The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 24, 1904, Image 6

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    .OOMMfiaOIAL VALUE OF SHEEP plowed and sown to turnips, j WltfQW OF BALZAC.
A -
Sit? '
os THE FAB If,
&Tn connection- with the use of
sweep- as weed aestroyers tne
mind naturally turns to the
value of sheep as savers of
waste material on the farm.
"Keep a flock of sheep on the
farm" has become a hackneyed
phrase, but it is none the less
The sheep industry has un
dergone a radical change in
The sheep will do the harvest
ing, eating them from the
The Author ctt Her n Grrnt Nnmn
nml n LoKncy of Debt.
When Muio. Ilnnskn's husband died
I Jnt f I mi 1111 1 ml tttll
Every 100 acres Of land Will i Bitnc Woull occur nt once, but obstn.
support a sheep to the acre
without interfering wilh the
main crops on the farm. It
would bo a moderate estimate
to sny that the wool and in
crease of such a flock would be
$500 a year.
olea were Interposed by others. Ilcr
own fatuity looked down upon tho
gront French author na n were Btory
toller, nud by her Into husband' pcoplo
eonlld motives were Imputed to him to
occount for his devotion to tho liolrcss.
Tho hitter objection -was removed n
few years Inter by the widow's giving
up to her dnughter the fortune left to
her bv M. Hnnskn. Tills was followed
The coining Industrial Center of Cenfr
this country in the last few
years. Many years ago prices artd ft coser 8llpervision than
were subject to violent fluctua- for otier 6tocy.m Dog8 unless
uons ana sneep were nign orseful like the collie, must be
low in sympacny witn me price banished.
Handling sheep in this man-( by her remarrlngo' after n "beautiful
nor will nPi'dssirnrn snmfi rnn- I heart drama," ns her husbnnd calls It,
veniences like fences and sheds
"which had lnsted soventcon years.
Six months later Ilnlznc died, and my
aunt found herself for the second tlmo
a widow, with the bunion of her hus
band's large debts and that of his
great name, which she bore with such
The breed of sheep I d,snlty for th,rty J'enrs longer, sim
of wool In the early days car- ,mtst be iml,rovedi large weight - j
loads Of Sheep carcasses sold an(j eary maturity beiliff I deeply, and she would uot have been
for 25 cents each on South sourht. and the weieht of the u
waier aireei, ouitago. j wo fleece should be on the rising to her wishes had robbed her of some
years irom mat time tney were 8cale. In view of the erent de
worth $4 a head for stock sheep. mand ror eary ambs tue bree(j
At mat time very little mutton of 6heep tbat wilJ yieid twin8
ii. . 1 1 r "
was usea Dy me American peo- :n larre numbers is referred.
.till 1 .! -
pie ana as uas Deen snown tne Twentieth Century Farmer.
cmei vaiue 01 a sneep was in
its fleece. Thousands were WAxtM srium AUTUS.
1 1. 3 f iX,' 1 J
SJ.-iuiTUirieu lur muir wuui anu Mrs. Amanda T.. Friend, spa mHfrepfi.
tallow, while the carcasses were has been trauaferred to tho Nevada j understand what real happiness It
viiiey mostly 1001c upon it as a Rupern
clal thing and treat It with the light
hearteduess they apply to all other en
joyments of existence. If they under
stood and realized what it really means
for those who consider life In Its true
and serious light they would respect It
more." Critic
years of happiness, but If It was tho
case she never let any one guess It
Once oiilj- I heard her make a remark
which gave me a strange Insight Into
her Inner life. We were talking about
happiness In general, and I observod
how very eager people were to inter
fere with that of their neighbors. My
aunt looked at me for some time, then
slowly said: "I think that this corner
from the fact that so very few peoplo
A Big Flour Mill now building.
Modern Stores now running and others
under construction.
All roads to' Madras lead down hill
from every direction and aro tho only
g od roada in Eastern Oregon.
Fine Water easily obtained in wells
from 12 to 20 feet deep.
Most equablo climate in Central Oregon
The Auto road passes through Madras.
will bniy
Kot 1'iutlciilnrs Inquire of
The Columbia Southern
through Madras.
The center of a farming country blp
and better tlmu Sherman county, w,i0j,
docs not Treqniro irrigation to prolines
cropn of any kind of grains, fruit w$
garden truck.
Long Dlslanco Telephone connection
with tho outside world will soon bo hero,
Lots from ftoO.OO and up.
