Madras Pioneer JL XI, v7 TOIl I MADRAS, CROOK COTTKTY, QfflLQON, THTJHSDAT, NOVEMBER 17, 1904. isro. i3. ilumbia Southern Railway Co. TIME TABLE NO. W Pouth Bound No. 2. North Bound No.l. ITATIWW pally 1'MI. Daily Pass, H15 nigge Gibson Sinks Waico 11:60 a.ra a.ra a.ra it. Ml ft.M a.ra a.ra a.m Arrlr. ra:oo Q:99p.m a;W 11:10 11:10 Klo'dyke 10:4.1 " .... 8:18 p. in S:Sop.m " .3:M p.m " .J:8p,ra . " ,.4:0p.m " .-4:20 p.m JtAA n.ra Biimrnu Hey 0 Jo McDo'ldi 10:40 10:21 10:22 DMot Moro Enklntl G's V'r io:oo 9M 9:87 9-.20 t'JA IlliO 8:80 a.ra a.ra Bourbon J:ii p.m.1 a. is a.m M Kent Wilcox m.:2ip.ra lTt ..8;M a.ra Shaniko Leave. lor rates nnd other Information apply t K. LYTLE, a. K. & r. A, Bnanuo, yregon X.J. WILSON, Agent ? Bhanlko, Oregon PROPEgSIOIVAL, CARD & II. WILSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC IK DALLES OREQOM llUOTHY BROWNIIIUi ATT0RNEY-AT-LAWA and NOTARY PUBLIC In .11 n PnlirJs of thft BUU. llAS Ithe local and genornl Land Ofllcee. UAUIIAS, OltEGOM KORDKVAMT & ES30N DENTISTS Orar French A Co. Bask IX DALLES OREGON X. BANDERS, D. D. 8. m DENTIST Eepman Block TBB DALLM, OSEQON Long Distance Pilosis 8U r. X. SHOOK PHYSIQAN AND SURGEON OSoe In Drug Store JLDBAJ ORKQOJi P A.LOHO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bee at rara, oa ralrrlow Road, 4 Miles Northwest of Madras. MANX J, BROOKS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ItfiRAI , OREOOM A i f ' i 1 IBM r. RCA 1 1A t ; NOTARY PUBLIC AND U. S. COMMISSIONER IBRAI ORXaOH Hotel Shaniko JAMES McIIARQUE, Prop! , Only One Price Firat-Ckss Meali & Beds AU White Help hanlko Oregon rrn urpnnn Kini nn i n BHANIKO, OREGON J. W. rwnck, Ptm. : X, A, User, Ylw rnt, T. T. Uurlbart, dashler, HftMC. 11I.04M DmuUi. 12M.AA4 - t r - . mam rmrtm mt thm Wtn-hl I W. rrMak, m. A. Vmm. V. Hamilton Hotel First clnfla meals and beds. Prices reasonable. - Head quarters for all stage lines. Antelope, Oregon SEE EDWARD B. LELAND Tho uptodato tailor, for salts cleaned and repaired on short notice. Mail or dera promptly attended to. Prices TeABonabie. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Antelope, Oregon . , LANE Blacksmith and Wagon Maker Horeo Shoeing a specialty. Dealer in coal, iron, wheels, cushions, rubber tires, springs, axles. The Dalles, Oregon Geo. C. Blakeley Tin Rwllabl Druarslot. Carries tho largest stock of drugs and druggist sundries In Eastern Ore gou, photo supplies your mall orders solicited and 111 receire prompt attention. The Dalles, Oregon The Dalles and Shaniko Stage Line Comfortable rigs, good horses, prompt service, accommodating drivers, daily except Bnnday. Ono way two dollars ; round trip (3.50. Express and parcels carried at reasonable rates. Save Money By patronizing this line. OBARR HOTEL P. S. PLUMMBR. Prop. pirn. Mnn in m'orv reanect. travelers hrilmifirtfrA. Beds 2Bo and nn. Meals 25c, Special rates by tho month or to families. Ono block from tho dopot. East Second street. The Dalles, Oregon THE DALLES LAUNDRY "-A S. MoAlllster. Pron.. does as cood work as tho best. Makes a specialty of collars, cuffs and white shirts: The Dalles, Oregon. Th lMMt clear for the least money of any manufacturer on tho Coast, buy dl- rect irom ino laciory ana save uuumo ter or. check, WILLIAM CRAMER & CO., tl9 Beond Bi. THB DALLB8, ORhQON Qo to the J AqdyAilen Feed Yard Wh4 TUB DALLES BTATllSNTiON QIVEN STOCK j ;sMsd Sif'Mt, ssar Us Diamond MtUs men'H protlts, sample uox oi ou "Ha vana ' Filler" postage prepaid $1.76. Bend n. o. money order, registered let LARGEST EVER Roosevelt's Plur ality Unprece dented. OVER A MILLION Even the "Solid South" Has Been Broken. MEAD CARRIES IN WASHINGTON Oregon's Plurality