V BUILDS TO DUFUB. Rails and equipment for the. first 80 miles of the Great Southern, the railway which is to extend from The Dalles to Dufur, for the present, have been purchased, traffic arrange ments made with the 0. It. & N. Co., and it is positively promised that fall wheat of 1905 will be brought into the north ern terminal by this road. Quietly the promoter of the road have beeu at work, but vesterdav it was announced that rails and equipment, cost ing $150,000, had been ordered from the Colorado Fuel & Iron Co. through theJPortlaud. agents. The first delivery, is to be .made within CO days. The grade i2 almost completed as far as Dufur. Within the. next few months, according to present intentions, the road will be pushed on to Bend, Crook county. The new line will then come into more direct competition with the Co lumbia Southern. Near the Co lumbia river, the two roads are separated by th3 Deschutes river and a distance of 80 miles. The man who will principally control the affairs of the new companjT is John Q. Heimrich, who will move from Seattle to open the company's offices in Portland and act as genera manager. Julius L. Meier ie the secretary of the company. The other officers are John " lieimrich and W. P. Nelson, of Seattle, and T. H. Johnson, of The Dalles. .Rolling stock for the new road will be ordered, within a few weeks. The rails con tracted for are heavy, as the road is to be standard gauge. The line parallels the O. It. & N. track from the Dalles as far as Seufert's Biding, then strikes southwest and follows Fifteen mile Creek, affording a com paratively easy grade to Dufur. Terminal arrangements, have been made at The Dalles, and the road will be in such close touch, with the O. R. & N. Co. that its tickets will be sold by the O. R. & N. office in The Dalles. It is the ultimate aim of the company to extend the line be ""yond Bend, going through Crook conntv and into Lake county. A load into California is .also mentioned in the pros pectus, recently issued. Ore Ionian. -5E AGE2T0Y PLAINS PIONEER TJNIOli SUNDAY SCHOOL. Air. and Mrs. Heath f et a good ex ample Sunday for the fathers and mothers ou the Plain by coming and biiugiiiK their children to Sunday Bnhr.ol. Trv it aud see if you dou't feel better, parents. Claude Ramsey, one of our pleasant young men of the Plain, wnB at Sun day school. Come again, Claude. William Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liams, daughter and son, help to swell our number. Their presence aud help was much appreciated. Ve were glad to see Charles DIzney aud brother, I uther, out to Sunday school. Come again. II you don't want to miss a good thjug don't miss the Agency Plains Pioneer fSuhday echooh H youfityftut to go where you will feel at home and enjoy yourself come to Agency Plains Sunday school. Not long since a bachelor that Is UlKSatlsfled uitb his own rooking Was asking tho superintendent of the Agency Plains Sunday feobool If there was any show to get a cook by coming to Buuday school. I dou't seo why not. Borne good cooks come. Collie and cet acquainted and we will d'd yob good. If you have any desire to go to Bun day school come to Agency Plains Pioneer Uniou Sunday school. It is uniir Snndav school. Come aud feel at home RETUUNING PROM OANADA, s It is reported that many American farmers who went to the Canadian Northwest in the last few years are already re turning. Just what the trouble is has not yet been clearly ex plained, but hundreds have abandoned their Canadian in vestments to again become rest dents of their old slates. It is .seldom that a much-boomed region comes up to expectations the bag of gold is always at the end of the rainbow the land of promise always just over the mountain, but each is most enjoyable at a distance and the charms vanish on near approach. The United States is n mighty good country to live in until a better one shows up if, indeed, there is a better one. Sometime the . Canadian Northwest may be a great agri cultural region, but the pioueer period cf development is always one ofrbitter trials and disap pointments American Farmer. FBOG SPRINGS NOTES. Is Now a Big Farmer. W. F. Hammer, the postmaster at Haystack, owns 880 acres in that dis trict, besides 240 acres of school laud aud 300 acres of desert. Of this entire amount 1,000 acres are tillable, but only 160 acres are under cultivation. Eieb year he is breaking more ground and it will be but a short time till all the tillable laud is under the plow. Mr. Hammer has beeu experimenting with alfalfa