MM Si T ' if. , 111' .Vn , 1 Ube IBadras Tjdricer. 1'ubllalie'd every Thursday by -tilfr PIONEER PUBLISHING CO. ' Timothy UnowMitt.i,, Mgr. subscription rates: One year ...1. $1.60 Six mouths '. 1.00 i'hrco months 75 iAnVKUTISIXO IIATKS OS AI'I'MCATION. Knti'rcil ns jrcond class matter August 211, tiXH. nt the lNistnlllce nt Matlrns, Ore., uiuIm- the Act of Congress of March 3, 1K7V. THURSDAY JANUARY 19, 1P06 00UHTY 8EAT L00AL8. THE OTHER SIDE. Tho Ashwcotl Prospector overdid itself Inst week edi torially in an effort to convince its public tlint countj' division was favored generally by the residents in the vicinity of Ash wood. Not content with giving "purported fncts" the Pros pector advanced tlie assertion that the only objection against county uivisom was coining from the "Prineville Hogs." Perhaus the Prospector was Tight, but the following letter from one of Asliwood'cj repre sentative citizensand taxpayers has a tendenc- to nail some of these ''facts" in the head. The letter follows: Editor Crook Count' Journal: Ater reading an editorial in the last issue of the Ashwood Prospector in regard to making a new count' out of Crook and Wasco. I am forced to the con clusion that "forbearance has ceased to be a virtue," and I take this means of enlightening the public generalh' of the facts in the case. In the fir&t place the Pros pector is not published in Ash wood at all and does not express the sentiments of the Ashwood people, but instead is published and edited in Antelope by Max Leuddemann, editor of the Ante lope Herald, and whose sym pathies and interests lie entirety with, the proposed new county. And I might add that even the items in the local column of the Ashwood Prospector are sent by phone. It. has also been reported thai T. S. Hamilton is in favor of the proposed Jefferson county and I take the liberty of saying that Mr. Hamilton is not, never was and I doubt if he ever will be in favor of division. Futher,in regard to thearticle, 'The Prineville Hog" I will say that I am voicing the sentiments of the Ashwood people; that we have never been mistreated by the people of Prineville and we have been requested by the County Court to make our wants known, and an'thing reason able would be granted. The only reason that we are not favored with good roads, county "bridges, etc., is due to the fact that we have not petitioned for them. By the request of the ta payers of Ashwood district. C. S. McC'rtlKLH. DEBATEBS TO OBG-ANIZE AT BED BOOK. County Judge W. A. Dull Mid Sheriff 0. Sam Smith lu ft lnt Thursday S.tlun, m litre they ro to .work aaiiiMt tbo formation uf, efferent! county. W. F. Hammer, of Hn.vttack, was In our city last Tuesday on buntnesn. Ho Is very much optioned to Jffur8on mm u ty. S. 8. Brown, or Haystack, was a business visitor at tlio county scut last Tutsday, Tho County Court it Hs last terra made I he following tax levy on the 1904 roll: Htuto and county, 10 mllle; sclii'ol, 5 mills; roads, tnllli high wclirml, a mills total, 21 mills. The levy for 1902 was 22 3-4 mills, making a decrease of 1 3-4 mills. Married, at the Bnptiet parsonage. 