The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 23, 1905, Image 3

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    "T-w-kT- sf
. -1 lnf linal. MO
. ,ia tinf no matter on wliaf narf M
. nicer uw - -, ... . . . .: mo
..10 CV a 7.ywf im,1 I AH h( ai, .1 , 1 ,141.1-
i effect of a
ollutcd and weak,
cuse matter of the body, which should pasoff
W9SL the natural , bccn Jcft ln ihe gyfltcm and aL0fbcd
".i,heCJia.""-Tt.iaiintninUef jiowiue pomon occarae intrenched
Mflf. -J l ie lOCt l''"1' J ..nM.(M 1inr ... l
U&tW'IiA caUSC. lcrc jo uiowjHiiort,
.inncii""".. . r.etnritirr. niBCHHrtriiiir oiu sore nine renintn it-Mr.
Jind DX'et X of It is abhorrent and suggests pollution and disease ;
tu awi.i.i'v 1.1WH ui.u net: 1 1 ( 1 1 1 riiiirr
X ri arl a. Arinnlarl all Hi-
whiob eompellod ma to use a brace. Br
obi unaooountabla manna thla braoo
caused ft bad Uloer on wy iesr, about tlx I had rood medical attan
tlon, but tho TJloar trot worse. I wm ln
duoed to try 8. 8. S,, and am rlad to say
It cured mo entirely. and lam oonvinood,
that it aared my lor for me. Z have,
therefore, great faith In 8. 8. 8. and
rladly recommend It to ail needing a
reliable blood tnediolno.
Bristol, Va.-Tenn. W. jr. OATE.
f$U the tl ?,n" aiowlv catinjr deeper Into the surroundlntr flesh, the
sw 1 a ,r niii:i'i - . it , it ... 1 . ...
rifcliofl. 'lB morbidly anxious, icaring t may oc cancerous, aouie
ff.f-r - til. an niri hjic ui
!liio useless itisiocx.
-Jeer KDrrnm salves, powucrB, 10
WfS extcrnnl treatment.
&tf e of these they have
bKcKlrt to heal and scab
JtteiS conprntulatintr them-
Da. u7thlnir. when a ircsi
jjj Utt.-- , from IHC UIWUV
JCPJ" inflfltllinaiion UIIU Ul .,' v.umunu tmiOUIC WUUIU
...M MUSS " . . . Gnrna f llnr fin Tlnr llnnl nf nnf r1ii n
fetfbwrY .w were, external treatment would cure them. They are
iiiecsoses. yw lhc l)loo(1 j8 etccped in poison, which finds an outlet
tept OP?, 'niaccs While young people, and even children, sometimes
ttrotigh tnese I Borcg those most usually aflllclcd are persons past
ftfffiinu"" ,th th ft wartor mole on the face inflames and be-
Mil Mir. v""! ..... 111.. . . i . rr t
iauiw" , , , , t c roucn jmnuunK , or 1 uccii, uncnnivc uicer UC-
ceraic t"' ---- , .. .-- 1 . ...
Tdopswm " bwn jcsi anj circulation weaker, and perhaps some taint in
ffl which was held la check by their 8tronBcr constitutions of early
(bciwv-i -if-t Mt, me, nnuwij iiocw. i -well 10 L)C SUS
picious of any sore that docs not heal
readily, because the same gr.rra that
produces Cancer is back of every old
sore and only needs to be left in the
circulation to produce this fatal disease.
V E G E I A D L t sores and tdcers, and that is to act everv
It of the poison out of the blood. For this purpose nothing equals
ie iteocs down to the very bottom of the trouble, cleanses the blood
Unites a permanent cure. S. S. 8. enriches and freshens the circulation
tklit carries new, strong blood to the diseased parts and allows the place
?Wnaturally. When this is done the discharge ceases, the sore scabs
and fills ia with healthy flesh, and the skin regains its natural color.
Solon Sores aud ulcers and any medical advice desired will be furnished
BlicIa a telepbono Blrl'g occupation
a profession or a business? Ho
Neither; It's a calling.- Chicago News.
"My dear fflrl, do you think It Is
right to let that young man spend so
much money on you?" "Why not? I
have no Intentions of marrying him."
