1 C. mi V ,1: & Mi IsVf irf li hz HQadras Pioneer. Published every Thursday by THE PIONfiUtt PUBLISHING CO. TiMOTit.r llKOWtfinia., Mot. hlx months.... SUD30RIPTION RATES ! ..$1.50 LOO .. ' .75 AIVE1lTIStXa I5A.TKS OX Ari'MCATlOJT.' i TC- Application lias lioOn niado-through tho Postoriled'at jrhriw. Orcfffln.'for'" entry to 1 ". S. malls as second olass , matter.. tho right to complete and -perfect the title to their jpVe emptions or-ho in e s ten ds." There is also a provision made for this in all final proofs wherein the blanks read "that no part of said land has been alienated except ns provided in Station 2.2SS of the Revised Statutes, U. S.," etc The above section' was intended to en courage and permit rapid trans porfalipu across the country. Without it wo are a back- TilUKSDAY OCTOBER p, liiQI woods people and are looked J apoIj( your ,uno. vaste no time in of ft"J Wnd Imj tho past suiumor some, of our 'police iinvo followed tlio lllWor miles, tind they also culled the attention or the sheep, herders to tho llilp, so thoro was no excuse for Mr. WnkerliR tres passing on the Keaervulion. AYo In dlutisnro glad to have Superintendent Kirk protect our Bcservatlon.fiom tlio trespass of white men, and hopo he wlil continue until they ' learn not to trespass. ' Iu conclusion, sou, If you wish to wrlto for tho papers, let me aijviso you to spend your spare tltuo In study. Burn tho midnight oil, that you may I I in of on nuou When j;ejidy-,for see(llny,our . t .r , . ' L. '' S which bns proven to ho tho bust on the marled.. Write prove youraulf, not o-.ily in the Use for catalogue mid prlc'o If In SfL nur language, but in jour own ver-1 u, ,nnru0t for Implements jb&Wt jular as well. Especially learn to- . . 3P4?'tjfrS OEPOBTUNITr. upon as such by the outside jidlo'dreaim of hat you will do; when j world. With rapid transporta-, yu get to, no inmr.ii Agcni, oui con fii,B ni u., nr(. ,!Ut yourself with your present ocou 1 nuflrin. ilimn-h it iimv Mm to von to SEXTON & WALTHER, mm LLES, ORE.Il "We have within our reaoh the a position to grow and compete opportunity of receiving next' with our neighbors. We must toa railroad that which will i ho iwnlrp tn mir needs, and we Y ; i . " ' give us the safest and most con-hnust not let this opportunity i',.", ,dS?i i voincut ituu piCJibfiiiL wity iu j gup oi. Dlingmg uuaiuuaa iu uui doors. be benouth your ability Soinay you COXTEST NOTICE. advance qntlt yon are rfuulllled to 11 II I DEPARTMENT OF THE JNTEBIOK. I tii!niace to which vou asniro as mvl Vimed State Land Office reach the great centers of in-dnsttjv-The Automobile Jine. !N:o good thing, however, is at tained without some sacrifice, , and we certainly can not expect to receive the necessities and comforts of an up-to date town unless ."we assist thedift;erent enterprises,, looking to that end. For an automobile, as for a railroad, to insure its successful operation, there must be an "There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the Hood, Igads on- to fortune; Om'.ttrd all the voyage ot their life Is bound in shallows and In miseries;. And we mint take the current ' when It serves, Or lose our venture." '"Tis never offered twice; seize, then, the hour , When fortune seniles, and duty points the way; Nor shrink aside to 'scape tho spectre fear, Nor pause, though pleasure beckon from lipr hnivpr? ' u -.1 ll. A . .1 .1. ) . M uusuiuio utiti CO Uie llgut OlrUut bravely bear theo onward to the way- Business demands this and it should be met by our and then will rest iu juietude. Teoumseh's Ghost. people. goal." Now i3 our opportunity.,"' Wu can afford to.give j Shall we grjsp it and retain anything financial and other material assistance that tends to increase the value of prop erty along its route. This the Automobile Jine is bound to do. On all sides we hear you can't make it a success, To all such we would say that the juto is a grand successt both as passenger and freight car riers, in all. our largo cities. Then wliy not here? In any event as long as we are no cash outrwe can easily afford to give it a -trial by granting, to it the that which has been offered? Or like other towns that have been offered opporiuiiitiea of a like kind, spurn tkehi all and sink into oblivion' Dear reader, the question is before you for an answer. Ponder well before rejecting the matter before you. GO. TO THE MADRAS DRUG STORE FOR Pure Drugs, Druggists' Sundries, and Patent Medicines A CompTcls Line of Stationery, Jewelry, Etc., In Stock Al. E. SNOOK, Proprietor. Efts'. Side Main Street, Majlrts, Oregon IW2, for 5W nniirter SEMinarler. 