The Madras MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 16, 1905, NO. 30. Pioneer McHargues uairoy wicnen t SPECIALTIES: BB CABIN CREAMS, TURKISH NUGGETS t . . m. lino w pnru nun -v v.....v" .. ... AI Madra JUrtlnn'wt ITlniiVlllu -r , r lf. J'crfcJi htilko K'wr"1: ''"T u, rnlC era inrtMo Id the above named merchant fl,lPnicnt o ire h ra,,Cl)t Molicy back if nut m represented. . I. M PPIf II " wbolcif price . y.UARPJIF Prnn I. iwi ini 'wiwi . w p,., J. BOX "0i Shaniko, Ore. T ' .. VICTOR MARDEN Manufacturer and Dealer In Fine Harness, Saddles, Tents, Wagon Covers PBOFESSIONAL CARDS. . - , ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC PAI.IKH .....xtfr r ATTORNEY AT LAW - HOTARY PUBLIC llln.llllipC'mrt" of tlo Htate, abio. Klnl!l'IllTHl !" "" HAIUtAK. OltKdON. TIIK OflKAPKfiT PLACE IN THK HAIXKH, When there, atop In and gel price.- HUEVAXT ww DENTISTS Out Krcnrlt A ('.' Work. MUM OHKdON K MXPKKS, l. P. . DENTI8T am HfcH-k Tiir. dalles, onumn Dm DUtanrr Plume Ml. CUHKK DENTIST inrwtir ucnibi itiirk ii ri'uuiiaiuic nriir. WII.NKVII.I.K, OP.KOO.N II. SSOOK ysip.iam Aun r Rnrny Ofllre In Drue Store. US h III THF PFflHI- wW w f Ilk 1 lallVI IN I'. HEA OltK(iO" iiTADV d nun Aun w i tin i n w. 90 mm immm ORWION WMW MrllAIUJl'K, Prop. , Only One Price ...wuia ub LJWVJO AH White Help East End Clothing Store JOE COHEN, Pnop. COMPI.IvTK use op (IKNTH KI'KNIfllllKO (iOOIlH, HATH, CAIH, HIIOKH AND CI.OTHINO. Al-Stt TKt'NKH, It will pay you to icrt our prlre .before pur- rliliiK cUewhcrc. ffll Hn()NJ)HT., TICK DAU.KH, OHWiON. AIko brttll'li kt liTnm Valley, Oregon, t'arrylllif Hid DuiikIu) Hliue. HENRY L KUCK JtAHUKACTPUEIt OP Harness and Stock Saddles COWHOY OUTPITH A HPECIA'TV. Dealer In Collar, WIiI;m, I(uU' and t Ken era! Hue of Hooc I'lirnlthliig (WmmIh, Tentx, AviiImk and Wagon Cover. All work guaranteed. Kant Heroad St. THE DAI.I-KS, Ore, If your wateh l In ueed of repairs orlf ou want (o buy a new one, you ran not do better than to wrlto THEO. LIEBE PRACTICAL WATCH and CLOCK MAKER THE DALLES, ORE., Kor prlre and ntylen. Mailorder reeulve prompt attention. All work Ktiarantccd, Hamilton Hotel Flret class meals em) beds. ' 1'rlcea reasonable. Head quarters for all BUge lines. inn OftlOOH IllT nil 1 1 n r.m I N liAUifiuii fill ' uun UflHAlilU UU s"AXIK0,0ltK(l0N , nil-Mi' III rti Ml urn Vlmi y T Illirlln.rl I ' nnillVII If IV it..... -wia.mik noniHT ANI).HOI,,n. AITO III. . -ai.i,PA,,ts of ll.o WOUU). 'Mii-. ll. . niKrf !! i. ti i. uri w f . --i ... i I mi it. . . il.lairn I II I. ' -' " """iniuim, j, ii, foe, Qo i0 the hlnTI.KAUKH rtlT10N 0IY..NHTOCK. wnaB"t.nerl(J ,ttmom;.:illu , UltKdON Antelope, Oregon Geo. C. Blakely Tho Rtillabla DruggleL (,'arrla tin largeat vtnek of ilriiffn and drutrglnti iiindflci in KaMurn Ore gon, ihuto uppllen your Itlhll ordera nollelt cd Uud will receive prompt atli'iitlon, The Dalles, Oregon go To THE MADRAS DRUG STORE FOR Pure Drugs, Dru&ists' Sundries tnd Patent Medicines A Compute Line ef biMNk ; M.lB. froR, PrefrUtor. -.KM M4 Ulk Bat, UUnt, OtH HOME IN WINTER. Tim pnld hail not embittered alt The world that llngcrx In It tin Nor bare Hie ntormn bid uvcry U c Wbero Hmllc a ealm, inntented fare, Through blinding unown we follow ntlll The .otlc highway o'er the hill; And vou and I know many a path That liiima'd coiiiplcli! eiiclmntineiit hath Aa fruiu the main road, now and then, Wu find at taut the old home glen. Come, you who brnvu llfe't iitorm, who know A colder world than all the anow, What deep, warm corner of your heart Light up a nil rl ne that time nor art Nof fame'n wild lire nor failure' nhado Can tacrllcglomly liirsduT Surely, there linger awectly there A alMor thought, a .Inter prayer, A kiepnakc, or a kindly plea Por home, wherever home may be. WHY PULTON WAS MAD. Tho object of the hurried trip of Kenator fulfill to Umatilla county Just before the opening of the prcfcnt eopfllon of CongrcMB Is now mude plain, itlthou h it was known to many people In tho county at the lime. lie wan hero lc the Interest of a few peoplo who have made second pur chases of Umatilla Indian lauds, but who were In need of npeclal legislation to make good their titles. Compara tively few people are Interested in this prlvute matter. The law on the sub ject