dtoh0ndln Shaniko duf for dis it. . turned -r , billed lor ! 1.. ned Tuesday from a IljiltS. , . . . i.ndncis visitor in nn Tuesday wis in ' .i.tkftfliood. .j he Haystack neioor- it " . UstSaturuay. 1mj. ' K.iifftu nr : . . to anaimw ...'.(. rrlnrnrd the rtnaina " .. . ...u,nma viMiinUiiui , r-turntd on Friday fiom ': ,..4 f f,eiilit for local rf, be D. S, & L. L0.np.my , " a visitor ia town duting , " ",c ofihe week. 1 'I l1 . ..t t Jk Ill ' . iV, 1n( nrrnss from L.f utl trt nl'irr1 ' l.ftL. tnnl Until One hundred bushels of stootbvest of Madras. W, Turner, administrator oi 51 VPiiiCS jyciiiiWii, tn Kiai . i i. -i. . ..... , - o , - 1 av0innr hnim- Nmllt nl 1. r h.w.i,... .wit 1 urn. f to i firm or town property k h the Madras Realty 'JMn, Oregon. Office in H' 'ipgat manufacturer from ... mini uuilll).' IIIC .J .1. . to. It.-... . . . -"VVU.U4J icasco mr nni.i Mclcd' by Mrs. Archie til t,L Scbmh.r ...t. 1 ""i "u nils ueen MciKMIt, 11111 . . Lilt... r. . .1111 nr GM'Ari Visit nk .. I. "nu lltllUJ, Cl a tOlnhllnnu ....!. the .: r.v' nip litt. and also nf ii luicr nmi i.! ... - uiuay lookim. nf.,.. 'rm MaJm. -1- , " ""i remain ho- . H,y(,nsiii,i.. eoai... '. t,,.ui roin. "iiunnii 11... . "v, Linir. it it. 1 . "went. t"'".:"w' 1 Iirillau QnnL tfk.. 1 eHl IIIILI 11 b fh , '"'yfluJnuli,!.. " , . J. Ilroolcs. EllPi.l . 7rni tntown v....i.. n't ... . - i-"i u v "-vn 3oo fcel . - VI U.' 1 . . . 1 , nlcle of ImprovementsThe' Throngr-Butlness and f M Social Eventsr-Itema Condense - , Intnes Madness has rented the Irn Id). nm house, and is innjrinf; a number of im pr.ivctncnts in ft. As, oon as tliey arc completed he and Mis, Magnets will be at home to their friends, J. C. Sothman, who spent a portion of the summer and fall fn Minnesota arrived home Monday. He wns at hi. former home and reports a successful trip in con nection with his business. Crops were uyrly fjood In Minnesota this season. Mrs, B, H. I3ean and her (laughter, Miss Pearl, were fn town on Tuesday from their homo near Hay Creek. . The friends of Mr. E. H. Dean will be glad to know that he has sufficiently recovered to be able to make a trip ovtjr o Hay Creek. Affix Ltindilpmnti la Joo.nl nRont for Norwloli Union Ffro Insurance HorIflv, ono of tho nMwt mid Ntroitgcot of tlio old-lino oornpnnk'K. If,,you dvnlro In fturniironn your property, lie will ho Kind to plaoo It for you In thin com pany. James Kaas, who spent a portion of the summer and fall in North Dakota, arrived home Tuesday. He had a fine trip and icports times pood in N. D , hut the cold weather there caused his thoughts to return to Oregon, where the lovely au tumn weather continues until after Christ mas time. m u '.i r tj.:-i ..... ! . 1 I ..I a.rtfl 1131 ..... ... ... wtiw VII HtU ins' j most prominent stockmen in the northern . i T..mi.nr v.ir.1 iPlrt of Crook county, being a. member of duly 1 lumber nn . ' I windows ttl ItriCl'rt I""- - " " " j i hciimji niciiiuci, nil. JUJVi icvcuuy inru. ! TliJ firm Is thn l:irfpsl owner of rnttlf in li. U. Cook, who lives about four miles smith of town, brought us two samples of winter radishes last Saturday, raised on his place without irrigation, which are, im msnse. One of them is 6 inches in dinm- rOr nru n lnrhiB Inner nni! llii nit-tr house, and now ii tonts . " .... ' , , . 