Madras reer MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1905. NO. 28. LI. -A IcHarEUB s a. Kitchen SPECIALTIES: . .nm nna-fiRCO TIIDfIQU MHttftrfC ! . . ..,1 l..nwi ninlrt AtlllfflM II n Bftln fit t A,,ita mie line oi..uro - Mtl,rtC'onLTlloncryWM j.r,nrrlllo '"ul'Snaiirrcrkl-;- ' :.UMi .iv - . ,linjt.M ttro made to the above named merchants 6l'H,,tnw"(,,J frcih candle. Money back If not as represented. ,l flick- " Wontlntl. X holestc 1-riro o.. r. . . n A DO! I C" D,n O O l-i -a n t fxs-. BOX 17s vjuraiiirw, wiw. . i one IW WILSON .ifir at i a ur TTflUUh V U I F HI ..-. mr mini in .j u ii nuv Kiini in .iiif i r f . Ill UIIU'l our.tio: TTfiUHPV AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC ....-. (. n th. Rlt 1fl it in an ihw " - ' . .-.I (.,..,.. 1 Imill nlllfU. JIADIMH, 0KKU0X. DENTISTS Over French A Co.'i Mock. DENTIST m nn rtl tonx IH&Ui.ce Phone Htl. (H. U L' U K. DENTIST of Dental Work nt reasonable prices, TOXEVILLE, OJtWiOX IGIAN AND SURGEON Office lu Drug Store. 0IIK00.N , BROOKS - - mm mm-9 w M OltKOOX i nmr mini in inn i nti i I 1 1 1 f ii. unii i wmi.iv r II. L 8. COMMISSIONER oiieoon i mi in ww -s-i a b ,p- JaMVK Vlfll llirif.t.' n v hp d;o 11 It f All White Help OFIECOH N Mm DAUimift nn BHANIKO. bllEGON v f . "vvnen.i'rca.! h a m. vi- r.i F.t.i. ..I...' ." " ""WW. Deposits, fi'-O.OOO EYPii t .. "OUGHT ANlBOI.D. H OV Art of tho WOltW). "Lord, A, u, Hammond, V, 11, Coo, Qo to the Feed Yattd MlUTIIRDAMJffl ATTJJNTI0N qiven BTOCKi S,rt..leaMu9 Dlttmou, MI1Ji VICTOR MARDEN Manufitcturor and Dealer In Fine Harness, Saddles, Tents, Wagon Covers TIIK CIIKAI'KST IT.ACE IN Till! DALLES, When there, atop in and get rlre.- East End Clothing Store JOE COHEN, PnOP. COMI'LUTK I.IKE OK OKKTB' FUUNISIIINa QOODH, I1AT8, CAI"8, 8II0E8 AND ULOTHINO. AJJSO TUUNK8, It will pay you to get our prices before pur chanlng elmjwliero. COt 'BKCOND HT THE DALI.K8, OHKCON. , AIo branch at Oraxa Valley, Oregon. 1 Carrying the DougUx fihoo. HENRY L KUCK MANL'FACTl'HEH OK Harness and Stock Saddles COWBOY OUTFITS A 8I'ECIATY. Dealer In Collar, Whip, Itobcs and gen ernl lino of Mono Furnithlng Ooolx, Tcntn, AmiiIhk and Wagon Coven. All work guar-nuteud. Eut Second St. THE DALLES, d re. If your wutrh la In need of repair or if you vnnt to buy a new one, you ''an not do better than to write THEO. LIEBE PRACTICAL WATCH and CLOCK MAKER THE DALLES, ORE., For price and ntylc. Mall orders receive prompt attention. All work guaranteed. Hamilton Hot First olasa raoala ami beds. Prices reasonable, lteud quarters for all stage lines. Antelope, Oregon Geo. C. Blakely The Reliable Druggist. Carrie tho largest stock" of drugs and druggUt sundries in Eastern Ore ; gon, photo supplies your mall order solicit ed and will receive prompt attention, , The Dalles, . -'Oregon GO TO TriB MADRAS DRUG STORE FOR Pure Drugs, Druggists' Sundries and Patent Medicines A Compltte LkU oi Stationery, Jwlry, Etc., Ia Stock M. B SNOOK, Proprietor. XmM, M4 Mala Mrtat, a4rai, Orof LITTLE WOODEN SHOES, Sho was my Katrlna, This lovely maid so fair; I wo only a pleasant boy, With hoart a light a air, When I first beheld nor, Close by the iarm yard gate, I looked Into her saucy oyc, And knew I'd met rny fate. I worked formony a day On her fafhor's hit of land, Hoping there to nam enough To claim Katrlna' hand. When dally toll was over My sweetheart I'd amuse, And once I made lor her Dear feet a pair of AVooden Bhocs, CHORt'S. Dear Little Wooden Kfjoes Clattering o'er the floor, My heart beating time to their patter; Oh, could I hear them once more; Ho long & life shall last I'll never the memory lore Of thoie neat little foot as they Tripped' down the street in Those dear Little Wooden Shoes, One day my Katrlna, Without a thought of harm, IO ft her father and lover true I' poll the lonely farm; Foolish little maiden, Ho tired of country life, Hhc left to seek a fortune grand Amid the city's strlfo; Kite found that satin slippers, And silks and jewels rare, Would cost good name, and honor, too, And'all she held most dear, And then she thought of homo, And of all she had to looc, And