(SEAD THfE Al5ygRflSE"MNt'S IN 'TH1 KONEER. 'tMY TlSlX' YOll WHERE TO FlfiD THE 'BARGAIN'S. I Madras Pioneer MADRAS, OROOK COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 27. 1905. NO. 36. THe . . , . U .pnpnsSIONAl- CARPS. m i. IMSON DENTISTS (lvcrt'.ncl..V'-,",,fk' miaw OIIKUON DENTIST L,fitti""tr,!,t,o"nbl0,rln,t: ,.nlNKVlM-K,OllKIOX (3I0IAN AND SURCEOH Ofllcti III I'H'K Ht"rc' SageliriMli Springe Notes. John Trotter spent last Saturday In Madras, Mm. Bllnabetb Porolval spent East r Suntlay with the Vlbuerls oil the Dig Main. Grain In this vicinity la looking well, though a good, soaking rain would he welcome. V, V. and It. A. Urown grubbed and sowed about 10 acres of sagebrush land last week. They plowed It nut with a 4-liorae riding plow. Home of the boys from this vicinity took In the dauce at Joseph Stewart's nearHclsler last Friday evening. Al good crowd and a jolly tlroo are re ported. FLOUR MILLIS BUILDING Construction of the Building Com menced this Morning. OUTPUT TO IE 50 IARRELS Mill to Be Three Sterles Werk will be Pusfeetf Fast m Workmen Can Do It. IAS lr. m SOTARY PUBLIC AN? ), S. COMMISSIONER IAS m OREGON BANKING CO KIIANIKO, OlllidON v. J. W ftvnrln I'rt'n : H- A, MwiV, Vice rtw. V- V li-ifinmti cornier. l(ll MOCKt .."'. ."r-'-' ION' EXCllANUK IlOf'ilIT ASM wM.I). L-rn fs aU. i' wits of thu voitl.l. lfion;-J. Krolirli, It. A. Mwift!, T. uft.W. LujcJ, A. K, Hammond, Ji II. foe. "Work on the new flour mill of the Madras Milling & Mer- ConsMorable fonclne Is beintr donn Can-Ne Company was expected botweon here and Young's, so travel- to commence this morning. The lor cannot strike across tho country comtmnv had exnectarl tn stnrt OllKOON ! on horseback or in wnimttM tvlilirni' I ... i ,i. . . . - - - - n - - i i ii m fin i nil m ill i -t v h.amhm.1 i i i l i i W1U .11111 IBOb JUUIJUct V, running Into barbed wire. u., . it . , t. .1 i i i .it. ... wu" wiiiir 10 me oaa roaas Recently after ho had baled nut his I, ,. . 7.7 . , well to dig It doener. W. W. Brown rwul,,S 10 11,0 8wmm in Hie dug about five feet before he iiruck 'mountains it has been very dif- waier again. o was apprehensive lioult to obtain anv kind f that the Water had ulsanneared for j .1 goou nwuucij mm up 10 ine present Work commenced a week Buo i... weeK it iim been about Impos- Moudny on the grado oir the Ulg I'lnln Btlo to haul out timber for sills around l'orclval Point, and about 400 and other Inro- tiIpppn with OrtKUos yards have been completed. Consul ablo blasting Is being done. FlfU-en und 20 nieu are working every day. r 1 ... 1 ieo. u DiaKeiy Ths Reliable Druggist. Carrie lh large! -took of triiK and drii-l-U junilrlcn In KaMrrn Ore jim, (ilioto niipi'lk-n jour inll(itckTMillrlt el nl vlll roiolvo iroin't addition, Dalles, Oregon arnilton Rote! which a building of this kind will have to be constructed Teuma are bringing out the t ? With (He June number will benin The "inui as rapiaiy as possioie, Pacific Monthly's series of special editions "d the construction of the mill ror the yenr 1905, They will comprise a will be pushed rapidly as possi numbcr lor Portland, 'for Seattle, for bio to completion. -Southern California, for San Francisco and Xfr. Pntts. TireHirlfint of tha the souvenir number of the Lewis and ...:nt ,1... n I lli-y 1. vnniilinn ilci i .n.i.1 n i n I ' v 1 mobile number. The article of IV. ,UI" nm 1,ttVC un UUliJU,' wnii vnn srMi.ran.! .1. ,n Mmi. about 50 barrels per day. The "The Coming Supremacy 0f the Pacific' "Uliaing Will be dUx40 feet and arc also promised, and the plans con-1 have three stories and a base templated by the publishers will, without meit. The engine and boiler question, place The Pacific Monthly far room will be erected. jU8t back m aavance, not only 01 present competi- of main building. nrindirfil lifrmlnri nri Mnin rVik I 0 The Pacific Monthly is sold to regular company