was plain before the purchases wore mude and It was not necessary to liuvo a general law pusAed to meet a few private needs. B-nator Fulton was Invited to meet the people of Umatilla' county In the Interests of irrigation before he went to Washington, but could only find time to make a hurried visit here in the interest of u few private Individ, tials who had need of special legisla tion. Because the EuKt Oregonlan criticised his action he flew into a rage and accused thin paper of all kinds of misrepresentations. Kow his action becomes all the more open to criticism, becuuae of tho interest lie displayed in riding over the reservation with at torneys for the clnimnnts instead of giving bis time to the people of Uma tilla county lu general. His dignified unger and high sound ing defense made in a letter to the Morning Trlbuno of this city a few lays after the East Oregoulan criti cised him for not giving Umatfllu county a few hours of his time now sounds about as hollow as Senator Mitchell's defense on the floor of the senate the day before his law partner "peached" on him. Senator Ful'on said in his letter to the Tribune that ho was hero to learn the wishes of his constituents. Good Republicans who admired Senator Fulton will be angry when they find that about the only "constituent" consulted during his trip here was a Democratic politician and attorney for the second purchases of Indian lands. Sauator Fulton was mad because the East Orogonlan saw through his shal low plan and called attention to It, Now Senator Fulton's own action In the senate lu seeming special amend ments for a few land purchasers in this county corroborates the East Ore gonian'a statements at tho time. t'endleton East Oregonlan. TREATMENT OF SOOURS. While there are medicines for horses nnltcted with Bcours, the opinion of the belt veterinarians Is that audi ani mals need much care In using and In feeding. Experience has shown that the grain feed for a horse who scours should not be heavy eVtsn though the animal is expected to do hard work. Of course If one expeots a whole day of hard heavy work from a horse with this aflllctlon then the heavy reeuing must be done, but It will be at the cost of the life of tho animal. TTannllv Indigestion is at tho bottom of the trouble which Is all tho more retiBou why care should bo used in feeding. A simple home lemedy is to ml ennal narts of ginger, powdered charcoal and prepared chalk and give the animal a tablespoouful of It witli eaoh feed for about two months. In the meantime the animal should not ho driven immediately aftor It has eaton nor must it be forced wuan perspiration Is apparent on Its coat. It is also o good plan to water me norso before feeding. Tho roughage should be sweet and cloau and free from Uust If possible. After' a bad attack .01 scours, par ticularly In cold weather, thero Is ntr-it. in la nrofuBe nUrsplratlon so that care must be taktirj that the awl. nial Is well protected from cold by blankets both lu and but of the stable. Pacific Homestead. mil uii ornroflfl and fadl freight for Madras ad way holhts lh cfcreoftho Madras aud Dalles btage line, via The Dalles, Oregon, ud Vylll receive It promptly attd t ft Vry raasoiiable rate, METHODIST HILL JOTTINGS, Yes, the Icy rain penetrated way Into the morrow of our bones last Sunday. Indeed, after two weeks of such excellent weather it was strong enough to make one wheeze and snort, i etrardless of sex or gender. Tulk about dull limes just wafch soma of our young bachelors one of these fine Sunday afternoons and evenings. Tho Btrasser boys have aleardy been offered over 600 acres of grain to cut with their header next fall, a sign that the header must ultimately supplant all binders, which are impractical In this locality, where tho grnln doesn't reach a proper height for binding. 