Madras Pioneer 3S2 m I. MADRAS, GROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1904. NO. 16. irgues uanoy McH Micnen SPECIALTIES: LOG CABIN CREAMS, TURKISH NUGGETS Ami ft flue lino of iiru mid homo mnile cnndled on mlo n( 7 The rioneur Oimli Hloro Minims Martin' Cnnfeetlonery Htoro Antelnju 1'lulil ('axli Htoru ;.l'flnuvlllo Kd'.vnrl C, 1'ohho unit l)r, IVrkhin Hlmnlko MilpmeiitK of froMh mttric cnndlcM nru Hindu to tho nlxivo iimihm! Merchant cncli ui'fk niitliltiK lint (rt'Mli rntullutt, MonOy hack If not ah 'roprcucntcd. vholcsalu prlco on nppllcatton. J. L McHARGUE, Prop., box 170. s Shanlko, Ore. Hamilton Hole First class meals and beds, Prices rennonable. Head quarters fur nit stage Hues. ntelope, Oregon V llllllllLlllll I II I1IIU I 11UU111J1JL111J1LIII iorspsiioeiug a apcciaiiy. ucukt in iron, wheels, emulous, rubbor p. ijciiies Oregon The Reliable Druggist VICTOR MARDEN Manufacturer nuit Dealer In THE WOODPILIf, TI10 woodpile's clumsy bulk uprciirs Jlcshlo tliu homestead door; And sweetest woodland fragrances Through jtll Its crannies iour; The inossi'D of n httudtutt years U)(in Its broken trunks it wears. And when at length cold winter brings The sharp bfcnlll of the north, Its gi rfy logs change to scarlet coals Upon the homestead's hearth, Still crooning ns thoy fttll npart Songs fiom the woodlaiid'b very heart.' A Pioneer's Experience. Tills olllco acknowledges a pleasant Visit from C. McPherson, a ptomluent tookman of Hay Creek. Mr. Mc pherson Is a pioneer of Eastern Oregon, and while lie l not given to laud his own good qualities no IB able to en tertain bis friends in a highly pleasing way in bis description of what Eastern Oregon was when he first saw it In the troublesome times of 60r, Born In The Coming Trading Point of Central Oregon is Madras. JRey. C. P. Baney, who is probably tho best informed man ulong this line in Oregon, lias beon a resident of the State of Oregon since 1862. Thirty years of his past lifo has been mostly spont as an evangelist; he has traveled over the country afoot, horsobnek and by wagon; has seen communities spring op and develop and filially be come a mighty factor in the upbuild lug of the state. The metropolis of to- day Portland was but a village when he first knew it; today it iaa city sec ond to none for its size. He has known this country for many years, having lived in Prlneville for three and a half years from the spring of '04 to the fall of '07. He then said that in the not distant future this country would blossom like 1 rose. His pre diction is now coming true, and he says Madras cannot help but be tue coming trading center for this region from the very fact that it lies in the Fins Harness, Saddles, Tents, Wagon Covers Johnson county, Missouri, in 1840, ho crowd the Plains with his parents in center of one of tho best wheat, alfalfa 1854, making a hand in driving cattle Und stock regions of the PacificCoast, coming across. He located In Sonoma with the best of roads leading down TIIK t'HKAI'KHT I'XjACK IN'; THE DAI.I.KH, -When there, Mop In anil get prlcrvn. OBARR HOTEL P. S. PLUAIA1ER, Prop, 1'lrHtrJnM hi every renpoct, traveler' hem! quarter, lied 'l' ct. ntul up. Meat :V cIh HtijI rait l.y the month or to families, One block from tlio det. Kut Second Mrect. The Dalles, Oregon Cnrrk'H the lariat Mnok of ilrugn mid (lriiKh'lt elihdrluit In Kaxtorn Ore- gOII, pllOlO fltipplll'H your mnll nrler solicit; ' ed nti( will receive prompt attention, V e Dalles, Oregon THE DALLES and SHAKIKO STAGE LINE unionnDie rig, gaoii nnnici, prompt er nvrommoflfumtf driver, dully except 1 rviipitidii iitiii tinriiiu Miiviii ill MiikAii ve Money li?Xo.,n WE SELL. factory und unvu middle men' profit, ML' INIA 111 1H I I I U I'll II II IIP" lUlHIHI, lvttcror ulieckk WlLLIAAi CkAMUR & CO., Second St., THfe DALLESi ORE. East End Clothing Store JOE COHEN, Prop, V COMI'I.CTE JUNK OK tJKNTH l'lUtNIHlIIXO (iOODf, HATH, CAI-8, MIOEK. ANDlUrriUNO, ALKO TUUNKH. It will pay you to get our prteon twforc pur cliuxliiK elxuu'hore, C01 SECOND HT THE DAI.I.KH, OHWION. Alo brourli at (Irann Valley, Oregon. HENRY L KUCK MANlTACTt'JtBIt OK y Harness and Stock Saddles COWJJOY OfTFITH A SPECIALTY. Dealer In Collar, Whips, HqIk-h and n ceil' eral linu of Hornu KuriiUhliiK (loodn, Tents, VwnliiKH and Wukdii Covers. All work guar. antvvd. Eat Keroml 8t. THE DAI.I.KH, OrO. SHANIKO DRUG STORE CAHKIES V Patent Medicines Toilet and Medicated Soaps Perfumery, Jewelry, Etc. BRR HOTPI V. W. U HKIIIHK, 1'rop. - . ais, - - ise and up dginn, - - 25c and ud Only Jlrlek Hotel In" tho (Jltyi nnn?,1 LSI 1 .ft . i. . . i . . I'liHuunuer and I'relght Depot I'AM.IW. OttlXION 'P. N. WATTV