The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, August 23, 1855, Image 2

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    V .1'
Bmpqua a?cttc.
' ?
orritK irr iiiKDKnr.B hvimuniis, next
Thursday, August 33, IS58.
n miiHiiiB
1. Subscribers who do not give express
nolle to tho contrary, ate considoml as
.I.Mtiir Inrnnllnua their suWcrltitloil.
S. II subscribers order thetllscoiitlnitance
or their periodicals, llio iitnMncr may con
tinue to tend them until all Arrearages arc
3. 'if subscribers neglect or refuse to take
hlr turlivllcilW ftOlll tllO OfTlCO tO which
they nre directed, they arc bold responsive
till they have settled lha bill, and ordered
them discontinued. ,
t. If subcrlleri remove to other places
without Informing the p iblliber and the
papers are sent to the former direction, they,
arc held responsible. I
6. Tho court Uvrc decided that refusing
to tako periodicals from the offlco. or remo-i
vine and leaving them uncalled for, is1 pri
ma facia evidence of Intentional fraud.
Tliabor.'OreBoii w. .lew V.s
Somrieu. Cr'.. June 5. ISM, L
looWnBMhVSeV & 0';Vf Probably ., that we will not
find under thcrcfcrcnce or largo pines, thu issue another p-irer for somo two or three
following paragraphs : ( wceKs, as wc are again entirely out of pa
nVnrrlilwock. Ma ne. is remarkallo Irir '. . , . ,.. ....
fcVycaT.incrono of thesa IrVVs w cut however, enough to do u. a year , and when
forslcanoe: its length was 181 feet, and 't arrives, which cannot belongerthsn thrco
: i r .. -.1 . k.lf Cw.1 111 illumvlfr."'! . - - I --...111 ...
....."."..',hf.k..,1t, nlnn. A I
measured four
Also, in
In this town, which mwur.-d seven feet In
diameter at the stump 5 it had lurce Lrac:.-
esj the tree was sound, and 10,610 foci of.
square edged boards were made from it. I
The above are staled as fads, in a very
respectable work: and thinking they would
Interest your readers, I have made a note or
them. I have no commsnls to make.f
Yours, N S.
The writer of the above has resided some
years on the raclfle coast, and having ex
plored a considerable portion or the coun
try and studied with much care Its natural)
resources and products, wo can Imagine j
that when he penned the above for tho Ore-,
"A short
gon reader being acquainted ns he Is with!
their majestic rorcsts an involuntary souie
passed over his features, at the thought of
the comparisons that would naturally erne-
nate In the mlna cr every urcgouiaa "uuinl. "Jackson."
read It, and how unequal wouia oe me re-j
salt ef such compirlions. Large trees be-
log so common la this couniry, we u-tc
never tskm the trouble to measure any of
Iheni lfereloforofburi-e abovo aroused our
rnriosilT a little, and we now give the re
sult cf tome measuring we done a few days
since, assisted by Mr. Drattaln, an old resi
dent of Oregon. We did not search for
large trees, for It was only our purpose to
find oat as near as possible the arerage sUo
and lcnsth of limber In common uss here.
About 100 yards from our oce some Crj
tree had b:cn Wled for lbs purpose ofob-
. . . . 1 1. i.u.Mlln tin t.nn.rv :'
tuning we urn- w " -
of course the ial tl-oer would not be used
for such n purpose. The first tree nmsurcd
100 feet In length -.It was thres feet la di
ameter four feet" from the ground; at 100
feet It measured two feet In diameter. An
other, measured 245 feet In length; four
feet In diameter Ave feet from the ground ;
at 100 feet It measured three feet In dlsrae
ter, and at 160 feet two feet In diameter,
and so on. The first of these trees had
scarcely any branches for the Drst 100 feet,
while the latter had very few for 150 feet.
Now, wc assure our Atlanti: readers that
theso trees whlea we measures are eonstucr-
ed or a very ordinary tlied growth, and In. 1
ftrler to tlo-e gtnerally used fcr makloi
lumber. 4c.; that tie average size cf thj
timber In use here, for sueh purposcs.yls
nboot 250 feet in length, and about 6 feel In
diameter at tie ground; the average do'
crease of the diameter being about one foot
to every 103 feet In length. Tbeo tree'
ore beautiful and straight, and have scarce-(
Jy any limbs or knots for the Drst 150 fect
while above that distance the branches are
very small, and offer no Impediment to their
being converted Into lumber, or used for
-, nihrr nuruie. There are many trees
In the mountains adjacent to this place,;
which will measure at the ground utweea
40 and 60 feet in clrcumfcrcnce.ind It Is not
uncommon to find trees measuring !0 feet
In length. The supply of this timber Is in (
exhaustible, as all lbs bins ana moumaius
In Oregon are densely covered with Jt.
