I" ft flu l niiMMr n LODGE DIfiEOTOXY Madew Camp, M. W. A., N6.82G M -el a every second and fourth Saturday s'of each month ata p. nr. Frank J. Brooks, Co ant C W II. snook, Clerk. Visiting neighbors cofdialIylnvlted to attend. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the rutetkMy Land 0ec at The Dalles, Oregon, V- I I - A . V -.1 .... . . ,t.n ,..ll.iwl,c. ! jiTniw-Tl fitter WHWsotlcc of tili intention Lcla Camp, Royal- 'Neighbors of A. i to make mwUimioWn aprttt of her claim eacb nuiiilli nt o p.m. MF" anoov, L. M. Halm, Recorder. 'Visiting oors welcome. rlday of an,i tht(tH-p-6t'wmtbe r"re ' te ( IS, t iP " 1 5!v l' ' CnrtiiHtwr.-aVhrofnce tu Mad- -SltH, . nctgii-r. riUS 0n?Kin7DhJfnift Vnv VU: roum ; NQTrCE FOR PUBLICATION. f Departmeut-of tho Interior. Land CWnt-- Th? IHines. Orefton, trifr?0,"tkvv Notice ts UereUy afttotriliat haMlowlnfti ' named ?ett!i!livi titedliotice tf nv intention to mac? nnai commniaiioii pinoi in suppHti of lier claim, anil that Mild pwjd will tie made before 1. 1. Ilea, C. S. Commissioner, at hi of-fl flp? tn Madn. Oregon, on June P. WW. tlx: Sute O. Andeion, af Madraj, Orrgon, II. KjNo.M.K forrthe,.! inf?c ss ana w nwM ftci, i' o; r wu, w in. ,.,,. She ititrnw tho following wltbe? to prove' tier continuous residence upon and cultivation of Miiit land, vlx: E t Smith, K O Hutchinson. C It Have- M T Pratt, allot Madras. Oregon. 'cr-Jt Miciuei. T. Noun. RepiMcr; trarltr tt. MAmul. of Madras ?rssotf K. No.-J2,M7;r tltCHcW ee. 1. tpll. r . in. Plie name hf following rlMrt to prove hercontlauous-'5Hl!fe,r Jiwn'Ond cultiva tion of a!ftitt. rix: Cook. J-B I!o)n,xif IfjVUck, Oregon: Han Nh'Wn, C NjPahta, of Madras, Oregon. aiT-Jll T i Mtcitiw. T, Npi-u Bejlter. Notice. All persons owing for water are requested to call at the residence of John Isham and settle for' th same at their earliest convenieucV Johu Palmebn. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. : Department of the Interior. Land Office at The "Dalle. Oregon - ' April I l'AVi. j Notice Is hereby given that .tbe.foHowiuf Siained rettler ha tiletl notfre of hl intention -iftujake final proof in support of hi claim. 4and that id jnx)f -svill be made before D. 'P. Rea. V. S. Commissioner, at his oClcv tn ras, Oregon. Jminiw'". vji,; $ " Lafayette DotgIas, mf Madras. Orepoa, Ili EU No. for the fn&:2U. tpios. rile. wm. He nawes the follcvrins wttnee5. to prove ' t coutinuqtt residence upon arid cujtivatftfn Of ald land, vlx: ' KranfcElkins, JE Campbell. William Bran Stetter and Mrs. Ellen Lojsan. all of Madra.-", tjirvpHi. MICHAEL T. NOIAN, -m25 Register. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i Deiartment of the Interior. lnd Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 23, Il5. Notice is hereby ctven that the follow "ing-named settler has filed notice of hi intention to make final proof jn support oi his claim, and that said proqfnvill.bemado before the Itegister and Keceiver at Tin Dalles, Orejyn, on July 6, l'J05, vtz: John B. McDowell, t)f Hayrack. Oregon, H. E. No 7923, for the lnr 1-4 sec 15, tp 12 s, r IS e, w ni. Jle nrmes the following witnesses ttj prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said land, vizt J. II. Horney, Mary Homey and Elmet CtUani, of .Culver, Oregon, and Join Corwin, of Haystack, Oregon. Desert Uvmd Final. Pstx.r. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Oeparttnetit or tue ititerior. I. S. LAnd Office, Tlic Dalles. Oreyon. - - April lo, f.V. Notice Is hereby given that John U. Ikdter, uf Antetoiv. Orepon. ha filed notice of Inten tion to make proof on hi" deert-Und claim X0.4SK, forthOBWiis-wUcec 17,tp!!srtte.Tirm. liefore .UaxT.uctldemann, 1. A Vommlsdoner. at his office in Antelope, Oregon, on. the 7th lay otOirf, He names the following xvltue.vc to prove the compute, irrigation and reclamation of said land: K Leslie ITMay, of Anteloiv, Oregon. Robert Carlantt. Of Haystack, Oregon, hIvarl u Holler, Sanford Shulti. of Anteloj. Oregon. icrr-jr mioiaex. T. noun, Kegitcr. Lewis & OUik OesUenial Bxpu&fl. The ColambU Bouthern Railway Company will sell excursion tickets from ll ticket offlcea to Portland and retura daily fmta l&yZ to Oclrtber 15, gtCKl to retura wllhltf 30 days from Jte of ak, but tief later than October 1JW5, at rates 5s foliftwa for the round trip: -tK, Si&) ;oro, a.7o ; Orass Valley, 505: ciiiaiiipo, o.w. Children berweeuS aud years, oue Iralf 'the 'above rates. C. E. Lytic, G'.'P A., fthatilko. Notice to Creditqrs. Notice is hereby given that the under lgned has been, by the County Court of Uie State id Oregon for Crook county dill apixiittknl administrator of the estate of John Hasllngs, deceasid. and all per.-Min-. having elalnis ngalnst Slid estate are i...rui.- wwiiikiiI tn iin'st'iit the Siiine dul verlfieil. tn salil Adtnlnhtratorattho nlllce of M. K. Brink. In I'rineyiHe, Ore. within six mouths from the date of the first pub lication Of this notice. Date of first publication of thlsnotle. Admlulstratur of tho Estate of John Hast ings, deceased. J I jl-JC Michael T. Nolan. Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Orejron, r- ApVH;27, !.- A MUSeient emtet affidavit (having been fild in. t&H office by Frank V. Hanna, tatetan! apaiut homestead entry No. IS.I tt. made Dewnber a, VMS, for e1 nwij, eA4 mt tpUt.rUe, trm, by AlonziS Brandt. nnl?sttv. iu which it is allgel that sniil Mmwo B'andfhas whelly abandoned the tract -..r mor-thaa six months Istt jnl and hast tlto cultivate arxl lwprore the same as 'fnired by law. no iinprovenuanu whatever a said tract, that ald alleged absence na : t due to his employment in the army, nav niarine cori of the United States in time of jar. Said parties are heretry notified to ap? r. respond and offer evidence touching -a' 1 allegation at la o'clock a. nr. on inue Mr before Don P Itea. C. S. Commissioner, at . office in Madras. Oregon, and that final .taring will beheld at la o'clock s.mnu'June " jjo before the Kegi'-ter and Receiver at ' . t nitetl States Land Office in The Dalle trufton. The said contestant bavins, in a proper affi iait. rileil March tSK WlV et forth facts which - " n that after doe fitlilpenre b1rotiaI service t this nutice cannot tw made. It U turebr or- ! red and dlrecteI that such .notice be g 1 ve . une kimi profter puoueauoa, i- :i MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Regbtar. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. 1-and-OlEce at The Dalles. Oregon, A April IP, l'MV. Notice Is hereby given that the following- nametrxjttierhM nieil notice of lil Intention f.v make tinal proof in supitrt-of lil claim, atKl that said proof will be made before D. 1' 8e. t". S. Commissioner, at hi office In Mad .