started back4cfore too late In those Little Wooden Uhoes. Chorus. Early In the evening, Before the sun went down, My Katrlna came back to mo In faded cotton gown, Vowing ne'r to leave mo If I but would forgive, And take her to my heurt again, Forever there to live; Then in my arms I held her, And kissed the tears away; Lovingly I pleaded that She'd namo the wedding day; Then from her feet so weary, And worn with many a bruise, With tender, loving care I took Those Little Wooden Shoes,) Chorus. LOCAL NEWS.. RellcqulMimontB bought and sold by Riley Glrthoft'er, 8banikn, Oregon. Ilei.ry Baclis made n flying trip to his earthly possessions ono day last week. foio Hotel Pohidextcr of Trlnovllle Ih the place to go for homo-like com forts at popular prices. Mrs. I). M. Mortlmore, of the Little Plalu, was doing business with our merchants recently. Plowing Is the order of the day, from which great hlg dollnrs will be very much in evidence next fall. L. P. Paxton, who made an extended visit to tho Valley, returned a short time ago, but not with the widow. Ej-gs aro bringing 22 per dozen; Butler, 2oo to 35o per lb. ; Cheese, 14 to lOo per lb., and chickens 12o to I4u per lb, on tho Portland market. Rock Robinson returned Saturday from Antelope and brought two work horses, preparatory to doing extensive work on hiu ranch. George F. Cyrus, wife and child, of Pilnevllle, were lu Madras Friday to atteL'd tho funeral of Master Boruard WlUon, their nephew. John Coulter, of the Big Plain, was a business visitor last Friday. Ho says that bo expects to get In a good sized crop this spring. J. O. Rose, who has a homestead one mile south of town, had three horses lujtircd In a barb wire fence one doy last week. He lias built a bnrn and is uow busy grubbing sago brush.. Fred Davis had one of his work horses almost ruined last Thursday afternoon. The animal while being worked to a scraper kicked It, striking it on its edge, nearly sovoring the leg from the body. J. 0. Tuuker, of Quiver, was r pleas asant visitor last week. He says that tho country In his neighborhood is being rapidly settlod up and tjho good government laud near thero Is uow about gone, Wheat has touched the $1.20 mark In Chicago. From present Indications prices will bo lower his summer, hirgo crops being harve8t'ed( in Atis. tralla, with good prospects In other largo wheat growing belts. Itlsuow worth 87o In Portland. Miss Ethyl Bell, formorly of Dufur, begs to announoo to the ladles of Ma dras and vicinity that she will put in a fnnk of millinery over T. J.Mallloy & Co.'s store ou or about Ut'e; le,t of April. Boforo purchasing see her stock. A 10year-old son of Mr, and Mrs, William Pulllan, b7 this oily, had his log broken Thursday afternoon. It appears that the boy wa riding a pony along Main street, when the animal ellppetl ana ell, catching the boy under his body with ih atioVe reBult. Havo you relurned that borrowed ! tuck yoke yet? Wo havo not receivtd ours. Ed Mason is a'faimer boy just now. He is running-- the Sliult place ud jfdtilng town this year. T. J. MuIIoy hos invested In a farm and working equipment south of town. Tom Is not easy unless at work. Mine- B. Schooling and her friend, Miss McPhersoti, aro more than glad that spring has como. Miss Schooling has a homestead on Agency Plain?, and her old friend, Miss McPheraon, Is taking this opportunity of paying iter an extended visit. 8omo people boy "you conldn't give me rye hay to feed my horses," while others say "rye hay is the only feed." Wo notice that the farm teams of J. D. Mayes, Nell Jennings and others are good nhd fat not In good working order but Jttst, fat. These teams have been worked all winter. Mr. Jen nings has plowed over 40 acres and has fed nothing but rye hay, neither Iins Mr. Mayes. We havo noticed a number of such cases and am satisfied to have a few acres of ryo ourselves. - TO QUE HEADERS, . Volume I, No. 26, of The Madras Pioneer appeared two weeks ago, which means that tho baby weekly of the thriving city ot Madras is now six months old. It Is spoken of as a pretty husky youngster, keeping abreast of