Will in IU6 IU subscribers at the tMremely low price of t,,ra ert a Store building about Jiaycir. WcllaVt Inade an arrange 140X70 leet, DUt work on tins mcnt with the publishers by which we are will not commence until the able to offer it in connection with The mist mill in rthnnr. r.nmnWnrl f'irst clans Weals anil beds, l'rlces reBVMbrc. Head- Iqasrtefsfor allstHgo lines. Madras Pioneer Si,7S a year. (both publication) for elope, Oregon )ur mldi In In nf.fl of rfimlm V U jfmi hftm to mi- r iiuw one, J riui Uii bvtiurthaii lowrlto EO. LIEBE PRACTICAL WATCH nhd CLOCK MAKER IE DAkLfeS OlRE., uteej. i--uuuiuBa upocIuHj. Denier In I irun wneels, ctjHhlnVu. r,,i,i,n. Prliius, nxle. 8 M'rlnt V.iurt.i.i. ..... 1 - 'iiiinniii ' nru .nil....!...! . Wioiiueneli, Hti SCRIP FOR SALE ll! KiiidHOl Uftyejriiliiunt -K.,e , improfjMw,, (-nrltiK mi fll'MMlt f iir "H U iMHIclttUV. lefJrci'itW u,h "AU.1W. OltKdON. ''cto'r mardS " Harness, Saddles nSi Wagon Covers Him sol 1'rlw.. CO TO THE MAORAS DRUG STORE FOR Pure Drugs, Druggists' Sundries and Patent Medicines A Complete Line of Stationery, Jewelry, Etc., In Stock M. B. SNOOK, Proprietor. KKM Sldt Main 8(rcot. Mftdra',, Ottgim and ready to take incoming grain. NAVAL BATTLE IMMINENT . M.u:k, l'relU'0nr. T. M, im.mn,v, CnSlilvr. Wii'i. Wirrivvtti.r:iiJ Vlry I'rfln. II lULimi.v, A-..it."C'Anlilfr. jO. 3051. The First National Bank OF NEVILLE, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1000 Vnitnl, HurpliiH mill t'lnllvMcil $00,000.00 t'rolltH, PAris, April 21. 11 the French author I ities are to be believed, news of momentous import may be expected from the Far Kast very soon, as, according to Foreign Minister Delcasse, the Russian fleet under the command of Vice-Aomiral Rojestven sky sailed early on Thursday from Kam ranh Bay. Its destination is unknown but it is believed here that it will now sail to endeavor to locate the Japanese fleet and give battle. Naval experts here believe that the third Pacific Squadron of the Russiau navy, which is commanded by Admiral Neboga off, has joined Rojestvensky, and thft the latter now has ready to face the Japanese eight first class battleships, three second class battleships, three armored cruisers and a number of other vessels of not quite so good a type. He is also believed to have received large quanities of am munition which had been shipped to him some time ago to have fihed the coal bunkers of his ships, and generally to have placed his command in condition to give a good account of ftsef. IGOROTTES AT THE FAIR East End Clothing Store JOE COHEN, Pnop. (toMl'MiTK J. INK OK '' 'fjfoj, 't&TH,' fe'rtOKH A'lt CI.OTIUNO, l will pay you to ;ot our pflrCB tiuforo pur. - t- - ' 1 i'lioliiK t'luowlioroi ' 1A fWHONTi 8l. Till, DAI.I.IW, OltKtfoN. AUb briindl Rl titnw Vrtlluy, Oregon, '(iorr'yhig tliu DoiikIhh Shoo. ;HN1tY L KUGK VxtTAc'ri kit bv Harness Jiid Stock Saddles cow'lioY tivtvhb a JiV.cVtY. jlcsTojc In ColUrii, Whip, l(oisn iut n k,'1' rl Jliio ihiriiu Kurijl'lihiK' f)ood(), Toiitu t(lia,aiiu vnm Covers. AH work guar' urtl Ass HIltl'tM, &Mi BoillHlt tit, TllKDAtlK9,dro,. Skattle, Washington. April 19. Dr. T, K. Hunt reached Seattle tonight with a nartv of ci lgorroteS for the Lewis and Clark Exposition. "One sihall Negrito hoy and three white assistants complete the party. The Igorroles will be held here for a short tune, and Vhay give local 1 ' . ... n. 1 V ..11 . I rn : I exmumons. a ncir vniagc on uic 1 run will be built when the details are settled wan tne exposition omciais. A canao, or native dance, lasting for tlnee days, followed the return of Dr. Hunt's patty from St. Louis, and when he sought to gather his parly for the trip to Portland, over 300 asked to nccompany him. 