know that our estimate of tho average she
of timber In this country, is not exaggera j',tje,.pugetsoana Courier." The remain
ted ;ir anything, we lave have underrated ngp.rtner( e. T. Gunn, Is now sole editor
It We wight add moro upon tnis n'J'i
tut we only wlib to give our Atlantic 1
friends an Idea of our common timber, ana
we deem tho Inferior specimens abovo given, J
quite sufficient to cast a shade oter "thei
lusnriant growth of white plue" la Maine, (
without referring to our more extraordinary
tpeelmcnr. whoso tops mingle wllh tbe clouds, y
nnd cannot bo seen wlllioui me am 01 w.w
ecpes ; so siys "Unclo Den," and ho Is good
authority upon this subject, but be It re-,
menbered he a little nenrsignieu. wmcu
may account for tho apparentexaggeration,
ln regard to tbe necessity of telescope.
We tako the following extracts from a
communication by "N. B." in tho A'orwMi
(Ct) Couritr, which will give the reader ft
brief, but correct description of the extent
end variety or Oregon timber :
'The forests of Oregon, which stretch,
without much Interruption, through wldlb
or forty or llfly miles bordering on tho
Toast, consist chiefly of evergrcur. Or.
snrucc, pitch pine, cedar and hemlock. Ma
pie, aider, ash, myrtle, and a few other va.
rletlcs or declduoua trees occur along the
bottoms adjacent tho liters, Ac. While pine
and oalt occur in the interior 5 110 walnut or
chestnut are found I1UI10 Territory."
"Thcsif forests extend, with a character
somewhat varied by tho broken aspect of
the serrated surface, through tho coast rango
or syttem of mountains; beyond which tor
a space varying Irora 3u to Ou miles In width,
to the cascade range, and extending north
and south through the hole territory about
230 mils, exist wlda spread prairies, ver
dant hills and vales, faultless lawns, divided
occasionally by rugged mountain chains;
and Interspersed, hero and there, with 'copse,
dlnglo and glen.' "
Hoi'. John Fllnn.
From tho proceedings of tho Oregon An
nual Conference of the M. E. Church, we
obicrve that Mr. Fllnn, of this place, has
been transferred to Jacksonville. While we
rcg'ct very much tho departure from our
midst of so Inestimable cltlien, yet wo are
gratified to know that lie carries with him
tho best wishes of all who know him, for his
future happiness and prosperity. Mr. Fllnn
Is one of the few professed ministers of the
Gospel, In theso "degenerate days," who
docs not polluto his high calling by med
dling In the exciting political strifes of the
day. by turning his pulpit into a political
rostrum, from which to preach political ser
mons. From his consistent courso In this
rarllcular his honest, upright bearing and
Christian devotton, he has won the respect
and esteem of all who kuow him. May his
efforts In his new Held or labor, In tho cause!
in which ho Is engaged, bo crowned wlthj
lcr. "0 wruvrro ... ..........
W'.any more suspension, In th,
future, In our bushes'. It Is very annoy
ing and aggravating to us, tut 11 cannoi uc.
helped, sj "there's no use In crying over J
sptlt mtlk." H anything extraordinary oc
curs, er ir wc receive any Important news
berore receiving our paper, we will Issue
ia.Mr.Spors,who arrived a few days
since direct I
from the scene of the late InJl-1
an massacre, on the Klamath. Informs i,
fliat tea men were killed, Instead or seven
teen, as first reported. No cause Is assigned
for this outrage, and serious apprehensions
are felt by the cttlzcns in th-t vicinity, for
their safety, tenner it. iicrwiuurj "u,'
.. ... .1.- ,.iii ..
Jlr. j-iannagsn wereamoug no -mru 1..
aJ flrt rcportta
See corresdondence slg-
Forxn. The lxdy of Mr. Tatterson, who
It will tc remembered was drowned last
winter In the Umpqua, was receni
Just belowCoorer's Ferry, wbtre
lodged In the branches or a rllen tree. De
composition had taken place, and scarely
anythlog remained but tbe bones or me un
fortunate young man. His remains were
collected and decently Interred by Mr. Dim
Ick anl others.
