Madr Pioneer MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 0, 1905. NO. 35. )L I. CARDS. DENTISTS . . -. hi IllOfllf. iuxs 3AVl)KItH, P. DENTIST L, lilorV (01,1) CMBKK DENTIST fDcrlMWprkr.ucnw.m prices .SSOOK f fSICIAN AND SURCgOH Office Hi Drill? gtor,o. OltKOON MSA (OTARY PUBLIC AHD 1, 8. COMMISSIONER I AS (30 TO THE IAt)RAS DRUG STORE s FOR Pure Drugs, Druggists' Sundries and Patent Medicines A CompUte Line 6( Stationery, Jewelry, Etc., In Stock M. 0. SNOOK, Proprietor. ;iHI(J Mtln 8t;et, Mdra, Oregon FERN OREGON BANKING CO fill VNIKO OlIIXiON in 1 t'Mirh )W: It. A. MjxiKvVjrn i'rc. f T ft urlljurt. Cnnhtur. i a(.iulStock i'i.(Mi. IHuOHlp), Ui KXC1IAX ,K IIOKIIIT A.VI) frll.I), ,u"wo ah. t'Aim -f ti. woiti.n. " Ik ' ' J turt Ionl ir.mii, It. A. Moore, Y. T. K lUiiimiiint, J. II. t'(Hi, peo. C. Blakely Tho Rollablo Druggist. I'arnn tl lariti; !nk ot (tnipn umi jtiiuifliiti gun, plinto kiipjillui )flr mall orilcr Milli-it-t'l ivn'l wilt rucotvu " Wompt HitcitHii, e Dalles Qrfe&on liltoii Hote rstclaoH nieals and bedH, 1'rlcffi reuHonable. iieiul quartern for all 8tgo llneu. Oregon ou want to buy n mvrtnii, ouiiut l better tlmn to wrlto ... HEO. LIEBE PRACTICAL WATCH and Cl-0CK MAKER HE DALLES, ORlV KMriltii. "t'rttlloji. AH work . ojehooh,gaH1)((clRUy .Donlorlu ' 'ron, wlioeln, cuahkma. rubbnr sPfl't5H, axles. It- 1 PlnlH Notcs-'l lic Nortel Und. J, QtrRln and jHuh DuvIb Imvo gone (o work on tliolr alntrnH. Work commenced IhU week on the Krai Jo lo IjhtRohrubh Oj)rlnj,'. , Wi'-F, Mnjilll Iiuh gone- to Sherman county to work nt hlttultumlthltiK, 8rtm. Edmnntliion nnd family nre "now at 'trie on thylr claim In section 27. Whoro H tlte mnn wl.(,h the petition for tli o roitd down the fetry canyon to the now mill?; Uncle Ham tnnybo will give lis rural uinfTdellvory If wo work for It. IJnrry ui.tho petition. A..P. Clnr.k took n trip lo Bhanlkp. to meet bin dnUKhter, Opul, who Iiiih been attending moIiooI at Wullu Walln college, GnrrlHon MoPallhitcr, of Bumpier, Oregon, linn been looking nt the country with r view Id locating, He Is a millwright by trade, A lOpntind mm whu horn to Mr. and Mrs. John GarU on T'sdny, April Jo, 1006. Thl country neettiH to agree with him us hd l gaining rapidly In flesh, U. W, Conard la nt work on his claim enlarging hl house gud making ready for his wlfo who will come later. Mrn Oman! Ih tit prtHent'tJiie of the faculty of tho college at Collepo Place, W'uhIi. ). R. Moorhead la doing some fenc ing' and other Improvement on hU claim, preparatory to moving Mr. Mnorhead and the bublca out In unliorl time. Mr. Doughimj Ih ufc(atIog Mr. Moorhead with iila work. Cum Tux. COURT DIRECTORY fOfl CROOK COUHTY plItCUlT COyitT: I'lrst .Monday In 5Jny; third Monday In October. COUNTY COUUT: I'lrut Monday In eucli iijantli. COMMSIOHltS' UOUJtT; First Wednesday In Jnnurly4Marcli,May .Inlj , September, and October. H. r. Jlyjor, lireiitMi. T. M. IUi.iAvi.v, Cslior. Wti.t. Wutjji5Kii.i:ii VI l'rc-. II. munriy, A ji(. ;ldcr. NO. 3051. The First National Bank OF PINEVILLE, OpECON ESTABLISHED 1 008 Cu.ltfd, KurpluK and Uhillvlilvtt $00,000.00 l'rofltn. litlitj Vrliit Towimlilp Tlatit r)rrcclkt up U dutc Nltouinic iinmcs of all cntrymt'ii. vacant Unit riven nnd rrcckn, !) crnts c)i. LAND SCRIP FOR SALE IVrM-pnrhiB title tH ktnitsof (Jovcriimciu Innil without ri'jMvitra or Jnniroviummt, at Jou-ckt iimrkul jirlriM. Wrlto ux ur full mr Ml Vlmltof Unit OlJlir Imtitiiu!. KjKTinity. Tweiity-ilvo jviim' cxporlcnco, Itufcri-iifc: U'icnt'll & Co,, bunkum, HUDSON LAND CO. THE I)A1.I.I. OltKtlO.V. VICTOR MARDEN MtinuMoturor anil Denier hi fine Harness, Saddles, Tents, Wagon Covers THE CHEAPEST I't.ACE IK THE DALLES, -When tlioro. atop In and Kut prices.