on dry laud, and hu is well pleased with the results obtained. He also grows a flue truck garden and ban a splendid young orchard of 190 trees well under way. Hog rnising will be one of the leading features iu Mr. Hammer's farming. Pacific Home stead. LODGE DIRECTORY Nelson Qrmvell, who was married a few weeks ago, has brought bis bride to his homestead. He is making fiomo substantial Improvements ou his farm and ere long will hayo one of the bunt farms In this part of the country. Peter Vlbbert, who has a homoHtond on the north cud of Agency Plains, has tiullt a large barn, a 8tory and a half hutibo and . made other Improve ments that would bo a credit to any country. Louie Larsen Is building a large house aud barn on his homestead near Sage Brush Hpi'lugs. Ho is well pleased with the country and is acting accordingly. A. Monner Is making rapid headway onhlafarm near Frog Hpriugs lu llio way oftmprovements. The 60ulh end of the Plains will have to look well to their laurels or tho north end will eel Ipso them iu Improvements. Jako Peterson, who Is located here, is making Improvements, etc. .lake must be looking for a cook as he Is oiling his floor, making It i.h good as a hardwood floor. Who Is she, Jake? GROWING. BUY LOTS IN: I I The coming MADRAS instil A Big Flour Mill now building. Modern Storo's now running and others under construction. All roads to Madras lead down hill front every direction and are the only The Columbia Southern will through Madras. Tho cfeiiter of a fanning country and better than Sherman county ! does' not requLre irrigation to i gf od rotuU in Eastern Oregon. ciops of any kind of grains, A-utt Fine Water easily obtained in wells f gaiden truck. from 12 to 20 feet deep. The newspaper business seems to be moving up tho ladder iu Eastern Oregon this full. Tho Madras Pioneer, on account of Its lucreaBing .biiHiness, is to be enlarged, which fact must be encouraging to Uro. Urowuhlll. Cltne Falls PreSH. The Madras Plouror, unable to with stand tho demands of prosperity, hug enlarged itself to a six column six pnge paper, full up with advertising and giving Us readers an abundance of locul news. If tho Madras country and its tributary districts don't grow it will not le the fault of The Pioneer under its able mana.emeut Crook Couuty Journal. Elmer Fleck, sou of Mrs. 8. E. Fleck, arrived hero recently on a visit to Mh mother and brother, -James. Arthur Howe, of Portland, uecompauid him. Most equable olimate in Central Oregon The Auto road passes through Madras. Vor particulars Imiulro ot Long Distance Tolophone conneel wiiu ine ouiBiue worm will soon be I Lots from $00.00 and up. D. I. REA, Secretary Madras Townslte Company, Madras, Ore MM.I.lt.lll.llM.H'lHllH.l1Hll'tllll'llll'UH.l'HM.IIOI.I'HM.Illl... lMil(Mlll(n;talarlIMM.,nu'I.Mtlt,,ntM.),t)llltl.llli,WI..tilS 'MMUS MrsJOHNCYRUS DKAt.KIt IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Optical Goods and Notions. REPAIRINQ OF ALL KINDS. PRINEVILLE, OREGON Madras Camp, M. W. A.( No. 8,fi2. Meet s every second and fourth Saturday of each month at 8 p. in. Frank J. Brooks, Cousnl C. W. II. Snook, Clerk. Visiting neighbors cordially invited to attend. Lcla Camp, lloyal Neighbor of A. Meets every second and fourth Friday of each month at 8 p.m. M. E. Snook, Oracle. L. M. Ilahn, Itecordcr. Visiting neigh bors welcome. I am prepared to Locnto HomeSeekers On (iorcrnmcnt IjiihIs contiguous to (he Columbia Poiitliurii Hrillruml xnrvcy; quarter sections that arc all ctiltlvatablc; of the lct loamy toll' within one-half to four mllea of rallroail survey; Ome eclert locations hnvlng water. Firt come llrst nerved. Dodd JVIeCaaley Wad-fas, Otre.. Gho patoed hlia by with a glassy Blare BUo passed him with a Imnghtyair With n Tvithering look sho paioed him As much aa to Bay there wero "othoru," eho guessed Withhcrnosonton .nclo, her co to tho wont, ' Bho passed him and coct him a look that'll hut him. , ' Mebbo eho know ho was a married, man and had n6 licenRo to rubber or mobbo his clothes didn't fit hiih; you never can tell what it is that inspires a snub; nino times out of ten it's clothes. Wo'ro not going to arguo with the sago who eaid clothes do not make tho man, but don't let'o forget that tho cage was plodding in ono century whilo wo aro automobiling in anothor. Good clothea may not mako a man, but thoy do givo him the ong-tree to tho pink tea. Tho making ot good clothes is our bupinesaj'wotako tho mdnsure Tho Royal Tailors, of Chicago, do tho cutting and tho tailoring. Wo Bhow over fivo hundrod Scotch, English and Amoricnn Btuf?n in spring and summer puttings eomothing to euit evory fancy. Come and lot ua show you that you aro paying to milch for your clothoo. Royal tailoring! 