SB. S. J. MeCormlck, Portland, has our
thanks fot a copy cf the "I'ionecr Magazine,"
published at San Francisco, by Lccount i
Strong. Trice S3 per annua. MeCor
mlck Is agent for this valuable and Inttrcs
ting wcrk. Wo a'so acknowledge the re
ceipt of -Tutnam'a Monthly," one of the
best historical and literary publications In
the U.S. Trice S per annum; MeCor
mlck, agent.
Ciunqc Messrs. C-odfrey Oppenheiccr
& Co. have bought oat Merritt, Oppenbelmer
ii Co., and will continue the business at the
old stand. Tbe superior business qualifica
tions of the Messrs. Oppenbeimers are ton
well established to require any comment
im us. We wish thtm abunlant success.
at" Gen. Palmer, superintendent of In
dian Affilrs. held a Treaty with the coast
Indisns, at the mouth of the Umpqua, last
week. We have not learned any or tbe par-1
ticnlars.but presume the Gen. will give us'
the result or bis labors through some or the
Willamette paptri, when he returns home.
-fSr Docause he dld'nt "forgive and for
get," your traitorous conduct, we suppose.
If you want your "witless'' bosttllty and
unmeaning iusinuatlons towards this office,
to become a matter of public discussion,
please Inform 11 In your next letter, and we
will govern ourselves accordingly.
The "Golden Era," published al San Fran
Cisco, by Lawrence, Dagget 4, Foard, Is one
of tbe best weekly newspapers on the coast.
Trice $5 per annum. Specimens may bo
! en at this cfiiec.
-. Wm- D. Affleck, has withdrawn rrom
'nnd proprietor. Whither wanJers tbe 'Sir-
r.cen, now!
uTaciQe Express. Portland, and C.
P. Kimball, San Francisco, sent us many
late papers and periodicals by last mall.
Many thanks.
aar Wells, Fargo & Co. have established
an express to the Colvllle gold mines. Tho
first messenger was to leave Portland yes
terday, (22d ui.)
fir k correspondent writing from the
Dalles to the Orcgen Statesman, says Ual
there Is eleven emigrant wagons In the Blue
n-ftev. Mr.'Srauldlng, oneof theedl
tors or tho "Vrcka Union," has withdrawn
from that paper.
a. Wo understand that Gkk. Like will
start for Washington about the first of September.
sr-Tho Department has at length noted
upon the suggestion or the cltlxcns or this
valley, as theroliowingcommunraiionswiu
show. Wo are ludebted to the postmaster
at Yoncalln for tho Information 1
rosTorrit'K I'smntMiNr,
June 4. IMS.
fit !Tho contractor for route 12,22.
(Yuncalla to Umpqua) has Instructions to
commence his trlrs at Oakland, Instead of
your odlec. Ucport when tlio cbango is
,naue. ""'-""V'lTi.UXDAS,
'JdAss'U'.M, a.
Postmaster nl Yoncalla, 0. T.
Similar instructions havo been received
concerning route 12728.
Correspondence of tho Umpqua Oaictte.
Klkton, Atfo. IO1I1. 1655.
Mu. Kditoii Dear Sir: I prom
ised I" my last that 1 would givo you
somo general remnrks telntluklo tlio
intfrfjli of tho Umpiun VnTU'y nml
tiioso iileiitifleil with thoin. I now ro
sunie my pen for purpose. In my
former communication I spoko In de
fence of not only myself, liut mnni
others. This 1 dono In as friendly nml
araumentnllvu n manner as I possibly
enuld. nml tnhinir Into coiisiil-rntion
tlio causo which proinpteAthatdefcnco,
I need scarcely mid, that tlio subject
was treated a crcnt deal lightor tlinn
tho nggravnted clicumstaiicos which
calioil it out wouiu seem to uo neces
iitry and nropor. ( studiously avoided
personalities, lor it tliero Is 11110 tiiliij;
liavo another in Ibis world tliicli I ut
Icily itliltor In n community, it is lliis
low slang and pursonul abuse, which
some people nro so prone to Indulge
in. 'I his, sir, was my nnilivo in "ictn
iinLtlio former coininunicn'.ton, nml I
sin happy to witness tliat my efforts
have received tho approval of nil good
thinking minds, as well ns tho approval
of my own conscionce. I understand
that thcro was not n li'.tlu hidiauatlon
nianifi'stcd on tho appearance of your
lust naner. and poor Uaiunliulo received
a horrible ciutlgation in the way of
words, nourishes, 1V0. I tlmiK tlio 101
lowing couplet will explain nil.
