Madras Pioneer VOL. I MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY, OBJCGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1904. STO. The n;. Mmrnmi Railway Co. TIME TABLE NO. W JtffectlT Julys, 19M. Bouth Hound No. 2. Horth Bound No.l. STATIONS Dally I' AM. LCSTS ' Hires 11:50 .m Arrive. ;r.a 3:89 i.m Olbioni 111:19 a.m Hlnlia 11:10 a.m 11:00 a.m -,2:&0 p.m, n-IK n in VCO it it Hummlt 10:40 a.m ...... . . n . i . i Jhiitt p.m. ,.:! p.m. ,Ja:48 p.m. McDo'ldsiuiW a.m DeMoM 10:00 a.m tCmklnvt 9:37 n.m 9:20 a.m fM a.m 8:10 n.m 8:30 a,m 8:00 a.m Q' V'y Uourlion 'Sill n.m Kent Wllrnx .Jfi;2l p.m. Arrlyo.. .n:oo p.m Slisntko Leave. Vot rate mid otlior Information Apply to C. E. LYTLE, 0. r. ill V. A. BUanUo.urogon K. J. WIIJSOK. Agent Bbanlko, Oreeon PROPQ88IONAU CARDS xrr u. Wilson ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ' and NOTARY PUBLIC THE DALLES ORXaOM 1IMOTIIY BKOWNHILL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC Pr.nlfKi In nil the Courts of the State, also In ths local and go n oral Land Offices. MADltAB, OREGON gTURDEVANT & E380N DENTISTS Over French & Co.'i Bank TUB DALLES OREGON Q K. BANDERS, D. D. 8. DENTIST Chapman Block THE DALLES, OREGON Long Distance Phono SU II. BN00K PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office In Drug Stoio MADRAB OREQOH T. A. LONQ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at farm, on Kalnriew Road. Mile Northwest of Madras. pRANK J. BROOKS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE MADRAB ORK00N )0N P. REA NOTARY PUBLIC AND U. S. COMMISSIONER MADRAS OREGON Hotel Shan iko JAMES McIIARGUE, Prop. Only One Price First-Class Meals & Beds All White Help Shanlko Ortfjon Eastern Oregon Banking Co. BIIANIKO, OREGON Officers; J. W. French, Pres.j H, A. Moore, Vie Pres. K. t, U urlburt, Cashier. Cartel Stock, $Z,0X DefwsUi, SIM.eW tfraffa AH fmHrn mf (km WwW Murlburt, W. tqrd, A, l,'iTwHMi; j.'m, Cm k'.Ofi p.m. 4:29 p.ra. U;&a tun. Hamilton Hotel First claw meals and bods. Prices reasonable. Head quarters for all stage lilies. Antelope, Oregon SEE EDWARD B. LELAND Tho uptcdato tailor, for suits cleaned and repaired on short notico. Mail or ders promptly attended to. Prices reasonable. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Antelope, Oregon I. tm LANE Blacksmith and Wagon Maker Hono Shoeing a specialty. Dealer in coal, iron, wheels, cushions, rubber tires, springs, axles. The Dalles, Oregon Geo. C. Blakeley Th Reliable Drutrgttft. Carries tho largest stock of drugs and druggist sundries In Eastern Ore gon, photo supplies your mailorders solicited and v 111 rccelro prompt attention. -J The Dalles, Oregon The Dalles and Shaniko Stage Line Comfortable rigs, good horse, prompt ervico, accommodating drivers, daily except Sunday. Oneway two dollars; round trip 3.50. Express and parcels carried at reasonable rates. Save Money By patronizing this lino. OBARR HOTEL . P. 3. PLUMMER, Prep. First class in overy roapect, travelers headquarters. Beds 26c and up. Meals 25c. Special rates by tho month or to families. One block from tho depot. East Second street. The Dalles, Oregon TrtE DALLES LtAUNDRY A. S. McAllister, Prop., does as good rtrlf an that heat. Mu.ken a fltteuiultv of collars, cuffs and white shirts. The Dalles, Oregon. WB SELrLr The best cigar for the least money of any manufacturer on the Coast, buy di rect from the factory and savo middle men'fl profits, sample box of 60 "Ha vana Filler" postage prepaid $1.76. Send p. o, money order, registered lot ter or check. WILLIAM CRAMER & CO., 219 Second Bt. TIIB DALLBS, OKB00N Oo to the Andy Allen Feed Yard When id THE DALLBS BEST ATTENTION GIVEN STOCK BMBd Btmt, sear the DlamoHd Mills h Dullei Oron WEES DOINGS Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of the World. OP INTEREST TO OUR READERS General Review of Important Happen pcnlgs Presented In a Brief and Condensed Eorm. Tho new Russian minister of the in tcrior will adopt a liberal policy toward ivo Jowa. Admiral Dowev has lust celebrated tho COth anniversary of biB entrance Into tho navy. A frelaht train strurk a wapon load ed with dynamite near Cumberland, W. Va. Two trainmen woio killed and nine persons injured. Japanese forces, divided into four armies, continue to advance on Muk den. St. Petersburg does not believe Kuropatkin will stubbornly resist the advance. Vesuvius is ctadually becoming act ivo. Ashes and sparks of firo rise oc- caslonlaly to a height of 700 feet. Tho eruption is the m at spectacular in the last ten years. Cholera has appeared at Port Arthur, Up to tho present only a few cases havo been reported, but there are gravo learn that tne disease will be come epidemic. The Japanese are attacking Port Arthur in a much fiercer manner than over beforo. Whole battalions are killed by Bussian mines. Tbo squad rons of Togo and Kamimura assist in the assault. Hungary has placed Mormonism under a ban. Tho Japanese continue to move to- waid Mukden. Tho fralornaties of America will meet in Portland