'Only 'five persons, Including 'Julio, n native interpreter, are with the Portland as well as 'the St. Louis'parties. Dr. Hunt, when he'left Portland, talked of brjnglng representatives of five villages. Tile fact that the 'igorroles took in $2oi,o6o at St, 'Louis, while other villages barley paid expense,' decided the com pany in favor of bringing Uonto'c Igorrotes alone, T.he PioneertgiVea 'the Tie Wd, THE SECRET OF SUCCESS "What a fine fellow Percy's, isl" re marked a business maa ost day to a lawyer friend. "Yes," rejoined the lawyer, "ho to. But ho has been with tbo K.'s," nam hitf a great corporation, "for ten years now. and be Is Hotting only J1G0 pet month. He has. a wife asd three cttl Uren, and, with their tastes, I tnHCf they hare all they can do to live com fortably, lie ought to be earning mors With his education and capacity." "Why doron't he rise faaterr "I'll tell you. He doesn't rise ntld ha can't rise until he learns how to get along with people. He can't manage men at all. If he tries he gets biinaelf dlHllked, BBd he keeps tbem In a con stant state of Irritation." A similar conversation was recently Overheard between two baalncss men. 8uld one: "I hear that young Paul O., only four years out of college, has been placed at the head of the T. brnueh of the Y. company. I didn't know he war so smart. What Is bis strong point?'' "He Is a great fellow to get nlong with peoph?," answered the other man. io innn wotuu or eoante be put is a place of such responsibility without In tegrity, fair quickness and ability and h good education. But there are scores Ot men Who bare all of those qualities, nud yet they do not go forward be cause they cannot exercise authority. If they receive any they either make the men under theni trowi nnd rctlve by petty tyrannies ttf elms they are too good natured ahd lose the rvnpect of the men, bHj Impeded on by tbem and flou't get good work odt of thtra, It secmn to be the rarest thing lrt the world to find youtift lhh Who hart dig nity and keenness elldUgh id tnhihtaib discipline and ret cah Hlnkt? their snu- ordlnates bear the yoke, ebeeffully and render good acrvlce." A third young man wsb character ized by the president of a great rail road thus: "I haven't bad a chance tta talk with him and find out how much he kiiowa, but I have watcbed him scl eral times as be manipulated a gang of men, and he has for weeks managed them wonderfully. We have rarely had a man In our employ who could get so much work out of a lot of men nnd at the same time could keep them so de cently good temperedj' Independfluc been that the hogs were properly rung be fore turning them on the MA. The alfalfa was cut often during the season, setting the mower high. Brood sows in alfalfa country, being fed continually on this green, high protein feed, keep fleashy, but not fat, and large litters are the natural results. The Utters arc Often bom In the pasture lot and get nothing but alfalfa pasture un til they are ready for the feed lot. At this time they are targe, Ivealthy, growthy shoals with strong bone and constitution. This is the kind that puts on fat quick and cheap. Establish an alfalfa hog pasture on your own farm. Sow several atfres this spring. Select clean, well drained soil) and sow twenty pounds of choice seed per acre. Study alfalfa conditions, ahd if you don't succeed the first time try it agaiu. It will pay you well for your trouble, An alfalfa hog pasture is the best and cheapest investment a farmer Can make,' A. L. Cottrell, in Wallaces.1 "' - s - . Should not Use Exclusively. Pacific Homestead. A swine breeder says: Atfalfa Is a splendid feed for hogs, but should not be used exclusively, for the reason that It produces , what la known aa alfalfa belly, which Is very undesira ble later on when the hogs begin to fatten, because- of the fact, that it re quires feed and time to work it of!. Alfalfa alone, he says, is too rlcb, and It is often the case that little pigs will often be found dead from gases pro duced by too much