The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 06, 1905, Image 2

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    Uhc SEadras IPionee.
Published cvory Thursday by
'One year fl.60
Six mouths LOO
Three mouths .75
Entered as second tlass matter August
V, 1901. at tlio Postofflco at Madras, Ore
under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1871'
TllUItSDAY AlMlIL 6, 1905
"With this issue of The Madras
iPioneer we make onr first ap-
pearane before its readers and
can only wish that our paper
"will be greeted with the warm
welome we have receired from
the people of Madras.
In the future, as in the past,
-The Pioneer will work for the
right upbuilding of Madras and
the northern portion of Grook
county. In the short time he
has had control Mr. Brownhill
'has made The Pioneer a house
hold journal eagerly sought for
ind studiously read by the
larger portion of northern
Crook. We shall endeavor to
keep The Pioneer up to its pres
ent standard as a news purveyor,
.and as Madras and the sur
rounding country developed
and improves will strive to keep
The Pioneer abreast the times.
Yours very truly,
Max Leuddemann,
By S. D. Percival.
The fiist of April commenced
the season for the fishing ol
trout in Oregon and the lovers
-of this eport can now indulge to
their heart's content, provided
none are kept smaller than five
inches in length.
The virgin soil of this part of
the county is being rapidly pre
pared for seeding these days.
With normal conditions there
will be a yield of grain and hay
in this vicinity which will be
President Roosevelt started
Monday on a trip for recreation
through the Southern sates, and
will take wolf hunt- in Oakla
boma, and in Colorado will take
a hunt for big game. The Presi
dent will be absent from Wash
ington for about two months.
The hoodoo on' the torpedo
boat Goldsborough,, which was
first constructed by the defunct
Wolf & Zwicker company, is
still in-full force. At a speed
trial held last Thursday she
failed to make the limit) and as
usual a series of accidents were
recorded against the craft.
Francis J. Heney, recently
appointed U. S. district attorney
for Oregon, has returned to
Portland and has taken charge
of the land fraud cases which
tire being prosecuted by the
government. It is said a new
broom makes a clean sweep,
and Heney seems to be no ex
. ception.
The Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion directors are up againet the
dilemma of having insufficient
space to accommodate thooe
Who wish to exhibit. This is
unfortunate for thdse who wish
to make displays,but niay be the
means of making a high class
of exhibition to the exclusion
of those which are of nd particu
lar merit.
"Yamhill beats the world" is
being exemplified this year in
the fact that they are gaining
notoriety ag qhampion kickers.
They fathered tlio referendtihi
on thB $1,000,000 appropriation
of the last legislature and atf?
no threatening Ur-J?pt ttie
bontitutionality of 'the state
tax law. But thii may be
Merely an efferveaence and
whenatbe rush of spring nd
summer-wqik oonimencea they
will likely forget outside trou
bles by reason of being busy
with home affairs.
The ewaeat 'plea of Agency
Plains taxpayer for an open
county road to tiro railroad is
one with whic'H the people of
western Crookcounty clear to the
southern boundary are heart
ily in sj'inpathy. But while he
is belating the county court on
account of this seeming over
sight, it should be remembered
that o county road to tire main
county road on Trout creek has
never been asked for. Every
petition for a county road from
Agency Plains toward the rail
road has either commenced or
ended at what is termed Lj'le's
gap, and all these petitions have
been granted, although it is
hardly business-like for a coun
ty to grant county roads which
abut against a fenced inclosure
technically private property,
passage through which can
be debarred to the public by
the simple posting of a tres
pass notice. The county might
Duild and improve roads lead
ing to this one point and then
have them rendered useless by
having the gap closed. The full
importance of having a county
road opened from this, gap to
the main Trout Creek road is
only fully realised when it is
known that this is the only route
during the bad roads of winter
that can be travelled by freight
teams from Madras, Bend and
Silver Lake, the other route
through Willow Creek being
practically impassable. A very
feasible route and grade from
this gap to the main conntj
road on Trout Creek is parallel
to the automobile grade, and
Agency Plains people should
make a move toward getting
this opened immediately.