He (after the 'ceremony) Do you
really think I shall mnke a good mate,
darling? 8ho Oh, you're all right!
How do you llko your captain? Chi
cago Journal.
Kelly Con Coonoy vror pinched this
afternoon for Intlmldatln' a shtrlko
breaker. Welch Yo don't tell mo? An'
pliwat passed between thlm? Kelly
Wan brick. Puck.
Tax Assessor Can you give mo
some Idea of what your husband is
worth? Lndy Hcally, I don't know,
but I wouldn't tnko a million dollars
for him. Chicago Journal.
Great Author Walter, this steak Is
as tough as leather. Walter I've al
ways heard you was an original char
acter, sir, but I'm hanged If you don't
say Just tho same as all on 'cm do,
eilDF! V
"Pop! "Yes, my son."
screen for?" "To hide
. a .r I . l ail tn i
(Jot tna J ;
.... im nlli'trwl funny
Vd ii he entered the butcher shop,
riift pork worth a yard?"
flit; cent, ouswervu iu uu,-
ell, HI take a yard," sald'the A.
J, M, tosslns a half-dollar on tho
Tie batcher pocketed the coin and
fended the cuitomer three pig's feet
Sir, what are you giving mo?"
uled the party of tho funny part, In
t'jniDtl;. "A yard of pork Just what you ask
1 for," replied tho butcher. "Throe
fet mile a yard, you know."
K C Baking Powder.
, i popular and efficient baking pow
cjfrtequlroa two things firttt, that tho
1..J J. !lt. I. 1. l.in1..i.1
iboloosie; second, that it shall be
!d it a reasonable price.
KOMing Powder, mado by the
Jiqaa Mfg. Company, oi Chicago, is
tlx beet example of such a baking pow
erit precent on the market. K 0 is
(Terrwhere under a f500,000
rariDtw of ita healthfulness and pur
it;. Ila price, ono cent an oiinco, is
soetrmonable for a high-grade bak
lot powder, and millioni of pounds of
I 0 bare been lold at thla figure all
wrthe country.
Patient Wll, doctor, do you think
ra (tttlog well ill right?
Doctor Ob, yet; yon attlll haye a good
ll Of ftrer. but that doesn't trouble
"01 COUriS not. If inn hail finr l
tOjIJa't trnnM n. II T - T-.. I .
Proptiralrtl Tcddya Grcntneaa.
More entertaining, perhaps, nnd
equally interesting, are tho anecdotes
which aro told about our President by
(ho Mlnkwtfz fumllr irran l'MMnlinr
distinctly rccollccta that once she
prophesied the future greatness of
young Teddy. She saya: "One day I
had a conversation with Mrs. Roose
velt, who said to me, 'I wonder what
is going to become of my Teddy?' I
replied, 'You need not be anxious
about him. He will surely bo one day
a great professor, or, who knows, he
may become even President of tho
United States.' Mrs. Roosevelt re
buked me. She said such a thing was
impossible, and asked how I coudd
have struck upon such au absurdity.
Hut, perhaps on account of my impul
sive remark, I have since continually
, watched Theodore Roosevelt's career,
and have always been glad when he
' has made a step forward in tho
world." From "Roosevelt's German
Days," in Success Magazlno.
! Gift or Time.
"One day," related the Jolly hobo, "I
met a man on de street and I told him
If ho would clvo mo thirty quail I would
show him how to eat dein In thirty
"And did he oblige you?" asked his
companion of the ties.
"No; he said he couldn't give me
thirty quail, but he'd give ma thirty
days. He was a Judge."
Finland was frequently a battle
ground during the long wars between
Russia and Sweden, the border line be
ing but 33 miles from St Petersburg. It
became part of Russia after the peace
of Froderlckstown. Sept. 17, 1809.
1 laH
At CCC uunO Pro n n n 1 3
iflglheStomachs andBovi-cls of
fWSlmiU Slgture of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Signatoe M
Thirty Years
thi erraua,eeMMT. kw rasa orrv.