4 tho blsU-clasu sort and yon coo boto pnjrwbere from $5 to $15 on n enit or overcoat. . Wo make ladies' ekirts, ton, mau-tttilorea to measure at a DiffoaYlnijIn price. -Ladlea should maSM a ncto ot this. FITZPATRICK SHANIKO, ORE. WANTED i 200 MEN -W08i $2.25 Per Day. Btfard, $4.50 Per Week. 50 T,E A M S $2.50 Per Day. Apply or write to Desctotes Irrigation and Power 'Go, BEND, OREGON. (10 TO- SHANIKO And Uuy Your HARNESS From FRED DAVIS Repairs Promptly and Choaply Dono t t W. bUL I UN & GO DHAI.KItS IN Hardware, Woodenware, t 1 Q4- r tcc ntrsrl DnM. w STOCKMEN'S SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. ( t tCnrryliiR a Full Mnu of crvrytliliiK needed liy n Fariiier and Stoclttnin. for the llnlu Wiikii, llenlcla C'lljiper I'Iowk, Drill, llnriuvui, Klv, ANTELOPE. OREGON. A E. CROSBY P U O 1 H I K T O Jt P S P BPCP PH AD f arrii'rt a l fitimiLMo I ino f nrmrti. liilifliiiM. MuiiilnnU iinu..i.fki.i tuw lilv lutiilulrt Utrvfiliiiliiii attil Ptkr lt.dltt..u 1!h.L t..vmlu -...I t tl n Agoucy for Kmtinun Kodaks, lloth 'l'hoiivs. WHOIJMALK AND ItKTAlU THE DALLES, 0 AT COST m If jTjur wHtrh I In need of rejtaln or if, you waul to buy A new one you can not do better thnn to write THEO. LIEBE PRACTICAL WATCH and t LOCK MAKER THE DALLES, ORE., ' For irlcen and ntyled. Mall order receive prompt attention. All work Kimrniitced. All of Onr Buggies, Spring Wagons, Binders, Mowers, Stoves and Steel Ranges must ho soltl by January 1st to make, room for another line of goods. It will pay you to get our prices. lit Id t A f L - X- M I MM 1 iviM t o ex unu ne uaiies. ureao Notice t6 'Creditor; Notlco Is liprchv clvcn Hint tho unuVr: wlKiii'il hns limit hy tlio County Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Crook county, tlnl appolntt'd mlniinlstmtor of tin; ostnto of Jollll IlllSllllKif, (IUi!U!tl'. nun an puisonn hnvlntr claims nuainst Hild estate nro hun-liy miui'S'cil to pioxwit tlic s:iini',lnlv voriliutl, to said Administrator at thu ollico nf m. k. urin c. in it ncvi in, uie.. win in six mouths from thu (lute of the flint pub- llfiitlfin nf tins notice. Dato of first publication of this notice Ailmlnlstrator of tho Eatute of John Hust ings, dcceasi'd. (m A ?1 Ydu are welcome. W. J. B. Gr4 Mmqwrplb Bail, Frwik Hod'mn wll give- a , granai XSJ Estate f SBOUGHT AND SOJL,D Hbrheteao! tocationo. Farmft for Itont. Vo write In surnrico and Jlonda of All Kinds. .Money to Loan.; Blue Print TowiiHhif) Plats for salo. WHto tfr tall for prices on Land Scrip of All Kinds, ' List your Property with us if you aro looking for Quick Returns, tlMOhS BRdWNHILL, heai Estate and Financial Agent. MADRAS, OREddN f He Royal Fire Extinguisher NO STOP-COCIvS Oil -VALVES TO COltUODE. A CHILD CAN OPHI'ATE IT. MADE IN a S1KKS. 2 Rallons, copper , $13 00 !! nalloiiB, copper 1S.00 B gallon, copper 18.00 P. o. b. Portland. This mntlHne Is enHlly and quickly charged and Is guaranteed to put out any small Uro that can bo reached. It Ih Just tho thing for and should bo in every resi dence, barn and store In tho country. For further particulars write to the nmnu. facturcrs, v f D. L. BUTLER & 0O; 65 FIRST 8TREET, PORTLAND. ORE. Or leave your orders at i'lonebr OfllOc. We tnako a plat bfany township in The Dalles Land District, c'drrrJcled up to date for 60 cthtB.ctiBu or postage stamps Hudson fc r6vnhill Rtl Estttk fc'kvtmcat Company PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS. Pronrietm f a - II J ...!!. 11 . 1 1 1 n i l'irst class liquipmont. Fine lioonis mid Bead. ' Ktoont thu liotul door Special Sale! ... w i. will, ifijiifiiuii irom ru;iiiA prirr. (Hionpo! iioin-c mr uc)!i 1 urjiuuu, Htovi'H nml CrockVf ywori. East Second St, The Dalies, Ore. WE can save you money on Groceries, fresh, clean nir1 nnrp Tflrmi' "Scott's Best', at -$1.40 per 'Sack. Notions and Patent Medicines. Boots' and Shoeti v...i Tr..v.h..r.) tt. .:: v u 1 . i ,i at..... nm uiiu 1,'uiiucjo i-i cv;uaiLica ux an iiuuitt, dov u'iu large stook at ricrbt prices Call, examine and 1$ convinced. YOUNG ..The Leader Millinery. Miss BELLE HAVEN, Proprietor. I.atciit i!lyli)i;iow;Mtnrl(t!ii: Uriit mid bent Releclud took III tho IniAiul Kmp'1 ivtlnrti t.PMttilLfU' fllltwl Ufula(t.i.ii UtLiZA III. ....... .I tlU.til ....I TI.U.I nf I'TVW bunk. iA L.1 A Li K A ! cvmvmi "7 . n it ' AWJ Mntf: Good supper iverf J 'fic2"..2' k mT r sh m