" 11 - 90s Election Returns That Interest A1 Parties a. llnallltlllV. h4 Jen were dlicuMlng monop. CM . ....i mi.nnr.n ex. and r..."nnn,.mi with aro Bftw . rr' ....I. Trii..inf. be proceeded Ltntt wtat bad monopoly 18, gtoltOff U1C wuuiw Bit iu the South a a j"-f i u ,nt one iiiiiimcr n v,s,t 10 L t, sought out niiotlicr young . ..l.wi. i nmlfirxtnnd that you jws-u. - lilnntifieof my nbsenco from ilutnoDtb to go cuiiiiik on . ... i. . " ire mlitflkco," the other man rei 'It I cr wior, .ums .. . ..... t.i i Uroirn, tuat o uecu cawim ifeD, iir.H laid tlio first, "Hint mo difference. I've cot my eye Ltltbeni cirl." Two huuseia for itny. tali only odo place in tho world i the tun sets twice dally, turn kit it Leek, in StnfrordHlilre. Tho i cf tbls is that n Jugged moun- It b lituited to the went of tho undln the evening tho nun seta lit tad darkness comes on. Then tint inoset occurs, the gnu lamps ldttpareutly night haw set In. tlthu Dot, for in the space of nn r or to me sun rcnppcnra ngnln i the opening nt the side of tho Uln and daylight nRnln nppenra. lights are extinguished and iftt ipln prevails, until tho sun pidndi below -fJie opening, nnd iRcona lunset occurs and night i to tuj. Morlnc Clieete. Till jou start tho cheese this way, r uld the thin hoarder at din- Nfi not ume for cheeso yet" laid kfit bosrder. but It you start It now it will w:j get nere by the tlmo I'm J for !L"--Yonkers Statesman. ifli tray of the Hsytlen Republic t in DMtMmI fnr tli a .... flu en doty. Curing Clam of Dlaanao. DlRonHod need oats aro now medi cated while pausing through elevators, a number of tho grain elevators of Indiana having been equipped for tho purpoHO. Tho peculiar ailment to which oats nro most susceptible is known as "smut" nnd unless treated such oat produce very Inferior crops. However, tho disenso can bo cured qulto easily, and the medicament Is simply formaldehyde, that much abused germicide. To treat tho oats a veritnblo drop or chute about threo feet square nnd forty to fifty feet high Is prepared, on the insldo of which aro placed shelves or deflectors sloping downward, alternat ing on two opposite sides from top to bottom. As tho grain drops from tho top It Is thrown from sido to sldo by thy deflectors and thus thoroughly mixed. Ity means of a small steam pump tho , formaldehydo is then thrown, In tho form of n flno spray, against tho falling grain near tho top of the drop. IJy tho tlmo tho grain reaches the bottom it is thoroughly moistened, being allowed to remain In this condition several hours, after which It Is run through tho drop n second tlmo, with a bljtst of cold nir rcplnclug tho stream of formaldehydo pray, by, which It Is thoroughly dried. A.KIiik' Punctuality. All men ngrce In tho abstract that j "punctuality Is tho soul of business," ; but fow act up to tho maxim with tho strictness of tho king of the Belgians. i Wherever or howovcr ho may travel, whether tho visit bo of 'business, pleas ure or ceremony, ho Is punctuul, not only to tho hour, but to tho minute . It might also bo said to jtha second. And yet his majesty is never seen to 'consult a watch. Hut his familiars know that his habit of passing his hand along his flowing beard Is only a devico for glancing at a small watch which he wears fastened to his wrist London Globe. Oonoromtty. Beggar Pardon, sir, but this nickel you gave mo Is lead. Ucnovolent Old Man Why, so It is! Well, keep It, my mnn, as a reward of your honesty. Lo Journal. . Humorous HEUMATISM CANNOT BE DUBBED AWAY PCltd nir u j . " . uiiti, turn it, is uuiuiiu to iuu uic RSvS! i,!imets 0 ,8 etc- Thla treatment does good in a way, llfleblmvl A 1 vusuumum iu more luaabKin uccp, 'vMum i innot be "MX away. Rheumatism is brought on by 'lariruh rr. eyf , Poor bowel Rcl!o"i stomach troubles nnd a pen M Kd off H le ,8y8tem. Ti,e refuse and waste matters, which irribiir " unc ncld ad """ffitthin, ili.r.",14.'.. en instead of Wttd tissues it fills them M other SrUCC U,C acll. Kheumatisiu , While at work for tho 3?. O.