The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 16, 1905, Image 7

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.... nr Ttfn r.dNTINENTS
Ho' LeM. . .. Week.
0f tno r
, Barton ha ,nd,ctcd
,. ..mine her mlnlstera to
,,1 foreigner
utrlke may " '
,in; works.
ttwa " .ill bo Adopted for
Al" .. ...... n.nnntf tho Oron-'
fc'f' ...... I. In )0 OXOCUIOU.
u ,1octor i accused of nlno
uiwv- , i i i n
cti0n' .. J.aknn
It.F.rn ' ' , m Kol
. . mi i imi. stonemason no
Ajwt-",-', - ,, Bred it
. if. i.t.n.r
. i general movement has been Btartcd
United Slates to rolso IuimIb for
rr !ief ofRonJows. It Ib hoped
fi 11,000,000.
Chi Kdwrd of England has passed
ii, 64tb birthday.
ill el Btmla's grand dukes are now
fltof strolling olllccs.
' i Chlaeie mob at Lion Chow has
tilled fire American missionaries.
Enertl American worships havo gone
taftato Domingo to suppress a revolt
ir.ii.v. the defeated candldato for
jwrcor of Ohio, says slander by hlfl
fuiea M the cause.
fomtor Collom eays ho expects con
tra to ratify the treaty with Santo
Itoingo, giving the finances of that
,.).. intn MmiYintrnl of the United
(UWUU ' ,w - .... - -
blhn and artillerymen at Cron-
iWt Mutinied, but were subdued after
i&rof terror. Machine guns were
toiM on tbem by loyal troops ana
hoderdi shot down.
lie Ke York Life Insurance com-
wir mnttniiM tn xnllclt liuflineiui in
j ;
Jfisoari in defiance of the Insurance
,..t. . ....,.. ...i. ,.i i
rtificte in that state.
CUirman Bhonts says those wiio are
faosncing the methods of tho canal
maiHlon aro a hand of hired knock
i jetting in practlco for a grand burst
dioije when congress convenes.
JTitte hu removed General Tropofl.
The tuffrage strike is enreadinc
.l 1 1...;,.
lie powers aro nlannina n naval
momtration azainat Turkv.
Grind Dnko Nlchnliw In with Wlttn
k Ike present reform movement.
A blander In the law will nrnvctr t
tbesalsol the SHetz timhor land.
ltd towns in HflMftrnl tin lin va tvion
wraedand many Jews perished in the
i ., . . t . ..uuinuHn) lino
jilted to accept on appointment to
wiapreme bench of Arizona.
- lamino exists In three pro-
Z7h PMawl 1,000,000 of tho
WUlion is practically starving.
J Ji Mid that tho French minister
P Earlng to leave Venezuela. Tho
Fire dnitmnn,! n.. ... ...
i , vv mo lop noors oi tno
ges ballJinK , gm VJ
KeSnih081 Va,Unbl "owspapor
in tho country was ruined.
utFky ,,olJuln thoHqult.
uoa of ' ,,u"l'iw a resom-
iXs!" 1,re8ldont Morton
i LBir.minR,'m, Alabama, do-
-i-wjuny valued nt 1172.00(1.
liaMaCr ' Jows continues at
Nfil!mportB '" Cuba show a
flOOlfWaW .. .
'Saj;ff88B0le to Inter.
StuA 01 u'o navy ro
Aim u,,b9 bulUUiH, of in nnn.,.
cold rocentlnn lrt
N I toon.!.. ,n.8nrt'B unemnloved
Wd. -wuignatlon meeting was
Secretary of War Will Not Mako Ex
ception tn Favor of Columbia,
Washington, Nov. 7. In his an
nual report made public today, General
Mackenzie, chief of engineers, asks that
the following appropriations bo made
in the next sundry civil bill:
Mouth of Columbia river, $300,0C0;
Oelilo canal, $250,000; Willamette and
Columbia below Fortland, $126,000;
Columbia between; Vancouver and the
mouth of the Willamette, $80,000; Ta
coma harbor, $200,000. Kach and all
of these appropriations wore authorized
in the river and harbor bill passed at
the last session; these respective sums
have been expended or aro covered by
contracts now in force, so that not ono
dollar asked for by General MacKenzio
will go to pay for now work. In other
words, General MacKenzio is asking
only for enough money to pay for work
now under way or already completed.
