The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, September 21, 1905, Image 7

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    ' awaSBSBSeOW" -X BBIUUm IM1. IMikMw)AAAUA....l. I
7 Qefs
"""".-.Anwiiv Aycr's
IsI"pc or. Ms V.I--!2tTtMr
of usclcs.
: nut It does more
I. !te fever, soothes, nd
aw-- . - o, i r co.. wj'M
Seldom Fatal.
'Say, doctor," remarked the man who
had Just dropped into the office, "I'm
very much alarmed about Kir ion'
I "What's the trouble?" queried the M,
"lie hi bad tbroo peculiar attnclci
within a week," continued the parent,
"and during each of them he wai with
out acme or knowledge for nearly two
"Oh, don't be unensy about a little
thing like that," replied the pill din
penser. "I've known people to lire all
their urea in a similar condition."
r-. m.l Ills Bargl
. fqalre - MtorioB
Wjr"r;h:n. a Vly mouth
l, old m TMPB
JU "" e' m " ' .M. and
IIe 7.,., .1.. thoucht there
. TrL,,.. The saulre
K Ms dwlnsf gown and went
Bit eu . .... i I. v,.,ll U niiml
.-nitl rl. 1" mo out "
Sblooklnc man trying to open.
1 ,v " . ... n, hufk rard.
6f tB". 'e,"., ,,.,k,d the door
I Tfie our." - a -
tri wai pulling k wu -
the taulre, seeing ic
I nt called to him: "It don't open
lint w7. T0U ,U10U 11 B"uu"
feciion Herald.
feClMw "h i'ortUnd, Oregon.
i"""-: : . m. ...!.,
5,rf..i,!i.i. wm lr dorl.Ure taulu
Ltd MorriHO Strsct I'ortUnd, Orojon
OI this out, rtWm la us wlththt, name
ut tilmm ef yourKlf n4 two of your
fttailMnsth hn yu PbNy
caur toltu tollfge. sns e creJII
, ra 15.00 on our WS.CO nhoUrthlp.
0r ccheoi oSfrrt ctlotul vnlM to
1 ituiiiUfDulntM,Slior1tunJ, Engtiih.ctc
i itrlirilWHlttuI l tflHIl
M. A. ALBIN, Puts.
I m iiith tr. PORTLAND, One. ',
i v . . N
ejK W
ElctrIe ll(htt Toom Hatha and modern
r"" nwmj one, ii hiki i i.w per oar
I Bttf. t.Arm.n.iil ht.t.l .tl I -
fLdjtiun Hotel door
Hot Air Pumping Engine
QsnBsBBiVi j9
DweBeaaar ' a er
J'timp water tor
hou9 and Irrluallon.
WiplacM wind lullli
liurm (atoll ne, wood
"i coal. ln auto
matic Hop. Bhlpped
ou approral. Write
'or catalogue and
"I Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Ore.
. J
formerly located at
23 Alder 8t. tor the
Put 0 year
8. K.
SO Ih "'WW
Ism! "rlolc Uulltiin ...
1 2?,u "oot, .2 t,?"," ,,h Power il
l! to cur. J. " rtmdle, He iriiar.
iS'iif.'' kldnei ' V.fT0 un". Hotu.
Excellent Attraction at the Theaters
A Busy Season.
The visitor to Portland now han a
wide range of choice in the matter of
The 1005 Fair I, of course, the big
attraction, with ita imenee regular ex
position, and its Beductivo Trail. "Ven
ice" is acknowledged to bo tho greatest
succeae and best show on the Trail.
The predominant word now paeaed
around about tno l-alr la the congratn
latory remark that the splendid expo
aition ie aa aeflured financial oucccss.