Passes 40,000 Mark Idaho Gives Roosevelt About 25,000 Plurality. Now Ycrk Nov. 10. Returns show a steadily increasing Republican plur ality and it now seems probable that Roosevelt's plurality in the popular vote will bo, in round numbers, 2,000, 000. Now York, Nov. 9. With the elec tion returns still incomplete the plu rallty for President Roosevelt in the nation, according to all indications, will exceed 1,800,000 the greatest over eiven an American candidate. The nearest approach to this vote was in 1800, when McKinley received a plurality approximating 850,000, and in 1872, when Grant received 702,001 Tho interest now centers in Missouri and Maryland. Late election returns indicate that the former state is in the Republican column so far hb presi dential electors are concerned, but that Joseph, W. Folk, the Democratic candi date, has been elected governor. In Maryland the pieaidential vote will probably be cast for Rooeevelt Late returns tonight indicate that Thomas A. Smith has been elected to congress by the Democrats in tho First district. Oregon. Portland, Nov. 0. Election returns in Oregon indicate that tho Republican plurality will reach perhapB 43,000. Complete returns are not yet available. The total voto fot president will fall a littio short of that for suptemo judge last June, when 03,000 ballots were cast for the four candidates of that ofllce. Tho number of votes in that election was nearly 100,000, and the number of votes cast last Tuesday seems to be about 10 per cent short of that polled in tho last state election. Seven counties have adopted prohi bition Gilliam, Yamhill, Jackson, Benton, Tillamook, Coos and Curiy. Sixteen counties have rejected prohi- biion Clackamas, Columbia, Douglas, Grant, Lano, Lincoln, Linn, Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Sher man, Umatilla, Union, Wasco and Washington. Lincoln was thought to have gone "dty" early In tho count, but pulls out against prohibition by a narrow marg in. In Linn the result was very close, prohibition being defeated by 90 votes. Twelve precincts, howevor, voled, "dry" in tho county, including Halsey, Shedd, Tangent, South Lebanon, South Brownsville,. Jackson has adopted prohibition, and the "wet" majorities of Medfoid, Jacksonville and Gold Hill are tbereforo unavailing. Gillam Is a prohibition county by 34 majority. All precincts in Wash ington ccunty have rejected prohibi tion. Two precincts in Clackamas voted "dry "Garfield and Viola; likewlso 13 precincts in Douglas, four in Union, two in Wheelor, four in Multnomah, four in Malheur, six in Umatilla, ono In Clatsop, six in Ma rion, three in Wasco, two in Sherman. In Lane county Junction City adopted prohibition. Indiana. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 10.- Secre tary Sims, of tho Republican state central committed, said today that frpm unofficial reports from 80 of tho 92 counties tho Republicans national ticket had received a plurality of 7-1 . 000 in Indiana. Massachusetts. Boston, Nov. 0. Complete returns from the state give Roosevolt . 254,552; Parkor 108,273; Roosevolt's plurality 80,279. For governor: DouglaB,Dom., 254,311; Bates, ltop., iu,uiu; uoug las' majority, 55,710. Delaware. WHmlnotnn.Dol.. Nov. 9. Roosevelt . . n - . i - lmn I'urrlfid Dnlnwaro hv about 2.500. Tho Republicans claim that, they will have 40 of the 52 members of tho legis lature on joint ballot. Tsnnntsts. Nashville. Tenn.. NoV. 0. Both Democrats and Republicans are claim ing tho state. Returns Indicate a ma jority of 15,000 votes for tho Democrat ic national ticket, and perhaps 5,000 less for Frailer, Democratic candidate (or governor. ashlngton. Seattle, Wash, Nov. 