Ho asks for no now appropriations for
ho has beon instructed by the secretary
of war to cut down his estimates and
conflno himself solely to work hereto
fore authorised.
Personally, General MacKenzio bo
lioves congress should mnko largo ap
propriations for tho mouth of tho Co
lumbia river, and ho thinks it wrong
to allow work on that project to stop at
its present incompleted stage, and yet
under instructions from his superior ho
cannot ofllclally recommend such ap
Chief of Engineers Makes Estimates
In His Report.
Washington, Nov. 7. Sixtcon mil
lion dollars will bo necessary to com
plete tho engineering works of tho fort
ifications of tho sea coast of tho United
(Hates under tho present plans of tho
Endicott board, according to tho report
of Brigadier General MacKenzio, chief
of engineers. There already lias been
appropriated for this purpoBO $828,
003,434. Permanent projects at '31
different points havo been adopted and
most of them aro well under way.
Among these points aro Son Diego,
Cai., San Francisco, Columbia river
and Pugot sound.
Tho defense of tho Great lakes and
,tlie St. Lawrence Itiver is under con
sideration. Tho estirnnto for tho com
pletion of tho fortifications do not con
template anything more than tho pro
jects outlined by tho Endicott board.
Modern appliances and additional pro
jects which may be adopted by tho
Taft board, appointed last summer,
and the fortifications of tho insular pos
sessions may increase tho estimate
when additional work is approved by
congress. It is estimated that $4,203,304
will be required to put into execution
by the engineering department the
schemes of the artillery and signal
corps for flro control of tho seacoast de
Disposition Will Be Made Before the
Term Ends
Washington, Nov. 7. -Senator Bur
rows, of Michigan, chairman of tho
committco on privileges and elections,
who has arrived in Washington for tho
coming session of congress, said tonight
that ho expected to have tho case of
Senator Reed Smoot, of Utah, dis
posed of before tholterm ends.
Senator Smoot's seat is being contest
ed on the ground that ho is a member
of the Mormon hierarchy. A great
maes of testimony was taken at the last
Bcsslon of congress, and it whs gener
ally understood that each sido had
completed its case.
Senator Burrows said that if it is de
cided to present further testimony the
committee is willing to hear it. He
stated that tho committee- will consider
tho cano immediately after tho reor
ganization of tho senato committees In
cidont to tho meeting of a now con
gress, and tho filling of a vacancy
caused (by tho retirement of Senator
McComa's, of Maryland.
Bombs ThroWn at Troops.
Tiflis, Nov. 7. Demonstrations to
day were participated la by 20,000 per
sons. Whilo a procession was pussing
along Golowinekl Prospect, firing ho
gan. BombB wore thrown at tho troopB,
who answerod with rlflo shots. The
dead numbored ten and thoro were
munv ' u'nnmlml. In another nlaco a
crowd of school pupils with revolu-
. . I . . i
tionary flags collided will a loyoi dem
onstration. Tho troops flrod in tho air
with a vlow of dispersing tho crowds
and ft gonoral encounter onsuod, in
which four woro killed and 17 wounded.
Socialists Hoist Red Flag.
Vienna, Nov. 7. Tho Socialist suf
frage demonstration on tho Itingstraseo
today waB attended by 50,000 porsons.
A strong force of gendarmes was sta
tioned along the Btreots, but did not in
terfere with the domonBtrants, and tho
Socialists wore even permitted to hoist
red flags over the reichsrath building.
There were no disorders whatovor, and
similar demonstrations aro reported
from I.umburg, Gratz, Klongoufurdt,
Bruenn and elsewhere
Oft for the Philippines.
