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About The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
The MaclEafc Pinerl l'Hbltekeri every Thursday by -THE VIONfKlt rUIlLlSlUN(itCO. B 8C I P7.iQ H RATES: 0; year...k. $1.50 Six inoiitlm.. ....... 85 Threo months. .....J, .50 AlVKUTISIN(l ItATHS OX AJanMCATSON- Kntercd ns.,sccond chm'inatyes August 11KH, at thp l'ostollico nt MncbKs.tUro., mirier tha.Aqnf Congress of JIalL8ySK7H. THURSDAY July '6, 1905 K 'li 'COMING. It is pracUoaliy assured that tihe Columbia Southern railroad will extend from Shaniko to this !$ace during the coming twelve months. While the .full report of the trip of investigation made ki to this section of tke state by representatives of the Harrisoan kitereets has probably not yet peached headquarters, the na ture of the report, is known, and the fact that Central Oregonis iu dire need of better transporta tion facilities and is abundantly able to support a railroad, has unquestionably been estab lished. The next step will be the order foi construction to begin, and then, the beginning of an era of wonderful growti, and. development throughout Central Oregon. The moat recent information regarding the extension of thef Columbia Southern is to the effect that only fifty miles of road will be built during the coming year. This wonld tap all of the great wheat belt sur rounding this place, and would indicate that Madras is the ob jective point of the immediate plans of extension. Large areas ;ire already under cultivation throughout the entire stretch of territory within a radiu3 of 15 miles of this place and the ur gent need of better transporta tion facilties for the marketing of the product of this territory was manifest to the railroad representatives who made a rarefnl and intelligent study of the conditions which prevail here. This is the territory upon which the burden of lackof trans portation rests most heavily at this time, and to view it from their purely business stand point, this is the territory from which the railroad will draw its primany support. The'ail load to this point affords easy acceas to the irrigated districts farther south, and in the very near future the development there will demand the further extension of the road. It may be that the railroad will hasten the development of the country sourh of here by pushing, the fXtension through to Bend, bur the conclusions above are indi cated by the reports of the com mittee sent to investigate. A petition asking for the establishment of a stage route between Heisler and this place is being circulated for signa turesiSthis weeU. ,yhen a good proportion of the names of patrons of this office has been secured, the petitiou will be for warded to the postal depart ment at Washington, and it is hoped that some immediate ac tion will be -taken in the matter, pne stumbling block iu the way of the creation of this route has been the fact that a portion of the road over which the mail ronte would have to pass was Hot an established county road, but passed through and over private property, but this ob jection will soon be removed as it is quite likely a county road all the way through to rteisler will be established at thf pres-' ent session of the county cour;. The new mail route, if it is cre ated, will be a great improve ment over, the present cirouitousj roue ovt?r which our mails have to pass, and will Avoid a delay of ni least 4 hours in the de livery cJtour outgoing mails. (President Et & Lytle of the C. S. Ry, and his party of 0. R. N. officials, returned from Bend Tuestbiy.. OX -eoxse nobodv can tell at tliis tiuie what the results of. t&ie. trijj. js?ill mouui. to-rrrbutinvith Jrnman oij the tapis,, and time and circum stances favorable. The Observer does not hesitate to predipt that something will be doing pretty quick along the lines of the many timea.thwarted