Madras Pioneer X JlC VOL. I MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1904. NX). 32. Tnlnmhrn Southern fJ J A V 1IH 9 at w vvntiiwi ii Railway Co, TIME TABLE NO. 10 Efffcctlv July 3, 1901. eoiith Hound No. 2. Norlli Knmid No. 1 STATIONS Dally rani. Dally I'aM, -B!ia j.m - 2:3ft p.m H;80 tun JJIbk BlnlM Watco 11:50 u:19 a.m a. in II U:0 11:00 10:45 I0J40 10:21 w:n 10:05 9 if A 9:37 9:20 8:&5 8 HQ :oo A.m .m A.m a.m A.m A.m A.m .m A.W A.ra ""B:69, -p;vi -.jssis p.m. 5:B.'i p.m. M..i3:r p.m. ..aHH p.m. ,...3:M p.m. :08 p.m. 4!M p.m. UtftA p.m. Klo'dyke Summit II nv C Jo' McUo'ldS DeMoas iloro KrtkliiTl CTs V'y ! Ilourbon Kent Wilcox i A.m A.m a.m '6!ll p.m. 16:2l p.m. .fl !A?AA ShRiiiko I A.m: Leate. For raws una owior iiiiuiuhhuu "VJ'W , K. LYTJ.K, U. r. 1'. A. Bnulko, Oregon S J. WILBOH, Agont HUamIkoi Oregon PROPBSSIONAU CARDS II. W1U30N ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC OREQOH lift UAhflW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC rractlcesln all tho Courts ot the Stats, aUo jk ..t fl - A AMnai n inn ini'ni nun vniiur ri i.kiiu uuilqi. MADRAS, OREGON t i i if i i u j a m i- e mi l in DENTISTS . i Orer franco k Co.'s Dank X. SANDERS, D. D. 8. DENTIST . nm.n TllnoV THE DALLES. OREQON Long Dlitanco Phone 8U n. SNOOK i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office In Drug Blora PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Northwest ol Madras. m wv t ii tj r r r as JUSTICE OF THE PEACE . NOTARY PUBLIC AND U. S. COMMISSIONER A II If AH OREQON otel Shaniko JAMES MolIARGUE, Prop. Only One Price First-Class Meals & Beds All Wriite Help hanlko Oregon A . . A a mm a SHANIKO, OREGON SUsrsi J, W. French, Prw.t II. A, Moor, Ylea 1T. T, T. llutlburt, Caibtar. Htl SiMk. $28,000 DfaUs, 250,000 Btmttm mm AH fmrlm mi 1km WmrM Hamilton Hotel First clfiee mcala and. bods. Prices reasonable. Head quarters for all atngo lines. Antelope, Oregon SEE EDWARD B. LELAND Tho up-to-dato tailor, for suits cleaned and repaired ou Abort notice. Mail or ders promptly uttended to. Pricce rensonauio. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Antelope, Oregon . L. LANE Blacksmith andWagon Maker Ilorao Shooing a specialty. Dealer In coal, iron, wheels, cuBhio&a, rubber tires, springs, axles. The Dalies, Oregon Geo. C. Blakeiey Tito Reliable D-uKnl"t. Carrlei tbolargetit atock nl drug and ilrURgUta KUiiariea is Hlorn uro Ron, photo lUppHun your mall order xillcltcd and will rccclro prompt Attontlou. The Dalles, Oregon The Dalles and Shaniko Stage Line Comfortable rigs, good horses, prompt ervico, accommodating drivers, daily except Sunday. Oneway two dollars; round trip (3.60. Express and parcels carried at reasonable rates. Save Money By patronizing this lino. OBARR HOTEL P. S, PLUMMBR. Prop. First class in every respect, travelers headquarters. Beds ,25c and up. Meals 25c. Special rates by tho month or to families. Ono block from tho depot. East Second street. The Dalles, Oregon THE DALLES LAUNDRY A. S. MaAUistor. Pron.. docs M cood work as tho best. Makes a specialty of collars, cuffs and whito shirts. The Dalles, Oregon. Tim lwst filcrnr for tho loiist monov of any manufacturer on the Coast, buy di rect from tho factory and savo middlo men's profits, Bamplo box of CO "Ila- vcrta Fillnr" nnstnL'ft nrfillilid J1.75. Bond p. o. money ordor, rcgiBtorod let ter or chock. WILLIAM CRAMER & CO., 119 Second St. TJIB DAL.M3S, OREdON Qo to tne 1 Andy Allen Feed Yhrd Wh.H In TUB DALLES BEST ATTENTION OIVEN STOCK Bteend Street, near the Diamond Mill Tb DalhM Oregon WEEH'S DOINGS Newsy Items Gathered from AH Parts of the World. 