in 1006. Now Yoi is experiencing the coldest September in 34 years Chief Joseph, tho famous Ncz Perces Indian warrior, is dead. Tho Sovoreign,grand lodge of the Odd Fellows will meet in Philadelphia next year. The Ruffian Vladivostok cruisers are roportod to have put to sea to prey up on commerce. By tho collapse of a pier of a steel bridge at Vinita, I. T., three men were kilted and 20 injuerd. A firo which broke -out in Boston at an early morning hour trapped coven men who were unable to escape. Tho Rock Island railroad has laid off nearly 2,000 of the men in Kansas shops in order to reduce expenses. A rev i Bed list of the Russian casual ties at Ltao Yang shows that 1,810 wero killed, 10,811 wounded and 1,212 Itfc on tho field, A generalassault a; begun upon Port Arthur. King Peter," of Soma, has been crownod. Russia expects tho ships at Port Ar thur to sally forth soon. Tho Japaneee are pi easing on to Mukdon and a battlo 1b imminent. Russia charges Britain with break ing faith in concluding tho treaty with Thlbot. General' Corbin holds that army offi cers should not marry unless they havo moro than their pay and are freo from dobt. Panama sides in with Ministor Bar- rott and will demand all questions re garding tho canal bo settled by diplo macy. That the now direct primary law of I Oregon is so inconsistent aa to bo nuga tory in its provisions relating to city oloctions prior to 1000 is tho opinion of Salem officials who havo given the law consideration. Salom, Portland, As toria, Baker City, Pendleton, Eugene and The Dalles aio tho towns that come undor the provsions of the new law, but it seems probabe that the'law can not be followed out as it nowjstanda. The czar has decided to form a second Manchurlan army. Flour on the steamers Arabia and Calchas, which was confiscated, will be released. RiiBBian reconnoisance neat Mukden are causing heavy fighting with 'many casualties. Rusflla has informed America1 that foodstuffs are exempt from the contra band class. Belarde is filled with visitors to wit ness the coronation of King Peter, bat little enthusiasm isdieplayed. RanaUnfi attamnted to take a fort at Port Arthur which they had recently lost, but were repulsed with heavy cas ualties. The Sovereign Grand lodge of Odd fellows ip in session at San Francisco. A warm contest in promised for sov ereign grand master. PORT NEEDS COAL. Port Arthur Cannot Much Longer Supply the Russian Ships. Tsingtau, Sept. 24 Several col Mors arrived here within the InBt ten days It is believed their cargoes aio intend cd for Port Arthur. Tho British col lier Foxton Hall has transferred her caigo of Cardiff coal to the German steamer Erica, which tbo local author ities would not allow to leavo until aiven assurance that no attempt would bo made to enter Port Arthur. The Erica sailed at daylight, and Japan is given as her destination, but it is bo lieved she will ultimately -make for Port Arthur, whero tho Russians aro offering stupendous inducements for tho dellvory of coal. S. Davidson, an Amrlcan merchant, who had a Russian coal contract and was ordered to leavo Port Arthur on Fobruary 16 last, is now at Tsingtau Ho tells tho Associated Press corre spondont that when he left tho coal supply there was very much depleted. On account of the Russian warships having been compelled to keep up full steam day and night for nearly eight months and tho enormous quantities of fuel required for tho water condensing plant, there must bj a coal famine thero now unless moro ccal has arrived The Japaneeo havo since then cut off tho wator Bupply, when tho garrison would havo to depend entirely upon the condenser. If a coal famino prevails, the town must bo getting water from impuro water wells, which would also havo to be served to tne sick and wounded icelees. NEW LAND POLICY. Tracts Withdrawn Will Not Be Sold as Soon as Restored. Washington, Sept. 24. Iho secre tary of tbo interior has ordered res tor ed. to entry a portion of the lands in Skagit and Whatcom counties, Wash igton, that were temorarily withdrawn in December, 1002, with a view to en larging the Washington forest reserve nn thn wr-nt aula. Thorn lands were examined by the forestry bureajf and . v; z found unsuitable for forest reserve pur poses. 