Columbia Southern Railway extension. Moro Observer. Antelope Herald: X C. Ed wards, C. M. Cartwright and two prominent mining men from Sampler were in town on Wed neadaj'' evening, and on Thurs day morning the party left for Aahwocd, where the Surapter men will inspect the property fuf the Oregon King Mining Co. :l reported that there is a deal o for the purchase of the property by a syndicate of Sumpter capitalists, of which the two gentleman are repre sentatives. An Indian mortar 8 inches high, and a peatal to match it, were unearthed near Bend, re- centlj', from amongst the roots of a 250 years oldt Juniper Both are of a Mne textured lava rook, worn smooth apparently by use in crushing seeds and berries for ancient habitants of the Inland Empire. Ex. A Portland fur dealer says that despite &e fact that the st&te has removed: the bonsty fur coyote scalps, more skins are received iu the market thau ever before. It is estimated that not less than 15.00Oof these animals aire killed annually in Oregon, but that the number living is on the increase. Ex. Frog Springs and Vicinity. Louis Larson is building a cistern on his place. Mr. and Mrs. VV. C. Lathim are now living on their home stead. More ram needed on the North End, but what we had is appreciated. Jake Peterson came down from trrizzly Saturday tp spend t a few days. Lars Larson came home from Gompton's sawmill to celebrate the Fourth. George and A. Monner are working at the Cowles & Der ham sawmill as millwrights. L Wni. Brownhill and Win. Ltthim and family were enter tained at Calvin Fox's the 4th. The north End witnessed a splendid display' of lire works on the edge of the rim the night of the 4th, on P. N. Yibbert's place all the neighbors being present. Nelson GrewetU P. N. Vib bert and Mr. Dillon made a business trip to .Prinesville the 4th,' - returmngtlie 5th. They went to see the conuty court about the North End grade. L. T. Larson's and P. N. Vib bert's family and Mrs. Nelson Grewell and Jake Peterson celebrated the nation's birthday at Audiew Vibbert'a place. All report a good time. Frog NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. j n'parfiiieut nf the Interior. Land Oflice at The Dalles, Oregon. July 3, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the follow, ing named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made befoie Don P. Rca, U. S. Commissioner, at his e'dice. in Madras, Oregon, on Au gust 9, 1905, vir: . ' Bernette Schooling, or Madras, Ore gon, on H. E, No. 13,59 tbe se ef sec 26, tp 9 s, r 13 e, w in, She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and .aulfivalion of satd land, viz: ?tsd Fisher, W Krownill, of Madras, Osgon, L NUtl'herson, of Jy Crek, A Monner, of Madras, Oregon. , Xichael T Nolan Agister NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - cartm(.'iit of the Interior, tarnl Oftlfc nt The Dulles, OrvRi Julys, lrt. Notice 1 hereby fdvon tliat the following-, named settlor liits tiled notlrc of her Intention, to make final proof In HUinxirt of tierclnlui, ami that salil jiroof wilt he raatto before iniii l Ilea, U. S, Cominliwloncr, nt til olllcv In Madras, Oregon, on August y, WO, viz: Kdle M. Ftahur, tif Madras, Oregon, on II. K. No. i:i,K, tot the swW of nee 25, tp i, r 13 e, w m. HhiMiamc the following wltnesfefi to jirovo horconllmioiia reatdence uixin and cultlva tlon of raid laud: V T KUnn, W Sfownhttt, (leorjrc Monner, Krtsl ifther, all oMatlrv. Oregon. jiV3 Mkiuki.T. Nolan, Ufglxtcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICAITON. Department of tlie Interior. T.snd Onlce at The Dalles, Orrgou, July 3, 1905. Notice U hereby Riven that the fitllonliig naineil m:Ulr lia tllnl notleo of lil.A intention tninakr tlual proof In Mij.port tit hi claim, anil that atd proof trill be mule before Iqn l uea. 1 . ! i;onimis.iioner. at 11 H oniccinjlaiK rag, Oregon, tu Augunt 