The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 11, 1905, Image 1

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NO. 38.
. ... nsf
l. I'n t HtoClt.
. . .....v it ft'MOiinblo priced.
...-.. i v OltKflON
.... ..m PlIDHCnU
lIIHIl M 1 1 ,11 1ULUII
Mn rill f
-.mi mini IP. AMD
$300 TakenGrab Money In Broad
Daylight and Escape.
JWFltwb.l'rw. II. A Jiooro,
,1. v r llurlburt. (miller.
...... iit
nlliw .. III.. U7kttl.II.
OS M'li ' ,MT
L J ff rri'.ifl.. H A. MoorO, r . T.
Iff Lord, A K. llmniiKi'ii'I. J- H. foe.
- m i t . .
BO. U DldKCiy
Tho Rellnblo DruflnUt,
CirrlM th" Urgent tfflek
druit 1111,1 drupirUt
tomlrlMlu Jjwti ri Or
rfn, jihoW ui-ill
fourMwlotJ'"'' wHclts
td ml will ri'dh't)
prompt ttUii'i'.n,
0 B
toil Hoie
irst class meals nnd hi-ds,
rices rcahoimblc. Head
uirtern fur all stage lines.
Iotir rteh U U. iif l of repairs
( ron want in ln n new one,
'iimot do lx t i timii to write
t price nd itjl. Mnil ordorn
tivc prompt ittciiiioii. All iiork
rnt( ,
phoelngaoiany. Denier In
D, Wllfiele. cushion. riiM,,.-
ItIdhh. axil.
llK tuurvi of n,.i,i. . 7..
HUU( rCHllll'llci. i I .
' " ,,rUv"' Write un for full t,r,
10f I.
ftU, tnlicr.
psoN Land co.
Land nni . .
- v a i it; rii'ii rur nr..u.t i
. "vi itviuruiu'ui
Harness, SaddleSi
i Waeon Cnvfirs
WIIW rm '
I " ""Ai'iarr I'laok tm
WooniiUitN, Oregon, Mny tt Two
uiHHkt'tl roblicro Jioltl nu, AitfllHtunl
CUHlilor Traoy Vnormnn lliiu nfturuoon,
bIczuiJ nenrly IHOOO from tlio couitlcr
rnnUwo tnllPH aorotin ilio ip n field i,
mid HRfely R'tlnctl a lildlug plucu in Hie
(li'iiso limber ttloK tlio hctiiks of Pinl
dlng river.' Twenty nieu chased the
robbera aoroirt the flelde, butaUoo
groat a distance to ahoot them with the
revolvers at hand, half a hundred
inllllliutui and ultlzoiiB ncoured the
country Inter In the nftnrnoon, hut the
men have not been found, and the
chnticeatiecin more than oven for them
to complete their cocapu.
Tlio daring robbery occurred shortly
befortr 2 o'clock tlita afternoon. .1. M,
I'liorman, oatthler of tlio bank, wax in
Portland. There wcro In the hank at
the tltno Tracy i'oormnti, hkhIhIhTiI
cafililerf Mhw Oertudo Eddy, a daugh
ter ol J.B.&ldy of Tllllmook, the book
keeper, and Don Oleo, a teh- liotie hoy
for the llurley-Moort B Drug atore.
Coleri hud Jut entered with u cheek,
v4ileh waaor a omull auui, and Poor hnore or less distant points.
man held Up u huudlo of crlcp. new
hillH, HHkltitf, "How would you like to
have Ihcac?" At that liiHtHiit two
iiifti entered with revolver 8 p.dnllni!
at Poorman't) head, and commanded,
"llatida upl" i't.orrjnui started to
ihukIi at what hti cousliluad a Joke,
'ut when ho ouw lliat one man won
u liiiiiilerchle over the lower part of
hl faco and the other man wore gog-Kk-H,
ho threw up hlo Imudw, us did )he
other in the bunk.
Ono rohhor controlled the a'tuntlon
with two Iti vol (cd nilt' c'evolvcr
while thti oihor went behind the
tiouitter, wild iciupeil all tlio loncu
money Into hi pocket and a small
ouok. No attempt was to u l at
the vault,' which wih locked. The
man with-the money then went out
tlio fninl door, and when he wax half
w.-iy narOfH tho Direct IiIh compmiloii
lacked cut, and the two moti run
bOiitliuuHt aciof Front Kirtrcl.