0BO9Q KEYE8 ITEMS. Mtsa Florence 1'arrMi haa return! from Portland, where Mi has been employed for some time. Mlci RUth Mel'liornon and Mian Beholding made a pleasant Call at CroH ICejes lust Friday week. Mr. ami Mr. John Butter pave n wlilft party at tlulr liotno lat Butur tlay evening, at whlrh manyoof their friends were present, who spent a most enjoyable evr ulnir. In conclusion, the guests wore favored with a good sup per. Mr. Brock, foreman ef the B. 8 fc L. Co., returned to llaycreek Tuesday from n two weeks' visit with relatives .....1 f. I.....I., It, Wlltmimlti. V.illi.u Bidwfll Cram and on, Rtilieit, de livered 60 head of beef steers at Shan- Ad Informal meeting will be held in the Bed Rock school house next Sat urluy evening, January 21, for the put pose of orgauliiig a debating so ciety. The' program for that evening will be a debate upon the question, "llo solved, That the present system of jzovernmect la unjust." Following ant the speakers: Affirmative, J. B, Mo Dbwcll and C. W. 8prinR; negative, islias Richards and Jas. Van Buskirk. The Pulmebn building will be corn- Dieted this week. It will be one of the neatest buildings Iti the county. Jackson and Wilson have uone a splendid job on the inside finish work Call on your neighbor once in a while. If he is faring worse tlian yourself you will be more dpntented after that; but if he is faring better you may be able to get pointers that will help tfrau to .iurprove. January II, 11)05, Edwin A. Davenport iko, which were shipped to Portland. aud Parl Cook, Rev. Trlpleit ofllclat- They averaged 1,800 lbs. Twenty-four lujr. Botli young people aro well j head of these averaged 1,400 lbs. Mr. Cram received $3.7o perewt. Judge Van lljuten, of llaycreek, made a plessant call at Cross Keys oil Wednesday, while on his way to Port lam!, where he was called on business. Bam ami Hurry Dotuhlt shipped a OHrload of beef entile to Portland on January 17. Mrs. Haas, mother of Mrs. J. II. Garrett is very ill. Mrs Hunt, lives in Mitchell with iter daughter. The young folks of Cross Keyes were out sleigli riding. It wus tins liitt sleigh rl'le some them ever had in the Stale of Oregon, Top-y. -- FE0M HAY GREEK, Charles Bye, of Madrup, was visiting on llaycreek Sunday. Miss Benin Andrews has Jus, ar rived from England. fcjhe has come to make her home with her aunt, Mrs. D -wd, who is employed In the home ! of J, G. El wards.' Mii-s Myitlu Bant a spent Christmas known in this city, .Mr. Davenport bring a member ot the Lone Pino Tradiug C 'mpany. The well kuowu firm of N. A. Tye & Bros,, of this city, have deposed of their business to J. E, Calavan, who is well kuowu and wlto will continue with the same business and supply the stoie with a new stock. The County Surveyor vas ordered at the last term of Couuly Court to re mark the county road which runs be tween II. J. Hesly ami Warreu Brown, known as the Culver road. Dr. Clias. S. E-lwaids, of IliU city, was appointed County Physician at the November term of court for the term of one year. The Crook County Journal was de clared the county ofllcial paper and! the contract f-r county printing was! awarded to that paper ut the last term of court. C II. Erickson sold last week to Harold Clark hie residence in this city. ConsiJeratiou. $1,000. i it tr fu...,c b i. w.,..i. ! wtri-fc at llie home of Mr. anil air.