4 . 4 i at- JDhe TQadras Pioneer. Published every Thursday by VTI1K PIONEER PUBLISHING CO. Timotuv UnowNHiM., Mgr. SUB80niPTION RATES: One year $1.50 Six mouths 1.00 Three months .75 AHVEIITISIXO IIATKS 0.V APPLICATION. lintufcd as second clas4 matter August ;2(t, I'.tOl, at the Pnstoiilcc nt Madras, Ore., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 16d, THURSDAY DECEMBER 1, 1P01 LOCAL NEWS. The Plo Supper. Editor Pioneer: Last week notice nppetirod in The Piojieer that there would be a pie sup per at the Madras school house on the evening of the 20th inst. It was there on time just as ad vertised. The evening, how ever, proved to be one of those very loggy, dariv evenings, which we occasionally have, and perhaps all- of' it didrj't get there, but enough to spend, n 'very pleasant and enjoyable evening. .After assembling I developed thalthat it wn$. not only a pie supper but a, meeting to de termine whether or not wo are to have aChiistmas tree, and if so to make preliminary arrange ments therefor. Upon the sub ject being mentioned Mr. Hahn and other leading spirits took a firm stand and refused to do any thing in. the matter until after pie. They all consented, how ever, to be entertained for a G. "W. Truex, who has spent the puf t month at Athena, Ore., ban returned uud reports having bad a splendid time. Andrew Vibbert, of Ageuoy Plain?, 1)9 returned from the Valley, and 1b uow settled fur the wluter on his homestead. Harry Hill, of Clarkes, Ore., is on a visit to his brother, Melton Hill, who recently bought the claim of Jaruts Melton on the Big Plain. Don P. Rea, who has been away on pleasant hour with music, both 1 nr , . ... , , U10HUUlCUli.il UIIU VUUitl, VI U j --o---, l. .. wj the most sought for man In town.; uruer, suuu us our iwiurab W. G. Kiiiingbeck, of Culver, was a people are capable of, und was visitor in this city Tuesday. While highly appreciated by all. nero ne oought George ft. luok'e Then followed surmerrle oration, $1,500.. ",wuuo uu"cc Vlv U,1U BUUU Theodore Rieeer. of Chlcatro. Is visit- PleS eVelT 0ne a Prlze Winner. iug 3ir. and Mre. B. Dombrowe, of Several of our bachelor friends iittlo Plain. Mr. Rieger is well who were there went home de- pleased with the country and will lo- caring if fate would only fav6r cafe here in the near future. Li n . mem may wouta yet secure- a rr " V Married. On Buuday, November 27, 1004, at the home of the hridu's sister, Mrs. A W. Boj'bo, occurred. Iho wedding oX Walter O. Lltligow ftpd Miss Lulu T. Brown, Elder C. A. BIup, of Madras, olllciiitlnir. The coutruutliig parties urc two of the most c-Dllmablu young people of. the Haystnok country. Them "vaaa very pleasuttt gathering of rela tives of tho brldo and groom. The ceremony wae pronounced at " o'olooU. After the (iresoutntlon of numerous and appropilate gifts a bounteous nud qnjoyabla dinner was sqrved. Tho 'Pioneer Joins with their many friends in wishing them godspeed. r Be Sure and Rend 'flits. Tho qhildren want u Christmas tree. Ate you willing lo help them? Come out to lue ectioui uoiue Saturday even ing, December 3,' to u leap year box supper, Tho gentlemen arc to fqrnlsh die boxes and tho ladies to buy thorn, The proceeds wilt bo devoted to a Christmas treo fund. A good time anticipated, Music- uud plenty of it. By order of committee. Gpand Masquerade Ball, I' rank Kodman will give a grand I Masquerade Ball on Friday night, De cember 23, at McTaggart k Bye's hall, .Madras. Good music. A line lloor. Able managers. Goi.d supper. Every one invited. Whon ready, for seeding you . groundthis fall buy a Hoosier jmammmm mm lAmmmMMmm tkot. wii. vteWwsmrMemffiiMmjiLmnjn tarn Implement &&J&J&&sW& which has prnv beat 'on' tho mn for o.ttuloguo the markot for ofimy hind. SEXTON & WALTHER, 7"' Jos. T. Petevs Madras pie maker. The enter- B. LiUfl.nud II. W. Hamilton, oi "Griizley. were recent visitors to this city. They are well pleased with the tainment netted the committee business prospects here aud if a suit- 5.60. ao.e locauon can oe secureu win star. After u quickly In hi!9iiioss in flip nnnr futiiro . x r J , r, , t , , decided to have a Christinas Why doesn't Crook