The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, January 05, 1905, Image 6

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If Crook county is to head off
for the third time a division o
this county, giving to Antelope
the county seat of anew district
to be known as Stockman conn
ty,she must be up and duing
before the other fellows get the
beat of the nice.
In another column will be
found an article which show
clearly the trend of opinion in
Wasco count', The Hood river
residents are anxious to secure
a division of the county there
giving the county seat to the
western division if made. The
Dalles naturally opposes 11113
such move as it realizes that in
such a division it would bo losing
one of the richest and most
productive districts embrace.
within its boundaries. On the
other hand it is quite willing
to "can" Antelope, and aid the
latter in its efforts to gobble up
a portion of Crook, another
portiou of southeastern "Wasco,
which is not worth much to the
county proper and from which
little revenue is derived and
establish the count' seat at the
Buckskin town. In all this
Antelope acquiesces as is fitting
her innate modesty, and she is
preparing for an indulgence of
reality in her long cherished
thoughts. Petitions are already
being circulated and meeting
with a ready signature on the
part of The Dalles residents.
The Dalles in so doing is saving
her own neck and making an
effort at the same time to get
rid of a cumbersome barnacle
hanging into her stern beams.
In fact The Dalles admits as
This, ofcourse, isall very nice
for Antelope and the countiy
immediately surrounding the
town. It has been planned
nicely and would in all prob
ability work out to peifection
if Antelope in her gluttonous
efforts did not wish to devour
the northern quarter of Crook,
one of the most fertile districts
in this country. The residents
in that region are unequivo
cally opposs?d to such a move
and a strenous effort should be
made not only by the residents
of the Agency Plains country
but by the whole of the county
to place an effective damper
upon the designs of the Buck
skin neighborhood.
Crook county is not ready as
yet to part with part of her
parts. "When that time does
arrive she will be the first to
tell about the matter and will
probably not loose any time in
making herself heard. Further
more she will do all the draw
ing of lines necessary to dis
figure her face and these are not
likely to be as favorable to
Antelope as they would be
should the latter rush in for a
skyrocket finish at the coming
session of the State Legislature.
Crook County Journal.
Kelson Grewell, of Frog Springs,
, wua in town last Satuaday, and while
here made this office a pleasant visit.
Concerning the road running past his
place, Sage Brush 8prlugs and on to
liyle'e Gap, Mr. Grewe'l said:
"By reason of the grade not Lbing
built north of my place I am com
pelled to travel sixteen unnecessary
miles every time I want a load of
water, and it in not myself alone hut
there is at least fit) families that are
traveling from one to twenty miles
further lhan they should both for
wafer and to railroad. understand
that Perry Monro, the supervisor of
the Gross Keys district, says that he
received orders in the early fall to
open the road in hin district, but
fcliortly after lie received an order from
County Judge Bell countermanding
the instruction to open road." S.iya
Mr. Grewell: "There is a nigger in the
fence somewhere, Our citizens etant
ready to do their share of work and
at-sist in putting this grade through at
.once as It should be, The petition had
beeur allowed; why has Perry Munro
been ordered not to commence work
on that gradejunti) he receives further
orders? revltally interested and
wohjd like lo kuowi
1005 has been well and extensively
advertised as the Lewis and Clarke
centennial year in consequence of the fair al Portland. And through
8uch efforts many people will for the
first tltuo vie.w thu great natural re
sources and Industrial advantages of
this country. Located as,wo are upon
the main thoroughfaro leading Into
Central Oregon, with Its vast, unde
veloped territory, folding out to thu
home-seoker nnd Investor oppor
tunities unexcelled elfewlierc.
What ie more natural than to exp.'d
that many will see and realize tho
abundant promises offered by Madras
ns a future, commercial tenter of a
vast country, whleh in tiie near future
is destined to hecomo one of the
wealthiest and best producing districts
In Central Oregon.
In order that our town should estab
lish and inaiutuln the reputation and
atteutlnn to which it is justly entitled
from its natural advantages means
moro thau the mere construction of
buildings and o aupylng tl m f r tl 0
purpose of trade in Its various chau-i
nels. It means tho ev'uldishment of
society In all its necessary I ranches,
nnd in lino with tho natural progress
of the times. Second to our schools
as a) business proposition, we come to
the moral and religious sentiment of
the community, which all mus-t ague
upon as au essential elemeut auu
necessary to the proper establishment
and maintenance of gpod society in
any community. I do not (with to be
understood as saying or meaning that !
all must be cbnrch-geera or. Sunday
school attendants. Among those who
cannot be called supporteis of such
institutions we find mmy active citi
zens, good neighbors and truo friends.
But we do feel justified in asserting
tl at all are collectively interested in
such matters. And that ail moral and
religious institutions become business
propositions in which all are either
active or dormant partners and each
share In the profits which accrue to
.society. One of the great institutions
iu this line is this Sunday school,
which if given the patronage it merits
brings together the younger members
of the community in a social capacity,
where each one feels an individual in
terest in the matter, where they join
in singing beautiful and ennobling
songB, ana carefully pursue a well
selected course of lessous from the
uiuio iii anvil a r ny (HIV umtilivi wairM
lessons are learned and Impressions
formed which they take with them I
into active manhood and womanhood.
