The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, August 23, 1855, Image 3

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    mmuw "s sjaasaausM1'
OroKoit A mi mi I Cionluroiici!.
A ITO I NTM KN fa W I 1.1. A M UTTH I l ' l T. Wamkii, Presiding UUor.
Wnluiii David Losllu.
Mill Crock I.nlnn Cno.
llullovlllc Utitirli tJnrtUon.
Oregon City llntvny K' IIIiioh.
Ono to lm
North Yiiiulilll ami Cliclialrm Iloli
crt Ilootli,
Ymnblll Jno. Spencer. Ono to lie
Lit Ctrolo N. Domio.
Mnn'a Klvur Joseph W ",,,l''
Utro falllur.
annul Priilrlo Nelson Clmlt.
Upriicpr' lliillf IJfivitl W. Minium.
AloKitxlo'i P'lirh Nmih A.Htnrr,
Ctillapoiiiii linno Dillon, Joint W
York, Win. llilm.Hup.
Hniillnm 1"kiK (Jlmnccy 0. Ilo
Tillninooh To lm supplied.
Prnnc'sH. Ilutl. President of Will -
Innmlto University, n member of .Solum
Quarterly Conference
Tlimm.r ll.l.'nnio,.Anoiit, Wnlhim
I'tto University, i tiiciuljcr of yiilum
(Jitnrleily JoiifiTurici..
Luther H. Woodward, Principal of
Baiithim Acmlemy, n uieinbitr nf Cnllm
jiooln Qunttcily Cnnfeniicu'
J. I.. Pmlali, Mlml'imuy to thn dull
mis, 11 inimlicr of.Hnlem (iuiirleilj
LevlC. Phillips, Agont, Amerlcnn
Ltltitc Noddy, n incniliur of Mnry'
Hlvcr (ium Icily Cnnferi'iicn.
Umi'ui'a Ditriinr.
Jami: II. Wii.iiuii, Presiding Elder.
Nmlli UiiikHii nml h'cotuhurg
Tlininai 1. ltoj til, (Jurtlngton J. Ilrl
South IJiiiwiur Jnini'i O. Ilnytior,
John W. Miller.
Con liny nml Port Orford to
liu iii'iIIimI,
Jnckatuivillo Joint Flint), Jcuo M.
Illinois Vullny to bo opilli)tl.
UiiiKn:t Academy To In supplied.
Coi.iDinu Utvi-.u Diiniurr.
(fi'ir.wi'n Mini:, Presiding Iililcr.
rortlaml .William Hubert.
TiMlnlin PUIti Tu liu supplied.
Attoiln mul Clatsop J
Pacific City nml Hhoalwnter Hay
To lm suppllid.
Onk Point Itntiilcr.mitl Munllccllo
Jae. II.H. l(oyi,l
Nt, Helvm To ho topplifd.
Vfliieouvrr Smnuvl Matlhcwi.
Dalle mid CntcmUi (Suorgo
Mllwnukls and Sandy Ccorgo
Pi'ttitT Sou.Mi Diirmcr.
Proildlng Kldor To ho kupplled.
Ulynipin Jnlm !', Devoio.
Strilacoom To lu mpplivd,
Mcnltle t)nil I.. -'
Whilhy'a Ialmid mid .Shngot Minion
Win. II. Moun. Ono to ho iupplltd
Pott Townirnd mid Poit (lainhul
To be luppli.'d.
Chi'lialia Cowlitz To ho mpplied.
P, (1. Ilurhmian, Trrtnifvrrril to
California Conference, mid it.illoncd
at UmiU Crux.
'Calvin S. Klngiloy , Principal of Port,
land Academy mid IVmaln Seinhinry,
n mom'jifrof Portland QtintU-ily Con.
Tlm Coll llio .Tlliifa.
Tlio uror concerning thoao mlnn,
hai to 400)0 extent ipi'iit iliclf, yet it
ragai fitfrcoly vol ; miny nro atlll go.
log mid preparing In go there. j
Wo do not think lltnt tlio intelli
pence o far reclovcd front llnit quar.
trr, wnrrnnta lilher tlio cxcitiinonl'
witnciied or tho expeclntinni enter.!
tnlncd. Alllhe fads vo hnvo from J
thero nro that gold wax found upon
two xmall liar of rt xmnll liver
Pond d'Oi It-lie. Thnt pil.l very well;
whllo Itlaxled hot not extraonlinarilvl
well, by nny inentii. "I'lom ono to
twiMitv.fivo doll.ui tier iImv" nro not
wry rich digging. Tho mini's In,
Southern Oregon, hnvo been mid nre
paying bitter ihnn thxt.
llut Ihcro U no poxtivo evidence thnt
therulianyg'ilil tip thero beyond I lie
two li.tri nlre.tdy woiked. True, it i
jirfiiMirJlhal Iheio mutt bo more there,
mid It It tuppoied by onto thnt thexe
will prove nx extunxlvo nml rich "
thoxo of CHlifortila, but presumption
nnd luppoklllan may rail Aim cer
tainly they do not watrmit SODl), .'1000,
or 1000 iiiuii In going thoro loproiprel.
If tho mines ore exleuilve, nothing it
known of it note , fltro limes nx innuy
nronlrondy on their w.ty thero nx nre
neenxsnry to proxpect tho country, nnd
it npponrs to us tho purt of wisdom foi
thoxo not yet gone, to await tho remit
of thriroxplornlioiis, Ills not nt nil
linprobnblo tho result may ha
"no paying diggings there," and the
return of thoao who hnvo gone, mlnut
ontllit, expenses mul time. A' "'0
rato, "delays nro no! dnngerous," nnd
llttlo can bo hut, whilo niuuh miiy hi
msdo by "holding on." So tto sny
remain wltero you nro until you gel
direct and reliable Information fiom (he
minri. nnd thon ynu may not care
ubout going ! 6Vo.'m.ui.
