-THEY TELL YOU WHERE TO FIND THE BARGAINS, The Madras Pioneer MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 4 190p. NO. 3. THE AgVERTIfiEMEN (fl WP PIONEER. OHKOO.N' fat9 DENTISTS r ... i til' I. DEHTIST . . ...... In nrlrcK. LjOTVII-W""11'1 ICIAH AND SUHCEON 0fflla'n"rc' TABY PUBLIC AND 8, COMMISSIONER OUKOON ON BANKING CO 6HANIKO, 01IWION t rncb.rrc, II. A. Mooro, Vice m ....-H....I fitalilitr. L Stock, 1AM, IK-1HII, 1V),W0 KXCIIANC1K HOt 'illT AND BOU. SOS All' I'ABTH of tlio WOULD. h -J.W Frenrh, " A- Moorr.F.T. .V IjmA, A. K. lUmmonfl, J. n. wo. to. C- Blgkely IThe Reliable QfUQO's CrrlM tin UfKMt itcck ot drug nl iIciikkIhW icndrlci In Kicrn Ore ton, ilioo tuppllc -jour nll otiIcr Miltclt dl wl Hl tw-eho IiNmpt attention, Dalles, Oregon milton Hotel irstciass meai linn dimis, iilh ir&Mi huh1. iii:iii iiniiHrii inr tin hritr iiina Oregon ii rriii irtttit in ....... ...... 'Miuit do taller llihii to write EO. LIEBE wuiluAu WATCH and DALLES. ORE., Prlrei Hid tlvlcH Mall nnlnra vilC IllUinill IIAIlf loll (II 1. tTflirimff ... ... VLiri'ii nit a in i iiniiir i tttit u" "UUUlUllttJUjUm "'R a specially. Dealer In uriiiun m v ... nail es Oregon " iowimJiIu piai. ,,,.,.. ILln. . . " l w "KllllK 01 a olitrvmnn .......... '""""HWcoiiUeftoli. U II nil L'limn u ""K lutein all U.i-. - '"Miciifu nr Inmi-............, ... www.. Write u for full ,mr . iniiii umm.i.H.i ... "IB tVK . . . . SON LAND CO. I'AU.M, (i,cnoNi ,CT0R MARDEN Harness, Saddles. I . i i ' 7 IS. Warrhn BIG STIKE IN CHICAGO Labor Leaders to Call Out 250,000 Men. TROOfS OtfARD TREETS Business Parallyzed Residents Lay ing1 In Supplies and Preparing as If for a SiegeScenes of Rioting Dally. CHICAGO, April 27. The Chicago Federation of Labor, with rshu ranees of strong financial Mtid physical tiolp from afniluted bodies outside of Chi co go, today announced lt plan for bilitRltigon (be greatest strike in his tory. It Ih proponed to cull nut every union employe In Chicago, In what ever capacity employed, 250,000 In all, and put them at work ha plokota, if necessary, to win the cause of the teamsters. The strike, which threatens to he enmo International oveututlly end with the artival of federal iroopx, Ih uutijuo In that II started from Hie gar ment'WnrkerH' demand for a renewal ofthoftcalu and the cloned ahop last November. The proprietor refused to grunt the closed ahop and i ho strike wna ordered, It made poor progress and wotilif have dropped out of Hit lit but fur frequent udhuHm. Flnully the the garment-workera demanded that Iho federation of fabor take up their falling cmiHP. It wan agreed that the strike mtiHt bo won to wave the Fed eration from difdulegratlon. The ToAiiiHter'M Union, with no grievance of any character, and contracts run ning tliree yeara, Va ehoxen aa the lnntrnmeiH to Win the htrlke. Angered by the breaking of con truclH, both by the garment-workera and t ho teariioUra, tlio emplnyern banded together tnd delormlued to win the atrugglo at any oont. Thoy formed tlio Itlerchanta' Teaming Asocial Ion, Incorporated in New Jewey with $1,000,000 Cnpltil. Kvery merchant la a member. Ah faht as bin men htrike, ho ttiitlH Ida teuma over to the aMoclrttlon. Two duya ago, seeing the futility of of continuing the Htrike, tho teamfiterN deolded to cull It off. When they ap plied for their position, they were in formed that no man who hud struck would ever bu nt-cm ployed. Tills led to conference ut which all tho unions roullfcing that it wan a life and death fltrnggllhg, deoldfd to llbt (tout. The Htrike today of 1100 exprep drlvera pnvew tho way for bringing In the I'Yderul troops. With all tear-iliiR Htopped or bailly crljtpled bunlnewa will bo paralysed. Hut tho meruhanla have not been Idle. They received 1800 men from tho K-iat 1Mb weok, hardy determined fellowa lined toatriko duty, and will put thom on tho wagono. A pollceinan waa run down and killed by u union driver Unlay, There were many brutal "BauultH, women and chil li ron wero driven from the huesca that bring Huburuau paHacngem to the retail atorea, riota and aBsuiilts were frequent and all algna point to what will practic ally ba civil war In Chicago Adlhlu a week. It is freoly predicted that the railway brotherhoods will beocmo in volvtd and that the Htrike will spread to all oitlcf In tho United States and Canada, Chicago merchant", to a man, are de termined to fight union demands to a btauilstill thU time. The atrttggle will bo tho moat fierce over witnensed, oven in this hotbed of unionism, for both sldeu aro determined to win and noth ing hut a crushing failure will bo acknowledged,- Tinlght every atoro oil State strcot, with two minor excep tion?, Inia been atruolc. This means prnotloully tlio entlio retail dlntrlot. Tills will bo tho fighting zone and hoMlllllett will bo extended to the out lying Htnrcs as rapidly as pomdole. llesldentH, learning by experience, ato hubtlly laying In stores of overylhinu needful and preparing for n slego. WORKING FOR jft RAILROAD Cotrunerclal Interests at Portland are Working for Transportation to Central Oregon. The livening Telegram. Through whftt method the transporta tion committee of the Chamber of Com merce will finally decide to net