The Campbell system of dry
Farming in the growing of alfalfa
is receiving some attention in
portions of this and other states
where the rainfall is not any too
plentiful and It is sure to work
a great change in the matter of
an increased amount of the crop.
The land is plowed deep in the
fall and allowed to remain until
the following spring during
which time it has gathered all
the moisture of the winter
months. At seeding time the
seed is coveted deeply, rolled
down, and then the harrow is
used a number of times until
the surface is so loose that a
perfect dust blanket is formed
which is then left undisturbed.
By this loose covering all the
moisture is held in the ground,
which is of vast benefit during
the dry season and ensures a
large cropi This plan ought to
be adopted in flections even
where the fall of rain is very
plentiful during the wet season
as too much attention cannot
be given to plating grain land
in first-class condition for grain
raising or pasture and hay pur
poses. The Willamette valley
in Oregon has a generally
moist climate but at lim'es dur
ing tho summer months the land
dries but to sucli ian extent that
some injury results to 'crop's oi
land that has been in use for
several years and, we believe,
the Campbell system if properly
pursued would work a wonder
fal change for tlte better.
Pacific Homestead.
THAT NORTH fefft) tfkAbE.
A great deal o UHfavoriTe comment
baa been cast against tfcafaresetitcoun
ty court by the eettlers of the north
nd of the Agency Plains, because
the north end grade was not opened
.lait fal 1 1 The real cause therefor ap
nears td liaVe Been overlooked. The
couuty ooHrfc'ttfii all that was asked of
It to do for that road, allowed the peti
tion atfd ordered the supervisor to bpen
tW Veatt an eoe aa partible, which h
proceeded to do by commencing at
the end 1b place of the commencement
of the Toad, using all the funds on the
grade rnunlng Into Madras auri leav
ing the most Important part of tlit
road untouched. The settlers working
on that ro,d kuew tlito and therefore
Are virtually to blame for the present
Btate of HftHlrs. They oouM -mill should
have refused ta work auyWhere, ex
cept on "lro most Important part "of
that road,1, o., the grade leadleu from
tho top of tho fPlalu In W. end off 8.
14. E. to Snge Brush 8prhgH, from
where they could haul their watr In
one third the time now -consumed In
coming lo Madras, lloAVover, there
1b no wo xtfyrug oVer spilled milk
and the. thing to" do now Is to build
thatgrado. AvetUlou a'hr presontcd
to th,e county-court nt'tlie March term
the settlers promising todotmtecerlnln
work aud afking that the court In
nfriint the roiid supervisor to take
-charge of said work. This was a raovo
in the rlgnt uireeuoii, aim wan irmiiii
ly nllowod. As nearly all of the set
tiers who have promised to do this
work live lu this district they havu
asked that Road Supervisor John 8.
Dillon be Instructed to tako charge of
the work. This bus nlso been granted
and Mr. Dillon will doubtless take
charge of tho mutter and work will
commeuco on tho grado In tho very
near future. Wo would BUggest how
ever that tho settlers interested open
the grade clear down the bill, if only
In a crude way at present, completing
the roud as opportunity and funds will
permit; for we must keep In mind that
tho couuty lias already speui more
money ou roads In this, vicinity than
the laws outitle us to. It is now up
to the etttlers to build that road and
wo are sure they will do it.
I have several fresh rallch cows for
mile, and tbey are good ones, too.
Jack Ilelflch, Culver, Oregon.
Horseman Take. Notice.
I will be at Hahn's stable with my
Percheron Stallion, Prince Corbet.Mon
(lays Wednesdays and Saturdays.
C. A. Devens, proprietor of the Cllne
Palls Press, aud O. W. Propat, a mer
chant of Condon, passed through Mad
ras for Cllne Falls Tuesday. Mr. Dev
pus Intends (Imbllug tbe aire of the
Press In the hear iuture. Mr. Propst
Is going to Cline Falls possibly to start
a branch sto're thero.