Small Fnv PonTJCIAs. Tltcxc
noor devils cot tho following covert
"dab" from tho editor of tho Sierra
Citizen, Downloville, CaI., In n recent
itxue oftliat oxocllont papiri
"Pautv Sritiir. Wo nro utterly
dlignstod, sick, nauxouted, with the ov.
rrlastlng politlohl olup-trap rung in our
are everyday, just n though tho coun.
try were on lliu evo of revolution. The
iiooplo linvo 1(0(1(1 stnrk crnr.y on llio
iinlijcct of ioiiltf.n. Hinidl Iry ileum-
goguus, wlin mmingo to liuop tnul rind
inly logelhur without work, Intvo kept
up their Interiinl till) in lliu ram 01 lion
uit people until tliuy nro jjolujj mid too
including tlii'lr buslnv, quurrcllug
with lliclr filundi, nml alining mihnnv
lly muting ipilut, liotR'nt'liiiiiiti'il mul In
ililtttluu people, wlin would iilhorwiio
lm i-ontunt to east lliclr vote quietly
for tlil'ir luvn'llo ciintililnlei, nml go
Admit Hint r liiuliiuM.uonncloiiii twit thuv
Imil I'lijnycil tliu dearest privilege of
A.NOTttiiit Pio.Mtmt (i'i)Ni:. Cniit.
Joti-ph (1 L. Pulsion died nt tlm Mis
iloti of Hun Jou on tlm J'.llh July,
dipt. I'iiIswii wn ono of tlm Amcrl
enn ploni'orn In Ciilifnriiln. Ilcgrndu
nti'il nt West Point in 18K), nml in
IHIOunmu to Cnlifornlii in Col. Hti
vciikoii' rcjjliinint tin ipmitcriiMMi-r,
nllli tlm mull of Ciiptiiiii.ln which en.
iiicily no ii'ivcil lor thrvo yonri. Ilo
w.i lliu lint colli'ulor for tlio Port ol
Han I'rnni'liiuo, nml I1I1 iminn It lilmitl
Ih'il with thu irogruM mul hiatnry of oor
iltv. ni will m with lliu iirowtli nml
liroincritv of llio whotn .Slnlo. In lihn
.Sin IVmiriico hanloit npnhllc.iiiiiitc'il
mil mufol r.iiiruii s'juIuH o good man.
(lulitcn lira.
(& Tito Know Nothing Klnto Con.
vin'.loii nf CilH'iirnl.i nut ntSacranifii.
In City, on tliu 7th ulu
OrNuvailit City,
:i,(IOU inhnhiliinlH.
CaI., I.m nenr
Cum ct til u truly liu .Utirllt, Opptnhtuntr
a. l.u.
Kciimiiimo, August 2.'), 1 85.1.
fluvtfontl Shut 1 1 1 Mia, '.'n3
U'ai llnnta, line, :tulnuti
per dox., tZin N Orloam pnl, tiaOO
Ornlii. " " 4Ha--Stuart'a Syrup,
" cniiimo:!. liiiil'i In krea, DfhSl
flnccaUboota, i!0iT0 II. Ilolon, " t ol,'J5
fi.m. " " rtii31.Viia
liny.' " " 2Un3:iCut. aaa't'd, per
Ilavy peRRCil bro. t cwt, ClinlO
KAiia iK-ribi., l.'a?0 Wrminlit, " IV 11 It
l.lKlilclf " lHa-JI,llorM-boe, W
Plnn"atltclieil,!Sla3llOir l.ailVDnecTralria24 Olive, In Iwtllea,
Clilldreii'a ahoei finUi lr dor., tla 12 1
llrtail .I.Iiim-kI. Iiolled,
t'llnl llrciit In bbla, , J cr Kill., 2s3,'tiideblodnai July 4lli 1955, $1,100 37
tnK'Jh. - I'te'.'.fc'12'23"3'! ny ,.!., of tb-llonrdnfCoimtv Com.
Crackcri. In 20 lb. White I.'a I, 15iIC
1 nn, '; -""""" - -
tin, S3,50l( e.1 " --
' liote. inatK rnini, naiu
per Hi., IHASOcX'Imlk, per Hi., HatOj
Cfftr Putty. Hal2'
Jain, iir lb., Ifla20 (llii, Am AM't'il
.M'lillUnn.lllloJUalH IHT lOOfcct, 12ati
(round Celfee, ICxIIU'r rrrrf 1
Ciitullti Xiytlcra. - lb cam
SK-rm, r lb., 5.'.C0 r dot. Oall
AiUtimntlnc, 3Ja3 Clann, "
t'rrncli Cuhipuk'n, a tauter. " 017
L'otiluft Sanllnex, Uf lioxr,
M'nllli rope.lli.Mnnn' lr dm.. tJiiK
llrill,., ll'llHw la rt vil
I... l! ' L'lll.. ?&I.H0
t'niiti, eoin.Hatt. T.lan il dot., 8ll
Krdox. 630( ' lifRal Ca7
" flue, -lOalS' rorfneMi
" " Caai., CO iTA'I'ork. clear,
Wlilrd. Jrnnr t.lnd. " ineia,
iwr dox., 7,31110 llaun, IlilllnR a
' Una nlill-. lio'JI " belt ItnoL.I 2025
Sliwtlnff. brown, (ll'tcon, clear, IHa'Jli
iwr yard, I012? " ineu.