'What Is a
thlncs. ray
boy." 'Top!" "Yes, my son." "Is
that the reason they screen a ton of
coal, to hldo tho weight?" Yonkers
y Mamma Now, Elsie, dear, -what is
a cat? Elsie Dunno. Mamma-Well,
what's that funny little nnimnl that
comes creeping up the stairs when ev
eryone's in bed? Elsie (promptly)
Papa. Illustrated Bits.
Mrs. G Williams (of the flat above;
Your children woke nie up at 5 o'clock
this morning with their noise, nnd I
didn't go to sleep ngiln. Mrs. Sfllnt
Did they? The darlings! They nre bo
full of life! Chicago Tribune.
Enthusiast I think you nre Just
grand, Mr. Bandleader. Are you very
busy all the time? Orchestra Conduc
tor Why do you ask, madam? En
thusiast Oh, you beat time so splen
didly. I have some rugs to beat on
Saturdays and I'd like to engage you
In advance to do them. Philadelphia'
Mr. Pctt Ridge, of London, at tho
annual meeting of the Invalid Chil
dren's Aid Association, told of two
llttlo girls who were sent out of n
board school to wash their faces. Said
the older to tho -vftuncer. nroudlv: "M7
face is much dirtier than yours." "Of
course," said tho other. "You're a
year older." Dally Chronicle.
"Gerald, what makes your eyes so
red?" "Are they red, Millie? Then it
must be because I didn't sleep well
Inst nlgnt" "Aro you troubled with
insomnia? You ought to take some
thing to cure It" "But I don't want
to be cured of it 1 lie awako think
ing of you." It was plain sailing for
Gerald after that Chicago Tribune.
A small boy from the north who was
visiting a relative ln one of tho south
cm States where convict labor Is em
ployed In public Improvements be
came "very interested in the men nnd
their black and white striped clothes.
One dny he went to a circus, and for
the first time ln his life saw a nebra.
"Oh, auntie," he cried, "look at tho
convict mule!" Llpplucott's Magazine.
"Hang tho luck! I lost a peach of
an umbrella to-day." "Yes, people
don't seem to have any conscience
about swiping umbrellas. How did
you loso It?" "Well, It was standing
agnlnst tho wall In tho restaurant I
kept my eye on It " "You bet; you
hnvo to! Well?" "Aud Just as I was
getting up, tho fellow that owned it
enmo along and took it!" Clevelaud
At the end of January Mrs. Wunder
brought her nice now expense book to
her husband. "I enn figure up my .Tnn
uary bnlnnco all right," Bhe said, "but
I'm either $10.05 behind or ahead. 1
remember what all tho other items aro
for, but I can't recall whether I spent
that $10.05 for something, or you gave
It to me for household expenses." Mr.
Wunder looked nt tho page for a mo
ment, then handed back the book with
n condescending air. "My dear," ho
Bald, "that 1005 seems to mo to Indi
cate what year this is." Judge.
Among tho visitors nt nn art exhi
bition woro two old In dies from tho
country. 'They woro examining with
great Interest a lms-rcllef of a young
Greek shepherd, beneath which wero
Inscribed tho words, "Executed in
terra cottn." "I wonder where Terra
Cottn is," ventured the elder of tho
two, turning to her companion. "Well,
now, I ought to know," hesitated tho
other, "but I can't seem to plnco It
Just now." "Ah, well," rejoined tho
first spenker, ns they passed on, "It
must bo n dreadful plnco If they oxo
cuto hnrmloss young boys llko that
there." Philadelphia Ledger.
On ono of tho old turnpikes yet re
mnlnlng ln tho South a big touring car
hnd twlco rushed through tha gato
without paying toll. Tho third time
they rondo tho attompt tho negro toll,
man Bhut his gato nu.l brought them
to a stand. With indignation tho half
dozen occupants qf tho car doelaroil
they woro entitled to rldo freo, "Look
nt your own bonrd." Biiid tho spokes
man. "It snys, 'Every cnrrlngo, cart
or wagon drawn by ono boast, two
cents; overy additional beast, two
conts.' We're not drawn by, any beast
at nil." but hero's whoro yo
come !n, fiah," replied tho darky, point
ing to nnotnor clauso ns follows; 'Ev-
. I.nlf-.lnvnn llOCS. fCUr COUtS.' AU
, threo times four ia twolvo," ho added.
