Madras , u . . nfvi jS: .MPF CRQQK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 6, 1905, NO. 46 Pioneer 1UC OFI aS - '' - '..inDifi JEWELER WT KttELRV REPAIRING CLOCK fiJEWEL",, H(in, Otcr QKI200N DENTISTS . w . " ,v .pit) CMn beIitist ' ' if ' -aai' a ft I'. .....un cuoncnu H An HflU Uunu-" OltKOON A, WHO ........ f. al MnrVi't ... U..1r. Mi-Hi M flif OTCr . . . n i m m.t r M a KM OnEQOf rnv biidi in Awn inn t wp-- $, COMMISSIONER ' . oukoox BANKING CO MIAXIKO. OIIKUOS . - i .r.rrtnrh.i're. it... ll..... ml.; (ft iiyiiw'""',"7,tJ iSEXCUAXGi: IIOfiillT AND hOI.D.i TO ON ALL l'AKTB if llif WOULD. ...... . rt IiOT J. i freilfli, II A. jiuorv. r. i. I, .V.Lord, A K. lUunnpii'l, J. II. t'ne. tit?, President T M Baldwin, rhiitr. iirtwtlUl: Vlrc l'rc. II mis, Artt.('ililfr. NO. 3051. first National Bank f PRINEVILLE, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1000 sorpliu mid t'mlivMeil TtOlllx $80,000.00 The Hollpbio Drunolst. "rrl ilii lrart mork of (trnji nmt drngglM iundrleiln KiMcru Oru. ton, photo millvi -(inrwlliiWori.tiii'lt td mill will loeelvo ironnt atlotitlon. RAILROAD WILL EXTEND 4 L 'i Columnar Southern Line WTTl' Build "Fifty 3 M es. A V JP Officials will Ankc Recommendations to llai rlman tlirit Will Lead to, .... L.1HQ South. SOCWSOT Early oxU'tiulou of tlio Coliimljlu (8IIC0 Of jO Honthtrn JtUwiy AtfttaMll Wfolofartrfl-fiiSt1 wlir fofloV thu t- Dalles, iu-nt hwnfcMoti'trli). lato Jiit&rJor Qi ii" VJ. 4 S 2 jm 'noil fef'atttolHW of-Hlionoi'HiweHU'rii griml 4lJylyoi;vfJho Hurrlmuii eyj tern. General Mnngor O'llricuy" upjv Iwyl"!, lrprt!jl (uiiirf-lioiiBlvu rwportK cuvbrlng every fettiuru o( ttiu iHM.m ..VXpl'rfci for lrHiifipiti(roii linniL'dlaiuly vtiil that H Ih vatltuflUd ( piX)ikJCnT. wider, lUivijjmit, licltiK cnmtilleU of the ncreiu;e iiotimlly to orojw grown una yieiu iinrvcHtuii up to tiyaliue as a balj) for. dU'ru.ul;ij: ftliioimalo for fu!u( fiwsoikIt will taUtfonKiUlmo U completo tliliftluti tlctAl Information after which th.? en lra rJ'.ortf luul.inlliif? vlowa nutl ro vorur)i0L'Uiuoiicif henilrt of tho yarloun irepMninOiilB, will " bo nUbinttteil to President Ilurrlmau. How much tinie w.'JI bo oouHumud lit coiihldtmlfou of the reporLn and recommendations by Mr. Iarrlmn, TneniberH of llio dtreo fofKto r 1 1 cl""irl iTof pal flnancTun'n(oro'nU 4 j,i)oiH)V. lUHt pootif Aiier nio juiooio oi forthcoming of the ileclttlou to build nu extt'iinlon. Agricultural dovclopmoiit In the Agency IMhIhh Pcctlon and throughout thu region trlbtitftry to Mtdraa Id hucIi na tojiibllfy the1 extension to that lo cality and routo may be chouon Unit wil wervo tho prtwent Buttlements ad mirably and at tho Hume time be ko locked m to 4)pon up much new territory.. "We taw a great deal of good coun- i try and a great deal of country that Ulld not look good," aid General Miuinger O'Brien, and reporta of our obnervatiou are now being compiled an Abasia fot a decision ol tho quratlon. Iteoommt'tidatlonn wilt nlo be tub milted with the Inlormation thunar ranged for bubmlttplon, but I am not ui liberty to atate what thee recom nifUdutloua will be." With tho Columbia Southern oner- i atlug to a Hltit oven 50 ml lew nearer Bend than at prevent the remaluliiK Kcotlnn would be where nmd arc at h oiuraeter that rapid . trai)Hiar(atlou majbe aupplied by aulotnohlles, as Ik rfoV Doing done, until father demon stration has been made of tho pot HibllllleH of nijrlculturo under the In Uuendeof (rrrlgntlon. With .proved -tiucoefts of Iho reclamation projects of thu Deschutes region for which lamia havo 'been segregated under Ihto Cary act, aud introduction of variety and tllverslly of crop there .will then h HQ.'Uojiht lllo juetitlcH futhor exteiiBlon of tho rails. Thiee days of thu t'Uiie devoted to iuHpeotlou of tho country was spent In traversing tho Oregon ' liJfUlH Hill llfMltt. rirtMn..... . "v" oooimuie, ' Head. !;?ur W U JllllUC.1bfr.Wlr. " lo'i want to t)iiv . nL. n,1 i no beiur than towrlto EO. II ERF r la I In H.a jfKtMiih nrrktiW(u of tlHtt seStlon. It iifeallzed that not otily "will Irrri gatloii'mean larger yields of nil crops that'll ia dlHilbd may Vb eucceKHfully growu, but will Insure crops ovory vnar. jvlinrMiu hi a lurL'o nart of the rOreaon K,,t 8r,u of lhe Northwest EjnmMier ' ' I r . i 11.- 4. ..1 ...I.I. iHijowiug is cue prewiib i uie wmi uiwi ytold only altemalo yearo. Export' mnts boljig proseeuted under direction of 'ati epglner of tlfa. Irrigation service near llend will go far toward roveallug this year the adaptability of that re glou'to diverse grains, here" It is al- t rMirfy"(mitlfjioWrlJy shmYU that foi-ao Ig'rowll yield (fullers abtlndantly aud of quality not surpaeed "by any other region of the country. r it!..... . r "HI III HIIDtlll,... lll. . ' Allivork M anWAQOMAIER... MV hn) in TliursJay Oregontan, inentietoing the appoiiMhient Of Martin T, Pratt aslvotma5tcr .at. t,liis place, was of much interest to liim and his fi lends. The (ncrea'w in the postal receipts t thii'pface;, Indfcatti tHciffow1hs61tlh mCtf,'aid'wUh j the advent of the railroad, it wlll'becojne-j -Mumng a mhlhy Doa)(!r Uit ftt: Krait will "tiohbtlesa' prove a it"iand mosttfccomiuo i i STRUCK A COAL MIME. Evuijy t,lmo you allele a pjck In grout Grant eoitnly you run l intd a treas ur. Coal hnn been htruck near Tip ton. The .contractors grading along the Humptof Valfo'y exiensTon struck a blaukut vein of coal about one mile this dido of the precdut terminus. GrndorsJn prenarinif the road bcd.Un. 'drtortiitii falfl vdltu ' Tho "Miner Wn hIiowii n pelco of the new stlko and II has ajl the .appearance of n go(ftl coal considering tho fact that it wah taken but a few feet from the surfaoe. Its combustion Is perfect and It .burns ilowu to a very little u&h. VrolrW OiYy Miner. . Uanjmpndi Archie Maspn, JohnuhnehjU'diU. puft and y- erai otner reMUeujs o this locality are wltu the contractors 'referred to above. It may lie that Madras ' will yet have the instruction of haying produced a "oo'al borou." Orcgorjiar.: The 0. R. 8c N. Co. has established a rate of-i8 cents per hundred pounds on wheat from Condon to Port land. As thU is no higher than the rate charged from many of the company's main line points where a heavy traflic has irci3y?!ee9 djvelope'dy itqfjjrs Ja)igi1e cvidenccof a dcsjre onthc part oftjie cot poraion jo .'isswt the stivers w'ho hae waited so long for the coming of the rail .foad. .pnsldej-ingjlie fies"sMojSostf marketing wheat from , thaf rpgion bclore the railroad was built, there would have been little or no complant had a material increase over the regular tariff been ex tctcd. Tlje fiuildingtof.a few nitre feed ers like' the Condon branch, and a corre upondtng liberal policy after completion, would soon restore the O. K. & N. Co. to popular favor in the serves, ' wheels. mui.iK, i nibDbr' ban 8 dirAffWcH.. 