LIL..HH.IIH.1IIIIIIH :...uiiijniiiiiii'nri ii i . ,, x m if- i tDhc TQadras SPionecp. Published every Thursday by , Till! PlOXBKlt PUBLISHING CO, Timothy lhtow.vmt.i., il?r. SUBSCRIPTION RATES:. One jenr..,,, ,.r....$1.50 hlx iiKtntl s. 1-J0 Three months... ft AovKitTTsYfr U.vtks on Arvrac.vTiox. Ai'pl cttlon lias been made- Ih on:!i Hie Postefllce nt MnIfn. Orexott. for entry to I'. S. walla us second Class matter. TlirUbDAY SEPTKMUEIt 15, 1001 new oouirtrc AaftefiTioft. t...:..- ,i r our State Le'gis'autre there will JLUl 1 1 1 II inn iv.mii ( ii n oicoiun ui . ... probably spring up the quee- tion of setting off a portion of Ctitr tilt, l w .icon fvinntinc intn V P'llt IIIIVl " ivu J J ,WUHVU I V tho proposed new county of BtOTjkman. This was agitated at the last regular Session and was defeated by about five minutes woik on the part of C M. Cartwright and Hon. J. N. "Williamson, who was then state senator from this disiiict. Tint it will spring up again and will Drobnblv be harder to kill. A petition" was circulated in this j part of the original Crook as sfdii.'i of the proposed new another center, and tho north county two' yearsago, which western part iii another county, many Deorde signed without but we are not ready for the- nnrWsr.'tnrli'ilTr flm hnnnrluries .-- ns proposed or jhe, work that will have to be accomplished in the organiratiou : of the new county. v The people in-this section of Crook count- are nearly unani mous in the opinion that it i altogether too soon for any thing of this kind to take place. This is the most tliickly popu lated portion, of the proposed new count v, and, in time, will be the parr of the county from which the gieaiest revenue wifl accrue, but there is practically no revenue i for a County organ? . izatiott frotu this section at present. The lands here have 3v-xJJ T5eeTria"lton up within the 'i last three years and patents have been issued for only a , j Very few paiCels. Most of the j people who are now here intend T to stay and grow up with the j country, and .will in all prob j ability take advantage of the eeven year limit allowed. by the Department of the Interior ink which to make final proof, so). that it will be at -least foHrfj,.lbUant over Inspects of years from Ihe presflut lime be fore the new count' could ex pect revenue from, tile taxes her i hat- be sometlii ijifi Tile boundaries as prapused by the agitators at Antelope' and Shahiko were not y har we in this t-ection want anyway. Roughly speaking the boun daries of the new county, as proposed, Weie Loiit , as fol lows: Following the south boundary of Sliernian cohnty west to the Dikchutes river, south along th-.; river to the xnouth of the Mertoles river, ih a generally easterly direction.' along the crest of ihe B iw Mountains to the wes?ern boun dary of W heeler count', thence wrth along Wheeler county nd ihe John Day river to the joutheast corner of Sherman county. This would, as can easily be perceived, leave a largo portion of the Warm springs Indian Iteseivation on tho west side of Ihe De-chute.,' still in Crook comity; at.d jhe neraons living time v,Mth busi ness to transact in their county seat would he compelled to cross a portion of auoihei comity in yetting there; whieh, by the way, ia one of the rea sons advanced by the Ante lopers for the establibhment ol a new county, ?ib the3r are now oompe led to pass through bhur man county in going to The Dulles. Of course there would )G0t be much ruvinue derived at e,anrt by unit tme ,ine oeotr- v- - "! i.miort iI(t, closer contact and vcnnlrl li'ire riilefl u-n won hi 1 u l,"luI ul "'e oiiiun, eeere- , - , , ... ... wouiii u.ivcjjneu, up wouju . a deeper, broader spirit ol loy- iio- I-.i-ttm nifl cif it. -i-r. 1 ,:u J Ul "1H luiem r umier a , . 