' Ucacli'd, IJlnlCUrJ, In tlim,
Hr''n.lOlill'l, " "'(!.
Cotton Kuek, No. JlJutttr, freib,
I to '.' 33al0 Utiec-aa
' 0 to 10, 3343G Hlrr
anketa, coP.I, .Carolina,
........ lir.-Hl..a
colli. lir r7-'. w.....,
' line, 6a7,60).Veo;
" extra h'vy ;CitiIe, per lb., ni
white, fa3'lllll'ploNo. 1, 11
, ' '!.... nil... i?
Ilaiirrv Xliclll. Olive, 12
U'uol III hoie, doi.fiaO.Cotit, llrown, 79
Cotton " 23, .Se;nr
While and cold llnimu, 11, esnai.M
rot. hoe. 10 Aui. UrKall, Valll
Drlol Apple", bbla. ;Io pireri Hi, J2j13
ft hft'blaprlb.l3xl3.ilaisptrilui., I313
lVactii. nWSull
Freali " 2 lb. (Kliir table, per lb,43
rnni. dot SFallll ock, Sal
Chill I'rncbc. 2ii3(i;.Vnifi
Kill. Walnut, loan unites, perm a
t.'urraiitr, a mincer. I lb bottle
llnlallik, per li.X, Mi per iliU., .IJ
brandy Fruit per .Allrpice per lb. 4fm
dm., S0ilO;Xiltinrg, 823
Pie fruit', 7a'J Pepper, sratn, 23a
r.,A ISnititi
Cod. 3a20; ' )-. 3,J4
Salmon, bbla. a ,ltum. N IX, 1,37a
flour a ii J Mtal .liln, Holland, z,?3a!
Chill Flour.or. 6Ji6f " Am. 1.231,73
tkllpie Mill. " llla7;Whlakey.Sc'cli, a
Itnckwlu-itt.llnt, a0 " Old Ityc, l,lal,73
Corn Moil. bU,3a " Com. l,23al
hf bbli, 4a4ii.Viifffir
(train China, No. 1, 12alS
Onta.amallnuantl. I " 2. lUal'J
lira. lb.. fiallCrmhed. 17a
llarlev. Satll'ulirrizeJ, lSa20
Ileana, Am. white, a 'Tobacco
i riilll. 10al2Aiiiterin' fc fiood
(Innpoictltr wlt,prcroii,iif!,3J
lllaitliiK, krK.S01a"!(lrnp ilrmid, 333&
UuponP,cniinlv.' JTwin llrotbcrx, 33n
tLTi.ncr can. Ifln20 I'nilt. 30a33
Hazard. "" 18.x Peach, SOaCll
Ham J ra
r;iiiintr.ii. 20a!4 Gininowder. In 1 lb
Oralnllnirs. 33ai0l cans, 3af.O
Hardware I " t " ouaui
Shotol.prlconomInal(OMonir, ) pipcr,n61
Axes.Colllns'UnJili Winn
" Hunt'. 10nl8 Claret In eaiea,3,50aC
Axo, handled, 22a27;8iltcrno, 0,30a7
Uathtr Port per gal., 2a2,5
llnrncsi, n43 Champagne, pts,
Solo, a5) per do ITall
Skirting, o30;
Dissolution of CoparliuTsliIp.
TlIE co.parlnerhli heretofore existing
1 between tho undersigned, under tho
name mid stylo of "Merrill, Oppenhclmcr &
Co,," Is this day dissolved by mutual con
sont. All debt contracted by the Into firm
will bo settled by Onpenliclmcr & Co. All
those indebted to said late firm nre required
to make tuiytnent to Opnrnhelmcr fc Co.
(Signed) V. W. MKHHITT.
August 21, 1S35.-1 tilt.
IB llCIt f.ll 1' (JIVCN Hull will mtk
niilrnlhiii In tin linn. I'lnlmie Court
of (,'nin Ciiiinly, nt ll Oololxr triilnn, A.
II. Wti, to ruiKn tlm Ittlrrt of inliiiinla
t ration liaiiml In ma nn Ida I'llnti of lion.
iy A, Utuik, dfttonl.
J. II. HTAUK, Ad'm'r.
Aiigu.tu, ier,n.-i ifjw
NOT I OK l licieliy givini tlml tlm mi
ijarnigni'il Inn bean nnpnlnlrd mlnilli
itlnilnr ilo ImniK linn of lliu fituln 11 1 At
linrl lliirliin, lulo nf Ooiijtlua C'ciinly, (
T , ilrrmiinl, All mfDin liidi'lituil I')
uiil tttala lie 11 qumleiJ In innka iimneili
nln n iiimiiI, unit tliona lin virifg cl.ilim
n(iiliil inlil rlnln will iutnl tlirm Ick"'
Iy iiiillienlleiilcil In Ilia uinJcmlpiiLd, nt fii
rriiilitlica ill CiiIo'd vnlley iin.iiicl. ininiil
Cuiiiily, on nr liiifnra tlm lint day nf Mnnli
mill, lur i)iymeiil. Tlis mtals if aujijioa
ml In tin nlViiit.
July SO, lB.',S, tlOtt'
01' Itecripta mul Clpitmlilurea of tlio
Cuunly ir l)uiiiln, fur llificl yuar
ciidiiifi JuU ll. A. I). lef!J.
b in:(u:iiTri.
