The Madras Pioneer I MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1905. NO. 34. N CARDS. DENTISTS nEMTIST OEHTIST RlNEVnXK1(tWiON JIAN AND SURGEON SoiHcelnIri'X,rc' 0IIW10N BH00K8 ICE OF THE PEACE OltWJON ARY PUBLIC AND I, COMMISSIONER 0P.1XJ0S BUNKING CO MUXlKttOkWiUN hi rmirt..Pf. II. A.M.rjflC.V' Ii, r T Uttfltinrt, CAnhlur. KXUtAM.K HOUHIt ANl &M. J W Prrnrli, II. A. Moore. I'. T. BY topi, A K. Ildiiimoinl, J. II. foe. bifoil to totalo )ine-Seekers pmeiit Uttiln nttitfcuuitK to the fouthern Kailroml Mirvey: qunrtur it r- ill mlnvHlHl.U . of tliulrt't Hl'hiii ntii' IiaK to four mile of ru) omc n'liTt locntlmm having r.t rtm-! fir-1 xt -veil. Id JVIcCauley lodnas, Ore. Efl& Reliable DrUgelMi Ctrrlcitln 16f KCfittock Eul ilniK itlit ilniKKlM suhiitliU In ftukrti Ofu- !kui, pliolo tiiiUcM -jrour luAll tiMvr Millrlt fl nd w rm.vb lpromjt ftttcuiloii, ' )alles 6 reft on mlltoii Hotel r-lcIa88tiis'4U&hdie,ls. m resemble, iba'd on IE. LIEBE tm&i "ion, .in work ft hmm WOOL SALES DAYS. The Orea Kate Weelgrowera' AmocIaUom officers have agreed upon date for ealce daye for yearae followe: Pemiletou May 22, June 18 and Juae SB. Heppuer--May 25, June 9, June 30 RUilJuBeSO. yiiantku June 6, June 23 and July . The reeulU ef the sales days during the past three eeaeooe have of appreci ate value to the aheepHiea lu the mat ter of prles received for their clip, iltiyfcra submit sealed bids on different lota of wool and only those who are the highest bidders are the sucoesbful purefcaaere. In-speaklng ef the bene ilts bf this plan over the old fcystom, J. II. Gwlntii secretary of the Oregon Woolgrowere' Association, yesterday aU that the tendency was to keep iie prices Up and that a cent to a cent md a half more was realised by sheep nen for their clips. Buyers do not favor the system and whenever It Is possible they urge the growers to dig iwse of their clips before the dates of xalcs day. ' A Pew Comparisons. "We read the report that 200, 000 men were killed and wound ed on both sides in the battle of Mukden without fully realizing what those figures mean. Here are a few aids to the imagination. Two hundred thousand casual ties equal! Throe hundred Iroquois Thea ter disasters. A huudrud and lifty Slocum disasters. Eighty Johnstown Hoods. Thirty GalveHton Hoods The total population men, women and children of a city like Minneapolis. The population of the states of Idaho and Nevada combined. Th3 entire Boer population of both sexes and all ages, of the two South African rcpulirs. which resisted the whole power of the British Empire for over two yuaro. -Ex. GO TO THE MAORAS DRUG STORE FOR Pure Drugs, Druggists' Sundries and Patent Medicines A Complete Line of Stationery, Jewelry, Etc., Ih Stock M. 0. SNOOK, Proprietor. EtMJMili ML In Bitot, ilidrti, 0rgfe VICTOR MADDEN ManufacttirYr and Dealer In Fine Harness) Saddles Tents, Wap Covers TltKCUKAi'KST tWCK IN T1IK JUfcUKtf, When Ui'or'o, Mop III ahd got priccr..-T- Eut M Clotting Store dbE feoHtJ; Pnbk knTS; I'tntMHttifri dttttlfo, HAfs, O.VVtf,,8UUks Asll Amu ttmiik It will pAy f6 Vn k'c ft"f boforo pur- tnSt.ViK il?o Vi'cro, coi hiccUMV Sxivrnfe WAV.Y.Vs, oiieook. Alad S'rWpH 4 (uftwi WWey, Oron. , eWiyjftg tho IVmHIito, HfeNrlY t-. KUCK iHXW'ActtitelltiF HarnetiandMSaddles y A si'KciAfTV. I)lof (i Uivtisn, iftw', Rokii (lid h kvii urnl IIho 'i)f Uurrt VirHUiilng (IwmU, Tout, Awhhk. M WguH Oovura. All work vur KMt 8VCOM(t IH, TJIK DAUEH, Orv, TITLE TO RIGHT OF WAY State ef Oregon OJves Right ef Way fer CslHe CMlCe4ietructloH Shonlel Begin Seen. Oregoulau. In fulfilment of its pledge the stRte of Oregon yesterday de livered to Major W. 0. Lang fltt a deed conveying absolute title to the Govern ment of the entire- right of ay for the Dalles Celiio Canal. This action re moves tho last obstacles to the construction of the canal and in euros the early beginning of work. The delivery of this deed was made necessary by the condi tion imposed by Gougress that before the canal should be con structed by the Government the state should deed to it freo of cost the lands contained within tile right of way. This the state pledged itself to do, and, after much delay, in suits and the arranging for the purchase of the lands, the state not long ago secured full and clear titles to all necessary land. Tho transfer of this right of way has been made to the Government in one deed, with the title warranted by the state. A. full abstract of title to the property accompanies the deed, and these will be forwarded to the department in "Washington fo the approval of the United States Attorney-General within the next few days. ANKfcNY GOES TO THE TOP Will Be Chairman of Irrigation Com-mlttcc--Has Thorough Knowl edge of Irrigation. Okkgointan News Bureau, Washinton, April 0 Senator Anlcney, of Washington, is slated for chairman of the com mittee on irrigation in the next Congress. This is a piece of exceptionally good fortune, for tho promotion comes under the Senate rule of seniority. When he entered the 3euate, two years ago, Aukeuy wao ap pointed a member of tho irriga tion committee, but ho was given next to the last place oil tho list, ranking only Senator Fulton, of Oregon. By a peculiar turn of the wheel of fortune, four of the six Republican members of that committee who ranked Ankeny were not re-elected to the DOth Congress, 60 that only two stand betweeh him and the chairman ship. But by another bit of good fortune both of these Sena tors are already chairman of mote importnntfcommittees than irrigation, so neither will stand in his way. This is a fortunate tUrh for Ankeny, fbrih addition to se curing U very desirable chair manship, he Will be placed in a position where he bah exercise considerable influence over the reclnin&tioh survicej and can do much to promote Government irrigation in his own state and in Oretron, for he is friendly to Orecon as well as Washington. Moreover, Ankuey has a veryJ thorough knowledge of irriga tion matters, being himself an irrigator and having interest in private irrigation enterprises lit Eastern a'ahingtOm It will be left&infc to him to have oharge Vf a otininiUtefc whose work is Vo confceulftl ah'd whose affairs ne call intelligently direbt. N0tloe,-All pereoui owing for waVen are requested to oall at tue resiuenoe of John lehaea ami vettl? for the same at yetir earliest obWealeuce. John Palmehn', RUSSIANS PASS MALAGA Battle feet ween fcteeeiA ami Japanese Fleets may Occki Shortly Odds Agalitsf the Russians. flirtOAitmK. Straits Settlement, April 8. The Ruseatn Baltic squadron oaeeed here at 2:80 o'clock this after noon. The 47 ships, steaming slowly at eight knots an hour, four abreast, presented a striking speetaele. The vessels, -however, bore evidences of the effects of their voyage and at the wa ter line showed seaweed a foot long. The squadron was led by a large cruiser, followed by three converted former Hamburg-American Line ves sels. Then came tho cruisers, colliers, hrUtlcMhtns. eta. The coll era were moutly in the center of the fleet. The decks of the warships were coal-laden, while the colliers rind the former Hamburg-Anierlcan Jlneiy were .light of draft. The fleet passed'seven miles out. The admiralty points out the great Importance and advantage to be guliied by pushlni on wjth all possi ble eneed and meetlrig- Vice-Admiral Togo's heavy ships before he can effect a complete concentration of nls scat tered cnil&ers, scouts and , torpedo uoaU. It Is the belief of' the Admiralty that Togo Is waiting near the Island of For mosa, 1800 miles northward or siga poroi At the rate tho Russian squadron Htenmed from Miulagascar, which av eraged eight knots an hour, the great est naval battle plnco kelson's Victory at Trafalgar should occur In nbout teu duyn. Tbe Admiralty realizes that Uojeslvensky fucefl great odd, owing lo the Immense superiority of theJa pHtieae In cruieera and torpedo boals, and reliance for his success Is based upon the seven battleships with which lie can minose Toko. It Is thought unlikely that tho Vla divostok squadron will attempt a June lion with the Baltic fleet, though It Is (iilile nosslble It may make a diver hIou, undeterred by the Mo of the RuHBlans at tho time of tbe egress of ilie Port Arthur fleet last August. EARTHQUAKE SHAKES INDIA Towns arc Wrecked and Thousands of People KHIedAlany Homeless " Shocks still Felt. Calcutta, April 8. Telegraphic communication with Dmrrasala has nn entered. The lateft accounts Hhow that the earthquake wua even more disastrous than at first believed Of a total population of nearly 5000 In r hp town of Kangra, It Is believed I hat only 600 are left allye. Muuy of these have fled. Of the police only a Deputy Inspec tor and four SergeaniB are alive Many people are still imprisoned In the ruliiB. Dharnjsala, Kangrn, Palanpur, Dhawau and all tho neigh- borinc vllllageB were completely wrecked. Scarcely u building retbalL's Htaudlnc. Not mUch damage was done at Uarlpur, Derugopipur, Nadaum or Hamlrriur. Bujaupur, having a population of about 0000 souls, is. reported to be in ruins. The