UTrurttv Pectoris ccr enoughs, colds, m on ""P' Ani fKrcnghcnswcak ifld calc ,une8, feXnomlstakc about K&,H8t,rr Anod tSSdocwrwIll say so. U J I ItAB. lilt MAM 4 .LowUa !Siirwitny;'? a A..atlan. A Iltra Y,.u-.i wish lome adrlce. . ' .....I ntr. mr dear. What TiOJ-v""""" ' If""1 y.ld-Shall I mnrrr a roan . ... th. oDBOito of mine, with blm? or (ball I marry : ostts are tne am 'ttlTed tibial Search for Paul JoneV Body. olth coming noma or u t FtolJoDM, to real In the crypt ' v..l Academy, lie the of General Horace Torter'i six owt, Impeded by many ob f,it at last, with over- rwrch General Porter tolls lor rftimilntha October Century. 'poa warning charge of our em- IB ISTIS SHU "V the old Undmarks which are honored there aa rccalllnK the tlitorlc Incidents in mo sojourn jooee In that brilliant capital, Dtral Porter, "I felt a. deep aiamllUtlon as an American afarMlUlDethat our Crat and tadiutlng naval hero had been h more thin a century in an un til! forgotten grave and that no al attempt bad aver been mauo r hil remains and give them It Kpaltnre in the land upon thiitorrbt bad ihed so much it eethelllmtratloniof the article Athowlng the (ace of the recovered r, compared with the Hudon bust. 6b Ltndod Mm. Pibi told m to ttll toh you 'I wei her any mora. II aaya iisiroui bid. l-Dnrrous maul What does Hi aaya you'ra the sort of a ) will bior around a fin for stm mirry her. had fAtlier "never to hurry Ills elders" once be had asked for a thin? ha should rest patiently, waiting their convenience to get around to It I Teddy In the evening climbed Into bed without saying his usual prayer. The Intimate connection between theae ' two events transpired a moment later, when Teddy's mamma asked why the prayers bad bcon neglected, "I've asked God for free nights to innko Teddy a good boy, an' If I ain't It's 'cause God's been kep' busy Aom'er'a clue. Pop says: 'Don't ever hurry the boss;' an' I guess I ain't ivgoin' to hurry God. IIo'II get round to me Jes' as soon as he has time." fCxplftlned. There Is a well-known story told by Dean Hamsay years ago of two old la dles In Ills church. "Was It no' a wonderful thing," said one of thorn, "that the Drcetlsh wero aye victorious over the French In bat tlo?" "Not a bit," nnld the other, "dlnna ye ken the Ilreatlsli say their prayers before gaen Into battlo?" "Aye," roturned the first, "but canna the French say their prayers as wee!?" Tho reply was: "Hoot, Jabbering bodies, wha could understand them?" Btatb or Ohio, Crrr or Tolxdo, FKANK J. CHJCNKT Makes Oath that ti I. senior partner of trie firm of V, i, chknrt A Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, Court, ty and Btnts aforesaid, and that said linn will war the turn of ONK HUNOUKD dollars , each and errry cao of Catarrh that rannot be eared by the ute of Hall's Catarrh Cvkk. ... rilArtJi J, UIIKNKY, nnuiu w ircium bio sun BUDScntica in mr presence, this 6th day of December, A. D..16M. 1 t ! rt 1. . rt n i atAvl Notary Public. Tdf (aged":iKM)in morn,!,, Yi I FO UNIFORM D.VORCE. id received Instructions from hit iw -v T tf Javoriteg iititi- To Brtak la New Shoes. jiiiala Allto'i root-Eue, a powder. hi, cid(, Kuinr, twoiion ieti. wnwrawiaf nun and buoloni. At ajwi tad i)io itorf i, 2.V, Don't acwpt iHJtttt Cmn! m.H.1 vnvtr M,!.... lw,U Roy,If. Y. Hall'i Catarrh Cure li taken fntarnaiiv. ni acta dlrt'Ctlr on tho blood and mucoui lurfami of the eyitcrn. Bond for tfitlmonlali, free. r co., Toledo, o. Bold by DrujuUti, 76c Hall'f MBlfy i'JIU are the belt. FAtnl Eqn&llty. The drawbacks to social cqunllty como out In domestic service, If they appear at all. A correspondent reports this conver sation between an American lady liv ing In Manila and ouo of her Filipino servants: "Itnmar," said she, "why Is It that you worked so well for the Spaniards, and did It for so little? They treated you very bndly.and I treat you well. They paid you only two pesotrti month, and you ask tweufy-flve of zae. I don't understand It." "Ah, scnoru," said Ramar, "tho Span lards were our superiors. You Amer icans are our equals." n VMr IV.? 11,11 ,0 11,0 ,,oor "". n.r Wcatr,twa?rh0U,C rm trudg,n i ,..n 01 ,eruty, and only a trifle 1, who nm amart and chipper, for all tin yearn l're told, ' maarold"0tner wonn that's only hall Ortr the hill tn fhn nin, iaii.. r k vuiii make u clear, urer the hill to tho poorhouee It aeeraa no horrid nueerl i?.?.nr4M-"t?p r'Te uken