The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 23, 1905, Image 4

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    ... i
Two of. Mr. Cowherd's girls
have been sick for several days.
The disease seemed a
peculiar, and parents and neigh
bora wore afraid .it -,migbt be
cdntiigious, as they had a severe
skin eruption. Dr. Long was
called and he pronmnewl it- a
ing mere thuggery of our work
13 all wrong. Oh, dear sisters,
you who are blessed with conn-
little UUtUUO, iiHU UllO JltiaiL'i)l
vievs -nnti enjoy tiieni every
day the beatifies of Held, ot
woods' and -stream. Have How
eiv?.J Qo out'nml pick them in
, tlfe norninr. Purlin nsv our eve
. i.
no nas over L'uu aciea in
now, tfhich looks very proniis-
jgrajid stiil continues to plo;
ana seed. He will surely reap
a plentiful harvest,. ' ';
Mrs. Fannioarton and chil
dren have moved'her fiomostoad
in section 22. She is living in
tents temporarily, but will build
a house as soon as she can get
.around to it. ' '" '
James Hathorn hauled a load
of lumber recently from th.e saw
mill, foi Mr. McNemar who has
taken a claim on Round Butle.
Mr. and Mrs. Andra Lim
bangh, of Opal Prairie, visited
relatives in this vicinity Satur
day and Sundaj i
Mr, Mortituore made a trip to
Shaniko lsist week, and. while
there purchased a now disc drill
and a harrow. He intends to
put in a large spring crop.
Mr. Tr'uax is unable' to work
this week. He is suffering ffom
lagiippe. .
The order of the , (lay, seems
jto be plowing, havrpwing, and-
seeding and if this; proves. r,q: be
a seasonable year, the farmer
will doubtless harvest large
stoniache disorder. The girls mnyKU guc oi a spiaer,s
are now on fair road to recovery, i .Web, wt fc w' l shimmering
J ho way Mr.. Curtis farms r.u i . vn
n i,. tr' . " i is tlie gauzy. fabric. When yon
Hedges. ,,t))a,lv fkWt !... ilowlr.,,
!l , : ""'.i'8," ' will, plena- of green, tUo out
crops, thereby enabling thqm t(
liveAah bnrdV;aV home yx
r yv 4,-iyjJi.;
w e. seejso many urejaj.yojn.isii,.
broken down while still com
paratively yonug- Everything
fieems crowded, ou.tto?f4f.eji? lives
but work. TJiey intend . to. en-.
joy ihiiigsJa'ter,'4Cw.hentthe'home'
is paid fo," "the chjlrireiij
older," or when they get .a new
bouse. While 1' would iir'no
vay belittle the. efforts of so
many worthy members of .my
sex, I do deplore, the state of
spiritual and mental starvation
to which they have driven, or
have brought themselves to.
Work comes first. We ehonld
work, all of us, in one way or
auother. The very poor in our
cities are forced to work beyond
reason and strength to Jkeep a
place to stay in nota home and
a scanty living, but our women
who have homes and husbands
to provide for them, though they
have loo much w.ork to do, by al
ways keeping at it, make it all
the haider, for after the body is.
wearied, the dragging on hour
.after hour does not accomplish
nearly as much as could be done
in same time, -when "mind and
body are fresh. So very many
iire leading a treadmill exist
ence, and if they live to accumu
late that for which the' are now
denying themselves health and
.happiness, they will noi be in
a condition to enjoy it. If they
have narrowed their lives down
to a single purpose they will not
develop and open their hearts
and mind readily. If they have
read'little the' have probably
lost their taste for reading and
these faculties are not so easily
restored as one may think. We
should not so bunch our wcrk
and play; we should have both
.every day tq, a reasonable de
gree, except during vacations,
which everyone should havo at
jeoino season of the year; Many
a women longs for the com
panionship of a.good book, and
,h chapter or two in a day would,
perhaps take her mind away
jrora herself and" her ' work. A
bit of choice poetry, how it will
linger iu the mindj Thia mak-
your pvet tiest vasesn nd arrange
them, not hurrying, but just en
joying the royal beaut'. The
sight of llowers at. the family
meals is:reh'n ing. Wheu this is w'll fVql far morc like
worlc than wheifyou .went out.
Take time for these ihings.
Your baby looks up at you from
her playthings with a smile.
