20C "7 Mil you ee hiI. JJetter 0, N!. HrfliU aui wife, of Ilnyrttnck were HtihMaiitlai iial(era th) weekj , Mikj,v i,HhVhIi, of Hood Riving i MsMlt-K uncle, 4.' (VfHtiiBr. ' ' Manny in'yn btBt pi Ice fur your buffer aiiiKi'KKf. . Jf y.Htiitiiier, of (Julycr was a bul hex'n Vjsl'or lint Week;. ' New, bright', cleau," sp,ouiH at Hit- MddraH.' ' ' A. K, Jliiinmond If for, a liiifliu-sR i ri ' o AlMxItii hint Monday, ll'i 'X fteclu to be Hl.Hfiii two or three week If, L Hill leff for flio IUIch tliin week. Ilu 'exneotH to return hhmidii o poMli)u ami multu bin fuluro'hoiiie i'e.r Mjdr.uv, Xowlajha (Imo to put Iti your fall grain. Tim weather Im good in.il graH l growing uh fut uh it cuit ul thlM time of the ear. . "When looking for a 'hotel (tie flrnl thliiu you think of Ih modern cijiiIj Hlelllf, !(). You will llml WaKM BPBINO KpTE.g, $!(), iWl. flt tli'f FoMtolfice t Mlul.K5, OK'., under U.o Aptjtif Oopgre f Mick f 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i.i ii i ii 'i " " " LOCAL HAPPENIQ Kew gomlrt nt llahn'. Go vJlb f 1 1 r nrnwd n'l lo,n isl the ir you want barbud wlro nee Loiipks MilK Putz.nf Mlfoltof, WIU H lU8t- j tfH vihilor io tlrutf liiit rtuclij H. P. Oniroy, oiio of tlit' !,fltt;vjur' ( hlllllrt Of Till) DlllllH, WilN III A(ltil(Mh on btiHliiMs hitVtleiK hml wtek. E L Qiirl, who hoiiu-Mli'Hil on Agoncj Plain, wan a recci)t yUltoi afhu Ibofieer olliei'. J. I). May.i-ft In making eomo. ftjib- hjaMlHl iiunnivflijelittf on lilt jirnt llt'tir lo n. FraiiflH 0. ('uriieyl iMiltillng a Inruv barn on IiIh lioniuleuil In Tp. 1(8, J). 18 R. TSd OanijdlJ, iprnpprntH fjirtiivror the Wtfl End, Iiuh chihiiii nct'il put tlin,' In bin full ifriilu. Wlu'ii In I'rliifcvjlle don't forst-t ilmt you ielf Mini fjiujlly ,an gt t lie very tthHr fnrllpMt convpiilenca ub wo ued , nttfrliiK-'for tbo of uvtrytblng at the. rolnut'xler tiieni in our bUMlneM. lilt1 l'oludt'Xter lioti-l. l'rlnuvllle, Ore. We rtmll feel niuoli oldlucd ar v Frank QucHlinanm waif before the iTild'lalt court Itiht 'Mnoilay' n'batijted Pu'llll linvltiis iiui niaiitr ivfvo'' Tltn eoiirt gave liltn &,Od,aya In tboHk(V)kum Iiouho In wblch to ujcdlp Vli t lie crror'of bin WAy, ' Jtov. J. 0. AaliVtibyrnoSltnnaBbo, wun In town tlio llnjt of llio wpclt. Studying tbo Warn Pjiring langunge, Iih In obliged to' ga 'ttmit Indian to fvnuli binag ail yartn Spring in lei prutera are on a fllriku. Tbo employe's arp ail wwarlnj; a brnml ax)uo Villa weok. Jlay day, t'bp IItmL In over throe months, The delay wu dti, ;okn hitch in tbo renewal of riniicriutfiidcnt Kirk's band. l'erou JUnlioll vras B;eii on (be ftivuftj, tbo other day with, a vflt(" load of wnte rineloiiH, wblcli bo' wai fnkltyg to Kitoiiwatk'a to treat tin ib'eiiliig orpwwltli. 'bo ouldu'l lie ii ihrertiier haiiil?,, ' 11 '' hrMon bought, lilfl melons from Itfinn Sldewiiblur, who linil io about I . 1 1. i . I. . all tbexe at 1 lw" 'u'r'M ill'" J eor.nr.u irom wincii ne uurv.eMieii heven i iohijo mi bh nut IS IT TEUS T;Imt Madras Ib to ba'e two tlonring mill-.? Judging from an article In the Crook" County Journal, which the edllorH of that fcheet voucli for, It If. We mmt'eoiifi-r.H It Ih new to u. We hud learned that some. atetM bad been' taken by a compmiy Just, organ sed to (' put In a 25 barrel mill, as eoon as ar r ... i.i i. i...!' ruiigemeiiiH cnniu uo uuiuineifu, dim i tlio nrraiitfciiiHiit aro noV j;et 'com- GG,OD GO-ODS,. 