The Marquam Grand Theater opened
a brilliant Reason with Wilton Lackaye
in "Trie nt," and all the town turned
out. IJeginaing Wednesday, Hept. IS.
probably the most widely popular play
of the year, "Mrs. Wlpge, of the Cab-
bage Patch, " will open at the Marnuam
and remain through tho rest of the
weak, playing special mntinnes Thurs
day and Baturday. "Tho Chaperons,"
(eclntillatiBg musical comedy) plays at
this theater all week beginning Bupt,
10, and tue old favorite May Irwin oc
cupies the Marquam stage Hept. 25 to
28. The fall season starts off with t
boom-lota of interest end good pro
Tiie Belasco Block Company contin
uee drawing heavily and keeps up its
high standard of productions. "Har
riot's Honeymoon" running tbls week;
"Judah" opens Monday, Sept. 11, and
"Captain Jinks" takes up the week
Sept. 18 to 24. The llelanco is ono of
the handsomest theaters on the Pacific
coast, and no visitor should miss seeing
The Baker Theater Is having a Joyous
run of musical burlesque. Manager
Baker wears his broadest smile of ap
proval as he sees tho large audiences
"Tltj Brigadiers" is on this week, and
the "Kentucky Italics" opens for the
week of Sept. 10-10. Pretty girls, lots
of fun, attractive spectacle.
The Empire is giving quito the most
startling melodrama that Portland has
over experienced. The- critics agree
that the thrills in tho plays, put on
with R chango of bill each week at this
theater, are veritably uniquo of their
kind. Every other instant a pistol
shot, and the intervening seconds tilled
with thrusts at your heart strings.
The Grand and the Star continue
vaudeville entertainments with now
people weekly.
Denmark a Market for flau.
Consul John E. Kchl at Stettm In
forms the State Department that he
has recently received a letter from a
Copenhagen Urm rcqucslng addresses
of American manufacturers of hnts,
and stating that Denmark; would like
ly prove an excellent market for such
goods. The Consul says that so far
only one American house has shown
any disposition to avail Itself of the
opportunity offered to capture this
F. S. Davidson, Kx-Lleut. U. S.
Army, Washington, D. 0 caro U.
8. Pension Ofllce, wrlteH.
"T my mind there Is no remedy for
catarrh conip.rable to Peruna. It not
only strikes at the root of the malady,
but H tones and strengthens the system
In m truly wonderful way. That has
been ka history In my case. I cheer
fully and unhcHltuttiigly recommend
it to those ailllctcd as 1 have beon."
-P. S. DavldHon.
If vou do not derive prompt and eat-
Isfaotory results from the use of Peru
n, write at OHce to Dr, Hartman, giv
ing a full statement of your caBe, and
he will be pleased to give you his valu
able advice gratis.
Addreea Dr. S. B. Hartman, Presi
dent of the Hartmaa jteoltariuta, Co
lumbus', Ohio
A fow yen ngo Mrs. Ileevcs pnld
n vlHlt to Homo distant cousins two
rich old mnhlcn Indies who live togeth
er In u remote vitiligo of Cnnndn. On
tho night beforo nho left their home.
an tho three sitt on tho vcrnndn to
gether, one of tho hostesses remarked
speculatively: "Well, It hasn't cost
Drtmllly nnd mo so much n wo
thought It would to hnvo you hero.
You see, every time you were Invited
out, wo wero naked, too, and tlint
saved tho prlco of a meal for each of
uh; so It alnioflt evens up!"
- This story has been a byword nmong
tho members of tho Reeves family
over ainco, and only recently they
hnvo acquired a compnnlon-pleco
which, Mm. Itcevcs declares, bnlanccB
It beautifully.
Their homo is In Washington; so
thnt It forms a convenient target for
any and all of their friends who nlm
at "doing" tho national capital, but
their spirit of hospitality hns never
grown tired. Not long ngo Mr. Ilceves
received word thnt his Undo Abncr
nnd wlfo were coming to visit him.