8omo aro agiicultuial in char actor, son e grazing lands, but a con siderable area is valuable for its tim- bor. The reason the timber lands . are to bo turned back to the public domain is because they are isolated tracts, lo cated among lands now in private ownership. It would not be practica ble to reserve them without reserving tbo adjoining private lands, and this policy is not favored. In restoring these lands to entry the interior department is adopting a new po'icy. These and all other lands hereafter restored to entry will not bo- come subject to settlement immediate ly, but will be advertised for 00 days. This is to give every one an equal chanco to take up newly opened lands, and to prevent any one getting unfair advantage. This was not done in the case of the Blue mountain lands restored in Oregon, but the rule will heieafter apply to all lands eliminated from withdrawals, as well as lands wbicb aro cut out ol established reserves. COST OP UNSTABLE CURRENCY. Philippines Out $1,204,030 as Re sult of riuctuations in Silver. Washington, Sept 24. The bureau of insular affairs of the war depart ment in its review and final audit of tho finances of the Philippine govern ment has definitely fixed tho loss sus tained by tho insular treasury, up to Juno 30, 1003, duo to tho fluctuating valuo of the silver currencry in general circulation in tho islands uutil.a recent dato at $1,204,080. This loss to tho insular government was brought about largely by the fact that when silvor was dear Mexican dol lars wero almost exolueively offered for payment of government dues, but when silver was cheap and tho Mexicans over valued comparatively Utile was offered in payment of dues, and credit ors of the government sought by every meannB possible to obtain sottoment by tho government in Mexican money. In this way silver money would bo taken in at a high rato of exchange to gold and paid out at a much lower rate than roceived. Under tho now coinage act, which is now in Buccossful oporatlon, Mexican money is no longer recoipable fpr pub- Ho dues. Rush of Immigrants. Liverpool, Sept. 24, The streets leading to tho uteorngo offlcoa of the trans-Atlantio steamship companies wore blocked today by thousands of omigrants, clamoring for a last chance to get to America for f 10, the reports that the rate war was over being gen erally believed. Tho White Star line steamei Baltic, which sailed today, took over 2,000 (10 emigrants and many were left behind for lack of ac commodation. Tho American lino Bteamer Merlon waa filled up with tho last (10 batch for Philadelphia. Population of Buenos Ayres. New York, Sept, 24. A municipal census has just been taken, saya a Her ald dispatch from JJuenoa Ayiee, 'Iho exact figures are not yet known, but the population of Buenos Ayres ia estimat ed at about 1,000,000, Z. F. MOODY GENERAL COMMISSION and FORWARDING MERCHANT Largo and Commodious Warehouse. Consignments Solicited. Prompt attention paid to those who favor mo with their patronage. SHANIKO, OREGON H. HERBRING Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods 4 GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, ETC THE DALLES OREGON SKIBBE HOTEL F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. Meals " - 15c and up Lodging - 25c and up Only Brick Hotel in tho City 824 Second St., Opposite O. R. & N. Co. Passenger and Freight Depot THE DALLES OREGON VICTOR MAR DEN Manufacturer and Dealer In Fine Harness, Saddles, Tent . and Wagon Covers A THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE DALLES When there, Btop In and get prices. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. DEALERS IN ' Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS THE DALLES OREGON A. E. CROSBY PROPRIETOR POSTOFFICE Carries a Complete Lino of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Household Remedies, Druggists' Bundrles and Photo Supplies. Country Mail Orders I give my personal attention. A Graduate) in charge. afe delivery guaranteed. Your Prescription my Specialty. Strychnine and Tost Destroyers.' Stock Foods and Dlpa of all kinds. Agency for Eastman Kodaks. Both 'Phones. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE DALLES For the Best in Groceries go to BONN BROS. & CO. THE DALLES, OREGON Groceries, Vegetables, Fish Butter. All Kinds "We Make a Specialty of Farmers' At Cost All of Our Buggies, Spring "Wagons, Binders, Mowers, Stoves and Steel Ranges must be sold by January Jst to make room for another line of goods. It will pay you to get our prices; MAYS & CROWE THE DALLES, OREGON Special Sale! SLIGHTLY DAMAGED LINOLEUM At 60 per cent reduction from regular prlco. Cheapest Houao for bost Furalturo, Carpets, Stoyes The Great Northern Furniture Store EAST SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OREGON. East End Clothing Store JOE COHEN, Proprietor. COMPLETE LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, . HATS, CAPS, SHOES and CLOTHING v ALSO TRUNKS It will pay you to get our prices before pur chasing elsewhere. 60i SECOND BT., THE DALLES, OREGON Xiao branch at Grass Valley, Oregon HENRY L. KUCK MANUFACTURER OF HARNESS AND STOCK SADDLES Cowboy Outfits a Specialty Dealer in Collar?. Whips, Robes and a general line of Horse Furnishing Goods, Tents, Awninga and Wagon Covers. All work guaranteed. East Second St. THE DALLES, Ore. Shaniko Drug Store CARRIES Patent Medicines Toilet and Medicated Soaps Perfumery, Jewelry, Etc DR. S. L. PERKINS, Proprietor. IV. P. POUL.SON GENERAL PLUMBER TINNER Dealer In All Kinds of PLUMBING GOODS AND TINWARE Agent for All Kinds of Farm Machinery Star Windmills and Meyers Pumps SHANIKO OREGON PHARMACY T OREGON and Poultry, Eggs and of Mill Feed, Etc. Produce. Write for Prices. and Crockoryware. A i 6