04 LYr nini. iiiiii 1 iiii riimi-iT inn i ikil mvre in i ' Pioneer tope mlnleail ItH reHdein by cnylng that t he (louring rrj'JI on aoagrd ' fjiet until wo know, pM8oiialIy,hHt it f.' "We do not know that tbo Wiihco "Ware- hnu? ill.vig' Co. baa ever' tlio'pg)it of r Madras uh a Wvtft-Hbfe lOoaHoii'' for a ' ,10!) barrel niili to bo erected hero by r '. i I .i -it i. litt'UI. JllHI IIClvlH' I'UI bill to inspect our new ff goodf. We iiuvo notri for lhUv urvslt clispltiV' oi 'inef-' .eiif". Tlio column artiVie on iho first puge of ("lie J)iirn'al was evidently pre- inature and liilxleadiuir. trm "BASEBALL. Tjlje Tlaystack-MadroH baHebiill lenni Is forinliig in line t - Jiee uipre meet ... . i... ..i tlie Priueville aiirrcirulion ut rrino-? vv-" .-....j - , -"- " K f. ineloiu uh vou ever act oven on. and all vil e Octol.ur 3 hit. Thin will undiuihf-' irball feel much ohllued to tile wlllioiit rrrlittllon. He Iiuh a ami.le : edl'v he the fluhtof the aenHiu ttml we ' or purflea who Helped iiiem-: j,, u,H Agency oilleo which, weight 2H iiHedll tlie i-upnort the good pyupH of to a pair of Mreteher tlie l,,i1,. " ' ' ll'ivufuek Mini Mdmn can renderVmti' MihirTiiKbt lit hey wlll.rrjurn them ot it; 3pB8e Powell, who baa been uh. All the player kliiclly" r- I oiel. Oeorgc Hurt I l(illdlngahulifantlai addition to lib residence, alfo a, barn and oilor oiilUuililugKj on hip cluln litrtliweKt of to wit. Don P. ItuivliuM been. Hunting A. E Ilair.iiioinl in i-erurlii riglil of wiiy deulb for i ho propotied uuiomohllu line during ilie laul Week. J. I. Chllcolo, of Aguoy IMttliif, left aotue very lino fpeclmenn of corii and potatocB at Tbo Vioueer o(11cb Jast Saturday. Meai-m. William I?rownltlll nd.,W. Frank J. Brnnkfl"met with what ink-lit have nroved to lie a derlouo ueeldent a few duyn aim. Vhlla ahoo-: V improvo lug ono of Don Hea'H drlvinu hornea j U"(V'ne"t Employe. club, lefl ijueted lo appear at, the Maiiraa tjase Monday. "Shy will ( ball . grounils on' Ootoli'er tjt tfie for Imnnjiio fpend tlio winter -in Hood Itlver. Ore. J notes H iiven Is making preparationn the tint pprhigB- 011 lift He li3H the dumber cut (Im Hiiimal ohjected to Frailk'a manlp- t tv.o bolel, and during the weex orougntine ooorn ami wiuuowa iiUlloii of iIh foot h nd proceeded lo take it away fnin hi in in ueh a way as lo leave tile luipreshlon that be didn't like that way of doing tliingn, and Frniik la now using a crutob. from TIM Dullex. He expnetfl to baVe it I. E. Church, commonly oalIed,El, u'lia found iimni mi llin rnmi iikbi icii C. Lftthlm have Jubt fluiHbed hauling j Ku,dler.8 reridnn loat Thursday tbo I.iinler for tbo new blacksmith morllIllg ft,,ollfc 10 0 ,,'clock by J. T. Bhop to be bnllt by Frank J. Drookn. j R).t, tt,.