Arid thus society ever has and ever,
will be a beneficiary from such Insti
tutions. Bueh an institution wo have,
at Madras, although tho past year It
has not been running at full capacity. .
During the voir just oloed thu Ma-1
dras Union Sunday school was held '
upon fifty Sundays, with average fit-1
tendance of 23 for each 8und.ty. We
realize that we could and should havo
d no better than this. And If any j
chance to read this who feel that they
havo not given this institution the
support that it justly merits during
the past year, I sincerely hope that
thoy will make amends by giving the
school tho encouragement, support,
and attendance to which it is entitled
during tho year tn05. I)..d.
The coming Industrial Center of Centra
A Big Flour Mill now building.
Modern Stores now running and others
under construction.
All roads to Madras lead down hill
from every direction and are tho only
grod roads in Eastern Oregon.
Fine Water ensily obtained in wells
from 12 to 20 feet deep.
Most equablo climate in Contral Oregon
The Auto road passes through Madras.
For i'iutlcular.1 Inquire of
Mr. G, Springer, cuairman of tho
county road reviewers, who was In the
city Inst, week, says that he has takeu
tho tlmo to look over the propnmd
road from Madras to R.itiud Butte,
wes-t of town, ami linds that the ro;td
ran be made a good one, shortening
the distance Into town somothing like j Clftra of tho Nr,b K,u, mn,io this
mne. uina-miiiR " road com- 0nice a pleasant and substantial visit!
nii.llillltr nt T.vli.'a fl.n mwl rn. n lur ...... 1
... ., . ..h I6al yatuniay.
thence west and sotiih across the . , .... , . - T, 0 ,.,
, , , , , I Andrew Vihbert, of Irog Bpii cb,
Plain, giving access to Sage Brush , ,, , . . , . , ,,
, T o , , , , , , while in town last Friday, said that
Springs, Mr. Bpringer said he would . , , . , .. . , ,,
V i .1 ..i . i .... i he would soon leivo for Iho Dalle,
advise tho settlers to work out their ' . . , . , .. .
wurrc iiu is iu oner pioui uu u iiujuvi
t The Columbia South
through Madras.
t The c nfer of a farming country 41
nnd better than Shennnn cmn,; J
1 does not require irrlgatiun to !
ciops of any kind of grains, frilj
gUIUl'U intuit.
Long Distance Telephone cm,h
with tho outside world will soon bel
Lots from $60.00 and up.
D. P. RE A, Secretary Madras Townsltc Company, Alnti
rag, Or,
Mil.MltMiKllllaKxXillilMiiniMill.l'liMUM MlUll(.lMM,lM.".lUl!.l'lM.rHM.IhlH,liiM.lM,l'lMiiM.MIM,Ml
l'.lnr Vlliliwt-t. nml 1 1 Ik dimirli(ir. I
in your t'reli for tlic bout quality of murclmntlU nt tOirent frteci
subscription on the grade, aud then
after too work had been commenced
if anything were lacking to complete
the grade he believed that Juduu Bell
would gl.ully come lo the rescue.
Mr. Fpringer and Mr. Elliott's time
expired December 81, 1904. We shall
be glad to hear of their reappointment
Walter Williams and wife, of tlio
Big Plain, wro pleasant visitors last
'week. IIo hud just returned from
Hhauiko with a load of shingles for the
M.tdras Milling and Mercantile Co,
G'outract tor the Porlogo Railroad
ceruing mad work and are more com
petent than new men would be. The
old board has given good satisfaction
in thl portion of the county and their
A'ork has been alt that could bedeslred.
Fred Fisher made thin office a plens
ant visit lust Friday. Ho says that hn
has two men digging for water. They
are now down about 30 feet, and from
precent Indications will pooii have all
the water ho wants. A good supply
of water is obtained from the well Mr.
Lovelaud bored for him somo tlmo
GlitL wanted for general Jlouse
work. Apply to T. J. Mai toy.
for they are now fully informed cou-f around tho obstruction iu tho upper
Columbia ubove The Dalles has been
lotto Nelson & White iu tho sum of
$116,000, work to he completed May
1, 1005.
Now is the time to plant fruit on 1
shade trees. Thu Dulle Nurseries
(seo ad iu another cidumn) handle
nothing but home grown trees, which
are fully guurantued to be as repre
sented. Get their pi ices before buy
ing elsewhere. By leuvlng your orders
at The Pioneer office thoy will receive
prompt aiteuliou. Cull aud get a
prlco list.
You will be sure to have r
when you use the
Best Rising Star Brand Flour
Manufactured by j
The Tygh Valley Roller Flouring Mills
Who also manufacture Germ, Hulled Darley, Dran Shorts, Etc. Our goods arc
carried In stock by tint-class merchants throughout Eastern Oregon,
- SCOTT & YOUNG, Props.,
Whore run bo found overythhip you need nt prices that ilcty coup,
lor own. rite or call lor eHtlmnte on what you need.