D. P. UEA, Secretary Mcdran Townslte fcowpany, Mcdnia, Ore.
left to rot on the plains. school, leaving last week for her new
TKin ne ! work. Mrs. Friend has been at this
una i.i.iiuiiiuu ui auitua v uc
-. , . , , school a number of years, doing ex
unci iub uivu war, wueu people celient worb ,n her department. Her
had money and were accustomed niece, Miss Andenon, left at the same
to buying high-priced meats ime for lier home at Carson, "Wash
such as beef and pork. In a 0l,r J0,,y bachelor physician, Dr.
few years a reaction occurred- te 'f, !" tl,e market for a cook.
" , Ahy eligible young ladies, dt-slritig
nuSco went uowu, umuy ere 8Uoh a pIace should apply, either In
out of work and had to buy person or by letter. It muy be well
cheaper meat or go without, to add that the cook iB for the Em-
Mutton answered the purpose p,oye8' c,ab' of wblch the doctor is
and as the lower classes began mrage.r.', . . . , .
. ., A, 1 Mrs. W. H. Bf shop has received the
to eat it tne practice gradually appointment to the position of seam-
spread until Its use became um- stress, made vacant bj the transferor
versal among all classes, and Mra
mutton now forms a large per
centageof the meat consumed hba8nbeeD P";1,81
4.1. , with asthma, was finally obliged to
1a ib couuiry. j.nere is now a give up, and left Tuesday for Ontario,
permanent market for all the tiopirg that the change in climate
mutton produced at pavinc may benet him. Dr. Tate accom
nor the. Bnnnlr lilr.W Panled b,m 89 fr 8 Mey, and re-
' ""V porta that he Btood the trip out nicely.
... Mr. Glasgow's resignation leaves a
The principal reason for this good position open for someone. This
is the increased demand from la not under the civil service rules, but
packers for lambs up to 1 year Superintendent Kirk may appoint
nld t fcin-T, tWa iD anyone whom be deems qualified.
- "0 " l" vuoio o Th ,
more money in selling lambs Lent,
; i 13; ii . I
fcuuu in iioiamg mem until tney A Beading Circle has been organ
are 2 or 3 years old. Under 'zed to meet on Friday evenings In
these fiirfinrnstfiTinPs it ia nlnw the Employes' parlor. The first work
wnrlr in(.,cfl fli, taben P la study of "Hamlet,"
' V. . uuvno- under the direction of
conditions on tne ranges at Gordon.
the present time are such that
Watches, QlocUs, Jewelry, Optical
Goods and Notions.
An old fashioned woman feels
mighty extravagant when she eats a
meal at a restaurant
What has become 6t the old fashion
ed bride who expected, of course, to
do her own washing?
What has become of the old fashion
ed woman who pierced the children's
ears to strengthen their eyes 7
What has become of the old fashion
Kamuel W.Glosgow, Agency farmer, : ed woman who made soup so thick
that she referred to it as meat drink
and lodging?
What has become of the old fashion
ed apple pie that contained bits of raw
apple Inside and was as mountainous
as the Himalayas?
When an old fashioned woman goes
away on a trip her last words are, "I
Just know something terrible will hap
pen here at borne when I am gone."
Atchison Globe.
Wages, $2.25 Per bay.
Board, $4.50 Per Week.
$2.50 Per Day.
The salary is $60 per month and houte
Bev. W. W.
it will be increasingly more
profitable to run small flocks
on farms where they will be
every day under the eye of the
The Bcvs. E. J. Traglio and G. A
Waaea went to Bbaniko Monday.
B. Dombrowe, who threshed 1500
owner than to keep up the large DU8Uel8 of erin thiB year, is still baul
flocks on the ransre. If the ,ng wheat to p'inev,,,e-
supply of mutton is to be kept ""Tt E0C5ac
tip the farmers must take hold Thrown, mr. rn.iv nt
Of the sheep business. Where go, has deolded to remain in Methodist
there is a demand for an article 11111 vicinity.
'there will be a supply and there Mr- Rger and wife are temporarily
is no doubt but what farmers ,lv,ug ln A' il0"'nau'8 residence,
will take hold of the sheep busi- ne'ba,f m,,e8 utbwe8t
ness because it will be for their Tha R ' Mr. Trflel!n ,B tn ha pnn.
interest to do SO. eratulated for bavine secured the ser-
Sheep on a farm will come vlcea of the Rev- G. a. Waaea, of
nearer being clear profit than R,JRefie,d' Waab., to assist in a series
mi, -ii . 1. . of revival meetings last week. It was
other stock. They will eat what a time of spiritual uplift to the mem
other animals reject and will bem themselves and added to the
clean out all the fence corners church membership six new converts.
and waste places on the farm. Five j0lned the cuurch by 'etter.