7 i2 inches in-diameter and o inches in length. .This peaks well for a country where the growing Mason was as dry as this one was this year. The literary society held a meeting Irst Sunt day evening and completed rcorgani ia'ion. Hcnrv Conrov was elected re- .( ; cii'inng scciciary anu vcnu uuiicks v na A5M.CW 10 I00K nilCf CM.HC i! . i r I.- ftppled n pflitor ot the sncielvnnr.fr. company at Heislcr, was in . . . . wll nf nrnm,, ,n . ,,. - .... aever.ii ntiuitions were mnue in mc mcin- I esting programme is being prepared for J the next meeting, which will be held i n Saturday evening, Nov, 18. Everybody faglrtst the Grizzly Luke , ls ,nv,,cd to a,tcml ",c cllnKs- The Wilkinson family, composed of Ita Wilkinson and wife an two daiightcis. Misses Bessie and Niva, just from Minne apolis, Minnesota, anived' in Mndt.s Wednesday enroute to Bend. They were met at Shaniko by their son, Ray Wilkin son, who has been a resident of the Herd country for about a year. Mr. Wilkinson has several dozen chickens with him, thor oughbred Buff, Vhile and Barred Ply mouth Rocks and Light Brnhmas, ai.d will make a, specialty of the poultry busi ness at Bend. Everything Mint 60 Quick Monotor Closing-Out Sato of Expos' llon, Slightly Usod, Rontod ord Snmplo Stylos of Pianos, Pianola Pianos, Pianolas, Etc., at Enormot'o Reductions at Ellors Piano House. .Tut received word that ourChrl't- teilll vnn ' . . . - ... . . . -'v iiuutip out tins I lng, Wobors, KlmbillB, J Pianola . -t It (V oil. Ill ' ' ' ip'uprc or nr cu. i-iiuiik. riHiiniiiH. cm, win arrivu 111 u lltS0 41,ilU III'! ' f" pouted, hut wo tnst miUto rooiii ()iilol.. Wo must havo till tho floor apace In our lm, Geo'Ec Stevens sUon, pllKbtly uaed, routed nud wimji'o "P from M,i styles nr nano, i'iauoih rtunoa, rian- 'llllt', otu. Mn"y InBtrumenta wero rented lo liotelHHiidroomltig-liotiHeH for the tetm "f tho ExjioHlllnn, All Imvo bien thorouglily gone ovor In our repair N. m Lane General Blacksmith and Wagon Maker MORSnSHOniNQ A SPECIALTY All Wrk OiiarnDtMil hop, mid how arc hi our rcH ilpuru mi'llt, gOOll H8 imw ll) addition. w nrn imlni in nl rT ----- v V put diirlliK tbl Hlo 8ll(jhlly iiumI plftiliiH, oiiu bi'lnjt tnlii. aH jmrt my- l..!! .... it... ft t uuiik nil iiiu J IHIIHIIl I'lUIIO, or fjlltdlt- erliigH, Wi-lmrn'or KlmbulK Mnuy ot, tli'i-m Imvu only liemi In Iiohich for h Mhort linio, A lew Hiunplo piitiiOM uImo InoluiJtd. Evory'thliiK mi'iNtit. Not u UuhtIoii of profit; w muni jjVt rid of tliiMii In douhln qiilclr. tluio, and we havo ruurked tlicni down to prttot fciilJ coHt prlctt, l-9,ok These Over Two dainty Lnuonduf, S3i5 tylo, now $105 each. Fiuo MurHbitll & Wwiidtdl, omU ciinb, nftw $218. lu-atitt-ful Hobiirt M. Cable, lurgeHt -l;e Culil (Hit Grand, allghtly inuircd, Hiyle, now $250. Ueautlful Hully, hirgeMt mIxo, Colonial atyle, $12. A tli.c new Lentor, be'iutlul walnut cine, Ubtly diunnged In trminit, $2S2. I.a,rgeB HlzedHliiger, fanciest case, $165Mtu'olli-' r Hlnger, not qulto ho large, 5148. Fine Ollbi'tjt Co., upright, rullnUe old Boston nake, good as now, $187. iieautlftil