County Court ot 1'rwk County, OriRon, at the
Cuuirty Court room In l'rlntsvlllc, Oregon, on
vdm-Uy,tlu-:M " of -Muy, at wbtrli
tlmu'they rtl apply to M ttouW "f a'llrMinu
to rati uplrltuoiw, null unit vlwrot'llinior and
hunt elder In iiuantltle ! tltHm(b KUlloli
a prnjcit for in MMiHtKU.
Kutrher Product, 'rook Conllty, Oregon,
:iUrch si. .-ivtrtivotiUMKit.
To tho Honorable County Court for tlio
Comity of UrooKjSiato ot uirpou,
w. tlwi iiHilorslunud Itwd voters of
Ashwood Precinct;, Crook County, Oregon,
respectfuNy petition your ntimunuiu mm,
.. . iir..,rcn in Himtmi & Uruter to
sell spirituous, nmlt and vlnons llipiora In
luantUlvs less tlmu one gnnoij, in m
precinct, county nmt state, iviso imrn cmi-i,
foranorlod of six iiiontlis beginning on
tho Oth day of May, 1906.
Dated at Ashwood, Oregon mis w-i uay
ot March, 1D05,
H V Uerryman,
John M Payne,
F h Anderson,
Dan Crowley,
Cliarloy Swanson,
Oscar Black,
Thorn Lewis,
S S 13lack,
C M McPhorson,
Pnt Noilly,
L Vf Tomllnson,
W C Ulrd.
J W Jamison,
K D tfustou,
E W Crosswhltc,
Mllo Wood,
C K.Sandy,
E A ltandoldi,
John McNeil,
J C Drognn,
Ulen Oroter,
W II Huston,
C 1) Gny,
Dnn KvniH,
W D Wnlkcr,
Frank Doak,
II J StrlVkllu,
J P Kelnay,
T J Wyiuiin,
E 0 Flnnell,
Oliver McCollum,
J V McCollutn,
J H Un) less,
A W Crater.
la Imrohv Cll-L'll that tllC HIICllT-
slgnetl will prcweiit their petition to tint
Hoiibrahto County court nr uruo
County, Oregon, at the May tctm thereof,
iK.wkt mi Witlnustlav. thu Ski day of Mo ,
1905, praying for a Uccnso to sol! splrltu
ous, malt and vinous liquors and hnnl
cider In quantities less than one gallon In
Ashwood Precinct, Crook County, Oregon,
for a period ot alx months from nnd after
the Sth day of May, 1W5.
Benton & Grater.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
(or Crook county.
In the matter of the aipHcfttUm of M. I..
Louden, of MHilras, Oregon, for n lltonse to cull
))Irituoux, malt anil vinous lliiiiirx anil hard
cider in less iiiantltlca than one gallon.
To tho Honorable County Court of the State of
Oregon for Crook county:
W'c, the undcMlgned, being a majority of the
legal voter of Kntcliur 1'reclncM'rook County,
Oregon, would most rcsit-ctfully iK-tltlon that
a license K- granted by your Houorolile Court
to M . L. Loueks to tell silrltuou, malt or
vltioua liquors or fermented cider, In lexs
iuantlttcslhan one gallon, in the Precinct of
Kutrher, County of Crook and State of Oregon,
for the term of 12 months from the :W day of
May, 1!X.
V II Haunon, John 'fliomiu". John fnliani,
Don 1' Hea, J YV Jackson, IjoiiU Voirath.TH
Tucker, J E Campbell, I BCowlcn, Emext Doty,
W K Kutler, C O I(ami.ey, h E Ilaker, (iilll
Diznoy, Walter .rney, C K Hnycn, K O Ilutt-hi.
ton, II K Nissen, X 8 Jennlngc, 8 V Itichard.