shocks stlll-oontlnue. There Ib no news from Kula Valley. According to native rumors, a great amouut of damaeo has been done. An offlolal dispatch from Dbarmsala says the place 1b ascelle of desolation. Owing to the scarcity of labor, great difficulty is experienced lu excavating tho ruins, but tlie tloorkhas are doing excellent work; . . A Philanthropic Joke. frirst H'wnTpBimy tfiurrTrgoid piece gave considerable amusement to a small crowd In tbe Rue Daunou, Paris; Tbe former coin was placed on the pavement and lay untouched for an hour and a half before It was picked up by an old lady, wbo carefully placed It In ber reUcule, despite tbe derisive cheers' which were accorded her by those wbo were watching. An American gentleman then placed a twenty franc piece on the ground, ound.and as pedestrian after pedestrian passed without seeing 1 JtbWy e,re startled by the uproAtrldus 1'nugbter from doors ana wmaown. -ipey owppwi looked toafusM epft then hurrU With IndlgrV-aVt glaWcee at the lurried away . r merry makers. , , t , Tke leuls Van at last picked up by a beat and feeble old maa, who hobbled off with Jhle treasure, atabl tntausfasU'e Cheers. Lendon Mafjv TEACHER AND "M'ArV. Saturday Evening Po&t The proposal of the prescient, of Princeton to develop tutorial instruction Is one of the hope- ful signs in American educa tion. In the past we nave been accustomed to regard the tutor as a mere nurse for lame ducks something a little better than the crib, horse or pony, of the lazy and the dull. Our ideals have been those of Germany, where the only education thought fit for university men is private reading, founded upon , abstruse lectures, and leading to the pinnacle of independent scientific research. In England the ideal of edu cation has always been the training cf mind and character in conjunction. Tho tutorial system has, been the protagon ist of university teaching; and though, as there practiced, it has many boyish abuses, those who know it thoroughly and from the inside have never doubted is in essence sund. For a doren years Har vard has been quietly progres sing along the path upon which Princeton to now starting. There is as many lectures and special researches as ever but it has become more and more the duty of the younger in structors to throw themselves into personal relationship with incoming freshmen, and in all !N tW UAbHSiUKt! Bring Us Your OUR DRY GOODS are shipped. Watch A NEW LINE OF PAINTS-HARDWARE Call and examine our stock. EVERY FREIGHTER BRINGS US HEW GROCERIES LANA M. LAMB, Prop. I .Palmehn MADRAS, PIONEER CASH Just received, a new lino of Douglas. SlicAis. W4 quote a few prices: Kangaroo Kll, a line dress shoe, at HSc, Vfcl Kid, also a good dress shoi', at $3.60. Box CM Blucher at MOO. Come hi and see our beauti ful line of Boys' and Men's Hat? In all Uiii new sllapes and colors Tang. iHgihbVlw from Bo; lb Hs Everything hi 'the Grocery line. The beat Teas And Coffees: Mile Hams and Bacon. TlVs ticst lard In the land. Also good cooVirtp arVd eating Apples, Do not forget us when you need Building I aper and Barl$ Wlri T. J. jVlalloy St r Z. F. MOODY GENERAL COMMISSION & f FORWARDING MERCHANT barge ajupbrnclui Wanihouso.'orit&ntnents Solicited. j ' 1 Prompt attention, raid to inosa.wlio j'avor ua , T ft ; with their t ' the more popular courses to consult with the students about the reading, and, by the means of comradely discussion, to give it the livliness and the per sonal tone without which edu cation is the merest of veneers. "Manners Makyth Man" is the motto of Winchester the father of the English system of public schools; and no nation that intends its education anq culture to strike deep, knd pro duce the ripest fruits of culture, can afford to reduce all learn ing to the level of science. Jowett, Pusey, Newman, Lang, Pater and the Arnolds spent years of their lives as tutors; and it is scarcely to be doubted that personal intercourse with such spirits in the realms of lit erature and art were the happi est episodes in the lives of a gen eration of young Englishmen. A keen and intelligent electi cism is the basis of American progress, as it is of the' progress of the Japanese. We have al ready assimilated the best there is in German university ideals. When we have learned what we can from the universe ties of England our universities will be much more perfect en gines of higher education. THE : I Butter and Eggs our ad. next week. Building. OREGON t Go. Msxdrast Oregon. l in. I vi )atroage. . SHANIKO, OREGON 1 STO : ft. 5 H t s 1