Amniinton liaml m clou ol last
yir, M0 60
ttrcaitiid fur licenc, fcrilca,
fiua, Ao,, 38 (W
Kecnlvtd I10111 Collector, 4010 U9
Tulil, T.7U a I
Ainnunt nf uidera outiMiiding
fin n 1 'it.
eGlO 48
I'alil Unipqiia County, fir f x
ni-ni.'i of eitu term Uiitrlct
Cuurt, IBVI,
I'ulil Jur na, Witnaktea ind Jul
Hi pa rem.
I'nlil rilinitr Inrludinx coniln.
If,guaiil( and board of prii
Hujiimii nf llio poor
l'iinea nf lucnlipg Co, loldl,
Hunt und rilotliinm,
r,S3 r,r,
1,001 G
ill oil
27 00
yn a-i
I0 45
)4t '
101 b)
J'Jj 00
7i 00
a. 00
f73 m
Vilfj 7 J
1 Clerk District Court,
AU'lilnl, ,
Jiidgxa and Clrrke of eltcliotl,
Jllllj(H Of I'll.llilIC,
(,'nii iy CuiiiMiHiionert,
I'riKM miii- Attorney,
I'Tririlmlil fund,
sciiuoi lunu,
$7,000 tC
4.7D l
County Indcbtednna, $2,4.10 US
Hilla Allowed July Term, IB55, 1,700 V2
;rcl KarpttliiH for Inrtlcs1.
rpili: UNUKIlSinNCO have juil reeei.
L ved laiga aiiorluient of guoda, cun
titling of
llnnneli.blick ailk,ihnra, gallcri, green
and blurt barge, black nlk vcili, abawli,
paraioli, riuuoni, gmvei, limn,
UwlMka.Ur rlia end Jarcuiimt,
Slecrti, Collar, ami Citmhctlti, irWtt
and Hack figured Lace, Edg
ingi, Inicrliom, Ve.,
A great many oilier arllclea loo numerouil
In mention, which being ilighlly damaged,'
will be iold at ledured priria, I
VM. llllAND.fc.CO.
t?cotnbiirg.July S!G, IBM. 10lf.
In tlic DUtrlvt Court.
TEHItlTOUY of Oregon, Dough Coun
a mm Ta Velmn llrnltfint. Vol! lin
hereby reriulred to atjar and apiwer the .
complaint of Clvln ). Itceil nt the Ont dy
of tho next regular Term of the Diatrlct!
Court for the County of Dougia, uregon
Territory, or judgment oy ucmuii win uo
taken again! you for the auru of ono hun
dred and fifty dollar with Intercit and
eot of suit.
,-, Witness II. ll. ircarnorn, wrr-v
I..S. J and the n of raid Court at Deer,
tww' Creek affixed Ibis Clli day of July,,
1016 It. II. DKAUBOTIN, Cl'k.
Dcalh of llio
AiriTII the death of the dUtlnguUheil
T t monarch
Ii of Ituwla cimen lenipora.l,ucli perann, are entitled to llio acre or
of the commercial trde l .,,J, and lij forwarding Ilia neeiiary prmd
cil State aud Uuroe. Con I'lifiheir erviro to llio uudeuigucd, the of.
rr auincnaioii
i..n ilia United
w-nii.nllv all kinds of tncrchundlta fell
nearly filly per cent.. Tlio undcralgiieu ta
king advantage cf Uil nnd tho Lite lluan.
clal criis In San Francisco, lias expended
several thousand dollar In the liurchssc of
ncbolcoxlectlon of Merchandise for tin
nlacc, and bis bought them so cheap that
they can tc sold to Miner, Packer, Farm,
cr and other, lmot nt their owu t rices.
Call and examine our uro iui ui
Groceries, Provisions,
Liquors, Hoots, Shoes,
Dry-Goods, Hardware,
Cutlery, llltwktls,
yc, .$:., ijr. ijf.
A large nortmcnt of
Don't all como at once 1
Mnyfi-nltf. Front street.
ATTHEUEAS It 1 provided by law that
VV the EseciillT- of tlie Territory
of Oregon slull proclaim the result ol th
election of Ueligatu t Congiei. and It
appealing upon the canvan oi ma vmr
given lor lhl nllice, nt tha election held in
said Tairllury, on lha 4lli June, that Jul
...i. I ...... te,.lvil lha liieheit number I
lie it therefore declared nd proolaimrd
I.. i .Tn.anli Lena ia elected the Delegate
of iho iisonle ol the 'Ferrilory of Oregon,
to the thirty fourth Congress or the UmUd
Given under my hand at Cnrvalli'? in
said Teirltory, llii 10th day orJuly, 1835.
GEO. tL. LultltY.
lly the
the Governor t
noiaa, Secretary of Oiegeh.
TVagons & Plows !
JUST received and for sale cheap,
AT TItKATir.3 concluded with tlio Nez
reiceTrllio of Indians, and with Hie
confederated tribe of tlio Waila.Wallai,Cy.
iii'ji, !.! Umatilla In tho Walla-Wnlla Val
ley nt the Council Oround, there r. ceded
to the United Hlte a trCt of country hat.
hie the followliift bo'ndarle, tin
h liu. NVi IVrerH. commencing at the
'noureo of tho Woh-na-niMtlio, or roulhcrn
trilutary ol llio I'niouso river, uieiicc uown
the rlvnr to tint main I'nloiiaot thenco In A
totitlnrly direction to the Hnnkc rlvcrattho
mr.iilhf.l 11..! Tlllnllbtl flvif. IllOtlC'l llll the
, Titkimoii In Itnoiirce In the Itlue Mountain,
thence lotilhiriy nionjcmc rniKooi me iiiuo
iMountalntt thenco to n point on (irnnd
Hon Ic river, Wiunray wirrccn me urnnn
Komlnnii'd the mouth of lln) Wolhlow-how
river thiucu aloiiK the divide bct-Accu thsi
Wolllowhow m.d Ponder rler lliince to
the erowiliiK of Huake river at tho mouth of
Ponder river i thenco to the Halmcn rinr
firty mile nliovo the place known at ihi
"irotilnjc of tho Salmon rlvcrj" thence due
North toi!iuiiinilt of the Hitter Hoot Moun
lalnit th'iici nlonK theril ortho Hitter
Hoot Mountain to thu place of lCBhmlnj.
