The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, January 05, 1905, Image 5

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    wont. "rr:
, A M""r"
,-i ill.. , IIIHtUHJ'
ui Aral Still!" " ..f1Mii.
nibi -- . ...iiiunnc lit
ii iiuw- i r.ior hiii
..... Moron i i""""" ,,,..
.iironiooio" , .
rciiw . ho reuuy
m'v n it inn an 11 1
ri.v"' - ,i i nomo i"
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it.lo u'L'l'K. ....
" .. . l.nnrrlll IOIM
m if t'Ulvcr, " -
rOS-l " . ii . I., i, .In
: , J. Tmgllo commenoe"
. ...lei of revive ...
" . .11
nf t 10 YOUIIK in.i""-.
J -' ,.. lnlj .lV Of
8ploaaiit vwa" -
1 1 Ar.
iti&Hamlllon luvo com..-
i . mini! !1 . r
:..vl.!lorla.l Saturday. He
be w8 KWI.B - :..
W . . . .
... r. - an niiL' iuvm
1 V 1U
i nf vn editor btdiig more
uw-v from homo mrnugu
- . .,. i a. ...... mini, of
III Ul r - .
i villi I...U inilllHIl I fII lit 1 1 ro ID!
mJIH 111".
. .1. -tl 'I lilt I'llIllUI I
. ..-ii hit It. nn llio
id H' .
Birlke wlUi Ml your uugm
' . u .t I. !t. vniir hind
........ ni,ilinr..r. KM ii n 1 KG. urc.,
qulek sale.
t i.'iiiu dm nontilur Niincr
-I f if u Ml fill IU
vUllor ul The
-n(.- tl.lti week.
P. Hiinmcr uml Jolui I). Brown
.wxl faiinlMK ulH ntlho farm
ii A nuiilla u'lvtlillir In
t lllll.luJv.f - -
(irain rimy do so paying llireo
a ItlKtMI.
f i I r'.ilciir u'nu In friivn
1 II - 1 . . . -. I... I
Lltnir til' frtHTtilutillL' ill MiUlraH
. . ..... t ..i i,.. HiMim mill ftlik
ft tfrift.. IMvltfirn u-lin link tul.
. .1 .... l...l. I .fi.iiiiriil uiulA
,. I ..,...,! it. I. f 'Pili.U.
.-.v.. f, - -
..i- " . - If.. II .. ..I......
ii li'uiv i i i r i r
til i I ... I ... I t. . .
Ill flkU U DtDUIUU WUllV" it vllltb
..I M ..fnII A
eifl. the cniu'eiifnl muniieor of
wo iiii uin iuiiiv iiu uiu
netv bulKlliig of tho Madnm
d'fc Company, corner Sixth autl
I. .... t..I. . . . a .
ci'i in ircciviiiK a uur.t 01 Willi
Don 1. Ilea, (ho fccrohirv nf
new HJllUlin;.
t-On llm nlRlit of Dec. lOtb. on
...i i .. ... 1
iran uviKiiupHclinni lioilHe
9 vn l'mtk KoJmiui'H, ii pair
, In leather taw; now gold
frame. Klmler plensu liiuve at
vnikouim rucoive rnwoni.
ce. All n.lii
" i ciinwo nro ro
'I loattfiid a mectliiK to he htlil
Taggart & I,y'9 ,HiI, MmUnx,
evening of January 7, I0D5. at 7
' v i'inou ui IDIIKlll into
v. u.(j;iiiiniii nn una ie.
. T 1UA..II . 1 .
.,n liurcuns ne ntran . fur
"b'i'Mi nun roivoruo..
' " 'ar8 -jucHilay on
n mIii. ill. .
"e report hat hit?
y 'las 400 men and 200 t.,ima
14 the dilcl., ri,j tlmt tho
lint be morn f....r..i.i-
l a t llVODnf.1
OjMly Lake Luiiiborlng Co.
We to rurnmh nntt-oliiHa roiurh
; mitmmi miles cum of
mo iiorin Kim.- ..r .-!i
-.iu u,ier i)e((.itiiw.i. on
w onlers are resnontfollv
111! .-... .... I
Umimu, Ore. ' B;,,enU
l8ket social .... ..
... a -"" "IKIIL I1MLIM tllA
i'lUll . -w.- vVJ
DII1M or VI It. n is . . .
the Im,iTi7.T ,uu wloiios.