10, lw. vti : James W, Melton. of Mailrax, Otxiron, on H.E. No. tt,t7H, .for the m W see tp Vn,r W e, w m. He namw the folloTrins rrltncfsej to prove IiIk rontinnoux retiUenee uixin anil etiltlvatlon of tatd luinl. vix: t.' V Fox. J (? Htontr. Williaru Ilarner. K Sh Mortltuore, all of Madran, Oregon. Hf-4 MtcitirxT. Noun. Ketltter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at The Pallet. Oregon, Notice I hereby given that the following named settler ha flUd notlccof liM intention to make final proof In iiippott oT hi claim, and that m!l proof will fee made beire.I. I'. Ilea, V. 8. Cumftiitoliiiier, at lit offlce in Madras Oregon, on Auguxt to, ieo.', tIz: John f. Buma, of Mdilrai, Orrgnn, on II. E. No. Itv'et, for tlie k', rl. nee 1 and itj so iArve i, tp 10 , r 13 e, w ni. lie name the following wttnes-T to prove hin contlnuoiM rvitidehcu uh and cultivation of said land, viz: C C Fox, William annon, MIIch Kos, Alfred It Parker, all of XI ti If mi, OreRon. juy-oS J41CIIAKI. T. NOLAN, IteglMcr. NEW MADRAS F. A. WILLIAMS, 'Prop. BEST PLAGE TO STOP IN CENTRAL OREGON Good clean beds. Meals 25 and 50 cents. ALL STAGES STOP AT THE HOTEL HCADQUAbTERS FOR TRAVELLING MEN m. In Connection est Feed Good Rigs Cheap Rates ... TflE LIVERY AND AT SHANIKO IS Good stock. Careful drivers. Best of hay and grain. Prices reasonable. NEW LUMBER YARD Madras, - Oregon CHAS. WATERHOUSE, MANAGER, for the GRIZZLY IAKE LUMBER CO P Y Have on hand all kinds of Rough and Dressed Order jPrcijoaptly IFIllfcd. I I Antelope Drug Company I ANTELOPE, OREGON 't f Prescription work a principal feature of thltt store. No uubetittiiiou. Accuraoy guaranteed. Mall orders receive careful attention ami de 1 t llvered iu return mail. ? SELECT LINE OF PERFUMERY ft TOILET' ARTICLES PIERSON'S Confection ry IQE CREAM EVRX DAY Fresji and select line of Cnnfcotlouery CInrfl tttid T,qbccos Jfe&h bread nl way a. on hand Hies, Cakes and I?aary linked toordei ICE FOdfr SAL.E j. w. eoce PPtu.honjej-rnado Try our make of While, lllvqr Trie - Stock Saddle The bjSdju. the tnafket. PltlNEVlLtJe East EmF Ctothing Store JOE COHEN, PfWP. COMn.KTE UNt.PJ; gknw KuaNnBUJ-SU, aopna, HAT?, BAM, WIOI21 AN.H. CT.HINU. ALSO TILVN-. U wiU ay you to get our price Ijfpre pur chUiii; eteewhere., cot KKgoNino;., wk palles, OHivCON VWU?WJiU0"' VaAirW. Oregon. Vie ttougtftftahoji,. SAWMILL G0MPT9N & M'MEEKiN The new rawmill li In operation Wull supplied witU nil klndn of rougi LUMBER DresHtd lumber on baud as soon a seasoned, tor )lauiutr. GRIZ2LY Oregon HOTEL II) In BEST ... FEED STABLE lTTACCART BY THE mmm MB B B1 BB A BB BB BaV JBI BB BBBBBB BB BB IB Bl BM I MADRAS, OREGON Jl. VJr JL. JL itlce i,Sflo,TftiitocR. Xlc Drltul Sndts. KxcHli-nt Chiw.i. . Hlltl ft.aiaaI Vu.ttd A ait lllm l.f I t '-."U CAM DIES AND NUTS IncluilhiK Caramels, Chwolati's, KIsnck. TOBACCOS and CIGARS HARNESS and SADDLES BUILDERS1 MATERIAL Xaacl,u.ciirLs tratnt Baker Wf re, $4.63 I HARRY BOUTHIT, mh FRESH MEATS Madras buniim diup & mm uu, DAILY Special attention given to carrying Expum Matter. Fare $4.50; Round trip, $8. w elsewhere, and you will then trade with the ouiver dto R.H. WBBER Ptdftitkor. Grw i D!r 1 FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL nirnnirvnnMP ilfkorf A M I iCHDI KKKK ttyuAMu, TuMfW, LHtos, Da !, Peale, fiU. THE DALLES A E. CROSBY dact ft?r rrn oh M DnittlHt-' H.nulriHH ud I'hoto Hmn.Ilort. CoHi-itrv 3(ttll QrUur J . a . . I Jl a.. .... I.. t c. .1. II....... ...iu mt III 111 1 1UUI 1 THE DALLES, AAAAtkAAAAAABBAAAAi&AAAAAAAAJktkAABaBaBBBVTTT ' Jl TW??TTV?VTTTT f W W f " ' ' J. H'aun vri J ' nH) JTnt fivipv rrn rw " - J OUR. WORK IS GUARANTEED v t ni nmiiirvA i aiMrkft m m u m . I VI VltVVUVI UJ" ii- nnn rtiTl n mm mm m 1111 1 lias a Full Line of Oregon MADRAS TO. SHANIKO a trimr. nt m m 1 1 n. n n nil ni n i " mm ii mii m i m i j m 1111 a & a a uu a. .V 0 t' GRAPE SMALL a