lly the Wall. Walk', Cymen and Uma
tlllai, tho tract of land having the follow Inj
Ijoundarh', to will
LViinmrnclniral the month of the Tilkanon
river, In Wanlilngton Territory, runnlngl
llinicn up alil river to itourcc; iiienco
eaib-rly along tho lummlt of the Itlue Moun
l.l... m.I n (I.m ....ll'.r., t.ittn.lnp!a nrilin
.Ulll", Hit', Ull III. n'.UH.VIII . 'VMM . ... !. .
puicnnie made of the Net Perce Iiidlam,nnd'
fa.lcrlt alnnir Ihat Imindnrr to theweitern1
limits or the umiittv claimed by tho iho..
hoiiM or finake Indium; thence Miuthcrly
along that iMtinuary (Ming tno v.nicrjoi
Ponder river) to the iwurca of Ponder river; i
llii'iiro In llil head of Willow Creek ! tllCPCO
down Willow Creek to the Columlrl. river ; up the channel or lyoliimijia river io
iheloiurcndor a Inrgo laland below tho
mouth of Umatilla river; thence northerly
to a point on the Vaklroa river called Toll
noili luke, thence to He tact thence to the
Ilniiidii thence down the Columbia river to
the Junction of the Columbia nd Hnakerlv-
While Iliuk on the Columbia below men
era ; thence up the enaxe river io me pic
ofbeglnning. 1'rociJtd, hnuetrr, lhatao
muth of the country described lovo a Ii'
eonta'ned In the followliig boundirle aball
Ik; ict apart & Indian Hctcrvationx for the
el rercc 1 riiw, viz :
Commencing where the Moh-ln-nvihe or
k.uiIhtii tributary of the Palouierlvtrfloiv
rrorn the rpur of the Hitter Hoot Mountain.;
iluuce down laid tributaries to the mouth
of the Tina par-up l'; ncc aoutherly
a Ikaa .'fVAkWv ftf lln KnfklfA rlirf. La n IT1
Ulutr tho muuili ol tbo Alpowalu rlrer; I
al.. ... .. Il. aH.ika,.f ll. lloAaataln ! ttt '
the blue mountain; theoce along the croil ihAfli.nfnll.Arrr...
inriiCV w iiv ruuiw vi mv ni"jnnMiuiM -.
of lie Itlue Mountalni! Ibcnco to thecroiv
Ingef theOranl Itonde river, midway be
tween the Grand Itonde and the mouth of
the Woll low-how river; thenco along tha
divide Ulvrccn-tbe'watcrsofthc W'oll-low-I
ow rlvrr aud Powder river; thence to the
crowing of Snake river, fifteen mile lelow
the mouth of Ponder river; thence to th
Salmon river above tho crossing; thence by
llie.t.unor the Hitter Kool Mountains to
the pUce of beginning.
For the confederated Tribe of Walla.W al
In. f .'ntniea and L'lnatlll. Ill :
Commencing In the middle of the channel
of the Umullll river, oprosite the mouth of
Wild Hone creek ; thence up the middle of
tbechannelofiald creek toltaiource; thenco
southerly too point In the Illue Mountain
knot n a' hncampment; thence In a line
to the water or tha Mowtomc creek ; thence
weat to the divide of the Ilowlomcand Iilrch
creeks: tbence northerly along said divide
to ja.iut due u-t nr it. iMiiliwcit corner
of "ilium v. ;iicriija ..-..-.--,
along hlilineto the culb-eit corner;,
tbence In n line to the place of beginning. I
lly an expre provision of the Treaty, the
coaniry embraced In the cession and not
Included in tlie iiciervaiioni i oi;n "
tlenent. excepting tht the Indian are e-....-I
tn itietu-upatloncf their buildincs and.
Imilementa till reTnove-'. lotbo Itciervallon.1
Tbli notice Is publltbcd for the benetlt of
the public. , A I
The attention of the cU!ienpropoIng to
locate claim upon the cedol Territory Is
eipeelally called totherrovlilons protecting'
.theludlans in me poiacrwooi iui u
I provcmcnl nd for futher Information In
niercncc io luc n aim-u bub, .jw ..
Umxlllla Itciervatlon, they are rciiueted to
JJP'y -
' Nex l'cn
to Agent, it. it. -uompion. m iuo
crce Ileservatlon, to Sub-Agent, W..
Tarran. ISAAC I. STF.VK.N5,
Cot.nndSuri'tofW.T. '
JUKI. 1',
Sup't Indian Affairs, Oregon.
y. '. 11.-1,. ll-.ll. 1
Council lirouni, iiii-nun, r
June, UG3.
10 Cm
rplll. utiileraigiied will attend Io Ilia pro-
1 rutin; of Uounly land, under the
n..v i ,.! P.inarati. naiaoiia w lei have
'been rrgu'nily iiiu.lettd Into I he United
Stale emie mr ina itrin oi i..un...
I.I... nr .ml.. IVralllll who WCM CllXag
r,l in eillier of the Indian war in lln '
....I .11 ..1.1.,... ami nrnlnna llf
liri .1 r.rma will ba inadaoutand furiMtded
In lha proper Department at Washington,)
which win ensuin uia rcium ui
For lha applicant.
