I M adras Pioneer MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1905. si NO. 27. A .7 cRarEua s SPECIALTIES: Tl,c I'l'in rrn 1 1 more ft.. i . iicrv HUrc .... H id Dr. wkhu, OX 173. . A A A II. " TORKEY AT LAW HQTARY PUBLIC OltKOON .. Ml. 11.11 ..-.r f I Rttf I Units: i hi NOTARY PUBLIC n mi tlr' ' of tlic Stale, iiIih) ... ,i i n .. I .ii.d 'mice. "lAT'Ii olll.'iON. ft- " DENTISTS . . . 1.. HI...I DENTIST inn. T.rkldnn I'luincSII. DENTIST . I'MNKVIU.K, OttKI.ON 00K C AN MIW SUnOPflN Ofllrc In lirng more. OH1K10N SKOdKS IBt UF THE PEACE 0U1K10N ARY PUBLIC AND i r l w n m m mt m -m wwikilliiuui Vll. mi:iox Ul"3 McIUItou:, ITol(. nlv One Pri lace nlni O II White Help ORECON IN BANKING- ..RO SHANIKO. OltKiON . ' v French i'r,. n . . ... T. Ilurlburt, I'uiihlur. , . XtAKOK IIOK.iiT'A&t) 6i.ii: )S I'AUTH of the WOULD. reneii, if , a Moor... RT. erii.A. v. ii . ..' ' 1 ' ""tiiiuuu, ji, uoe, Ob to the Allen Peed Y&tfd "in m tv Din ,u . , v -'"w 01VKN BTdOK.. J WUmvi Dlawond MIIU. v. Buy njiuiiusi v fi CABIN CREAMS, TURKISH NU66EIS , , tux of i-uro met homo ma.le caudle on mo at Madra .Antelope I'rlnuvlllu , . Hhnnlko KiIwa.-J ' l'ta" " , ,,(luitf0 N ma'lu tf theabovo named mcrphant $ .fB""! rl. .idtlw, Jlonoy I'iJoX 1 not m represented? A U"' ll,.nllotl. - X 0 J, l. IWIUI iru .wi w , . I- -7 Shanlko, Ore. VICTOR MARDEN Manufacturer mid Denier In Fine Harness, Saddles, Tents, Wagon Covers . the ohi-aimcSt rr,ACK ix " ' ; T1IK IAl,M, -When there, ttop In mid got prfcos,- East End Clothing Store JOE COHEN, Prop. COSII-LKTK LINK 01' UKNT8' J'tniKIfcHIKfi HOODS, HATS, CAl-S, 8HOK8 AN'O UI.OTHINO. ALSO THt'NKH. It will flay you to 'got our price before pur cliiwlug elewherc. 01 HKCONO ST.. TIIK KAI.I.1W. OBKGON. Ali brunch at Urn Valley, Oregon. Carrying tho DotigUw Shoe. ; ;HENRY L KUCK MANXTACTCUKIt OK Harness and Stock Saddles COWBOY OUTFITS A 61'KCIA' TV. Dealer In Collar, Whip, Itobe, ond a gen era! lino of Ilonm Furnlhlng Oood, Touts, Awning nnd Wagon Co'vern. All work guar nntccd. llrut Second HI. THRDAM.KS, Ore. lf your imtfli I In need of repair or If you Wnnt'to buy a now one, )ou an not do better thiin to write THEO. LIEBE PRACTICAL WATCH nnd CLOCK MAKER THE DALLES, ORE:; . I'or prices nnd Ktylo. Mall ordetf recelvo prompt attention. All work guaranteed! First china meals nml beds. 1'rloeH retiBonablo. lleud qunrlors for nil stagb lines. Antelope, Oregon Geo. C. Blakely TJio RellBblo .Druoolot. Carries the largest tock ol ilriigH and drugging itindrloa In Kastorn Ore P. - gon, pnoto Hiippiies - your mall order solicit ed and will receive prompt attention, The Dalles, Oregon GO TO THE MADRAS DRUG STORE FOR Pure Drugs, Druggists Sundries and Patent Medicines A Complete Lfne of Stationery, Jewelry, Etc., In Stock fft. E. f NOOK, Proprietor. Tiiifcd. V!lB 8treMkdraf, Orn Hamlin Hotel MY MOTHEB'B FlOTUtfE. How nmtiy tlmen, as through tho room linnlcii, Without a thoiiKht of other day at nil. I Kit my ejo. and xtrnlehtunv I inn Mnu,w Jioforo her plrture, hailing on the wiill. Mtnont It pooiim her plcarant vilre In culling, Aim i nm lain to answer, "Yen, I hear." All earthly found nliull bo to mu ai ullence Ii you will jiuak, o mother, mother dear! N'o ntiKwor romo: f lumh my broath to lliten, Jltit Mill the eye, with' patient, Mendfitut gaze, fok Into mlno-lhcy pierce through flenh and Kpirit; I Ixiw ni hend and hliuh beneath their ruyi. For Kho l wlw, with Wlmlom that afCalU me, i no oimii Mterot of the grate f he knows: And high o'er trie, by (lod'n own hand up lifted, Through wondroiiH way of llli great heaven hhe geci. Iieyoml T1 change, and tafe from '.nio'u mu tation, And grieved no more by earth' forlorn complaints, riioit pictured facet dim semblance of my mother. How det thou look amomr thu crowned Mints? Ko far! o fnrl Once, If I faintly called you, Or laughed, or wept, you wore to qulak to kuowj Allolne might fall, my mother'. love wag cer tain; , . , Now gone;-o'dn our touch I mint forego! Thou there! I here! And I know not what Rpai-e Ileiond the grave' green width divide u two, 'Korof tin) time, uneonntednd unmeaaurcd, That mtiHt go o'er me ere lflook on you. Hut I Khali find you: I am coming, mother! Comctlme, wimowhere, when HI great will Ik done, And I am fit