The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 23, 1905, Image 8

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Industrial Ceptet
Central Oregon..
' Located in Willow Cr6ek Basin and in th rajdst of an
during the mxt 12 months, affording" apiple tranportation facilities
The Wladras Pioneer
Not. 2, 1905
First Sunday, morning and evening,
Methodist Episcopal, Rev. J. JC. Craig,
Second Sunday, morning and evening,
Mennonite Brethren Rev. Cain, pastor.
Third Sunday. .Morning and Evening,
M. . Church, Rev. J. K. Craig, pastor.
' Sunday sohool at Q a. in. each Sunday.
Irs. J. K. Craig superiniendent.
HETironisT mr.r. niSTmcr.
German M. E. Church, Rev. J. G.
3Ioehring, pastor. Sunday school at 8.80
a. ihj, John Hoffman, Sr., superintend
ent. Preaching services at 10.150 a. m. and
f.UOp, m, Cjennan 6cioil aho Catechism
conducted by pastor Saturday at 2,00 p. in.
Epworth League. Sunday evening at 0:30.
Everyono welcome.
First Sunday, 8 p. m J, K. Craig.
Fourth Sunday, morning and evening,
Rev. IL A. Cain.
William lirailstctter, superintendent of
Sunday schoo), .Sunday school every
Uunday afternoon at 2JO. Preaching by
Jlcv. W.E. Pulgiiani and otiiers at irregu
lar periods.
First and third Sundays, morning and
evon'.ngj the Rev. II. A, Cain, Mennonito
The P.ev, J. K. Craig makes tJic follow
ing appointments for tlie country districts!
Second Sunday, .80 a. m. Culver; 8 p.
m Homey Schoolhouse.
Third Sunday, 8 p.m., at Mud Springs
Schoolhouse. ,
Fourth Sunda y, a. m., Willow Creek;
Red Hock Schoolhouse.
' Department of, the Interior.
U. B. Land Oflice, Tlio Dalles, Oregon,
November U, 1P03. ,
Notice J hereby given tliat the .following
named settler lias (lied notice of His JntentJQn
to miiko final P0' ' uijiort of his claim,
and that said pro" wl" 1,y t0le 1)0,1
1 flea, V. 8. Commissioner, at his 'office In
Madras, Oregon, on January u, 1SKW, vli
William K Mpnrrt,
of drizzly, Oregon, on H. K. No. J,533, for tho
jnvMsflflP, tjWB,rUo,wm.
Renames the milbwlnir witnesses to prove
his continuous residence Upon awl cultiva
tion of said law!, vifc:
Charles Watfriil&r, SlrV'i X
tJI'ugcatia Hugh Gardiner, all of Haycreek.
?-n:ji' NIOIIABL T NOLAN, Iteglster.
MADRAS Is centrally located n tip fatuous Wlllqw Crook Basin, oomprlsirjR 700 square miles of the flnost wheat land In Oregqu. 8itiatc(
on a natural townslte location, with Quo water easily obtained 'in wells from 12 to 20 feet deep. Has moat equable climate in
Q(regon, and good roads the year, arouud. All roads lead down hill to MADRAH, and this is the natural trudr
Ing point of rich wheat belt larger than Sherman County.
Puy tot: Now. Prigg? $50 gn yp wards.
FF Pirt'gH galFe 9t BN F: REAj cRITARY of townsite goMPANY,
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
E. N. GiUam died at their home soqth of
Madras, on last Fnday. Jrrternient too);
place at the O. C. Haje cemetery on Sat
urday afternoon. The baby was only
two days old at time of its death. Mr.
and Mrs. Gillam have many in'cnds in this
vicinity who sympathize with them, in their
Department of the Interior. s
Tjand Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
November 14, 1905.
Notice is hereby given that the follow'
lng-named settler has filed notice of ids liii
tention to make final proof in support of
lite claim, and that said proof will be
made before Don P. Ilea. U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office In Madras, Oregon, on
January i, 1900, viz;
Frank E. Hodman,
of Madras, Oregon, on II. 33. No. 10,800, for
the nv quarter sec 34, tp lj s, r 33 e, w in.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence Upon anU
cultivation of said land, viz:
HKNisscn, J II Homey, II II Cook, J
P Halm, all of Madras, Oregoh.