'Quarter SW quarter; Sec. 7, and the N Mnnnter NK quarter, 2s"E quarter N duartcr. Sec. li. TowiiMdit 10 S.. Ka Tho Dalles, Ore., August qo, 1901. A sufficient contest anidaVIt having been flh.il Id' IliU n(V liv fl T. Piivtim nC Oregon City, Oregon, contestant, against1! jionicsieau entry o. iu,4io.iunuu renriiary w w IIL'O 1 1 H.. W. M. by John John's .u. cuittvlei. In ' which it is alleccd that tho said John Johnson lias wholly abandoned said tract: ..that he has changed Ills resilience tlicn-j from for more than si mouths last past; , 4 that said tract not settled upon mid eel-1 tlvated by said party as required by law I that said party I as never, established resl. t 1 deuce upon said tract; that he has built no i house nor mnde nnv ininrovMneiits ujlon I tno land ana tinu sitcli ialitires on tlio pan ; ,of tlio contestee arc not due to service In the. army, navy or marine corps of the i ynlted States; said parties are hereby , notified to appear, respond and offer evi dence touchlm: said aili'Ksition at lucVlork 1 a. m. on Octuher .11. 1001. before I). V Ru. i V. S. f'ointuRMoia-r.,wlio U nnttmrlzed to J take the le.: uirni) tu the case at his office J at imiras. iHft'oii. on the noove nmc, ana i that linnl ln'aiin',' will be held at 11) o'clock I n. in. on Xfveinlier U KOI. lM!ore tlie 1 ; Ueslster ami IVivner at tiif L tilted States iLantt Oll'.ce in The lM!'c. Ore. . i I lie said ciuiti'staul bavins. In n proper DALLES PSPJW AVarmsprinp, Ore.. Sept. 25. Jly Dear Sou, Tecumsy, Jr.: Alus, how shattered are nlj my hope?, "When I read your former ultfvfla mi on n mtr titi.irl un'tillnfl ti.ttli necessary Tight of way, with the ' pritle to think that a child of mine, a descendant of the noble red man, had attained the 'honor of being corre spondent of u newspaper, but all such fond reflections wee dispersed by your' last cfl'ort, which shows that you are liis land if he signs a deed of right of way across his place for railroad or transportation purposes. To all such we would cite Section 2,28s of the Revised Statutes of the U. S., which re cites: "Any person who has already settled or hereafter may fiettle on the public lauds, either t by pre-emption or by virtue of the omeotead law or any amendments thereto, s li a i l 5IAVE THE EIGHT TO THANSFER, "by warranty against his own acts, any portion of his pre emption or homestead for church, cemetery or school purposes and for the right of Way of railroads across sucli pre-emption or homestead, and the transfer for such.public pur poses ehall in no way- vitiate usual reservation that when said right of way shall cease to "be used for its intended purpose it shall immediately revert to the priginal owner. -Again J'OU bailing under false colors, that you be' vill hear that a homesteader i ,ous to tl,e Regenerate white race. has UO right to and will forfeit wr, as you Lave shown some i , . '-, "1. , . - - what of a desire to be adopted into my family and tribe, T will take a father's liberty and call yourattention to some things in which you fail to measure up1 to an Indian's sense of right. First, no Indian would ever use such 'pigeon English" as you did and call it "fujin wawa," and until you under stand our language let me advise you never to attempt it again. If you must quote Indian go to some of the aborigines, and get them to give you tlie proper rendering into our language. Second, be careful of your state ments. An Indian Miould speak the truth not follow tho example of the white man, and you are neat enough to the Agency office that you might have obtained from Superintendent Kirk the facts about the west bound ary line of the Reservation, instead of makfirg the misstatement that ap peared in your last communication. This line is plainly marked by monu ments of stone and blazed trees every half mile; was so marked by Surveyor MiQuinn when he surveyed It under contract with the Government. Dur- p. J. BtOOFS,. Blacksmith and Wagon.maker. HORSESHOEING and GEXEItAL. SEPAIRS. Sis.th Street, Madras: Ore. " nfjiilttVJt tiled Aiwust 20, lt01. set foitJ nmona sor Prjvil, "pltl for tho treatment of nil medical and surgical dlscn.ct niade.it is hereby otdt'red and directed I cscopt such as aro contagious. Patlonta may omploy their own Pliyalclau! that such notice be given by duo and , . proper puilkatioti. Training School for Nuracs Iu connection. Foe any Information cbuoornloe the Pnme address ' Bra, FERGUSON & HEtJTEIt, Long Distance Tel. No. 871. ' ' Tjie liaUca, Oregon. sep: 15 Michael T. Xoi.ax. Iteglster. ARTISTIC DKIONS' FIRST QUALITY WORK Svi-jS v n y s Xa A. w.Watfes VIaible and Reserved for tlie t!gi ; DescMtesIrrfeatioH&.PowCo i Granite Works BEND, OREGON, M - - 0EEG0U. 1 I THE DALLS5, - " - , . TheEtfw. G. Pease Co, DEPARTMENT STORE ' " Ton will find a -greater variety,- a "better " stoe.k and -lower prices than at any other store in Eastern Oregon. Vrito us for our wholesale price on a year's -qupply. . . . .' .: . SUAXIKQ, OllEUptt. Kit Jos. T. Peters We make a plat of any township in he. Dallea Land District, corrected up to date for 50, cent! cash or postage stamps, i I i Hudson & Brownhill i Real Estate & Investment Company . (Incorporated) ESTABLISHED 24 VEAfl8 THE DALLES OREGON jjP li carries a general line cf Paints, Llmt' Cement, Nails, llqrdware, Build ers' Materials of all I.IihIh. THE, DALLES, , Ore. PRINZ & N1TSCHKE Wholesale and Retail Dealers hi FURNITURE and CARPETS Matting, Rugs, Curtains, Shades, Bedding, Etc. 211-213 Seond St,, The Most? Durable Woor Pairtt Made. Ton or J3acc fnof BOLD ONLY BY Li. iw. figt. Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby Kiven that plans, speclnVatltus and estimates for a Mrldgo nnti anuunenis across willow Creek, on county road at Madras, Crook county, Oregon, will bo received by tho County Court of Croofe county, Oregon, up to 10 o'clock a. ;n, October J5, 1001. The Court reserves the right to roject any and all plans or specifications Dated this 10th day of September, 1001. bun u, County Clerk, Royal Fire Extinguisher , NO. tQHrCOCK$ OR VALVES ' ' TO COitllDDE. A CIJJ LIV CAN OPERATE IT. .MADE IN SIZES. U.Sallons, copper.... 1!) 00 3 millriiiri, copper., lg.00 5g.illijiM'ojipi!r., , 18-OQ V- o, b, Portland. This tnacjilno N easily mid (juk-kly chained aii( Is gutiiantecd to put out any email tiro. that can be readied. Hhjust the thing for and should be In every resil ience, bain and move In tin coiintrj. i-or runner particulars write to the iiimiu- faet'iici-h, D.L. BUTLER & CO. 00 FIRST STREET, , PORTLAND, ORE. u!uvi your oruers at rioneer Ofllee. HOUSEHOLD LACQUER. "yiLL make your old furniture and woodwork look like ncyv and will brighten up and give new life and lustre to your; oor$ at nominal cost. ' ) . Put up in eight colors and also Clear; Ond Coat is sufficient. Can bo applied by anyone,! jr. un?s over ntgnt. ASS ?0B INBTBUfTIVE BOOKLET AND COMJJ QAID. FOH SALE BY" T. J. M ALLQY & CO, N. M. LANE vj ' General Blacksmith and Wagon Maker HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY All Work Guaranteed ' SHANIKO OREGON When writing to advertisers Jn this paper beuurctmtl mention The Pioneer, I I Cm t. Powne mm IF you tan save 10c on every dollar, isn't It to your interest t do so ' Wo can save yoti that and wejliaps more. Uwdoa cash business, therefore are nut iu sltlon to sell you a winter's supply of grocniii'H at lirJcoi) tiat dory competition, bee us before yon buy. ANTELOPE, THE DASH QROCER OHEQON, -- - "gl A COMPLETE LINE OF General Merchandise 0AK BE FOUND AT ' .:CULVER STORE.. At Lowest Prices for Best Qooils, From our BtoeJrof ShcTes, , tints Crand GoiUb' Purnisbiig Gooda oun Am eojocttiiif tho latest atjrlea and best iffi Frefili" and pure Groceries of ill Jkinds, Hardware, Tlntaritx and zarammi 4