-, Oregon, on June 10, 1WV viz: Zachary T. Mcllargue, 4 Madras. Oregon, II. ENo. 13.HW, for theswij HnJ reside -swSt, tplt'a. Tplls, r U e, w m. r-14i:, and Lot 1, 3 see 4, CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tho Interior. lr. S.Laud Offlce, Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 23, 1905. A sufllclcnt afflilavit having been tlleti in this office by Claude W. Laughlin, contestant, against homestead entrv o. 12,916, made Sept. 11, 1903, for w; ne 1-4, wH ael-4 sec 19, tp 10 r 13 e, w m, by Iewls E Chrlsmao, con testee, iu wbich it is aliened that said laud is in its natural condition without fencing, cultivation, Improvement Ar building of any kind thereon; thatsaid eutryrnan has totally failed to etab- ttuli rnaitlonc iiruut k;iiil rltiiin? thul. Im t has totally abandoned said claim for more than six months last past; that all of said failures to cultivate, improve upou saiu laud stlli exist; tlmts&ld alleged absence was not due to his employment in the army, navy . He, nsmes.the.fpUowing: witnesses to prow y(tT marine corns of the United Stales In his enunuourcjideaceupon and cultivatiou ; time of war. 8aid of Mitd land, vlx C N Banta all of Madras. Oreguni .27;jt s , , JIlVEL T. NOL,N, Register notified to parlies are hereby respond and ofler CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tilts' Interior. U. Sf Land OfflCB, The OalleH, Oregon, 1!ai-12;lW5. A snftlcleirt cohtcsfanitlavlt having beifn filed l tldifoWce by flohti V. 55ifrMii-r . tesUint.agalhVt houtesifadlMitr) No.lM0. rnadd Atigusf 2t, IWC, for n w4 W 1-4 w :ii, tp'lt s, r 13 e. wih. by (loo ge II. Stucssl. etmtestee. In wMfpli It fo alleged that said (Jeorgc H. Stuofsl ha- wholl, abandonitl said tmct of land for more th in lx month lust past tinHw Mlitl to ciil tivate rttid Improve tliti atii as rei:ilretl hy law; that said mlegwPabteiico was not due to IiLs employment In the army, navy ormarliio corps of thwiJnHed Males H time of war. ,S.Md mrtlta are h -iehv notified to anpeaf, npeu- and birerevi ilenco itoucMhig raid iiUegathur tit 10 o'clock a. ai. on Juno (, 1HV5. hefon, Don p. Ilea, a united Spates Oimuuls' xlnner, at his tfnim In Madras. Oregon, anil, that MiiaMienrlngwIU Ihj held ntv0tt.'ek a. nt. on Jtttw ). 103, before tho Ih'gbp-r and Itecelver nt the United States' Land Onico InTlie-palhs. Oregon. The said contestant having. Hi a,pniH'r affidavit, filed May II, 1W5, seffdrtlf fntt.-. which show that titter due dllllgeliet! per sonal service or tula nfittre .cannot he made, It 1st hereby nmVird and' directed that such notice lie given due 'and proper ptibirratlon. MICHAEL T. NOJi N, MilBj'JZ r,? . RenKti-n AE ;HANbLEfTHE FAMOUS EK IAI 1ft p&fccular attentin is called t c h 6 NOTICE FOR PUBLICAHON. Department of the Interior, T.and OfHce at The Dalles, Oregon, May 23,1903. - Notice Is hereby given that the followlnjt uamed settler lias fllel notice of her intention to make final proof In i ttpport of her claim, and that Mild proof hill be made liefore Don P. Iten, ts.Cotatn!j9loner. at hi titTlce In Mad rai, Oregon, bn July s. 1M via: Charlotte A. Hanna, formerly Charlotte A. Pike. orCnlver, Oregon. II. K. No.JSW, for the nUawJj and swijsw", sec aud Uw wti ec'2a, tp 12s, rl.l e. w m. She names the following wiin-wsei to prove her continuous residence uu tuxl cultivation of said land, vli: Klmcr N illllam, l)avp Harnett, Alliert Yoa cum and JolmVorwIn.'allof Haystack, Oregon. aai-nuO MICHAEL T. NOiaN. ItegMer. DEERING BINDER The best Binder on tlm nmrktit, WE SELL THE KST AM SAVE YOU MONEY 'IN THE TR FRANK IRVINE, General Merc Antelope, Orego antwar 1 f..V tt frr- C Uktlltl.. I 1 I . !... . 