"When caps Into a crowd are thrown,
What each man Ills he calls his oun."
I threw niv csns out. nnd If any per
sous havo been fortunate enoiizh tit find
i" '"'" u..-..u.,..vv
" ". -; J " - ; "; , . .t
.,,,,.. f, mv cnns-ifMu,,,.! nulct. savo tho arrival of tho mall
Ithcy now rest on any heads, they have'
been ao.ight aftorind placed thcro gr.v J
tultously bv tho wearers, and that being '
I . -. ., . .. 1 . 1
,iw .vuq... ..... . V . I. .
the case, I Uope tney may 111 tigui 0110
,.,, ...11
A hew moro 'ctt 01 tlio same
Tho lago extent of agricultural and
mining country fiom tho upper part of
tho illllametlo
Valley to treka, in'
fri.lifnrnl. lias w 1 1 lii an almost III"
--'- . 1
tM"P We rfe !""- "" " I.
-Mat is -a r-niAr n ninni Pii.Fr itiiis n btssiss.
tract Willi O.Ttlei to deliver tho" malls at
11. r,M,r crenioie auors 1 nitu i n
,.; ...- ...jl.l...- .. .. UI,. , l. I In '.mnrM." A c inlll-n 111 COIII0 Over JCK' '"'""" --H- ' - . ... ,,.,..,.. ...1.... ,...
Ui.. 1 II io. w(i,umiv. w.i.. ..-, y -j 1 -- " ,, , - , W...II.M fl... .1. n vi-rv ivn,lli-l-ellllif 'nml mom iiriium oniinu. r...ui.
"-1' .1. iu sl.l.., non. ' son eountv. From this time for ward,, I uiliey Harris, nury xtoriiy j,i nun 1. 1, ..... ...... r ilm-
, ulated nnd well cultivated couniry. All her citizens . I lie Imimi reaiy to co.r a.. .... -.""-: -- " f ,, ,0 r ,,0, , HCCml,p, t.
mgmciuii ,...........7 -1 , - . , . , , . 1 ,.f .1.1. ..!... ..... .1..,, . I.iv .1-..II. iillliwiv, uimmu.i 1, vi. ,-.- . ......
through this paitof tlio country men lopernio wi.n otuer puri.uo. u. .... ..- ",,":,'. "...,', .... j,uilk , They l.uto staked their military repu-
I havo Killed with a view of making it ri.ory Hi all matter, pertaining to lie U. 1 1. Mile l.rl. M lei. w diu. k 3 Sblo wl
I their home, for life. And ibe.o aro the common good of Oregon. K,cent do- a n '' J ' J "l ,' ' "'O1 wimot retreat. It is worthy
.'only n&i who nr. Identified will, the ivrlopn.ent. hate. how,, such an amount, every nli i-cl bo siw I ou rv ler ice J n lw M (m
true prosperity of the country-thoso, of corruption on tho part of the lato to wl n lj, n h ' ' 'ull, OI1 ,1(J land sido of tho lots..,
II... I ' f .. -.i.i...... .'U 1. 1., nil!.... I, n.l.. of this eountv. as arrested ho allot .Mr. Harris, nan ins . .
vuo uavemnuo n pcriiin.itii. ivi-..ik. "..-(, -......- -., , fl . .1......... ,,, 1 sue 1 as llio .l.auieiou, 1110 ssnuo sow.
here, and not tlo.o ho seek these its honest citizen, never drean.e. of.-, I;?'1'1 ?'' w Mr 1 1 woul'l havo Icon ,-r.l.w IU.I..I, llw MaUkhofT Tower
slio! for a shoitthne, for tho ,,ur,K..o Wo he.llntonol n a lirming ha in no .1 charge I , . Mr. II. ou lato U on , wMoh
of making fortune, and then leaving. ' part of our whole Territory I. there a killed. A - I lnn . jlino bro the
taking tho money out of llio country, better prospect for the democracy than , l.vei a Coo . " ' ' C Kwl "'""l". without succ.s, a.o ..ulsido of
with them. To tfrnse person, who have in this valley. I lie democrat, have so- idle. 1 by ';'f ".' u '1" the ..liinal defence, of th. place and
made thcn.elvc. thu. p'criMnenlly iden , lected goo, and hone. ...en for place, n ell. 11 !. v-j. ''ro I. n ml.tX " bwn conltiucled since tho .lile!