Monterey, Cal Nov. 7. The Flf-
iwubii minting mm v -
of the Fourth cavalry loft today for San
Francisco, where they will ombark to
morrow o the transport Sherman for
a. . . I A.X Vl.lllnnln oil
iwo years service ih ww iuhut"""
President Wants It to Investigate
Insurance Matters,
Will Propose a Federal Inquiry To Go
Beyond ,the Work of the Leg
islative Committee.
Now York, Nov. 7. That thoro will
bo a Federal investigation of life insur
ance methods and that President Rooso
vait is taking an active interest in tho
matter and will, in all likelihood, at
an early date ask lor tho appointment
of a congressional committee to take up
tho work, was learned today from an
authority tho valuo of which can not bo
Tiio inquiry will be conducted Inde
pendently of tho states legislative com
mittee, and in spito of any results
which may follow tho committee's re
port. It is declared that' tho revela
tions and tho many startling disclosures
broughtout by tho state committee
havo been tho incentive which has led
tho president and his advisers to tako
uj) tho question.
Tho president during the last two or
three weeks has frequently been in con
ference with men prominent in tho ins
uronc world. It is known that Paul
Morton, head of the Equitable Life As
surance society, was in Washington
yesterday. It was whispered in Wall
street today that Mr. Morton's visit to
Washington was in tho line of giving
tho president some inside information
concerning tho proposed investigation,
and that ho might even havo been sum
moned there. Mr. Morton would not
say whether this was a fact, neitlier
would ho consent to bo interviewed.
General MacKenzio Recommends the
Building of a Boat.
Washington, Nov. 7. In his annual
roporl General MacKenzio, chief of en
gineers, made one exception to tho rule
prohibiting recommendations for new
work. Ho recommended an appropria
tion of $60,000 to build a dredge for
use on tho bars at theentranco to Tilla
mook, Yaquina and Coos bays, and at
tli entrance to the Siuslow and Co
quillo rivers. General MacKenzio had
this to say about the dredge, for which
the last congress refused to make an
"Navigation in these harbors is often
greatly delayed by the forming of
shoals, the material deposited in moBt
instances being of such nature that it
cannot bo handled with a dipper dredge.
It is estimated that a combination suc
tion and dipper dredge could be ad
vantageouBly used, and ho constructed
that it could bo taken from harbor to
harbor as necessities demand.
"Tho cost of such a planr with two
dump scows would be approximately
$50,000, and it is thought that the
necessity for its uso will fully justify
tho expenditure.
Czar's Ukase Made Excuse for Ex
termination of dews.
Odessa, Nov. 7. Tho anti-Semitic
riots aro in full swing in this city and
surrounding districts. The agitators of
the movement have distribuetd a cir
cular assuring the villagers that the
authorities have received the czar's
ukase and state that it commands the
extermination of all Jews. As a result
of this action, tho wholesale pillage
continues. Tho local authorities refuso
to interfere, either standing idly by,
refusing to check riots, or participating
in the same.
News continues to reach tho city of
terrible massacres, which havo occurred
at various points along tho railway, es
pecially bore and at Kieff . Tho casual
ties in those murderous disturbances
aro heavy. '
Confer on Packers' Case.
Chicago. Nov. 7. Attorney General
Moody has sent for United States Dis
trict Attorney C. B. Morrison and
Assistant Attorney General Oliver E.
Pagln to go to Washington In regard to
tho beef truBt prosecution. Tho plea
of the packers declaring that Commis
sioner Garfield, of tho bureau of Cor
porations, had promised tho packers
immunity from prosecution has taken
such nn aspect that tho attorney gene
ral tn nn til tn wlnli a ioint interview
with tho commissioner aud Messrs.
Morrison and Pagin.
Wholo Caucasus in Revolt.