Madras Camp, M. W. A., No. 8.K26.
Meets every second and fourth Saturday
of each month at 8 p. m. Frank J. Drook.t,
Consul C. W. 11. Snook, Clerk. Visaing
neighbors cordially invited to attend.
SLcIa Camp, Royal Neighbors of A.
A I Meets every second and fourth Friday of
$ I each month at 8 p.m. M. K. Snook, Oracle, i
J ! L. M. Halm, Recorder. Visiting neigli-
bors welcome.
!' WANTED i 200 MEN
Carrie a ('omnlcle Line of Drops, Medicine, Chemical, JloucIiold Rc4
PriiKRlitn'SiiudrlcH and I'iinto HUplIox. Country Mall Orders I give njyl
aueuiioii. a urauuaiv in cnnrKu piu delivery KimrniU'Cd. Yuurpreirl
my uperlalty. Strychnine ami Pest Destroyers. Block roods and DlpnodtJ
Afc'ouey for Kastuiun Kodaks. liotli Tliones. WHOI.KsALK AM) ItKTAlL.
Apply or write to
iDsscMtes Irrigation and Power Co,
But ????
Everybody likes to wear good clothe; every man, every
woman, every child. They like to feel that the garments they have
on were made for them; it'i a satisfaction that' worth paying for,
Some tailors charge too much for it; perhaps they need the
money; we don't know. But why not
After you have selected the pattern for a suit of clothes, all
you can get in it at any price is style and fit. V6u may say that in
addition the garments should be Well made; but that's only a repe
tition. If they fit and have style about them, thoy are well made,
you may depend upon that; and if they are well made, they fit and
have style; the terms are inseparable.
We are in the tailoring business. Wc show t carefully selected
line of some five hundred choice patterns in Fall and Winter Wool
ns. These are from "v
The Royal Tailors
Chicago. U. S. A.
hd" they handle all our tailoring orders. The new goods are truly
beauuful and the prices are sure to interest those who appreciate
AH garments made to exact measurements, in the clean, light
end wholesome Royal work-rooms; no sweat-shop labor; no fancy
prices; so failing to satisfy. See the Royal line use your judg
ment that's all we ask.
Wages, $2.25 Per Day.
Board, $4.50 Per Week.
$2,50 Per Day.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given thnt the under
.signed ll:m been, by the County Court of
the State of Orecon for Crook county. didi
nnitolnted adininibtrator of the estate el
.John Hastings, deceuwd. and all ierfion
having claim ugalnst 8id estate are
lien-by reques'ed to jiichent Ibo fi.nue, did
verified, to n:Ul Administrator nt the olllce
of M. K. lirluk, in l'rlnevllle, Ore., wlsldii
six mouths from the date of the flrbtjutb
llcntion of UiIk notice.
Date of (list publication of this nnllce
Nov. 17, im. Kl KUTCIIElt,
Admffilxtralor of the Estate of John Hind
iuga, decenxed.
All of Our Buggies, Spring- Wagons, Binders,
Mowers, StoveH and Steel Ranges must bo sold
hy January 1st to make room for another line
y of goods. It will pay you to get our prices.
The Dalles, Oreg&
V, w w w www www wzsw wvys wwv wwww
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor.
Tables supplied with all the delicacies of the m
First class Equipment. Fine ltooms and Beda.
Only Livery Ham on the Dencliuio. run In colihertlon with the hotel. Allr-l
Mop at thu liotul dour'
J Special Sale!
Royal Fire Extinguisher
no a'rop-cocKS on valves
2 gallons, cojtpUr .,, $11)00
S gallons, copper , 35.00
5 galloiiK, copper., 18.00
V, o. b. Portland.
Thl machine Is easily and (pilckiy
charged and Is guaranteed to put out any
small tire that can bo reached. It is just
the thing for and should be In every resi
dence, barn and store in the country.
For further particulars write to the niaiiu
Or leave your orders nt Pioneer Office.
We make a plat of any township in The
Dalles-Land District, Corrected up to
dato for 50 cents cash or postage stamps
Hudson & BroWiMl
Real Estate k InVeStni&nt Company
..Slightly Damaged Ltinoleu
At .7) tier rout, reduction from rcdiilnj nrlro. Clipniwkr Tloiiki fur bent Furnllil'l
Stoven ailil Crockvryware.
The Great Northern Furniture
East Second St., The Dalies, Ore,
WE can save you money on Groceries, fresh, clean
' and pure Flour
"Scott's Best" at $1.40 per Sack.
Notions and Patent Medioinos. Boots and Shoe
and Farmers' Necesities of all kinds. Nov aw
largo stock at right prices. Call, examine ami W
convinced. YOUN
.Efoe Leader Millinery;
, AUss BELLE tiAVENi Proprietor.
Lnlcit Htylen, low cut prlcc, I.rgct unit bi nelected iloek In tho InUwl
ordow iiromptlyTllcrtf VaHjilugton B(red, bulwecn Hoconil unH Third, bitl't 0,,frt
Hunk. v . .. y - ' . -
THE DAtillfer