1., .1 .- . tn 1 o'clock a. m. on June 12, 1905, before ; Don P. Rea, U. 8. Commissioner, at his i oflke in Madras, Oregou, and that flnnl ; hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m, : onJuneilfl, 1905, before the Register! Httd Receiver at the United Stales Laud ' Office in The Dalles, Oregon. j The said contestant having, in u j proper affidavit, filed April 3. 1905, set 1 forth facts which show that nfler due dilligeuce personal service of this no-1 tice cannot be made, It is hereby or-1 dered and directed that such notice be NOTICE ,FpR PUBLICATION. Department of the Ihternm "Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, ' April 10. 19U5. y Noilce is hereby given that the fol nwhig-numed settler has tiled notice f.his intention to make linal proof in -upport of his claim, and that said roof will be made before D. P. Rea, U. v. Commissioner, at his office in Mad as, Oregon, on June 10, 1535. viz: - James 0. Stoner, f Madras, Oregon. II. E. No. 12,899. for the sw4 sea 12, ip 10 s, r 13 e, w m. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upou aud cultivation of said fond, viz: F M Melton, S r? Loving, Miles For, Charles Hayes, alt of Madras, Oregon. a7-Jl Michael T. Nolan, Register. $ $ ! SAVING; HOTIGE P0E PUBLIOATIOS. Department of the Interior. Land Office nt The Dalles Oregon. May 25, 1905. No"ce is hereby given that the folfow-iiiK-named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in suppor t uf his claim, aad that said proof will be nude bef.ir.- t Uegiater and Receiver art he Dailes, Oregon, on July 6, 1?C5, viz: James II. Horney, ofCalver, Oregorij II. E. No. SS17 for the se 1-4 se 1-4 see 3S, ami sw 1-4 sw 1-4 see "SI. tp It s, r 13 e, w ru. and lot oae, tec 4. and I it 4, see 3, tp 12 s. r 18 e, w nt. lie names the Mlowin- wiUmsesto prove his continuous resideacb hpob and 'eultivatioh of said land, viz: J.1J. MeDowell, Liz le MeDowell and JolmCorwin, of Haystack, Oregon, and Klmer Gillani, of Culver. Oregon. 3Iit tiAKt. T. Nolan, Itegistor. iNoticev.of Forest Reserve Lieu Selection. U. P. LAND OFFICE. I The Daixe, Ore., Mar. 31, 1. Notice U hereby piven that Edward B. Per rln, by Colbura Mel'heron, hbs attorney in fact, has applied to rfWt under the Act of ijongress, approved Jnn 4,107, tbe following Io'rilwd tractof laud to-wit: The SE. NE. M of See. Si, Tp. 18 R, R. 16 E.W,M. ' . That said application Vi riled with the Register and Reeeiver; of .the tf. S. Land Office t.The Dalles, Orocoii.osf y?cember js, l'Att-l, and the purpose, of this notice is to allow all persons claiming the selected land under the mining laws, or' desiring to bow It to be Jiineral In character, an opiiortunity to rile abjection to such selection with the .local Jflicera forThe Dalles Oregon, rnd District. EtrtVAKb B. PEBRtX, By Colbnrn Mcl'herson, Hbj Attorney In Fact. given by due aud proper publication. MicaelT. Nolan, mll-JS Register. 0HFB0H LIEE0T0EY. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIO?f. Department of the Interior. Laud Office at The O.llej, Oregon. May 3, 1D05. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-ing-named ett'ler has filed notice of her Intention to make final prouf in upport "of her claim, and that said proof will be niade before tho Register and Reeeiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on July nth, 11)03, vizi Mary Horney, of Culver, Oregqin on II E. KofSK). for the se M nc 1-1 sec 4, sw 1-4 nw 1-4 and n 1-2 sw -4 3, tp 12 s, r IS e, w in. she names tho following witnesses to UADKA3 ULSTIIICT. First Sunday, morning and evening. ?ree Methodist Rev. Jg. M.Moitimore, pa.stor. Second Sunday, r&orfflhg slid evening, lit nnonite JJreuen Ki7. II. "Pontius, yastor. t Third SundaV, Morning: M. A. class, ied by II. F. B.rden. EviiiigT First Baptist Church holds services. Fourth Sunday, morning and evening, M. K. Ohureh Rev. C. E. Coens, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. in. each Sunday. IL II. Curtis superin eudent. METnODIST HILL DISTJtlCT. German M. E. Church. Rev. E. J. Traglio, pastor. Sunday school at JUO i. in., Joha lloffuian, Sr., superintend nt. Preaehiiig iwrvicea at 10J a. m. and T 30 p. m. German school and Catechism or.ducted by pastor Satarday at 2fi0 p. m. Everioue welcome. CUI.VEU DlhTKICT. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. ni. teaching every" third Sunday atlla. in. y O. W.Triplett, of I'rinevillc. , AGENCY PLAIN" DISTKICT. William Branstetter, superintendent of S'uiday school. Sunday school every Sunday afternoos ut 2J). Preaching by Rev.W.E. Fulgiiamand other at irregu lar periods. NOUTH KND DISTntCT. Sunday school held at Rev. "Dell's resilience tu NwtU Agency Plain. Rer. II. L.Bell, superin tetdent; Peter Vlbbert I assistant. Sunday school p ovehrreoatinuoua-re.ldei.ee upon and aaar' Prlnt at USOHm. 'uiltlvaiionof.aldland.vlz. i Fflh Sunday, morning and i J. Ii- McDowell, Lizzie McDowell and t Baptist CIiureli-Rev. o. W.Triplett, "Jolta Coiwln, of Haystack, Oregon, and EIbmmt X.'ClHap,' v4 Culver, Ofejsnu'. ' ' Jf H-j "fkxAkT. Nwjoij-BaKlstefV pastor. Tke Pioneer gives the Mira. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Offlce at The Dalle, Oregon. May2J,l!.. Notice I hereby grlvrn that the following uameil itettler ha tiled notice of hi intention to make final proof in "upport of bis claim, and that nald roof wlll '-e nade be'ore I. IV Kea. I". S. Commbsloner. at hU otSce In Madras, Oregon, oa July lo, lvii, vlx: James I. Chilcote. of Madra., Orej3u. II. E. No. H).2ri for the lie4 sec 11. tp Hi r, r IS e. w m. He names the following witnewe to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation otaid land, viz: C r Fox, Wm Brownhlll. Wm Harjr and Mlte Fox, all of Madra. Oreson. Jl-Jul6 MICHAEL T. NOL.VN, RegUter. H0TI0E FOB PUBLICATION. DeiHtrtmeut oi the Interior. Land Office at The lUiles, Oregon, 'May 23. 1505. Notice is herehy givtm thai the following-named settler lias died notion of his in tention to make final proof iu niippi rt of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before Don 1. Jtea, O. S. Commissioner, at his office in Madras, Orcg6n,ou July , 1J05, viz: Thomas M. Bunlen, of Madras. Oregon, II. E. No; 10 660, for swj uwW and w4 swH and IoC4, 6f aec4, tp 10 s, r 13 e, w m. He nati.es the following witnesses to prnve his. continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: V II Ramsej. Claud Ramsey; outDII lon. George Dillon, all of Madras, Oregon. jl-j6 Michael T. N'olan, Register. K0TICE P0E PUELIOATIDH-. Diartmentot the Interior. Land OfHcJat The Dalies, Oregon. May 23, 1jS. Notice b hereby g'ven that the follow-b.g-uamed settler has filed notice of hU intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mad bef ire I). P. Rea,UrS.Comti)isionfr at his othco Iu Madras. Oregon, on July 8, 1905, viz: Henry F, Borden, of Madras, Oregon, II. E. No lO.lUSfor thi