nfectioniv Healer In ' fin nnri ' 11 urrnc SMOKERS' SUPPLIESy FRUITS, V I t-ArveM - . . . DR. S. L. PERKINS, Prop. county, California, Ten years after, being of an adventurous spirit, he came to Oregon, enlisting in the First Oregon Infantry under Captain L. L. William, with whom he was a favorite. Soon thereafter his company was dispatched to Fort Harney, where they spent the winter of 04-65. Hero they endured hardships almost (incredible, frequently not sleeping for days, and on account or tuo presence of Keel gkins not able to build fires either day or night; several times surrounded by Indians, expecting every minute to be their last; seldom in camp; scarcely ever able to sleep or eat In peace, he with his companions spent those ter rible winter months; the weather much colder and thejsnow deeper than has been seen here In recent years; no roads or even trails titat they were acquainted with to guide them over tiie enemy's country, and often s'hort of provisions all this was endured to the end that the Indians might he sobdued, thereby allowing the white man to live in peace, and build up what has proven to bo a veritable paradise. In those times the nearest postoffice was The Dalles: no mall- was bad ex cept when a neighbor went to town for supplies, often several months passing without news from the out side world. The roads, then com mencing to be made, were rough and at times Impassable, but this hardy pioneer, together with tho others of his kind, weie determined to succeed, and fiora' out of the wilderness has been developed througli their untiring efforts some of the finest and most productive farms to be found in any country, and those of tho pioneers who have lived and worked as they should are now enjoying mo fruits or a lire well spent. Mr. MuPliersou has raised a large family on tbo old home place; he has helped many a now sottler on the road to wealth, mid while the sud den rush of settlers of recent years has taken up lots of his range he is well pleased with the future prospect of the country. The nearest transportation point and military headquarters was at Fort Dalles, and in February, 1606, the company was ordered to tuat place; proceeding afoot, thoy traveled through loop snow and bitter ooid weather, slept in blankets only throe nights on the trip, the balance of the time they got along as best thoy could. The Dalles was reached in duo time, and Mr. MoPherson's term having ex- Livery and Feed Stable A. HJXKON, 1'roprlelor. H0I18EB fJIVKN BEST OK CAItE AND ATTENTION, hill froax every direction to its doors. Here monoy will bo spent in vast quantities and a business center spring up that will be a surprise to tho pres ent settlers. Portland will soon see the necessity of attracting the enorm ous business that will soon develop iu this city and will see to it that a rail road will connect them with the Cen tral Oregon country to the end that commerce may go wuere it properly belongs the city of Portland. Rev. tiuiley is the most successful revivalist that has ever been on the Eastern Oregon fields. His converts are counted by the hundreds. He is be loved by saint and sinner alike and the homes of tbo settlers of Eastern Oregon are always open to him. He is now conducting a revival meeting in this city and confidently expects to seo the First Baptist Church building of Madras a reality In the very near future. '4 m Vigilance Committee Needed. Curing the past three or four months aumereus reports have been brought to this office of goods stolen, invariably In the night or during the absence of the? proprfetoror "tbo things missed A number of these petty thefts have occurred in this oity. Among the latest is a pair of double trees stolen from Tice Loucks. The parties who have been making these night raids are spotted and unless the goods are returned and the thieving stopped "things will be doing" that will be surprise party to somebody. Of all the mean, contemptable, despicable creatures the meanest is the man that will visit his neighbor's back yard and Bteal therefrom that which the neigh bor would be glad to loan to him if he was not going to use it himself. Such men uavo no regard for law. They are not In any senso good citizens. lney are degenerates of the worst kind and the penitentiary is too good for them and the sooner this com muniiy is rid of such creatures the better. School Entertainment. We aro iu rejolpt of a very euter- taluiug letter from Miss Bessie Wil sou, of Haystack, to the effect that the pupils of Red Rock school house dis trict, No. 26, will give an entertain. mont followed by a basket social Fri day night, December 0, at 7 o'clock. We sincerely hope