0P INTEREST TO OUR READERS General Review of Important Happen penigs Presented in a Brief and Condensed Corm. Great Britain has ordorcd two of hoi warships home from Canadian waters. It was neceHsnry to call out troops to quell rioting students at an Austrian university. Ono hundred people went down with a steamer sunk in a collision off the coast of Algeria. A Fiench deputy slapped the face of tho minister ol war in the houso and n free fight ensued. A Now York ferry boat went down in a collision caused by dense fog, but no lives were lost. Britain has warned Bhip owners against aflowlng their vessels to follow tho Russian fleet with coal. Tho Orgoon building at the "World's' fair, which hus been sold, will be used by its purchaser for a summer resi dence. A great relief Is felt at St. Peters burg that the Japanese did not succeed In taking Poit Arthur on the mikado't Imthday. Tho bombardment of Port Arthur hat ceased. Tho Japaneeo captured a num ber of important positions, but were unable to hold them. The losses on both sides wore heavy. Tho Oregon building at St. Louis has been sold. The Mukden eituulion remains un changed. Popo Plus has almoEt completely re covered his health. In tho Canadian elections jtist held tho Liberals won a creat victory Tho Amerian arbitration treaty with Italy will he ready for signatuies in a few days. Great Britian may ask Admiral Dew ey to represent it on tho orth eea commission. Prefident Roosovclt narrowly escaped death while cut Tiding by being thrown from his hoiso. The coroner's jury at Hull finds that tho Russian ships fired on the truwleiB without provocation. America and Franco will be asked to nalno a naval officer to serve on tho North sea commission. Twenty - ono British sailurs ship wrecked on Massire. island, near the entrance to the Rod sea, were massa cred by tho natives. The sinking of tho Japanese battle ship Yashima by Russian mines off Dnlny last Juno has been confirmed by the Tokio government Rusoia fears that Biitain may yet stop tho Baltic fleet. Tho California airship has made an other successful flight at tho St. Louis fair. Great activity prevails in naval cir cles at Gibraltar, but Britain will not explain Hb meaning. Tho Russian squadron on tho way to tho Orient carries, besides its regular complement, a lurgo number of lands men. It is claimed that Kuropatkin will retreat when Oyama nguin attacks, hav ing tho smaller number of men and guns. Bandits held up tho Cody, Wyo., Dank and killed the cashlor. "Buffalo Bill" will take tho trail in pursuit of them. United States MInistor Pearson, to Persia, has emphatically reiterated his demand for tho just and proper pun- laluront of thoBO rosponBiblo for tg murder of Dr. Laraboe, the Amoricnn missionary. Tho railing of tho Russian squadron from Vigo led tho British public to be- novo tho timo waB at hand for war. Tho foroign ofllco explained that Russia was only to dotain ofiluors haying know- edge of tho trawler incident. Tho greatest battle of tho war is at mnd near Mukden. Tho Japanoso aro tightening tho lines around Port Arthui. Tho RusslanwarshlpB at Vgo oxpeot to remain for two weeks. A Memphis, Tonn, building collaps ed, burying a number of porsotiB. Tho juryin tho Amos caso has again dieagreed, and Minneaplls ex-mayor, induced for grafting, la likely to go (rco. Rothschild has guaranteed tho suc cess of the ontlro loan of 1 270,000,000 to bo floated by Russia tho first of the year. Rnsfilnn nanors aro wnrnimr tho nub ile not to bo too sanguino of an entire ly Ffttlefnotory Eottlomont ol tho trawler affair. DOOM IS AT HAND. Port Arthur Must Pall Within a Very Short Time. Chofoo, Nov. C "Port Arthur is doomed." Tho correspondent of the