- East End Clothing Store JOE COHEN, Pnop. qOMl'LKTH IJKK 01' OUKTH' 1'L'HNIHHJNn (100D8, ' ifATH, CAI-S. HHOKH AND CLOTHINO, AI-BO TUUXKH, It will jmy yon to gut our price before pur ohwdnt? clsowlicre. "00 HICOoNn ST.'. T" 15 DALLIiU. OMKUON. AUo branch at ttrafH Valley, Ort'Kon. QarryiiiK tlt Doii(;hui Bhou. HENRY L KUCK MANUHAfTUHKIt OV Harness and Stock Saddles - COWJUiY OUTFIW A "Bl'KCtA' TV. j- -n. Dcnlor HI ttollnw, Whip, lfilU)-nnd h roii era) lino of llrtrco Kuriihln HooiIh, ToiUn Awiiln'K mid 'Ynotf Vuvom, All work guar- Tim DALLU8, Oro. THE RAILROAD IS CGMIHG Orcat Southern to Unlld Into Central OrcKon-SS, 100,000 Advanced to Uuild tho liottd. SEATTLE, WhbIi., April 14. John Ilelinrlch, prci-ldent of the Great Southern Hallway, whu yenterdny depr.slted a $5,000,000 trual deed with the WttHhington Truut Company, of Beattlii, Bald today of IiIh building ptatiHi "The Great 8outher.n plaiiH an Im tnedlato conHtruetlou of mllen of road, and le permitted under the teririb of Ito articleM of lueorporatloo lo ex tend Into Callfurnla und VBliIiiton. Au exteiiHion aa fur uh Jlend, Oregon, Ih certain to be made uh hooii as the Immediute conHtruutlon work iHcom plettd. GrudltiK for 30 mile of track Ih xouiplelcd, nnd the steel ia on the ground for trnciflaylng. Terminal work at The Dullea t tinder way, and by July 1 we will be ready to operate 80 m Ik-, of track, TIiIh extension will .tuko the line hh far south a Dufur, the heart of a rich agricultural dis trict. It Iiuh been estimated thut It cohIb $2 per ton to move wheat out of that district, and the luht crop reporlH showed 1,700,000 bushels ruleed uuuu ally. In addition, the district Is ricli In horticultural jjoshI bill lies. 'The new Hue runs out 'of Dalies west of thu Deschutes Itlvor, willi a muximum grade of 1.6. The surveys of tho engineering department farther south show thlsgrude will be decreased. The highest point the new Hue will reach Is 2200 feet." WORK TO SOCK COMMENCE Government Expected to Order Ad vertisement for Bids on the Ccl ilo Canal Shortly. Within two weeks, It Is expected, Mujnr LuugfUt will be Instructed to ndyertise for bidH for the construction of the first lock of The Dallcs Oelilo CanaJ, Pays the Orcgonlan Washing. Ion, D. C, correspondent, thus lauch ing project that has been under coif ulderatlon in one shape or another for a generation. Tho Chief of Engineers Jiaa received Major LungfUl's plan for beginning construction, hut owing to the faot Hint several details ure not quite clear, the papers arc to be re turned for explunatlou. When they get hack to Wellington it is thought the plans will he approved and author ity grnnted 'to invite proposuls. Major Lnngfltt's plans, which have been can-fully worked out in gruut de tail aud wilh appnrent care, contem plate beginning construction on the upper end of ihe caiml and working down Htreum, This is done to enable contractors to make in-e of the canal us It is completed, section by section. Major Langfltt bus prepared plans for approaches to tliecanul at its upper end, for the guard gates for the first lock near Celilo, aud for a considera ble stretch of canal. It in impossible to tell how much can be done with the money appropriated in tho rivers and hurbor law, but it is anticipated there aro funds enough lo complete tho Colllo lock and canal entranco and to do considerable blasting nnd straight O'uial work. Near the first lock it will ho ucctssary to build an Immense em bankment as tho north wall of tho ca nal. This purl of the canal, und in fact all other purlH not cut through solid rook, will bo lined with cement. All