in order to bring about construction of a railroad Into Central Oregon is not' fully determined at least the plant have not reached a stage where they are leady for announcement but a dtcwive campaign, In which the road will be secured, U rwed, aid it is hoped to be nble to do this with such dis patch vvqjSl jcpord the Beginning of con struction within a few months. Confidence In the ability of the commer cial bodies to do things has been encour ae,ed by the success in completion of the Portage railroad and vigorous manner In which the Open River Association, link ing its organization with the Chamber of Commerce, has taken hold of the project for securing boa s on the the upper river. Portland business interests are no longer content to be satisfied with the giowth of trade without doing everything possible for expansion of the territory by adding new districts to production. It is definitely .decided that attention will first be concentrated on securing con struction of a road into Central Oregon. When that is accomplished, energies wli) be turned to other sections, probably first to the Nehalcm Valley. Organization is a potent influence for achievement of pub lic benefit, and the first steps to be taken by th transportation committee is to place the proposition on a business basis financially. Publication in The Telegram yesterday of the proposition suggested for securing building of the road by guarantee of interest until such time as traffic earn ings would return profit to the investors caused considerable discussion. One ol three plans that have been proposed for proceedure of the committee in its f Hurts is aiong the same line, but if large invest ment foilows the plans will be for a guar antee of a large precentage of the capital stock of the projected company, which may be either independent or auxiliary to some railroad already in the field. In due time fell details of the plans being worked out will be made, but it is expected to have something definite as to the fulfillment of the plans before they are given publicity, It can be stated positively that the prospects of a railroad into Cen tal Oregon were never brighter than at present, or more promising of early realization. MAKING FEW CONTRACTS TltU DaMjKS, Oregon, April 27. Tho wool situation In this part of Eastern Oregon varlo? from partleully nil the other woolgt owing sections of the stuto from tho fact tho grower have thus far declined to cmtraot their clips in advance of the scheduled .Bales days, Juno 0 and 23 mid July 6. Theoe sales wlii be held us unual at Shaniko, tho market place for tho wools grown In Waseo. Crook, Wheeler and Grant Counties, where the ohoioest clips of the stuto are produced. Blnceearly In the Winter, representa tives of large woo' dealors-Jiave cau vaaned this section along with other parts of contracting tho wools in ad vance of their being shorn, but their oilers havo been repenteuly declined, notwithstanding tho tempting price. Tho first contract canvassers oflered from 10 to 17 cents, and later lutlmuted that 18 cents would bo paid. Within the past fortnight oilers to contract at 20 cauls for tho strlotly choice wools have been declined. Notwithstanding that this Is an advance of ut least 5 cents per pound above tho average rate paid for choice wools last season, tho growers huve signified their prefer ence to await the sealed bid aulea which havo proved most satisfactory to them since the system was inaugurated three years ago. Ir. comparing tho precentagoof ad vanco on contracted wool In other por tlono of the state with the prices paid for the same last seatton, It would seem that tho growers In this section are JtiBlliltul In deolinlnir to contract at the oilers made, nnd with the prospect of uutisual competition tor onotco wonis, It s anticipated that 20 cents will he exceeded on the sales days. Shearing will oe general by May 1 and tho ollp promises to bo not only largo, but ot good quality and condition. Dallas, Oregon, April 20. Tho Polk County WoolgrovveiB' Association sold Ita pool of 100,000 pounds In Dallas to day for JMJtf cents por pound. II. L. Fenton, of Dallas, was the buyer. Notwithstanding the whitewash given the beef trust by Secretary Garfield in his elaborate report, based on six months of investigation, the great question remains unanswered. Why the great cap between pi ices of cattle on the hoof and prices of the dressed meat when it reacnes me con sumer? if cattle are cheiip, ought not the meat made of them to be of correspond ing cheapness and vice versa? That's what both producers and consumers want to know. Ex. -o FRESH MILCH COWS, I have several fresh milch cows for sale, and thoy r good oues, too. Jack llelfleb, Culver, Oregon, "HEARD IN THE ROTUNDAS"! Interview Given the Orcgonlan Crc fltcs Erroneous Impression. r, r- i r ru "We did not think we needed a railroad up there in Crook Comity several weeks ago, when the two large automobiles from Portland began freigthting between Mad ras and fiend on the new road that had jnst been built,'' said L. V. Bailey a stock man who lives near Paulioa, at the Im perial Hotel yesterday afternoon. "One of the automobiles could seat 15 passen gers and had