Ilavln-a roinnatent aeent at Washing.
ton, ll enehlrs ma to transact this kind nf
liuilneas wlin great cmcieiicy anuuispaicu.
Chaigea moderate.
Addieet G. D. R. HOVD,
Scotliburg, O. T.
May 15, 1855 -If
"VTOTICE Ii hereby given, thst I havo
JLl deilgoaled as an Indian Iteiervatinn
fur tlm Coast and Willamette) Tribes, and other aa may hereafter be located
Ihtieon, the following described district of
country ; to wit i
Uegimiing on llio shore of the Pacific
Ocean, at llio rjioutli of a imall ilrcam
about midway between the Umpqua and
Siuilaw lllieri; thence easterly to the
ridge divldiug the water ol Ihesa streams,
nnd nluiig aid tidgo on lilgli land to the
w stern oouuuury oi mo eigiun iai.g
lownsbip well of the Wllianiena mereui-
an ; thence north on ssiu uouiiuary in
'nil ilua east llf Cano Lookuuf, tlienro
west io the Oiean ; and thence along the
nlnca of beiniiiiir.
The tract deicribed nreienti few attrae.
lions In thn white settler, while it is be.
Iieved to be butler adapted for the colon.
I.allon of thu Indians lit" any oilier por.
lion ol Territory wct of the Cacade
muuntnii affording o few fscllilie of el-
tleinaul tn our citizen.
Tha object of tin notice is to inlorin the
public- tliat this reservation will not be
subject to lellleuitnt by whiles.
Sup. Indian Affairs.
I poll rent the storo room formerly occu
1 pled by Drown, Prum Ai Cot,
3i OllCC,
CofNotf. Onoon,
Walla Wxli.x VxLt.rr, W. T,
June 12th. 1H35.
ATA TKKATV concluded with the
Vaklma Natlnn of ludlnna. at thn
Council Ofonnd In the Wall Vl!a Val.
Iry, the Olli day of Juna, IbAAtllie land In
eluded within Ilia lollnwlng boundaries
waa cednd In Ih U nllcd Sllia, to will
Coiniiianriog t Ml. Itainler J llionca
nnrlherlr along the main rlilgn of tho Cai
endo inoiinlaliii to thn point where III
norlliern irihiitaileaor Lake (Jialan nnd
llm oiiihem Iribulalli-ioflho Alathaw riv
er havfi llmlr riio ; thence Houtheailerly
on the divide between llio water of Lake
Chelan and tliu 3Ietbaw river tn Ilia to.
luinbi rinr llhcnetcroning Ilia Colum.
liiu, on n Hue rail touin"), In a point whoir
Inngilud la ono hundred and nineteen
drgirr and ten mlnutiM which twn bit
trr litica iriarats the ahnva confederated
tiihei ond banila olioiliaui fiom Ilia Oak
ainnkano lllha of Indiaint llience In a
Irua aoutli couna to the firty.ienlli
iarllel oflalituda ; thenco eit on laid
parallel to llm main Palntiis river which
twn latter linei of boundary ieprla the
above confederated tribe and banda from
llm Himltani ;lheiic down Ilia Pnlouia riv
r to lla juni lion with the Moh hah.iie
ha or louthern tributary of the mu i
thenca In a Moullieaitmly direction In th
ttuaka river at tba nioulli of the Tucannon
rivar. aenaratins the above confederated
rlvar, aeiaratlni Ilia auove comrneraieu
irihea from the Nz Perca tribe of Indian;
lliance duwn the Snake river tn lla June.
linn wllh I he Columbia liver ', llienre up
.1. . I . f- .!. .- ... .!. lltUl.l. II.. I -I
llio 1'IUIIIUI ritar if iho-uiim. ..anna
below I'rirat'a llepid ; llience weiterly to
lakoratled "I. a )" llienca loulh-rly
to a K.inlon ha I'akim river tallad Toh.
mull luka t thenca in a aoulhweilrrly di
taction to Ilia Columbia rivar at lha wei
tern eiireinlty of Ilia "llig Iiland," be.
tween th moulli oflha Umatilla riverind
duller rrk -all which taller boupdariaa
etiaratalha above confederated llibea and'
l'nda from lha Wall Walla, Cayuio and
Urn mil tribe and bemti of Indiana i,
tltchta iluwn tlm Cotumtin riftr M m6
alT UCIMIVII IIIV IMUHIIO wi it nnv buiinuiii
and Wind rivari I Ihenea along llio rlivida f
.u.u I.... -at ...h.ill.. .riVl.iuMa1inAn
between iaiu river io in main nuga oi.
the Caicade inounlilni : and thence along'
old ndg to Ilia plica ol iirginmng.
Tliria ii however, reaartcd from lha
land above ceiled, for the eicluiira uic
and occupation of said confrderated tribe
and banda of Indian, tho tract or land, in
tlujed wilhlnjhe fulluning lioundrit to
wit I
Commencing on the Yakfnia tivtr si the
......ii. ,.iit,M Aiialinam river t llience wet.
( u.,. alnng laid Aiialinam rivir In the
l .. .t. -l...-.l.. ..nt, iliiif.ral
fmki i thenca along ilia roulhcrn tributary
Io tha Caicade mountain! t uirnce iouiii.
erly along tlm main ndg of (aid niuun.
lama, pauing luulli and cait of inounl
Adaim, to lha apur whence flowa tha wa
ter or the Kllkalat and Piko river i
Ihenea down H pur to lha divide be
Iwaen the. water of said livers: thence
alongiaid divide io lha divide leparaling
the walera of lln HaUii river from Ihm
(lowlnrmln lha Columbia river I thenca
altng aaid divide Io 111 main Vakima,
alglit miles lielow me moum ui mo o."
river . and tbence up the Yakima river to
the place orueginning.