MlCiiAEL T. .NOLAff,
p-n30-J4 RUgistcr,
Department of the Interior,
Land Ofllco at The Dalles, Oregon,
November M, 1W3,
Notice is hereby given that tlio following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that sajd proof will be made before Don I',
Itca, U, H. Commissioner, at his oilicit in ifad
ras, Oregon, on January o, 1000, vis:
James A. Iirown,
of Culver, Oregon, on U . K, No, 8001, for the ayt
si4 and wU now sio SO, tp Vi , r 14 e, w m,
He names the following tvitnesscs to proro
nls continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz:
HJliealoy, of Culver, Oregon; James Jfc-
Meen, Neal Ifilligiiti and Kobert Armstrong, of
I.umonlu, Oregon.
p.n38-Jl Itcgister,
Departmoiit oi the Interior.
Land Office at The Dalle, Oregon,
October 21, 1005.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim
that said proof will bo madu bVjforu J. J.
Smith, county elerk, at I'rlnevllle, Oregon, on
December II, JOM, viz. '
Joseph F, Wpighiid,
ofLamonla, Oregon, U.K. N0.7RIO, for the
wH e54i wli wl4 e 1 H nwlA nw'K uM
sec 15, tpl3s, r I J e, w ni,
He names Oie following witnesses to prove
lils continuous residence upon andpultlvallon
of said laud, h: , ,
Walter Llthgow, Charles Taxton, Ie ifooro
and John Ilunley.lillof I.amOniu, Oregon.
p-n2-d7 Mkiukl T. Noiani Itcgister.
The natural trading point for Agency Plains and pthep
surrounding wheat plateau districts.
. A big Flouring Mill just completed, and
Long distance telephone connections.
Ira Wilkinson Cjime down from Bepd,
Wednesday after a load of his hosehflld
goods whjeh. Ie left while passipg
through recently.
fit WuTn!Pr'P.ri
Laud Office at The Dalles Oregon.
Optober 21, Ijtfl?,
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named Bettler lias file notipc of lihi
iutontion to make final pvoof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before Don P. Kea, U. S. 'Commissioner,
at his oflice at Madras, Oregon, on Dei
cember 4, 1905, viz:
Samuel Haberstioli,
of Madras, Oregon, 11. E. No. IQ.pfif, for
the nw 1-4 sec 27, tp 10 s, r 1) e, w m.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, vfzj
Anton Hatalgia, M L LoUcks, 1) C Dove
and II J Uranstetter, all of Madras, Ore
MipiiAKL T. Nolan,
p-o26-n80 Itcgister.
Dopartmunt pf the Interior,
Land Oflice at The Dalles, Oregon,
October 21, 11105.
Notice is hereby given that tlio follow-iug-unmcd
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will beumde
before Don P. Itea, U. S. Commissioner,
at his office at Madras, Oregon, on De
cember. 5, 1005, viz:
Hawley N. North,
of Madras, Oregon, H. E. No. 11,61(1, for
the w half so quarter, e half sw quarter
sec S, tp 10 s, r 18 0, w in.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove ills continuous residence upon and
cultivation of fluid land, viz:
M O Card, Ed Campbell, Frank Elklns
and Harry Gard, all of Madras, Oregon,
Mit'HAi-;!. T, Nolan,
p-o20-i.80 Jteglstcr.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at Tlio Dalles, Oregon.
November 14, 005.
Notice is hereby given that tho follow-
ing-iiumcd settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of
Ids claim, and tlmtsuld proof will bo made
before Don P. Ilea, U.S. CoMmissloncr, at
lils office In Madras, Oregon, on January 4,
ivw), viz;
William Hanhau,
of Madras, OiCgoli, on 11. K. No, 10,807, for
tho se 1-4 see 10, tp 10 s. r 10 o, w m.
He names the following witnesses to
prove Ills 'bohtlnuous reslde'nco upon anil
cultivat,I f)? said land, viz;
Claude U hninsoy, A H Pnrkey, Fret!
Davis nhd J F Durns, all of Madias, Orb-
Ku . . .
VtbuAkb T.,
p.hB0-j4 Register.
machinery installed ready for operating.