Take her up and give her the
caress which your heart prompts
you to. She will soon be too
big, or maybe she may be called
away. Do not wait until she
cries before taking her; give her
and yourself a moment of hap
piness. Do not make yourself
a slave for her if she is well, but
do not let her lack affectionate
x'are. bne will return it to von
Keep yourself fresh for her sake
Do not give all that is beat to
your labors whil -.'3our children
get only food,'d shel
ter. These are' all necessary,
but there is the sweet home life
to be enjoyed b' all; nothing in
after life can compensate for its
loss. Do .your w.ork the easiest
.way it. can, be, done. and done
well, but do not overdo. Keep
spirits and strength wisely, as
yjpur stoek in lfe family hoard.
t Eifiov.vriur elf kwhileivon ma v.
n - $ wh i Pf o 1 1 1 i qH o p gU i sr a nfd t y
before learing the lesson of true
ILvingi- A lioin E. Storm.
. ri
Pill up old-wells and- holesr
they are, a . menace .to .public
safety and .sjiouhl either be filled
up Or-fenced in. otherwise one
Hs liable to receive.a. broken leg.
arm. ur nu, or evuu joso a iue
by Walking or riding into one
of these frap&'in tho night.
Ye editor lias been , suffering
for some time from a severe
attack of of la grippe and neu
raliga. Our better half is still
living with hs, and as e are now
First Suniluy, niornliig niut oventng,
Krcu Alotltodist. Hcv JE. it. liJitnnuiOj
lmstor. '
Sufcowl Sunitav, miinihiR'niul ovi'fttng,
Mj-iUHinlUt jJruthrcri Kov. Ponrtus,
Tlitnl SuiuViy. ilofntngrM. i5. clnss,
l-il by It. V. nlon. ' kvjDuliiRS Fust
llrtlitlst Cliuicli, "11 v. 0. W. "Trllk'lt,
inist(;i'. , ff -
Fourth Sunday, iivirnlnt unit cv nttig,
t, K.'Oliurch ltov. U. 15. Oni'iis, pnstor.
Flftli .Silntluy, iilornliiK mid ovfriliiir,
FtvsftlHiUtSt Oliureh-SKov. 0. : W.Trtiilott,
Siiiiduy-school tit lOn.iiif olih'STindiw.
II. 11. Cm Us siiiiorln oiidcnl. ,
MKTiionisr iiii.Ii msrmcT.
Gcinifui iM. K. Church, jtuv. K. ,1
I'mjittO, pastor. Sundny-t-cliiiol ht 30
n. in., Join) ltotliinn, tir., supcilntoiul
cnt. I'lvnch itg services at a nuniul
7.80 p. in. Oeuuan school nnd Catocliism
oiiduou'd by past r Satmday at 2,00 p, in.
Ewi'jone wi-leoinc.
CUl.VKlt DlsTHlCT.
Sunday schoul bvory Sunday at 10 a. m.
preacliins ivery third Sunday at 11 a.m.
by O. W. Tilplutl, ot rrlncylllc
a o k c v ri.Aixa mariner.
William Hranstcttor, supcrlntondent of
Sunday school. Sunday , school every
Sunday nttcrnoim at 2J'.). l'rcnchlnK by
Hov. W.E. Fulgham ami others at li regu
lar rorioJs. , '
NoiiTii ni-sT.r.iCT.
Sunday school hold at llcv. Boll's
tusldcncc In Notth Accncy PJntn.
lh L.llell. snpoii- tendent; Pt-tcr Viblu-il
assistant. 'Sunday school at 10.80 every
Sunday. Preaching at 11 30 a. ni.
mud snaxes distiuot.
N roRular fiiinouncfiniMit.-. ' .
n -s. .
G. FI .Row'ee, of tjie,!). P. arid r. Co;
waa a viHttur In ourcity.''H fow tlaj'H
ago. qt. -
Now Is tho time to plant fruit.' an I
slmde trees. The Dallea JNuioertea
(teo ad in another column) liamllu
nothing but homo irown ticc, which
are fully guaranteed to be as .runro
8ei)lud. Get ttioir iiiitva bi TiirHbuy-ii
ing:eIsevhore. By leaving your ordera
at The Pioneer otllce they will receive!
prompt attention! Call and get n
price list.