the growth of the town and Is considered by our citizens ns a great help In attracting the attention of the general public to tho wonderful re sources of Madras and vicinity. Wo are indebted to the citizens of Madras in particular and to the people of Eastern Oregon In general who have made it possible for The Pioneer to assume its present proportions, as well as so large a circulation in so short a time. It is genera'ly conceded by our read ers that The Pioneer is second to none in the amount of local news it pub lishes. This, however, could not be accomplished by its management alone. A Fplendid force of corre spondents are at work all over the Held, to whose untiring and Intelli gent efforts we are certainly greatly indebted and to whom we are exceed ingly grateful. Others have sent in names of frionds and asked that the paper bo rent to them. This we have done, a number of whom have either paid or intimated that they would do so at the earliest opportunity. If, however, there are those who are now receiving The Pioneer who do not in tend to pay for it, we shall be thankful if they will notify us so that we can ston it. for we do not want The Ploneer'to go where It ia not wanted. We, however, do want every citizen of Crook cqunty to read The Pioneer who Is interested in the development of the county, and to them we would suy if you want The Pioneer and havon't the money to pay for it send in your name anyway; you will doubt less bo able to pay for it before the ex piration of 1005. Wood at 3.00 per cord considered and accepted the same as cash. It has been the aim of ye editor to make The Pioneer as newsy and as clean as possiblo and to give all the local news obtainable. Editorials have been ignored on this account. The world's uows Is obtained in the great weeklies, and the most of our people take at least one of these. Our motto for tho coming six months will be Progress. We shall strive to give our readers tho best to bo had and with that end in view will ask that you assist us in building up tbe subscrip tlou list bf The Pioneor, thereby en larging tho value of your own in terests. . If yoUiATO, not- already a subscriber si en tuwsmiiK tO UH IUUI1U UBIUW UUU get youY'fivid to do the samo. But, ;ngH, soxiu us nu the local at)UVO,i uewsWflNtr neighborhood, and when you comfjfrtown hunt us up and say howdy; Itfwlll do ua good and you too. i Cut this out, Insert P. 0, address, date, T sign and mall to-day; J I Want The Pioneer To Tho Pioneer rubllsulng Company, Madras, Oregon: Gkntlemkk; Count mo as a member of, Tho Pioneer Fatuity for one year, Bond mo the paper for that time, for widen i agrco to pay tho sum of f 1,60 "l. .. T.nnlli. la. IftAJl Dated at p, 6 '.Qrcgon, this .day of, .1005. k (Bignaturo) Has opened up a full and complete lino of the best Oroccrles, Meats, Fruits, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobbaccos. Also a full line of Tablets and Fancy Stationery. WHITE RIVER FLOUR Coal Oil Dried Fruits Your orders will receive prompt attention, but we want you to see our stock whether you buy or not. You will find us always ready and anxious to show our goods. t IFMA M I AM i Madras, Proprietor, tiflUy Palmehn Buiiding L - - - Oregon. x THE Just received, a new line of Douglas Shoes. Wc quote a few prices: Kangaroo Kid, a fine dress shoe, at 3.50. Vici Kid, also a good dres shoe, at I3..W. Box Calf Uluchcr nt JS.00. Come in and see our beauti ful line of Boys' and Men's Hats In all the new shapes and colors rang ing in price from 60c to f i. Everything in the Grocery lino. The best Teas and Coffees. Fino Hams and Bacon. The best lard in tbe land. Also good cooking and eating Apples. Do not forget us when yon need Building Taper and Barb Wire. T. J. Malloy St Co. ! Wladiras, Oregon. JVIain Street Shoes Keep your eye on this Space TO ARRIVE: radley Metcalf The largest and best selected stock of Shoes ever shown lu Northern Crook county wilt arrive in a few days and will be on sale at our Warehouse, back of Barber Shop. Cedar Shingles for sale. More later. The Madras Millins and ...Mercantile Company... i tl.