(, y. A n(J11t(Jt WUj) Don't buy your fall or winter sup- iu.i, t T)UVI0' hall, in tfiia city, by nlU'B without L't'ttlng our prlcen. Wo arc prepared to inaKn special llguriB oh Jargo order for farmon mid stockmen. . F. MorrlB, I'rinuvlllo, Oro. Tlio Lono rino Tmdlng Co. wlH pay Oo for wheat and (JUo per btnibel (or oatf, half calt and half merchandise. $"or further imrtl,,vl8i,, call or vrllo to tbo aloVe at I'rlnevllle, Ore. Why pay excrvlvo prlce foj; win Frank J. Hrooke, .JumIIco ot the 1'oace and ex-ollli-io Coroner, from which we iralhered. Iho fjollowln liiiiriliuin : Tliut I. E. Church had been feeling I badly for pome time prior to hlfl death he had alo lieen drinuliig heavily for some wocks; WedneMilay ho wia in thin cltj on buHinefa and left about the middle of the day for hlahomo on the irry Douthlt place; ThurHiiay morn dowB,door, Hhlnglea or bnlblera' ma-1 l'JJ. bout JO o'clock W. Ih Hull and terlala wheu yon can buy theni al J. T. Itlra iIiovh up to the El ICutcher Tight price of J. F. MprfiH, Pilue- vlllo. Ore. Fred VnnNorden, of Tbo Di.lles, Oro., Ih fully prepared to niKljy, your clock or watch uh good aB new. Ill work Ib fully fr..arauteed. (iiveiUuia trial, trail nrdvra promptly attended to. Foil BAl.K (Jolden cln;fl ai.il little club wheat at 5o pur bindielj winler oats at GOu. l'artit'H wlhhUig need gnilu ahould call before Nov. lat, as I will atart for the Eutl nbortly i fter. luuae 0erler. W. C. Virkcr I. JuiUly proud of h'H crop of corn, raHed on th" north end of the Big l'lalu, a'autuplo left at thla Ofllce meufciirlng over 0 fee'. In height, with a number of very tine eara of veil matured corn. J. D. nnd George ('i.vep, John yah jnebn. C F. Do hutio, ltey. C. A. SIhh. L. A- T"" TIritolby IJlrowiililll and dlher ir U iIiIh tifigliborpnoil Were huHliuHH vUhora Ut Iho tutuuty seat the foro part or I bin week. Jtev. W, Ei RiiliiliMtn, wbp Iibh been on an extended buKlueBi trip ltSner man county, lKH returned in Iti- pun toral dinha hcieiand Im'-iioWhi home to his fifeiiila oil ids c!nlm ill North Agency IMainn. Elward II. Dean, an obi employe of tin-Hatilw In Sheep und Land Co., ami whu Iiuh a linnii'Hteiitl' near tlielr place, Was Hi town a fw days ago. nmkluu frriiuu'Uicntd lo .jh-r filing priaif be Itrv U. s1. t dii.irt'lKMloner Tjoh ft. Ilea. Ail pHrtivHludebttd totuearo hereby botitiell thut all aeeouutfl not nettled liCforo IflovbtUber Kth will be put Into Ibe luindaW a lawyer foj-collection, 1 need my ioy and think t have Malted lo'ngfaiwiijh. Jj.-5r. Halm, Wlu'ii Iooklnufor a rellableum) conn lortaldeliiiek or biimrv ilon't overlook be Blbck carried by J, F. MoiiIh, of IVIlievlllo. Ore. TIihv u'r.. ni.iimfunl. ured liy thp Deero people and arb built Bpeclully lur the waatern trude. Now Ib (be lime to buv that 40 or Hi) oro Haul of vin ant luml loini nr von. m riiiiilln . a . ...I.. u (n,rnenii hi,i h U-lir Mill" riM.vn u mn iiii'imiYil u nviii (ir U Irtt i..Ll. ... ... f .. . . i - -ri viinu, hv in ices inai uer.v eoui retitlon i?(ir fu,tU.r purth-liUrHOrti -on or u'di.i i,. rpi..m... ii... jH.. .i.ih II .m vy i iiiiuiii v j ti II w II ii 1 1 1. MttUruB, bro,, mmI jour Jiiiiuify will n-cilvo prompt attention, Another dud very tuibatttuilul im- f.Kreat lmpoiHcB to ha uUmurouB miir iiHiiinia ii . i.i 'OOUhll Water limlr nrluu1 la. Tl.w 'A nioliii rm.i. . .. . -T...IIMII, liiiH Will Oirin Ilia ntuvluH complete Watef worku fur lli tu innn win iin.,i.it... . ........ . r lis no.. f.V..X MU,,'.r," Vf n ivaier ratM win lu. llUlllln.i.l ... . ' " ' ' ' mt ..'"m,v,M l Hr mouth, iwvabla In '"""Ci atvr0Yi lj ItrVi. up for next Bummer'B buslueca. Ego. I IOjiieer UibIi Store. line-iiii niav lio obtained. Wlien'once orgtiuiKd I iui fnire'u'i! wiii alJ'J tn liaiidn Miid Mam! iuiil jil iy in union until we convlilc'oH.'rliievi.lle that 31 -utack id loyalHoYhe red niid tlie tnUck, " F. Itodiiimi, Jbnuner. Tke your produce to Jilioy'B OUR PRICE THE LCWES7 OUAUXY OF GOODS CONSIDERED. Yoii nre rosTiecifullv itiviffl ana yoinptfte siock itffirilliu tii'iiiini'inir pliitutlisu, and the convet wearables for' jfsill and xvijitt'i-are 1hu-;I ijj profusion. $very thing' seasoiia'bh1, inviyiliitig is neWevejy thing is the' Ijhsc of its" kiiid. Mercltandiso that' will please,' inerclianditu that will insure the permanent pa-' tronage of those who bujjr it. Te do liol uxag- gerate, we nevev misrepresent, and(' we guarantee eatisfactign ALy.Y. 1 . Clotliing- Depaitmnt 1$af, dtiraljlo pants, worth $5?.)0, - - ' Sl-fiO All 'wool snijt!' ' - - '"sSiSu SOftan.dlOo' tailors, anr can 1 niaKe 811.00.aiid is Bi-os: & Co., wbolesalo suit to order for 'i. n K- Men's woi shirts, the 7oo kijid,' r Men's Negligep jsliirts, the 1.00 kind, Men's b'lack sateen shirts, the $1.00 kind, - .75 Men's blue liannel shirts, the il.D0 kind, - Sl.25 Men's wool sweaters, '- - '- &.1.2ij ltd $2.2a' Ijfyyi' wool sweaters, - - - -'"'75c td4$1.25J" ScMol Supplies. Large penoil, - - - a -x - - Oo.c Ink tablets' ----- Sc, Qc, 15c, 5"c iaail pencils, - - ' t ' - ' - .? .. - lo" ijlate )encils in wood, - - - - 3 2,fo"r 5c ' 'V SCHOOL BOOKS and T-ARLETS. ' We sjivh vm money on farm machinerv. We 'have, on hand walking plows in steel and cast. SAN FORD & F I TZ PATRICK SUCCESSORS TO, . fJ ANFOaD, i)KAi.i:i:s j.v Haka. were workipiou u new bourie for !viilihi.p- jjiinti Mfti-r their tirrlvul I'lii I -"T" " , -it Church, ucoompaiilcd ,by li Ih dog, came j r, ualklug up, and lie complained ldt- terly of being m-ar dead with a pain i Jfc in hla Hide and bieuBt; aaid ho wanted h a it fill h ; after getting whlci lie Hturted jc for home, making too remark at hoj vviih leaving thHjt ho w Hfrahl to go j -.5 furfeiir ho tulgb liayo n j'pwui while liiero and frighten the Iain wio wa, putting up fruit for him at tlie ranch; yi 1 ".:.. ax V fr f 'is. Shaniko Warehouse Company GENERAL STORAGE AND Fp.WARDiNy; Special attention, Wool Gliding an Baling for Frjat rn ship mcntH, Dealer in, islackftuiitii Coil, Wuie and nnildo,rd' Material of ail kindij. Snlpliur, Wcol and Grain Saeks and Twine Grain, Flour and Keel. Highest prico pa'd for Hides and Felts. Stofk ardi vitli tlio ltte9 and best facilities for htmdlhig Stocl. BUlkv und vJows, botlt disc 'and narrows, uisc Jiarrows witu iz. i-i Horsier frills, Mitchell Wagons, I ffiiiy ana iu uggies'H rs - . n Ibdard; disc, acks. Save Yq(u, qney,. i I about 15 nil ii ill en after tills AfepurB Ilco and Hull, who liad 1?m in the imilure near KulcherV, puseil, down tbo road, und when about SOP rpdt fruui Kutcher's p'ace. Churuh'a dog Jumped out of the !mg brli and ran towuni llin wagon; about lle rame lime tliey dibcovered CblrUi lying op UU bMckt dead. Tlu-y imuiidlalely i i. i. i.! . - r 1 1 .. i i weiii mr iietp, peeurii'K air. iihu iiiii Mr. HaBtie tb watoii tlie body until HiepropttroulhoriileHcpuld be notified. F.illlhg to get tlie Coroner at Vlno vilio they tsame over for Frank J. HrooltB, JiiBticu of the I'eace, who lirougiit tlio