. iz.i ujni it i Mtfv.K r ri k-j nr.JrjJ7A m ,
u to i . iv n h n j. . . iu n - m u rv.
III.. I '! li mi un ...
i "u uuiimiuiii UlllUCJ Jl Will hhtl
A Dig Flour Mill now bniUllng,
Modern! Stores now 'running and others
under construction. . .
All roads to Madras lead down hill
The Columbia Southern
through Madras.-' ' ,
"..iv. - 11. Mill VUlllllV. U'll
from every Uirection- nuti uru1 iuu ouiy noes not require irrigation to i)h..i '
gr on roiiue-iu jvusieru ui'H""' ulwp " oi giuitis, IriiJl ho'
Fine Water easily obtniiied In wells gaulen truck. -
from 12 to 20 leet deep. : . f ijoijg uihiuiico Telepliono connoctlr1
ii... .ii i.. n..' is ... 2 ...:.t. 1... . .!.!.. j. i.i .. ii .
IMOSCetlUnulO eiUUUlHlU VUUllUl y.irtfim t n un u- uiiouiH viuriu win soun hut,..
The Auto road passes through Madras, $ lols t om tfoO.OO and up.
For pnrtlcitlftrs inquire ot D. P. REA, Secretary Mailraa Townslto Company, Alndrns Oie
time table ho; io.
Eftcctlvo July;i, ltt!.
Dally .
' 1'ayn. .
1X p.m.
J..?.! p.m.
ll.lL'l'.in.' Klnwlyko
;;.itsii.tii. ..ainiimit .
:t-;f. m. Hay U la,
:t.:rtji.m.i McDonalds
g." iM".i 1'v;51m
i.m.' Moro
l.wi,in.' Kr-tklnvlllc
'i.'i'i tMiiJ-ilr.'tu Vnll'v
ij-.p.m.i iinurnaii
.i.H ii. in.
..j Tt.'tt p,in.
rJ.j fi.53 ji.m.
11.10 k. Ill
11.01) n. Ill
to.15 inn
iu.10 u.m
HUM n."m.
lo.'l-in.m.l u.m ll.lU.
8.1(0 ft.m.
A. E. G
i' n o i' i v. t o a
rn.. Ni. ii f'iiri ii ivti. i. imi nr ikf.111.1i ATiifiif.i.itMi f,iin.iii..fti ir....-i
Ilriiifi-lKlK' Himilrli'M mill l'lnilii Kiiitiilliut. (Tnintfrv .Slnll nnl.m I .1.
luigiitinii. . iKiiiiuuiu 111 i-iuuu i-inu "iyitvurtniinniinuiHI. 1 our ptwrlUU
my Hjiuclalty. Utryrlmlno, tnl l'cut'uyuxji. fyork 1'ooUb iukI riiiiollnS
Airrtlii-v for Knutiiinii KmliikH. Until 'l'linni. WI1 Af.KH.f l.t' A'l 1ii-- .t
Your h"ino weekly is rt:ie ot the,liet
nii'illiims any cnitiiuunlty or tuwifcan,
liavvi to bring In setllurs and ralso the
vliu?sf laiul. Every c'jy Df The I'ipnecr
scuUto stiatiii'rs liuliw you. ijtibscribe for
it ; soud it to your fUfcilfls ; hciji It'iil) ydu
can.lfi r by so doinu ytnt are liulplnjyoi r-
selves. Try It by feejulhifl; to us a nuiuy.
onlor, fctnnins, s'.lvjjr or u clicck for $1,50
or uSe too following :
I I Want The Pioneer
convalescent, will doubtless
forego the idea of paying her old I
home an extended visit. "Of all i
sad things of tongue or pen,
the saddest are these" that
bloomin' neuralgia ..with its
forked pains a sifootiu through
a fellow's teeth and making liiin
almost wish he couia use cuss
words, are the worst.
The Dalles Chronicle is
tating- the plan of cleaning up
the citv. The editor of that
popular sheet has always been
noted for her efforts along this
line, we think the citizens of The
Dalles would do well to take
notice and. act accordingly, for
if there is anything attiactive
about a town it is the clean ap
pearance of its streets and al
leys. By tlie way it would not
hurt our own citirens to assume
a little of this advice and see if
they cannot make the outside
of their business properties as
as neat and clean looking as
L, Hamilton, iiq'd wife, of Grlazly,
were vloltpra in ollr city Just.wet'k. .