"Now don't you think, Burton,"
Mrs. Beeves naked her husbnnd, when
sho heard the news, "that It would do
to let your Uncle Abner pny at lenst
part of bin own expenses while he's
sightseeing round here? I wouldn't
apeak of It, only, you know, ho hnB
moro money thnn ho knows what to
do with."
"Thnt's true enough, my denr," nd
m It ted Mr. Iteeves with his genial
smile, "but he's going to be our guest
and I Intend to give him nnd Aunt
Iluldnh tho tlmo of their lives. 1
guess 'DniHllly and me' enn mnnnge
to pny their car fnre for n few dnyn."
So Uncle Abncr nnd Aunt Iluldnh
came. Mr. Reeves met them at the
station, and for tho next week devot
ed himself to giving them n glorious
holiday. Not n point of interest -wnfl
missed; not n car line anywhere round
Washington failed of pntronngc. Just
once, In all their visit, the two went
out together, unnccompnnlcd, nnd the
twenty-live cents thnt Undo Abner
pnld for six enr tickets on that occn
slon whb the only money he spent
whllo In Wnshlngtoa.
As they wero riding to tho train, In
tho street-car, on the morning of their
departure, Mr. Reeves pnld tho fnre
ns usunl, and then dropped into a seat
beside Uncle Aimer.
"Well, uncle," he said, henrtlly, "I
hope you're not sorry you came?"
"Oh, no," Undo Abner replied, ab
sently. Ho was fumbling In his pocket-book
for something. At last he pro
duced two car ticket. "Sny, Burt,"
he snld, "I had these left from tho
qunrter's worth I bought the dny your
Aunt Huldy nnd I rode out to Cabin
John's Bridge. They won't bo any
use to me after I leave here; so if you
want to glvo mo a dime nnd tnko 'em
off my hnnds, we'll call It squnrel"
Youth's Companion.
Scene of Cuban Conflict Fall of His
toric Interest.
It Is true that the great battles of
tho Civil War and those of tho pres
ent one In Mnnchurln, where the men
killed and wounded In a day outnum
ber all thoso who fought on both sides
at San Juan, make that bnttlo read
like a skirmish. But the Spanish war
hud Its results. At lenst It mndo
Cubn Into a republic, nnd so enriched
or burdened us with colonies thnt our
reimbllc chnnced into something llko
an einplnv But I do not urge thnt It
will nover be becnuso Snn Junn
chnmrcd our foreign policy thnt people
will visit tho spot, nnd will send from
It picture postal enrds. Tho liurann
interest nlono will keep Snn Juan
nllve. Tho men who fought there
came from every State In our coun
try nnd from every class of our so
cial life. Wo Bent there tho best of
our regular army, and. with them,
cowbovfl. clerks, bricklayers, football
players, thrco future commanders of
thn irreater army that ronoweu turn
wnr. tho future Governor of Cubn, fu-
turo commanders of tho Philippines,
tho commnnder of our forces in umun,
futuro President of tlio umteu
And. ivlwthor thoso men when they
returned to their homes again became
clerks, and millionaires and dentists,
or roao to bo presidents nnd mounted
policemen, they all remember vory
kindly tho dnys they lay huddled to
trnthor In the trenches on that hot nnd
glaring skyline And there must bo
many moro besldea who hold tho placo
in memory. Thoro nro fow in tho
United States so poor 1 relatives aud
frinntin who did not in his or ber
heart send a substitute to Cuba. For
thoso It aeeins as though Ban Juan
might bo better preserved, not an it
Is, for already Its aspect is too far
chanircd to wish for that, but as It
was. Scrlbnor's.
Up-to-Pato Mou Find Tlicm Moro
Frotltnme tluin BtuunK vrun.
Tiinao who bowntl tho death of ro-
nt sea because of tho dlsplnco-
mont of sail by steam hnvo now an
othor cnuso for woo. Whatever of
roumnco llugored about n seafaring llfo
tlm nntnlon Of tllOSO POrSOUS at-
.14 " . -
tadied itself to the flshormon, those
"captains courageous," who in uttie
.oti.ririvnn dories risked their lives to
Btipply tho Bhoro-llvlng folks with foou.
