The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, November 24, 1904, Image 4

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1 ' ;
g-w mil ii I .mi-ijMuuju-iL I
vcO Doses
For One Dollar
, Economy In mediclno must ba
measured by two things cost and
effect. It cannot bo measured by
either alone. It is greatest in that
medicino that does tho most for
tho money that radically and per
manently cures at tho least ex
pense, That medicine is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It pnrifles and enriches tho blood,
cures pimples, eczema and all
eruptions, tired, languid feelings,
loss of appetito and general debility.
"I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and
found It reliable and Klvlnir perfect satisfac
tion. It takes away that tirod fcollnc. elves
energy and puts tho blood In rood condition."
Miss Epfib Colons iK 10th Street, N. W
Washington. D. 0.
Hood's Sarsaparilla promises tm
cure and keops the promise
Thirty Thousand Dry Goods Stores.
-In the United States there are about
thirty thousand shops that sell dry
goods. Twelve thousand of these may
?je ranked as good stores, and about
Ave thousand arc establshments of a
size which makes them Important fac
tors In the commercial and domestic
life of their communities. The own
ers of almost all of these shops, tho
largest as well as tho smallest, began
obscurely. The majority of the most
prosperous have attained their present
success and magnitude during recent
years, in which unsuccessful mer
chants have been wont to complain
that the competition has been ruinous.
Good News for All.
Bradford, Tenn., Nov. 21. (Special)
Scientific research shows Kidney
Trouble to be the father of bo many dis
eases that news of a discovery of a sure
cute for it cannot fail to be welcomed
all over the country. And according to
Mr. J. A. Davie, of this place, just such
a cure is found in Dodd's Kidney Fills.
Mr. Davis says:
"Dodd's Kidney Pjlla are all that is
claimed them. They have done me
more good than anything I have ever
taken. I had Kidney Trouble very bad
and after taking a -few boxes of Dodd's
Kidney Pills I am completely cured. I
cannot praise them too much."
Kidney Complaint develops into
Bright' Disease, Dropsy, Diabetes,
Rheumatism, and other painful and
fatal diseases. The safeguard is to cure
your kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills
when they show the. first symplomB oi
Went to an Oculist.
Friend Did you go to that fashion
able oculist, as I suggested?
Nearslght; Yes. He examined my
eyes, and gave me a piece of paper show
ing the "sort of glasses I needed.
"Why don't you get the glasses?"
"No money left."
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with LOCAIi APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a
blood or constitutional disease, and In order to
cure it you must take internal remedies.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces.
'Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine.
It vras prescribed by one of the best physicians
In this country for years, and is a regular pre
scription. It Is composed of the best tonics
known, combined with tho best blood puri
fiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces.
The perfect comblna Ion of the two Ingredients
Is what produces such wonderful results In
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free.
P. J CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists, price 76c
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Tho greatest master of languages In
the world is an Italian, Alfredo Trom
betti, of Bologna, who speaks 400 dia
lects. ihTHE
Holly Springs, Miss., March 24, X905.
"Vhile building railroads in Tennessee
some twelve years ago a number of hands
contracted fever and various forms of
blood and skin diseases. I carried S. S. S.
in my commissary and gave it to my hands
with most gratifyingresults. I can recom
mend S. S. S. as the finest preparation for
Malaria, chills and fever, as well as all
blood and skin diseases. W. I. McGowan.
I suffered greatly from Boils, which
would break out on different parts of my
body. I saw S. S. S. advertised and after
using about three bottles I was cured,
and. for the last three years have bad no
trouble whatever. A. W. Zbbbr.
317 ReadSL, Evansvllle, Ind.
I began using your S. S. S. probably ten
years ago for Malaria and blood troubles,
and it proved so good that I have con
tinued ever since using it as a family
remedy. It is a pleasure for mo torecom
xnend 8. S. S. for the benefit of others
who are needing a first rate blood purifier,
tonic and cure for Malaria.
Arkansas City, Ark. C. C. HEMINGWAY.