Open in
Dppartinjmt ''. !H IiUpror,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
October "41, 1005,
Nfltlee is horeby given that the follow
lug-namp( seltlef. has filed notice of his
Intention, (P. make jnul proof 1 support of
his olaiiu, and tlt said proqf will be made
before Don P. ea, U. S. Commissioner,
at hjs office at Madras, Oregon, on De
cember 4, 1005, viz:
Albert T. Yocom,
of Culver, Oregon, II. E. No. 8037, for tin
east half northeast quarter, southwest
quarter northeast quarter, northwest quar
ter southeast quarter sec 21, tp 12 , r 18 e,
w ni.
He names hc following witnesses to
prove his continuous resldouco upon and
cultivation of said laud, viz;
Johu Corwlili of Madras, Oregon; J 11
McDowell, of Haystack, Oregon; Frank
Ilanlin, of Culyer, Oregon, and Elmer tlll
lam, of Madras, Oregoii.
Miciiaki, T. Npf.AN,
p-o20n80 Register.
, hppnrhnent of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
November 14, JpOS.
Notice Is hereby given time following
named settler has 'filed notice ot her Inten
tion to make commutation proof In sup
port of her claim, and that said proof will
bo made before the County Clerk of Crook
countv, at Prlnevlllc, Oregon, on Decem
ber 20, 1005, viz! h '
May E. Bradfoid,
formerly May E. Van Arliani, of Madras,
Oregon, on 11. IS. No. 11,2)2, for tho north
half ot northeast quaiter, southwest quar
ter of northeast quarter and northwest
quartor of southeast quarter see 14, tp 12 s,
r 12 e, w 111.
She names tho following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon ami
cultivation or said land, viz;
T V McCallUter, of Piineville. Oregon:
Frank Corwim Charloy Spilng and Silas
White, of Madras, Oregon,
p-s28-02rt Register,
Depurttneut of the Interior.
I.und Office at Tlio Dalles, Oregon,
November U, ltai,
K'nltrn Ik liortihv fflvnn tlmt tlm ll,.i'.,i'..
- - .-'.. 1, , ,-
named settler has filed notice of lils Intention
to tniiku filial nroof in Hiiminrt nt My ..i .. i ...
and that said proof will be made before lion'
i'. jiea? u. p. yunimissiouer, hi his ouieu In
Madras, Dri'gon, on Januarys, lixia, vJzi
CliHirlSH IC. f.Hllimitl
of Culvor, Ofegoii, on II, K, No. (iSlH, for tho sVtf
nyM hnil lots 8 and 4, see a, tp 1:1 s, r lit 0, w m.
ltd liAiiivii the following U'IIiichhbii iii
iitn continuous rexliloncu upoii and eultivntlou
ofsaid laud, via;: , ,
Ifrank Osborne, of Madras, Oregon i Ilolierl
Osbom, l'erry-Itead And J Henry Windoui. of
Culver, Oregon.
P-nsD-R MiciiAiiL T, Nolani it'eguur.
and assuming rapid fjevelopnient,
Timber l.und, Act Juno a, 1K78,
Land Ofilco at The Dalles, Oregqij,
Maroh Ul, liMW. '
Notice is hereby given that in romplUnco
lHli tho provisions of tho net of Congress of
Jiinu.1, lh'S, entitled "An act for thp sale ot
timber lands in the states of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as
extended to all tho public laud states by act of
August I, lWi, tlio followiUK-namod liersons
have, op bpptember If, 11)05, nied In thlsotJtco
their sworn statements, to. wit :
Laura M, Douglas,
of Ifaycreek, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No. nw, for the purehaso of
ilie sJi pf ivs and of soK of nw n, tp 12 s,
r 10 0, w m.
Leonard K, Douglas,
of Ifaycreek, county of Crook, statu of Oreiton.
sworn strttemcnt No, 2fiyb, for f ho purchase of
lot 7, see 0, lots 1, aandil, of see", tp!2s, rlil
e, w m.
That they will offer proof to show that the
lauds sought are more valuable for the timber
or stone thereon than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish their claim to said laud
btJforo tills Itcgister and Itccolver at the land
Oflice in The Dalles, Oregon, on thu 27th da
01 net-ember,
Iheyname thu following witnesses: I.yliii
.Mcnois, riuinpiiraliUm, D (i Oay, ivonard J-
Douglas ami I.ijura M Douglas, all of Haycreek,
Any and all pafsons claiming adversely any
of the above-described lands nru requested to
lilo tlielrclulms in'lhls office oil or before tho
said '.nth day of December, lisrt.