to Mand once more hexldb you: T your high place I fhall hare leave to come. -Selcctud. ENrOEOETHE LAW. rise great inunnco to American In -itltiilloiiH today Ih (lie lack of enforce- ini'til of liiw. The majority of men are 'iiw lireakerH, enme perhaps uninten- lloiiully, olherB Intentionally. Our tultit('H nre full of lauw that mlL'ht lint n well never have been enacted 'or all the Rood they do. This is enpe- dedly no In humerotiH cotH that arc plain to bo seen In nlnio.st every ham et or city of the Hlatoof Oregon. Why 14 tide? 1 1 ih becniifr public sentiment is not utronc enough to force our out ers to action. Law Id bated upon iuolice, and Justice can not be rendered xeept where our ofllcerB see fit to tiiHiHt upon Jimtiee. The country leeda, ami Hlmuld demand, men for illlce who will ho guided' in their tctlor. hh they ure Bworn to do only iy thu Iiiwh of the city, county or Btato that they hn ve been elected to ofllce in. If the lawa are too harsh or are unjust iIikii let them be repealed. But the uw hhotild bo enforced and If our iIUcth fail to do thin their bond tliould bo forfeited acd others up lointed or elected who will eee thai the law le enforced. Our citixcus have eon altoeeteer too lax in this regard. 4y another elccti"n we hope to see a leedeo reform along this line, and ttihllc sentlnifctit no fltrong that it will lemitud olllcett) wlioso Bole object in to lo their duly a3 outlined by the ttatuica. A PAYING OliOP. J. W. Gaunt, a Yamhill .inner, recently sold 27,(500 county pounds .rmiimirt ut. S2.1U ner hundred. TIiIm !ro grew on letsa than two acres ot -Mid. Pacific Honipslead. J. II. Homey,-one of Culver's proml- nent furmcrH, was a Dimness visitor tho foro part of tho week. Charles Spring, of Culver, is cm- p'oyed on thu hotel building of Arohlo Mason, now in course of construction in tills city. Ho will take a part iu tho drama lo bo givou ut Culver on .March 3d. J. O. itoe, who has a homestead on fi.n I .ih lo ' u uk. arr von nere last Saturday, He will commouco work on his nluco Immeiliately and coulidontly expects to have In a large crop before spring is over. A. V. Culp and J. Gerro, of Culver, .verein tho city tho faro part of the week arranging for Hie advertising of tho tiruma "Under tho laurels," which will bo glvon at Culvor Bohool houso Friday night, March 3, Don't foruet to attend tho ilrama to be given by the Opal Pralrlo Dramatic Club nt tho Culver Bcliocl house a ween from Friday night for tho ueuellt or thn Onal Prairie school. TUIB is in helmlf ol a worthy caUso aUd should be well patronized, n. It Harnett, of Haystack, wub in town lout Friday and while hero paid this ofllce a pleasant visit. Ho Is ono nf the earliest settlera of the Haystack country and has always takon a great iiitnreBt In sts dovelopmouv. n.irnAtt believes In progress, and with this end In vIqw 1R alwaye kept tho best of etbok oh his farm. A short tlmnaco he killed two hogs aged 20 month" wl?lob weighed 328 and 288 nt. This Is certainly a good Bliowlng and one worthy of emulation LOCAL NEWS. John Sumner was a recent vifdtor to Madras. " U. S. pottles made a flying trip to Fosuil recontly ou bti'slncfs, .Mrs. J. T. Hlco Is reported sick ut her homo near Young's store. ItcllitrjUlrdimcntH bought and sold by Klley Glnhofler, Bhatiiko, Oregon. Ed Kutoher, Hay Creek's-most pop ular batchelor, was in town lust Sat urday. Daniel HnKtlngH, brother of John Hayings, dcccMPcd, was u business vlhlMir a few days ago. J. 0. Rich, who has a homestead south of this city, wan a business, vlellor last Saturday. Edward Doan,.of Hny Creek, is i usy hauling and culling wood arid in other ways preparing for spring work. Tho Valentino ball given last Friday night by McTaggart & Byo or this city was voted a sneccss by those ho were present. Duve Travis huo the necessary lum ber on the ground with which lo erect a house ond burn ou his homestead near Madras. C.N. Bauta was a visitor lo our berg last week. He is an enterprising fel low intent on earning a competency for list; in his old age. "Wills & Hamilton are again working on their building ou Sixth street, and from present appearances will soon have It ready for occupancy. John Palmehn's gasoline engine is very much in evidence nowadayf, pumping