BtuyyHttnt, taken uh pun piiyinenton Pluncd lano, now $250 l'nnoleBt atylo Weaer Btoh. Orobehtral Grand, $218. Flno Ultimo mahogany case, $178. BenuUful Jacob Doll ma hogany, $210. LHrgest siaed Whitney, beautiful, oak case, good us now, $218. Elegant Omaha Exposition Htyle Kim ball, $318, Another flno Mursliull & Vond.nll, mahogany 6use, $235. Larg-out-hlaed Wing & Son Orchestral Grand, $128. Magnificent wnlnutcafe, IJrlnkerhofr, $200. Lurgent-tilzed Buub $210. Jlegant walnut cane, $500 Htyle SobTller, uovy 2.l1k. Beautiful Ilurd, man, largo uize", only allghtly ued, f2fiL7. Flno Wesley, oak case, $138. Beautiful Vlotor, Colonial Htyle, larg est tdze, 8275. Two fine new Tease, diecounted Btylcfl, $200 each. Wili Go Quick, Remember, there iu no time to lose. Every iriHtrument will go quick at these low figures. .Don't delay. Come, write or telephone at once. I'uymenlH to suit your convenience. Buy now, pay later. Pleesedo not fort get that Eilers Piano House guarantee uccompaules each Instruinentsnld, and If not found after dellveiy exactly sat isfactory or as reproHonted, your "mon ey back." Ellors pjmio Uoune, Retail Department, 351 Washington street, corner Park. HwnHMMM1MrMMMaMnMMHnaMHHH New Fall and Winter Millinery. New Dress Goods and Trimmings. The "Designer" Agents for Standard FIGURE WITH On Your Winter's Supplies PRICES SENT ON REQUEST Agents 1900 and 1900 Jr. Washing Machines 47 9 Shaniko Warehouse Company GENERAL STORAOE AND FORNVARDINQ Bpocial attention to Wool Gdlng Rnd Baling for KBt?rn ship montB. Dealers in HlnokainlOi Coal, Llmo nnd Buildera' Material of all kinds. Sulphur, Wool and Grain Sacks and Twino, Grain, Flour and Feed. Highest prico paid for Hides and Polls. Stock "Yards WlCb U tho latust and beat facilities for handling Stack. Mark Goods Care ot W. Co." T. G. CONDON, Haneer. TravcHnff hi New Auto. A patty composed of members of the Deschutes Irrigation $ Power Company were in town last Saturday on their way to Redmond, the new headquarters of the company. 1 '1 hey were making the trip in the new automobile recently purchased by the Central Oregon Transportation Coinuany. and which was mahufacturrd by the Oldsjnobile Company especially for iiac over the roads of this section oi the countty It is a light wagonette, and much lighter than the large machine man ufactured for them in Portland, yet capa ble o carrying about nine passengers. In the party were H. D. Turn.ey. presi dent of the company; Fred S! Stanley, secretary;.- J. O. Johnston, general mana ger, and E C. Baldwin, a large stock holder' in the company. They left Shan iko in the morning and. expected to reach Redmond, a distance nf Go miles, in the afternoon. County Teachers' Aleetlng. The teachers of Crook county will hold an institute at Madras the last Saturday in this inontlj, the work being in charge of County Superintendent Dinwiddie. An instructive and entertaining' programme will be given. It is expected, a large number of teachers will be pesent, and it is hoped to make this a notable event in the educational history ot the cointy. The ladies of this city and vicinity have started, the movement for a basket-dinner, and every one is invited to co-operate