The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 29, 1904, Image 5

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    . . fir-M l MfVQ .
! , .iTr hotel of I'rliievllle l
' . ..Clicks Bros.' i n nun. -
rL III - - .I.II.IIIAtl '
- ttittif nil uai i
L ,, a rroeut arrival, I- now
rofliav 1118 ,o,B ,n u,u
ri ui v ...
JlCIini" i.,.l,iuu V fillorfl
l0fd b' FJcok uml 80". I,n',J
, Hi " . r... ....!
, tlielr old Hum" ,
' , O.
,,ver, ll mw
. uvrlle Lovelnixl,. uniigmer o.
" " i nf l u vor, wso ii
r ' ... ... - 1. ....... iiiml fl.lii
.f nut riiim is " -
. r ...lilmilH I I 111 L'.
urinif .""r
i. ..ill! .lli.rrlltfr Plf U'lUPf
" . i...i,.u, Youtni'is. Don't
a )lcu u" . , ii..
-I....I t-in rcHUll. X'H'ii uouitiij
nimhrtwlwtlio Htaruout to do.
.., fn,nr .if Mrs; T. Drown-
i. UIMl ,
1 1,,.1-n from TIIO uavun mm-
rri v trii
..... HfllH iiihlly tmuc(i mu it
. ..... ..In. tar llimhl'ir ami
. .. -1..!... .hut nf (.own. with
mii iiim i:ntiiii V - -
. II ..Id.tUltf I.
ChrMmiw npurouohes don't lor
h.t 8.inU Claim lias left a com-
m..i.t of holiday goons lit
In Prhiovlllo
luDlrnctloUB to hoII them at tliu
. .i ..I... S...II mill u...
. ......,u .11 lllll IMLV. wail win. a.v
Un.lrRd Driik' Store Ih liouil-,
. . ' . . .1.1
... tnr KrU Kr 111! 0 HUB WUUK. '
. . .ii i ...r i.tiu iff i
I ..i.i u mw i.j.n irm .u.r? J
Ill 1 .... I I In I
- . . . ...I .1.1 ........I . I
IipsL dr . sou ft Hinf ii'im ""' ' i
of Jewelry sujluble for any mom
the family.
Gilzxlv Lnko Lutuborlng Go.
l ..i.i. . r.ip.iiuli (Ul.nlnKH rnilirh
K nillll lJ .....". - - r . -
.... .1, -if mill (. mi oh can i ni
Your onlerH nro renpeotfully
el. J. II. Hnwkliw, general
nnn.i ti.iru nun nvn niiii.iniii.
WUlll.'J . .ISJ ...... -
I 1 ... rtH... mIi.I.I ..i.i
. . . I i
. ill iii.v iimii ii uiiruniiiinn un
... i ... i.--....r
11 Bill. ... w.w.-
i a . ... . . mi r .. .
imn iiuiiuL ui.'liiiiu ill. i n mm-
. .....ii... t .. - t . ...
1.. 1 . .1.1,. II..... n. l. .. A. w
nil r ill in iiiti v ii . .
nnilerntanJ Hint Mina Eillo
ri. I mi i... I.. .. !....!.- Itl
rnnii. n rn i h hi nr. iu HiiriiiiiHi v in
cam on i no au nam. sura.
t. . . I m . . fit I .
I UtlB UI OH DU II Li llfl lltJIU A I1U
I . ...Ill I... 1. I t f
rri . i-v ti i j
tirnii. itr Mrtrn. urltli lir i
civ iiiiiin nidi ii ivu iijiin win
,A ft li I ft lii hit nrmittil aa iiuiinl
of Holbrook, who arrived her
tlmeflsoou mi cxtumieil via! t to
iiniiin rim itwu rfiinBkt.i
1111 Mm linn W IJ I I ..III
rieiiii b WltHor Herri mul will
uwve nun vunco KicMnniBon
eaL 01 miVll. Vuiinn liu IiimI
. ....
hh mniiu i .1 - m .
toauil Incluillng tho 16tli day ol
...w .ii.hi, in illlllllIK niiu
. wwu.t.1. n.u uiryiiau Ul o.
