I (.Qgftlt HAPPENINGS. Ml largn uAgprtment of perfumes and ct artlptyajust in hi iuunoy's. tint Rrrlved, a now Hue o, all kinds mvclryi itf tlio Mjuinw Ajjug- more m. Oiamer and II. A. Poster, of novlllo. were Minims visitors, on itnkeglvlugday. IfouuR tndii, make your bent girl a Bias, present of ho mo of the per rH'B Bold at Mftlloy's, ust received, n supply of the popti E "Lynx Brand" nliooa for women II children nt Mulloy'a. IVIien In I'rlnevlllo don't forget that IirBolf nnd.'fatnlly can get the very It of overylliing nt tlio 1'olndexter lei. Kvaiik Hodman will glvo a grand Inqticrndo Ball Friday night, Do Inber 23. A lino time In nticl ted and everyono la Invited. )r. L. D. Tdleinan, dentlet, of Moro, o., will ue Ip Madraa ready to do any El all ltlndd of dental and bridge Irk on or about December 1, 1004; if you are looking for a Xmaa. pros It for your beat girl don't forget that lu can get Juhi what you are looklug r at the Madras Drug Btore. ftVlieu looking for,, a hotel the first UK yoikdldiik of In modern equip puts, etc. You will find all theno at Li'olndexter hotel, Prluevllle, Ore. by pay exceaolve prices for win ma, doom, bhinglea or bulldera' tun llnlu when you can buy I hem at ;ht prices of J. P. Morris, Prlnc lo, Ore. II. Bruner, fpreiqap of (bo C..B. In. Fo.'u uhopaatBhaulko, and Tom Hun, both of Bhauiko, were recent iltorp. Mr. Bruner Is looking for a tfclnesa location. Don't buy your fall or winter sup lea without getting our iirlces. We e prepared to make apcclal figures on irge orderrf for furmera and stockmen. IF. MorrlB, Prluevllle, Ore. Fred VaiiNordcn,t of TJho Dalles, to., la fully prepared to make your Dck or watch aa good as new. Ilia jbrk 1h fully guaranteed. Glvo him a . Mall orders promptly attended I rrank M. Melton baa disposed of. hip orentfl on Agency Plains to 8. T. idrua, who baa ecripped the land, ;J ezpeota to make his future home ong us. Mr. Mellon has not de ed what he will do as yet. iVheu looking for a reliable and corn- able back or buggy don't overlook slock carried by J. F. Morris, of, novlllo, Ore. They are manufuct- d by the Deoro people and are built dully for the western trade. father Mickey says that the Cutliolio omination will commence bjllding Ruircb in tills city next May. He Ha that Madras is destined to bo the n lug town of Central Oregon and ' people propose to get in on the mud floor. V. 1. Zell Is now at homo on hla inestcad uoith of town. Bl oM- f' ed as devil In The Pioneer olllco Ing the rush last week, and cer uly did his part uobly. Wo are in bted to him for his assistance lu ire than dollars and cents. Mrs. J. H. Jackson and daughter, s May, of Tlio Dalles, anil Mrs. fia M. Lamb, of Moro, speut Thanks ring on the Jaoksun farm. Mrs. pkson will make her home with J. ;on the farm. Mrs. Lamb aud Miss skson returued to. Mom the fore part the week. S. P. Clarke, of North Yakima, isb., arrived op his homestead this ek, accompanied by Mrs. Clarke I the children. They have confe to y and expect to make an aggressive tffare on sagebrush and sod, y&i ring for a gcoUsised crop next year. . iHarke brought a coop of very 9 white Plymoth Rock chlakeusand II do an extensive business In rala : blooded ohlokens for (Ue market II show purposes. s Phillip Hastle, cf theMud Bprlnga district, was a recent visitor to our berg. Mrs. Hustle ia at present visit Ing friends in Markbam, Ore., but will be homo In tlrao for. the holidays. It. Parrlsh, ol Hay Creek, hsa bought two more lois in Madras. Considers tlon, $250, Mr. Parrlah knowa a good thing whpn he seca If, 1 1 once. Ills desire to securo all' tlio property hero ho can. Tho County Court awarded the cow intui lor uumuiitf me nritlgo serosa Willow Creek, near Ihlacity, toElklns &IIarbln, of Prlnovlllo. Tho price la $48j, tlio bridge to bo completed by Juuunry 1, 1005. George Osborne, of Culver, is cspo. dally well plcasod. Just now with a picture, Juut received, of liia father and two of his friends, who were the first oommlsslonora, of Greenwood connty, Kansas, Wi O. Duxtop, eon of O. L has lo cated on a homestead north of town and la preparing to build and feuco his claim, He Is well pleased with tho couulry and will use every cllbrt to assist lu Ita upbuilding. William Ellis, of. tho Little Plains, and C. L. Lowther, of Culver, are on a business visit to The Dulles. They will bring back Mr. Lowllier' household goods; also tho organ recently pur ohaaed from Mr. Lowther for the Ma dras Sunday school. W. It. Brown, of Tho Dalles, has been assisting W. A. Maddron In bringing bis rurally and household goods out, Mr. Muddron bus a home stead near Madras and expects to spend tho balance of his days iu this country. William Brownhlll la buay building good-sized burn on bis homestead. H3 hiiB also hauled a largo stack of hay and nt raw, made Improvements to his residence, bought a now cook slovo, and from present annearancea Is ore paring to qytertaln hla friends when the expected happens. We extend congratulations lu udvanre. 