London, Nov. 7. The St. Petersburg
corrospondont of tho Doily Moil says:
uv,ir linitnlpns war. wevnilR in tho
Caucasus, Tho TranB-Concnsion rail-
rood, tho solo line, is effectively
nrlmilntl nnil rninforcomonts havo been
compelled to march. Seventeen bridges
havo been wrecked, and tno runs novo
heen torn up in 40 pltfcos. Telegraph
nnn iloatrovod. and Georgia
and tho Dogheston aro isolated. Every
male is In arms"
Poles Also Wunt Autonomy.
St. Potorsburg, Nov. 7. On the
hools of tho announcement of tho suc
cessful Finnish national movement
of a stronir rovlval of tho
struggle for autonomy In Poland. Dis
patches from KaliBon, in roianu, nnu
',i. in Wi at Prussia, sav that flags
with the rolish coat of arms havo beon
hoisted in beveral churches and city
Administration Would Like to See Or
egon's Congressmen Resign.
Washington, Nov. 0. It can be stat
ed on reliable authority that the Roose
velt administration is in sympathy
with tho movemont now on foot in Ore
gon to induce Senator Mitchell and
Representatives Hermann and William
son to resign thoir seats In congress.
Officials of the administration share
tho belief universally held in Wash
ington that Oregon should not be de
nied representation in congress; it is
acknowledged that Mitchell, Hermann
and Williamson will never again be
able to render their state effective ser
vices; they certainly cannot do so un
der prevailing conditions. It being
apparent that not ono of these men
conid possibly be in position to perform
active duty as a member of tho Fifty
ninth congress, the administration
thinks it is incumbent upon them all
to resign.
For obvious reasons, no member of
the coadministrition can be quoted on
this matter, but, if the president's
views and those of his various cabinet
officers could bo printed, the people of
Oregon would have no doubt as to the
position of the administration. So far
the administration has done nothing to
forco Mitchell, Hermann or William
son out of congress, though dome offi
cials of the department of Justice have
been urging the attorney general to
ask for an advancement of tho Mitchell
case on tho docket of tho United States
Supremo court. If this is done, and
the Supreme court sustains the findings
of tho lower court, Mitchell will be
deprived of his seat some time this
winter and Governor Chamberlain will
have an opportunity to appoint his suc
cessor to servo until March 4, 1907.
Secretary Sees Great Improvement at
Panama, Nov. 6. Secretary of War
Taft held a long conference Ibis morn
ing w'.th Chief Engineer Stevens. To
day Secretary Taft and Mr, Stevens will
go over the works at Empire City and
Culebra cut and afterwards will go by
boat from Mindi to Colon, examining
at the same time tho harbor improve
ments at Cristobal.
Secretary Taft informs the Aeeocia'ed
Press that he was very much pleased
with the situation here, which he says
has greatly changed for the better since
his last trip. He thought from what
he had already seen that the work on
the canal was progressing satisfactorily
and was now efficiently organized. He
said he was happy to notice that the
spirit of the men on the canal had im
proved, and that tho condition of five
or six months ago did not exist.
The secretary said the sanitary con
ditions are excellent and believed that
by continuing tho present methods yel
low fever could be controlled. He
thought tho efficiency of the laborers
was not as high as it should be, but he
said that he contemplated making no
change until the men had been given a
fair trial. The department of Commis
saries, where the men could get proper
food, ho added, would raise their effi
People In Berlin Fear Russian Revo
lution Will Touch Germany.
Berlin, Nov. fl. -Many people in
Berlin aro saying that Russia's success
ful revolution may have far reaching
results for the fatherland. Germany,
they say, will be completely isolated
among nations when the Russian dem
ocracy comes off victorious, if the kai
ser 'resiats the craving for greater po
litical liberty. The situation is deemed
all the more serious because pan
Slavist ideas leading tn war over the
Austrian and Balkan questions may get
the upper hand in Russia, when the
democracy has complete power. The
czar's government has hitherto been
able to keep them down. .
German Socialists cherish no illusion
to the effecct that the rulers of Ger
many will change their methods as a
result of tho events in Russia. Herr
Bebel is preparing for a hard fight with
a view to defending the fatherland's
main democratic institutions the gen
oral franchise for the reichstag.