&P.lt.B. In the iiwampy reg-ion, X contracted Rheumatism and was completely help less for about four month ana spent over$lBO.OOwlthclootorB,butffotworso every day, and anally quit them and be Ban H. B. S. I took a fow bottles and was cured sound and well. My health Is now anlendld. and X woltrh 175 pounds. There Is a lady living- near ma XlieuumtUm. JPor two months she could rl0.0"1!"11 dampness are NsUnV i l,e ncfve3 become ? w4 Tuff V";, the iinta 1.7:. su and tn ofr-.. hfc-SaS0? the ktim.ckcd it often lenvM it tin r?n.Dt be rubbed Ntfiu."clff a Perfect who la now taking- S. 8. a. for aouta XtlflUmutlam. Ifnr two utontha aha could nlngr your medlolne about three wooka ago baa Improved rapidly, and is novi able to alt up. X can recommend S. S. 8, toaii urrerlnar fromHheumutum. Utah, N. O. 8. O. IjASSITEB. ,1wm severely troubled with Bhauma; tism. Z had it In my kneoa, letrs and ankles, and any one who has ever had Xheumatlsra knows how exornolatlnrf the pain ia and how it interferes with one at work. X was truly in bad shape having- been bothered with it for ton year, off and on. A looal phyaloian ad vised mo to use 8. 8. 8. I did so, Aftor taking two bottles X notlood the sore neas.and jpaln wero greatly reduced, X continued the medicine and was thor OUfrhlv curnil! nil naf.ii. aoranaiB and in flammatlon g-one, I raoommond 8. 8. 8. o au Aneumatio sunerars, J. Jj. AONEW, 803 B. areenbrier St. Bit. Vernon, O. VKdf800" Pro- tfe!aiuPie.l,cllanBe in tbeVn. 8 2?huwbodv J. ""id blood is made ntire and rich, and as it coca 1W. u"a"L3.n"d soothes the irritated nerves, cases the throb VM aaTBTBTBTaTaTM SaBBB. s blug muscles, and dissolves and carries out of the system the irritating particles In the joints which are keeping up the Sain ana lniiamtnntion, a, a. a. cures heumatism permanently, and in addi tion tones up the digestiou and stimu latea the different members of the body to their full duty eo there is no caune Iwt webloiCiliff raste time tryinar to nib Uheumatism away, but itsd.? yo m contin.. i 8 S' 80 tlRt u cold and dampness of Wintei ' mlctj advjet i will 1 be gl a0ny' lscM koolc on JUieuuia- Tommy Hnvo you met tho now teaclicr yet? Teddy Yes; after school tlilo noon, Ho won Ex. "Hay, father, what is a 'nobody?'" "A nobody, my son, is a prominent woman's husband." Washington Life. Tcss Do you think Mario's photo graphs do her Justico? Bess Yes; Justico tempered with mercy. Detroit Tribune. Youngwcd I want accommodations for my wife. Hotel Clerk Suite? Youngwcd You bet your llfo she is. Washington Life. Kojected Suitor I may bo poor now, but there was a time when I rode in my carriage. Tho Oirl Yes, when your mother pushed It. Grit. "Paw, is It true that death loves a shining mark?" "I suppose, bo. Why?" "Nothing, only I should think you'd feel n good deal safer If you wore u wig." Chicago Tribune. Klrst Old Maid Tills census report says there aro 3,000,000 bachelors in tho United States. Second Old .Maid Yes, nnd the mean old thlnir flnr-xirt give their address either. Washington Lire. IMggmus To tell tho truth, wo havo to treat our cook as a member o the family. Dlsmukcs Great Scott! That would never go in our house. Wo havo to treat ours as a visitor. Washington Life. Al do Mustard Your wife's costume to-night ia charming. It simply beg gars description. Justin do Hunch And that reminds me of a conundrum why am I like a description. Scis sors. McCush Is tills true that I hear Do Mush That I'n. engaged? Yes. Congratulate me! McCush I can't congratulate you on marrying any girl who is fool enough to want you. Cleveland Leader. "Mrs. Spudsworth, it seems to me," said Mrs. Oldcastle, "is rather Inclined to loquacity." "Still," replied her host ess, as she straightened the ?1,000 rug, "for a person as tall as her it ain't so bad as though she was shorter." Chi cago Kocord-IIcrald. "That's an auction piano your daughter's got, isn't it?" asked the sar castic woman next door. "No, Indeed I" replied the proud mother Indignantly. "What nuido you think that?" "Oh, probably because it's 'going, going, go ing,' ail tho time." Philadelphia Ledger. Ill Tragedy Ilnnun made his debut as a star last night, and I hear his audience was very cold. Lowo Com edy Yes, they wero at first. HI Trag edy Alii only rit first? Lowe Com edy Yes; then they remembered that they had paid to get In, and they got hot. Catholic Standard. J Mrs. Ikkl 1 wish you wouldn't bo bucu a ugui-wau: i iiavent.u