Q5hc TDadrae iog. Publlshq.it cycry Thur,$Kljy by THE MONKUU PUl)i)iSmNG CO. SUBSCRIPTION BATCSV ' One year v- ijix months... ., Three months. 1.00 75 Al), '.'vfeSrisQtMtATKS ON AIM'MCATIO.N Entered ns second class "matter August l, J90k titUo PoKtn'Aco-at Mailras, Ore. 1 1 inly t 1 1 pi 9 1 0 f CoiyjKVMi of jMnrclj .3,.l87li. Thursday. .....AJpRtL 13, 1005 iff ,$urc) weather., encroached somewhat on 4pril last Sunday. jadgtng froift Uto little bluster which .jneited tUs( vicinity There were -a ,faw pat plies of 8nQy,1or thp foothjlls, though it Iavtgnly aiev hotjrs, and all Hie , patrons of the public schools of New York City are lnakmg.a "howl" because their children ary not taught the "rule of three" in arithmetic, cannot 'spell to 'asperity' in "Webster's blue back spelling book," nor can hardly write their names; therefore are not fitted for in dustrial and commercial pur suits in that busy city. But are given objects lessons in animal study, practical cooking ami laundry work all well enough in their way, but not sufficient to Jit a child for a business life 00 acres, and is still grubbing Sam Compton, Grtzztly saw and plowing. mill mag), wa$ n town today Geo. Conner is busy grub- .Heays he has replaced his re- bintr and nlowincr. and mjMuJfJ ciatfy burned mill, will a mm Dtiwer one, aim wiii jcwwnojiiivKi. m llig. JLiu J,3 iuiiiuiig proynnent on lp farm, nd. : - ' a - i S I ing a uig 1 im- FKfl ext week. Horseman Take Notice. I will bo nt IlaUn'a etalilo yUli my Lai s Lnrson fsisie 8-Uh?r,onRUlMPrljweCprbe ntr 15 rrfl4 which is COOd ll&yx euueauByH mm oaiumuy. The proximity of the Japanese and Russian war squadrons is causing much interest and speculation as to the outcome o the battle which is expected to .occur between them. Th unparalleled success of the Japs in this war makes it difficult t believe that they will not com Oh victorious in this sea light. The Kussion fleet consists of ; ponderance of large battleships while the Japs have principal h cruisers and torpedo boats, easi ly handled and quick firing. It will be remembered that in the battle of Santiago, betweei Spain and the United States, it was found that the four, Bix and eiguL-muu guns am tne most execution on the Spanish ves sels. For this reason it will be seen that the Japanese have a great advantage over the Rus sians. Methodist Hit! and Vicinity. M. Braun has been breakirg sod lor rheo Kieger. ,-Joe Marnacb is suffering from an attack of the grip. Bart Tscharner is building a neat cottage for W. M. Grittou. Williatn Gomer has his entire homestead in wheat and oats this year. Prank Rodman will have a 200 acre crop to harvest for ?hiin self nextfall. . ,"' fif ' . Edward Plog is a' new arrival from Hood River and is now in the employ of his friend, Emil Zenke. pfrank A. Smith has seeded fifty acres for Dr. Snook and also planted about 100 fruit trees on his own place. Daniel Arensraeirjias acquir ed a fine taste fori cfntly.He isaid to befe'specM showing m the big tinge. tfouisliarsftn btis Vg coin pleted seeding a:ba.ut acre's, aim is sun ruuuni iuu piuw- ing;. Jakd Pelei soh, whS luS be'eh li'elpitig'oriisliarsbn grub sage brush, is now grubbing for him self, and has made arrangements to have his ground seeded and plowed. Nelson Grewell is about tbrongh with liis . spHnff work iirid is helping his brother, Stanley, put in las oats aud barley. Perry Monroe, supervisor of the Trout Creek road district, last week wns looking over the proposed grade off tb.6 Big Plain and the survey to Lyle's gap, and with the aid of- Pete Vibbert and William Browuhill bund all the stakes. Mr Monroe is pleased with the proposed grade and says ( it is much easier constructed than le at first supposed. Work will commence on the grade next Monday. A, I, WILLIAMS & CO. UKALEIWMf 1 HOOTS AKI) 8UOE ItAli AND CXV8" W3HO XIM!