Boils, abscesses, sorea, dark or yellow
splotches and debility are some of tho
symptoms of this miserable disease.
8. S. S. counteracts and removes from tho
Suioou ail jmjjmi
ties and poisons
and builds up the
entire system. It is
guaranteed a pure
ly vegetable reme
dy. Write for med
ical advice or any
special informs
turn about case.
Yite Swift SpeoJfiB Company, Atlanta, Qa.
t tell her It Is foolish but esch Thanksgiv
ing day .
Bhe's bound to have ths table sst In the
old-time way, .
Tho little enp and saucer that Henry "1-
ways had .
that handle hns been broken since he was
Just a tad . . . ,.
the plate wo got for Mollis the brim is
A, B. Cs
t tell mo It Is foolish, but her eyes, they
look "Plcnsol"
And then somehow or other I ve got no
more to say
When she seta ont the dishes for our
Thanksgiving day.
She gets the little high chair I've vowed
'most every yt-ar ... . ,
I'd sell It to somebody, but still it's al
ways here . . .
The baby used to use It; tho baby that
was Rose M .. .
It's always for her children our fattest
turkey goes. . ,A .
We send one to tho others; It Isn t mncn
to giro,
But It's a home touch for them away off
where they live. . .,
But I tel) ma It's foolish, with us both old
and gray. , .
ro set the children's places on each Thanks
giving day.
t ask a blessing always; there's lots I'd like
to ass,
But with those empty places, tho blessing
Is a task. ...
I tell ma not to do It I'm thinking all
till. trhllA
How Henry used to argue that handle was
In style;
And ma says she remembers the way tnat
it was broke. . . ,
Both of us laugh about It, but I most, al
ways choke. . A. ,
I tell her that It's foolish to set the things
that way . ,
And think we've got the children back
homo Thanksgiving day.
We never eat that dinner. Wo don't get
hnlf xvnv thrmloh
Till ma is In some story of how they used
to do;
Of how they used to chatter, and beg for
this and that
And alt the time a-Iooklng at each place
where they sat.
And then and then she's trying to hide a
And saying she Is thankful that one time
tbey was here.
Bnt still I say It's foolish to have things
fixed this way
To set the children's places on each
Thanksgiving day. lt
W. D. Nesblt In Chicago Tribune.
It was 'down In "Ol Virginny" one
November morning that Toby Strange of
the genus "hobo" crawled out from the
burrow he had made for himself In a
straw stack and looked around him. The
sun was riding high in a blue haze, and
the chill air made poor Toby shiver.
"A cud of hot coffee would do me
good," he muttered, as ho glanced dubi
ously at a large log house plainly dis
cernible through the bare branches of
some fruit trees in the distance.
He moved forward awkwardly on the
toes of one worn shoe and the heel of
the other, endeavoring to keep his feet
from coutact with the hoar frost which
had stiffened every weed and blade of
grass In the field.
At the rear gate he paused as if awe
struck by the sights and sounds that
greeted him. In the adjoining barn lot
was a great cackle among the hens,
which was almost drowned by the shrill
noise of a dozen guinea fowls ranged on
the rail fence. The turkey gobblers strut
ted defiantly past the proud peacocks.
but their challenges were drowned In
tho general clatter. The noisy scene told
Its own story of comfortable farm life
to the lonely wayfarer, and he .sighed
deeply as he shuffled Into the yard and
drew towards him a tall, blooming chry
santhemum, and breathed its unguent
"Oh, tinders end," he exclaimed under
his breath. "Another five minutes con
templation of such a home-like scone
would spoil my appetite," and the soft
ened expression of his face was replaced
bi a look-of harsh Indifference. "Pshawl
he continued as he hobbled to the back
door, "I'm too old and tough for any
sentimental vagaries," and he tapped on
the door.
It was opened Instantly by a very neat,
pretty girl of nineteen or twenty. As
she held the door ajar, there ponred out
pleasant steam, which bore on Us
breath a delicious odor of sausage, hot
biscuit and strong coffee.