'J h w v. F.urWtdre, undtrtaking 'supplies bulkib'rtjattrul afLouck's. &- Co's. territory, which, it i . r S SHANIKO Grf, Cornett,;owner of-.thejCornett stage lines throughout Central Oregon, wis in town last - Saturday In ail till Ion to his Mar route mall Btagea, .Mr. Cornett Is running a trl-weekly tnge between this place and Bhaniko, and also a 'dully stago .between Mad ras and Helsler, Ho hopes to have a new star route established over the latter louto lit the near future. M. I. Lonokn has been In Prlnoville this Week, presenting to the County Court his petition for license to sell liquor In ihls precinct. Mr. Loueks former petition was defeated by a re moustratiCQ which contained u target number of sinner, but tills time lie went over armed with a petition hav ing over 160 names upon It. With tho ansuranco of a railroad up on which the product can be trana ported to market, tho acreago under iiiitilvntlon will uioro lliail double wltliiu tho tvext year, In this locality And it seems pretty sure, now, that tiio railroad will bo hero in time to handle next season's crop. A. C.-Sanford, who has beou looking after the business interests of Suuford A Hill at this placo for two weeks oi more, returned to Slmnlko on Thur day IbsL Mr. San ford has been sel llngtt large itmoutit of farm machinery lu Hie country tributary to Madras. J. B. McDowell, Elmer Gilliam aud Alf Cook, of Haystack, p issed through Madras on their way to The Dalles where-' they will make proof ou their homnsleads. TheV will TUU down while there and "lilt- tho trail." MU Anna Schreiber. of Chicaco, is spending the summer with her friend, Mrs Dowbrowe. Miss Schreiber is an excel lent pianist and vocalist. Max Pnlz of tho Madras Milling f'omnativ is looking alter business liituresis at bis old home in Mitchell this vpeek, " f , Mrs. George R. Innes, of'. New West minster, B. C, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hom man, Sr. P. L. Huffman, who lives four miles southwest -of townj. has returned from a trip to Portland anJ otirer vaney points. Mrs. J. A, Hoffman went' to Mihvau kee last week1 to spend a month with her parents and will see the Portland fair. O.'P. Bartliolaitmw, of Portlaud, renresentlng tho Roinhart brewery, was In town ou Saturday. Tofu'Marshell, a ropresentatlvo of WP. Fuller & Company of Portland, was In town lastsSftturlay. Misi Johanna Hermann 'arrived from Gennnny last week and is staying at the home bf Theodore 'Keiger. Kred McDowell, of tUyafookwaa lu town ou sS4turduy, atteudlng t6 land matters. ' Doil IV Hon returiiQdfriruriky;arteri, liOoii'fromTy'itlaud.-4' " BIG CO-OPERATIVE SCHEME Ort'gon ia to bo the home of i the gretttest co-operative ogntii-1 zation in the Justory of the world. It will be capitalized at ' $50,000,000, and backed fi nan cially by two of the strongest financial institutions in America. The co-operative experiment is to bo backed by, the moral support of the American In stitute of Social Service, and it" will be known as the Co-opera tive (ylirislian federation. Under the, co-operative plan, eacii worker will share in the profits. The Federation yf build a model city on the tip per Willamette, build and oper ate factories acquire and de velop and farm a large tract of land in Central Oregon, and build railroads and other utili ties necessary in- the success-, ful operation of the business of the federation. And. m all that 'tij6 federation 'produces from its factories and lands, each meniber of the community will have his