Chinese tinbtcr CJntlicrhijc Data for a
' Case Agnlnst the U. S.
May 4 -Sir Cheng
Tung Lhuig Cheng, the Ch!mM Mltif
Inter, Iiun iHxtied a cnnlMentiul uiniular
or proclumutlon to all Oliitieno in the
Unlteil tilutca rnjtiostltig that he be
furnished with report of all ouch of
applicant who have been denied ad
iiiIhhIhii to thlH country aud of nil de
porttttlntiHou the ground of nnnrcgltitra
Hon which havu been decided tlnce the
expiration of the exclusion treaty of
J 61)1. .The circular aKk aUo for an
cxtltiiuto of Mm damagea to tlio appll
oiMila fiom Htich refusal on the pun of
the United Htatea ami from aunh do
portatlony, holding the acts the oIUuIiiIh
of thlH country, under the law aud hi
vlow of tho rejection of tho proposed
consent of tho ChlueHo government to
n ruiHonuhleekcluxlon of Chinese to be
tlOHlllo to if friendly liallou.'
-The clrculur,' which Is written In the
ClilneHudanguuge, waM'iHNiied through
the ConbUhGeueral of China at Han
Franchco. Itu ohjeet, a uudcrAtond
hy.the,United Slatcn, la to facilitate
tho oolleclion of evidence as the uuhIb
of a DUltagaluBt the United States to
test, tho validity 6f tho exhUlug ex
clusion lawn, In what particular the
attack upon tho lawn Is to bo mfjdt'iu
not known to the'GovernmdntoinclatB,
Thoy hold that tho power of Oougrcwfl
t i enact lawa to exclude CliitU'ne or
anybody cIbo caunot b UHsulled sue
oewfully, It In licld by tome lawyers of repute,
however, that-there uro phaHcaofthe
Chinese exclusion law which will not
stand a teat ip tho ooprta, mid It fa un
derstood to ho the Intention of one or
more of the Influential Chinese or
-gaiilxatloua In hio country to iiiHtltute
legal proceedings by which the rights
of Individual Chlueso will be ad
judicated, '
A Good Business for -a Boy.
Thq people who want to "give the bojs
a chance" miht t to recommend them a
strawbeuy patch. The Wilter could give
the name of a' 15 year-old boy who last
season cleared $400 from -on acre (f
strawberris, Aside from 'the plowing of
the ground and (ha'plcking of 'the beriio?,
he did all the, work hlmstelf, The culti
vation Was done by tneahs b'f a gentle
horp loaned him by a neighbor, and he
Td foVthe use of the horse by helping
the owne thrqugfi his iiayWg. This boy
spwtr many weary hews tbc waton be
fotc in hoeing about-the crowns of tfic
plants which could not be reached by the
cultivator but he worked faithfully at the
task, and when the growing season was
over the patch was a free from weedsas
it 'vim jpssible to malus if The past sea
son was not a very favorable' one for
strawberries, but as above stated this stir
ring, young fpllow had $400 to show for
his' industry, , The land on which the
crop was grown is a village actc lot for
which he paid a rental of 55 a year.
We cannot think of anything at which
a boy of- that age could make'ds much
money, athis in th;. same length of time,
And when wr, take into account the small
expense attending the planting and care
of such a crop, and the little risk which
one takes qf suffering a losS in the under
ttking, it strikes us as something which
nicety fits in with the ambitions of a
bright, energetic boy to make some
money in a way which will inspire him
with confidence in his own abilities and
raise him in the estimation of his elders.
In every town and village there is a
ready market for strawberries, and buyers
will give preference to those which arc
homegrown over the stock which has
CJtne consigned to the local dealers from
There is not
one village market in a hundred where
the home-grown supply of berries is equal
to the demand. The way is open to some
smart boy in all of, these placcn to make
a snug some of money by filling this gap
Hn the market, and the boy who avails
himself of the chance will thereby acquire
business experience which will set him
well forward in the - race when the time
comes for him to give himself to larger
undertakings. For, the common, ordin
ary boy, who is not looking forward to
the presidency, hut wants to make use
of all means open to htm for placing hun
t If on a firm business footing and rising
kto an assuicd position in tho business
world, there is something ' worthy of his
attention In this suggestion of a straw
berry patch as a. started. And theicare
a lot 'of boys, not otherwise employed,
who would Eagerly grasp - the opportunity
if some older person from whom they are
accustomed" toTeceive counsel would
point it out to them. Farmers' Tribune.
the Editor; on Kissing.