embankments will be solid of con struotlon and will bo faced with Im mense rocks tor prevent washing In seasons of high water. HAVE GOOD PROSPECTS. Sheep shearing commenced in Gil- Ham county lust week, und will bo geueral througtiout the county by tho 20th of tho present month. Every thing considered, conditions nro very favorable for the sheep Industry, The rango Is covored with grass. Lmnb lug season Is almost over nnd n largo per cent of lambs has been saved. About 1,500,000 pounds of wool will bo uhoru this season of un oxtnt tine qual ity. Prices aro ranging from 15 to 17 cents, or 2 und 8 cents higher thunJast year, Considerable of tliia clip bus beeti contracted fur nt 15 to 17 cents. This, together with tho high prlco of Bhoep, makes tho sheepmen feel Jubi lant? The new railroad from Arllng tou to Condon la uenrlng completion, and will caiiBe much wool to como to Arlington that lias'Jn past yeKro gone to other railroad points, :All tllo wool on this new'lino 'Wlll bo brought to Arlington to be baled and graded, NotloQ.r-.All persons oyvlug for water aro requested lo call at tuo resiuonce or'John laham and 'vottlo for the same nt your earliest oonvotlldUoe. John Pttlwohu. THE O'GORMAN MAHON. IO tfVRfCffcrol OA to Death nn Hfl Hurt BwiiRKcrciI 'riirotiKli Lire. Tho O'Gormnn Malion wn about Mrrllftr -VAricl ttf mm U'lmn T ftlftf lilltt I for tho first time. One could atljl sea what a lion of li man ho had been. Ho wiw over six feet high. He hud still tin Immense uiuue of snow white hnlr, und he had a long, white beard. The face was long and lioro shaped, tho 1 eyes wero still bright and fierce nnd j defiant, and the voice had a deep note like the roar of an enraged lion. Tho O'Gorman Million was the very pink; of old fashioned courtesy, but one could easily see what n man he had been. lie was the great duelist' of his day, n survival of the squires who live Id the pages of the oulclcrs of Ireland before the UnliHR Ho had been out dozens If not scores of tlnics, and there was a story of his flgh'tlng some Ihreo duels all In n morning. It was curloiiH that he stuck to tho Old dueling gospel to the end. I never saw n man so disgusted as ho wnrt When he found that Mr. Purnell would not. send a challenge to Sir William Ilartourt for emtio Insulting languagp which Sir William had used to tho Irish chief. I can still recall the scene. It took plnco at one of the tables Jn t,he tearoom of the house of commons. The old warrior turned up nt the con sultation, looking almost radiant He iinlfred. the dueling ground from afar. Komo twq or three of the thon young colleagues of Parncll were present and this Idea of a cliallengo appeared lo their modern, minds, of course, ns something grotesque.' But The O'Gor. man Malion had coino In perfect faith that a duel was a certainty, and his long, horse shaped face became visibly longer as Pnrnell calmly said that he did not regard dueling ns rational or necessary. The old gentleman was too polite to express Ida real feelings, but tho pained silence which followed tne announcement of Puniell sufficiently revealed what he felt During the all night ulttlngs of tho eighties The O'Gormnn Malion was al- wavs In his place. lie made It almost n point of vanity never, to. be absent When any such work was going. He wore the sumo suit of clothes winter and summer. It was n 'curious light colored heavy tweed. Somehow or oth' er It seemed to accord with tho white mane and the white beard. He nlsq was a great smoker, but lustcad of a clear ho used to smoke the democratic pipe, and, If I mistake not, the tobaccq was both strong and cheap, lie coum tell very strange tales of the old