share of,the profit. It is the profit-sharing division on 'a just and satisfactory basis that fornis the basis of the co operative plan. After, the man ner of the Roycrofters, of whose destiny Elbert Hubbard is the guiding star, each member of the community will be expected tc "do that which he can do best, and do it as well as he can", the result of all their ef- 'forts to tfe the community prof- FOR THE ! FOURTH OF JULY! 3 s it if. i. Young was hi town -on Satur day fronijiis ranch East of vAeeucy Plains. He has sent in a petition to the postal department, auklng for-.tbe creation of a new post ofllce at.lus store to be' known as "Yputig's", aud if it Is established he will probably be the now postmaster. Tho post-ofllee at Young's would serve a population nf about 400 who oro now patrons of this ofllce, and would be a great con venience to them. The new otllce would bo served from the Madras of flco .until a mute is established be- iweeii Helsler and this place. N. M. LANE General Blacksmith and Wagon Maker HORSESHOEINQ A SPECIALTY All Work Guaranteed Buy a new- SUIT and a new Pair of SHOES u .., "fi a. H O E FINE LINE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHQ.ES AND OXFORDS Fifty new pieges of CALICO to go at 5c. : 3313.37- yovur- CS-rccsries of xxs and t S A V E" - MONEY Doorf, Windows and Hardware " LENA M.: LAMB,' Prop. 1 " ' ' ...;Palmehn Building : " " MADRAS. 1 ' - ' OREGON OREGON ' HENRY L KUCK MANCFACTrUKIt OF Harness and Stock Saddles COWBOY OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. I)eler l Collars. Whin, Robes nd u rcii erftl ltnu of Hon.0 FumHlitiig Ooods, Tonts Awning" n'l Wngon Covers. All work guaranteed. Knst'Secoml Bt, 1- 5 THEDALI.ES, Ore v. 4 A.. WlBLIAMS-rCO. DEA1.EUS IN Dry' Goods, Clothing, rTurriishibg Gopds HOOTS AND SHOES UATS AND CAl'S THE DALLES ORECON JHlW Print Township I'jftt correetetl up to .Into (ihowliiB naiueM nf all cntrymen, vaeant tpAND SCRIP FOR SALE: 'I'ur necurWtftfe toU klyilfo) yovcrnmcnt laiul without renlilonee or tmjiroveincnt, at !owe',t ,'inarkot price. WrltJ us for f uniar ticular. All kjiitliof Land OOleo hii)ness a uneetalt.r. THeUty-llvo yearn' eJCjivrK'iie., Heferej tfreltW Co., banker' , Attention JUST ARRIVED Boy's and, glen's Straw and Cloth Hats. A complete line new pattern Dry Goods. The finest line of Gent's Furnishing'Goods in Madras The celebrated .Northrup & Sturgts preserved fruits. : ONE WEEK ONLY All Canned Fruits at 20 Cents a Can WHATW$5 WILL BUY FOR ONE WEEK 13 lbs. sugar 10 lbs, beans ,1 lb. tea 10 lbs. of any dried fruit 2 lbs. coffee 8 lbs. bacon I T.J.M ALLOY &C0. JVTain Street, JVIadffas, Oregon. SHOES! SHOES For good shoes at bedrock prices go to the warehouse of MADRAS MILLING & MERCANTILE CO. $1.25 pair. 1.50 "-- Men's Canvas shoes, " " leathers Foxed, " dress shoes, salin calf, BEST VALUE IN THE All kinds of shoes from 75 cts. up to S4.00. See our men's Tan shoes THE LATEST FAD. 1.50 STATE WE HAVE A 800D SUPPLY OF STOCK mil DAIRY SALT ON HAND Tea and Coffee WE ARE LOADED WITH TEA AND .COFFEE QUALITY - UNSURPASSED MADRAS M. & M. COMPANY Madras, Oregon Special Sale F0.U SIXTY DAYS ONLY IN BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, Of all kinds, We also carry a full and complete line of Groceries aud Hardware. Agents for Mitchell Vagous, Hacks, Buggies, Carts, Plows, '.Hawiew, Drills and all kinds of farming Implements autf tools, JOHNSON, BOOTH & CO. Main St., PrineviUe, Ore, 1