Now, however, tho flsnecman is roiiow
ing his brothorof the deep sea trade
and is becoming a mere mechanic,
Tntir la rflanlAcliiff all sail, even In the
little Ashing boat, ad the picturesque
groups of sloops and catboati which
wore so fnmlllar at tho fishing villages
a- few years ngo nro fnst glvlngplnco
to ugly, mnstlesH power 'launches,
mostly of tlio gnsollno nnd petroleum
Tho renson for this chnnco Is thnt
tho fisherman, who, even If, ho Is pic
turesque, Is n business man, hns found
thnt it pnys, In tho old dnys tinfnvor
nblo weather might delny him for
hours, or oven dnys, in getting from
the fishing grounds, nnd his fish wero
spoiled. Now he enn figure nlmost to n
ccrtnlnty on the time of his run to mnr
ket nnd ho lands his fish In better con
dition nnd gcta better prices.
In Nnrrngansett bay, which Is ono
of tho sources of supply for Now York,
tho fisherman can get to-dny'a cntch
Into tho mnrkets to-morrow morning
by running to Newport nnd cntchlng
tho rcgulnr bonts. Formerly It took
n dny longer nnd tho result of tins
chnngo Is exemplified by the experi
ence of n llttlo pnrtnershlp of threo
fishermen, who own n power boat, and
who In tho first yenr thnt they bought
It denned up $5,000 In excess of tho
previous yenr's profits. New York
Conformity to Hanking Officer' Drcs
Kept 4,000 Navy Men Uny.
Four thousnnd ofllcers nnd bluejack
ets, constituting tho crewa of five flrst
cluss battleships and one gunboat
now in tho Now York navyyard,
changed their uniforms simultaneous
ly flvo times Sunday, says the New
York Times, Tho renson of so much
changing of dress was duo to the reg
ulntlon which requires that ench offi
cer nnd mnn must nt all times wenr
n uniform to conform with that worn
by the commanding or senior officer of
tho licet or Hqundron.
Renr Admlrnl Robley D Evnns, the
commnnder-i'n-chlef of tho North At
lnntlc fleet, flvo of whose battleships
are at the navy-yard, Is, of course, the
ranking officer of the yard. He Is
away on leave of absence. Next to
him comes Rear Admlrnl Cogblan, the
commandant of the yard. After him
comes Renr Admiral Davis, command
ing tho second division of the battle
ship squndron. However, It was said,
absences of commanding officers were
frequent and this mnde the ranking
a good deal of a puzzle to anybody
but u navy man.
At any rate, the officers and men of
the Kearsnrgo, Kentucky, Alabama,
Maine and MisRourl aud the second
class gunboat Dubuque bad to make
some lightning changes of dress. The
changes began at reveille, when n
signal from the Alabama showed that
tho commanding officer was going to
breakfast dressed in blue.
This Information was quickly wig
wagged to all the ships and when tho
men lined up for mess each of them
wns clad in the blue uniform of the
eervico. After breakfast the men
lounged about decks or strolled around
tho ynrd. About 10 o'clock another
signal wns wigwagged from the flag
ship. Tho signal was to tho effect
that tho ranking officer was wearing
a white cap. Ten minutes later all
the officers und nearly 3,500 men had
discarded their caps of bluo and had
reappeared In caps made of pure
white duck.
Tho next change wns at tho lunch
hour. Hardly had that meal ended
when there was some more wigwag
ging between the ships. Tho com
manding officer was in tlio full uni
form of white duck. Half an hour
later the officers still on skips and
every bluejacket on ship or In tho
yard had returned from a hurried visit
to his quarters, where ho had changed
the bluo for the white duck.