county apply for , . space at the coiniug fair? Crook tree aud tlle necessary commit- county should be represented, and now tees appointed to perfect ar uiuc iw wmmcuuo tu wur, rangemenis ior iJie same JS?. :rttlp!euted aud Frank J. Brooks, Dr. Snook sonable limit. James S. Ark ins, who was hurt In a runaway accident near town ou No vember 8th, is recovering aa rapidly at can he expected. His wounds are now about all healed, and except for oc casional a tacks of delirium is on the fair road to his usual state of health, Chhrles Forsberg and Harry F. and Mrs. Ellis were selected for the general committee. They will be ably assisted by an en ergetic auxilary committee. Prof. Fulton, Mrs. Dr. Snook and others have charge of the entertainment. The make-up of the committees is such that $25 Reward Will he paid for infoimalion leading to the arrest and conviction of any person who maybe found cutting or taking wood off from Bee, 30, Tp. 10 S. R. 13 E., W. M. II. P. Andrus, pro prietor, or E. M. jjrortimore, agont, Madras,, Ore. mor sltion prices Jake Gilliam, of Trout Cr. ek; C. Mc- Pherson, of Hay Creek, and MiilerMe- I'hereou, of Ash wood, were doing business b!oro U. 8. Commissioner Rea this week. LODGE DIRECTORY Madras Camp, M. V. A., No. 82ti. iiiceis every second ami Tooriii satunlav if each month at 8 p. m. Frank J. Brooks, Console. XV. ll.diiook, Clcik. Visiting ,i.t ii. li.. . ..... . iieigiiuure cuniiiiiiy u:viiei io aiieiui. Lela Camn. Hoval Nelulibon of A. Meets every second and ltiurth l'riduv of eacn miiiua ni a p.m. m. c. anooK, uranie. j. m. iiaiin, lieeoruer. visiting nelgli- bors welcome. carries a general line of Paints, Liuu', Cement, Nails, Hardware, Builders'- Muterlnls of all kinds. THE DALLES, Ore. .V. FREE Government Lands under irrigation in Oregon are now open for settlement. For further particulars 45 0 lJKNi), UKKtSUX. IK yon can ynvo 10c ; on overy dollnr, ln'l It to y uuuiii in uu mi c u u unit huv j-mi nn, .,. . muni IV 1. .Ia n a... I. ji. ...... ..:. . " I ''IIIHIM " " viioii iiniiii-pn, Illl'Il'iOrU III C III H t&. on to sol yon iv wlulorV supply of grocer mm x'a that defy competition. Seu us before you btiy. THE CASH GROCER onEaox, Ghas. T. Powne AXTELOVE, THE DALLES NURSEI R. H. VHBER, Propria or. Growtr and Dciltt fat GRAPlI FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES SMAil i apply to Deschuteslrrigatiou &PowerCo. EVERGREENS, ROSES AND SHRUBBE Hyacinths, Tulips, LUIes, DshUas, Pesntes, etc, THE DALLES Church, of Port Angeles, Wash., were lit insures success. Thev vrill mauras p-isuors yesteraay. Mr. i?ors- howevpr. PYnpnt tn h llirir'u u.Ifu nnnnmiiantiirl litm oirt I expect to make their future homi. on "J iiiniiiuiai their homestead in the Young district. an 'n tue near future, Mr. Church is looking for a location dear reader, 3'ou should hear of ami win also stay in or near Madras it another entertainment to raise io u;tuecure u simauie uomesieau. m t . . , Aim. J. . Rnnitlulc nf Alhonn ' ' I ! nH nnu nt. ! I l-w. . . . r. . . . 1 1 Ore., who has been visiting her daugh- "u ,T1V uc " pieas ter, Mrs. II. H. Curtis, of Little Plain, anc ana social evening. JDad. will leave for her home next Sunday. Mrs. Bannister's comlne was fortu- Lost, on Thanksgiviug night, a clasp nate for Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, as she purse, in which as a niece of m-mev has been quite a help .to them during aud a receipt from the Baldwin Sheep ' uu ituuuiiu'iyu, to jouu raimain. A u v- account of an accident. However, one findiui; Snmn will tin nultahlu ru. Mr. Curtis is much better now so that Mrs. Bannister will not be uneasy In leaving. George R. Lpucks has been about the . most missed man in town for the past , few days. George went to Portland, . and while there took the barber's ex amiuation. He proved to the board . that he was competent to shave in any style, to out in the most up-to-date fashion and to massage, heal damaged . cuticle or do anything else necessary to be done lu a fl rut-class barber shop, such as be is running in Madras. ."Welcome home, George. warded by returning it to John Pal- mehn or The Pioneer office. FREE DELIVERY