that our readers will take duo uotioe and as many as possible attend, Such meetings should bo encouraged for they aro ouo of tho best means of bringing neighbors aud friends together aud makes us all teol 1'IUOEH KEABONAWJI. Antelope, Oregon Station Dfefenc L.OCM anil felephene? I TKOY LAUNDRV irni i . An I'W'i i f j i'iiitm mm DfcllCloyg SODA?. WATER op, Qridbn GO TO THE MADRAS DRUGSTORE FOR " Pure Drugs, Druggists' Sundries and Patent Utdklnta A GHopWe L'kit of SUtloiwry, Jwlryv BtCtfc Km Md Mala MtMt, Ua4ru, Otw plred he, seiug tho opportunities for stock, decided to return to Hay Creek n tnnn uu If. lonn nufA rn iln nn. wtiloh he did In 1873, locating on Willow !,Vp!era?d bettor for aldinu such eu flrflnfr. Tn 1R74 hn mnvad on n. linmo. lerpriSCS. stead near Helsler Station, having for neighbors John Summcrville, wno he soon bought out; Henry Coleman, at the forks of tho oreek; Bill Allen, at theB. 8. and L. Co.'s place, and one or two oilier settlers betwecu .there and Prlneville. Toward Tho Dulles lived Bill Gates, Mr. Voazle, Henry Coleman and ouo or two others. He says that if the new settlers of today udjolnfiig bis homestead and la now will lust navo the neoessary persist- arraflmns- to nlow 80 aorea at sod for enoyand do as ono or our well known (apring wheat. men has said, "WorK early and late. use economy ami sound sense iu all Aut Llnw Will Be a Success. things, have patience, and tlmo will G. Groesbeck, vlco president and do the rest." Mr. MoPherson has tried general manager of the Automobile It and has wou out. We hope our line, of Bend, was in town the latter Has Great Faith in Madras. Prof. C. R. Deeins, who filed on a homestead southeast of town a few mouths ago, is here aud 1b now build ing a very neat cottage, fencing and making other substantial improve ments, Prof. Deems has great faith In the future of the Madras country, he having Just sorlpped a 40-aoro tract folks will profit by tho ploueer'a ex perience and do likewise. Now is thti time to plant frtUt and shade trees. The minis TSurWrle (see ad in another column) handle nothing hut home grown trees'. Which are fully guaranteed to be as repre sented. Ut their prices before by Id? elsewhere. By leaving yoUf terdeM atTkePlnueeronloe they will JrebWVe ptetopt atteulloh. 'Call aud -fret k prtoHtt. part of last week looking after the Interests of his company. Mr. Groes beck Is vbVy sanguine as to the final success of the Hue both as a passenger and freight carrier, aad-say? that, the coaipany will spare no pains to make tail hue the beet of its kind la the United States-. 'rluX Rodman, will ifJverRgpaml Masquerade, Ball tfrlday 'nigkt, De eeraber 23. A tine time la antici pated aud everyone it invited. Pioneer Gash Store Great Removal Sale Until January!, 100 Owing to a constant increase in patronage, our present building has become too small ; therefore we are compelled to erect a large, commodious store building, in which we shall be better prepared to wait upon our numer ous friends. A force of men is now at work. and we hope to occupy our new building by January 1st with the largest stock of general merchandise in Northern Crook county,, at prices that defy competition. OUR XMAS. PRESENT to you is a reduction in prices from now till January 1st. Can you buy the same goods, at these prices anywhere south of the Co lumbia river?? Crockery . Department Flower vases, fancy painted, at 25 p. c. disc. China tea pots, two quart size, each, - 45c Fancy China sugarbowl, cream pitcher and ' -spoonholder, per set, -. - - 60c Fancy China fruit dishes, each - - GOc Fancy China butter dishes, each, - 50c Fancy mustache cups for Xmas., each - 50c Extra quality cracker jars with cover, ea. 75c Fancy china cake dishes, each - - 50c Grocery .". Department Evaporated apples, 8 1-2 lbs for - SI. 00 ( Evaporated peaches, S 1-2 lbs for - ' 1.00 Evaporated apricots, 7 lbs for - - 1.00 ingnsn walnuts, per lb, 20 Peanuts, per lb, is Sago, Tapioca and Pearl barley, per lb, S 1-3 "Lion" Coffee, per pkg., - - 17 1-2 "Country Club" Java and Mocha Coffee, per can, - - - - - - 40 Teas, Japan and Gunpowder, per lb, - 45 Hams, .sugar-cured, per lb, - - - 14 Fancy Cookies, in bulk, assorted, per lb,' 20 -. Oysters for tho holidays-, in cans, - 10 to 40 Salad Oil in tall bottles, each - - 20 r 4 HOUSEHOLD LACOUEF? jyILL make your old furniture and woodwork look like new and wil! brighten up and give new life and lustre to your f loon at nominal tost. Put up In eight colors and also Ciearj Ono Coat Is sufficient. Can be applied by anyone. It dries Qver night. ASK FOR INSTBUOTIVE BOOKLET AND COLOR OAST, FOR SALE BY fkain Strife, Malloy ot Co. Wdt, Ofgon. I