days In Ireland nud in many other parts of the world too. He had fought In some of the many civil wars of the southern hemisphere nnd had many marvels to relate of earthquakes, revolutions and other natural nnd human phenomena In those furoff regions. I was with the gallant old fellow within a few hours of his death. Ho died ns he had lived. He was full of the round oaths of tho eighteenth cen ttirr, had his drink to tho last, Joked about his ninety years, refused all con solations, temporal or spiritual, nnd swaggered off to death ns he often had done to the dueling ground. He 'vyas Ihe last of n race. M, A. P. The Speaker's Magnetism. raterfuuiilias hns conic, soft shod, Into tho uarlor and had found uinttcra much as he might have expected con HlderhiK thnt Itcggio Addelpnlt and tho daughter of the house were there alone and that ho bad Biieaked In. "Ah!" exclaimed the father, nnd his remark was singularly. well chosen. I J I was only rehearsing n 'new recitation I had Just learned," stnm mcrcd Iteecle. "So 1 suppose," snld paterfamilias, "but tho thing I objected to was your peculiar method of 'holding your nudl encc Baltlnioro American. It's a Huge One, "What is "believed to l)e the biggest oak tree in the Will amette valley was measured tho other day by County Surveyor Jones and M. P. Fruit. It is on the Wilson farm between Halsey and Shedd andjs famed in that vicinity on account of its huge size. Tho Wilsons are related to the Svfioks and Stewarts of Oorvallis. The oak, at a point two feet from .the ground ia twenty foot in circumference, giving it a dirtmeter of nearly seven feet. At six feet above the ground its girth is twenty twtf feet, or more than seven feet in diitmoler. It has an immense spread of limb"" and gives evi dence 6f having been a monarch of the wild -prairie of Of the Willamette when dnly 'the coyote and the red man inhabi ted 1t, lon centuries before the white man had heard 6f it: Gol-vallis Times. STOP At The iitfi A n D A O mFiij n li o Is now open for business in its new hotel building and under new management. HOTEL RATES TQ SUIT YOU First-class in every respect, Everything new, neat and clean. Table b.oard best the market affords. ALL STAGES STOP AT MADRAS HOTEL WELL EQUIPPED Liver van IN CONNECTION Good and WILLIAMS & Madras, - :THE: NEW GASH STORE! Bring Us Your OUR DRY GOODS are shipped. Watch our ad. next week A NEW LINE OF PAINTS HARDWAR Call and examine our stock. EVERY FREIGHTER BRINGS US HEW GROCERIES LENA H. LAMB, Prop. 4 Paimehn Building MADRAS, - OREGON I Just weplvcl. a new line of Pouglns Shoes. Wc quote a few prices; Kangaroo Kid, a tine dress ahoe, at M.30. VIcl Kid, also a good dress slioo, at $3.50. no CaUBtuchor at Come in and "ee our beautl- ful Hue of Hoys' eiid Men's Hats in all the now shapes and colors rang ing In price from 50 to ?l. Everything in the Grocery Hue. The best Tea and .Coffees. Fine Hams ami Hacon. Tho best lanl in tho land. 4Jso good cooking and eating Apples.. Do not forgoj us when you need liulidiinj I aper and Uarb Wire. T. J. Valloy i Jvlain Street, For the best quality of DRY ROUGH LUMBER, Flooring, Rustic I Finishing Material Of aH kinds go to tHh deHIvi saw mmii... Situated on Foley Creek, 12 miles east of tfliycreek Store. Good roads and accommodations. . Rough lumber, any size, - - - - 10.00 per thousand feet 14, iirst-qlass flooring, any length 00 f Finishing lumber ifrom $20.00 per thousand and up. For further particulars address . . 4r.wJLRl fi bfeRHAM. Proorietor, ti -i J , t 5- ' New. Careful Drivers ROUSH, Prop's. - Oregoia Butter and Eggs HOLE! d Feed Stable THE Co. - - Madras, Oitegon. HaycreeK) Oregon. t'Kan SoeoiidBt.