A Doctors
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Is not
a simple cough syrup. It is a
strong medicine, a doctor's
medicine. It cures hard cases,
severe and desperate cases,
chronic cases of asthma, pleu
risy, bronchitis, consumption.
Ask your doctor about this.
" I bar med a great deal of Ayer't Cherry
Pectoral for coaxbi and hard cold on tbe
ebeet. It baa alwaji done ma great good. It
It certainly a moat wonderful cough rnedU
cine." MIOHABL J. FITZOIBALD, Medford,
T jr. a. Atkt Co.. Lowell. Kaii.
Alio maanftotnrara of
9 giB.sAPAim.fJL
liPVQ pills.
Jnat llke m 'Woman,
"Jobs, a peddler came around to
day selling stove polish. He was a
very agreeable gentleman. Why, ho
talked so pleasantly about the weath
er." "You don't say, Maria?"
"Yes, and I bought a package. Then
he complimented the baby and I
bought another package."
"Presently he said our vestibule was
kept ln better order than any in the
neighborhood nnd then I bought on
other package."
"Great Scott!"
"Before he left he said he thought
I was your daughter instead of being
old enough to be your wife. Then I
bought three additional packages. Ob,
It don't do any barm to encourage a
real gentleman when you meet one."
W... SMI"" iJ",!!rit-
Dvuw wiisu Ki aaara vavsa vera
in urn. o.a or aruffBUM
You will hasten recovery by tak
ing one of Ayor's Pills at bedtime.
Army of 10,000 Men Rnalilne "Work on
New Veaacla for Navy.
While the attention of the public
is attracted only at Intervals to the
three big shipyards- on the Delaware
River, there Is an army of 10,000 men
dally hammering, forging and weld
ing, bendiug every energy toward the
completion of the great vessels under
construction here, says tbe Philadel
phia 'Ledger. Never have the employes
of Cramps', Neafle & Levy's and the
New York Shipbuilding Company been
busier than at present Particularly
is this true of Cramps', where twelve
different vessels aro under construc
tion. This yard alone is employing
5,300 workmen.
Tho greater part of this work 1b
being done for Uncle Sam, seven
Bhlps being under way here. Two of
these, the armored cruiser Tennessee
at Cramps, and her Bister ship, the
Washington, which is being built at
tho South Camden yards of the New
York Shipbuilding Company, have at
tracted attention by tho efforts which
tbe respective companies are making
to finish the contract first Both are
now nearlng completion, with the
Tennessee slightly in tbe lead.
Besides the work on the warships
six largo passenger steamships aro
also being built by the Cramps com
pany. Four of these are for the New
York and Cuban Mall line, while the
two remaining go to tho Southern
Pacific Company.
In Fit Array.
Talk as one will on the vanity of
clothes, the consciousness of being well
dressed has something of moral force
in it "Brush your hair and thlngi
won't look so bad," was the wise coun
sel given by a friend to a woman
whose husband had lost his money.
The little child in E. J. Hardy's
"Manners Mnkyth Man" hit on this
great truth when she replied to her
mother, who was reproving her.
"0 Katie, "why can't you be a good
little girl? See Julia, now; how nice
she Is. Why can't you be as good as
"P'r'apa I could, mama," answered
Katie, "If my dress had llttlo pink
bows all over It"
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of thla paper will bo pleased to
learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure ln all its
Hages, and that Is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrb
Cure is tho only posltlre euro known to tha
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the Mood and mucoui
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tha
foundation of the disease, ana giving the pa
tient etreneth bv bnlldlne ud the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors nave so much faith ln Its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars
lor any caso that It falls to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. . .
Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by druggists, 75c.
If. Ill If.mtW p11 sr. tha tA.t
On the occasion of a cyclist's wedding
at Epping, near London, tha other day
the bride and bridegroom rode to church
on single machines and returned oa a
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlmlow's Soothing
Syrup the best remedy touse for their children
during the teething period.
The International Telegraph Con
struction Company has submitted a
scheme to the Postmaster General of
Australia for the erection of wlrelesa
telegraph stations linking New Zealand
and Australia direct
A Spelling Rule.'