"Lady, I'm very hungry. Will you
please give me something to oat?"
"Come In," 'she said kindly, "and eat
your breakfast."
Giving him a seat near the stove, she
brought from the corner cupboard a dish
of fragrant sausage In brown gravy, bis
cuits, and a cup of rich, creamy coffee,
and arranged all on the kitchoa table.
As Toby ate, he looked and really was
for tho time at peace with himself and
all the world. He tried in a dreamy,
half conscious way to analyze a delight
ful odor which seemed familiar, but it
eluded him till the young lady, opening
the stove, took therefrom a tempting cre
ation In brown and gold.
"Pumpkin pies," he breathed.' "I knew
that odor belonged to the old days,"' but
the regretful pang he felt was very much
softened by the substantial pleasure of
the present.
MeauUme the young lady, with an air
triumph, bore the pies Into the next
"See, papal" Toby heard her exclaim,
my three years at school did not cost
my special talent." -
"So I see," replied her father. "But
why pumpkin pies, my dear?"
"Why, papa, don't you know next
Thursday Is Thanksgiving day?"
"Yes, Amy. But I have been thinking
that in short, that we might dispense
with the dinner this year. While you
were away at school your mother and I
economised at Thanksgiving, and thereby
saved several pounds of sugar and flour,
besides clearing a dollar on the turkey.
I see no sense in giving dinners and re
joicing when wo have nothing to be
thankful for."
I "Oh, papa," Amy exclaimed In horri-
fled tones, "nothing to be thankful for.
How can you say so when we have 110
much more than wo deserve?"
"Yes, Amy, In a general way that Is
true. But you can't understand tho hard
work and close management I'm bound to
nractlce to make ends meet. This year
, has been a hard one altogether. One of
my beat horses died (est spring. The
frost killed the fruit crop. The pesky
dogs killed several sheep; and between
the drought and the Insects my corn and
Dotato crops are cut off at least half.
And now, to p the cMmax tiftt eaWle
man offers me about half as mnon lor
tho calves as I had counted on getting.
No, I'm not feeling particularly thank
ful." "Not hars a Thanksgiving dinner,
John, now Amy is at homo and our only
boy is coming, tool" exclalmod Mrs.
Caldwell, coming Into tho room as her
husband concludod his remarks.
"Not thankful," exclaimed Ainy, a sob
In her voice, "whon wo have good health,
a home and plenty In storehouse and
barn," and Amy passed hastily through
tho kltchon and out of sight In tho yard.
Toby, Just taking the last choice bin
of Ids breakfast, cast a furtive glnnco at
the girl and noted the trembllug Hps
and tearful eyes.
"Now, John," said Mrs. Caldwell In a
pleading tone, "you havo hurt the dear
child. And sho has been so happy these
weeks past planning for tho dlnucr and
tho guests. And besides colobratlng
Tom's return, It would be a most appro
priate way for Amy to rcnow old friend
ships, for after an absenco of threo
years the poor child Is almost a strauger
In the neighborhood."
"I'm sorry to disappoint you and
Amy," returned tho husband. "But I
cannot afford to ontortain tho public this
year. If you and Amy are so awfully
thankful, you can havo a small family
dinner; one of tho little turkeys, and none
but homo folks present."
"Tho Idea of scrimping and pinching on
a Thanksgiving dlnnorr' retorted Mrs.
Caldwell, now evincing unmistaknblo
signs of anger; and loavlng the room, sho
slammed the door after her.
With a sigh of mingled contentment
and regret Toby slowly roso and pre
pared to leave the snug room which
seemed a paradise to him. As he passed
the dairy he saw Amy, with a Jar of
cream In her hand, and thanked her for
his repast. Then, with a forlorn homo
sickness that wouldn't bo shook off, ho
aimlessly climbed the long, rod hill, and
presently finding hlmsolf In a sunny, sncl
terod spot, he threw himself on tho dry
leaves for, what he seldom Indulged in, a
little sober reflection.:
"If I wore In that farmer's place,"
ho soliloquized, "I honestly believe I
could be as thankful as ho ought to be.