-, K, ihga week with hia family, who are living in lliis city for the beuetit of the Hili echool. W. H. Jfee, a former resident of Warm Bpring, but now a resident of Portland, Ore., paid this city a visit last week. Mr. Bee was looking up lands he owned in 1 lie Madras locality. He speaks in glowing terms of the future prospects of Madras. J. B. McDowell, of Haystack, paid the county seat a business visit the tirst of tho week. He says the Hay- slack country is settling up very fat aud will soon be the best part tf Crook county. A petition for revoking the letters of administration in the eaf-e of John Hasting?, deceased, wus filed in the Probate Court on January 9, 1905, by Daniel and Patrick Hastings, brothers of deceased. Citation issued and made returnable February 7, 1905. W. G. KilHngbeck, of Culver, was a visitor in our city last week. This week C. A. Glover purchased the People's Co-operative Mercantile Company's stock aud will soon take charge. The stock will be enlarged as well u6 other im improvements. Haystack is soon to have a telephone line. Fred N. Wallace was in this city this week, having come in from the work on the line which lie Is manag ing, aud reports the work practically completed. Elmer N. Giiliam.tof Culver, was in this city the first of the week attend ing business atT.iira. County Clerk J. J. Smith is etill confined to his lipme but is slowly improving. The recent suow lu this city is about 0 inches deep and crusted very hard, making it very severe on stock. Dot. The world no longer laughs at the farmer; it dolfsits cap to him. And why should it not? The f tinner is the great caretaker of the universe. Without him well, without him the world would be a prettjT poor place to live in. Parrlsh. Miss Pearl D-'aii, daughter at Ed Deaf, is seriously ill nt Vancouver, Wash. We hope she will soou bo on the road to recovery. Mr. Emil Brocks returned last week from a mouth's vacation, which he spent iu visiting his relatives at Hills boro. Don P, Rea and John Palmehn were business visitors iu this vicinity lust week, Wh lo sleighing last Saturday, Charles Purrlnh had the! misfortune of breaking his sleigh, which compelled the passengers to walk home. I imagine it was an enjoyable walk. Mies Jessie Andrews lias closed a very successful term of school. She will be much missed by the llaycreek young people. H. FREE DELIVERY OF Home Fattened Beef 1 mil futtouhiR a lot nt youu'K rattle nt lity ruitrli unit nm iropim'l to itullvur nt jwir iloor every TiieciUy cliolcu cuts ot licet, lu kii.v inutility, nt fnrmvrV prlcu. A imrtii.ii of your pntroifmre In rrnpiu'tfully wiHched. Mont oritur left nt I. A. Young' flare will rveelvc prompt Htlvnlion uvery TtiexUy. - HARRY DOUTH1T. ' E. H. SMITH lU-ftler In Hint Munufncttirurot H ar ness & Sadd les Mlim.US, Ql'IllTH, sivu:u-.mocnti:i srntB axu hits (iOAT rll.U'AltKJOH, i:tc. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. PRINEVILLE OREGON IK you can m-t 10c p erery dollar, Un'i It jn m,, 1 more. We do a tMli IuimIiiiw, tln rcftire are iii J1 I nltloii to iell you a winter's Htipply of uron'i ,?J I prices tlint defy eoinnotltloiu Sec ti btifuro jtitl b,,, Cks. T. Pome ANTELOPE, THE CASH GROOER ... TAB BEST ... LIVERY AND FEED STAl AT SHANIKO IS D. A. HOWELL'S Good stock. Careful drivers. Beat of liny ondg Prices reasonable. CULVER HOTEL AND FEOD BARN I'KltltY UKKli, MmiBKCr. GOOD MEALS GLEAN BEDS HEW BUILDINGS (ilt.VINA.VIMtAYOl A I.I. KINDS IOU HAI.B IMMCKM ItKASON'Altl.t:. CULVER 0REC0K LODGE DIEE0T0BY Aladras Camp, M. W. A., Xo. 8,S2tf. Meet h every secoml and fourth Saturday of ettch montli at 8 p. iu. Frank J. Brooks, Consul C. W. 1I Snook, Clerk. Visiting neighbors cordially invited lo attend. Lela Camp, Koyal NclsliboM of A. ifeets every .second and fourth Friday of each month at 8 ptiii. M. E. Snook, Oracle. L. M. Halm, ltecorder. Visiting neigh bors welcome. A, H. WILLIAMS & CO. DBAI.KK8 