Reds May Proclaim Republic.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 0. Rumors are
current throughout tho city that the
revolutionists have decided to pro
claim a federated republic. Ono of
the principal forces with which the
government has to deal just at present
is tho ''black gangs" organized by tho
police to oppose the Intellectuals. They
aro especially strong in Moecow, where
the Metropolitan Vladimir is one of
thoir leading supporters. These organ
izations havo established mock courts
of justico, which havo condemned the
principal revolutionaries.
Odessa Liko Military Camp.
Odessa, Nov. C Tho pillaging here
has been largely stopped, thanks to tho
intervention of tho troops and tho local
militia, formed largely of studonts, but
the streets are unsafe for all, ixcept
sanitary ofllcors and Sisters of Charity,
The city presents tho aspect of a mili
tary camp. Tho student militia is
pursuing tho rioters, who aro defend
ing themselves with revolvers. Tho
studonts aro taking their captives to
the unlvorslty.
Prairie Flro Burns Stock.
Bonesteol, S. D Nov. C Reports
havo reached this place from Gregory
that a prairie fire, driven by a terrific
wind from the northwest, has been rag
ing all day in Tripp county, west of
this place. An area of over 50 miles
has been burned, and a great deal of
hay and stock has been destroyed.
Imbued with the Idea that tho conquest of tha
North Polo can only bo accomplished by explorers
who havo become acclimated to the rigors of tho
Arctic winter nnd who havo had long practlco with
the management of dog sledges, a party of hardy
ones in Dawson City, tho metropolis of the Yukon
district, have given an appreciative ear to tho project
of Dr. Antony Varlcle, a Frenchman at present a
resident of Dawson, who is said 'to bo an inventor
and an ardent student of polar research.
His plans ns described to a meeting of citizens of
Dawson recently, do not lack novelty, and it Is re
ported that General Greely, who has been in tho
Arctics himself On a memorable expedition, has do-
cjared the scheme is well founded. Certainly, he ad
mitted the correctness of tho Judgment of tho French explorer In
deciding to make a trial trip, ns It were, in tho Yukon district
tho coming winter, where tho stage is set very like the setting in tho neigh
borhood of tho Pole, and the experimenters will be within reach of civili
zation. The real start, ns reported, Is to be made In June, next yenr, so that
Commander Peary need not fear keen competition as he nears his goal, for
he will have had almost a year's start. An International society for polar
research nnd experiment was recently formed at Dawson. It is the object
of this organization, said to number 200 members, to assist in the develop
ment of the theory of Dr. Varlcle. It is the contention of the new North
Polo seekers that the expeditions of all former polar explorers or Pole Beek
era have been conducted on anything but lines that would be approved by
the northern travelers of experience. Yukoners found many weak points
in the methods of travel, equipment and composition of nearly every polar
expedition of the post
Life Insurance as It Is Conducted in
the Antipodean Island".
In faraway New Zealand the gov
ernment conducts a life Insurance de
partment which not only offers its
policies at a low premium, but has tho
security of the State behind It as its
guarantee to investors. By open com
petition with individual concerns it
prevents any ordinary combination
from keeping up excessive rates, nnd
there are no high salaried officials to
absorb the annual receipts.
It Is an Ideal theory. IrtAmerica an
Insurance of $5,000, which may cost a
person whohas arrived at middle age
$200 annually, in New Zealand may be
obtained for one-third that expense.
In America legislative inquiry has al
ready thrown so much light upon the
complex and devious management of
the insurance business that a distrust
of the whole system has become gen
eral. In New Zealand the entire re
sponsibility is borne by the colonial
government. There can never be any
failure until the country becomes
bankrupt The first Illustration is that
of the government life Insurance build
ing at Wellington, whilo the second
shows the postofflce In tho same city.