ining to wear. Mr. Ikkl Illlnkln' Borealls! Why, woman, you have'tho finest seal coat in two degrees of latitude! Mrs. Ikkl And what of It? There goes Mrs. Hlubbcrton swaggering around In a real seaietto coat with plush trim mings! Puck. "No," said Miss Winturop-Rradley WInthrop, "your nncestorS did not come over In tho 'Maytlower,' as mino did, and I cannot marry you!" "Do you know why they did not?" replied Mr. Johnstono Smythe do Jones. "Well, I'll tell you. They were not the kind of peoplo who travel on excursions." Saying which lie strode haughtily from tho room. Washington Life. A mnn who was "wanted" by tho police hud been photographed In six j different positions, ami tno pictures were duly circulated among the police. Tho chief of police in a country town wrote to police headquarters of tho city In search of tho malefactor a few days after the set of portraits. had boon issued as follows: "I duly received tlio pictures of tho six lillscrcants whoso capture is desired. I have arrested llvo of them, and tho Bixth is under obser vation and will be secured shortly." Encourage tho Children. Be careful how you criticise the ef forts of tho children. Tho clipped wing never grows again, ays Rrock port Democrat. Mako It a matter of conscience never to mislead tho child, for lie is a traveler newly arrived from n strange country. Allow him, as his world widens, to have opinions of bis own; let him bo a personality, not u mero echo. Hnvo faith Mn God for your sons and daughters. According to your faith so will It be unto you. Mako your homo the center of attrac tion to your children; let them feel drawn to you and It, llko tho ncedlo to tho polo. Respect tho secrets of your children, but do not worry Uiom to conildo in yoih KnllKhtonliiK tho Lnudlnily. "Coffc,o Is nerve-destroying," intl ma tod tlio penurious landlady as' she saw a movement on tho part of n now boarder to request a socond cup of co If CO. "How I wish you'd drink a lot of It," suggested tho bachelor, who had been with tho houao since Its Incep- tl0MVhy?"vaakod tho landlady, and tho other boarders delayod tholr mastica tions. "Then you wouldn't havo tho norvo to servo this concoction which hardly stains tho wator in which It is diluted." Columbus Dispatch. Msok Timber tfaoat. Across the great lakes In Canada there lies one of the world's largest reserves of timber. In spite of tlio tariff imposed much of Oils timber is today coming to the United States. The forests of tlio Dominion are begin ning to yield abundantly. More than 100,000,000 feet of plno nawlogs and square timber, during a recent season, were cut upon territory held under timber license from the crown. Much of Canada's timber land has not yet' even been explored. In tlio newly developed districts of Algoma, which aro close to the great lakes, It is estimated that tliero aro more than 300,000,000 cords of spruco and pulp wood, while In tho districts of Thun der Ray and Rainy River tliero are nearly 200,000,000 cords more. A belt at least 3,000 miles long Is believed to exist in Canada between Alaska and tlio Atlantic. It has been estimated that, at the present rate of cutting, the greatest timber resources of the United States tlioso of the Pacific coast will be exhausted In less than half a century. The annual cut of shingles and lumber In tlicso regions is 4,500,000,000 feet. Tho standing timber In Washington, Oregon and northern California at present is twice that of the original timber lands of tlio northern woods. Washington produces about as many feet of shingles and other lumber as Oregon and California together. This State is noted for Its shingles, there being more than 1,000 sblngio mills within Its borders. At Tacoma are lo cated the largest sawmills In the United States. $100 Reward, $100. The renders of thli tiarxir will bo nlcucd to learn that there 1b at lcastone dreaded disease that iclence hai been able to cure in all Its itagei, and that Is Catarrh. 