Sunday was the crowning feature
Harare Dor In Newcastle.
In Newcastle. England, the mayor en
joys the privilege of once a year being
allowed to select and kiss any young
woman who tukes his fancy among
the coal city's Inhabitants. The kiss
la rather costly, however, for it Is thB
custom to present the young persou
kissed With a sovereign ($5), while a
further gift Is made her by the lady
mayoress, no doubt to disprove Jeal
ousy. The sheriff, not to be outdone,
also bestows a kiss upon a fair by
stander, at the same rate of expendi
ture. The occasion is known as Barge
day, when the mayor and corporation
proceed ln a procession of four gayly
decorated steamers and two old state
barges to claim the soil of the river
Tyue. Their Journey over, the mayor
stands upon the boundary stone, and it
la here that the kissing is Indulged ln.
X Famou Fair.
The annual fair at Stourbridge, near
Cambridge, England, was, It la claimed,
Instituted by Carausius, the rebel IW
man emperor of Britain, on Sept. 10,
A. D. 207. It certainly flourished oh
early as this, and British commerce Is
believed to have had Its first real boom
In consequence of tho reports carried
to the continent by foreign traders who
flocked to this world's fair. About a
thousand years later fltourbrldge fair
got a new lease of life from King John
for the benefit of a leper hospital, and
for eight centuries or more It was the
greatest fair in England;
Applf ot write to
Deschutes Irrigation anil Power -Co,
AnH Buy Your
Hardware, Wooclenware,
Stoves and Ranges,
Carrying a Full Mne of ovcrythln needed r Farmer nud Ktockmn
tor the lUIn Wngon, Itrnlcln CllpjHsr 1'Iowm, Drill, Uhmcm, Ktr.
v n o i n 1 b t o it
Repairs Promptly and Cheaply Done
It your watch l In need o( repair
of If to-Miy a new-one,
you can riot'il" better than to write
clock' Maker
For price anl MylC. Moll onlGrn
receive prompt attention. All work
Tblnsra Looking Up.
"If you are not careful," said the
man with the tako care young man
Beirinninrr in th sTirinrr flia
ws7l l5,,a Vo? I T of the meetlng8. Mr.Waasa preached ' Z"V X I K0 J
Will live for two months on the L learned fln(1 fnmAfnl Bprm , In , i Habit, "you'll have a breach of promise
win o j wuruiug upuu, "jxurnuum fcuu jsaac. '
be planted. This is an excellent ln the evening the members joined
In a real Methodtat love-fcust,
Mr. Waaaa.Is a graduate of the fum
oua University at Basel and one of the
ablest young preachers of his church.
He Beems epeclally gifted as an
fertilizer, as the manure will
insure a quick growth and the
rye roots will leave the soil
mellow after the rye is off. For
Sunday School News.
Rev. Audrewa and brother attended
Sunday school at Agency Plain and
gave us an interesting talk after Bun.
day school.
a time the sheep must he kept evangelist, having met with unusual
in the pasture, but SOOtl they success wherever he has conducted
can run on the wheat and oats rev,va'8'
stubbles, picking up the scat
tered grain and any weeds that
may start.
If rape is sown with the oats
' if. will nriVA thorn fanri until
u""' fr n..r,.t0 r'un w..n-
ground freezes. A crop of rape attended Sunday school t Agency
lias ueun Known 10 onng larger nains uuuday.
, returns wnen lea to lamos than All the young men on the Plain
as realized out of tho main wuld do well to follow the example
r(m Air. ParRIe Uas set for them In attend-
J, . . . . g Sunday soiidol and bringing some
The large straw stacks that one with bltt. Go and do likewise,
'were eitlier burnea or iert to rot young men. 4 $r
"vdowji. takme years to accom- Mr- Ru Mrs. nwnth know cood
k mfr-i -pih,crj utilised by feeding mB J,n utitrshow their
f lh.m irith small E60 IS? -"J? by d!og
;in Htio. -$tubbei can bejiohooi.
their children regularly 1o Sunday
W. J, Branstetter,
"Well, if that comes true," replied
the young fellow, "It will bo the llrst
case to come my way since I graduated
from the law school." Cleveland Leader.