QF Home Fattened Beef I am fatt.cnlnK a lot of young ea,ttle at my iiiiu-ji nnu mn iruHrui o uoiivcr at yojir I i!oor-!vury Tucxlsy choice cut. of hvet. In any quantity, at farmer' jirlct-M. A portion of your patronage I rvitjivctfull)' Hollclted. Mi-at oriIcrn left at I.. A. Yuiing'x Store Mill receive prompt attention every Tueciiny. HARRY DOUTHIT. F. j. bhook;s Blacksmith and Wagqnmaker. " IIOItSESjilOKING and OENEKAL KKI'AIItS Sixth Street, Madras. Ore. IlIsW in Madra s Meat Market iii Will j)ay tiie highest qasli price for all kinds of form produce. Butter, Eggs, Chickens and Vege tables especially solicited. Choicest cuts and joints of fresh beef, mutton and pork always on hand. Game and lish in season. OHUJtOH DIBE0T0RY. J. W. JACKSON & CO. Main St, Madras, Ore. Money JBaoAr f not" Satisfactojrtf SOW) ONLY II V Madras, Opc. MADBA8 DISTIIICT. Rev. . M.Mortiniorc prea't lies in sclioo) .house at 11 a. nu and 8 p. in. every fint Sunday; Itev. G. A. Sias, second Sunday; II. F. Jiorden leads M. E. claHS third Sub . day; ltov. O. V. Triplett preaches fourth Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m. each Sunday. Edward M. Jlorttmore, anperln- cudent. You are respeclfully Invited to attend. OPAI DISTniCT. German M. E. Church, ltev. E. .1. Tragllo, pastor. Sunday gohool at p.30 a. in., Theodore Harinagel, superintend- out. l'reachfuK services at 10.80 a. in. and 7.S0 p. in.' 'Prayer iueet'lng every Wednes day at 8 p. in. and Saturday at 2 p. in. German school conducted by pastor. Everyone welcome. CUl.VKH DISTItlCT. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. in. jireachiuR every third Sunday at 11 a.m. ,hy 0. W. Triplett, bt llrinevllle. AOKN'OV TI.AIN8 IMSTltiCT. William Uranstetter, suicrlnteudeut of I 'Siuiday school. Sunday school every Sunday atUrnoon at 2LS). I'rencldnir by ltov. W. E. Fulf-'tiain anu others at Irreiju- . t i - i 4111 port uus. NOIITII ENI ni8TniCT. Sunday school held at IUv. Dlodgett'a residence In North Agency IMaln. ltev. H. L. Bell, iuperlntendeiit; Pctt-r Vibberf , assistant. Sunday schofel at 10.30 every Sunday. Preaching at 11.80 a. ta. HQ regwiar aHHOuncewi'ius. PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor. Tab,lQ8 supplied with all'the 'delicacies of the season. First-class Equipment. Fine Rooms and Beds. Only Livery Barn on tue Denthute?. run in connection with the hotel. All tai?o top at fhe hotel door Ke N. P. POULSON General Plumber i Tinner Jiculcr In All KIikIh of PLUMBING GOODS AND TINWARE -Agon) for all kind of Harm Machinery, Blur Inu Jlllln and ilfyuri rumpx. MADRAH, ORKOON Shaniko Warehouse Company GENERAL STORAOE AND FORWARDING Special attention to Wool G?ding and Baling for Kot rn ship ments. Dealers in Blacksmith Ooal, Lime and Builders' Material of all Vindi. Sulphur, Wool and Grain Backs and Twino, Grain Flour and Feed. Highest prico paid fpr Hides and Pelts. 6tock rds with all tho latest and best factttftyi for handling Stock. Mark Goods Oare of 3. W- Co.?' T, G. CONDON, Manager, 1N Nf. LANE General Blacksmith and Wagon Maker HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY AJ1 Work Guaranteed SHANIKO OREGON Loucks Bros. wiH Boon have an un. m to-dateetook of fMruHuro, wall' paper, vw., ueorgo navipjif fleeted the atock ELKINS & KING DI'.AI.KIIH IN wkuujskijss, UAKD WARE, HOUSE FURNISIIIKi FARM MACUINERY. Agents for SUPERIOR DRILLS, OLIVER PLOWS and BAJN Vi 7 j Pyineville, Oregon. ... TUE BEST ... LIVERY AND FEED STAI AT SHANIK'O IS D, A. HOWELL'S liood stock. Careful drivers. Best of hay and Prices reasonable. Oi UR 8uinmer trade has exceeded mir ex- peotaiions. We have determined not to be outsold in fall and winter supplies, 80 now is the time to call and inspect the largest and best stock of goods in , Crook county. We are headquarters. for everything needed by the Farmer and Stockman. We buy and take in trade Farmers1 Products of all kinds. Writ us for figures on your fall and winter supplier WURZWEILER & THOM Prineville, Oregon. ESTABLISHED 2 YEARS. PRINZ & NITSCHKE Wholesale and Retail Dealers In FURNITURE and CARP Matting, Rugs, Ourtains, Shades, Bedding;, VIM? m fortlprt a few day (bo. .... 7