11 all 'a Catarrh Cure is the only pojltlro euro known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Ilall'a Catarrh Cure In taken internally, acting directly ution the Mood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors nave so much faith in its curative iwworg that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. V. J. CHENEY St CO.. Tolodo. O. Bold by druggists, "6c. uairs family ruu aro tno dcsc About niril's-ICyo Itlnplc For hundreds of years lumbermen and cabinet-makers have been study ing to learn what causes maple wood to assume tho mottled and spotted form known as "bird's-eye." In a hundred rock maple trees perhaps one is a bird's-eye. Nobody can pick the specific tree out by Inspecting the bark or tho manner of growth. You may have to chop 200 trees before you find one, but it Is worth the sacrifice. Fact Is, the woodpeckers make all the bird's-eye maple there is In the world. In flying about the woods they come to a rock maple tree that yields very sweet sap In tho season when sap la running. Most birds like sweets woodpeckers aro very fond of sugar. . Having found a tree yielding a largo per cent of sugar, the birds peck holes In the trunk and tuen stand against the bark and drink tho sap as it oozes out After the sap has ceased to flow and the trees have leaved out new wood and bark form in those small holes. Tho pecking and sap-gathering goes on for years until the tree, having given up so much sap to the birds, be gins to furnish fluid containing less sugar. In ten or twelve years after the birds quit a tree the holes arc all grown up and nobody can pick out the big bird's-eyes from other trees that tho woodpeckers did not visit New York- Sun. rthymee of tho Season. When the summer time has ended and the saucy autumn breeze Gets to toying with the leaves on ell the brilliant colored trees, Ah, 'tis then the hearts grow lighter and the spirits start to rise, When tho frost is on the pumpkin and tho pumpkin's in the pies. When the days are growing shorter and the birds have gone away, And the corn Is growing riper In the fields from day to day, There's a rosy glow pervading all the hazy nutumn'skies, When tho frost is on the pumpkin and tho pumpkin's in the pics. When the hammocks havo been put away and open cars are gone, And you never see a tennis player chas ing on tho lawn, When tho collego people gather and you hear tho football cries, Then the frost is on tho pumpkin and the pumpkin's in tho pies. You recall with Iota of pleasure all the summer days could give, But since tho autumn days have started, then you know 'tis joy to live, As your mouth begins to water, and there's gladness in your eyes, When the frost is on the pumpkin and the pumpkin's in the pies. Chicago Chronicle. Modesty. Lieutenant I have a very pretty compliment for you. One of the young ladles thought I was tho author of your latest poei. Fllcgendo Blaettcr. Come Now Own Up You don't like those gray hairs, do you? And your hus band certainly doesn't like them. Then why not try a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor? It restores color to gray hair every time, all the deep, rich color of early life. And it cures dandruff also. "I certainly believe that Ayer's ITalr Vigor Is a splendid preparation for the hair and scalp, for I nave used it more or less for six years. 1 can cheerfully recommend it to any one In need of such a preparation." MR. Kate Uott, Minneapolis, Minn. I At Xadabr J.O.Ayer Co., Lowoll, JCass am aiio Iyer's EianuIiKJtareri of SAR5APAPJUJL PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. Beat CURES WHlt Alt tlSt FAIIS. Oouih Urrnn. Tastes (Jood. Da In time. Bold br dragawta. ... MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS fastest, lightest and strongest Btump ruller on the market. 11 Horse power on thestrtip with two horsei. Write for descriptive rtlo and prices. -- ' ' RBIBRSON MACHINERY CO. Foot ol Morrison Street Portland, Orezoa II CUp this out. return to us with the name and addresses of yourself and two of your friends, and tha date when you will probably enter a business college, and we will credit you with 5XX on our 65.00 scholarship. Our school offers exceptional advantages to students of Business, Shorthand, English, etc Best Instruction Lowest Tuition WIITC f0 CATAIOCUI 10 If! IStl THE MULTNOMAH BUSINESS INSTITUTE : M. A. ALBIN, Pace, a bixth 8T. PORTLAND, ORE.. At tho Market Price. ".Baron, what did you give your boya for birthday presents?" "Soldiers.' "And your daughter?" "I bought her one, too a lieutenant." Fllcgendo Blaetter. For forty year'a Flso's Cure for Con Sumption has cured coughs and colds. At druggists. Price 25 cents. No Improvement on Nature. Irato Patient Here! you told me these false teeth would bo just as good as natural ones, and they hurt me hor ribly. Painless Dentist Well, didn't your natural ones hurt you? Le Rlre. riTQ Permanently Cured. 