a wagon attached in which was carried freight. The smaller machine carried both passengers and freight. "Early one morning two or three weeks ago the large automobile started out load ed with passengers and merchandize to distribute to the small stores along the line. The first hour or so everything went along very smoothly, and the passengers said it was better riding than in a train. Hut as luck would have it, the automobile broke down away out in sagebrush, miles from any house. Well, the passengers had to walk, and the automobile was hauled back to Heislcr by three six-horse teams. "Of course we thought it was rather strange that the machine should break down on her maiden trip, but we thought the other automobile would be all righr. It started out soon after the other machine, and it also broke down after it covered a few miles. Another lot of of passengers had to walk. Those machines are still up at Heislcr waiting for some new machinery to arrive from thn East Some of the boys say they will ride in the automobiles again, but say they will have their horses tied on behind, so they won't have to walk back home any more. ' Those automobiles may be all right, but J prefer a railroad." Without questioning the ver acity of Mr. Bailey, in his inter view with the verbose reporter of the Oregonian, it is evident tlint his information waB not irathered first-hand, but ob- taiued from several different sources, and show somewhat of a disposition to make an enter esting aiticle out of a trivial incident. Whether .the em bellishments were added to the piece by the reporter or furn ished by the Paulina stockman, they are erratic and misleading, to the Bay the least. The big automobile broke down it is true, but it was only few miles from Shaniko, and in less than a week it was running again and has been running ever since, giving perfect satis faction. Mr. Bailey gives ihe impression that the auto would be idle, probably for several weeks, as he said new machin ery would have to arrive from the East before it could be op erated. How Mr. Bailej made two automobiles out of one, we can not conceive, unless he's eyes see double, as Only one auto atnrted from Shaniko, and it never broke down at Hoislor at all. The second trip out from Shaniko to Madias was made without accident of any kind. Like Mr. Bailey, we greatly prefer a railroad, but failing that we will try to be content with any other means which will tend to give us quick com munication with the railroad. With the June number will begin The Pacific Monthly's series of special editions for the year 1905. They will comprise a number lor Portland, for Seattle, for Southern California, for San Francisco and the souvenir number of the Lewis and Clark Exposition, also a special auto mobile number. The articles of Dr., Wolf Von Schierhrand, six in number, on "The Coming Supremacy of the Pacific" are also promised, and the plans con templated by the publishers will, without question, place The Pacific Monthly far in advance, not only of present competi tors, but also into the unreachable class of periodical literature on the Pacifip Coast, The Pacific Monthly is sold to regular subscribers at the extremely low price of $1 a year, We have made an arrange ment with the publishers by which we arc able to offer it in connection with The Madras Pioneer (both publications) for $2,00 a yer. X Calico, 3Reci.3) s. oc yara $ Silkzephprsfcirvaietvps, 25c Percales', - IOc " Special sale on Handkerchief and Hosiery Saturday Gentlemen- come in and see our fine line of Fur nishings. JUST RECEIVED Fancy line of Groceries and choice Confectionery. Paint your house this, spring Come in and see our colors. NEW CASH STORE LENA M, LAMB, Prop. ,F?almehn Building MADRAS, 4r OREGON T Si THE PIONEER CASH JiiHt received, a ncr line of BougUs Slioec, We qnote a few price?: Kangaroo Kid, a. tine drens shoe, at 13.50. Vici Kid, also a good dress shoe, at I&A0. Box Calf Bluchcr at $1,00. Come, in and sec our beauti ful line of Hoys' and Men's Hati in alt the new 'shapes and colons rang ing iri price from 50c to ft. Everything in the Grocery line. The beit Tea and Coffees. Fine Hams and Bacon. Tho best lard tn the land. Also good cooking and eating Apples. Do not forget us when you need Ilulldihg I aper fltyl Barb Wire. T. J. JVta & Go, Hoy JVJain Street, JVIadiras, Oregon. Special Sale FOR SIXTY DAYS OXIA IN BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, Of all kinds. We also carry a full and complete line of Groceries nud Hardware. Agetits for Mitchell Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Carts, Plows, Harness, Drills and all kinds of farmiug implements and tools. r Main St., Prineville, Ore, ...TflijJ BEST ... LIVERY AND FEED STABLE AT SHANIKO IS- D. A. HOWELL'S Good stock. Careful drivers. Best of hay and grain. Prices reasonable. PRINEVILLE'S ...Department Store... Gerries the Largest and Best selected stock of gents' and ladies' ready-made clothing of any store in Crook county. Latest Btyles, best fit, lowest prices; also a full and complete line of every thing needed by the farmer and stook ' man. Send in a trial order and be convinced. WURZWEILER & THOMSON Prineville, Oregon