tic Madras Pioneer MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THflfeSJ&Y; ftoV. Iff, 1905'. NO. 13 - Ff:SSlONA'L HARRIMAN TO TAP PlNTRAI flRFRflN unDlQ JEWtLCn Pun" .., PAIRING $.1,160,000 has Rfin St (Ml 41 imuaoN Aside for Projected Railroad. ...hl'LillKB DENTIST : ....... .( .M)iinM6 price. ' MnTAhV PUBLIC ohegon :N0TA(lV PUBLIC Diet II N""!"" GREAT EMPIRE S WAITING Extension of Mnrrlmnn System Across tho Stato Is Certain In yiow of , the Competition of (lie Mill Roads. Tho northwest (livinioii of the Ilarrjnmn railway system has hH nfiide $4,100,000 for Iho con struction of a, "projected, line" in 100.) and 3000 and has an ri mi need the fact, but will no make public tho identity of tin line unde.r eonHiderntioti, its lo cation qr its 'extent, says the OREGON I Oivgonian of Nov. 10 Genoial Manager J. P. O'Brien when naked tip to whether thin n .. I ... .1 1 i ...i ..u mini in fiun appropriation nau 10 uo wun IflKl. rllDLIU ftnu ... , .AaitniAAiniirn I . . - 6 H UM M HE U roiitnerl.nt irmri Hirninrh thu ottKooN :"tral pur,t of the state gave a knowing siuilu, but no words. "I have beep ntked that ques tion a great many tihies today," he said, "and I will have to an Hwer you ae l did tliuao others who wished Uo know, that Oregon hove nothintr to flav one wav or the other." "That information was ex pected," Mr, O'Brien Syus told. 'But will you tell whether it is the Tillamook road,, the Coos bay lino or some othert" "I have heard that the com pany who interested in the Til lamook road," was the reply, t'nttrl T YtMitit t r ufixr tltnf- tliu ft 4411 V4 A, IT ,J OttJT IUUI' IIIU V R. & N. or tho Southern Pacific OnEcoN has no interest in that road. We have no -connection with . ., Ij . DRAKE WANTS DAMAGES C8LIHH I0TARY PU Jiwa or Tits I'; pIIblic jmti or use mcs tnVER WIECIMT BOOK til na u iihi.i.iih VlWinil HUH UU IIMUVII OStt k lirug tUuro onnooN luiumn ix uuiiui.un SmvtftoUXto Market 5. Dnnl Tiffin 0 Juyue anu me line into mai 1 OST UIIIC8 oIOFB country is not our project. The mmrg,M Tin n Ihfl hirfflne'J j a;rotrtrlwly Tot omen l!H.n ttt t...l J. .11 i... . ---mi i unit H milt MI AMI riT u .1 . . Htfi rurnl(lnK, ,Mn all M lu 13a hnr aiA,m Cooa bay ioadia already pro vided for and the appropriation of $-l,100,(Kk) does not apply to it." "Then the extension bf the Southern Pacific line .frdm Na tron and across the state is the only line which will, or would, ZLY GREP(1N re(luro lnnfc HtitbUut ofl money UU,N to conutruct?" But Mr. O'Brien smiled once more and kept his counseh i -i i i LINK ACROSS OKNTRAX. OKKGON Railroad talk, and many indi cations, and a ripened bourse of events, to say nothing of pros pective competition, all point to the one conclusion that the Bar riman system is at Oast to send its trains across the central plains of Oregon,- that before anbthuryear has bassed. The lino was recommended for con atruction when General Mana cor Mokfer Was at the head. Since that time it lias been held itnabeahco. The surveys have boeiiiuHdo, the cost has been estimated, and of late surveyors in tlio employ of the Southern I'll.. II. I !-. in' VMiu.tKi xMmiW'.SM'NI line is seeking a route to the ii .i.. i .. .. vwiHt Mirougu me medium ol A. M.Drake, former presidon inu om v,ermai uivgon overland of the Pilot Btute Development i.m. , .u.u uie n-stieHS tmikiing Company whose irrigation inter oJ this company under the guise ests in tho Bend . country were of the Wyoming & Northwest- purchased by. the jpeschutes era and tho Idaho & North .vest- irrigation & Power Company, ein has revived the story and l,a9 filed suit against the latter given u auueu lorce. From tlio company, in which it is alleged o.M.tn uuBiiiu one is reacmng that tile company has tres- up to the Klamath country from massed unon the Drake nroner Nevada and California ; until tv to the extent of fcioon ilum Central