27o fit or nervousness rl IU arterflratday'BUseofDr.Kllne'sOreatNerve Kestorer. Bend for Free 2 trial bottleand treatise. Dr.lt. U. Kline, Ltd. .931 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. When one has spent a day or more In visiting at a friend's bouse, ordinary courtesy demands that, on one's return homo, a note shall be written promptly to the hostess thanking her for her pleas ant hospitality. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnilow'a Boo thing Syrup the best remedy to use lor their children during the toothing period. Ills Last Beat. Tho editor of the Punkvllle Pesti lence had stood the taunts of the vile opposition as long as he could. He Anally armed himself nnd waited on his foathsome contemporary. "Where's the editor?' he shouted, as the office boy opened the door. "He's dead.' Shot himself last night" "Scooped again, by snakes I" Cleve land Leader. Don't Get Wet! TOWER'S SLICKERS will keep you dry as nothing else will, because they are the product of the best materials and seventy years' experi-' ence in manufacturing.' A. J. TOWER CO. Boston, U.S.A. TOWXtt CA2MJ3UX CO., Ltd. Toronto, Can. atl Dr. G. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chi nee Decor la callid great because be cures people without opera tion that are given up to die. lie cures with those woi dsrful C'nl nf3 herbs, roots, bud, barks and veietablts that are entirely un known to medical sc.- ente In Ih's cjnn.ry. Th ojgu be use uf mess hirmlefs remedies tbls (annul no.Mor knows lueactiou of over 500 d.ftertn remedies wblh h 'cefsrulljr uses' In differ, n diseases. Ha tiara i teitocureca'a rb.astbma.Iunir.ibr ar. rl eu ua lain, nervoi.sn-ss. stomach, liven kid n etc.; has hundreds of testimonials. (Jharees moderate. Call and see him. Patients out of the city write for tilankr and c rculars. Bend stamp. CONSULTATION FliKE. Address THE G. GEE CHINESE MEDICINE CO 1 62J4 first St., S. C Cor. Morrison Mention paper. PORTLAND, OREGON. P. N. U. No. 45-1905 WHEN -vrrltlnp to ailvertlaers pleaae mention tbls paper. Send postal for "Book of Presents" All grocers f JaquesMfg. Co, Chicago If till. $3.50: Phir.SOc. 1. PRUSSiAN STOCK FOOD, the Greatest Conditioner and Stock Fattcncr known. HORSES do more work on less feed. COWS Rive more and richer milk. HOGS grow and fatten quicker if given this food. MAKES PIGS GROW. GOOD FOR STUNTED CALVES. lhaTo been fredlne lrussian Stock Food to ray thoroughbred swine. It Kites them an appetite and makes the pics arrow, I also tried it on stunted calrea with satlatao tory resulta-F. w. OKOOME, Elgin, Neb. FREE: GS-page Hand Book. Prussian Remedy Co., Si. Paul. Minn. PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland. Oregon, Coast Acents DR. W. A. WISE We do crown and brjdgeworlc without pain. Our 18 yean' experience In plate work en ables us to tit your mouth comfortably. Dr. W. A. Wise baa found a sale, way to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Dr. T. P. Wise Is an expert at gold rilling and crown and brldg-ework. Extracting frao whan plates or bridges are ordered. WISE BROS. DENTISTS Falling; Bids., Third and Washington Sis. Opeu eveniugs till 9 o'clock. Sundays from 9 to li Or Main 2029. HE ATTENDS TO BUSINESS vho goes straight to work to euro Hurts,Sprains,Bruises by tho uso of St. Jacobs Oil and saves time, money and gets out of misery quickly. Price. 25o, and 50o. . "i- ''; H PUTNAM hAUfc.Lfc.SS DYfc. KHOWH ClUftUU mini iwwyi A?'v from it mnn? Wo'l! uot you lmvc, ninny hm: swift roirw ooH Atlanta a timo. Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally el and ki iiuarantccd to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will seRd post paid at 10c package. WrM for free booklet hew to dye. bleach and wU colors. MONKQC DRUG CO.. UnloHvMe. Mbturi. p 5 1 Ik