Six bells sounded. When the Jingle
died nwny the ranking officer wore his
cap of blue. So did everybody else a
little later.
Just before the dinner call another
signal appeared, "Off with tho white
and on with tho blue" is a literal
translation of what the man with tho
signal flags said. It was nearly sun
down, but tho Interval between sig
nal and mess call was sufficient for
anothor rapid chnngo of gnrb nud
when tho "Inst cnll for dinner" sound
ed the decks of ovory battleship and
tho little gunboat showed formations
of smart seamen, every ono of whom
wns clnd In tho full blue uniform of
tho United States service.
"I believe we hold tho record In
shooting, but I know we hold it when
changing clothes Is under discussion,"
remarked an officer as ho darted
around a twelve-Inch turret on his
way to his quarters to change his
whlto duck for a bluo uniform.
Where He Fell Bown.f
Archibald I will do anything in tlio
world for you, dearest!
Ilelene Will you?
Archibald If you would only try
Holeno Then tnko this collarette to
Cntchem's department store and ex
chnngo It for a bIzo lnrgor; I've lost
tho Blip- Puck.
On Other Nluhts. '
Mr, Goodthlng How does your sis
ter llko the engngement ring I gnvo
her, Bobby?
Her Young Brother Well,' it's n llt
tlo too small; sho has nn awful hard
tlmo getting it off when tho other fel
lows call! Puck.
i ConsUtout Career.
"I can romorabor when tho wealthy
Mr. nidem didn't have a dollar of his
own," said tho mnu who disparages.
"Well." auswerod tho mlsanthropo,
"it la eald thnt he Is still doing busi
ness entirely with other people's dol
lars." Washington Star,
When the farmers klok for rain they
sajri "TUs Is the critical timer
rufa u&nFU ll
More Converts
Every Year
Every day in every year
that comes, more housewives
are giving up their exhorbitant
priced Baking Powders and
turning to K C, the honest and
reliable, which has stood so well
the test of years. They are find
ing out that
costs one-third the price of
powder anywhere near K C
quality, and makes better, purer, more
healthful baking. 25 ounces for zoc.
Bead postal for "Book of PresenU."
Chicago, 111.
A Welcome Chance.
"Colonel," said the sentinel, as ke sa
luted the officer in command of the be
sieged town, "a horseless carriage ap
proaches. "That's good," replied the Colonel.
"We may now be able to get gome horse
less beef."
riTQ Permanently Caret. IToflU or nervousness
II IU aflerflrstday'suMofDr.Kllne'iareatNerve
Restorer. Send for Vrrr 82 trial bottle and treatise.
Dr. It. H. Kline, Ltd., Ml Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
The Sea Jcatn.
"Those ships nro polite creatures,"
remarked Old Ocean to his friend, the
"Indeed?" answered the sandy one.
"Yes, indeed. They always bow to
me." .Cleveland Leader,
Hew's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case ot Catarrh that cannot be eared by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the unde'riigaed, hare known F. J.
Cheaor for the last 14 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transac
tions and financially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by their firm.
Wkw & Tsoax, Wholesale Drug-rfsts, Toledo, O.
WjlLdimo, Kihnjln & JIarvin, Vt holesale Drug
rlsts, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all Drugfrlsts. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Ignorance, when It is xoluntary, la
criminal, and he may properly be charg
ed with evil who refuses to learn how
he mirut prevent it Johnson.
Too Llttlo by Hair.
The decorator had Just made his es
timate. "I'll tell you what I'll do,"
said the householder. "You go to
work and decorate the house, and then
I'll give it to you in payment of your
bill." "No," replied the decorator, "I
couldn't afford to take the house for
more than half payment"
Mothers will find lira, wirniow's Soothing
Byrup the best remedy to use for their children
during the teething period. j
An Oversight.
"Now, look at me," howled the bald
headed or&tor, "and behold what pluck
and perseverance will do. I am a self
made man, and "
"Say," interrupted a small boy in the
gallery, "why didn't you finish the job bjt,
putting some hair on your head?"