M tm '
Grlzsly Oregon 8 J4 05
"Editor Miulras rjomjer
There was an .urtlcie publislied in
our paper that We would like to Ilave
the writer prove it is a fains hood tlie
piece was aboui the boys tapping tfia
Grlzxly X.aUo eawmlll barrel pf ' oil
we don't want any Iteme pnbllnbed if
yon can not print what is true, tlie
whiskey we got lntox'caletI W88 8011,8
or Madras beet we would be much
Obliged If ynu would my iu your
next leaue that It Jb false about steal
Ing the whiskey the r&it ia true and
Oblige Harvey and tbe Boys."
Cutitkis but: IiisltLI'J.6. adilrcMflTidatc!
- , 8lgu.audiuailTO.OAY;. . -
To The l'ionef.iv rublkhlng Company, .
9 , o-
(lB.vri.EMpx: Count me a a member
of -Tlie- Pioneer Family for one year.
Bond nc the paper for. that time, for
which I agree to pay tho um of 1.60
on or before January lut, 1U00.
..Oregon, this
it, ' ' of
(Signature) .
BI l i inn e train by mail io
'SUA I iVWl V0ry branchy of
liVMLlUiTI newspaper" and matt-
for "The How oflt." Free, - "
2 1 4 Majestic Jlldg., Pelrolt. Jllch
V. B. LAND OFFIfifi. I
The Daub, Ore., Feb. 14, 1901. j
Notice6f Forest Reserve
Lie,u Selection.
Notice Is hereby Klvcn that Avery T. HolmoH
has applied to (.elect under the Act of Congress
approved June 4, K7, tic following dencrlbed
trscx o; Jand to-wit:
The X E. 14 ot H. V. i, 8oc, 20, Tp. 11 8., H. 15
K. XV. M.
That xald application wax filed with the
ItcglHter ami Itecelver of h?i L. Lond,0(llco
at Tho nallc, Oregon, on February II. 11W5,
and the purpone of HiIh notice In to allow all
Pctkoiih claiming tho Kelectcd land unHcr tho
mining lawn, or deIring to khow It to b
mineral In character, an opportunity to ttlo
objection to such Detection with the local
offlcem for The Dalle Land District.
MichablT. Nola, iteglstcr.
For rates and Other Information apply to
, V ' - S. yUhX'i lKi (. F. A V-. A.
Shanlko, Oregon.
sx i
AH of Our Buggief, Spring Wagons, BiiidiTS,
" MowWs Stores" :uul Steel Bniiges must he Bold
TwJjyiJ'U'NuryJtjf t niniui.rnoin for. nnother lino
i Il ...ill ..J1. ....
vi guuus. il win nay you io got. our pritvM.
. The DalJes, Oregon.
D. VAU.vx, I'resld'ent.'
: i ' .' ' T.M. IlALlWI
Will WuirzwnLER Vice l'res.
. , . .j .l. JUtiiwirsilA'stijCMliltjr. "
NO. 38511.
Tin:. First. National Bank
' 4 ' ' ' : ' i "'
1 ESTAB til SHED 1888
-c: xix-'x-vr-- -. timmi " '
Capitol,., Surplus -jmd. .Undivided l!rots,
$30,000.00 . .
- v h
Horseshoeing a specially. Denior in
coa!, Iron, wheele, cushfotiB, rubber
Urea, springs, axles.
I '""''
) - v. .
The Dalles r j 1 Oregon
9 Notice to preditors.
Notice is licrebV ulv-n .tlint tlio uiuler-
slRiied lm been, by the County Court of
tins State of Oregon for Crook county did
appojiitcil adininlstrntor of tho estate of
Joint Ilafltlnga, (lecott d. and all per'onx
huvm claims nuiiiKt s i Id eAlnto nic
hereby rt'qiifsted to prest'iit iho saine ditN
verified, to fliiid Adniinistr.Unr at the olllcc
of M. 15. Brink, in 1'rliievllli', Ore., wtthln
six nioiitlirt from lln; datu of till) first pub-
ucaiiou 01 tins nonce.
Date of first publication of this notice
Nov. 17, 1001. HI) KUTOillCIt.
