Mad MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY;. OCTOBER &6, 1905i NO. 10 Pioneer Fad -sdS-i ... I' fessional. CARDS I n MADIAS itv ....rinM DENTIST , VOH " 0&EGON DREbON mm V9TAHY PUBLIC fana oritur, ran: ; rVLVFK HlECISCT OREGON BOOK ...i'A lull allkiUfhll Ml a H B M 1 1 L I IU I It II IUH IB HI I ...... . n flirt In brtgfc'loro OltKOON i i nun 'L ' OflEQON 1. Lt . nWurQQinunR wi wamrniwwiwiiuii OIIKGON ice Store MfflM nd he bareans? p. will find jiinnuM)f - . '-i - t"v-. i-iii- riirnl)iint AUo nil ' rl nla a n 'Jl 1 nr uvki wan ii ii' unur vnn tMOUrmCES AKK IMf.llT ZLY GREGON BOW C&EEK 11 1 I t V wn in tmi-i-Bi-ni uinnp is li u'ullviu n- .""mill Id In nui.r..lln.. On linml . MmtniiU .... nvuu u- -'-vubu mr nifllllti.. V Oregon ma villi i mm inn WlfPVBMTDU UUU I III 111! I WAV on 18 UUi Ttftt NO. 10. -MItsJbIjt 8,1001. 'North' Iloiillil No. J. '.in. Mill Ml iilij 5: i.1 V-kL I I" 1. J.!i7 a m tu" ,.nr in. ...... mi ft 111 i, uf vvKUfi. rim. i .i JUDGE HUNT ON. THE HOMESTEAD LAW the Man Who Piles with IfonQst In s tentlons will Ue Protected. In Ills chuiKo to the jury in tho Jones-l'ottor-Wutlo land fraud calva in thq .fedaml court lust wuok, Judge iitint gave an exhaustive discourse upon the uomtiuteiid law. For the benefit of tho many readers of The Pio uoer who are settlers upon gov ernment land, we publish that portion which has reference to tho requirements as to residence and cultivation, and which is a clear exposition of the home stead law. . That portion of the charge which has especiaj bear ing follows. Vu now turn to tho home stead Jaw, whidh it is charged was violated by means of al leged false, illegal and fraudu lent proofs of settlement and improvement by the entrymon named in tho indictment. A valid claim under thp home stead law must invuriably rest upon tho essential foundation ol good faith upon tho part of the claimant toward tho Govern ment of tho United States. Tho grcjat object of.thejhome stead luwa of the United States was to grunt land to actual bona lide settlers, persons making settlement upon tho public lands for use as homesteads and to .encourage , residence upon cultivation and Improvement of tho public dpmain, Now, when it comes to final, proof tho applicant is asked, among other things, when his house was built on tho laud and when he, established actual remi deuce, and of whom, his family consists, and whether the nppli cant and his family resided con tinuously on the land since first establishing residence theieon, and for what perior or periods he has been absent from the homestead since making settle merit; and if temporarily absent, whether tho applicants f.tmiij resided upon and cultivated the land during such . absence; how much laud has been cultivated as to tho character of. tho land: whether ho has sold, conveyed or mortgaged anytpoition of the laud, and othef questions ap pearing in tho testimony on li- HENRY Jf, KUCK MAKUKApTl'lUUt Op Harness and Stock Saddles COWllOY OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. . Peajor In Collnrn, Whip, Hobos ntiilHKGti- crai linu of norm runiwiilnir uoodt, tuiiim Awnlngn nml Wngon Co van. All work gnur- - i i . i - KABCWna8t, " TIIHvAO.ES, Oro ATERS eoi line In Madrat Thte rrjo4teoit line In Madrat FURNlTUnE. UKDERTAKING GOODS. j. " L . ' A ton of .Barlif d Wire to dlsposn of at afo(r iuo for oasm NOW U THK TMK to 1HA Wo tiro hvtllug (Hit nil old Mock nt ii out prk'C OARKT SAMPLES AND RUCS C. R. LOUCKS &CO. Ma drat, Orgori 6th & C Sts. Harnes Shoo : 6. 