"9 InilebtcMlfiemi oii.i.,.,i.i
flUAt 11. . -"wiUVIHUIV
- uoaril or dlreotors of n
n.Y linal...
i i t. . '- sio. wnmii
U. N. I'nl.. II.. . .
Il ...... . "ivuniUH i.
""wjeM $2,50.
"wo.l io ar w .
HI t in l ...
- mi g
la HI u .
or I. . . r ""-ttilti.-Ulilft
In t,r i"."?. l"t lb.. Iu.
tt VVIIlIlllltll,. . .
i I I'UI LII II ' ai " ' 'J
If . i ' 1 tV .11 nnr,l..' - a
inn w1! tnr riirhirnat.
Hbftii ",,w Mm..
Otxtiir ftbiaxttHi for Mte. by the.Mn
druH MlHlug'Anil Mercantile Co.
T. J, NT alloy and L. H Coofilln went
o I'ortliinil on bualncM WedncHilny.
Frank M, Heath, of Agency Plain,
linn inude filial proof on his lioinenteari,
S"Kcl F. Robortson lost a valuable
work home last wcok, probably tin
roMtilt of pinkeye,
DM yon bear Prof. Fulton's addrrfto
luHt Tueailayi evening? If not you
m I used u treat,
Dr, T. A. Long, of Agency I'laliif,
paid Tho Pioneer oillco a eubstantlal
vIbU Wednesday.
liucl-UroB. havo tl'.no tho publlo a
good turn by putting u force pump on
tho well in front of tliolr Btoro.
J. I. Allen, of liny Crook, ban tho
contract tor hauling 10,000 feet of lum
ber from from tho eaw mill for WJIIh
& Hamilton,
Andruw I.tiiHcn, the well known
teacher of thu Agonoy Plalnx uohool,
Ih lllllng a temporary Vacancy In tho
Pioneer CaMi Store.
Thero will be preaching by tho un
dersigned at tho Mail rait nohool hoime
next Htiuduy morning uu(l evening.
C. A. Slat).
Tho Madras Milling and Mercantile
Co. li'tH moved Itilo Its new wnrehotiHC,
wliioli It will uko tomporarily us an
olllite and Rforcrcoin, whero they will
ho pit-lined to huh their friend..
John LocUhaid, (ho Grlzzley-Worm
Spring mall contractor, ha Joined the
knlghta of mnll-pouch carrlom and Ih
personally ikllverlng mall for a few J
Rev. E J. Trogllo will wench In
German nt thn rcHldeneo of M. Brown,
on the Big Plain, next Huntlny ul 2.3(1
n in. All norinnti hiiimI: lui.' onnnli.
" ' .... - i o . I -
are 'nvlted to attend.
Really, now, Isn't it far more plows
ant to llvo Iu a moderato climate,
hu li uHoura, during the winter mouth
(ban to llvo where you wouldn't have
a gboHl of n chanco to earn your Ifvlng
"by tins h Went of your brow?"
J. 0. Rich, who him a hotneotead live
m Ilea GOiUhweht of town, hr.H been In
ijuliing Into tho fenbihillty of Hurting
a brick yard at Madrun, Ho myn the
conditions are favorable and that tie
will commence work In the .prlng.
Rev. Homer Pomlus, of Culuor, who
liaM ork'unized a ulnglng school in the
Madras ttchool hotiHe, wuh unable to
(111 liirt apiiolntineiit Inst Haiurday,
owing to a severe co'd, but was out
again Monday evening.
Tho weather which hup prevailed
hero for f.omu lime U certainly un
uhiuI in any northern ell mo nt thle
time of tho year. Many farmers ar'
busy plowing, wliilo otliem are even
s .wing grain.
A fiuuHpirit prevailed at the banket
aoclnl. Some of the young men bought
oevcrul buHkotH. Ono man, who hud
two, returned ono grutis to tho man
ugeiH, which was Hold again and
hronuht a double profit for the nchool.
Tlio remaltiH of Ed. Uradford, of
I'rluevlllo, who died in tho Uood
rimnarltati JIoHpllal, at Portland, Fri
day, December UO. were brought to
Prinevillo from Shaniko via Mudruc.