at-tollln' to and fro, . A M journey i never tuvugui lO gO. What li the tue of henpin' on me a pau' . Pere ebame? AS.1 or "W Am I blind or lame? itout' ,upi"e' ,,or yet 10 awful ut charity nn't D0 fftTor lf one without. ' ready any an' pay my I am wlllln' and anzloui ai day To work for a decent Ilrln' honeit war. Vo" 1 tc.?.. e.rn aT Tlctuala, an more, too, I'll be bound, It anylftfjr le wlllin to hare me round. Once I wan young an' handiome I wag, upon my eool Once my cheek wae roiee, my eyea a . . black a coal: Ana I can't remember, In hearln' people any, For any kind of a rcaion. my tbi elr way. them day, that I waa Frltadlr OrltioltM. an," rtmirked Jaraibr. "la a fin for inki. I once aaw a ; m ytUow mike down there 77 tnd u bis round aa a wbiaky 1 H l don't doubt it." relolned h "bet H'l douchnnta in taAea I the whjkr h 'JSlP l'Uo' c,lre f Con. ."""wuenaanu colds. At Price 25 centi. Somewhat Dlffernnt. It ll the nrlpo ,1... FW th. lady ihopper. OOlUri. miUm II II.. I r -, , vllvu )S.U M . . Mid tk. conoclentloua i v., Fivmuij worm Ulted the price." (Bin IN. i. . "" "vTi. .""Pfobably worth about FITQ rermanvntlr Cured. riaflUorntrrouineM fl Id nrnrttdr'ueofIJr.Kllii'(JrrtNrv JUiiorrr. Hnd for I'rf S3 trial bottteana trraUM. Vti K. II. Kline, Ltd., Ml ArchHL. I'lilladtlphta, l'a. LaHghs t $5 Each. "Insulting behavior" is a very elas tic charge in Australia. It may cover anything from pltch-and-tosa to man slaughter. Its latest application comes from Ucndlgo. In that golden city, where the late Marquis of Salisbury tried bis luck as a digger, the authorities of a Meth odist Church, decided to suppress Ju venile giggling. They Introduced a po liceman in plain clothes, and he de tected a couple of small boys laugulug during the evening service. Tho boys wore brought Into court on a charge of "Insulting behavior" and fined h each. London Chronicle. $75 PtRMANtNT eabuy end ripetuet paid tillable men, ouiude of the city; j1oant work. II, Itenker, rooms, ir,iHh t., fortlaud. A Telllnjt Retetf. A telling retort was made by a com mercial traveler to an unkind remark made by a young woman whom be bad met at the house of a friend. The young woman, of New England origin, inquired the occupation of tite young man. "I am a commercial traveler," quiet ly remarked the young man. "Ah, Indeed!" she returned, In a very patronizing manner. "Do you know that in my part of the country com mercial travelers are not recelred la good society?" "Nor are they here, madam," quiet ly replied the young man, bowing po lltely. Taln't no use of boaetln', or talkln' orer free, But many a houio on home wa open then to me! Many a han'ome offer I had from likely men. And nobody erer hinted that I waa a bur- aeu men. And when to John I wa married, eure he wae good and emart, Knt be and all the neighbor would own I dons in ruirf' for Ufa wa all before me. an' I wa ronnir an' atrnncr- And I worked the beat that I rnnM in tryln' to get along. And tn we worked together! and life wa hard, but gay, With now and then a baby for to cheer n 01 our ui! Till we had half a dozen, an' all crowe1 clen an' neat. n went to chool, like other, an' had enougn to eat. Bo we worked for the childr'n, and raUed Worked for 'em eummer an' winter, Jut a we ought to've done: Only perhap we humored 'em, which oine goou ioii condemn. Hut crery couple' chUd'rn a heap the ueit to them. Strange how much we think of our bleised little onnl- I'd bare died for my daughters, I'd hare aiea ror my ion: And Ood lie made that rule of lore; but wh we're old and srar. I re noticed It eometlmes eomebow fall to work the other way. Strange, another thing; when our boy an' gin wa grown. And when,ezceptln' Charier, they'd left u there alone: When John he nearer an' nearer come, an' aearer seemea to ue, Tne Ix) ru or lloeta lie come one day, an took him away from me. Still I wa bound to druggie, an' ncrer to ennse or raw Still 1 worked for Charley, for Charley wa now mr an: And Charley wa prettr good to me, with carce a word or frown. Till at lut be went a-courtln', and brought a wife from town. She 00V. PEMWYl-ACKKIl GOOD BLOOD TELLS ITS OWN STORY Action Toward Uniform Leccialatlon for Correction of Shocking Abuse. Tho Governors of tho various States of tho Union are to bo tho leaders of a (treat nnflnnnl mnrnmnnt fnr ttta wr ........ a ... , v. ...U -W . I a . . . . . rcctlon of the pres-! nQ "3 it eloquently In the bright eye, the supple, cut loose laws of , itf uuyeni "B smoom, boic sicin, glowing with divorce. Tho pres ent unfortunate lack of uniformity which makes it posslblo for dissat isfied couples to go from one State to another, and gain a divorce for tri vial causes, is to bo corrected by wa tomewhat drcsiy, an' hadn't a pleasant smile She wa quite concelty, and carried a heap of strle: Ilut if erer 1 tried to be friends, I Cid with hrr. I know! Hut she waa bard and proud, an' I couldn't make It go. She had an edlcatlon, an' that was good for her: Hut when she twitted me on mine, 't wo carrrln' thing too fur; An' I told her once, 'fore company (an' It almost' made her sick), That I never swallowed a grammar, or 'et a 'rlthinetlc. So 'twas only a few days before the thing wa done They was a famllr of themaelrc, and I aa nthor one: And a verr little cottnee one famllr will do, Ilut I never haro seen a houae that wo big enough for two. An' I1 of OlmH Always HoiiKht has borne tlio slirna W1"11 upervla io i,or Rud lma buou ""lo under his Metcelve you li fi0' or years Allow no ono mix of Ohiidrn vwfcE?I,orlmct. endanger the JSftat is CASTOR I A In?06' Its nr1 LUV Srnhlno nor other Narcotic Con,""??8 ?ovorlsii;:" Wul0 A destroys Wovhm M r?i ? rc ovea iv, .n?!' , L,"ren jJiarruoua and AVinil 8tom&tu,eucv? ft l "C.Troublog, eurea OoiiNtlpatlon RL Panne SriftWog Sffi It cure Diarrhoea and Wind 8fnl?leucv: tV5 . r .Troubles, curea OoiiHtinatlou fv I' A U IIMMIIII llnf S . .. l ffiSS1 Mthy and natural leop, You Have Always Bought Bewg the Slgnntur 0 86 Foi" HwaaK. OA r iht.... ' w a J I oai 1 never could speak to suit her, never nnm tiii'fiMff nor rre. An' It made me Independent, an' then I didn't try: But I wo terribly staggered, an' felt It like a blow, When Charley turned ag'ln me, an' told mo I could go. I went to live with Susan, but Susan' wmu u'iii small. And ahe wa alwar a-hlntlu' hownug It wa for us all; And what with her husband' sisters, and what with chlld'ru three, Tu- dbsv to discover that there wasn't room for me. An' then I went to Thomas, the oldest eon for Thomas' biilhlliigs'd cover tho half of an acre lot; Hut all tho chlld'ru wa on mo I couldn't stand their ttauee And Thomas said I needn't think I wa coinln' there to boss. And then I wrote to Uebccca, my girl who And to Isaac, not fur from her some twen ty tulles at best; And ono of 'cm said 'twas too warm there for anyone so old. And t'other find un opinion tho cllraoto wa too cold. Bo ther havo hlrked and slighted mo, on' shifted mo about Bo they have well-nigh soured mo, an' wore my old heart out; Ilut still I V Iiorne up preuy wen, an WUSn l IHUeu lui uunu, Till Charley went to tuc poormasicr, on- put mo on iuh lumii Ovfcr the hill to tho. pooruouse my chil dr'n dear, good-by; Many i night I've watcueu you wueu ouiy Gwl'll Judge between ua, but I wll, mI'iivm nrflV Thut you shall never auffer tho half I do to aay. WJlj M Car(etonf And RIio Junipctl ftt 1U Mr. Ioybor Wo traveling men aw thinking of organizing. Miss Niodormun (vaguoiy) iost Mr. Laybor Yob, I wondor whal tho public would think of our union? Miss Nlcdormnn uu, Mr. uiyuor, . , nl.ll..l.1.1. this 18 BO BUUUUIU xuiuiuuiiHun Lodger. They talk about tho ability of 'young blood." uur expenneo una been that it requires a good deal of training. having- a law that shall be uniform in all parts of the United States. Then there will be no more trips to Dako ta, a six months' residence, and di vorce's granted that are really crimes against laws of morality. Tho leader In this important light Is CJov. Samuel W. Pennypacker, of Pennsylvania. At a recent session of tb Pennsylvania State Legislature an appropriation of ?10,000 was made for tho purpose of having the Governor call for a national congress, consist ing of three men from each State, to be appointed by the Governors. Theso are to draw up a uniform law which is afterward to be adopted by the Legis latures of each State. In this way a uniform law can bo secured, and at tho same time each State retains its right to regulate its own laws on tho subject of matrimony. Tho bill was introduced Into the Legislature by Senator William O. Sproul, of Delaware County. Gov. Pennypacker knew all Its provisions In advance, and was the more In favor of them because President Roosevelt in a message to Congress has thought the matter of sufficient moment to de vote to it