water for the numerous set tlera who haul water from JoIjk's well A. 8. Phillips has had a force of men at work for several days past grubbing sage brush on the northeust part of his lnd, preparatory to planting same to wheat. The frame Is up for thee new hotel being built by Archlo wason. sso p.iins will be spared to make this the hest known hostelry in EuBtern Oregon. Albert Thayer, who has been assist ing J. T. Rice to cut wood, is now lomlciled on his homestead in tue Young district, where he is preparing to put in a spring crop. Tho Armour Beef Trust has been de- slared illeeal by a recent decision ol the Supreme Court or me uimeo flings Tlila will be cood newB to many families the world over. P. L. Huffman, of Haystack, who lijiu lipon on an extended visit iu friends ond relatives near, and iu Poit laud, returned lust week, in order to commeuco aggressive wont ou in i- i.i hoiu-fltead sju'b o' town. Bert Loom is, who has a homestead in Section 23, Tp. 0 S., K. IB wus in town the latter part of last week. tin Iihr nntlrelv recovered from his recent sickuoss and Is now working on his farm preparatory to putting in a crop in the spring. Don P. Hen, U. 8. Commissioner, who has been on anj extended visit to relatives and friends in t'ortianii, ar rived home last Thuiaday uight. Don siivi-: ''Before leaving roriiauu i nan liiloou thepassen orauto IntondeU lor t.hln mute, and It is all Its uutiuer claims for It." What is tho matter with tho con tractors who agreed to build the bridge ...... - .it,..i. .i.i.. nornaa WIlIOW UreeK BOJOluiuii oitv by tho- 1st of January. The non performance of this contract is causing a good deal of complaint among some of our citizens. The bridge should bo built at once. A large number of our citizens were . t tho recipients or various kiuus oi valentines on February 11 illustrating lifo in oil Its Joys and sorrows. Some wfim oulto true iu character while others wero very mucu exiKKU'i'- . ... ifrnm some, however, we could all jako a lesson. William Ellis, of tho T.lttle Plains, was a vUltor last week, Ho says that ho Is kept busy theso days hauling and preparing wood for spring and summer use. He haB about miy acres pioweu nml roadv for seeding. As soon as the weather permits ho expects to con tinue plowing and will put in at least eighty acres this spring. Wo have a uumher of correspondents who wo should ho glad to hear from Mandv. for instauce. la ono of our host We miBs her articles very muoh. What u thn matter. Handy? Lfet us hear from vou. Sunflower must have frozen up, However, wo are haVing somo sunshluey days now autt toe hopo ahe will soon thaw out and attain ner usual brightness, There are also others who wo hope will sympathise with yo noor editor In these quiet days and oome to bla assistance with a good list rjf happenings from thfelr rwpeetlVe bounties: ' OSBI Si OPE Has opened up a lull nml complete line of the best Oroccrle, Meats, FruJu, 4& Ha opened np a full and complete Confectionery, Cigar and Tabletx and WHITE RIVER FLOUR Coal Oil Dried Fruits Your order will receive prompt stock whether you -buy or liot. anxious to uliowjjur good. 0 Madras, - 1 Just received, ft new line of Douglas Shoes. We quote a few prices: Kangaroo ICId, a fine drees shoe, at ?3j0. Vie! Kid, also a good dress shoe, at fV0. Box Calf Bluchefat ?3.00. Come In and tee our beauti ful line of Boy' and Men's Han In all the new shapes and colors rang ing In price from .We to f I, Evorythlngjn the Grocery line. The best Teas and Coffee. Fine Hams and Uaeon. The best lard in the land. Also good cooking and eating Apples. Do not forget us when you need Building I aper and Barb Wire. JL JVTain Street, & Co. Keep your eye on this Space TO ARRIVE: Bradley The largest and best keleeted stock of Shoes ever shown hi Northern Crook county will arrive In a few days and will bo ou Kale at our Warehouse, back of Barber Shop, Cedar Shingles for sale. More later. The Madras Milling and ...Mercantile Company... line of the best Oroccrle, Jfeats, Fruit, Tobbaeco. Aluo a full line of Fancy Stationery. attention, but we want you to ice onr You will Had u always ready and Proprietor, n i i n . i Mia ViTUiSn rdimenn ouiioing a. - - Oregon. THE WadPas, Oregon. Metcali Shoes 4b