sw 1-4 sec 10, tp II s. r 13 e, w in. He names the following Itnesies to prove bis continuous residence, upon and cultivation of faid land, viz. Edward Mortlmore, II. II. Curtis, John Palmehn a d John Isham. alt of Madras, Oregon. Michael T.2olan, Register. ii the pen die' is ne of the duties of every ucceftful business Institution. It is the secret of thrift. POWNE wilt do the saving In your grocery bills, If ydo trade with him. This is not Idle talk. Why not save, your peunles by trading with POWNE ANTELOPE, OHEGOH t : V. o o ' o WATTS MARBLE WORKS WATTS IAKER, IHfM Marble and Granite lyE O 3T XT 3ST T S Woodmen and lotlge work a specialty trou and Wire Fencing for CVmeieriea and Farms. We deal direct with quarries In Car MARBLE wcORAKITE: MOMS. Load Lots. THE DALLES, OREGON w a MM ' 7 V MM in iQjTTTTrTgigiQ: rv i I . i v i 7vn-t 7 r 7 K ; 7 7 r7 1 , 1 '111' '1 I' 'I I1 I1 1 ' " l l' ' X ) ? 7 ) 7 7 ' ' ' f 1 KEYSTONE HOQ AND CHltKEN WIRE FENCE FOR 8ALK by SANFOR0 & SILL, SKANIKO, COLUMBIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO, TIME TABLE HO. 10. EffectlWJuIySvltOI. routh Round No. 2. friftoxs. ' f : Digit 3tbn lKil Ktondyi Summit IfaTf Jc Mcittnahu Exttkvitl-J r'w,Ylrr Itnttta fihaaUfn No rib. i liand i 1 L . ll-ftia.m. Arrive ll.lj.m. " n.matm,, .ttJwWjn.; " le tsrt.. lwi.m. i Dally ? Pa: Leave.-'ilftpTmi" UZi p.nr ua p.tm. , aiisp.m t , , m - ... VUIkBV.; .. 4jtnp.th. .. iapja. " .., ijapja. .. S,Hpt3n " .. foil tun ArrlreJ V'Rpm. For rate antl tiiUer informs tlou nly to i". E LYTLB, tl. K.A I. A. Hlianiko, Orvgcn, E. J. tVtUO.v. Aitent. BWnlko, Ore. itn.il a.m.? " raa.m. 'WMKmJ i..W.m.. " . 'jrr a.w.' " drns " pi.. " mtoa.m. Iu-ave. YOU WANT THE NEWS;.. SUBSCRIBE FOR The - Madras Pionei ,r x in 1 1 M i -$.l;BO PER YEAR THE DALLES NURSE! R. H. TEBER, Proprktor. Grower and Dealrr la FRUIT. SHADE I AND ORNAMENTAL TREES GRAPE1 A.1 SMALL? EVERGREENS ROSES AND SHRUBBE8 - t1yackttM4. TttBfi urn, lhmhmt. rwwJi THE DALLES ,,M,l.S'" lUY LOTS IN i NOTICE TOE PUBLIOATIOlf. I)v( artmvnt of the Interior I Land Ofltlce at The Dalles, Oregon, May 23, 1005. ' Notice U hereby given that the follow-Ing-nanu-d fettler has filed notice of her intention to makejlmtl proof in support of . her claim, and that said proof will be made ! before D. P. Rea, U. S. Commi sloarr, at his eftee In Madras, Oregon, on July 10, 1WJ3, vU: I ' 'Jane Bcltnap, i of Haystack, Oreuon, IL E. Kol3223, for t the sw 1-J sw 1-4 s c 3, and nw 1-1 nw 1-1 , sec 10, tp 12 s, r 13 jj, w rp. Slue names thefollowlng wjnessea to urove her continuous residence uton ami cultivation of said laud, vlx: . J. Homey, of Culver, Otfjon, and J. CorwW, anclE. Bud, ,ot If a4k, Ore gon, aad A. HeWtfy-k, iriiwaWfron. MichaklT. XoLAN,)UfItfcr. MADRAS The earning industrial Center of Central A Big Flour Mill now building, Modern Stores now running and others under construction. All roads to Madras lead down bill from erery direction and are the only grod road in Etefk Oregon. FiRe Water eaaljjr obtained in. welk Troi-12jQ 3Q fet tlwp-. Most equable climatH in Ceutral Oregon The At9 roi passes through Madras, Ore win The Colombia Southern through Mudrft. The center of a farming t oil ntrl aud better than -Sherman countj'i does not requira irrigation to bf$i frnnau af miv Vinrl nf arrainS. Irliu r ; -. j o garden trck. . vLo( Dfstaftpe Telephone conn" with tbevtQt8id world will lo'oii bM Lots 1 om 150.00 and up. for particular Jibuti oil- 1