Professor C. W. Kitt, lately vice
president of the Gregg school, of Chi
cago, and for a number of years of tho
Soule college of New Orleans, the lead
ing business college of the South, baa
just joined tho Multnomah Institute,
of Portland, Oregon, as associate pro
prietor. Professor Kitt is one of the
best known commercial teachers of the
United States.
A French professor Js the owner of a
collection of 020 human heads, represent
ing every known race of people on the
The disease that has done more " "?,S3'fJ'0Fv
than any other to wreck, ruin and JLJaJCrful 1
humiliate life, is Contagious Blood Poison. Sorrow, shame and suffering go
hand in hand with this great enemy, and man has always hated and fought
it as he has bo other disease. It is the most powerful of all poisons; no mat
ter how pure the blood may be, when its virus enters, the entire circulation
becomes poisoned and its chain of horrible symptoms begin to show. Usu
ally the first sign is a small sore or ulcer, not at all alarming in appearance,
but the blood is being saturated with the deadly poison, and soon the mouth,
and throat begin to ulcerate, the hair and eyebrows drop out, a red eruption
breaks ut on the body, copper-colored splotches and sores make theif
appearance and the poison even works down into the bones and attacks
the nerves. Not only is the disease hereditary, being transmitted from,
parent to cnild, in the form of scrofula, weak eyes, soft bones, weak, puny
constitutions, etc., but is also so highly contagious that many a life has
been ruined by a friendly hand shake, or from using the toilet articles of.
one iafected with the poison. To cure this blighting, deadly curse the
blood must be punned, and nothing will do it so
quickly and surely as S. S. S. It goes down to the
very bottom of the trouble, drives out every particle;
of the poison and makes the blood clean and strong.
It does not hide or cover up anything, but from tho
first begins to expel the poison and build up and strengthen the system.
S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable.. We offer a reward of $x,ooo for
proof that it contains a particle of mineral of any kind. Book on the dis
ease, with instructions for home treatment, and any advice desired, without
"I tried Prussian FiYln Cure oa my haree for blood spaTin. aad
two bottles removed It entirely and thero is no sign ot any parln.
All of Tour remedies Ira caorf. " o. u. Daaiberr.uurus. w la.
Prlco a I at all druirirlsts or write us direct. We also make the fellowlaa
raraous line of Prussian roods! Powder. Worm Powders. Volar- J
InarvCurlna Ealno. stock Food. ale. wmeaaa leuus wnero you saw wis
aaaoawewiHuuiyouur PRUSSIAN REMEDY CO..
08 peso book Ireo.
St. Paul, Minn.
PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland. Oreeon, Coast Aeents
Uncle Sam's People
are emigrating to
Alberta and Can
ada by the thous
ands. Where there Is a
dollar to be made
you will always
(hi it a Yanteo. Al
berta affords tho
eC. 1'
xneuts ot one-sixth to one-tenth down, 6 per cent Interest,
payments, irom J3.60 to $8.00 per acre, that Is
B parlies out 01 opuitaiiu juoti
sDowlne them over Alberta,
K. company on easy pay-
cent interest, yearly
tine land as the sun
greatest opportunity of any country In the world for good Invest
ments. Land can be bought of tn
Canadian Railway lands,
ever shown on. 1 am conductln;
In.. .nnl.l r.llrnad rates ana u
Information cheerfully ilven. JAMES II. LEWIS. Special tand Agent Alberta an
719 Riverside Ave., Spokane, wasn.
ays of each week, glv
Join the crowd. Any
Freo from small, frail parts and complications,
opoaini. io to n ieeas u
Two to four tons per hour. 82-Inoh feed
Steady, powerful motion, A fast-working money-maker.
etUHIIi f eo u wanv
10 to 12 feeds to the bale,
BkaA. . Satan.