alfalfa, and that deaths from tbis cause are often mis taken for cholera. County Assessor J. D. LaFollelt re turned this week from tbo northern part of the country where he baa fin ished his work of assess Ide nrooert?. care of the At present be is at Bisters working In the Black Butte precinct. Mr. La Follett stated Monday that owing to the census this year he would be com pelled to make a second trip over the ground already covered in order to enumerate the population, industries and various products of the county. The additional work will consume many weeks as no provision has been made for the employment of deputies. In Linn county, 16 deputies have been detailed to do nothing but take the census. Crook County Journal. It is rumored here that the Oregon King mine will be pumped out next month, and that the company owning it will re sume operations at the mine. Another rumor says that the Vnine will be pumped dry in 'order that it may be examined by a pVosettive purchaser. Anything look ing to a resumption of activities in the Ashwood district will be welcomed by the people of this section who are enterested in the camp, and we hope that the report of the early opening Up 'of the King mine has some foundation. Antelope Herald; 0. ft. t6cnV&taeV8 little. 4 y eat old boy was attaoked by a venomous frog last Monday, while playing iu the door yard about home, iu this oity, and was bitten du tho leg with such a poisonous eilect that Dr. Logan was called. The leg was badlyBWoIen, und tho llttlo fellow suffered quite. severely. This Is the first oaue of the kind we ever heard of. Moro Observer. Tho telephone line between Laidlaw nud Bend whs completed Saturday and communication establleed to all points along the line. It la expected that the Madras lino will bo (1 nibbed u a BhOrt time. Crook Coupty Journal. BIG - OPENING - SALE Our DRY GOODH have arrived and our Open ing Sale will continue for the next 10 days. EVERY FftEfGHTEB BRINGS US NEW GROCERIES Bring Us Your Butter and Eggs :THE: NEW P.AftH .QTORF LENA M. LAMB, Prop. I .Palmehn Building. MADRAS, - OREGON THE STORE 1 I PIONEER CASH Jnst received, a new linb of Donglns Shoes. We quote a few prices; Kangaroo Kid, a tine dress shoe, at Vici KtJ, also a good dress shoe, at M-io. Box Calf illiichef at ff.00. Como iu and see our beauti ful lino of Boys' and Ml-li's liats In all tliii new shapes and- colon rang ing in price from .c to Si: Everything: lit the Grocery line. The best Teax and Coffee i-'ine Hams aud Hacon. The best lard In the land. Alo good cooking and cfitliig Apples. Do not forget us when, yon need Building r ajfer and Barb' Wire". , T. J. MaMoy Co. JVIain StPeeti jyTadtfas, Oregon. Alfalfa As A Hog Pasture. Few farmers realize the value of alfalfa as a hpg pasture. When you consider that with alfalfa pasture and hay pork can be produced for i to 1 cents per pound .a . .1 9 1 tie proposition is wen wortn consiueration. The writer knows of a three-acre alfalfa hog pasture which is now ten yearsApkh ttvery year uunng tins time mis pasture has'supportcd from loo to 125 hogs ' per season, which is from the 1st of April to the middle of November, TlVe pasture today is nearly as good as it was at first. "and. indications are that it is good for an other ten years ol service. The secret of-preserving this field has. .-..TflE BEST:.. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE AT SHANIKO IS LV A HOWELL'S Good stock.. Careful drivers. Best of hay and" grain. Prices reasonable. SrineVillej's III Department Store... Carries the Largest, and Best selected stock of gents' and ladies ready-hiade oloihing of any store in Crook county. Latest atylBSj beet fit, lowest pribds; also a full tiri'd complete line of every-, tiling needed by the farmer and stock'-' man. Sent in a trial order an'd be convinced. . WURZWEILER & THOMSON Wineville, ;....; .Oregon