&3 OOM: V vv sj TMEBAlr i- TTTi ixf trrtrr. sr: mm rrr "3W T till..... ....... III,.,., .,.!- w iiiivu juut .uyt hvsm" nij'mii(l, ynilf WAKOIl I rcimimor yu wnyyour nurw.; mod, flon't UitM t- . OLD STAND. V " llrnD tllTif t A . ann r BAi.. 1 . McTAGGART i BYE THE HEADQUARTERS .Iis'a Full Line of 1 adras OPAL PRAIRIE NOTES. On Friday April 7th, Mr. fliy S68tl j. v. vvowueru 01 me inline Plain received quite a, surprise from about thirty of his rela tives. It being his fifty sixth birthday. Among the number present were Mrs. S. E. Evans. Mr. and Mrs J. O. Tn.cker, Mrs. Lee Peck and Mrs. John Peck of- Opal Prairie, Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spicer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wilkins. and Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and famijj', of Madras, also Mrs. Mortimore and family of the Little Plain, They arrived at Mr. Cowherd's about 11 o'clock with dinner baskets well filled with very elaborate cakes, pies and other goodies of many kinds. When the tables were spread, we truly beheld a feast After dinner Mrs. Smith, Mrs. j Spicer and Mrs. Wilkins. gave the crowd a treat, in the way of instrumental mnsic. Toward evening an joined in singing 'JArkansaw" and the visitors dispersed to their-. homes, all I wishing Mr. Cowherd a long and happy life and more surprises 01 the same Kind. Rfcc, Sgv, Taiplooa. Nice Dried Fruit. Kxcclient Cnnnptl Fruits an (InnVcd ' Mcas, A. select Unc of Urenkfast Cereals. ill "f CANDIES AND NUTS Including Cartiniols, ChocolatesiTClBses. ('.' TOBACCOS and CIGARS HAR'DWASE & IMPLEMENTS;.' HARNESS and SADDLES BUILDERS' MATERIAL Including CEMENT. ' Baker Wire, $4.65 .yi--(i A j 1 1 mtm.M.tam y. BROOKS, i:rr 1 ' 1 t r- a iv 1 r' r r r- v 1 v, 1 . 1 1 s 1 i i 11 .v I a AT SHiNIKO IS- . ,r .... a .... i t.srmn rw ...... . . . v pirn " Jri ices reasonable. in "5 it 1- PRINEVILLE'S Deoartment Stan n 1 il... t l -? r-i wniico- nie uiiigt'Bl WHUjJDpsl 81'jL'Ctcd i ' P .....1 l.if."" ' aiuwrv ui lien is auu jauies' rentlV-Itiudfi " clothing of any fitore in Crook cuunty, . latest styles, best fit, lowest pnws; tilao a Xull and complete line of every. . tiling needed by the farmer and stock- man. Send in a trial, order and be convinced, tall I f T t I f I ff 9- f mmm . . - . WUKXWh- hK ft. H Prineville,. ...... . ....Oregon p Meat Market We keep constantly on liutul tlio bt'Pt FRESH AND SALT MEATS We pay the highest imirkut prlfio-for Fat Cuttle, IIos, tiheop, Butter, Eggfl. riml Furni Prmltieo of ull kinds. WE QAN SATISFY YOUR WAKT3 - - CIVE US A CALL WILLIAMS & ROUSH Madras - Oregon in rE do not claim to carry everything but we tire in a position 10 till ordinary wants from a well selected stock of Groceries, Boots and Shoes and such things usually carried by a lirst- clas8 country -store at reasonable prices. Compare onr prices and quality with others before buying elsewhere, and you will then trade with the - Culver Store O. G. COLLVER, Prop, Work commenerd Monday on the saloon building of Cramer & Stephens, nI tit T.i AA 1 .9 . J. (x. Fisch, of -The Dalle?, is For the best quality of oneofournewre8idenfs,;having HPV OIinH IllMRRP: irrivedJast week. .Heis livintr " r." ,T ' withhi8son,FFPisch,at Opal FlooriniT. Rustic 2 Finishine- Material I J ' - - VI it'll miiun fiu iu raine Miss Lena M Lamb and Miss May Jackson drove to Shaniko Wednesday, ehroute to Portj and. J. A. Hoffmann is lilling vacancy in the store W..M. Musgrove, who has ally fond of Bertha. - 7' A. J. Hennemann has had 80 acres broken , on his sjteTf place, three and half miles south west of town, which lie ianoV seeding. j0has . WaVriuofsky after spending a month on his ho'me- s teiidhas -retiirhedoeuW his work at the Morrow & Keen- jfiKS 1?nflM Ttnnvav nrlin 1i.d passed tlirolgh Madras rf,dajg ' ?r.,further pai'ticMl.ars, address He is on his way to Hood Rive r,' ',. . CH APfel DERIrJAM, where luLwill Vork on tlin ni . - '. Haydl 1x0, iwith a lanref number of teamr .-1 ...THE DEt?f4fiJVI SAW mmii,,. Situated on Foley Creek, 12 miles east of Ilaycreblc" Store. Good' road9 and accommodations; . ". Rough lumber, any size, ... -. $10.06'per thousand fetir 1X4, iirsi-ojass-nooiiiig, any jengtti). 90 10 -, -v V1' " lumber from $25 00' ;; f $25,00.'"'' per thousand and up, where hwill Vork on the new Hood Biyer-Mr Hood railroa r Proprietor, Haydreek, Oregbrf. pendicit is jmpr.pyjng: .rapidly uiide,rithel-mtidicUL aid of the mm Rev.-Mr. Tr; Frog Spring Notes. , Pete yibb.e.rt lias sowed about rit;f I Shaniko Wafeh'ouse, Company teTJBJijl jQGNBRAL AND FORWAftDrNG V rurrTa.Th started from iSlmni Monday moring to inspect the auto road between here and e Jain autol-'a? buta slight defect in the gearing 'jtil caue'edNhe mach nu to be re- 5S iUWPSRf Sliuniko. We tin K derstand the auto i'r nnadtM., ,.8pepial attention to Wool ff.-nding tin.d Billing ipt J'pt sriv hlRt : Q'i fBiote, 'Dealeraln Blackflmlt'i Llm und .Buildera' MaU;ria) rtv, .f all kind.. Stilphur, -W661 4iml Gt&ln Sackri anwTno, Grrifn, ',' JJJ Flour and Feed. IUgbeHt prlfo paid oMII'dfea ahU-roHH, 'Slbclc tW' Yards with all tlio laM'a'nd'ticBt.faaUtlw.for hah'dllfStock. 1 Wi ' ' Ml.- ' " . k'a'j fl "ti uiceauy repaiieu and may be ft r, in Madras this week Mark Goodstfcre f ? T. G, CONLX)Nf Manager.' ,' . lii'' ! i. ilt . ' 'r. . VWatnli tl.l ,50,! ad. from Watts MA'uninc' ANi)"1 Giianitk Womta, Tlio Dal.'ca, . . " Urcgnii, J'Olt 8IXTV PAYS ONt.Y J?f BOOTS. SHOES. CLOTHI cir tin Kin it4. ivn ti 1 Mn nnrrv n 11111 iiiifi pnmn nin inn ni 1 rnn II 111 I I I 1 1 TI I IV 1 1 rt. i. Ira III a I fir II 11111 I I IV II If 1 1I1M - II K H. tU CnrtH, lMoww, Ilaruesii, Drills and ull klmlHof farming Inijile and toots. JOHNSON, BOOTH & Main St., Prineville, Ore. i m a h t la ai Mai, aL x t 1 i OtD ONLY iV TUB Howl's &hd Lock Cofto A(?ent for tlio IMdflo Coajtj. The oiily Arm Mint 'f . (ItaUV Ilrftiiil. KJtj'ljiMjB nitlifiir. the only jtANO.tj.KHK HANK BAR., ".. .AkwIu for tlii 0LlvidJ-;rYi'K)yiuTKn8. f eiiv i i t :r-:i . A lit t;CWBiin(lufe..WitkWiiili. v . f 11.'.' I'llio Ht., rrhnrlnco, Cat. 11 1 Viililii(to!i fit,, &oJ(Hue, Vam1i, Spring St age Waninifia ; eest yrmr. jd a. ' - LeaySJiV.JH-ni 'sprimt A'gency every momww"' Waplnltia every Tuesday and Friday. " from WiiUtlft to Warm Hprlnv Ajjonov v 1 (('UliimIib r V to llntHiirlutW -..'rtj.w...1' ,J'tiioiiKBr llow1j B) poumt ImKK'W- JfViilHlit,lli',r'0r.,pAUkAl Iimj. (toodidrlrvr.: Hto lvav)Uotli MtiiH t a. in. 1 ;: