SMC LOCAL HAPPENINGS, 1.1.4. - I A I. 1 A. ni.. I 1...,.,-....f in Madras irug oir in. iieuouiiog I filled with pure fresh drugs. innn nniifl anu cummuiwuus rooms Inhn'B. .V . - yOU WWII UtwwM r.w.T A " w DO IH1MU nv unuu in0Mi'nvM in villi nuu iiiniiui (7 v k. lonzo W. Woyco,.of HnyB'ack, was Im.tmnl. nailer a fow dttVH ago. ... i . v. ... At... A iith inn rrfftivii mill mm) ul liih 1 IT - - - g (run I ULUIt f-itn.r nfivu bent nilco for vour (or ana einrs. T. Hurlburt, the popular banker Bhaulko, wjis ft recent visitor to . i lltllH. Villlain Terrll and family, pf Amity, t. M.MtetaaAil fiit limit tlinufit of town. r. anoln 17! v a tin loff. a flno flneel- tin. ljuuiu . . - - " . .. nntnnu of Tim Tlnnl'm- nfTIi'p t week. genu, 1h btf tiding a residence south- I nf Matirnft. 1 1 r. t h-aiI f. 1 r A .1 .1Ia1 ...... ....ft t...l.lfl - 113 art) UUIUUIMIJiailiiK uuiiuiuu u line mill In IvThflrafl. ' . l r nnrnv unu sou, jonn. oi ino lies, spent Sunday with Ir. and M -T lllf 'Imlluhn Fend and Livery Btublo lt.t ... Itt tftADf AT . .m nit IIIIIIII 111 IV 1 L II LL1U Lf CD If ' tJftl 1111-7 HI1U In 1004, to Mr. uuu Mm. James IIiw or&e, a boy. tUTU ;wu flCVU Vila aurw ukUUH Ii .i. IlT . . L-kl.t. I 1. . . . II. I. 1 1. , 7 1001, lo Mr. mill .MM. U. I'. Du tin il i nv. William Uranfltettur and mother t u - - - I ft. ' W. WIIU . our norsca .viii receive cnreiui ni- utloa and plenty of feed IT left at the itn or a hiu . v I" ivcr. wero viHiiora io our iirv uifti i J. II. llorncy. O. F. Klimn. A. H. r ' -j--"--''-- " Iril wnrn fitAimniiallnM liut mAulf in i n. n . r4. r ihiik hiiii niiii . .lomnH. - j - j l -a 0 - i . . uranr-a ni r txrex umaii nniii I'liimi n When In Prlnovllle don't fomet that - r ---w Rev. C. A. Sloe vll preach mornliiR UUav. ou &rn roii! nllv Iiivlloil tn i fin ta When looking for a holel the ttnl ftIIIM. fI f Vkf III linil ItnMn.h.t Ik 't I I ItflAWffoftW liKl..1 .... I I I . w v i iiiiyi 1 1 1 V Tiv . - . . ... juuoinmuij' in wio wnnio neigu- - - n vi . . i mm m H inauu ... . , - .1 . . riiftr in tiim ah .r mi.ik .i..tmi.n. ...u u IMCIi UllUMIUvTI . linn won't bay your fall or winter sup- itM wiirinnr crnri nrv rmc nrinaii w. M 1 1 1 f linrftll tn Mttlln m nnni I ft - w NiiwbtMl 4ua0 wii .1 f . i . i iJCSt Of bVPrt tllltiCf it ITntmra IiaIaI tiontrnctors and carpenters U UIILM1 Ifl r 1)14 flrt t.if iMflQ Int. bliUire across Wlllnw flrpolf i I ... . . Vil V. HU WUU1U a M Tf okxex i m -v' ... M . i . . - Vim irnnM i. l l - v ui uu aim iui" mo Uouniy Court of Crook unrv, r nAi; n.. n..n Wo foel that an apblogy ia H run Mn. .... Ct .1 V I .'iiftumo MUIIUIIJ BU11U01 - .vjtuciii ovuraigni in llllv 1. . our lormor Issue for the en- ow UUIV ' il. . . . . mac school last Sunday. It s not printed owincr to the nr. flint j- n iur Bituiu was tiln.l H Tt 9 t ... .... ML la UUB IUKL our rntiMnti ... n h .' . . fYAB uuuea io mo " " ""wuw.jf, ma ijuui, out wo nro not In th.a likWr. nf , " " " v.. "ng articles on Sunday it aa aiiowea to rest until Mon-i , , lwu IUBU Qj ftu, tional work it waa forgotten, r which we ars vcary sorry. . .ifv iivKHt URUU in yourjelve. llrtliiva meals are the best. Naomi, the- 3-yer-old daughter ot Ilevi II and Mrs. 1'ontu, of Oulvor, ha boon very ill for bovIthI dayn past with a complication of blood diseases. Why pay excefiBlve prloeH for ln down, doora, ;aliing)cn ur'bullder ma lerlals' when' you can hpy them a right prices of J. V, Mqrrls, Prluq- Ilia. Otili, Mlfisltig,' H new Oliver chilled plow, 12 Inch, cnmplclo with cIovIhch a.riii double treeo; also a hand saw and squaro and other smaller things from my. hoinostinul In (Section U Tp. 10fc. R. l. E,, W. M. Thwe tliluu wer6 ttikeri during my alisenco last July while I was at The Dalles being treated eaucer. I am in destltutu cireum ituiices and am very much In need of the above, and If they are roturned'at nuco f shall feel very much obliged 'uinl will ask no qucitious. J. I. Chll cote, Agency Plains. I.v nn Interview with Congrstmau Wllllarnsoi. by a Ohroniole' rt'fJorter, published In another column, hp says thut Tho Dalles "Is overlooking some thing if It allows tho opportunity o pn?s of connecting itsolf by rail with'! John H. Jackson has hie large and commodious dwelling house otr. his homestead almost completed and will take poseeeslon of same with his fam ily In tho noar future. v Morton- Doty, of Portland, and Mr. King, o( tho firm of Hiking & King, of Prlnovllle, were canva&ingtbo Plains last week selling maohlnory at all kinds. Claud Ramsey and James Hurt re turned! from the Valloy a fow day ago aad, afler a short residence on that hI(o of the Mountains are better pleased with tho Plains than ever. Alfred Parkey camo in oft of the rango Friday aud will batch' on hja hoinostend this winter. Tohu II. Jackson Is reported oa the ulch list but is soino better. 1 '-. II. JJraiiHtotter, his mothor and uiaft'r, Miss Edith, left the Plains for ltio Dalles Monday aud will be gone a Vftijok or ten (Uyr. W. 0. Parker; wh has been out threshing Mu tho neighborhood of rjlifur. tins returned to his homestead and will begin tho erection of a coodj sized 'dwelllng bouse thereon Iu4ihe thl rich wheat growing belt,'' rd-1 near future. furring f,o tho lands in Crook and other, Mf. Frank Btolnglln and Mrs. Moofo counties. Our Oongroesman Is correot rrrlvrmrnurn riminr DICPAHTMENTF THE 1NTKHI0II. United States Land onicc. Tlio Dalles, Ore,, Sept. SO, Ufy A siiflkSVnt eWiiflitt nmdnvlt having be'ui illed An, thin ufiM by Fred FisfiCr, con tcMntit, ngnlnnt tlm lionii'teiul entry No. 10.557, lumti) Mnrcli 21. l!IOL',for 8E quarter, SectKni 10, Townnhfp 118., Range 1 Vyalkcr Lutlier Hnrrls.contostco, In wliieh it Is alleged tlml said Walker Iiiilliei' fffirflu tifiu tiytitlttr nliniiilfittffl u'ifft fflllft for mor6 tfinn' lx niontlis next prior to , iiaic or mint anidftvit, aim ma rniicci to Pioneer tore fjnnn nnnnR nwi id amr.P thp owpp.t .. , ..!..... .. ' - 1 t... U 'W W. V1 w w V, I t WWft ... - ' QUALITY OF GOODS GONS1DER13Q: law, and (fiat said alleged absence' from said land was not tine to bis employment in tnonniiyMiavyor marine corps ni tne t United .Slnles during the War with Spain, ; oi- dul-lng anv other War in which tho United Statosmay he engaged; said partlpK i ' l(..K..1kftf ..1.41l'l...1 4 n .....In y ftt n.l.l ' Jctriiy iii7i.iiiril ift ijFft5ni , ii3Miin olfcr evidence tdilehlng said 'allegation at iu o fnro United WIUOII. , SI The said eontesttYnt havliiK, In a proper aflidavit, Illed .September fiO, lD(Vi, net fprtli facts which snow tl;,at g,ftitj- iliViMllligeitciyl personal !-rvleo of thW nollnjeaiMiot bjri tpae, It U lierpby ocn and dir. cted,i niat such notice bo .glveth by, die n;id,! proper plilillcalbm. ... ocll) . Axnk M. JjAno IJeceivci . icr evidence toiiening Ham anegaiion ai lo'elock a.m. on November,, 1101, be-, pro tlm-Register and Ueeeiver ht. toe, lilted States anl Oflic'O inTJlc Dalles, j -4 I fti. ..nuin xf. rtf i r t.. ....... lu this; but when our citizen secured the terminus of the Great Southern' Railway, we believe they made a move In tho right direction in this regard. We have been creditably Informed that a survey has . been made for this railroad through Crook couuty, and that It will bo tho groat Interior road In Eastern .Oregon. It has capital be hind it, nnd It was never Intended to build a few miles and stop. Tho great wheat belt lies hundreds .of miles in land, aud tho construction of tho Great Southern wlll( develop ajjoutt try, build up a trade aud pay for I n veulmenl. Every aere of land culti vated furnishes a feeder, aud the time Ih Lot far distant when there Will be Ihouqqpds of eettlers in Eastern Pre go n. where (here are few no tf and whefe grain will be rained on wha,t iiro now considered pasture lands. Tho directors of the Great Southern uuderstaqd this, aud no doubt will reap euery advantage possible In the advancement f.t tho country. This road will boa permanent factor of de velopment, and while its northern terminus will bo at The Dalies tho point it) will reach south and east Is yet to bo determined.The Dalles Chronicle. 'Pltiirailav . i, . sloner, at h; Nelson Grewell, who was recently dm qtli.rigy i mntrloit In Wnahlncrtnn. han retiirnnd f . bUlH:S.?.f Vo h(s homestead they will Mr. Grewell has ppt a good example for tho muny brcbfelorb on the Plains a,nd we hope they will profit by it. Mandy. NOTICE FOR PUllTitUATIOX. DEPART Sf"S'C W THE' WTEKIOR. ' Ulitfed Statts Lajul Office. Tlb DallcsJ'Ore.fSept. M, 1001. Notice Is h'erebj) given that the follow ing, named Ketll'-r hrn tiled tiolicc of In inrvji; Jl!i:si nldf in KUjUMirt of his claim, ayil, tlir.t .iab proof will be made before -DonMi; lia.- U. S. Commis- Isofliee lit Madras, uregou, on or Mix'eniDer. niuj, ioviv :UIootn,f?tMi1dra. qrcgfjn.on j V.. V,' V 7, . ! homestead entry iu.y., rorme nj-.m with his bride, where 0f Section 11. Tp. 10.S., Range IS W. M. r inake their future home. I names i ne ioiiowiiig wiuieses Tho newness of our stock and the magnificent giyles displayed here hasvhrougiit fdrth man com pliments from lucky shoppera who ' participated l.a t week. I Special-effort ilia8ibeninade .tp collect tho most desirable ajid up-tb'date-ling of mer-. ohandise, and our price's ate so low they defy all competition. ' v HARDWiARE DEPATMElsiT Jttt rrivedA complete line -of Hardware; consfst ot Hand Saws, Wood Saws', Axes, lauls, Wedges, Grub HAes1, Steei- Bare; Cold OhiselsVFiles, Rivet SetsV RlveteSteell Squares,1 Sules, iWrenches,. laepsYire SCretcher Tog anfl Traced Chains,. Clevises, Shovels, Locks, Hinges Sash Fas'tWers',. TiolWMn aji' sizes. PLOWOLTS. CoirfpTete. li he' of' tin and enameled wre, etc., all marked at; bargain pjicps, prove Ills coiitiniintis residence upon nun cultivation of. gald land, to wit: Calvin C. Fox, Mui'S Fox, William Urownlilll aim Georgo Ilranstetter.all of Madras. Oregon. i Miciiaki;"!'. Noi.aN, octO Register. This Space Reserved for SAfMFORD& FJTZPATRJSK SUCGgSSORS TO A. C. SANFORD. DKAI.KUS IN S II A N I K 0, OUEGO N. ' When looking for areliableand com forlable hack or. buggy don't overlook the stock carried by .1. F. Morris, of j "A L'rlnovlllc, ore. may are tnnnufuul-i . . . . . I I... Ilin Tnww nn..Lun.l ...a l..t mnnlullt, frtr tlftfi tvnalarrft l,ir!a f.1 OBITITARY. ShanlkQ Warehouse Company !in Be sure q,nd get our prices. V on jesters and! Cook Stoves "before "buying elsewhere. JUST- ARRIVED:' See and L" "A lih'e fine'oV men's pants in, cotton and wool at ftarh A1 Rn r.o S4.f)0 ner'TiAif. 1 .' ' . B;estlihie,of UrTderwdar in pcook connty. fie convinced. 1 ' Men's an4 Boys' Wtool Sweaters from 00c fo. $1.75? You will pay one-third ihoVe dirfewhere1. ,''".. ,, yei Yo.u Mopy. T iJ , 1W fliIiO & 00. AU'ec, infant daughter of Taaao and j Minnie Herler, was born August 21, : 1D03, and died October 2, 1901, at 3.30 p. ra., after an Illness of utmost a month. All was done by her parents, 1 neighbors aud medical aid that was possible to do, but our Heavenly Father, who ilnetli all things well, saw , lit to transplant it from this world of sorrow and disappointment to tlio ) Eden above. j Little Alice is with the Angels, for Jesus says "of such is tlio kingdom of heaven," Their Ioph lu her gain. "Dearest darling, thou linst left us, And our loss we deeply feel; Rut 'lis (iod who bath bereft us, lie cun till our sorrows heal; Yet again wo hope to meet thee, When the day of life is lied; And In heaven again will greet thee. Whero no farewell tears are shed." Fuueral earvloo couducted by the writer, m. SU Bfanslutter, Fred VapNorden, of Tho Dalies, Ore., is fully prepared to qiako your clock or watch as good aB new. His work is fully guaranteed. Give him a trial. Mall orders promptly attended to. GENERAL STORAGE AND FORyARDINa Special ati,Qntjipn. tp Wool Grading and Baling for Feat rn ship ments. Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Lime and Bufylcra Material of all kinds. Sqlphur, JiVool nnd Grain Sacks an?l Twine, Grain, Flour aid Fccth Higheai price paid for Hides and Pelts. Stock i'ards w.Uh gll'the latest and best facilities for htrndjing StJck. Mar.k Goods Oaro of f T. G, CONDON, Manai 1 B.ear in mind tht, HflHN worth pi ninm nit mi m STORE Js I4endtuarters for Farmers and Steck-meii$ Supplies, Supplies of till kinds. -Yr;to us for special prices on yonr Fall CONROY, SON & Co., Proprietors. Eas 2d St,, The Dalles, Qfe,, is alwavs at the bottom with Prices. Over SL0Q0 NEW DRY GOQPS route to their Store. .. . .. Also 1,Q00 worth of FARM IMPLEMENTS BUGGIES, CARRIAGES 1st Pfl -' IStem Goods awiving uueekly, LITTLE PLAINS. road Whore, oh whore, Is the new down the hilt to Madras? II, II. Curtis aud Rev. HI as liiul'tbblr grain threshed last week, and were quite weli pleased with the yield. Mrs. Mortlmore visited her sister, Mrs. John Peek, on Opal Prairie, last week, She reported an eight pound girl boru to. Mrs, Peek on Friday, September 23.' Mother aud daughter lolng well. Dr. Snook stopped a few minutes at tho homo of Mr. Mortlmoro Sunday afternoon and helped devnnr a 20-lb. watermelon grown ion Mortluiore's ranch. Mrs. Phillips was out on tho Little Plain Suuday. Rtv. Andrus, of Bako Ovoti, visited friends here this week.'Iooking .a a k 1 , ror land auu wnma to purchase a gooa Beotlnu or two here. Kirs. EIIIb is still busy raising monoy with whioh to purohaso an organ for the Madras Sabbath Sohool. flurolj we all appreciate Mrs; Ellis unceas ing labor in trying to accomplish this end, 8 un (lower. Halm's store is filling up with tho atust style of allow, hats and genu fumlshiug goods. Now Is the time to o; UR Summer trade has exceeded our ex- . , pectations. We have determined not to be outsold in fall and winter supplies, so now Is the time to call and inspect tlo largest fnd best Btock of goods in Crook county, We are headquarters for everything needed by, the Fanner and Stockman. We bily aiid trike 1 . in trade Farmers' Products of all kinds. Write us for figures on your fall and winter supplies, WURZVVEILER & THOMSON Prineville, .,, Oregon, N 'tp.i.eir Store is .the. Bee Hire of good, things for Noxthein Crook country, Why? Good goods at lowest priced anJ, above al1, hpnest dealings. L M. HAHN, MADRAS, ORE. ELKINS & KING DEAI.KHB IX GROCERIES, HARDWAR13, HOUSE FURNISHINGS and FARM MACHINERY. Agents for SUPERIOR DRILLS, OLIVER PLOWS and BAIN WAGONS. JTjl QK.VI,KI( JX GENERAL MERCHANDISE If you are looking for stale groceries don't corne to this Store, We oarry nothing but frosh and reliable goods. You will find in our stook of Gents' Furnishing GoodH and Boots and Shoes a very complete iine at RIGHT PRICES. Give us a call. , . Five criilest fl. E. ot Oledrp. THE DALLES NURSERIES R. H. VBBER, Propiitor. Grower and Deal in FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES GRAPE VINES AND SMALL FRUITS EVERGREENS, ROSES AND SHRUBBERY HyacUths, TuHps, Lilies, Dahlias, Pennies, Etc. PfintVilU, Orgon( TliE DALLES ORKGOb