Ati'ialracl of laud not cicredicg in
quantity one lownihlpof lix mile quar
ilualrd atllieforka tf the riiqnoui. or
Wenilihapam rlter. knd known at lha
Wenaialiapim I'lalieryi" which ssid
tract ilisll be urveyed anil marked out
whenever the 1'reiident may direct.
, Itr an rsorria piniliilun of th irealy
lliacounirr ambtacea in Ilia cemon and
lntii.tVfl In Hie reiervatmui. ia .w..., raraniin- ibat ilia Indian are
lectlied in ttia ivo.iei.inn of their buildinga
and improvemenia uaui ni""
reaetvatlon. .... . ,
nM .:. :.. :. nnl.ti.t.eJ Tur Ihk Infur
maiion oflha Duhlie. and tho attention of
citizens propoilng to local elslrot upon
Die ceded tarrltory. I epeeially exiled to
i.. .i.o.. and Tor lurther tn-
n.imation they are requeited to epply to
tub. agent A. J. Holon. ...-..
Gov. and SurTt Ind'n Affair, W.T.
July 26, 1353. 10.&n
LEONAltD BCOTT CO.. New , York,
continue to renubliia the foltowlng
Dritlib Periodicals, ix:
The Londoa Quarterly Kerlcw (Censcrr.
TheY-dinburg HcTlewfWblg).
The North Ilrltlih ltevlcw (Free Church).
The Westminster ltevlcw (Lilicral).
lllac-wcoil's E.llnburg Msgaiine (Tory).
Th iircat-nt critical state of Euroiicnn
affairs will render thete publications unusu
ally Intvreillng tbe present year, (1B35.)
Tlicy win occupy - iinuuiD kiuui... -V...VV-the
easllywritten news Items, crude 'pec
ulations and flying rumors of tho dally
Journal, uad the ponderous tono of llio fu
ture historian, written mier ins ihwk in
tercut nnd excitement of tho great political
eventsof the timo thall havo passed away.
It Is to these periodicals lint renders must
i.vv r.,r th nnlv reallv Intelligible tuid reli
able history of current events, nml as Bitch,
addition to tueir weii-csiauiinitw iiiiji
identlBc and theological character, wourgr.
them upon lue contiiierauou vi uic ic.uiu);
Arranscmcnla are completed, tor the
recclft of catly sheet front ino British pubt-
uuers.UT wn en ws na i no nuie to iiiaco an
our reprints In thS bands of sutucrlbers
' ... , A I.I...1 .. 1.1.
about a soon nt iney can n iuruim-u nuu
tho furclcn conies. Although this ..In
volves n very large outlay on our part, we
shall continue to furnish lliu Periodicals nt
Iho same low rates as heretofore, vli :
For nny ono of tho four Ue lews. S3 pr anu
For any two of the four ltovlcws, 3 '
For nny tbrco of tho four Itcvlews, 7 "
Forallfourortheltcvlcvis, 8 "
For Wackwood'aMugatlne. 3 "
For Hlackwood nnd thrco Ilevlews, 9 "
For Blackwood and the four ltcvlews.10 "
par Payments to bo made In nil cases In
advance. Monev current tn the State where
Itsued will bo received at par.
CutiuiNO. A UUcouutot twcmy.nvo per
.ni rmm llm abovo tirlces will be allowed
to Clubs ordering, direct from L. Scott A
(V rnnr nr mnrn Cfinlca of ftOV 0110 Of more
of the above work. Thus: Four cpples
nrltlarkwnntl.or or ono llev ew.wnt w sent
to onoaddrcs for SO; four copies of the four
Review and UlacKw oou tor s.u ; ami to on.
PosTAiie. Innllthe principal Citlea and
towns.thcso works will be dcllvered.throuch
Agents, fret of postage. Whenscntby mall,
tlm noataira to nnv oart of tho United
States will lxi but lurtnty-faur cents n year
for Blackwood, nnd but fourteen ett n
year for each of the Uevlews.
Itemtttnncea and conimuulcallons should
always bo addressed, post-paid, to the yuu-
novl8 H Gold street, New York.
Godoj' l.ndr's Hook for lOfifaf.
7Vny-yi)A yrnr of Publicathn oy fir"
lame I'ublithtr,
Thnnlv l.adt'a llnoh npkrfowled"e(fhr
the l.ndioi of this county aa worthy of Itr
Prinipal J'ointt of Attraction for 1855.
It cnnllinione hundred page of reading
In evarv month' number, nut beginning
wllh a lane number of naaaa In January,
and decreasing throughout thn yeor.
IIKAUTII UI. ajr.1.1. I'.illWi
Linn nr Muzrnllnl In every number.
Ooday'a reliable HTUIX FASHION
PLATES fcoloredl In ovrr number this
only faihiuu platea that are conildaied si
Knining, Netting and Emhroideilng
printril in irnlnr.
MUdlC T'wo piges mnnihly.
Eiy leiiom in drawing are given ntotb
Gndey' InvnlnnMi! rerlpti. worth ston
three dullari a year lor enoklng, the tn.
let, lick loom, nuriery, and inlicellsntodi
ii'iime. keeping re'reipt.
Diagram! nnd Plant, with full direction
fur l.adiaa to cut their owu dreMC),
Pallerna fur chlldern drcnei, both mil
and female,
Embroidery and broderle Angtsli-i pit.
lama ever) month in great variety,'
Tn Tlm department I ln
valuable to every mother,
Great atleirtioii rtaid Io Ihia danartment.
