... It 1 aim Publlshedc.vcry TJmrsday by -TI1E PIONEEK-PUBlilSHitfG 00.-- i 8UD80RIPTIOM tlM"E$: . One year. !..... .$1.60 Six months ... 85 Thrco months CO AD.VKttTlfilNO KATES ON Afrl-T-ICATION . Entered ns second pings ranttcr. A.ijRust 29, lOOt, nt tho rostofhed'at 'nUWs Oro., under tho Actof Congress of March 3, 187H. hUrSday Nov. 2j, 1905 An experiment in growing wheat on the open ilata on the .summit of the Blue mountains tvas1 tried this season, and GQ.O bushels was threshed on 15 acres, an average of 40 bushpls to the acre. This wheat was raised at an altitude of over 4000 feet. It tested 50, pounds to theibiishel. There are -many large flats on the 8amm.it of the mountains', and 4,he successful resulb of 'this 1 experiment will aio dbtibt result in the growing of wheat on a more extensive scale. r' . I KLAMATH SAYS SECtol .v " Its Basin Is Naturally Tributary to ' . I California, ' Another please of the railroad situation in Central Oregon is preseh.ted; .by the ! following. ?vliich was published m the Ore Ionian under a Klamath Falls date-line: "What is Portland going to do tcvardjigetting railjroad com munication witli Klamath Coun tyt"1 4s' the "question heard among th business men and citizens of Klamath Falls. ' Every business man in the) city feels the same way regard-1 ang giving their trade to Port land. At present everything goe3 to San Francisc, simply becatfs'i't is nearer and. feight as-rojtfer from the 'Bay City than it 'Isfrom Portland." " " , The Weed road, recentlypur-j chased-by the' Califdrnia-Ndrth-1 'eastern, is -being -pushed tljis Hvay as rapidly as 250 men' and machinery cah push' 'it It is! announced tliat this'Uflad hasi. engaged several hundred more inert from fli& sawmills and lum bering camps, a'nd as soon as Svinter closes them down, a much larger crew will be placed on the ex t:en sion . More v i d e' n c e 'ctirA'es from the We'ed end of the Tirie'alsd, that it i& tne Southern -Pacific 'behind 'rtlfe "California . 'NdktieWeru'Cb'rnbahv, and this- leads to' the- belief that possibly! the projected cut-olf whereby the Southern " Pacific will en deavor to elimiriate the Siskiyou Mountains and the Cow Grejk latodslide win' be built, giving this county acce'slT'to Portland as a distributing center. If it ib heally the Harriraan interest? 'behind the California-JNorth-eastern project, this looks very feasible. Once the road is built to Klamath Falls, it would then &e , shprtcut to finish it through tome main line on the north. ' San "Fraricls'co and Sacra mento very rri.aterially'aided the. Chamber of 'Commerce' of this: "city in its effort to laise the 100,000 bonus asked' by'the' Weed Railroad people int'd the Falls'. About $15,000 was rais ed ih' these twd cities, and an ef fort'is hiw being made to get busiriess mtm 'to turn all their trade to the men who subscribed .uia HWn'riR. tn fact, this was itiu - 1 tlnjiromise' under yh,ich the CUambei raised these fcuDscnp tions, and recently a list of all h finbscriber9 to the ' bonus fund, along with' the ''plea' that , all business pWble be given these subscribers, was published 'in the Klamath Falls papers. Jn addition to 'the' publishing of this liet.eRcli'df the local papers ptibU)B!ied btrSngteditorlsIa urg lag the citizens of the town to Remember those who. remem bered us" when placing orders for goods. Yet regardless of this) the feeling Is. general here that should Portland, furnish us with equal railroad facilities, it would get the biggest end of the business fron this town and county. Under jfihe present, feeling re garding Portland's ' attitude to ward assisting in getting a rail road into this county it has gone so far that it has been suggested and stronly advocated by some that KU'math County be cut oil from Oregon and annexed' to California. This argument is backed up with the statement that Klamath )Basini naturally belongs to the BayjState instead of Oregon, tyjet patriotism is strong enough tha't, should Port land, even at this late date, make an effort to furnish the people with transportation fac ilities for getting the county's products to market and bring ing the necessities in here, all the business would go to the Oregon metropolis instead of to California to enrich that state to the detriment