Tiio funeral took pluco today at Prine
villo. Tho Urst farco comedy of the seanon
wuh given by loral talent In connec
tion with the box nupper Tuesday
evening, entitled: ''An Agency Plaint
Wedding." Tho participants were
Mr. uml Mrs. Mux Wilson, Miss Jemle
Irthnm, Glenn and Tlco Ioucks.
8. P. Gonroy, thu manager of the
Madras Milling and Mercantile Co.,
lias received thu pluna and HpecUica
tlous for lh uompiuiy's proposed More
building- It will be u two-atory struc
lUre, '33x70, with a hall on tho second
iloor. "Mr. Conroy says that work will
connniiitco on the building us soon us
lumber can be secured.
George Mayes had an "at home"
Inst Friday night. Among thoso pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs, Pullen, Mim
Minnie Morgan, .Too Tunstull and
brother, Mr, Cougar and a number ol
others, George'a butohelor home was
taxed to Its full capacity, but South
ern hospitality cumo to tho front un'd
with the assistance of tho fi lends preu
out h splendid time had, and all
left regrotting to see so pleasant an
oveuitig draw to acloso.
. .. 4. --
Literary Society for Agency Plains.
An informal meeting was called IuhI
Friday night In tho Agency Plalno
nchool bonne for the purpose of organ
izing a literary sooloty. A program
was rendered, tho principal feature of
which wau hu open debate upoii the
question, it.noived, Tliat thero ia
fnore pleasure In pursuit than In pos
session," in which tho negative side
won the laurele. The Judges wore:
J. ii. Jackson, Miss Addlo Jaoksou
and Mr. Meeker,
Mr, Hill was elected temporary
ohalrman and H, A, Gurd wub made
Beoretary pro tm. A oommlt(owns
appointed to draw up a constitution
and by-laws. A meeting was called
for next Haturday 'night, Janury 7, for
the purpose of perfeotlftu'lhe organis
ation. Tho debate for that evening
will be; "Resolved, That war la
benelloial to a uHtlou." Everyone la
Invited; to'"atlud a'trtT take-ar) aotlve
J. N, Burgeea la feeding 1.9 head of
onttle on the Prlday place, out of which
lie recently sold 62 head at Portland
averaging 1240 lbs. ach. Tho price
received Is given at $3.75 per cwt.
P. T. Munroe'is doing good work on
tho road ntnr Cross Keys.
Tlio Cross Krya acbool closed De
cember 30. The teacher, J, F. Blan
chard, openod a private school in tho
school houso Junuary 2. He is a suc
cessful teacher.
A largo number of Cross Koya peo
ple attended the dance in Joe Stuart's
hall lust Friday night. All eecmed to
have a good time. He Hnys ho will
build nn addition to his hall to accom
modate the crowds. 4
Mr. und Mrs. John Halght had New
Year's dinner with tho Prlday fumlly.
Miss Ida Prlday has returned to
Antelope, where she has been teach
ing bcliool during tho pust two yearn.
Percy Prlday slatted for Oakland,
Cal., January 1, whore lie will spend
llio winter with Ills ninter, Mrs. Dovej,
J, N. Burgcfl and Mr. McPhcrsou
loaded a Carload or cattle atBhanlko,
Jnuuur,y 2, for tho Portland mnrkot.
The price received was 3 1-4 for steers
and 2 I 4 for cows.
Eight hundred head of beef cattle
are being fed iu Ibis neighborhood for
title year's market. Cattlemen say
they liuve never hnd n finer winter for
feeding. Too cattle are doing flue.
Tho market Iiuh been dull, but the
price tins rujeed half n ceut during llio
pnst few days. Topsy.
Wherever you nre, 1 trim;
Wliniuvvryou nre, le tlmt;
HtralliU(iriirilly act,
Ho lioniut; In feet,
Wliouvcr you arc, Ins you.
I have for sale at my residence, two
uillefl west of Madras, ouo team of
mnrep, ona double horncs, one wagon,
mo bug;;y, ono single harncfiH, all of
which I will sell cheap for cueh. Also
u kitchen treasury and oak commode.
C. A. 8iA8.
Charles Wawrlnofsky, who is em
ployed at the Morrow &Keonati ranch, 1
spent the holidays with ids fumlly. ;
Emll Zomke tins Just finished build,
lug a barn on his homestead.