body into town and held an iumieat over it the. next mornipg. Mr. Churcb ovhlntly dropped deud, no Hlgn of n struggle ppeaHug where he wkh found. Dr. W. rinook made an exnttilila lion of the body before the Jury and Hinted that thp entice of death vus heart failure, tiuperlmluml )iy exote alVM drinking, Mr. Qhuruli bibl.tiebn tligaKed lu the toucher ttUBliieita for Botuo time aud wan well known In the community, lio waa a-Jovial, good iialliredi kljol hearted man, geueioUH 111 a fuultj ever mindful uf,JilfMluty to lda.telow men and in put by wuya had etilki(Kd li 1 til netf lo many frieudi. . The flliieral Her vice wiih held at Davln' ball and auh conducted liv'Kev.. W. E FulgliKin, wlm preaobed a'very api ropiiatu Beruiou from IValno, 7 37i "Mark tile perfect linlli, behold die upright fjr (lie und ot ili.it nun i4 pence'" .lib iviiiiliiH were luterivil lu the ldrH C-tilelei'y, Mr. Chiifvh ltavta two lirolhoiv, tu IhIuih and a iiephev't John F. Church,' .fr vi lio Ih here, to mourn hlfi Iowa. , As 0 Mark Goods pare oj SUA Ml r-i. Bear n nind tlit t'JV -AW ft . .. fs..S. xr. sr. s. A'T, is fll EAST END DEPAR fi5 g 4 T S T O R 5' j jis alwaj's a,t the. bottom vrith Erices. 0;ver 1,00,0. worth o NEW DRY GOQQ8 Yite tp tb.e Store. .;. . lso 1,000, worth FARM IMPLEMENTS, BUGQIES, CARRlAQiS Headquarters for farmers and StopjvlUVU Supp'ies of all lciiii. Write us fur special prices on your JTall Stipjliys, DIRE0T0IY. MiMras Untnp; M. W; A No.. 8.BS!J,- MVeU every st'cmid ami fourth SnturilnJ of cucli iiKiiitliatH . in. Frank J, Drdolcs, Consul C. W. II.Suoolc. Olerk, VU tlngnu lglibors cordltilly lnvitcit to uttutul, " , Loin Otunp. Hoyal Neighbors of A. Meuta every second and tom th Friday of aoli nionth ut H p, hi. M. );. Snook, Omclo. L. M, llnlin, Ilecorder, Ultliig nultfhbois yucomi QQNRPYi eON &. Pp., PR0ER1ET0F.8V Oi "PH Slinuiier tnCiii litis exceedi-d 'hiur,v?f ' pectatipna, We liUvo deteiiiiineu ilpt Itu. bo outsold in fall" ftnfl wlntur sunplu's. 'p;" nqy ia the Mine to call jind iu--port tlie largest ttatl best sioUk of goods in 0roov county, We are leatilquaitej-s fot- everything needed by the Farmer and StoeUinah. We buy and take in trade Farmers' Xroducts of all kinds, Write t us for figures on your fall ftfld winter supplies, WUR2WEILER & THOMSON Prinevllle, ,,, , . .Otgon, -i'AJMIM' r J.'VwJi: 0i Ttif'i.r Siqte ii t!ie Bee FTire of good tiling for DJorther-r; i i i ri m -otv :ountrv, ' witvf uooa trooas ac lowest Dtices. ana. t " t tbuvi? aliig?, Xi.M.YOUlHG pHAT.KIt IX-isr ELKINS & KING 1 ni:.ii.u:6 tx J GlVOOEiilES, HARDWARE, IIQtlSfi FURNlSIIINdS' and FARM MACHINERY. ' Agents for SUPERIOR DRILLS, OLIVER PLOWS and BAIX WAGONS, PtfinrvfiU , , . . Otcjon, GENERAL MERCHANDISE liV'u jr- loiikliia fop stah sri-oceriea don't come to tltiar. 8rrn. V (lariy utithjnn bur. fresh nm reliable goods. Imi will find in niir stobk of Gents' Furnishing Goods and IhmiJj and Shoes a very complete liny at RIGHT PRICES. Give us a pall, . , . , . , . Fio flllle fi E. of fhadKea. THE DALLES NURSERIES R. H. WEBER, Proprietor. Orowcr and t)uti In FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES GRAPE VINES AND S$ALL FRUITS EVERGREENS, ROSS AND SHRUBBERY Hyacinths, Tulips, Ul!tt Dahiiw, Pnnlta, Ute. v THK DALLES OREGOtf X