A Hard Taak.
"Don't you think you could learn to
love me?" he sold, looking at her wist
fully. "I'm sure I couldn't," she answered
decidedly. "I'm a perfect dunco. When
I was at school I never could learn
anything." London Punch.
The Dry Part.
Mr. Peppev-I don't believe there
was a dry eye ln tho house when tho
curtain went down on the third ach
Mrs. Pepper No, but there seemed lb
be the usual number of dry throats.
Beyond Ilia Mettn.
Lady (getting ou Thrty-fourth sheet
car) Conductor, do y6u stop at the
Waldorf-Astoria? Cdh'ductor No, ma
dam. How can you exjeci me Ifr'dd sd
at $12 a week? New York Times.
Stnrtlsi tb How.
Nell-Oh, tnyl 'l don't like the shape
of ray new gown at all. 'l Wish I knew
how to Improve it. Belle-Why not let
some other girl wear It, "Gearf-Phlla.
delphla Ledger.
NotiCfe to Creditors.
Notice is lirrchv aivon that thi iind,T!
signed ha been, by the. County Court of
the .State nf Oregon ft'if 'Cfqok eouhtyVduh
appointed ndninilxtrfiUir bt llie estate of
John iluslingfl, dece:iacd, and all pnrnoiiH
iiuvmK claims ngauiHt tmui eninto are
hereby requested t jireaentllic atnue'.diily
verlfleU,ti shid AdutltilxTr.itor at the ofllce
of M. K. Hrink In Prinnvllb-. Ore., within
sir mouths from the dirttf of the flmt pul
licatloii of tlilrf notice.
Date of first publication of this notice
NY.v. 17. 1904. KIT KUTOIIKH.
Administrator of the Estate of John Ilnat-
ings, deceaxed.
Royal Fire Extinguisher
2 gallon, copper, . . . . . , $13 00
8 gallons, copper 1G.00
5 gallons, copper 18.00
F. o. b, Portland.
This nifttlJHteMs'tMAly and qul'ddy
charged Mu is guarnnteed to pufout any
small fire that can bo reached. It Is just
the thing-fdfatfd shoifld'De in every rel
dence, 'li'aTli "tfti'd store in the country.
For further particulars Avrlto to the inamt
oo first street,
Or leave ybTi'r imleri-at Pioneer OlKco.
Wo make tf'plnt of 'any toVnshlp InThe
Dalles Lan,dsDlatit, corrected "up to
date tot 60 ccnlb'caTbr6ri1postttge stamps
Real Estate & Investment Company
Currlcn a Complete Line of Drug, Mcdlrine. ClifmlmU, iroiiKohoM nprnnllq,
..ruRBiM onmiriM ani rnoiu Kiipnnti. Country Mull Orilcw 1 kIvb my ronl
uttontlon. A Oriluto In churKP ilclory irimratilwl. Voiir Jre-rl.tli
"iriimy. rirrrniiino nu vei llclr.yer. Hlork rHl H1 tll of l IIdO
Agaxwy Ur KMtitmn KHUki.. th 'I'lionc. WHOI.KHALK Artl) ItEf All..
For the Best in Groceries go to
Groceries, Vegetables, Fish, Poultry, Butter
Eggs. All kinds of Mill Feed, Etc.
We make a Specialty of Farmers' Produce.
Write for Pri
!A11 of Our Buggies, Spring Wagons, Binders,
Mowers, Stoves und Steel Ranges must bo sold
by Junuarylst to make room for another line
of goods. It will pay ytm to -got our prices.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Special Sale I
..Slightly Damaged fcindleam..
At .10 jf cent, reduction from tegulu price. ChcaiK-xt Uouno for lwt Purnlliirc, C
Htovcn and Croclicrywiirf,
The Great Northern Furniture Sm
East Sacond St, The Dalles, Ore.
The Dali
Dealers in Paints, Oils, Glass and Wall Paper, Doorfl,
"Windows, Lath, Lime "and Cement, Room and Picture
Mouldings, Shingles and Building Material of All' Kinds.
Write for Price Wit and Discounts.
Next Door to Land
..The Leader Miilinery
Mte8 BELLE HAVEN, Proprietor.
UtcHt HtleM.'uiVbMt jirlct'ii. LnrBoiit unit Ijt'nt Holocteit utock In the lnUnl KmflK
orilcw j.rhmjtUr llllcU, IVftnlilngtoil Street, between Hecoml mid Third, ofKrcneW"
linnlc, . '