Is-. ,The Madras pp.ner ; : :v PublisliQd ovqry Thursday by -TJIE PIONE15H PUULISWI 4CO.-. 808800110,": , v. .JDufpycnr $1.50 Aytx months.'. .............. v ......... . .85 Tlireo months ..T. .50 ADVKJtTISI.NO .ItAKS UN AtUT.lf-VFVMf Entered ns second, clnss mnttcr August ?'.), 19(H, at tho "PosViftjco nt Madias, Ore, under the Act of CoQgrcss or JInrcIi 3, lh)S, THURSDAY Aug.. 3, 1905 Different paits of this section were visited hy heavy rain storms Sunday and Tuesday. They will benefit the gardens very materially. A few fellows without a clear insight into the peculiar fitness of things are agitating changing the nickname of Oregon from the "Webfoot" state to the "Rose" state. Of course Web foot does not sound so poetic or sentimental as Kofce, but it should be remembered that if ii were not for the bounteous rains of Oregon there would be no' roses, and we would h,ave no light to the name of Webfoot. We fellows with webs 'tween our toes have a sort of affection for the old name which nothing new could occasion. Hon. W. W. Cotton, of Port land, who was named by Presi dent Roosevelt for the vacancy in the federal judgeship in Ore gon, created by the death of Judge Bellinger, has declined the appointment. Mr. Cotton has for a number of j'ears been chief counsel for the Havriman lines in the Northwest, and it is probable Mr. Harriman lias of feied him sufficient induce ments to remain in the rail road's service. The position of chief counsel for the 0. R. & X. is one of considerable prom inence atid importance, and Mr. Cotton doubtless did not feel justified in resigning it to ac cept a place on the federal bnch. PARABLE OF THE TALENTS. 1 Hegonian: A company has been in corporated in Seattle with a capital of 3500,000 to develop some valuable min wg property in Southern Oregon. Within a few miles of Grants Pass alone, there are a dozen fine dividend paying mining properties owned by Seattle, Spokane, I'enverand California mining men. Pott land capital is a little too busy with 5 and 6 per cent mortgages ever to pay any at tention to this great mining industty which is making so many outsiders rich, but it occasionally finds a dumping ground in wilo cat schemes in faraway lands, from winch no dividends have yet returned. Yes. Why does not Portland build a railroad into Central Oregon and get the vast traffic and trade of this section? A railioad from deep water at Fori land through Central Ore gon would be one of the safest investments that could be made. But, it will likely be the old "partible of the talents" re peated: Seattle and California capitalists are using their tal Mits by making investments in this state which are securing the trade, while Portland capi talists are griping their talent tight, and all the while plead ing for some one else to build their .railroads for them. grees of Thursday, Friday and Saturday was not oppressive and no one stopptj. work for a moment for it. - Such heat, even in Portland, would Ut the city out of busi ness and in the East would kill off entire cities like r,a.ts. So 114 in tUe in East ern Qregon need qoi horify a,oy one. It i,s aot tii, oppressive, weakening heat. The Uigh al titude and light, dry, clea, ai,r permits, people to breath and labor, without difficulty., Not a solitary prostration litis been reported. S 11 n stroke is t,u.-. known. Deaths from heat have never been entered upon the mortality lists of any Eastern Oregon county, and tornadoes, cyclones and; thyrider storms of awful severity which accom pany such heat in the East, are unknown in Oregon. THE CHINESE PERIV.. Ka.-t OrvgouUn.. If, under the pressure of an alleged boycott of American goods in China x th,e President is brought to advocate a modifica tion of tho Chinese exclusion act, he will make the greatest mistake of his administration, and will inflict a blight upen the country which it wilt be almost impossible to again remove. The trusts and big .manufac turers of the East are urging the modification of the exclusion act,- on the grounds that it is an unjust law and is detrimental to American iuterests. The President is inclined to listen to their pleading and it is possible that the limit of the act will be extended to admit cer tain alleged "better" classes into this country. The Pacific Coast knows by actual touch with the Chinese his utter unfitness for citizen ship in this country The pro test against the extension ol the exclusion net should be so stronir and eniDhatic that there would be no misunderstanding of its meaning. The boycott amount to noth ing. China Will be forced to buy American goods. She can ret the same suDDlies nowhere else. It is a bluff, but will be expanded into grave dangei by Chinese sympathizers. Bni it is not as dangerous to the United States as the extension of the exclusion act would be. If you have ft farm or town property If n need of a tonibitope, Witc ft r.snlc, H It with the Madras Realty 1 postal card to the Wafts Marb wo&sor impany, Madras, Qxenon.. Qlllce in The Dalles tin .they vill