Governmental life insurance is by no
means the only New Zealand Institu
tion from whiob America might take
pattern profitably. One of the fairest
and most logical remedial measures
ever tried In the colony and one which
has proved its usefulness from the
very moment of its adoption Is the
workman's "compensation for acci
dent" act The principle upqn which
the measure was instituted was based
on tho assumption that it Is neither by
tho wish nor by the conduct of either
employer or employe that accidents
happen, but that in spite of that fact a
steady percentage of accidents occurs.
They are thus Incidental to production,
and the business which yields the prof
It should bear this part of the expense
of producing. Therefore a sum must
lect If left to their own Initiative. It
has worked admirably In New Zea
land, and there Is no reason why It
should be less effective elsewhere.
Still another measure of relief until
recently pronounced Utopian has been
tried by the New Zealand life insur
ance department and found practicable
tho old age pension act Older coun
tries, from which millions flow liko
water for trade wars or to exploit
some sentiment of nationality, have
declined to provide nourishment for
bo paid to every injured worker nnd,
if tho nccident proves fatal, to his
family. Tho only exception to this
rule is when It can bo established to
tho satisfaction of the court of arbi
tration, which adjudicates theso cases,
that tho employe was Injured wlllfdlly.
By tho net there Is a maximum of $2,
O00 payable, but tho form of the com
pensation is usually thnt of half pay
for a .definite tlmo and tho payment of
ii lump sum If tho Injury is permanent.
Of course a corresponding effort hnd
to bo mndo to mlnimizo tho loss to tho
employer. To meet tho necessity tho
government Ufo Insurance department
was empowered to include nccident In
surance, thus compelling any combina
tion of existing insuranco companies
of a similar kind to keep tho tariffs
down to reasonable premium valuo.
The advanttigo to artisans and laborers
from a governmental benefit of this
naturo can hardly bo computed. It
practically rolloves them from tho bur
den of accident Insurance and compels
a provision for their possible disability
which they are almost certain to neg-
those who are no longer profitable for
money producing purposes, but New
Zealand decided to try the experiment,'
and It has entailed no hardship on any
class, but has given relief to many.
.The scheme of compulsory old age In
surance has been tried In Germany
with far less success. Specious as that
theory appears, it has been found hv
practice to be only another system of
making tho poor keep the poor.
Although one may not be able to
accept the theories by which the re
forms In New Zealand havo been
brought about he must grant that tho
people of this faraway country havo
shown such remarkable progress in
self government that all intelligent
Americans cannot fall to learn much
from the up to date methods which
prevail there.
Antitoxin Against Fatigue.
Should the development of the study
of toxins and antitoxins render possi
ble the production of nn antibody
capable of neutralizing the results of
muscular fatigue, the consequences
could hardly be predicted, says tha
Medical Record. Yet a German In
vestigator seriously claims to have
taken more than one step In this di
rection already and publishes results
that nre at least surprising.
Welchardt (Munchener Medlzlnlscho
Wochenschrift, Nov. 29, 1004) says ha
has obtained a stable antitoxin, which,
when taken by tho mouth In moderate
doses, permits the output of on In-'
creased amount of muscular energy
without fatigue, and when taken con
tinuously causes a sense of geuertl blen
etre and augments the capacity for
wbrk. He commends his preparation
to clinicians us a promising analeptic
for convalescents, neurasthenics, etc.
This fatigue antitoxin Is obtained from
horses by Injecting them with fatigue
toxi produced In the muscles of ani
mals that have been subjected to ex
tretno muscular exhaustion.
A Safe Wager.
"I see that a member of tho New
port colony makes this naive excuse
when threatened with nn Interview:
"My lawyer will not allow me to tallc
for publication any more.' "
"Well, I'll bet It wasn't n woman
that said that" Cleveland Plain Dealer,
Tho Current and tho Corn.
"They aro sending electricity
through buried wires In order to
stimulate tho growth of vegetables."
"I wondor if tho current is strong
enough to shock tho corn?" ClovoIandL
Plain Dealer.
How worthless we all aro; yet ba
well we get aloagl