Orsinclr In lli ,1
"wuu uuiiijrii"
I ni . h.. 11..1 . . . ...
a.l.v. IIIUL I1KIII NIIU'U U 111
II .
I'liiiiniiii, riiick n
palll Ull uml In 11(111.,iI,Ii.
offer U mmlo so that tlioau hi.
in uiB citumunlty may h?
an opporlUIltly Of kePlllnir all
. ...iiiii.., ror (urmertiar-
ri ...i.. ....
hi, (c oillUU Of Llin Ml.
i... . . -
1I11111T Hlltl Tin... ..ill. f - - m
'ruunuiu vo. c1, i'.
.. -vyia.jr uuu ueuerai .MU
Madrw, Oro.
II. K. W. Tliylor WR8 A pltHBHIlt
visitor the first fir. tha Week,
V, II. Zell, of the Big l'lulu, was a
nk'SHHiit vlHltor yeBlenlay.
A, 1. Ohuke, or tlieNoitli End, wan
a biinlncjw vleltor the lirntof tliu wet'k.
Emll Zurtike ntid VA WuwWnopsUy,
of Jlethodlst 11 Hi, were calloM ut The
Plotieur oluco iMomlny.
Tico Cotiokrt bougbl r.ow bar whilo
In rorllutiil n short tjino ago. It lm
arrivoii ami ih now ucing inttulleu in
(he building.
K loLwood &, Deo nro bunlly ongancd
tcnring down anil movng lliulrtiaw
mill. They cxtx-ot to ho In a poHllloii
to coin inoiico uawiig HQOII.
V. F. Ilsminr null John Ii. Drown
have ft good running mill ul tliu Turin
of Mr. HamnJur. Anyone wishing to
olc'iin grain iiiiy d,p ho paying, three
com u hiwho(I.
L'.ntOii tho night of Dep. lath, on
tho i oad from Del lump uchool houuo to
Mod nm vi i Fruok Itodmuii'H, u pair
of glnnHoii, in letuner cum'; new gold
(Ilk" J frame. Kinder please leave at
rioiioir,ofllco and receive reword.
Not I co. -All Odd Follows nro re
(pleated to attend a meeting to bo litld
In MuTugijitrl & Dyo'a hail, .Mudrua,
on the evening, of January 7, 1005, at 7
o'clock, for ttio purpone of loohlng into
tho mutter of orgntilzing on Odd Fol
io wh' lodito.
MIhh lilllo Taylor, wiio has been
teaching uchool at The Da Huh, arrived
at tho homo of her father, II. K. W.
Taylor, IumI Saturday, and la now
movini; on to iier claim, recently put
oliaHuii from D ljy Murders, one and a
half mlk'H north of town.
Harry Oard, of Agency J'laln, was
dol;ig bijidiiCHH in tho city Monday,
and wltllo hero said that the not tier
nil tho Plain had decided to liavo u
literary eoclety and will meet at the
school house to oiganlzo next Satur
day right at 7 o'clock. Alt nro In
vited to attend who can.
Au entertainment was hold at tho
Agency ttlulu school houso Inst Thurs
day evening, Prof. Fulton, of tho
Mnilr.'S school, was called upon to de
cide tho contest as to tho one who
Hpoko the bent. After a short Intercbt
iug talk h) decided iu favor of MIhs
I.-Ift Oard, who jecelved a flue book
for a prl?,o. T,he ciitortalnmeut mark
ed the close of a terra of school taught
by Andrew Larson.
Whiter arrived in earnest last Thurs
day night. After a, very windy tfay
Hiiow commenced fulling and con
tinue more or hnn through the night
and all day Friday. Tho "nowfall
amounted to nlout 4 inches and tho
weather turned cold, tho thermomoter
reglsterl ug 8 degrees below zero. How
ever, tho weather moderated today
and tho usual suiuhlno is very much
iu evidence.