tided with the country, dees the Utnii. of trust and responsibility, and I doubt, was pibll.lad. thercf , roil is a imi ak
qua harbor belong; because it affords, not they will maintain the honor 01 me ,nuu pi.a.i- '. . , ' -r(l0 llcw, frilm .:uro.,0 )0eMCI an
A1 natural outlet Tor their surplus pro. 'party. Those demagogue. In the know- ;'d' which may nut. at first
duct.; and a convenient place for de-'inolhing-tthlg ranks, who hate .l.herto B'";"'; "" glance, be fully realized. It effect is
liseringtheir mall ma.J by .c. If I livedby keeping - secUonal J, '?,o.t sigoiUcat. Cotton fell Md In
,l , ZlZ rn nHfarilit-i siiid not"
ArH.Ans n had 'iim tnvtt nmfni 1
has no intention of building uj. partic
ular communities or localities. Thoy
have no right to legltlato for this village
or that ; and It I. n mutter of IndilTer'
enco to them whether town lot. in
ticottsburg are 85 or .5,000, and
whether this man or that is successful
In butinesi. Tho people settled over a
nrrro extent of country demand that
. .. i it t
their mail inatlcr be delivered at the.
innutb of the Umrxiun. and tlio U. o
covernment will heed that demand, for
it is a nroner and richiiui sunject lor
legislation, but tho peoplo nor none of
tliem can expeot any lurtuer lavors
that I J, they cannot demand as a right
that government should send n steaiii.-r
to ply between San Francisco and the
Umpqua to facilitate the Iraflick of
speculator! at either place. Ai far,
however, ns this service which is in
tended to benefit tho wholo peoplo of
southern Oregon is of seivico to par
ticular communities of vilIages,of course
it all right and even desirable ; but what
I with to Impress upon the minds of
some, is that when government orders
the mail! left at the mouth of the Ump
nua, they do not do It that certnin per-
sous may havo tho benefit of .hipping
on the steamer. Tho people all tlirou'
llio country aro anxious that their mail
scrtico should co into operation Imme
diately ; thoy aro anxious b .-causo the)
wish to get their mall matter In n reas
onable length of lime, yet they nre wil
ling to hear to reason, conililcnt mat
the merit of their causo will ensure them
justice at no distant day, This is the
viuw tliat 1 iiunK 1110 mass 01 1110 pcu
nlo who aro interested tako of this mat
ter, and although it difTor. materially
from that enlci tallied by some ot your
neighbors, yet It U tlio only proper view
to be takon of the eubiect.and must Ad
dress itself ns nrh to every sensible
I offer lho6 few lugo""0" ln. n
frlondly inannur. I aiU nono to ooln
cldo with mo who think my roasonlng
not good. Thoy nro welcomo to on-
Inrlivlli tliolr OWII OIllllloilS. I shall llOt
quarrel with them so long as they man-1
Host n proper regard for tho opinions of
myselt nnd llioso who neiiovo ns 1 110.
In tho courio of my remarks In llioso
communication! I havo boon forced to
diilihlo tomowlmt In politics, which wns
dono very reluctantly, and would not
havo been referred to had It not been for
thu most aggravated assaults upon my
inllttmil miiicliilei and upon thoso who
ciitortaln tho samo opinion! ai inysulf.
And 1 find it very Awkward to Indulge
in political disputes and pay proper at
tendon to my farm and other business
at tho same time, for man cannot do
both at onco, nt least, I cannot, 1 must
do 0110 or tho other, either mind in)
own husines and let politic! alone, or
turn patriot and politician, nnd "save
tho country," ero it Is too late, and my
inclinalioiii not tending towards the
latter, you may for tho present, until
"sonu'lulug turns up," number this ns
tho last letter from your friend,
'C6rrcspon'dcncc of the Umpqua Gaietto.,O.T.i)
August 17. 1855. ,
EntToit (J a-i:ttk Hear Sir: Tlio
present termor tho U. S. District Court
lor tins county is one 01 uuusuni imur
fit. t-asl Wl-fK aevcrni iinpimni tn. 1
woro usiposcil 01, ami 1110 grenior pr;
.1-.. -r.i. I. I... I n... ....... I I.. I
IIOI1 Ol 1IHS l'Vrt lliia wtt'ti vuii.u.i.t.. ...
empanncllingn jury in tho caso of Jas.
rf. Olilliam, wlio is now on tilul under
an indictment for tho murder of Dr.