10. King coun ty giveB Roosovelt a plurality of 15, 000; Mead carries this county by 7,000. Pierce goes Republican on national is sues by 7,500, and gives Mead 1,760. Spokane is more than 4,500 strong for Roosevelt, though Turner carries the county by less than half its estimated plurality. Tho stato of Washington placed no limit on its Roosevolt vote. Three fourths ot tho votors who cant ballots for him might have stayed a home and still ho would have carried the stato. Though the state count Is still incompleted and inaccurate, it is evi dent tho Rosovelt electors have a plur ality over Parker of 70,000 or better. This is 30,000 stronger than the wildest Republican estimates made it before election, and as much better than the first returns indicated. The state was practically unanimous, for tho sparso 21,000 Parker votes out of a total that will exceed when off-party totals are finished 125,000 is not to "be seriously considered. Idaho. Roiso, Idaho, Nov. 10. Returns from the Idaho election havo come in more slowly than any previous time in the history of the stale. Those en gaged in gathering figures complained that things wont with such a sweep that judges and clerks thought there was no further interest in it and sealed up returns without taking copies or giving anyone else opportunity to do so. So far 54,099 votes on the Republi can and Democratic candidates for president havo been heard from and 53,181 on governor. Of tho presiden tial vote, Roosevelt has 38,782 and Parker 15,317. Roosevelt's majority is 23,475 and his percentage of vote ib 72 Gooding has 34,744 votes and Heitfeld 18,437. Gooding's majority is 10,307, and his percentage 63. Tho vote this year has fallen far be low the registration. Xho latter was about 80,000. Two years ago the Re publican and Democratic vote on gov ernor "was 57,895. As nearly as can be ascertained there is an increase of 12 per cent on Democratic and Republican presidential votes. This would indi cate a total of 04,800 for Roosevelt and Parker in the state. If Roosevelt's percentage of 72 be carried through he will lead Parker by 28,500, while Good ing'B lead over Heitfeld would be 19,' 000. The Democrats elect four members of the leigslature a senator from Custer, a senator and representative from El- morre and a representative from Lemhi Maryland. Baltimore, Nov. 10. The official returns received here up to a lato hour tonight indicate that the plurality for the prsidential candidates last Tuesday was very close, possibly only 100 on either side. It is probable that Secre tary of State Tilghman will be called upon to decide which of the electors will bo entitled to cast their votes in Washington. From the official returns thus far received the indications are that the Republicans have elected sev en and the Democrats one of the elect ors of the state. Returns received from 11 counties of tho state give the Republican electors a plurality ot 174. Until the canvassing boards of the several counties and of Baltimore city shall havo examined and counted the ballots, it will be impossible to say which of the presidential candidates will receive Maryland's electoral vote. There is no change in the congressional situation, the Democrats and Republi cans each having elected three members of tho next house of representatives. California. San Francisco, Nov. 10. The. few additional unofficial returns received today from various points in California do not affect the results already an nounced. Tho official count will be required to determine tho exact figures, but it is evident that Roosevelt's plur ality in the state will approximate llo.uuu. I'ner legiBlatuio, which elects a