1 Itg luice dim Ul III. 14- , m I v i tirl .rrt ikg k onrnMitlxrcn . rentproporlu.ns. . , . UevHaud admimstrat,..n. I. is ? ; - present from tlio Reservation, ijut we .bohevo .that .when, n new county is set oft' here it should bn made to include- nil of the Warms pri if Reservation now 'included within the limits ol Orook count, and should also go far enough south to take in the Haystack country, say to the mouth of- Crooked river, following up Crooked river to a point about due west of (Jrizzly Butte, and then over to the Wheeler county boundary. The Reservation will bo thrown tpen in due time and will give Ho n hnt rif vprf fine ftitmillir . . - " ' ... . ,i ,.r ii, j l.dUllll um sunn; n in" iinvoi, n.nW in n,Wn.,. niul In- taking I ' ... w.n , ' . .i. n ; the lines south to Crooked river would include tho Haystack country, which naturally goes together with this section. The j - - j p-ople here fire not Anxious for ju change at tln$,timo aim pe tmons sent out by Antelope will meet with small encourage ment here. The tune is rfot far distant when Crook will be split up the. hack in several directions, with Bend as the center of one por tion, Prineville with a small division now. Some steps should be taken by the postal authorities so that mail from this section will not have to be held over at Grizzly for twenty hours, in order to catch the north-bound stage for Shaniko. This is a great inconvenience to the peo ple here and something should be done lo relieve matters. Timothy Brownhill is still in the land of the living, having 'escaped the dangers of the first j few weeks of newspaper work land, is spending a few days with his family. The .Madias Pioneer is getting along f-wimmingly , snjs its proprietor;-and any paper that can swim in a c tin try where there is each a scar city of water must be in a pretty healihy condition. The Dalles Chronicle. Settlersin Sherman count' who were dispossessed of their holdings by a derision of the U. Supreme court are very an early act of fongiess making ttt least paitial reparation by very important that the invesli gation now being cann-d on ,iuu eriinjuiit, iur nauiiipi .:..,.. : .1 1 . 1 . 1 i. .. lias lailen into the hands ol T. old Mays ranch lying-two miles 13. Neuhausen, special agent ofUouth cf Anielope, and will the general land omce. 'J his investigation is to very thor ough that there can be no manner of doubt but an aypro priation will be made lo meet the emergency if congress is disposed to act j'oi.efct'.y with the people defrauded by 1 tilings of the public authorities; The Williamson act c o v e V s tho blunder to date, but an appio priation will be needed to fob, low the just re port of Sir.viCeu liauscn. Moro Observer. WAEM BPEIKG EE3EEYATI01T; Pijsjed to note the arrival of (your paper and wish it many moons 01 succes&ini iije and l(ope our people will patronize; it liberally. There are many vacancies in the list of employes at the Gov ernment Iudiau-sch6ol heronnd more aie Hkely to lull w. Forest lires arc racing o'n the Reservation, but eomo of the Indians eay they don't care as. Ihey derive no financial benefit from the timber mid that soon it will belong lo "Eodton" men anyway. a J), Wlun writing to tuh-ertlsera In thftt pujier be hurt- mid uieiitiun The I'oik-iin TEDEBAL LAKD INSPECTORS, 'For, the purpose of proven ti eg further finud in ihu bflioes of tho west, the public land states have been divided into nine districts, oyex' each of which a special inspector will be ap pointed. Oregon and Wnsh iugton will each compute h separate distiict and will be presided over by separate in spectors. Tlios. B. Neuhauscn, formerly of Mindesotn, but for. the past year located in The Dalles, will be inspector for. Oregon. and Edward W. Dixon. Mi .. . ...A.. ol ureffon, win oe me ueuiur.jui . - j Washington. 1 he80 gentlemen will he paid Sl.fiOO per annum with an additional stipend ol ; per da expenses, ami ny 10iC57 uwlJo Mnrp, i. iwa,trKU he allowed ,:t clerk at 81. 