At a school inspection some of the
boys found a difficulty In the correct
placing of the letters "1" and "e" in
such words as "believe," "receive,"
etc., when the Inspector said blandly:
"My boys, I will give you an infalli
ble rule, one I Invariably use myself."
The pupils were all attention, and
even the master pricked up his ears.
The inspector continued: "It is sim
ply this. Write the V and 'e' ex
actly alike and put the dot in the
middle over them." London Telegraph.
riTQ Permanently Cored. Kofltsomervonsness
ll 10 aflerfiratday'suseofDr.Kllne'aUreatKerve
Restorer. Bend for Freet68 trial bottleand treatise.
Dr. It. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Fa.
Eaallx Explained.
"Who ia that man all the. women
aro Idolizing?"
"That is a doctor from another
"But there are doctors around hero
who are much better known."
"Shi This chap is a 'beauty doc
tor.' "
Gip this out, return to us with tha nases
and addresses of yourself and two of your
friends, and the date when you will probably
enter a business collete, and we will credit ,
you with $5.00 on our 65.00 scholarship.
Our school offers exceptional advantages to 1
students of Business, Shorthand, English, etc ;
Best Instruction Lowest Tuition
M. A. ALBIN, PRta.
as aixTH ar. PORTLAND, ORE.
Pommel Slicker
wUh a Fish Brand 10fsh brand
Slicker, used for
an overcoat when
cold, a wind coat
when windy, a rain coat when it rained,
and for a cover at night if we got to bed,
and I wiU say that I have gotten mora
comfort out of your slicker than any Other
one article that I ever owned."
Crheaam and ddrM of tha writer of fills
tnuoUcttad letter ma b bad on application.)
Wet Weather Garments for Riding, Walk
tog, Working or Sporting.
EOSTOa, U.S.A. 'W" ""
n t tt..4
Piso's Care fs a remedy forcotigbs, colds
and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents,
at druggists.
Not an Index of Power.
Young Mr. Whimper, who had a
worthy ambition for public office, had
closed his canvass of his native State.
He felt sure of his nomination, and
was waiting, in good spirits, at his
father's fireside to receive it
He had been asked to tell his ex
periences ns a "spellbinder," and had
willingly consented.
"But, on the whole," was his modest
conclusion, "I was rather successful.
And what gratified me particularly
was that in the places where I was
least known I met with the warmest
It was several seconds before Mr.
Whimper understood why his father
and the girls laughed, and even bis
mother smiled.
To Be Given for
Reliable Information
We will give One Dollar for a Postal
Card giving the first reliable news of
a chance to sell a horizontal steam
engine of our styles, within our range
of sizes. We do not want inquiries at
this time for vertical, traction or gas
hsve for yesrs been tbe atsndsrd for all steam
plants. Best of mstsrlal and workmanship.
Oar big output enables us to sell on small prof
Its. An Atlss, the best is tbe world, cost ao
more tbsn the other kind.
Wriii today ior oar sptelal off it.
Cortlia tprlp.a HlfbSptodEntbus WaitrTtboBoOara
roarValra Eactnta Compound Enainas Tabular Bollara
Automatic Entinae Throttling, fnrlnaa FortaUaBoUars
itlaa Entfnaa Ia aarrlea 1,000,000 H. F.
4Uaa BoUara ia aarrioa 4,000,000 B. F.
P. ft u.
No. 46 1 805
WHEN trritlnsr to adTcrtlsora pleaso
mention thla paper. I
mi mmM
mm mm
The Laxative f
Known Quaut
There are two classes of remedies: those of known qual
ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting
gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist
ance ; and another class, composed of preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of
the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever
pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of
plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup,
in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con
tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy
of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system
gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti
pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi
ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the
remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with
the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know
of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience
thatitis a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that
it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really
represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence,
containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
There are two classes of purchasers: those who are informed
to the quality of what they buy and the reasonsfor the excellence
of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know,
and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
Its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy.
To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said
mt nearly all of them value their reputation for professional
integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer
imitations or tne
Genuine Syrup of Figs
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and In order
to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects,
one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of
the Company California Fie Svrun Co. plainly printed on th
tront or every package, Price, 50c per bottle. Une size only.