13. Tscharner, of Milwaukie, Oregon, has taken possession his homestead at the southern base of Round Butte. William and Jes?e Mcttride arrived from Spokane, Wash , recently, and are now looking for homestead locu tions. ! John Hardt, of Spokane, who haa a homestead at the Hound Batte, has ar rived with his family. Jesse McBride is confined to bis bed at the home of Q. B. Graham, suffer ing from the eflects of a broken rib, which be sustained by fujllng off Mr. Graham's wagon. John Hoffmann, sr., has been a suf ferer Iroru tbU8llltis. Miss Rose Dauzer, of Bethany, is visiting nt the home of her sister, Mrs, Theodore Hartnagel. Mr. Lcbrman, of Sisters, spent Sat urday aud Sunday visiting at the home of Rev. E. J. Traglio. M. Braun, of the Big Plain, spent Sunday morniugatlheGerman church and visited B. Dombrowe in the after noon. The Jarrelt boys have grubbed a large tract of sage brush land for Theodore Hartnagel, and thereby dis covered the value of tneir ability. Cbrls Reicben feels quite content in tils enlarged bouse. A new organ has been added, and when his proposed cook arrives there will be happiness complete in that bouse. Frank A. Smith Is easily the most energetic bachelor south of Willow Creek gap. He has sixty acres of spring plowing ready far seeding, all done with a single team. Ask him Whether farming pays at Mndras. Such men are the kind that solve the prublem of proving a country's agri cultural value. Such a man will live regardless of bard times. Give ua more bachelors made of this mettle and we will take the community's future upon our own shoulders. Quarterly conference was held at the Methodist Church last Saturday evening and on Sunday morning the Lord's Supper was served, J. A. Hoffmann, recently of The Pioueer staff, is energetically at work on his homestead, having just pre pared fifty acres for seeding. Theodore Rieger's homestead is now fenced on all sides, and a cistern also adds to the family's comforta. The German Church has become quiet an imposing structure since it has received Us new coat of rustic and a 30-foot spire has been added. Rer. Traglio, who was formerly a painter by trade, will superintend the painting of the church, which is to be done this summer. When that Is doue this will be the handsomest church building in Crook county. Moses. - -- What about "doing unto others as you would they should do unto you." The editors of some of Oregon's dallies and weeklies appear to have forgotten this trlto saying In their efforts to convict our Cougressmeu and Repre sentatives bf e liege tf Wrong doing be fore they have even bad a chance to speak for themselves. It I as ridicu lous as tho decision of the old Justice who had heard one side of the story and refubed to listen to the other. His mind was made up aud to; listen to the other sldo could do no good. Be men, and let Justice rule. When a Jury, after listening to the evidenco of both sides, renders a verdict of guilty, theu ids timo enough to talk. Till theu the least said the less regrets for the hereafter. A sense of fairness and tho very Justice upon which our law is bused demands that the aocused be considered Innocent until proven guilty. i Now Is the time to plant fruit and shade trees. The Dalles Nurseries (see ad in another column) handle nothing but home grown trees, which are fully guaranteed to be as repre sented. Get their prices before buy ing elsewhere. By leaving your orders at The Pioneer oflloe thoy will receive prompt attention, Call and get a price list X The NEW CASH STORE . A full line of Paints, Oil and other Finishing Materials. WALL PAPER 4$ In all colors and shades at LOWEST PRICES. Our HARDWARE has arrived. Our Grocery Department is now complete and open for inspection. LENA M. LAMB. PalmeLTuHding Madras, - - Oregon. J THE PIONEER CASH STORE Jut received, a new line of nonglaa Shoes. We quote a few price: Kangaroo Kid, a flue dress shoe, at 1X50. Viel Kid, alto a good drc-s Hhoe, at 13.50. llox Calf Bluchef 4t fS.00. CUmS 111 and be our beauti ful line of Boy' and Men's Hat ii all the new ehapcx and eolorx rang ing .P price from Mc to St. Everything in the tirocery line. The best Tea fand Coffee. Fine Ham and llaeon. The bent lard in the'land. Also good cooking and taring Apples. Do not forget ut whvn you need Building I aper and Barb Wire. T. J. JVIalloy & Co. JVTain Street, Madras, Oregon. Keep your eye on this Space TO ARRIVE: Bradley Metcali Shoes The largest and best selected stock of Shoes ever shown In XMfthbfU Crook county will arrive in a fuw'dayn and will be on rale at our Warehouse, back of llarber Shop. Cedar Shingles for sale. More later. The Madras Milling and ...Mercantile Company...