The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 16, 1905, Image 8

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i-; . Central Oregon
a i i
. j.
L6dkted iii Willow Creek Basiti and in the midst of afi
1 -S
The natural trading point for Agency Plains and other
SUrrbimding wheat plateau districts.
duriii the itext V2 months, affording ample tranpoirtation facilities and assuring rapid development
A big Plouring Mill just comploted, tind mnchinpY inat
Long distance telephone connections. DAILY M
u 1 v
tulied ready for operating.
Open in MADRA!
s MADRAS la Oebttally located in thd famous Mlldw Creek Basin, comprising TOO square mllos of.tho finest wtient land In Oregon. , Situated
, on a bafcUral townallo location, with, fine water; .easily obtained hi. wollq from 12 to.20 feet dep. Una most ciJutibJo dllniiitb ill
bregoD, anil good roads tbe year aroluiU,, A'jl rpnda leati'dOvVn lilll to MAD.RAH, and this la tub u'dtiirnl trad
-.J- , Ingpolntpjrleb vvUcat bejljarccr than SberuwiuCouuty, ' , V
Bliy L6tl ftow;., PriceUBO and Upwards.
For particulars inquire of DON P sfecftETAhv of TowNsiYfe boMPANY;
Madras Pibneer
,.t;, )n i- I
(Continued from page 1)
OKI. .. ;--
First Sunday, ri:ornflj''g and 'evntlh.g,, Rev. Ji Craig,
'A Second Sunday, nionilnfr and evening,
Henuoiiito JJretiiren--lev.'Jane; pastor.
''Chinl Sunday. Morning tfnd:Even'ing,
. Mv . Clitifcii, Rev. J. K, Craig, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a m'eaeh Sunday.
Mrs. J, K. Craig superili:endenti
. . I 'MjJKTnODIST Itltt; inSTBIGT.
Gprman M. E.' Church, 'Rev. !5. Q
'Moehring," pa.stor. Sunday school ntStO
?. m., John Hoffman, S"r., sui)crintend
nt. yrea'filftg . ddt vices at 19.80 a. foj alid
'V.30pin:, bertliln school and CatechUhi
conducted by pastor Saturday at ,00 p. in.
Epworth League, every evening at DO,
Everyone welcome. j
ACEKKyf rr.X,18TIStilltT.'
Willlan'liraustcttcrj super'ntent(ent of
Sunday 'scjiool. Sunday school every
Sunday afternoon at 2JU5. I'ipathiiyf by
Kcv.KWJ'El'Fulgi;iaro and othefs at irregu
lar periods
- ,
Craig makes the follow
ing appoliitlhents for tlle'fc'ountry districts';
VWtX rfnniiav. Ra I'lain.'S n. m.
1 'Seconci Sunday,' li.SOa. m. Culver; 3pf
jn., Homey Schoqlhouse. ,
Third Sunday 3 p, in., hMudSptiiig
Fourth Sunday, 11 a", in., Willow Creek;
ited Itock Schoolhouse-
Depertb-jill ol tlic Interior.
U. S. Land OMcet TiieYllalles, Oregon,
NovrthberJ;!, W05.
l -
Notice-la fity given liin jof6vtUg
namcd settjer hao'ilcli noflccj ofli? In ten
ition to make cqmnyi.tatlon proof in sup
port of her claim, anil that said proof will
,be made before;the bounty plork of Crook
oounty, at PpevlJIn Osegaji, on Decem
ber 26, iw, vlj ?';. ,
May K. Bradford, , -formerly
May El YaaArnarrlbf Madras,
Oregon, on N.E.o. li&SZfov the north
half of north' qnar(ert wyitJnvcst quar
fpr of northeast ('iirter and northwest
quarter ofsottjflieat'wiarter pec l, tp 12
She aawe.tiie fpnowing" Tvitnesses to
prove her ContJJ'y0" psen.upoand
cultivation of
."VVhlte. of Madras
t v.- utnn
of fertile lands waiting for it
Nov. 16, 1905 market and people to till thelri,
offer'itn unrivaled field for a
iriucll -needed railroad. In Doug
lad county there are 1(32,775
acres of public land waiting to
be taken, in Lake county 2,346,
293 acres, in Harney tiounty 4,
250,801 and in Malheur county
4,978,952 acres. Along the Mal
heur river 100,000 acres of rich
land are waiting to be irrigated,
while,, Itlaraath County holds
820,000 acres.,,
In Lakencounty, hUndreds of
miles from a.M rail road and a
market, are 250,000 sheeTBj
000 cattle and 20,000 horses
from which the 4000 people real
ize, in spite of conditions, an an
nual income of $.750$J0.- '
Harney t'ptthtyn has 250,000,
cattle and 500000 sheep from
which $1,000,000 are received)
while here are to be found the
largest individual stock ranches
in nthe United States. Harney
bdiinty alorie prddus 4d,000
tons of hay and 10,000 acres of
alfalfaj wliile in: the qdanty Are
SOO.OOO1- acres of tillable iah'd
susceptible of irrigation.' '
Ma'theurf diiHty eaoji year
produces &fi00flQ0 pounds of
wool, to siymothhigof liierlch
ness of the' sou or the agi-icul
tural adtanttigesr .