8. II. Edmondson, of Dufur, who has a homestead on the Big riajn was in town a few days ago. Sara says no will move out Into in the winter or early In the spring. Ho is tho right kind of folks, and while we know, the Dufur pcoplo will bo sorry we are more than glad h 14" Ji . ! J ito among us. across tho Agency last week Mrs. J. L F-aiond and babycamo nonf-i deut. Iu coining uv T3j the horse becumo unmanageable and u couscqueuco thereof the horse, buggy and occupants went over tho grade. Mrs. Drumrhond and baby wero thrown out but not seriously hurl. W. D. McGue, of Salem, who bus been hero representing tho nurseries of thut place, lefi the faro part of the weok for Condan. Ho expects to to baok iu tho early spring with his fum ly, when they will build aud muke many improvements, among wlilcl will be the starting of a nursery. Thi will mean uiuoh for this country and we shall be glad to seo tbo new Indus try spring up. G. L. Puxton, tormerly of Oregon City, who bought the relinquishment otJobn Johnson lu eestions 7 and 18, Tp. 10 3., It. 14 E., is busily engaged on bis farm aud already has a now houso 14x20, lJa stories, also a now barn 14x20. He also has tho neces sary wlro aud posts on the ground to fence tlio whole place and will soon commence plowing for a larue winter aud apritig crop. We are glad to have ear. rax ion amougue. An winter ana com weampr is ap proaching coyotes are setting thick. Chris Harry saw it In oup bunch, W. Terril saw II, H. Coohlln and Timothy BjowuUIII saw 12 romping aud play iiur together, and other people brim; iu reports of a similar obaractor. Some think that the coyotes band together for the purpose of hunting Jack rab bits. Tuere may uo some reasou in this, aa it Is said the Jack rabbltB are upcoming more scarce. fold Weather is approaching and now is the time to buy your Winter's Supply. WE HAVE A FULL AND COMPLEX LLNE OF' ivii v omens Hi UNDERWEAR reus An up to date and fresh Btook of rubber and leather. "vkrroai. xi Tfiu pay you to inspect our nevr hiuck r TT ..mm . . . ) Ul Trness oerora buying eJsewliere. yve are head quaru., for Qrocorje8 ftU up.to-dato Dry ' Gooas anv TrdwRr of ftU klndg( Bullder.a Everybody's House. The EM C. Pease Co, ' SHANIKO, ORE. . Agents For Standard Patterns Are We Your Dealer? Subscribe For the Designer, 80 cents a Thanksgiving Linens, Silverware. AH the good things that go to make up the Thanksgivings Dinner are here. GRAND WINTER SUPPLY SALE For the balance of the month Seventeen Rare Bargain Days jn order to reduce our big Fall and Winter stock before the bad weather and bad roads interfere with trade, we have decided orj this big sale and are offering very liberal reductions in. all departments. System buyers who buy in quantities for the price benefit will appreciate this sale ; others will find it a money saving proposition, Bay your Winter supply now. Fill up your larder and live happy all winter. ! t t t- : t t t ! Write for Our New Price Sheet or call at the Store for Prices. vou WILL " BUY YOU WE WILL PROFIT WILL PLEASE Millinery. High class and pretty, priced low but now cut to the limit In order to sell them out before the season advances to he severe weather point. HATS AND TRIMMINGS. 25 PER CENT. OFF AT SUPPLY SALE. we Christmas Suggestions. Our Holiday Goods are arriving daily and expect to make a big showing this year. Depend on us for your gift bargains. Don't send to cheap mail order houses. We can sell you first class articles for little more han you pay them for unacceptable trashy gifts. PROVE IT. f t Gmnd Winter Supply Sale j A Watch tltf k Kjiavo for 4t ADVKHT1SEM KXT Of A i McTaggart & Bye t t . Who will oju for Buli(M about Dc comlH-r lnt, IBOlon the corner of Fifth find C trctM . M il rax, Oregon. -i 4. A COMPLETE LINE OF General Merchandise OAN BE FOUND XT ..CULVER STORE.. At Lowest Prices for Beat Goods. From our stock of Sho.es, Hats, Gaps and Gents' Furnishing Goods can be seleoted the latest styles and best lit. Fresh and puro Groceries of all kinds. . . . IN order to be convinced that our prices are the. lowest, you will have to write us for our wholesale price list to Farmers and Stockmen for Fall and Winter supplies. "We carry a large and well selected stock of r-jr- v. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,, Overalls, Jumpers, Oils, Glass, and Family Supplies Of all kinds, including Comforts, Blankets, Tobaccos, Cigars Men's Furnishings, Etc, Also a complete line of G$OCE$IES Fresh, clean and pure, Also a complete line of HARDWARE, including ' STBiJL RANGES, r , - COOK and HEATING STOVES, SHELF. AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE MATERIAL of all kinds. We are also agents for . , COOPER WAGONS, ; : j .? MoSHERRY GRAIN DRILLS, SYRACUSE moulboard and disc Plows, V HARNESS and maohinery of all kinds. Send in your order and let us figure on it for you, SANFORO&FITZPATRICK - ft M. HAHN, MADRAS, ORE. SHANIKO, ORE, V