a considerable n'mount of discussion, and to recommend action to secure uniform laws. In his speeches and arguments Gov. Pennypacker contends with great force that the laws should be so ar ranged that no person could obtain a divorce without very grave cause, and that above all it should not be possi ble to get In a legal way In a for eign 8tato that which is not legally possible in one's commonwealth. He points out tho farce of letting persons take up a six months' domicile in an other commonwealth, and says that the first provision of the new law should be a strict order that the di vorce must be granted in the State In which the applicants lived. He shows convincingly that the evil of divorce has 'been permitted to grow until it has become a national menace. "A few years ago," be says, "there were unhappy marrlagf-s, as there will nlways be, but the divorce was com paratively rare, for ptople considered marriage a serious thing; a tie that could only be dissolved for the most flagrant causes. That a change has como over the general public Is due In the first place to the publicity given to the decency-defying divorces of the rich. Others have felt that lf the rich dare quickly and openly cast off ties that begin to bore, they could do like wise. As n result, divorce is extend ing all over the country, and the good effect of preventive legislation In some States Is nullified in others, where di orco Is granted to all who apply." Numerous messages from more than a score of States have been received by Gov. Pennypacker In reply to his call to tho different Governors to unite in concerted action for the preserva tion of the purity of the American home. Gov. Dawson, of West Virgin ia, writes: "I am thoroughly In sym pathy with this movement and shall be glnd to appoint delegates to such a congress." m practically similar strain other Governors write, all pledging support of the movement, which Its advocates believe will put an end to the present shockingly indecent system of divorce. DoniCHtio Economics. Tho man whose thrifty choice of a wifo Is chronicled in tho Rochester Herald will doubtless make a success in the business of life. His talcntd destlno film for a wider sphcro than that of a . simplo farmer's life. Ho was an Alabama youth, and courted two girls at the same time. One was Sally; tho other wus Mary. . Sally was a very fine girl, thrifty, industrious, and of n domestic turn. Sho was not so pretty as some other girls, but James, tho swain In ques tion, had courted her In his early years, uen no nan prospered ami earned n littlo money, ho became in fatuated with Mary, sweet", pretty, but always idle. Tho neighbors at first wero puzzled by the double courtship, but after a while they decided that Mary was the fnvorcd one. Suddonly James married Sally. Tho Methodist preacher who per formed tho ceremony had a littlo of tho curiosity which possesses all mankind. "James," ho said, "wo all thought you woro going to marry Mary." "Yes," replied James, "but I Uiougnt If I married Mary I should havo to en- irasro Sully to wait on hor. If I married Sully sho would wait on herself. . Spiteful. "Sho got so many freckles Inst sum mer and sho snys they worry her bo." "Tho ldonl I should think they'd bo n comfort to her. Sho can blamo her hnd looks on them." Philadelphia Press, No Exception, nurglnr -AH I want 1b your money, lady! Old Maid uo away, wrotcn you're just like all tho other men I knowl Smart Set. health, a body sound anc1 well, an active brain, good oyycuM: nu uigcsiion, reiresmng sleep, energy to per form the duties and capacity to enjoy the pleasures of life. The blood is the most vital cart of the bodv: every; organ, muscle, tissue, nerve, sinew and bone is dependent on it fot nourishment and strength, and as it circulates through the system, pure and strong, it furnishes to these different parts all the healthful qualities nature intended. When, from any cause, the blood becomes impure or diseased, it tells a different story, quite as forceful in its way. Itching, burning skia diseases, muddy, sallow complexions, disfiguring sores, boils, carbuncles, etc., show the presence, in the blood, of some foreign matter or poison. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Contagious Blood Poison and Scrofula, are effects of a deeply poisoned blood circulation. These may either be inherited or ac quired, but the seat of trouble is the same tha blood. S. S. S., a purely vegetable blood reraedy,l cleanses and purifies the circulation and makes it stronjr and clean. Under its t,- t,i a 4-u t fe.cA ,alJ Pis0118 and impurities are expelled from the blood, the general health is built up, all disfiguring eruptions and blem- vr ulB"in Decora es boic ana smooth and robust health blesses Hie. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all dis eases of the blood are cured by S. S. S. Book on the blood and any medical advice, free of charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLAHTA. GA sss Jjcap-Ycar Episode. Fred Miss Elderlelgh has proposed three times within the past six weeks, but I can't make up my mind to accept her. Joe Has she cot money? Fred About $50,000, I understand. Joe Well, yon are taking dosperate chances, old man. Suppose she should stop proposing? WET WEATHER. WISDOM! AVft THE ORIGINAL MRU XI H.XIJ $4 R. p I Sk. SLICKER BLACK OR YELLOW WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHIHG ELSE WLL TAKE NO 3UB3T1TUTE CATALOGUES FREC HOWmOTrULL LINE Of QANHENTS AND HATV. A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. TOWCn CANADIAN CO., LTD., TORONTO, CANADA. Hcciit whihe ail tut rans. Ej Best Coach bjrao. Tutcs Good, dm fSl By Different Paths. Banker Young man, I began at the bottom and worked my way up to where I am. Genial Burglar I got In a room abora and worked my way down. Mothers will firm Airs. winsioWs Boo thing Syrnp the best remedy to uso lor their chlldrea during the teething period. , Pertinent Query. Him I see your social rival, Miss Bndd, has her picture in to-day's pa per. Her Indeedl What was she cured ot? EI TOUC T-C7AJ Olp this out. retain to us with the nsmes end addresses of yourself and two of your friends, and the date when you will probably enter a business college, and we will credit you with 5XD on our 165.00 scholarship. Our school offers exceptional advantages to students of Business, Shorthand, English, etc Best Instruction Lowest Tuition WilH PO! CATALOGUE 10 IT'S fill THE MULTNOMAH BUSINESS INSTITUTE M. A. ALBIN, Pres. ea sixth st. PORTLAND, ORE. P. N. a No, 401905 WHEN writing to advertiser please mention this paper. We do crown and brldgeworK wlihnut r a n. Our IS years' experience In plate work en ables us to fit your mouth comfortably. Dr. W. A. Wise has fouud a safe way to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Dr. T. P. Wise Is an expert at gold ailing and crown and bridgeworfc. Extracting frae wbsn plates or bridges are ordered. WISE BROS. DENTISTS Palling Bldg., Third and Washington Bts. Open evenings till 9 o'clock. Sundays from S to 12. Or Main 323. DR. T. P. WISE. NOTHING WILL FATTEN HOGS Bo quickly and well as Prussian Stock Food added to tne feed, it win m to fatten rapidly. Shortens Fattening: Time. lut them in the best condition "We can truthfully aay from our excellence Prussian Stock Food shortens the fattening period at least one fourth. Weconslderltindlspensiblelnfatteninghogs and cattle. J. W. WILL,IAMS,Breeders,Brlant,Ind. PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD Bare grain by assisting df irestf nn. (retting all ths Rood oat of ins rooa consumed, kvuii u nnu; oi nones, cows, boss or sheep will find It pays. Package, 60c. 11.00. Si. lb palL 1C0O feeds. IU0. PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD, a (rreas Epjr Producer and Cholera Cure. PRUSSIAN HEAVE POWDERS, cure heaTes. PRUSSIAN LICE POWDER for Lice on Voultrr and Cattle, Ask for our Stock or Poultry Book. PRUSSIAN REMEDY CO. Bt. Paul, Minn. PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland. Oregon,' Coast Agents I THE NEW CASE OAN Keeps the Ground It don't buck itp behind when you plow down hill. It is properly balanced on its axles. Never nec essary to pull the team up hill when plowing side hills. Clevi ad justable up, down and sideways. Long levers in easy reach. Third plow put on or taken off in a moment. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. First and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. SPOKANE. BOISE. MCDFORD. SCATTLC. SALEM. "Just. eat common sense for breakfast" . . " n-; m fmtsi nan W A tremendously nutritive, pure white wheat food, with a flavor that will make you pass your plate for more. Two Honest Pounds in Every Package. PRICE 20 CENTS ASK YOUR GROCKR, rHUVvryVttUvra tlw KIH Cs., HhtaaaasMs, Klaa.