send; yotr oV . I .... aii!! first Iton nut Ihlft for. Company Townsite Building. HEAT IS NOT SEVERE. Kant Ort-goulan. "If we should experience 110 degrees in the shade in Pitts burg as you have in Pendleton today, there would be no one alive in Pittsburg tomorrow to tell the tale,", said a Pennsyl vania tourist who spent Sunday in Pendleton. But the beat on the hottest 3ays in Umatilla county has not hindered men. from running combined harvesters headers, threshers and hay-atacWng cjufc JUi. Eveu tht heat in 114 de- Some Wholesome Truths, Uend Ilutlctln. Do 3'ou know a town where the citizens are consumed with petty jealousies and won't trust each other or pull together for their town ? If so, kiiow a weak community, no matter what its resources and advantages may be. Do you know a town where the people stand together as a unit, have faith in them selves and their neighbors and pull all the time for the welfare of the community and take pride in it? If so, you know a town that is strong and will succeed, no matter what its re- tfouvces and advantages may be. , Booms do not abide, prosperity may not always be equal, bnt ! when a community stands to gether it can accomplish sur prising results. When all in terests stand together a town is like a cube, square no matter on which side tt rests it is right side up. m Prineville Review: J. W. Bledsoe has a work of art that will cause a deal of comment when it is placed Upon, exhibi tion at tho Lewis & Clark Fair. It is a photo, and a good one, of the Deschutes Valley taken from Powell Buttes. The pic ture is. 12x40 inches in size made from three separate plates accurately joined, and the view covers a scope of at least 25 miles, or from Smith rock on the north to Pilot Butte on the south. A better view of the now unproductive .valley was never takfcn, its desert character beijig plainly shown in the photo. Mr. Bledsoe is proud of his woik "Well he may be. In.a few days tho pic two willbe went to Portland, signs. anOi wfas.;w. vWf "fJfsl UfokSH l way SA-WM1 UL CO MPT ON & M'MEEKIH PROPRIETORS The now sawmill, 1ft In operation Well supplied, with nil kluds of cough j lumber' Dressed lumber on hand na booh as seasoned for nlaulutf. ! Grizzly PIERSON'S Confection'ty ice cream every day Fresh and eoleot lltio of Confectionery QIjjr.cs TohftccoH Ifresji btead alwqjuon Unml riuv, Cuiki'd ami hnlwd ,0 "n'1" Oregon i IC1$ pQR SAIE HOTEL NEW MADRAS F. A, WILLIAMS P?p. BEST PLAGE TO STOP IN CENTRAL OREGON Good clean beds. Meals 25 and 50 cents. ALL STAGES STOP AT TH1 HOTEL HEADQUARTERS EOR TRAVELLING' MEN ilfll ill I In Connection Best Feed Good Rigs Cheap Rates 4 ftIMI FVfc DnATODDC P $ Madras, Oregon BLACKSMiTHING AND WAGON-MAKING Horseshoeing a Spoclalty & UATCD TAMIC P.PAIMiRAfllQ ... v V ii l i I l 1 1 n iu uiiu uiuiiii-iu v 6 ALWAYS ON HANP. ju W .fgngc vyyv HSSC ygcrtfy grigrigrigi pjJTjoyr m i&rik The Madras M. L. LOUGKS Proprietor MADRAS, 0RKX1QN FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Nothing oo Good fon Out Customers SALOON lorneft Stage & Stable Co. MADRAS TO ' SHANIKO EXCEPT SUNDAY Special attention lven to carryliig ExpreuH Matter. Fare $4.50; Round trip $8. Agent atTfADBAB HOTEL, DAILY When your flow iiffil d)mriviiirt(f. ypur wki U In iwl of A rfimlrxor vol) wttlit your lioret- xIhmI, iluu'l toist'ltogo 10 IliO OUR WORK, IS GUARANTEED i Gene'I Wagonmaker and Blacksmith Madras. Oregon i " - 4 1 F. J. BROOKS, Madras ...THE BEST... LIVERY AND FEED STABLE AT SHANIKO 18 D A. HOWELDS. : Good stock. CtupfuHlHvers. Beat of liny and'pHiiip Prices leasonablo. ' Antelope Drug: Company t ANTELOPE, ORECJON I rrescrlptlon work principal feature or tlilH store, No uWtltutlnn. J Apowrnoy gmrrantetwl. Mll orders receive careful Mtontluu KHtl tt- llvrd In return mail. x SELECT LINE OF PERFUMERY k TOILET ARTICLES ! M'TAGGART Jt Bl HEAoSlii 1 ' ' . 111 ' " " MADRAS, OREGON 11 ii I vrnoH Heat II is a Full liino of GROCERIES Hardware anl rmplements Harness Saddles 'Byilrs WWterlal-Including ccnient3 Tqqcco and UHjars PRINEVILLE FLOUR Baker Wire, $4.65 UITU I IIUDFR VII I1LH kUmifMI IfllU Madras, - - Qri CHAS. WATERHOUSE, Manager, for Hi GRIZZLY LAKE LUMBER Have on hand nit kinds of Rough and Dressed Orders DProrriptly Filled The White Electa QRAM5R & STEVENS, PRQP'S. fittst-Class Wines, liiquorsi and Cigars. HIGft CRADE CASE GOODS j Cor. Fourth and E Stroota M ADRAS. OREGON The Farmer's. Marli HARRY D0UTH1T, PROP. FRFSH MEATS B K mmm v mm m. w m . VEGETABLES Madras Oregon- TYTE do" ik t ulalm to carry everytlil Win n")i68itlon io 1111 ordintiry eeleoietl sloqk of Qroceik'B, and Btioh things usually car class country store at reasonnblo our prices and 'quality "with- other elsowhero, and you will then trade vv Culver mmsmTmm g bUt WB wants noin u Boots and" S,'5B prioos. uu'r 8 before Wim Storf 0. G. GOLLVER, Pr CROSBY POSTOFP1CE PrlARM nAfH Htwr. Hv ?r3iL ' crrivt comit.uto'iyinoo; iniK;,'UrlM'. trf': !l"ilti JhkiclMn'HwiiilrlMrttliA WliqHnii'Ui. Country ' ' vaurK Wy itfecJy. Htti'lllllRV Tl" THE 2jtLTjJ, J 1