From the'Pocahonlas (Ark.) Star '
t The greatest surprise to a girl who gets
kissed the first time is that there is no taste
to it. Pocdhontas Times. . ; , .
No taste to it? Well, by the hen feathers
on Cupid's dart, but the Times man must
be color blind in the palate. They tell us,
those who have tried it, that it tastes like
the double deitilled essence of honey
spread thick on a piece of pumpkin'pie.
Away back in the dim-and joyful years
ago, before watost all our teeth ano our
cinch on tlie beauty prize, the prettiest
girl in all the world told us with her own
eyes that it felt like a covey of quails fling
out of each ear and ended up with a sensa
tion like a flock, of angels pouring mo
lasses down one's back. No taste to the
first kis? Great Scottsl It would make
a wooden cigar" Indain's hair curl and his
toenails nuiver in ccstacy. The Tunes
man must bcai icehpusc.
Townsite- of Redmond.
Hiielneers. have staked' out the
HlreotH and lots of the townslto of .Red
mond and the two principal streets
aro bolng cleared. Work of platting
what is to bo the main townsite, com
prising about 20 acres, is now going
forward ami after tho plat' Is Hied a
date will be el for the opening" salea
of lots. Three and twenty
aores huvo( been set abide for tqwnslto
purposes. 1. B. Cook & Co. have the
property In hand. Tho now townslto
la located about four lulleb east of Ollno
Falls In section 10, township 16 aoiUUj
range 1U east. Bend Bulletin.
With the June number will begin The
Purine Monthly's scries of special editions
for theyear 1905, 1 They will comprise a
numiX for Portland, for Seattle, for
liuiti i-rw - -
Southern California, for San Francisco and
the souvenir number of the Lewis and
Clark Exposition, also a special auto
mobile number. The articles of Dr.
Wolf Von Sehierbrand, six in number, on
"The, Coming Supremacy of-the Pacific"
are. also nromisedpand the, plans, con'
temtilated by the publishers will, without
question, place The Pacific Monthly far
in advance, not only of present competi
tors, but also into the unreachable class or
periodical literature on the Pacific Coast.
rhr, Pacific Monthly Is sold to regular
subscribers at the extremely low price of
$1 a year. We hayc. map n arrange
. with ilia nubtishers by which we- aire
able to offer it in connection, with ;The.
M,trns Pioneer fbdth publications) 'for
UJr ill, wj V - B-' a
Express and Delivery Wagons Guard
ed by Deputy Sheriffs.
CHICAGO, May 5. The crisis in the
teamsters' strike is expected to come to-.
morrow. The State-street merchants
have decided to send out all wagonb to
make deliveries in all parts of the' city.
As far as possible these wagons will be
guarded by Deputy Sheriffs arid in'sorriel
cases by the local police. It is the inten
tion to place two men on -each wagon, so
far as the number of deputies already
styorn in will permit. , ljs
Sheriff Barrett had 200 deputies, in scr-
vice"WJht'and saVl ttyu he thought this
number would be ample for the work out
lined tomorrow. If it is not, it is said he
will conclude that the Sheriff's office and
the local police arc not able to control the
situation and a request will be made for
the Slate M'litia. Governor Dencen has,
said that he will order joutHhc, trpopsjif
the request is made by Sheriff Barrett,
and upon the failure or success of the at
tempt at retail deliveries to be made to
morrow depends the coming of the troops
Fifteen wagons were sent out today by
the large dry goods and depattment'stores
and all of them made deliveries without
interruption, On' each of these wagons
rode two Deputy Sheriffs, It was-the
success of this attempt at delivering goods
that prompted the storey To decide to send
out tomorrow practically their full force of
Either because of threatened appear
ance of the troops or because of the ad
dition to the police force in the shape of
Deputy Sheriffs, there wasMnuch less not
ing and fighting m the down town streets
totla than on any day this week. The
wagons of the express companies have all
carried a guard armed with rifle or double-
barreled shotgun and went between the
depots and express offices without serious
The Right of Privacy, j .
Oregon Ian.
The supreme coQrt of Georgia re
cently decided a case involving what
is-cnlled the rlght-of -privacy.- Tuetul-.
lowing paragraph's from the Syllabus
deinio the rigut'anu snow uh "iu-
'Per9onal liberty Includes not only
freedom from- physical restraint but.
