lnild Ofllco at Tlio Dalles, Oregon,
November 14, JP03,
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of hl intonjlou
to make float proof In aupport of IiIh claim,
and that said proof will be made before Don I'.
Kea, U, 8. Cominlialoner, at bin office In Jlod.
ran, Oregon, on JaiiuHry f, l'JOfi, viz:
Jttitiw A. Vttiwn,
of Culver, Oregon, on II, E, No, 8001, for the e'$
lUvii and ncJ4 ec W), tp V2 , r U e, w ni.
Hounmes the following wltnosses to prove
aln contlniiouti residence iipon fliul cilltlvatlou
ot Bald land, vlx:
II JHl-alev. of Culvor. Oregon: JaracuJfC'
Meun, Kbal ililllgan and Robert Aniutroiig, of
Lamonfa, Oregon,
p.n:.J4 IleglBter.
Department ol .the Interior;
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 21, 1905.
Noticing hereby given that the following.
unified nelller haa filed notice of JiIh Intelitlon
to make final proof In anpport of hid L'lalm J
that Ksld nroof will be made bcioro J. J.
Hrolth, county clerk, at J'rlnevlllc, Orcg'dn, on
December 11, lwo, yJ.
Joepll V, Welgand,
tf Lamoiita, Oregon, If. K, Np. 7H16, for the
i ex4 wV w'A li vei nv nJ4
nab 15, tp 13 a, r 14 e, wm.
lie hamei the following wltneMC to provo
hU contlniiouti residence upoii and ultH atlon
of nlfld Jand, via: . u -
Walter T.Hbgow, Charle l'axtonj I.ce Mtfore
and Jftan MUBiey, u 01 j.amonia, u regon.
Department of the Interior,
Land Ofllco at The Dalles Oregon.
October 21, 1U05.
Notice is hereby given that (he follow
ing-nanied settler has filed notice of his
Intention t,o make flnal proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will bo nuulo
before Don P. Ilea, U, S. Commissioner,
at lils ofllco at Madras, Qregqn, op De
cember tl, 1005, viz:
Samuel Ilaber-stlch,
of Madras, Oregon, 11. E. No, 10,507, for
the nw 1-4 sec 27, tp 10 s, r 18 c, w m.
He names the following witnosses to
prove his continuous rosidence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz.:
Anton Batalgia, M L Loucks, li O Dove
and It J Branstetter, all of Madras, Ore
MjpirAKf. T. Nor.AX,
p-o2(!-nB0 BegiBter,
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 21, 1005.
Notice is hereby given that the follow.
lug-named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make flnal proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will unmade
before Don P. Itea, U, S, Commissioner,
at his odico at Madras, Oregon, on De
celnbcr 6, 11)05, viz:
HawIeyN. North,
of Madras, Oregon, II. E. No. 11.618. for
the w half so quarter, e half w quarter
sec , tp 10 s, r 13 e, w m.
He nnmes the following witnesses to
nrove his contlntioiiH resldennu nnoii 11 nil
cultivation of said land, viz:
MOOard. Ed Campbell, Frank Elkjns
and Harry Gnrd, all of Madras, Oregon.
MiCHAHr, T. Nor,AN,
p-o20-u30 Kegister.
MichaklT, Noun, HcgUter,
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
November 14, 005.
Notice is hereby civOn that the folJow-
Ing-uahied settler bus filed notice of his In
tention to make unit) proof In support of
Ills claim, aiul tlmt said proof will be nmde
before Don P. Ben. U.8, Coilimlssloner. nt
Iilsofllcu In Madras, Oregon, on January 4,
WlhllilU Jiiuiiian,
of Madras, Oregon, oij II. E. No. 10,807, iror
the so 1-4 doc 10, tp It) h, r 13 e, w ni.
lib iuimes tliti tollbwing witnesses to
proVbhls coiitlnuoiis reslilijiico upoii Bid
culllvatloM of said Ifth'd, vizi
OlaudO 4 itnmsoy, A II Pnrkoy, Kmi
Davis and J V Bllnis, all of Madras, Oiv-
K0"'- . . .