It is ittffr. this c'0unfcrywhich
hiow blooms so Tichly dbstn tfn
developefl'nviieriiBSf that? the
Central lind1 will'-'iiiia its'waV.
It will but one hnwy friHgs'from
the lieseht' Harrfirhin' f&titeto
the East, while at the eam&tiiile
it dra'ws Sustenance -from fthc
vast territory to itj-itsliiafti liri"e
and feedbra. 'i.r ';from-np
will she the trams riiiiniiig on
schedule time.
ttfuz Lueddeinau Is local agent for
Norwich Union Fire InsuranceSociely,
one of the hldest ami otrotigeat of the
old-lino cotlapanlee; If you desire in
auranco on your property, he will be
klfttilQ-Place. It for yob in this com
bl'imrtmcntMr Ih'e IiUtirfor,
Land Oflice at The liallcij Oregon.
Obtoberfll, im.
Notice is hereby given that ihe follow
Ingnamet settler has filed notice of his
lntiiitiHh M make final proof in support of
his L'ialin, anil that said proof will be made
befofc Xl'rju I Rba, U. S.' Coiiiiulsslopcr,
ui. 1113 omcc at luiiurua, wiuyoii, un
cember 11)05, viz:
if Antniiol IlalinrKtltilK
of Madras, Oregon, 'll. E. (No. l'6,tii7, for
the nw 14 sec 27, tp 10 s, r IB e, w. ni.
He names the following witnUsscs to
proVe hU continuous resldincl) Upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Anton liatalgia, M L LotickS) B C Dove
and H J Braustetter, all of Madras, Oro
MicirAKi. T. JTohAN;
p-d28-nB0 Register.
. i -
T V MCCalHtiy;i of PrinovUIej Oregon;
ami Mias
... .
..Oregon. r .
lEf T. hoi;
IfyoHJuvta farm or lown projiiriy
for sale, 1 Mara Realty
CbmjpM, Midrt, brgdo, Ollceui
TowMtlt bvMwK-
bbpartmcjrt Of tljd'lHWrW. '
f Land Oflice at The Dalle, O'rcgbli,
. ' ' ' v SdptiJlnbl't 29, iOOS.
.S'ntlcb is herebv elven thnV Wo followlnir
jtnnied xettlt-r lion illud notice Af ihtenilon
lb make filial nroof in umo?'t'nr'i'if clnlm.
jaffil thill pro'Ji will Ik; rondo before the
ItcgUtcr anil HccclvCr, at Tiic Dallen, Oregon,
,?j November 11, 1U05, vlr;
1 Albert Jjf Ilcinioinaiy
! Mftdrw, tlreg'oil, bjj U: K; NO'. U.4J2, for the
i ana 2 ana ; jino iw hoc ap ip i&h, ru e,
tf IB. . '
He nftiot'H the following witnesses to prove
nl eoutiniiou1rcHldencc upon and cultivation
tf tsaid lasj, xhlr
mnk Jlantift, William HlohaWIi, ucorgo
I'eiilnerond Cliarlcp Winter f,pu,A, Hadras,
p-o5-n7 Ilcglxtcr.
j n ?
feftiDcps'rtmcnlof 'th'eliiteri'or,., a j
Laud Oflice at The Dalle, Oregon,
lV - , s October 21, 11)05.
:c ii hgrchijgrven iRtJjo ?folow.
ile'd spttlejhis filed" nutlco.ilf his
ittjntltojihidce ilnal. proof Jjsypbrt of
Is.olaljfl. and tliat Haiti proof will bL made
r yt n u. yuiiiiiiipaiuciut.
it Madras,. Oregon, on l)e
b'eforiJ ;poi-jP, Ren, IK S. Cominlsahmcr,
at ms utuee at Aiauras., urck'on
.' - ...... V
pcner.iw.vix; - u. v r
' JflawJey ST. North, ... f
jpf Md8,,65gpti, jji. E. No. ll,, tir
the whajf oe miartcr,- ojmil swartx-r
sc 8, JUTn.s, w tw . , ul
lie thp fo.IlgWii(( witnesses'
puvo li'laonUnuqiis ti'linco upon atifl
cuUlvatlgn of said Inmt vJV,:
MOGardi I;;d(Ca!Kl) rankjJjklno
aHjL,Harry GarVji pfMMr, Oreio,
, " MiC'HAKL T, NorAsf.u ;
p-o-ii'Sd Register'.