I wish I could help that kind-hearted
girl, but what can a poor tramp do?"
He was thinking of pursuing his Jour
ney when voices reached bis ear, and
looking up he said, sotto voce, "John
Caldwell, as sure as I'm what I never
meant to be. Who would have thought
of seeing him after all these years? Well.
It's likely he wouldn't know mo If he
should see me, but I'll not give him the
chance." And Toby crouched low In tho
fence corner, while the farmer and cattle
trader haggled about the bunch of plump
calves In the pasture field beforo them.
At last the bargain being concluded,
the trader paid the farmer fifty dollars
and departed, while Mr. Caldwell entered
tho woods at Toby's back. Toby's eyes
followed him thoughtfully.
"If I had that fifty dollars," said
Toby, I'd be more than thankful. And
yet that ungrateful reprobate Is too meau
to let his daughter have a Thanksgiving
dinner. I wish It was my business to
kick him Into a better way of thinking."
Toby, In his half recumbent posturo on
the leaves, felt loth to leavo a retreat
bo restful until his breakfast was di
gested; but ere the farmer had quite dis
appeared from sight, Toby suddenly
reaching a decision, arose and stealthily
followed him.
Mr. Caldwell's gloomy meditations took
a sudden turn, as Toby from behind a
tree sprang upon him, and beforo the
farmer could think of resistance or de
fense, he Iny prone on his back with a
hundred and eighty pounds of tramp
seated on his stomach.
"Take it easy, man," said Toby. "You
needn't cut up rough, it'll do no good. I
mean to hold you quiet while we havo a
little talk. I think I can convince you
that you havo several things to be thank
ful for. Ob, you needn't wiggle. I heard
your talk to your wife and daughter, al
tt.n.,i. vmi didn't see mo. nor I you. -1
heard It all, while I was breakfasting on
your bounty. Now, listen to me. As
young men Just starting In life our pros
r... urara ulmit the same."
IfVkbB II VI u
"Who are you lmorrupieu au. viuu
well, looking keenly at his captor.
"It doesnt matter, i va not wonn a
nnmo Kilt WI10I1 WB ICIt HCU001 yOU
went back to the farm; whllo I, holding
your choice In contempt, went to cue city
where in my ignorance I thought a man
had- a chance to rlso In the world. For
twenty years I knocked about, sometimes
workinir. sometimes starving, always
hard preseed.
"T inn mv last iob ten years ago. by
striking for less wprk and higher wages.
I couldn't get anotner 300 oven at tne
same wages, so 1 turned tramp. I havo
lint tiha enercv to try any other vo
cation since. In fact, I have come to the
conclusion that I ve done enough and suf
fered enough to have gained the lnde-
rsnT an nek T afnrtAfl nt for. And now
DUU v w ' -Tr - 4
the world has got to give me the living
it owes ma.
"But mark you, not one ambition of
my early Ufe has been realized. And
now 1 Btust travel on in search of the
next meal, .not knowing whether tho peo.
pie I next encounter will give me a
crumb or not.
"Compare my lot with yours; a loving
wife, a pretty daughter, a good home and
plenty to eat, all your own. And In ad
dltkra to all these blessings you've got
fifty ttsllara la your pocket at this bjsued
'Tub' wait till 0110 o' do nawson'ii tur
keys git a tasto o' dat bait, an' dls nlgg.t
oil hah turkey to bum."
"Lod, l'so got do blgges gobblah ou de
Now, one mo' pull au' I'll git It."
He got k.
"Yes," growled Mr. Caldwell, "and
that loving wife and pretty daughter you
mention so foollngly know how to spend
every cent of it."
"What other use havo you for It.
man?" asked Toby, losing all patience
and thumping Caldwell's head rathe
hard against tho solid ground. "Such an
old miser deserves absolutely nothing!"
he exclaimed In disgust, as he dexterous
ly changed the wallet from the farmer's
pocket to his own.