Oregon id practically ages, and the plaintiff prays the iiu uunverging point oi many court for a permanent injunc ojoiuinn. ( tlon restraining the irrigation faces 8KUI0U8 ooMilKTmoN company from proceeding with Tho Northern Pacilic is com- i,s work until such time as the inir to P ntlnnd dinu-.tlv nnd court has passed upon the I -j - " - - w ' 7 I n'l tai nly and by so doing will merits of the case. have an easy and a.shorter line -Tll suit originates in the fact from the Coast to Chicago. The t,,at t,le company is operating Harriman lines are brought face out8ido of the line of "J?"1 of to face with this serious compe- WSiY that is designated in the tition and something has to be dtied fiiven t0 the irrigation done. The road now used along company by A. M. Drake in the ColntnbisL jtnd over t1w.1ii(J March 1904, when the latter mountains is all up grade and 8old h'8 riBlu !"le and interests . 1 " .. .1... T-V I. . tortuous, and in comparison to in u,e -ueacnuies irrigation pro many other routes slow. Some- i)ect to t,,e company mentioned, thing has to be done, and is now At that time it was stipulated nhmir ti hH rlnni. that the company should have From Portland to Natron nn right of way,, 00 feet-wide, over the present Springfield branch "orth east quarter of sfection ol the Southern Pacific is an ia in lownsiup souuioi range easy .gmde, laid practically in;a 11 eaHt he tracfc now invplved, straiirht liuet The lift across but.fhSirifht of way should be I he Cascades by the use of mod ern engineering is no harder or greater on- longer .than, that across the Blue mountains, upw in use. Tlio line across ttie cen inoludedjin an area of 60 feet on either side,of the central survey line. The company in4order to hold its-grade and make better supports for its flume has found i i miuem. H.Biu.vix.Awt.Cimlilfr, W fiatiooal Bank ESTABLISHED 1800 Mnliil.'.S'. w,uuo,oo T. o . I I in nir 1 ! In onornllnn "in oi rougli: S55S"! oon 1 1111 m w' McEKIN, Props, X In W oil kl JYl p "p T3 I Pacific have again lieon bver the .mi JTv. i territorv u Encroaching railroad tsonipe- ' titinn. nf Vvlitnli thn -nnlilllt frna AWu. K 't . (i . ... rttG0N 6omo Knowledge and of Whion ssm iiumiman uouotioss muon oje;l forcing tho handr the DuKhrn (Pa'ciiio and G,iR,'& W. i.l J. 1' .1 lit.... II. i!.' lHieioHis' anu compeunig. mem to bfcntyy the rich iieltl of into"- nor uregon, or loavo intouiioso t..li jl.. . . Ti I f . w. J. 3 ftltfikt i- nri5 coining, ii i ib aoi in u, nunts t(l,. jry, as win -ue tne iX)H0 wuon 1 " .T i i f '.A V. I A'l tral imrb of the state is one.lonir il neccessary to move a few feel reach of easy grade aud asy out8'lde of prescibed area, construction through -a . fabu- nence lua, suu' ,wmcu wm De l.inolv rtrtl, n,l nrnnfinallv rir. iriea at .Uie.D.QXD term OI Uie CUT gin ciuntrv. Joined at Ontario pu" ,'UUi,' iU i"t-y ' v" " " I -prs nun nnuuiufl nu Short line the new road would I nppno nupninu un make a Ohort and direct route SUMPTER VALLEY ROAD to the East. These are the grounds for tho belief that the Tuesday of last week the first Harriman system will construct tram was run over the Sumpter the Central Oregon road. Valley Railroad from Sumpter M. Hnrrinmn never makes to tne terminus at Austin. Tile j. I i - .! n appropriations and announces roaa opens up a ncn region, ana them unless he is about readv the development ot the country to begin to use them, by which is given a greater impetus from it may be lnierred tnaf con-L11 uuvem. ui iuo ruuu. avion Hirnction on the new troiected farming and timber land are ..