00(51 SlfUm 1, Tit. ll smitti Uitnuo 1 Host, oc auowiu ,.t uuiv .it v'yulWt m., M Wallw J.titlior Harris c.n- Per yea r. -4 to ;it, In which It U nlli'sed thnt ilte wilil ixifc , ; i citjit0!-it' Iihh wholly nbamlotted tlii'sntd p. i -1 -l The organiRation in Portland, . :egtll. recently of tho OregOll J ' Ore rv i t t .. delayed step in the right direc tion. Thepurposeof the league as indicated in ihe name is the development of tho state; i li.n.rli -ntilxl ,.! ,i,1 nn nnoi.,1 through publicity and co - opeia - tinn 'PIih n-ilifotii'i Prfiiiintioti made, It Is hereby ordered and tliieccu uon. ine uauioui.i i romoiioit , l )U .woh ,10llco'bu KjV(, by iluu and Committee has found it advis-1 itroycr imbiication. v . ..!.' JJiciiaki.T.Xot.An. able to do the same work lor! California that- will be done by the-neWly organized league for Oregon, and the Seattle .Cham ber of Commoice takes the lead in such work for Washinghon. In Victoria and Vancouver, B. C, the Tourist Associations are very active in bringing the ad vantages of British Columbia befoie the world. The pur- poses of these organizations are 1 154 . . . pt actically identical and in a . , ,. I .sense they present a peculiar , ... ti ;r -i.,, , anoraaly. W ily n may be , i5lrfl i it uencs-ii-v tn iriflnre .ISK6U IS it ntctbS.liy 10 liiuuri immigration if the Pati iic Coast . 1 is! 'ill f 1 1 1 f. tliiinn nrir!irii'!itinim claim it to be. If we have the linest climate in the world, the most fertile hind, mnjesjic Senpr'. and. alL .that makes .lifu plea.-ant and desirable, why do not people find it' out and come west without any urging? Tho answer of course is that they do find out and are coming but not fast enough to suit the western idea of things. So we organize. The benefit of such organiza tion is not confined, lion eve, simply to those who take ad vantage of their opportunities and Come west. There is an ecpirll -advantage to be derived 'to the states which foster such organizations. The people are j, Sahzmun has bought tin take immediate possesMon. The ranch includes about l.OCO acres of hind, upon whicli are a number of improvements. The, pricq..paid for the property was in ihs neighborhood of SS.COO. Mr, Snltzmnft Aimily resided with his mother-nt-BuVntrafich, but that property was soldjBev eral ycais tigo.A ntelbpe Ileiald. . .Marshall Field is assessed for taxation in Chicago at $40,000, 000. That probably entitles him to , tho distinction of being; the largest individual taxpayer in the Uniled States. But he is far from being the wealthiest man. Probably therp uro half a dozen men in Nqw York much moro. wealthy, but nut one of- them appears to be assessed for anything like the sum at which the great Chicago merchant U listed. , A Paris paper stages: "Ve have it from a trust woriliy source that th.o Mikado will ask President Roosevelt, in the event of his defeat at the coming election, to become commander-in-chief of tho Japanese armies in ihe fluid." When ready for seeding your fjromid this full buy u CONTEST NOTIUIi. DH1WKT51ENT OP T11K INTEIUOlt. United ' tato- Lmul.Offlce. Tlio Pnllos, Ore, July 18. 1W)1. A sunii li'iu cnnti'st nlllilavlt having been niid In UiIh oHlon by Kutl l-'tslifl-, or Tin- lalPl. lor'tiioro inaiPtux liioinns iiisijium Mind liaK-'fatu-d to inijhovo and cultivate tin Miiuo iw required ly law, mid Unit the (Vaiil failnro.s aio not duo to service III t .e 1 . . . . ..... TT. .!...! army, nav my, nav or inariiir cm pa m niu iMuiuti snlil i.m tii K nit! lii-n-hv lint llli'd tit I linear, ithi'oiiu una oiht eviin-in-o ioim.ii- i inir said al'fL'ntlini ut 10 oeloek n. tn. on SiMitiuiiliKr P.O. l!M)t. liornrn tlm Kiil'Is oi mid lteceher at tho tTnltud States Land Olllco In Ti e Duties. Ore. I lie said cout'St!iiit liavlntr. In a nrniicr fll avlt, tiled .Iuiic2:i, H'Ol. el fortli fuets ' which show that after tine dlliueiu-u jier (.OIlll, i,.,. f t,3 mtw Cft ,0t' i nus2S j Itoister. : I ' CONTEST NOTICE. I DlirAt'T.MENT OF THE INTERIOR. ! United Stato3 Land Office. Tlio Dalles Ore,, August SO, 1001. A sufficient ei-iitffit ai'tf lavlt I iivine heon ililcd in this oRlco bv G. L. 1'axton. u! ' lO.eson City Orecon. ooiiti'statit. against ! I10111 Hti-ad f iitr No. 10.4 III, made February ! 