"Don't, man!" cried Mr. Oaldwwell,
Bat paying no heed to his futile strug
gles and remonstrances, Toby calmly
knotted a handkerchief round his hands,
then sprang up and away.
Mr. Caldwell Instantly gave chase, but
unfortunately he fell sprawling over tho
first log In his way. Toby had vanished
from sight when he regained his feet, so
with an imprecation ou his own Ill-luck
he seated Jilmsclf and with teeth and
nails endeavored to frco his bands. This
task accomplished, he mado his way
home, In anything but a mild temper. His
wife met him at the door, saying:
"John, a rather disreputable looking
man came here a whlltF ago and left
this." holding up the wallet. "He said
he found it In the woods."
"Thank goodness!" cried her husband,
eagerly seizing his treasure. "I thought
it was gono for good and always,"
Mr. Csildwell Is still wondering who
among Ids many school fellows ,4that
preaching tramp may be." And although
ho would have suffered death rather than
admit so much to any one, yet lie was
convinced that the tramp had adopted
the only effective method for showing
him his selfish and miserly nature. And
being convinced of his former errors, hn
at once set about a reformation, As a
first stop In this uew direction, ho threw
the purse In his wife's lap, then told
Amy to Invito tho whole country to din
ner if she chose to do so.
And what a dinner it was! Turkey,
nigs, cakes and pies In bountiful per
fectlon, rendered doubly enjoyable by the
participation of dear friends, each intent
on doing Justice to the occasion by a
hearty appreciation, and under tho witti
cisms and laughter ran a current of for-
vent thanksgiving, which made Amy and
her mother the slucoro and happy hos
tesses they seemed. Warerley Maga
zine. The MeanliiK of the Word.
Little Entstus Poppy, why dey say
FanksgibWn' turkey, huh?
Poppy Dnt's er cause yo' fank de
ownah ob d coop fo' lwwV' opto.
91 I - Mill JB I
Uses Pe-ru-na
For Colds and
Tho Magnificent Stato Capitol Building At Bsiem, Oregon.
Toruna ia known from the Atlantic
to tho Pnoifio. Letters of congratula
tion arid commondatlon testifying to
thn tnnrlts of Poruna RB a catarrh rem
edy aro pouring In from every fltate in
tho Union
Dr. IlRitman la rccoivlnR hundreds
of audi letters daily. All classes write
tlioso lottcm, from the ulgnosi to tne
The outdoor laborer, the Indoor ar
tisan, the clerk, the editor, the states
man, tho preacher all agree that IV
rtnia la the catarrh remedy of tho age.
Tim slflL'o and lostruin. rccocimlng
catarrh aa thoirgrcatest enemy, Are es
pecially cntluiBinatio in tnoit praiee
and teetiniony.
Any man who wishes perfect neaitn
must ho entirely free from catarrh.
Catatrh ia wow nigh universal; almost
Peruna ia the only absolute eaieguam
known. A cold ia the beginning of ca
tarrh. To prevent coldf, to cure colds,
ia to cheat catarrh of ita victims.
Poruna not only cures catarrh but
prevents It. Every household should
ha Himnlled with this ereat remedv for
coughs, colds sh4 so forth.
The cx-KOvenior of Oregon is an ard
ent admirer of Peruna. lie keeps ll
continually in the houso.
An attendant In a Parisian tea store
has Invented a little ciscuins nt r?
pack and tie up parcels at the rate of
forty a minute.
a omiB scirooii or thk hioukst
CLAIM corps of teachers, location, build
in it equipment tho best. Bond for cat
alogue Term Opena geptomber 15,1004
Iot of them If you mix. . little or ttt fruMM I'uultry Is
I'eed, as directed on the pockuKc It will nmke hena Iny, nudketptl
ln.lni. .nrf mrr Cimi.KHi Uohp. Oapss and nil dlscac. and
I'russiaa Lice Killer (JUiuld) or 1'russbin Won 1'owtler to Veep t
free from Vlrroln. Ask your denier for "I'KWHHIAN". don't I
something else. Poultry hook rree, rnussmn ntmtuj it
Price 25 lb. pall $8.80. Pkjf. 00c and 2Bc. Bt. J'atil, M
1'Ackases by'raall 0 and 80 cent. .