A Treallin on"li Hair, A Inoil excel
tent articlo fiir Iha'preiervallop and !eiu
lifjriug of th moil valuable ornament to
both eelr.
Undoubted receipt, model eotUgss,
model cnllaio furnlluie. rallerni for win
duw cuilaiiia, muiie, crnlchet work, halt
u.airiing, nbhon work, chenille work, lace
collar woik.chlldren'a and infam'sclothe,
capa, chimlielta, bonnet), cloak, eteniJg
drmi-i, fancy article, head draaiei, bail
diening, bridal drenei, mantlltii, tilling
hatiil, morning and evening drrnei.rloaka,
la I in a i. robe duelminbre, cap and cloak
of fur in leaiun In fine, every thing thai
can intern! a lady, will fiud II ippiopri
ale place in her own honk.
Keinember that llio Lady' Dook hai af
wy given iteel cngnvlngi, and through,
out Ilia year, not publishing them In Jinn
ary and February number, d than omit
ling them. In lha Lady' Honk you re.
ceive what no other lines mijizinei can
furniili you wl'li.
Tint la another aerie if erlielei peculiar
to Ihi Mgazlno, Every nna of Iheia are
me i illuatialad with al least aigl I nr Ian.
matlie fia wood engraving. This depart.
latin it vary Interesting, conveying infnr.
Minion in vn greeable form, auilabl for
llieea and gemlanien, that c-nnet be ob
of Ind elsewhere.
The expenia of one numker of lha I.
lij't Ilouk, including ileal tnjrarings and
literary matter, paid lor, not taken fremiti
Ensliah Mamines. for eiceeds thatofanr
other .Magaziiia published in this cnontryi
We mane no exception, ana are wining w
have the tact lasted.
Oneony one rear,
$3 04
6 00
Two copies one year, or ono copy
two year
Five copiea one year, aud an extra
copy to iiia-peraon sendicg me
10 Po
ntaliicon'ee on ver. do do
lls 00
Elarah cnpiei one year, do do 20 00
lur lyj ou. in tniure wnst you orucr
ir.g lent, Address
i.. i. uuur.r,
No. 113 Chestnut ilreet,
Specimen eople enl If desired. n3
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the
Post Oillce at Winchester, O. T , July,
1st., 1S55. .
Allen, Jimei M. Miller, line
Alleo,Ulijamln Mory It. U.
Alexander, Jlillon H.JIajnarJ, Wilson R.
lUllard, Mia, Jane E.Mcboti, Joseph
tluilmel, ilr. Lynua Neeve, Motiiew
Bearmott, 31 31. Pinnat John
Chlsm. Sir. Gardner Perdue. Jamea E.
Cartand. .Mr. David Thar, Charles C.
Clisnmin, Aodrew Powell. Julio A,
Cox. Itodna
Kichardiun. Jamai.
Dixon, Suian St.
Deboy, Henry
Emmetl, John
Kilt, Clcavland C.
Rllay, I.
Stark, Thorax 9 ,
Smith, Henry
Smith, fir. K.
Eroggin, D. L
Sinn, lirael
Tullis, John
Thotnpson, WirifP, '
Vanoy, Jamea N.
Williains, Nancy E.
Lvan. Louisa
I'linn Rev. John
Good, F. SI.
Guuler, Clab' urn
lluinplinei, II JW.
Kendall, Heiij. F.
Kinder, YV in.
i.d.uai, ......, w...... .
Killborn, Capl. W.K.Walt, Sylvester 31,
Ladd, Elizabeth J.R.Walker, Jostla
William, tsllter x.
SIcGinma, It II. T. S.ltlll, I . '
Administrator's Notice
LETTERS of ndnlr.itrallcn having Wn
granted to tho undersigned by tho Pro
late Court of Douglas Ocuuty, on the 23rd
Slay. A. D., 1853, en the estate of ElUba
Willi. mion. .cccascd. late of said county,
oil pernios indebted 16 said etate are re
qucstcl to make .immediate ayment to the
unuersigncti, anu on fvirvu. ....ui, ..
manils against said estate nr hereby notl.
Oed to present t'aem wlhln ono year fro
the date hereof to the undersigned for set.
tlcmcut, otherwise they may be" forfeited.
A. E. McGEE. Administrator.
Talcen Ui),
BY the luhicriber living in Umpqua Co.,
0. T,, Iwomllns west of Oakland post
iillico, onn large ox, described a follows:
line back, rd urindia iiie, wnue iaca anu
liallv. wide horna which tand un rattier
straight, and have both been bored, notch
out ol the under aide of the light ear, and
supposed 1 be 10 year old; no oilier mark
r . ...!.. m-i. . -i .. .. i....
or oruuua pericivnuio, auosuuidv
hern running in tjii range aince frabruary,
and has been known a a stray for near a
Till ii to certify that I liuve, ltd Dlh
day or April, IC355, upuralted tho ahov d(.
scribed ox at $33. N. W. ALLEN, J. P.
may Id n'.t4.
Assessor's Notice.
I WILL attend at llio Auditor's ofllce or
Umiiqua County on lli last Monday in
August, where, with the aiaislsnceof lha'
Auditor, tlie assessment roll) will be puk
licly eiumlued.and all enure iu valuations,
dacilptioii,orqualilieufland,lolsorothts ......... it- will ba corrected, and it is mad
the duty ofatl pru interested tu appear
at the time and place above mentioned.
Aug. 0. 13. Wn. HANNA, Asses'r,-