John B. Brown, of llayslnck, brought
h samplo of Red Keuney wheat into
town tho other day. Thin wheat was
brought from Albany, Liun county,
Ore., by W. F. Hammer. Mr. Brown
nays that bo lias 48 acres sown to the
above variety, and that this clans of
wheal Is considered, to best of milling
wheut and is a good producer. A
sample of the grain is on exhibition
it tho oflloe nf the Madras Milling and
Mercantile Co.
In a recent Interview with Mn. W.
A. Ellis wo learned that the cxrrclsst
held iu the Madras school house
(MirUtmas eve was all that could have
been deslroJ. A number of yery en
tortalning recitations were, given by
i ho children, as well as ouo each by
Claude RnmHoy and Audrow Lursen,
wliioli vero rendered iu a very oredit
iiblo manner. Tho singing was good,
A duet by the Phillips slstcra and
other tnusio was well rendered. Tho
decorations were ruleudid, the house
well lighted and warm, and all this,
Ugether with tho able managemont of
aflUIra by Prof. Fulton, and (lie geu
orbsity of our citizens, made an even
ing long to be remembered.
I I mi Tffg
Id Weather
- w W.(f m
ow is the time to buy yoijr
Winter's Supply.
... i
An i
Eootw a,lt Rntl fie8h 8t??k of riber ndatJllr
of Hn 6ari 11 you to intQct our nevr stock
qnart 8f befor buin elaewh, "VYo are head
Goods l PWre Qrocer8 nd up-to-date Dry
teriai. "awnre or au kinds. Uulldor's ma?
Agents fpr Standard Patterns.
Subsoribe for The Designer.
Dkau. Old Kiup Krinolu will lmve hisw supply house at our
store this yeur, and in order to satisfy hi every want, we.
have tliq. largest stock and best assortment of Holiday Goods
ever shown in Central Oregon.. You. will be pleased with onr
display and find many new lines of beautiful and useful gift
articles UiaJ; you were unable to gnrtjhaae in the country
heretofore. Our shewing will compare favorably with'that of
any of the large shops in the city. ::::;.:
Safer.: ,v
MONDAY, DECEMBER 5th, is the day we appear in our best,
smile and, gala day attire. From then until Christmas you
will find the store beautifully decorated and the big display of
gift goods will be attractive one. Come and bring the chil
dren. You are welcome. : : : : : : :
Rve We Youp Dealers?
for Hardware
BYE.havc just dnencdUIuK complete .
:4ocu of -;'':f-:--v
i H4r4Vare and Building" Material, Windows and
" Doors, Houselining aod Building Papers, Paints
and Kalsornine Brushes, Carpenter's Tools,
'Heating Stoves and Ranges, Axes, Forks,
' Shovels and Barn Door Tracks, AJarm Clocks
and Cuttlery, Guns and. Ammunition.
Also a full Jlne of shelf hardware. Call and be convinced
our prlces ar right. We will be glad to supply you'with
anything out of "the regular line at the right price.
Butter, 30o. per lb. Coal Oil In any quantity,
M v . - -
r '-'! .':'
inrrE do not olaim to carry everything but we are
Hi in a position io fill ordinary wantB from a well
If selected stock of Groceries, Boots and Shoes ,
and suoh things usually carried by a first
class country store at reasonable prices. Compare
our prices and quality with others before buying
eleowhere, and you will thon trade with the
' - t i
e i
Culver Store
IN order to be convinced, that our prices are the
lowest, you will have to write us for our wholesale
nrlnn liarh f TP Tm aya nxA Q t-rnr man -fsw T 1 1 A
'' ' Winter supplies. "W"e carry a large and well ,
L selected stock of .
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Overalls, Jumpers,
Oils, Glass, and Family Supplie
Of all kinds, including
Comforts, Blankets,
Tobaccos, Cigars,
Men's Furnishings, Etc.
Also a complete line of
Fresh, clean and pure, lso a complete line of
HARDWARE., inoluding '
STEEL RANGE. ' .". .
' - i .. A ...
! Sk . , of all kinds. "VYe are also agents for.
SYRACUSE moulboard and disc Plows,"
t HARNESS and maohinery of all kinds.
Send in .your order atid let us figure on it for you.
L. M. HAMN, '
bOLLVERj Prop.