Ulan the right 'to be let ajoue,' to de
termine one's mode of life, whetherlt
dliull ben life of publicity of privacy,
and to order one's life and iijaunge
one's affairs In a inatner that may be
tnoBt agreeable to him, so long as he
does not violate tue riguis 01 outers 01
or of tlje public. , ; ;
Liberty of speech and of the press,
whim exercised within tho bounds of
constitutional guarantees, are linilta
tioiuuipon the exerelee of the light of
, ''One who seeks public omce, onauy
person who claims from ,the publjtj ap
proval or, piirtrdhage waives his right
of nrlvacv to eueh an extent that he
cannot restrain or impede the public In
any proper investigation into the con
duet of .his private life which nny
throw light upon tho .question as to
whether the public should bestow up
on him tho ofileo which he seeks or ac
cord to him tho approval or patronage
which ho asks. The holder of public
ofllee juukes a vyalver. of a slmllarna
ture. aud Buhjects his life at all times
tn rlospfit scrutluy. in order that It
may be determined whethet thoughts
of tho nubile arc safe ill nis unpus."
Hapnettro'froru this decision that the
seeker of Ulco dr publlo honors must
submit not oiliy his public but his pri
vate life aud record to publicity in so
far as the published reports aro neces
sary to show whether ho is fit for pub
lic honors or office;. Evnn tho right of
privacy in a private person Is not ab
solute, although tho. press muat not
abuse Its liberty by otVeuslvo or in
jurious publloutious. There Is danger
In ellhtir extreme.
V O 11 , ' -
Sho Wanted a Space.
The Pioneer had n now typesetter re
cently. She was laboriously ploklng,
tho letters out of tho hoxes, aud corn
lug to the and of a word, said;
"I want ono of your slata."
Thes foreman very near fell ofTthe
Btooj,'in as-fonlshmen as ie thought
ut first she watiteifono of hfs ribs, but
oorae to tlnd out,' she wauted a spaoe.
Calico, spaaiaL ? 5c. yard
Silk zepherrs for waistins, 25c
Percales, - - lOc
Special sale on, Handkerchief and. hosiery Saturday .
Geiltlemen come in and see our fine line of Fur
nishings. JUST RECEIVEDFancy line of Groceries and
choice Confectionery.
Paint your house-this spring-Come in and see our
; LENA M. LAMB, Prop.
Palmchn Building......
Just received, a new line of Douglas Shoes. We quote a few prices:
Kangnroo Kid, ft fine dress shoe, at 1.50, VIel Kid, also a good dress
ihoc', at BoxCftUBIticheratt-J.OO. Come in ond see our beauti
ful line of Iloyaf and Jfcn's Ilats In all tho now shapes and -color rang
Ing In price frpra SOr to ?. Everything in the Grocery line. The best
Teafl and CofTees. Fine ilams and Bacon, Th& host lard in the land.
Mo E"0d choking aijd eating Apples. Do not forget us when you need
Building Taper and Barb Wire.
'", -xr o f ---- -
JVIain Street,
IVTadiras, Oregon.
Special Sale
S f A.-ii m'i..j . n- nil anrl nnm nlo t o 1 1 n of DrooArlcs
- Ul 'UU-hlUUH, O OUIljr u .u.. "-"f----
and Hardware- Agents for Mitchell Wagons, Hacks, Buggies,
Carts, Plows, Harness, Drills aud all kinds of farming implements
and topis. -
Main St., Prineville, Ore.
-Notice. All persons owing for water
are requested to call at tho resldouoe
of Johu leham ndi tfettle for , the
satno at their earliest conveulenco
John Palmehn. . , t l .
J,ang8livi.,K88s-. QV vfJ ftt - w'
lilillor'Hi four miles south of town; ?L0O
per-set. ?TJ
...THE. BEST,..
4"G6od stock. Careful drivers. Best of hay and gram.
PriceB reasonable.
i -
DeDartment Store...
1 Ctvrries the Largest and Best selected
stopk of gents' and ladieB1 ready-made
clothing of any store in Crook county,
' '.r . . Latest styles, laest fit, lowest prices;
also a full and complete line of every-
, tluri'g needed by the farmer and stook
t .. man; :Send in a trial order and be
' "' convinced. . .-
xWl cRrineville, - Oregon