to make this occasion a success socially, as well as instructive to those present. Purchased by Les. N. Kelsay The Shaniko Ike, published at Shaniko, has been purchased by Les N. Kelsey, who was formerly connected with the Central Oregonian at Silver Lake. This is the 6rst paper published at Shaniko since the Leader was published there by W. Holder and S. D. Percival, about three years ago. The new paper seems to have a liberal advertising patronage, and Mr. Kelsey appears to be making a success ot his new venture. Epworth League atMethodist Hill The young people of the German M. E. church met Sunday evening, at 7:00 p.m. lor the purpose of organizing an Epworth League at Methodist Hill. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year; Jno A. Hoffman presi dent; Giliam Reichen, vice-president Jacob Moehring, secretary Marie Moeh ring, organist; Einil Zemke, treasurer Thirty young people jojned as charter members. Grain sacks for sale by G. L Hardy at the Loucks building. Prinevi'le's EPARTMENT CnrrleH the Largest and Beat Helecfed utock of dents' und LaiileH'' Ueify-Mi(Io Cloth-ng of uny et.re In Crook County Luteat styles, bout lit, lowest prices. Also a full mid complete line of everything need by tfie former 'nud ' stockman. Soud in u trlul order dud be convinced. WURZWEILER & THOMSON Ppneville, Oregon r a r"rrnM ANKING SHANIKO, Capital Stock, $25,0OQ J, W,PEEN0H, Pres. H. A. M00EE, Vice-Pres.) P. T, HUELBUET, OaabiV FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOLJGHT AND SOLr ZDrafts on .11 2?surts of tlie "W-xxu A. THE BEST LIVERY AND FEED STABLE - AT SHANIKq IS D. A. HOWELL'S Good stock, Careful drivers, JSest of hay and grain. Prices reasonable. rk.-i.T Vrr.-Af A ifkyfk TT W yfiT.rr tYt t M'ELROY 4 LACKSMITHING AND WAGON-MAKING Horseshoeing & WATRR-TANfi ALWAYS 1JL Hjl HJLJjffKl1 'P P M- - J- MARBLE ajd Of mm mmmim mum m I Antelope Drug" Company I ANTELOPE, OREGON 1 rrescrlption work a principal feature of this store. No substitution. . i . 1 nr..ll ..H.lnf. .n.nlifa icijftful otfanflnti (t .1.1 .la. A ACCUiaoy guuntuiecu. :uuu uiucin llvered in return mail. SELECT LINE OF PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES ! Z. F. MOODY Largo and Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited. Vrpinpt nUontlou paid to those who iavor us Ylth tholr patronage. SHANIKO, OREGON MADRAS . S MEAT MAfRKETj C. K. ROXJSI-I, Prop. S Keeps constantly d FRESH AND ) And pays tho hlglicst UMirketprice for Fat Cattle, ftp IIoK8,'Bheep, Butter, EggH, and other Pnrru Troduce. WE CAN SATISFY YOUR WANT g Madras STORE Anr r r. rv 1 GOMP'NY QREGjDN Deposits, $250,000 t.h TH?. Sjxnfstrtt it! t"V ytlr tfir -V T?k BROTHERS I Oregon q a Specialty and nRAIN-RAOS ON HAND ' B Lf-H 1 m -J- ip V rJ li A1 j WATTS MfiRRIF WHRKS WATTS & BAKER, PROP'S Marble and Granite, nvio isr xj.yr-osf q? ., Woodmen and lodge work a specialty Iron and Wiro Fencing for Ccn)etprlp. and Farms. AVe deal direct with quarries in PfiC . . Load Lots. THHtDALLES. OREGON! I- lotcuu VU.I..U1 ui.iuuk.uu kw- GENERAL COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT 'I on hand the best SALT MEATS Oregon CIYEUSA.CAU 2 8t water wt SHANIKO f. "OREGON