"I Oi I ... All.. .. . L...1
w. oiiunnur unti nun, ihiu, nieui aai- j
urduy at Prinevillo. ;
Jacob Gelst In busy building a house '
on his homestead J Ut west of Rev,
Chris llarl is putting a fence around
Ills pluco.
C. Relchen la putting nn addition (o
his shack, 14x20.
F. A. Binith turned ovor about 25
acres of 6od during December.
Theodore Rleger is building a house
and putting a fence -around his place,
five miles r.outh of Madras.
Joe Marnoch hauled sovcral big
loads of potatoes to town lum week.
The watch-night meeting at tho Ger
man M. E. Church was preceded by
the annual Sunday school election,
with (he following result: Superin
tendent, John I tollman; dr:; astlslunt
superintendent, JJ. Dotnbrowe; eecre
tary, L. II. Arcnsmeler.
The Agency Plains school, which
bos been closed for two weeks, will re
open next Monday, January 0. MIhh
Grace Smith will be the new teacher.
Andrew Larson will spend severul
mouths visiting relatives iu Wiscon
sin, lhi has made many warm friends
at Madras, who will be glad to see him
"Hit the Trail" is to be the slogan of
tho Pacific Northwest in connection
wltb the Lewis and Clarke Expo
sition. You'll be behind tho times at
Portland during the great Fair if you
"cut It out" and "keep your eye on
Tlio question of what constitutes u
gentleman has recently been reviewed
by an English court and an American
college president. But the Yankee
farmer's version is still uusurpasstd
who said: In England the man of
leisure Is the "gentleman." In America
the man of leisure is a "tramp."
Our Mk nnnunt rlbaranec fale rommenred last Momlny hu.1 will continue tlirouch
out tliu month. This will certainly bo your elmnce to av money, as we must
reiliue our mock ln'toro taking inventory, and will cut prices to their lowest,
lluy new and make .some cay money.
Cold Weather is approaching and
now is the time to buy your
Winter's Supply.
An np to date and fresh stock of rubber and leather
Footwear. It will pjiy you to inspect our new stock
of Harness before buying elsewhere. We are head
quarters for pure Groceries arid up-to-date Dry
Goods and Hardware of all kinds. Builder's ma
terials at lowest prices. .......
For the best quality of
Flooring, Rustic finishing Material
Of all kinds go to
...TfrE QEWRW SAW mrnii...
Situated on Foley Creek, 12 miles eShi of Hay creek
Store. Good roaftE? and accommodations. . . .
rib-ugh lUMber. any size, - - - - f 10.00 per thousand feSt
iiof-nlnaa flnnrinir. nnv lenirth, - $20.()0
iCn' " " " $25.00 "
lumber from $.5.000f per choUBand and up.
tfor further jjarticulara aBdresj"
for Hardwan
McTAOGART & BYE have jtist opened their conipleld v
stock of 5
Hardware and Building Material, Windows and
Doors, Houselining aod Building Papers, Paints
and Kalsoinine Brushes, Carpenter's Tools,
Heating .Stoves and Ranges, Axes, Forks,
Shovels and iSarn Door Tracks, Alarm Clocks
and Cuttlery, Guns and Ammunition.
Also a full line of shelf hardware. Call and be convinced '
our prices are right; We will be glad to supply you with
anything out- of the regular line at the right price.
Butter, 30c. per-16.
Coal Oil in any quantity
rE do not claim to carry everything" but we are
in a position io fill ordinary wants from a well
selected stock of Groceries, Boots and Shoes
and such things usually carried by a first
class country store at reasonable prices. Compare .
our prices and quality with others before 'buying'' J
elsewhere, and you will then trade with the
ulver Store
O. G. COLLVER, Prop.
IN order to be convinced that our prices are the' ;
lowest, you will have to write us for our wholesale',
price list to Farmers and Stockmen for Fall and
Winter supplies. "We carry a large and wqII " '
selected stock of
H&ts, CapSj Boots, Shoes
Overalls, jumpers,
Oils, Glass, and Family Supplies '
Of all kinds, including
Comforts, Blankets,
V ; ij Tobaccos, Cigars
Men's Furnishings, Etc.
Also a complete line of
Fresh, clean and pure. Also a complete line of
' HARDWARE, includiiig
of all kinds. We are also agents for
'. -I ' SYRACUSE moulboard and diso Plows",
HANBSS and machinery of all kinds.
Send in your order and let us figure on it for you.
SHAN ikbi' ORE;