. f,i)yiiirttueutUf the Interior;
Land Oflico at The Dulles, Oregdn,
October HI, 1900;
Ndllrje IS Hereby ijlvcn that tho fidlow
ing-naim-U tet'tlcr has filed notlt'e of his
inteiitiuu to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that snlil proof will he made
beforu Don 1. ittja', U. S. CoininlBSioner,
at his olll'Ce tit Madras, Oregon, on De
comber 4, 1W5, viz:
Albert T. Yocnui,
of Culver, Oregon, ILK. No. 8057, for the
east half northbaut (piarter, southwest
quarter northeast quarter, northwest qunr
ter southeast ipiarter sec 21, tp 12 , r l!i e,
w m. ' "
He names Hie following witnessos to
prove his contlnuuua residence upon and
cultivation of said lainl, viz:
John Corwilu 'of Mtulras, Oregon; J B
McDowell, of Haysack, Orrgon; Frnnk
Hanna, of 'Culver, Oregon, and Elmer Gil-
lam, of Madras, Oregon.
MlfcliAKl. T.
notice fou Publication,
UepartmclU til Ui Irilcrior, .
Dalk'if, Oregoll,
WeplVmb'cr 29, 1!H.
Notice i hereby glwn that the following
named ettlern ha,lM,holce of their inlen
tion to make fljjal,profJ .'UvspplKirt of Ihck re
Iective clnlrnn, rn'd thnt cdld pYoofit will lu
made before the KegUter and Itcceh-cr at The
Dallex, Oregon, on November 1.1, lwrt, vU;
- Jake B. Glllam.
of Shaniko, Oregon,i II. i?. No, U7D1, for
so 1-4 so 1-4 see 11, nw Li sw 1-4 stc 12, n w
1-4 nw 1-4 seo 13 aim ue l-i no 1-4 sec 14, ti:
oS)rl4e, wm. ,;, ... tJ
Cliarbis M. MrWiemmV.. .
At Ailiwood, Oregon, on II. K, No, ft'JM, for the
nw 1-4 nw iri,-Hli nw M a,pd f l n 9f W
2, tp,tlK,.rJKP,vm. , . , , H.
'incj- njrjS5,ne,,()io.ving wjiuchmjh to prove
jabtftJOilUni. tJowplillf Htunit,, Jamw.lf
(larrejt iRltiliard cffipn, I'prry.ff M'inrocjpf
wood, Oregon; hyn l'Jillllpi. of llttycrcvk. Ore
gon; cnaricH Hiiierbir)M..vuiiMwd, Ore-
'1 1
Department flf- thtlnli'ifdr.
V Jj.ll
hu Dalles. Orison.
.,lJfiaJUilcrfiy.i.'JKcn, tliautlijfallowlng.
nttmcdknettlb,nii foipf bTvtcntlon
to mRkCsfltt PfCTpr" "VJPPprK1-0 !,B,m
Umt,Waiof' will bo mado .bUforo j, J.
Hmltlicoultjiijlarlc, o,t Prlnevflle, Oregon, on
v v Jcphr Wolgand,
(LyaputA. Wrcgoti, A. K. N0.7W, ,for the
l4 nX, se'Lif aeo 10, iioJiiiwnw-Ji iip
i, Hb.iiuuoh 4ho following tVltju!H to prove
hU'continyouH rcnldciiec tmoji ud miltlvinlloii
if raid fatjil.wjlr; h.- ...... i ' v i.
, falter J,lll.i.l,mri XWdMw
and John Ilnloyf H Umontn, Oregon,'
4-n3-d7 , NivjutXT. Nouk. Hcghtfar,
'timber I.nnd, Act June 3, IMS.
Laud Olnco at The Dallex, Oregon,
Martoh 21, 1903.
Notice U hereby given that ih rdmpllanee
with tTio provlHioliH of "the act uf Cuilgr'cui of
June:), 178, untitled "An act for lli'u l'e of
timber Inndx In the (tatcN of California, Ore
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," a
extended to all tliu public land date by act of
.AugiiHl I, W2, 11m! rollowliig-named punoni
have, oii fe'ptcmler lb, 1905, riled In thin office
tlu'lr irworn utateincnti, towit:
Iiura M DourUk,
Of Iluycrcck, connly of Crookv ntate of Oregon,
xworti nlntcment NiT, WJi, for the purchaxe o,f
tins bf wi and $ W ! of neo 12, tp 12 h,
r 10 , w in.
lconafd K. DottKlaii.
of HaycV'eV'k, county of Cirook, mate nf Oregon,
iwom rtntcmcnt No. 2(190, for the mir chft of
lot 7, i:u B luhi 1, 2 and .'I, of Kvp 7, tp 12 , r lrt
e, vi m. (
That hey vll otfer V'Vobf to llOw that the'
lniM Kouglit Are more valuable for the timber
or Mioiiiereoii tnau lor agricultural pur
'pWex, pi xo Ktabllith their claim to xald land
beforo the lt'cgUler UHd ItVrleivcr at tbe land
office in Tho Dalle, Ortgbh, bli the 27th da
of Duci-mbcr, isw.