Mit'liAKr. T. NOl.AN, .
prnw-j jtejiisten
DoparUuont of tho Interior,
Land Pfljeo at The Dalles, Oregqn,
October 21, IRQ?,
Notice is hereby ulvop tliat the follow
ing-pamed settler has filed notice of his
intention to make finnl proof in support of
his clnim, and that said proof will be made
before Don P. Itea, (J. S. Commissioner
at his ofllce at Sladras, Oregon, on De
cenibcr 4, 1905, viz;
Albert T. Yocom,
of Culver, Oregon, II. E. No. 8057, for the
east hulf northeast quarter, southwest
qtiatlor northeast quarter, northwest qmir
ter southpast quarter sec 21, tp 12 s, r 13 e
" IMt
He names (no following witnosses (0
prove IiIb continuous residence upon and
cultivation ot said land, viz:
John Corwln, of Madras, Oregon; J B
McDowell, of Haystack, Oregon; Frank
Hunna, of Culver, Oregon, and Elmer Oil
luin, of Madras, Oregon,
MicitAKi. T. Nor.AX,
p-o26-ii30 Beglstcr
Department of tho Interior,
U. S. Laud Office, Tho Dalles, Oregon,
November II, 1005.
Notice Is hereby given that following-
named pettier huh filed notice of her intm
tlon to make commutation proof In .sup
port of her claim, and that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk of Crook
cotintv, at Prinevilie, Oregon, on Decern
her 2tf, 1005, vizi
May E, Bradford,
formerly May E. Van Arnam, of Madras.
Oregon, on ji. js. mo, 11,232, for the north
half of northeast qiiaiter, houtliwest rjuur
ter of northeast quarter and northwest
quarter of southeast quarter sec 14, tp IBs,
r la e, w m,
8liu names tho following witnesses to
prove bur continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
T V McCalllster, of Prinevilie, Oregon:
Frank Corwit), Charley JSpring aii'd HIIhh
White, of Madras, Oregon.
p-s2S-o2fI Iteglstor.
Department of the Interior.
Land Ofllce at The Dalles, Oregon,
November 14, 1005,
Notice b hereby given that the ulloivltiif.
named xettler luifl tiled notice of IiIm Intention
to make final proof Jn upjiort of IiIh claim,
and. that Haid proof will be made before lion
Hen, V, 8, ComnilBloner, at hln (illlco In
MftdrAs, Orcgoii, on January s, 1000, vl:
CharloK & I.nmnoii,
of Chwr, Oregon, on II, M, No, D818, for th'u U
nw ond lotf 3 and 4, eo 3, tp ltf h, r in 0, V in,
. ,1 nlvmt'H tile, followihg withuwen toprovo
lilH toji'timiouH riialdeiice upon ahd cultivation
of jiold laird, ylit
, lajik OiAiorile, 0 iliidUs, Oregon: Jtobort
OiCorn, Perry Ittad ahd J lttnry Vlnd6)li, of
Culvfr, Oregon,
jf.nsOl -Mlt-iuil T, NUiin, Reglilen
Timber IaikI, Act Juno ,1, IS78.
Lnnil Onico ( The I)alle, Oregon,
March ',, 1WH,
Notice U hereby given flint In compliance
With the provlHlonit of tho hc! of Congrew of
Juno 3, IH7H, entitled "An net for tlmaalaof
timber IhikIn In the Ntatpn of Citllforuln, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Wnnliigtou Territory," a
extended to nil tho publln laud et4lex by net of
August l. KM, the fooivIfig-tmmud jNjrm
have, on September 10, I'.CIj, lljcd ijl Ihhi ofllco
tholmworniitHteruont, fo.wlt:
Laura M, DopgluM,
of Haycreek, county of Crook, un of Oregon,
mvorii titatement No, for tho ptirclutiof
the of nvA and DJ4 pf if We 12, tp 12 ,
r 15 u, w m, ,
U-onnrd K, DougUi,
of Haycreek, cpuntjr pf C'rook, utato of Oregon,
nworn Ktatemeut No. 2fii), for ihu purchaof
lot 7, nee 0, lots, 2aft'3, of vt7, fpl2h,rlrt
e, w m.
That they will offer proof 10 nhov that the
laudH Bought are morn vflimbU, for the timber
or Btono thereon than fnt jugrleulturat mir-
ponCH, and tocBtabilHh their claim to nald land
before the ltegI(or ami HccoIvt at the land
ofllce in The Dallei, )rugin, on the 27th day
of December, iw.