Associated Press hero has received information, the reliability of which is beyond ques tion, that the Japanese now occupy po sit ions which place tho east side of the town at tht'ir mercy. Japancao arriving from Dalny today report that tho Japanese have captured uihlung mountain and Sungushu moun tain, which lies Detween the railroad and Rihlung mountain. Tlioy also ro port that tho Japanese have also cap tured Lust Keekwan mountain. Tho last asEault has gained for them positions which insure their ability to enter the main forte whenever they are ready. It is calculated by the Japan ese that if tho Russians do not sun en der, they will be capable of prolonging their final stand at Liaoti mountain and on the Tiger's Tail for a month Iongor, with tho mere hope of prolong Sng tho sttugglo. Long before tho Sec ond Pacific equadron arrives tho Japan cso flag will wave over tho wrecked cit adel. This will end Viceroy Alexieff'e dream of an unconquerable city. The Japanese have not occupied tho main forts and highest points of the east hillB, but they occupy in overwhelming numbers positions which will enable them to drive the Russians back when ever they desire. RUSSIAN OrPICERS AT PARIS. Witnesses in the North Sea Incident Confer with Diplomats. Paris, Nov. 5. Three officers of the Russian squadron, including Captain Clado, who aro the principal witnesses in the North sea incident, arrived to day from Vilfo and went immediately to the Russian embassy, wheio they hold a long conference. Captain Clado was on board the flag Bhip with Vice Admiral RojestvenBky, and was entrusted with the task of drafting tha official account. After the conference the olllcem declined to make any public statement relative to the affair until the report is delivered in St. Petersburg. However, it can be btatcd that their visit moro than ever satisfies the Russian authorities that the presence of two Japanese torpedo boats was n positive fact, eye witnesses maintaining that their identification was unmistakable. There continues to be an understand ing in Russian diplomatic circles that two reports will be sent separately, one from Hull and the other from St. Petersburg, to The Hague for final hearing. IMPOSED ON LABORERS. Swindling Employment Agent Is Ar rested in St. Louis. St. Louis, Nov. 5. George E. Hall, of Kansas City, was today arrested by a deputy United StateB marshal on the chargo of having obtained a feo of $2 each from 200 laborers for securing them employment and then sending them to Alaska at their own expense to work for a construction company that did not exist. The specific charge against him is that he used the mails to defraud. It is alleged that Hall rep resented himself tq bo an employer of labor for tho Alaska Yukon construe tion company, that he secured 200 la borers to go to Valdez, Alaska, and af ter collecting $27 from each, $2 as his fee and $25 as transportation, it is Buid he Bent them to Alaska. Inspect- oi Uennett declares that when the laborers reached their destination they learned that there was no such com pany as tho one named, and they made their way back as best they could, after much Buffering nnd hardship. Ex-Legislator Convicted of Bribery. St. Louia, Nov. 5. John A. Sheri dan, an ex-member of th6" house of del egates, who was indicted on a bribery charge, convicted and sentenced to the penitontiary fot five years, is dead at tho Jefferson hospital, from tubercu losis. Sheridan was not taken to tha penitentiary, as. his case was appealed to tho supromo court. Another indict ment, howover, was pending against him, and hia esse had been set for trial on November 10. Eleven weeks ago ho was taken