xon, Ceorgc Kirk, J Jt MagncM), Milo (!artl, A II
I'arkey, Andrew I.nrsen, Eugene Williamx,
Charles Dillon, YV II Htouehorker, J II Lee,
Fred Davis, V F Field, O h Ilohlfeid, li C
White, James lee, Jame.i WiUIamK, It It Young,
TMIlurdcn, I) II ltnrden, John A
E Iiughlin, (iCO It IjuckH, h A Young, V P
I'ax'ton, It Jl Jon'eir, Kd KtrtclitT, W C Moore,
J K Whiteman, II C Dov'o, (! 8 Mfcycif, Martin T
Pratt, I I. Huffman, J C Trotter, Chan Dizncy,
C C Ahley, W Thielemann, Y J Hrook, T J
Mulloy, Bum Hatertlck, John Dillon, JolinO
itiwe, WillUm Vanberg, John E Evlck, 0 V
Dillon, YVesley Bumncr, W II Itaimcy, J D
Mayc, (,' K Iouck, J I Ilahn, Jainen Kaan(
MLI-ouckn, W Drownhlll, (J YV Itlchardfion.
George Pitt, A Jllauchct, Peter Kalama, A .
YVilliamx, Frank KlklnH, V C Fox, J F Church,
William Coakley, ltT Jonen, J M Mayes, 11 !
Xotire i hereby ftlvtsn that the nmleriilgncd
will j.reiieid tii'c forgoittg JfttlUori to the
County Court of Crook Conn ty. Oregon, fit the
County 'Court room lu Princviire, Oregon, on
YVedrVeMlay, the :!I day of May, IWrt, at whlrli
time they will apply to nald Court for a licence
to xell Dplrltuoux, malt aud viuoiiK ll(Uor aud
hard cider in quantities lciut titan one gallon
ax prayed for In Maid petition.
Kutchcr Precinct, Crook County, Oregon,
March 80, VJ03.
To tne ifeWofalilc County Court for tho (Jounty
of Crow. Stale of Orcp)iit
Wc, 'the inidcridgncd, legal voter pf Kutchcr
ITerinct, Xo.'ol Crook County, Oregon, re
IK;cVdtly pclltWii your honorabtu body' to
grant a liccnitc to Cramer 1- Hlevcnn (Jerry
Cramtir and (leorgc A. HIcvciih) to xell unlrltn-
ou, Jii a ft and vinou liquor aud hard cider, lul
.....A.M.. ..u ti.t. ...... I., il.i l'. ....... I
tlinilOVM IKS. limn unu in rn.ll.llvt
IYecInct, Xo 'a, for a iorlod of lx month
from and after the ,'J1 day of May, JD&'f.
8 E Gray, Frank ElkiiiM, 8 h YV11I, Jamc It
MagVicf, John A Palmeliu, John O Itotsc, Don
P it'ek. lirenry 8lckJr. ) 1' Halm, J M Maye.
Jphn Vsham, MaTtlfi T Pratt, It T Joiic, T U
Tucker, Ira Uarbcr, A It ParkVy, Frank OHlxiri:,
W II Parker, Fred H Udd. J E Evick, J F
Church lUter Ifoiwr, J D MlyH O V Dillon,
W K ItlAVer, YV Jf VllllAm?r, 3t MrKlroy, Wm
MrEtnoy, ChU SfcKlrby, J v McKfroy, D 11
llunlcli, t M Hurdbu, Dodd McCftuIey, YV II
Hamwy.U.OJlaW&y, UHi'pvrfw, O CAhley,
X 8 Jennlng, C V Duling, JlVnc T&, J II ,Ice,
W It Htoiiehockef, LAY'ouiik, Ilirry Churcli,
W irannon. Jaine HaiWldg, n It u6ig, It E
IfWfr, 8 A MbCln, YV If AM, J A Ifen, ti
0 Hohlfeld; C V Fox. JF Hunt, Mile Fox,
K-tct Kll'rjurg, 8 It EMioudwrn, M ! Ward, J II
JarkKOii, Chi I ItotcrWit', H 0 Dort, Khmt
Do'ty, FftdOuttcndoif.Frunk Itodmali, EIwln
A Hlinden, J J iUutoii. If K KIhkcu, a W
Hlrha;avil, 8 F Itobeiou., n,
nnKijiiou, 1 voirath, A
JacoUi., J W Jotic, Chah
Itabentlcki II X Xotlh, !ha DUnCy, J E
Citmtbcll, Ffarsoy, Mm DIIob, JtMJoaen,
U R Hayvi, h p I'axtoH, K 8 Cramer, S l,
fx)ckafd, A Eagle, 0 YV Kaiikln, Kaan, W F
Field, i A Pullen, K'J'Broex, Owar Y itnt,
Xotlce I hereby (riven that the uii&r"ruhd
1II Titwat Ihe forolug ietflTbfi b Wei
Baker, X II
A X. Willlaru. II E
Kffk, OW Klrk.Wam
Dry Goods, Clothing
Furnishing Goods
fltivu'Wlid ell Meatnof tail Vlinl.. Farm
'kind. licit Dairy Iluttcr and I'rcMi Egg (mr
Williams & Roush, Proi
Madras, Oregon.