- ' .. inewill not long be delayed, tributary to the road November 1, 1000, is the date It is said the present trathc of set for the first Northern Pacific the road can hardly make it a inr-nmntivn to fiomn into Port- paying investment, ana it is land over the north bank line conjectured that the road will down the Columbia. Prom that eventually oe extended to$urns date the competition in passen- in IJarney county and draw its gor ana ireignc Dusiness oe- ouoioumivo tuo ni-u muu fvvHPti Afr. TTnrrimnn find Mr. lug ana StOCK COUUtry in ttiat Hill will wax warrm The sum vicinity of $4,100,000 has been set apart The road is narrow gauge, but for n. nroleoted line to be con- una been built to 'accomodate a slructed in 1005 and 3900, and broad track,- and has cost more ti... Poniinl Oi-po-nn will annul, than $12:000 a mile. Wrades izetho advantage trained but he a'e so stefip in places mat Northern Pacific in coining to wonder is expressed that trains Portland on its own tracks. can be run over them. Contractor Archie Mason of this dace did the fcradiriir on A great empire will be open- the Sttmptev Valley road, and it ii i . . if X" il. i ea by tne construction oi uie ig s ken of ftS a magiiifiCent Central Oregon road as it is in j: bB of worjc tonuea'to goy, rroranuuuu um ti . line1 will tjlinib the banks of the ijalles'Chronicle: Yesterdav Mkldle Fork and will follow in W; -Pi 'Nelson, tho colitraotor a ceneral way the. old wagon 1 who became so well known to road (liTOtigll and across the j Dalies people while working on Oasoadvo to the vicinity of Ores- tho GreM Southern, ai rived from out lake; From there tho way Portland! with twelvemon to is oasytacross Lake, Harney and take up field woik on tho exten Mnlhmir counties tollarney and ion of tliktroad from Dufur to Malheur lakes, t&Jiic'a .up tlie Tygtr. Bhginoers are nov. t-n-Malheur river to Ontario and a guced iii'.aeUiii grades, atakeS junction witll'tRe t). H. & N, ( U distlvnce of tenty-tw' miles'. ' All 'of this country is wonder- Yesterday' a 'conterence vrtts fullv'vich ia' prospect and in was Hold at 'Tyghi at which hV present faol, and is easy of ao- terested laftdown'Bts of tlUt d oesS ohce thtf mountains aro re (rlutilietoiUcia i the'coittpAny orosBed. 'Dlruglns oounty, With and jusfas sochi as satisfactory ts minos; Iake, llarhey and ftVrangehlontsiVto cohipieted'ror ' U. .!.' I . 'I J - . i ,n it wilt MKlheur 'coitnt es with tiraiv rignt UT way '.aua other aetaus stock and-thoir..niiUions of aores ttla UhWstdod that (he road will b started t mnm Wheat rrf-i - t OUR NEW FAL1 GOODS ARE HERE Ladies' andlChll-iren's tints, Capd'aod' Bonnets Buy a Dw.- Jnpket.. AH solng at Half Trice , , - Erery mail needs a new Fall Hat taejii and see (Mrs '& can (It you out in auy kind of a Suit, from a a.. I . . i . . i . . r i f . iiiv a mew pair nr mm Before tlxe wet weatlxer And Don't Forget We Sell a Nice', Clean Line of Groceries X lJRfaA"toT: J:AMR Prnn. - A raimonn uuiiding. MADRAS, - OREGON 4- ASSIGNEE' S SALE 3 r UK r The entire stbek of goods of fi , Jl MXtLOY & COMPANY is .-offered bli the .uhdepsignea . -at ferine? far below their worth for Cash. A -I rf zRXsr ' .d trr AM persphsihUebted toaidnfihm rerreqiiestid to make setllment to me. " " . ... J. M. FOSTER . un 11: ... 1 - f" e Me'rcfianfs Profeclive 01 ler Mills ime fnffusfry Madras R use Madrar Flour - Patronize B.-bfel. L'6)ff, $4.40 per BiBgle bBi.,' 4'.50 per Single Sack, . v. 1.15 . Mill feed and chopped feed klivays or. hand nsEa-rlcet price" p&i3fpb w-ixeat - All Products of 1VIS11 jStId git Store Only FULL STOCK GROCERIES also AU SHOES bblv bbf. Tv N&$aGoodS Arriving Daily CRIili RfiQ SEE US, Oti$ POISES BLE IGflT MADRID MIUJNGl .'MERDTitlE do. IVI adras, -,Orgon BO, ale .rOilXTY DAYS 0'tM . " JtfV BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING Of all .kiik(D-wa also carry, full and oowpletellnenf.pUocerlea and Hardware, jgenta for Mitqliell Wagons, paqks, liugg!e, Carte, PI owe, Harnesa, Drills anil all klude of farming itapletnenta -and tnbJs. JOHNSON !?5i t! 4 p!rin5 pltedj then vm Ifc Main St.i trir!6iii6, bre, (Coucludol ou l'flgu 8)