They name the following wHneawn! I.viiii
Nichols, 1'hllllp Oraimm, I) O Ony, Inimrd K
iioiigiiw and Lnura J Dflughw, all of Haycreek,
ny nnd all paritnni, claiming advem-lv any
of the above-dewrlbud hinds aru rcqneiited to'
file their claim In thlxofilco oiror before the
Hold 27th day of December, jy(. 1
p-oM-d-Jl MWUKI. T. NdiJiN. Iteglnter
Department of tho Interior.
I,nnd OfMco at Tho Dalles, Orogon,
October 21, ltfft
Notice In herehv clvcn tlmt tim fniinuh,,,.
named nuttier box tiled notw nt m im,.,,,!,;!.
---- - IV it
tomako final proof In nupport nfliUitodln,
and that nalil proof will be mailo before Don P B. Coromiloner, at IiUoOIw ajt Jiid.
ra, Oregon, on Doeembor fi, HUM, vl:
William O.Ternl.
of Modran, Oregon, It. K, No. ,1,32U, for the iitfi
wiit' ' 'lt,J 4 HI(sV' tlU rl
llbViaiuoa tho following wIiikhhwui n
hi contlnuoim renldoncu umjh and xiultlvu
tlon of, viz:
, iuiirS.yi'Viy,Anl.B,BU?' Jennings
ml It T joiick, all of Madra. OrmoiL
p-oinuw Hicham. T. Noui, lWutor.
Dopartmout of tlus Interior. '
hand Ofllfce atTli l)ac, 'Oregon,
Nowmbot-11, JOtfi,
Notice In hembv irlvmi ,imt k.i.a ,.ii...i....
lialllCll Kllttlur lina ( .i.,lr.. .',.. ....ji........
' ----- ,,i,v, ,w,ru ui inn iiitrnKJii
to make final proof in mipiwrtof his clalam!
I'nioi win )ms timdo Wore Dott I'.
Ken. U. H. Cnimluutmw.F l.1 i.u ,hi. i..
nw, OrcKon, on Juuuary H, mt vlx:
of Madras Orogon, oil H, U, No, w fa j10
ie, , uvy4 hom WOW AIHI WAW ti'll 27,
IIO MOinO tlitl fllllhWhUr l. lll.ov.. Ui......
hi coutluuouH k'nideiltU ubbli and fcillllva.
tlbnofHiildlsim, vltt
l-lW-j( ktCllJWU NOUNVHegUter .
First Slonilay In My;i!iM )
First Monday In each inonti.
First Wednesday In Jananr.JI
July, September, and Xonam
Dcpartmonlfil litWA
Innd Olflco at The DilHl
Notice Is hereby ghfJi thatfl
Llng-niimed settler liss Hied fx
Intention to mnlco final prow i
of her claim, niul tlmt Myi
made before )on V, Ji. P- hlsoftco atMadns-.u
December t), m,u
John W.Jona,
of Shidras. DreKOii, H t 1
ilia no H wH nl-?ueHf
iVlW, tpjfls.rwo.wK.
lie names tlio followlm
proyo Mu Boiitlriuous rwWfl"
n illlvnfioiiofi'nldiuwl.vlz,
(leorg Hurl, Join) W
Jones aiwl DBJlcwnw
p.o niW
. ... .i. i j
Department of uiBi"
A sufficient contest afflOTi"
.t.l. 111
nieu in mm .
. Winn . C0DK
against homestead entry h jq
wJchkisallcgedtl.afa tM
c hot gou ins rv'Mv.w - ,
than six months lt PJ JJ
, not mhico " , j
proved iy jWJ
tlnvtsaiti aiu'K"' -.!
BBKi paivuf - --
pear, respond n..u - ,lk
suchallegat onav v ;
notary PU..I C. a
Of egon, nm. - m&
at io o'clock onJ
before tho i'Ws ,! llal
rjnltodHtrttes hw& m"
Oregon, luvlt'
Thosrtldcoiiu""'" . AJ
ftftldttVlt,llCH St.P - JJ
'"KTof Tbhffl
persoi ni bihi.-v - ,ere4i
Udo, it is rbrtfi
that such i.'""" - r
pW public. ftj