They name the following wltncniHiii: Lynn
Nli-lioli, I'hllllp Urahara, D (I (Jay, Leonard K
DotiglaJi'And Laura M Douglax, allttf Jtfftltytk,
?i.!u.. . Ayi
rtny po jiii person claiming ativeraety nr
of !he ftvoYC-deMcribcd landu are requested to
Hie their clAli'iiM In thl office on or X'f6re the;
cald 27th day of December, lWfi, ) 1
iwumki niciiaki. t. ftouN, negidtor
Department bf tbe Interior.
Laud O'mYc at Tku Dallcn, Oregon,
HCptembcf 2t), 1905,
Notice Ik hereby etven that thU oIIowIiil'.
named R'eUfcr ban fllctl notice of ViWjV,Wton
it. jiiuku .iiimi n in amvuori ai uiariMia.
,'and thai Hftld proof will 3io inJuto bcfbteHlU!,
county (Ucyc of Crook Entity, at l'tlnovlllc,
prvgotr, on November 1 i, lWrt, vlr. i , . ,f t. ,. .
hi .JohtiC. I'axlAri' .
of Lainonla,,Ow'gon, on If, K, No'. for tho
n'S nw MSnd wjj hw ! of koc JO, tp 1 , r 14
4 111 ... 1 I "
" " Milium' . iitiit tM
H,v.PRnfn,,lhp, following wllucwc to prove
hU ion.tlniipMrtfIdcni'o upon aad fculllvatlnn
of wld Unit, ,viift
V J,,Mll!lgW'PM:ar Cox, Walter LllhWwand
J K lVlcgnU, all of LamonU,Oregu. ...
.miciukl T. Nolan, RfHt'6r.
Detmiijatitef the rntorlor.
WM'w ft1 Th0 n". 9??i.
t$- . i. . vnoocr,-tfioo.(
NotlnoJsJwroby given , that the following.
iiainu4ioUlcr.has fllcxl nbllnv of hla Urttuitlon
to miikd. rtipUiiproof In import M- hlhellu(
and tho;.iildairoof will bo in'jide Vl'oro Don I
Ilea, U. rl..iCori)mlMloncf. ali-hhi oOIco at Mad'
ran, Orcgoni'Ph December ll, v
,tl' William C.Tom ...
of Mmlrmi, Oreg'on, II, IC No,, for tho nj$
noi eeicMM.iie noJiqc ?v-ill f ,r II o,
w in. ,.,. . i k ii,i ... i
llenwWM.lhu following wltBCMcs toiwovU
hln cfliVpuiQUH rvHldecc.upon nr.(ioulHvn,
tlou o'Jimld land, vlai n , t.. ',
Ui:!trK' Iye. WllllaritKagWN B JyiklH
ud ll 1' Joiim, all of fr.dra).,.Oron7'," '
p-o?n-n?o Mit'HAri, X, Nou, Heglnter,
In'rs't Monthly In My;lblr4 1
October'i .
First Jfonday in cAthmotiii
First Wednesday in JWtiraj.l
.July, September, and hovemlJ
ln.'Httmcntof thJM
liuiul Otllcc at The l)4ll
Noto Is h'oreby filvfji tW
Inir.'nnmed settler has filed i
Intention to nmke llnl proofj
of her claim, and tlrat Mi W
miide beforo Don r. i
sloner, at hlsolhce utMadmil
December tl.lW5.vizs 1
of Madras, Orefion, Urif
iheno 1-4 nw H ul-2uMM
Hec20,tpl0s,rl8e,wru. j
fl iianii'i the followlDl! 1
provp his continuous reiMfWl
c iltlVntloil of faldland.vli. j
Jones n,nrt u wuit-i
Michael T.S
A sufficient contest (Ad"11
ill...! 1.. II. lu nf1lin ll V
against homestead emrjr
wldch tlV,111'8 it
' nauKcu t ? fh"-k ., ij
LhR,slx.monthsl P.v"1
i , t nettled upon, cw
uii.r :.Vli. are JICTU'..T1
.um-kchi, win "" '",, nrtfui
atloo'CiocK.iv.V". , i Rei
Oregon. , ,,t,n,l
The, saw C9W a), 11
SS notice bo gl l
pWa,ubnct;.N j,J
nl clU
" (