125. lWJi, nr SW quuti-r E cinnrter. hK (iiartt bwquaiier. sec. 1, aim tjie i w mtaiter NE qiiarli'r, NK quarter NV . qi'mrt r. Sic. is, Tow m lit. 10 St. Itn ;i- it ' l-oi w. .m., uy jonn .lonns 'ii. eoiu-tee. 111 u.liich It U ulic'Ml Unit tin- said John 1 Jyjmson has wholly aliaiidon.d said tian (iliat he hax chahcid Ids re-l eiut tlu-re- from for ;tnoie than six Jlitii.UiK ial oast: that said tract is not Kittli d 1 pon I'lmc 'I .h-ated by said jinny ns req sired by law; hat-aid narty l as 11 vit-esiubllslied ri"l- ,llt,ict, ,, 8aj,i Ur.ct; timt h.- has imiit m. !,,,uso ,inr mi,d" v improvcinents ujm n ,iio land anil that such f ulnres on t bj'nrt .f the e.ntestce are hot duo to wervico in the armj j navy or marine ft ispR nf th f Tii I r 1 .stnti-s Mild imiiii-x nrn lntnii noiiiiuti 111 ajipriir, if3)Pim niiu iiuur rvi dei'ce Touclilo a llalli-uatl 11 at 10 oVlocl; i.jit on Ocb-hei 31. lllflt. before 1). 1. lteu, IJ. S. t'oninii.vioner. who ia anthoi Izid to tijke tin te.-tlinotiy in the ca8 nt Iiih ofljee :iL.hnhas Oregon,,!))! tho abovo date, iiif Uut filial hi'.i jii-.wll l b Ik Id at lOoViock niTiu. ui N vt'inln r 11. lW)t, b foro tin-Iteg-Mter n)nt Ite'-eivef nt the United State Land Ofilc' In The Dalles, Ore. T1.0 fitiid i-oiitestnnt having, in a p'roppr afndavli filed August 1, 11KJI. set. f rth facts wl.ieh U w that after due diligence personal frivico .Mills itotlce can not bo made, it Is hen-Uy ordero 1 mid dliecti-d Hint btich tii'Uee be given by luo and proper piilll.ction. , iljfctlAEI. T., sepilo ltfgister. IONUMENTS rtW'sne Designs FIRST QUALITY WORK Watts ffi&pble and Granite WoHs THE DALLE3, - - - - 0EEG0H. J6ss. T. Peters carries u general line of PalntP, blme, .Cerrient, KiYls, Ilanlware, Bulld- ' ' ' ' - erts' Matei iuls of till Ulndn. . . . . TllE DALLIJy, Ore. The city of Binati'. in Lnnnn province, Ishui'd 0 Litton, V, I,,' hits been destroyed by lire, One hui'dred i')prsmipui'Uhod in the Haines, and fi.000 were rendered homeless,. The Inss is esjimatud a I $-300 000, Tho gov- ernment is furnishing fciipplieb .....1 C 1 ... il. . 1 aiiM.iou.u iu l it oeoiue biik h destutu by the lire, . Accord ing to tho census of 1800 Bimwig had tv population of 7 1308. 11 i fk-fi Jill I CinW rm n . '7niC'..J fjLitfhfl . -rTM'f.'l J fl I m E 1 B 11 Bmct AhM I i. Th e DALLES HOSPITAL A prlva'e Hospllnl for llio treat mont of all medical and fltirjdcal illscl?fr except fitch n are cohlagloiis. Patients may cmplrty their own Pltytilclatif TrHltilufi School for Ntirfes In conncctlout For any Information cnncornliiff tliePninea.Uirpfia Dtet PEROUHON A ItKUTKIt, Lot'ir DIstanco Tel. o 871. 1'ho Dulles, Oregon. . , , . . 1 . : . 1 The Edw. G DEPARTMENT STORE SI1AK1KO, A COMPLETE LINE Ol!1 GENERAL ..Culver At Lowest Prices for Beat Goods. Fi;oht , o'ur stock of Shoes, Ilats, Caps and Gen ta.'. . -Fiirnisliing Goods cun be selectGd tho latest styles and best it. Freslr find pu're Groceries of all kinds. . . , r 1 , . . ' T 1 in sm THE CASH Antelope, & . Mr i i i ii i ui ii mm im i Real Estate Iloinof tend IicntlottBi runuH fbr Jontt Wd wrlto In miraiico and lioiujB of All KlndH. IU my to Loun. Jlluo 1 rhit IwvjibIiIji rifltfor wlo, Wrltd or cnlbtor prlfios ou Lmul-Hd-lp of All Jilmlfl, s , t. . , l.H j our Property with us If you nro looking for Quick lieturjiii, : , St TiMOTKY BRQWMTLt Real Esjateand FlimhclabAnt. ' , MADRAS, ORHOON jr u I H a .PeaseCo. 5 bitkooN. ISE sto r. v owne Gftb.GEf.-.v OUEQONi , ft n MerchAnd w3A .a. - .1 4 -ill 1! I ii m 'Si