Aduilniiitrafor of the Estate of John 11 lice
PMPipEl.REApiNG ...
".j . Wo1' hnvb -itboSi'tl n liberal number "f Mt?rnry UIkc'". 'tif
.vV3 day Uvunliu lo-U. VihuIi'h ('o iinanloli. Huecesx. linri .
.i!'iucii.iiur.ii nii'i viuvp umm tcikhiii; oi n t'l'lici "I aim "I
inn nii.i ( i;u;r uikmi ri'ii.lliiir ol ft L'l'iu'i al dinl i-i
cliiiractor Into IjuikIIm. r.-ntlv for ili'llviTv. which ran l 1 it
for thteitaiall hin of ii (cn ixr iii1.iikL, TliU barely h -'k
lor Mirtinsr and piu'itlng biit wo .h.xve no fitftVr uw r
them and ti lt lilx-H joii anplcniltil opportunity to get n
of wholt'Mime r'Unn forSfourwIf r Jninlly at tho 1' n t
i cost. Cull or-und to Timj'tu'iJr Oflli e, Jfadra, Orcuoii
v ' ' ' w w w v r wr -w w -v ' WW W r W
- . . i i . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ....... ... . . . i ... i
hj'j uuu siivu vou niuiit'v on u-rout'ries. ircan. i- ean
and pure Flout; , , ,
"Scott's Best" at $1.40 per Sack.
Notions and Pnnt Mudicincs. Boots and Shoes
. ntid Farmera' Neutisitics of all kinds. Wow nnd
largo stock at right prices. Call, examine and be
Dine Print Townnhlp piatx rorrccted up to
dntu showIiiK name of nil enlrymen, vocunt
land riven) and creeks, 60 ton U cneh.
For Bcciirlng title to all kltiln of Oovcrnment
land without reMldeiu-o or Improvement, at
loweHt market price. rite us for full par-tlculnrn.
All klnilDof Land Ofllro buHtiiexM a Kpeclulty.
Tventy-lie yearn' exporlence. lleferoneo;
French A Co., ban kern.
C - You will 'bo miro to lmvo
0 . when you tine the r
Best Rising Star Brand Flour-
-' ' Manufactured by
I The Tygli Valley Roller Flouring Mills
a. ii iiu ninu iiiniiiiinrLiiru Liuriii. iiijiiiMi iinrirrv. irn ti Niinvra Kfa finr rnn(ii lis
v crnu in Bum uy iiri-cm mcrtimm uirougnout KttMtirn Ortffion,
t SCOTT & YOUNG. Props.,
Wo will tscll
A' general line of Orocorlon.a jh.
clal lino of UentK' KurnlMhliij;
(loodn, alo a complete lino of Bta.
jloneryCIgarn, Confectionery 'and
Notlona can be found at the '
Grizzly !
Postoffice Store
W. E. WILLS, Prop.
In any quantity at 8,oo per ton. t'ash nro.
cureil noteH, Or will trade for nod plowing at
i(K) per acre. ' TlilH Hay la In flrHt.cIiixH jdiapo
aim in pronounced good feed,
Inij'ulre at TJid 1'ioncer offlco, Madraii, Ore,
- f
1 Hl I f 1 . t it it 1 1 J I 1 1
rgflri f 1 j i 'i ' ' i i 1. 1 l i l j l J-1 1.",-
1 lll I 1 I 1 M I M t 1 I 1 I II
r i - r ' i t i i
vti. , v r j 1 1 ' 1 'i i i -!' 'I' i r
awjj , v ! .i i n
roil HAI.H 1IY
I am prepared to fxcato
On Ooverilinent Land contiguous to tho
Columbia Houihem Itsflroad Hiirvoyi ouarter
ettlon that arc all cultlvafablej of the bent
loamy ol within one-hnlf to four miles of
railroad miryuyi nomo deleot lofatlons Iihvlng
water. Flwt wmtl ilmt st.'ved,
Dodd JWeGaaley
Rlipde iBiand Reds
vifi crr i-nrtra vtii ,iiiia ran ci nn in a .1. mi c
rrftnlcntlona to iDrswer 9i Antelope, Or-
. m m m m Id. n CM . - . u
s 1 t 1 mix fl 1 1. 1 r J ix" 1 r-
R. H. WBBER, Propritor. Grower and Dler In