P-ovii-d'il Miciiakl T. Nou.v, Ileglster
Department of tho Interior.
I-aud OHlco at Tie Dnllos, Oregon,
October ill, 11)03.
Notice Is hereby given that tlio fnllowlinr.
named settler has tiled notlco of hlu liiii-iitlun
tomuko final proof In support of his claim.
ami tnt sum proof will bo madu beforu Don I
ilea, v. H,, Commissioner, at his ollico at Mnd.
rus, Orwni, on December fi, 1903, vlyi
Wllinilll ( Tntril
of iliulras, Oregon, If. K, No. in,32y, for tho ni
nvM,vl4w mU sej soon, tplls, rllo,
w m.
Ho names thu following witnesses fo prove
his continuous residence upon and uulflvn
tlou of said land, viz:
1.l'.,,r&tMa,,,' .V'illlam Kngles, N 8 Jennings
and it T Jones, all of .Madras, Oregon.
P-omMiiM MrciiAKr, T. Noun, ItegUler.
Departmunt of hu Interior.
Land Olilco at Tho Dalles, Oregoii,
November 11, iikiS,
Notice Is hereby given that Die following,
mimed settler has liled notice of his Intmitlon
to make final proof In support of lils elulnit iind
that Mid proof will bo mudo boforo Dob J',
ltea, if. B. Commissioner, at hi ollleo ill MAd
ras, Oregon, on January s, juoo, vli
Jame T, Illco,
of Madras, Oregon, on H, K, No, 13,777, for the
Bu nei oH Uiid wJ wii seo 7,
tplUs, rite,. win,
Ho name thu following wl'tiieskes to prove
Ills Continuous tcslda 1 mm Sml
(foil of said luhd, vis 1
...JVJi'in'l1 B,0ul'oehor, A Thayoh Joli f,Vn
and William I.eo, ull of Madras, Oregoiii
p h8Q-R MltJHAKri T, NOLAN, ItcBlslbif
uuuiii uiiiLuiuiii run un
III Illlltl I n '
First Monday In May; third
I Irat roluuvy in each mm
ImI U.iil siitilusr tiiul hrtt'm
1 ' -
imtissiinanrni initinim
Notice Is hereby given thil tpfiliT h.u filed
Intention to make final pool
llllllllt IH'.llllU JUII i .
. . . . Vt II... IT
sloner, at msoiiice aiaai.
December 0, 1W, viz:
John Vt.inws,
nt Madras. OreL'OII. II E-
., Ifln.ll
mi! no i-i nw i-i, 11
sec 20, tp 10s,rle,wui.
Itii nniiii'4 the following
prove ins coiimiuv""
I- ittlvntlon of i-ald laml,viz,
iinnrtra iiiiri. uxiun ii-a"-
Jones and D 11 McOonaia.iu
p.ogfl n0
U. H. Land
(iu,i iii this olllce liy
KililO Ull awH'hf": .
agiiiiini. nuiiiwiv"" , .
. . , .LA.) f,,r Ll 1.4 SlXl'l
. . ini.i. 111. wv '
n iu tn. IV U VKI "" ..
which It Is nlli'Koii wr Z .
im a wno y limn'"-" ...
. .... ..i..tinliinril m"
niin.iir..d his resident -
.1 . nt!i' LUtn
j hit tiiiirii'ii iii'W'i -
ttiiir ariiii iiiuuiii -
11 11.... i niwfiitv "
1 t.. i ha firniT
v.fsi'" - . ri
x HIHI lllllil V"
.tllikirtltWUI lib V v '
ceinhorH.lW, W m
niiws . lio L
iv iiouuj i" ' . , ing
A- lUIt I1L M1" "
fine 1 1 1 1 ii l 11 11 r 1
t 10 o'clock .' ,wi
before me mw. -fl la
United StateB Land oow
Oreon. um,
'l llrt HI1U1 UU1" !
A. ,....i. il,.,l Si.ntl!Hl'v,V
............ , tm
ivlt, liieupvT " - rt,.r(
,. - n4 J)V,.,
1 1111 HUH Ml I'KJf - s... Ail B
V. ' , ... i.,h1W MM" .
that siieh notice w h"v
11O d!4
isiiiiii r 111 nLnriinv rnn rn