United States senator, will have 103 Ropublican members lo 17 Democrats and Labor Unionists. Utah Salt Lako City, Nov. 10, Additional roturns from Tuesday's election, cover ing every county in tho state, havo in- croasod the majority for Roosevelt tremendously that it is probablo It will not run short of 27,000, Parker had a plurality in only ono county. In Salt Lake county, out of a total of about 81,000 votes, Roosevelt received 20, 100, and Paricer 8,100. Louisiana. Now Oleans, Nov. '0. Tho Demo crats have carried Louisiana for Paiker by a majority of probably 35,000. Alabama. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 0, Tho Democratic tickot carried with tho usual majorities, electing everything, Florida. Jaeksouvlllo.Fla., Nov. 0, Tho usual Democratic majorities In Florida are Indicated. The Democratic candidates' for congress are all elected, ' r7 r k tt-lT-kx t GENERAL COMMISSION and :! FORWARDING MERCHANT ; jargo anu uommouious vvarenouso. uonsignmenis ooncitea. Prompt attention paid with their H. HERBRLNG Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. THE DALLES OREGON SKIBBE HOTEL F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. Meals - 15c and up Lodging - 25c and up Only Brick Hotel in the City 824 Second St., Opposite O. R. & N. Co. PafiBonger and Freight Depot THE DALLES OREGON VICTOR MARDEN Manufacturer and Sealer In Fine Harness, Saddles, Tent and Wagon Covers THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE DALLES When there, stop in and get prices. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS THE DALLES OREGON A. E. CROSBY PBOPBIETOR POSTOFFICE Carries a Complete Line of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Household Remedies, Druggist' Sundries and Photo Supplies. Country Mail Orders I giro my personal attention. A Graduate in charge. Safe delivery guaranteed. Tour Prescrlptloa my Specialty. Strychnine and Pest Destroyers. Stock Foods and Dips ot all kind. Agency for Eastman Kodaks. Both 'Phones. WHOLESALE AND BETAXL. . THE DATI.ES For the Best in Groceries go to BONN BROS. & CO. , - Z i THE DALLES, OREGON Groceries, Vegetables, Fish and Poultry, Eggs and Butter. All Kinds We Make a' Specialty of Farmers' At Cost .All of Our Buggte, Spring Wagons, Binders, Mowers, Stoves and Steel Ranges, must be sold by January 1st to make' room for another line, of goods. It will pay you to fet"ou. prices; - " Special Sale! SLIGHTLY DAMAGED LINOLEUM At 60 per cent reduction from regular prica. Ohoapest House for beat Furaltur, Carpets, Btovi The Great Northern Furniture Store EAST SECOND ST., 3 to those who favor me 1 patronage. 4 SHANIKO, OREGON 4 East End Clothing Store JOE COHEN, Proprietor. COMPLETE LTJTE OT GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, SHOES and CLOTHING ALSO TRUNKS It will pa you to get onr prices bJor yts chasing; elsewhere. 604 SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OSSOOK Also branch at Grass Valley, Orsgoa HENRY L KUCK MANUFACTURER OJT HARNESS M STOCK SADDLES Cowboy Outfits a Spatially Dealer in Collars. Whips, Bobes asd a general line of Horse Furnishing Goods, Tents, Awnings and Wagfta Covers. All work guaranteed. East Second St. THE DALLE i, Or, Shaniko Drug Store CARRIES Patent Medicines Toilet and Medicated Soaps Perfumery, Jewelry, Etc DR. S. L. PERKINS, Proprietor. IV. R. R0UL30JN GENERAL PLUMBER TINHE1 Dealer In AU Kinds of PLUMBING GOODS AND TiKWARE Agent for All Kinds of Farm Machinery Star Windmills and Meyers Pumps SHANIKO OREGON PHARMACY OREGON a of Mill Feed,, Etc! Produce. Write for Price. MAYS & CROWE THE DALLES, OREGON and Crockerywara. THE DALLES, OREGON. ni"i stsnsmwu, i, m, w,rCV. t W3