of Oregon. fj t-f 1 pAti Playing Footanll, During his visit in Portland, Martin Pratt is playing foot-ball with the Multno mah Club team, and in last Saturday's game with the Indian team from Sherman Institute, Mart covered himself with mud and glory by the brilliancy of his playing. The game on Saturday was a, tie, neither team being able to score, and the fact that the Indains did not rub it all over the Multnomahs is attributed n th.e accounts of the game to the sensational playing of Pratt. Of one of these plays the Oregon ian says: ' The Indian eleven excelled the clubmen in all departments of the game during the first half, and played equally as well in the; final session, and the fact that Multnomah' came within an ace of scoring a touch down was principally due to the excellent work of Martin Pratt, who broke through the Indians' on then- 20-ysfrd line and blocked a punt on the part of Tortus, and, givingxhase to the pigskin, secared it on the Indians' 12 yard line, whereNh'e 'club men bucked for gains aggregating' several yards, and on the last down lantied the sphere within six inches of their opponents' goal, which lost them, the ball when victory, -vas in sight. Educational Meeting Dec. 2. io:bb A. il. nenine sone. Relation 'of the Home to the - Si-honl' R. A. Ford Oregon School' Law! Compared 'with the School Law of Eastern States - C. ,M JMason Recitation - ' ' Miss laud Kiddeii Physiology and Hygteneof he ' Country School '- Dr. Long DINNER. 1:30 P. t. Song. Is diir School Course Crowded? - ' P. C. Fulton Benefits to be Derived from a High School Education A.C.Strange Recitation - - Floyd Bilyeu Geography, According to the Course cf Study. Miss'Grace Smith ThU mppiinfr is fdi) the' benefit of Dar 0 ... ents and patrons df the school as well as teachers, and every one interested in its welfare should attend. Every one is in vited to contribute to the basket dinner. Crossed with Wild Geese. Three years ago Dr. W. R. Campbell found a nest of 13 wjld goose eggs on the Columbia river, 1 5 miles from his Cold Springs farm, and wrapping them in warm sand and feathers he carried them home and set them under a hen, where they were hatched out a week later. Every one of the 13 eggs hatched and he raised a fine flock of wild geese. He crossed the wild geese with his tame geese at 'home and this year has some half-breeds, which are the most beautiful and oddest 'fowls imaginable. They stand erect, have 'considerable black on their back and wings and make an outlandish noise, whirh Dr. Campbell says scarces his bpgs oh tile ranch when ever sounded, Special Notice. The njioto KuUery l open for bnel ne8 and tho public Is Invited to cull and look ov.or ,my work. Briu In vour BinaH'ploturea and have them en In reed. Wood und produce taken in exchange lot, pupto, work, Corao dofrn ud eee Wltyle, and have him make a ploture of jour home and eend it to your Kastern .friends , Very wpct fully, I m your for buelneee. V. K. J3ftEW.'JEU. R. T. JOHf $s Livery - Barn Qood Rigs and Good IIoihi'b Tnuiylent horses given the best of euro und nooil feud. AT THE SIGN OF THE MADRAS FEED YARD Madras, Oregon IS. iM. LANE General Blacksmith and Wagon Maker HORSESHOOINQ A SPECIALTY All Work Guaranteed SHANIKO OREGON BARGAINS COLUMBIA .SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. TIME TABLE NO, 10. Efteottvo July 3, 1001. T?outh Hound No. 2. Dally 1'n.in. STATIONS, Lcfivo., Arrive, VX p.m 2.:w tun. 2.Mi p.m. :U2p,m. .1.18 p.m. IKWp.ln, 8.30 p.m. 11.18 p.m, 3.6'Jp.m. 4.08 p.m. t.Mp.in, r.U p.m. ft.tit p.m, 6.M p.m. Olbsoni Hlnki Wrsco Klondyko Summit IIhtC Jo McI)onal(la DoMosa Mow Krskluvlllo tlr'ns VnU'y llnurbou Kont Wilcox SliAiiIko "'North llouiul No. 1. Dally !'. 11.60 n.m. ll.ltf i.m. 11.10 n.m. 11.00 A.m. 10.4Ap.rn. io.io. m. 10.21 a.m. 10.W ft.m. lO.OG'ft.m- W.m. 0.37 n.m. 0.20 a. 111. rm n.m, 8.10 a.m. 8.:to a.m. 8.00 n.m ArrTvo I.CRve. For rtito nml other Information apply to 0. E. LYTfaK, O. K. & V. A. Shnulko, Oregon. E. J. Wiiwn, ARCiit. ShRiilko. Ore. REAL ESTATE We have, the following choice tracts of land for sale In this vicinity: 160 acres of farming land, 15 miles south of Madras. Good house and barn, all fenced; 80 acres now in .grain and bal ance can be cultivated. The crop will be included in the purchase price. 