to the hospital whoro ho died. Bandits Cornered. Cody, Wyo.. Nov, 5. Tho different bands of men hunting tho men who kiled the cashlor of tho First National bank have tho robborB practically sur rounded in tho" foothills of the Owl Creek mountains, 50 miles from hero. It 1b roportod that a laige force of their friends uro coming to thoir assistance from tho llolu-in-tho-Wall country, and a number of men havo left hoio to re- inforco the.puiBueis. "Buffalo Bill," with Indian scouts and cowboys, has taken tho trail, and a lively time may bo anticipated. Coal Prices Go Up. Pittsburg, Nov. 5, 'Prlcoa of all grades of coal havo been advanced 85 cents a ton aa a result of tho increased demand for coal and tho .'etrlko of en gineers in Illinois. Z. F. MOODY GENERAL FORWARDING MERCHANT Largo and Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited. Prompt attention paid to tlioso who favor me with their patronage. H. HERBRING Importer And Dealer la Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, - BOOTS, SHOES, ETC THE DALLES OREGON SKIBBE HOTEL F. W. L. 8KIBBEProp. Meals - 15c and up Lodging - 25c and up Only Brick Hotel in tho City 324 Second 8t., Opposite O. R. & N. Co." Paseenger and Freight Depot THE DALLES OREGON VICTOR MARDEN Manuf Acturer And Dealer In Fine Harness, Saddles, Tent and Wagon Covers THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE DALLES When there, stop In and get prices. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. DEALERS IN Dry, Goods, Clothing, Furnishing, Goods 1 BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS THE DALLES OREGON A. E. CROSBY PROPRIETOR POSTOFFICE Carries a Complete Line ot Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Household Remedies, Druggist' Sundries And Photo Supplies. Country Mall Orders I sir my personal Attention. A Graduate in charge. Safe delivery guArAnteed. Tour Prescription my Specialty. Btrychnlno And Pest Destroyers. Stock Foods and Dips ol all kinds. Agency lor Eastman Kodaks. Both 'Phones. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE DALLES For the Best in Groceries go to BONN BROS. & CO. THE DALLES, OREGON Groceries, Vegetables, Fish Butter. AH Kinds We Make a Specialty of Farmers' At Cost All of Our Bugfgies, Spring "Wagons, Binders, Mowen, Stoves and Steel Ranges must be sold by January lit to make room for another line of goods. It will pay you to get our prices; MAYS & CROWE THE DALLES, OREGON Special Sale! SLIGHTLY DAMAGED LINOLEUM At 60 per cent reduction from regular prtco. Oheapost Houw for best Furalfcn, Carpets, Btovea The Great Northern Furniture Store EAST SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OREGON. COMMISSION and I SHANIKO, OREGON East End Clothing Store JOE COHEN, Proprietor. COMPLETE LT1TK 07 GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, SHOES and CLOTHING ALSO TRUNKS i It will pat jou to ft onr prices twiort ehAilng liewher. 6M SECOND ST., THE DALLES, ORXQOH Abo brAnch At GrAea YaU7, Or(oa HENRY l KUCK MANUFACTURER Of HARNESS AND STOCK SADDLES Cowboy Outfits a Specialty Dealer In Collars. Whips, RobM nod v. general lino of Horse Furnishing Goods, Tents, Awnings nd WafMi Covers. All work guaranteed. East Second St. THE DALLES, On. Shaniko Drug Store CARRIES Patent Medicines Toilet and Medicated Soap Perfumery, Jewelry, Etc DR. S. L PERKINS, Profrfete. N. R. R0UL30IN GENERAL PLUMBER i TINNER Scaler In ATI Kinds of PLUMBING GOODS AND TINWARE Agent for All Kinds of Farm Machinery Star Windmills and Meyers Pompa SHANIKO OREGON PHARMACY OREGON and Poultry,' Eggs and of Mill Feed, Etc. Produce. Write for Pskm. and Orockoryware. wlWrt, W. trl, A. i. Haou4, J, K. C