6. IlARKIN, Pro'p.f ciitoE uftE tfmw AND Sti' HI ! MUWlBI I HE ht qujOity of Ripilrlap 1 " mn prooi, )ntencleU to elicit proof a8 to whether the appli cant has complied with the law as a boha lide owner, as an actual settler. Good faiti means honesty it is tho oppoalto of bad faith, and whether it existed or not is a question for you to determine, considering all tho facts and circumstances bearing upon the acts of tho homestead appli cants. To establish a residence as re f .1 1 . ii i . - quireu oy ine nomesteaa law, there must be a combination o act and mteii, tho act of occu pyirig and living upon the claim and the intention of mak ing the same a home to the ex elusion of a homo elsewhere Inhabitancy must exist in good faith, it is not a compliance with the homestead law for a man to file on a tract of land wilh no intention, of making i ins Home, with no purpose to live there, with no intention o: cultivating any part of it and o acquiring it for a place to reside in. Occasional visits made for a few hours,, or for,f.(day or two, every cix months, to a claim taken, up-as just stated and made solely for the pur pose of complying technically with the law, do not constitute . . lit i a compliance w:iu ine siatutes On the other hand, if a man is really in good faith and means to eslablislra homestead and in good faith settles upon the land and cultivates the same, and fixes his homo there, the law will sustain him in his applica tion and proof even though he be absent for not more than six month from such home, such absenco being in good faith with intent .to return to his homestead and being reasona bly necessary to 'enable him to maintain himself and his fam ily, or he would be excused if temporarily absent on account of sickness, or.unnvpidable cas tialty or necessity occurring af ter he has established residence on tho land. Crook Co.. Journal: Don P. Ilea, U, S. Commissioner at Mad ras, was in the city several days this week on legal business. Mr. Ilea stated tfmt land sales continued active in tho Agenc Plains region and the district had been given an added stim ulus throuirh the work of the . u raihoad surveyors who have es tablished camp at Madras Thev are from San Francisco v and have picked up tho old sur voy of tho Columbia Southern which will be followed down through Bend to Klamath Palls thence into California to con nect with thoijiorthorn lino run- ningi otit from San Francisco, Mr. Roa stated that another crew of engineers began work this week at the O. R., & N.j bridge which crosses the mouth of tho Deschutes, and they are surveying a line up the canyon. of tho latter stream, vvnero they are Headed for or by w.Jose; direction no ono sooms to know. Ve nre biriden to a "boiiuet social" at the Madras school house Ye" Hallowe'en evcnirife,' bell 3i when Ye dock' strikes eight, fiiven by Ve LadieJ ' Aid Society, pumpkin pies served (.by 'pecial arrange' nlenu) nlso sandvvifches' pickles and cof- Ycb. Several linve conscnteu not to sing. Dont let any body stop ye on the wajd 'K not present at 0: 1 5. search ivarrnnt -111 be sent for ye. . , . Ceo. Dodd, a Wnsjpo coiliily jrwncher, wnp lives near tno hchu u luivv,Ujwi.i ty,in MRdras "siverat ''days' the week. Ht W 'Duytf F ' MMl not find many for sale in this acuity, 5000 NOW? 50,t)00 LATER Larpc Potcc of Men to Uc Used In Building the North Hank Road and Otljcr. Railroad Pro jects M Oregon. 1'ortland Journal. Five thousand men will be wanted immediately by Simms & Shields, the St. Paul contract ors who will build the road down the north bank of the Co luinbia river for the Northern Pacific, and 60.000 laborers will find employment soon ia the Pacific Northwest in the con struction of the various new rail way lines that are thought now to be reasonably sure of being built. Simms & Shields will distrib nte to their 5,000 men approxi mt'tely $300,0,00 a monthj or not less-than $3,000,000 before thei contract is carried, out: while the 50,000 laborers wanted on all the projected lines of rail way will diaw in wages not much less than $100,000 a montli or a total of from 85,000)000 to $7,000,000 before the work is completed. .Added to this enormous sum of money to be distributed to the workingmen by the railway companies will be the immeuse sums paid out in the purqhase of supplies and materials, most of which will be bought in Port land.. However, not all the money expended for material or sup plies will go to Portland busi ness houses, for scores of other towns wiil receive benefit. There will be large purchases at points near the many camps of con struction gangs, and, the pros perity, induced by the railway constructioni will be diffused throughout the .entire North west. Inasmuch as most of thg new lines are projected in Ore gon or in territory that makes Oregou towns the natural pur chasing point, this state will feel the influence most favora bly, and .the injection of so many millions of dollars into the local money circulation will cause a wonaeiint lorwara im petusi In the. opinion of con servative financiers these con ditions alone are enough to fore sall absolutely all possibility of a reaction after tho closing of the exposition Simms & Shields are peculiar in tneir metnocis oi nanaung men on construction work. In stead of issuing time checks to be cashed in the usual manner: with brokers buying them at a discount, they will pay then- big force of men every night in cash. "Wo have found that this is the bettor way to pay our men," said L. Ei Shields 'today. "It lolds the men bettor- and saves them from the loss of the mar gin that they usually- pay to brokers who buy up tune clleoks at a discount. When a man cnows that lie is to get ins pay t !il ' every nmnc no worus wnu: greater energy w - The Union Sunday school last Sunday elected Mrs. J. K. Craig as superintend ent and Mfs. Ellis as assistant superinten- ent to fill Ihe unexpired terms of H. H , Curtis and II . F. Borden, who are Jeav,- ng (his community. Miss Lizzie Conroy was selec;ed for organist. fudge F. J. Drooks $pW.t several days ijj irif)evi!le dining the past week, attend-( mg"dyurt as a witness in the case against; Corbel Bote, who was convicted of the', murder of lite Indian Stikonal Judge IJrooks returned home on Saturday even ing. ' . v , , , J6hV Lockard returWwV lat wwk frWit a several diys vUit to the Lewis and Clark Fair at Portland. fWewiiiBuffour OUR NEW FALl Ladles' nu(j,CfillJren'8 liatr, Cap? nbel Bon'tiCta uy a now jacket. All going at Half I'rlco Erery mail teds a new Pall E Come in ana Oars Wo can He you out lu any kind of a Suit, from a Sundav RulLto a Mackinaw X IUY A NEW Before tiie t AM Dont Forget We Seli a t X Nice; Clean Line of Groceries X LfiNA M. LAMB; Prop'. .i....Palmehn Bujldlng ALRAS;. .OREGON, ASSIGNEE'! r. Tjie entire stock of goods of T T. ;k $iXkL6y & cotvipanV i's'-pffered by trie undersigned at .jprjoes faV below their worth for Casnl -- 11 pieons Indebted, o saici;firm are- requested to make settfment to me. j. M. FOSTER for the Merchant's Protective Association ras adrar Flour use 111! PEICE: 5-bbh Lotsi $4i40 par Single bbL, 4t50 per Bingld Sack, 1.15 Mill feed and chopped feed always on hand Market price paid, All Products of Mill FULL STOCK GROCERIES also BOOTS & SHOES New Goods .Allying Dairy CRUU RXia SEE US, OU PRICES HfE PLIGHT - - MADRAS MILLING. & MERCANTILE GO, Madras, Oregon,. ME FOR SIXTY DAYS ONlAIJI BOOTS, SHOES, .CLOTH l-NGl j'i bf'H kinds, "We nlso carry a full and complotollne of Groceries Vull HanlwRttf.. Vgeuta for Jfohell Wagonu, Hnokn', ftugules, C'arlHj PIowh, HarneBa, Drills ahd all kluda of farming ltnplomonls nnU tools. JOHNSON, BOOTH & CO; Mairi hi; PHnevliie) Ort 2 1 I. W GOODS ARE HERE t PAIR OF SHOES : - wt -weatlxer ii ' ii'ii o en mius SALE Patronize Home Industry bbh bbi, for wlxeat Sold at Store Only Sale