Portland teed Co.s '-oa8t Asta.i Portland, Or
m1lls High Grade
Write for Catalogue and Prices
The A. H. Averil! Machinery Co. pO'
IV- Lm Itaumtm mafrmm and
t..Mm mm
The reason W. T. Dnui;liu fsxo shoes nr the rnjtcfit wllcr In tho world to WatiM of their flxeg i
lent&tyU, flit ns and snpcrSor mting qultus. If t wmi1iI nfinwyou tha4l"renca htwn w J
mnvmm invi twtjr vtnwr tismnmi mus or- sn ins varM
rtaiwl wlir w. Im shoes ooit moro to nakc.wiir.tli'y li"'l tlifir sliaus. lit wlter, wig S
loiiKer.andBriiof irrnuter Intrlnrla ynluo than nnrotlior KM shoo on the juarkut Vo-oay, antiwar''
Mien lot the ytar endlna Julrl.lfiH, were (l.0.'l.010.00. ..... . ...u!
. . W. lu livuirUs Biutritnteea their valuo braUmpiim hit uacna snd prlco on the bottom. l0i lorin 1
take no 0ult(iuto. Bold bj shoe dolor erery where
"Ihav vornW. UDouglai fSZO
miiMjacimn. ijinu man wptrtor in ni.comrori o'i ir ro viiur' cvKtuajrvm
fJMtq nM.-H, B. MedUr.,Dtpl Cvtl.,U. U, M. Jlncnut, JilchmouJ, ia.
W. T..
n uses Corona OoU.-.kln In
'Mient irfsutliur uiailit. I iit
W. L.
Ak vtwr Omtt
- utduA -in. titun, wtlw Wtuiaaius JtO, way wlU advlM vhm uuuiuim
In His pj
Finds It
. 1
In a letter to The Peruna U
Co., he says:
Stale of 0:
Executive Donart
Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Ooljrs
Dear Sirs I have had occatki
uso yuur reruns iiismtine in my
lly for colds, and It proved to be
cellent remedy. I nave not ku
caslon to use it for other allmssu,
ruura very iruiy
W. M. LWtD.
It will be noticed that tho ex-i
or says he has not had occasion
Peruna for other Ailments. Tht
on for this is, most other allm&nu
gin with a cold.
Using Peruna to promptly cart
he protects his family against
This Is exactly what every other
lly in the United States should
keep Peruna In the house. Uw Hi
coughs, colds, 'a grippe nd ottw
matic affections of winter, and
will be no other ailment In the
Such families should provide
solves with a copy of Dr. Ha
free book, entitled, "Chronic Catt
Address Dr. B. 13. llarlnian, P,
dent of The Ilartman Sanitarium,
lutnbus, Ohio. AU corretji
held strictly confidential
" JiuaT Mnllfilt IN NOBTIUVflST
IjirL-n ttnil comntrta atotflc of Fir ArtartL
slid Department Muills. Our good are Is 1
W-ariy every r ir jicurimoni.
littcock" M, "ratroU" IU, ach. Ttim&l
Htnmlartl Ktiliisuulirrs, Common laitiir
vriin MVirijoinu,ii2eacu. A. w. LUifv, r;
P. N. U.
Ns. 48 -
HEN" writing; to advertiser 1
tnenuua ihis jmpor.
mmlfm maM men'm Ma.fiO (C
...... at . . . ... a.m 9,1 I MB
$hmJorth iait Iwrhe vtart with aUelut
lila 3.fS0 nhnrn. Corona Colt Is concded M j
uolor lrcluta naeil ezuliiHlveir.
OOUOLAS, DranMtHi, &BBmotHttl
1 JiAjii HP I'CT
1 tfouh)
itloo W
in. Ash
in iv i v
l tub!
foil 1
bu 1
i 1
! . 3