... THE BW...
. Good stock. Curoful drivers. Best of liny and
, rrices reaaonuolo.
...Department Store..
Cprries tho Lnrgeat and Boat Bolected
stock of gents' and Indies' rendy-niude
clothing of tiny store in Crook county,
Latest styles, best fit, lowest prices
nlso a full and complete line of every
thing needed by tho farmer and slock
man. Send in a trial order and bo
Prineville Oregon
" Dealer In and
Manufacturer of
Harness & Saddles
.fimiDI.Ei?, Ql'IKTH,
Ali) Ffefeb bARN
PeVIkV ItEK'D, M'ftimger.
I PRE! f
tHyVeTTVtjieht LAnds Vihder
'irrlgatlort In Oregon are
ftovv open for settlement,
fcor further particulars
apply to
UuObllPlldUll&UUUUUiuii vi uv
Deafer In homc-mado
Try ur mt'tia 5f "iVViiVu. ulvcr Tree
Stock Bk'A'dio. TliV&atttUlielmurkct.
faett'ePal Biackfcflifth
and Wtigoil Alak'cr
HORSESHOEiNa A Specialty
Ail Wetk QuaraaUmJ
Of oil klmlfl. Wo ntfio carry a full And complete line ot CJrw
nnd llnrtlvvnru. Agents for Mitchell Wagons, Hucki, flurr!
Carte, I'Iowb, llarnt'Hft, Drills nnl nil tcluds of furniltiK Implemn
and toolfi. I
Main St., Prineville, Ore.
bis Safe and Uoek Compi
Aijenu for the Pacific Wt. flic only Of in that can oll a HifetrtAr
Ilalt'd llininl. HxVHiMve Mire for the oirty MANUANK8K II NK
Ag-uAtH for Uio bl.tVIvIt tVPKWftlTKItH.
lira-Second AvwHcattle, W'axh.
112 l?We Hf., Han FifHurI-o, Cal.
Ill Wellington ftu Kiokauc, Witnli.
84 Third Street,!
. Portland, Ore
LeAVes-,Varm Sprln'g A'goWy ev'eVy Mohtfuy hd Thur
VVapinltla every Tuesday and Friday.
Vare fron Wartn Hii(iitt A'iey tu'WaplnltJa". V. 'il
' VoWotHl.rliiK , I
" to Hlmnanlio.
Jroin Waplnltla to Warm Hj.rl'ng Ady
,VoHliiilinnlio , ,.i .
(0 IIUtHiClllgN. '
'imnmiKorii alloued 20 jiouhiIh biiKuaKO. Krclglit, lo por jduniJ. (eoil lior
Af6M ffrlveW. KtKc leaven liotli jilacen at 0 aViA'.
- P. KALAMA arird J. MAYP
When your l'huv 'iieetU almriwuliiKi your vvagon la In iiw1
rclVallf olri you want your homo )iod, don't (ui;ci(oi(o to W
' 01,1) Hj'ANH.
f I nnnnUO -Oeno'l Wabnmw
I T. t). DnUUIVd, hnd Blacftamith
T '
"Madrai, Oregon