IN" Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods UOOTrf ANI1 fiHOBh' HATS AND CAI THE DALLES 0REC0H We train KY mail to ilo every liruneh of ucvvspHper utnl niaj,': urine wrlttni;. Bern! JOURNALISM fur "The How of It." Free. Sl'ltAni'KrOKKKSI'ONDKSCK K'HOOI. OK JOL'NAI.JHM, 214 MBjtutlc Hlil., Detroit, Midi. Ill Madras Meat Market... Will pay the highest cash price for all kinds of farm produce. Butter, Eggs. Chickens and Vege tables especially solicited. Choicest cuts and joints of fresh beef, mutton and pork always on hand, tiafiie and fish in season. J. W. JACKSON & CO. Main St., Madras, Ore. THE DALLES NURSERIES R. H. VBBHR, Propilttof. drowcr and Dealt f Ut FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES GRAPE VINES AND SMALL FRUITS EVERGREENS, Rd)S& AND SHRUBBERY Hyacinths, TuHftf IrfMSif idlHii; Ptffl!ei Etc; THE DALLES ? WWON Jos. T. Peters I'RINEVILLE'S ..Department Oi'iries the Largest and Best selected stock of gents' and ladies' rendyuadu clothing of any store in Ctook county. Latest styles, best fit, lowelst pin ; also a full and complete line of every thing needed by the fanner and stock man. Send iu a trial order and be convinced. WURZWEILER & THOM8( Prineville, ...Oregon. IDO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR LAND ? In en h t Inevi! Uu LlrJa carries a generiil line of Paints, Lime Cement, NuIIh, Hardware, BuUd ers' AfitterlalH of all Uimls. TH K DALLES, Ore. , -A WW' 7 Oovernment Lands under irrigation in Oregon are w now open for settlement. tFor further particulars i apply to i f DescuPtesIrrigallon&PowerCo, ; K DEND, OltEOON. ( Xit Ar iAc t -JyytU vD. jiVi5oA.yS W.i TIIK TIME TO KKI.I. 18 WIIKN I'KOI'I.E WANT TO lll'V. I We Are in Touch with the Peopj Wlio wmit lo buy hikI nrti wIIIIiir to jmy kmm priced tor Amicy 1'ImIii Vtmi llnrhitf jtiHt IIhIkIioiI cIIItiK n?,tH ncrux of Colunitila Hoiitliuru IrrlgnlcJ Ijoil T ii it lii u lu.ulllftit lii MitHiiri ItnttiiHllulii rttuiill 'I 1 List Your Land With Us and Be.Convinci t RILEY GIRTHOFFER, Shaniko, Ort Special Sal roit hixtv d.vyh only in BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTH It1 Or all kl mis. Wo nlno curry a full ami complete lino of Grncerltt and Hardwnrb. AkoiiIs for Mitchell Wugoim, Hncko, BugKlfl CarlH, I'lowu, liurnesd, Drills and all kimla of furmliiK lniilotnentJ and tools. ( - F. J- BfJOOS, Blacksmith and Wagonmaker. ttOItSESIlOKINO mid tlENItAl. IlEPAiltSt t , - Sixth Street, Madras, Ore. J. W. BOONE Dealer In liomk-madtf Hafrtss &Saddles Try our imiko ot Wlillci . lllviT Tree HK.ek Ha.lille, The bout In ill? jularkcl. PRINEVILLE OREGON N- M. LANE tierieffal Blacksmith and Wdgdn Maker HORSEShOEINd A SPECIALTY ' AllVorM 6tttfttflti4 SHANlKO ' OREGON I JOHNSON, BOOTH & C Main St., Prineville, Ore. Prineville Livery and Feed Ba sMain ot., near Ochoco Bridge fNew 8tuble. Best, rf Huy and Grain. Dalod Hay, Oats and RoM Barley for wile at roaaonublu urlccs with prlvlleyo of (ctUIng Baroe'1 tlie barn freo af cliurge. HUGH GEE, Proprietor Shaniko Warehouse Company GENERAL STORAOE AND FORWARDING , Bnccial nttontinn to Whol PHncr and nnltnif for Fflflt rn W menti, Pcalura in Blacksmith v'oul, Lime and Builderu' MnterUl I af all kinds. Bulphur, W6ol and Gruin Sacks and Twine, Urnm, Flour and Feed, Hlglioit. 'price paid for Hides lirid Felts. Stock Yards with all the latest and beat facilities for handling Stock. "- ' '.Mark Goods Clare of "6 W. Co' T. G. CONDON; Mnt tiii I'M ImiD lw.i Jay iierl mum