240 acres about 10 miles southwest of Madras, on Lrttle Agency Plains, All plough land; unimproved. Level plateau and, and as good as the best land in this vicinity. 640 acres of land five niles northeast of Madras. All under fence and 5,50 acres of it good plough land; balance good pasture land. 1 46 acres of land lying under Columbia Southern ditch; all irrigable. 160 acres of farming land lying 12 miles north of Madras. Has fine spring upon it, and 'is all fenced. 860 acres of farming and pasture land, IS miles north of Madras. Thirty acres can be1rrigated and used for fruit ranch or garden pot. Title to allrof abovetracts perfected. Abstract furnished if desired. Prices aha terms reasonable. . For particulars apply to MAD RAS D. P. Rea, or Max Lueddemann, MADRAS, OREGON Cut this out, Insert P. O. nddrew, date, k Blgn und mull to-day: C I Want The Pioiffier I To Tho PloniHir Publishing Company, Madras, Oregon: Or.XTi.KMKN: Count mo an a member of The Pioneer Family for 0110 year. Semi mo tho paper for that tltuo, for Which I agree to pay the mm of 11.60 ou or before January lxt, 1907. Datkd at P. O Oregon, this ,...ilay of. ...190S. ft (Signature) F w jms 'JhP-Tif yiyr ip. y up. jy. jjt ' ' 'ifcfccrt Land-Final Proof. NOTICE P0E PUBLICATION. V. Land olllcc, The Dalle, Oregon, November 11, mo.1. Nritlce In hereby given that Will Wnriwelleir, ' of Princvllle, Oregon, h'ai Hied notice of hl intcntlonlo mako proof on hi fleiieTt-land lalto X0.V12. tor'thh wlS.w M. wKxw 1-1 ce 29 ami ne M t 1-1 sccSO.'tp 13 , r,12 c, w m, bu-; lorc'iiie touniy wierit in vtimjk .vouiiijt - . . ' .. . ... ,.tL. v. l'rinovine, urcgon, on mo -niu uay oi(weeciu-i bcr, 10. ' ' , . He nhm'cX tins following wltneVcs to prove the rom)lc'o Irrlgft'tlon and reclamation ol nald land: i O DAHIUKham, MnrionStllbvdll, WllllnmT Wilson, of 8lKter, Oresoiii Kilbx Hiuton, of PrlneviUe, Oregon. . MICItAKL T. NOLAN,' p.n23-diS ltcglelcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department oj the Interior. Land Ofllec at The Dalles. Oregon, November,!!, 100.r. Notice Is htrcby given that tho following named xettler hnH flletl notice of bis Intention to make final proof In uppqrt of liU claim, and that said proof will be made, before Don P. Ilea, U 8. Commissioner, ut his oflice In Madras, Oregon, On December 27, 1905, viz: E. Julius Trogllo, ol Madras, Oregon, on If, E. No. 11,707, for the lots 2, a, 4 anu ejj vyt sec ip ji s, r dc, w m Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nud cultivation of said lnnd, vlit Fred Hcnske, Charlof Winters, Joo Marnnch anil Louis Arensmeier, an oi .nuuras. urcgon, MIOllAliL T.' NOLAN. Cn23-ili8 ltcgistcr, I - I 1.. I EES T HOTEL I is "GREEN" HOTEL ,t MRS. E. R. M'GEE. Prop., MADRAS, Oregon 1 The Place where the People Stop I HEADQUARTERS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS X ALL STAGES STOP AT THE HOTEL Our Tables Always Furnished with the Delicacies of the Season iThe Best Liverv and Teed Stabli m IM .P.HM MFP.TIOM 1 I I N W' llii -' i i w i Htf At THE OLD STAND j Irseslioeing, Blacksmithing, . Wagonmaking F. J. BROOKb, Madras, Ure. . . a . 1 .11 I ll.l.lk..X J B..t.aJ 111!.. M'TAGCART & If THE HEADQUARTER: MADRAS, OREGON SPECIAL Deal For Two Week Working and Drive Harness, Collars, Hame and Everything in the Harness Line. BARBED WIRE PER HUNDRED LEATHER lREPASRiN Slioes, KCarixesp, Strap- worlc. and. all lcin.d.s cf Xjatlxsr "Worls don neat ly and. on la,ort notice. ,J. E. WILSON MadraS Oregon The Whit Elepn CRAMER & STEVENS, PROP'S. FitsfClass Wines, liiquofs and Cigars HIGH GRADE CASE GOODS Oor. Fifth and Strcots MADRAS', OREGON PR ..v.FOR SALE.... P.nWI Sb nFRHAM w w U-W-.-.W.-H- n . . nnltCl 4 FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AT LOWEST rmw N t- it i i ii duo rnPftpi HniiPii uhidb as ven ai maaras aia.ou ri All dlmoriBlcn lumbor will bo Fir If dealrod at fame prtc. ... -rUC Willi 4 bbNU ALL UKUtlKtj IU mi- - XDally OyZail, 3P- O- address, 3 MADRAS. OREG0I Cornett Stage & Stable Co, MADRAS TO C- TT A TVT T XJT ( DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Bpeolal Untlnn given to carrying Bxptaw !jj CiA CCA KHi R-kiiKiH trio. $D Agent at MADBASH SUBSCRIBE FOR The Madras - Pi one .;s).a6 PER YEAR 'I, l I, I I lfllll.1