Alexinder. Quito an army of couiml
has bjen letuined, both on tlio part nf
tlio prosecution and tho defend'. W,
O. T'Vault, 1-.J., Pros. Alty., Is atsls.
ted by I.. I'. Mosher, P. P. Prim and
S. I. Chadwick, bit., 01 your pinco,
W. II. Tarrar, l-.sq , o 10r1.anu.ooK ,
.'.". ..' '... .'i 1 V. 1.1.
At Cosby. Of .KM, v.a... aim ixcniiv,,.rfl0-nf Hinn. lcl 11 wouiu ua -nr . . , .
111 I ins couniy, nro v" -v- v
iiiisiurbs ui nu muni - .--
valley at tlio present lime, nor do we;
lliisiurss of all kinds it dull ill tills
eo any Imlicatlon 01 iinprovemen ir
several months to come. Nothing hap-,
pens to arouso our cituens from their
from the North with tho ": "' ,
tho latest news from tho Colvdlo gold,
mines. .Many of our inliicrs havo al-
1.. t..1. r- .1...... ....... .11... ....... nml '
.. . ... . y. I
rcauy ii- wr muw nv, ...hb...b-, -....
otiiers aro prepaiiiiK iu i-n. 1
a meet 10 list i- ectton. wo nave ueen
... . . .... i
Wlllg liyniiliy.iuicoso powi-riuiiii-m;-.
has fallen tomiMtly caved
111 tlio
hi -h "placos 01 trust wiiiciim
. .
"tiioy onco
. 10.. I ..ill Lnnu lit. ill lift '
fillrd will know them un
.ions and Hie most illl.lilnieresi,iiao
. " . .- . a . I'
unnecessary to name those who former-1
1 cnuui v- k -11
ah rtrnaimra nfiirerinrif s iu iiicir
- , . 1.7 f...l.!I
IVlItU UUI SI-- h.. .-... - --
fate believing that their history and
i.reient noslilon will furnish a wnrning
exnmplo of tho Inevitable fato of all un-
scrupuliu. demagogues.
lly tho lato mall arrangement! be.
ttveen this plnco and Scotlsburg, tho
time of transposing tho mail, between
tho two point, has been reduced fiom
twclvo daya to six. Wo regret very
much to learn that no servico is to bo
placed on the route from San Francis
co to Pugct'i Sound, including tho de
livery of tho mails al Umpqua by ocean
.teamefs. Gen. Lane will undoubtedly
bo unremitting in hii oxcrtlom to pro.
euro service on tliii new route. Vo
still think that upon proper representn
tions the Department will advcitiso pro
posal, to tecelvo bids for tho service,
mid feel n&surod that our Delegate will
sp.iro no efforts to obtain a delivery ol
tho mail, at Umpqua, under tho act of
last aossion of Congress. You must
..nt im ili.rnnrir'ud. nor despair of
ScotUburg. It must ultimately como
n..i If vmi linil reuul-r couimuillcn-
WW. .. J- .-.- --0 , .
tlnn, direct by ocean steamora, witn
I... I.Vn.irift,-n. it would bo tho best
wste ,,..-,.---, -- .
point In Oregon Tor tlio puuncation 01
t good democratic newspaper. I liU
you must have. Your paper haa done
..,,., 1 ...rvlrn lii tho oatlv and the ler-
?!i,.r .lurlnir the vcar. Tho .ucce of
ibn iPinncratio nartv In Southern Ore-
gon, and tho prosperity 01 tin. portion
of the Torritory imperatively demand.
that it shall bo sustained. c
ftirTlio Sacramento Valley Hail
'nA la nroirrcsslnir finely. Workmen
will commonco laying tho rails on the
Sacramento terminus, in a few days.
The Union saya "Look out for the
eogiiio when the bell ring.."
freo Irnm political excilemeni. jnuoni0f couleulluti suouin cease, mm mm
uilii uiiu - s s'tv hiv -- .---.-- .- ,
Correspondenoo or tho Umpqim Oatctto.
Avouarlil, 1855.
Kditoii OAr.r.TTn: In your luit
nunihur nppoarod n communication, In
which llm character of (Ion. Lnnu was
tilumplmnlly vlndlcnled.antl wholesome
rebuko was administered to that class
of unscrupulous politician! who nruiin
sparing in their iibusn of political oppo.
iieuts. Tho circumstances mid oxpro.
slons, wlilnlt led to tho origin of tin'
loiter Iroiii IJIM011, 1110 o similar In
audi ns nil liave ollen witnessed, that
tliero can bo but lllllo doubt of their
Whatever honesty miy havogovorn.
ed tlio conduct nf tho voter, list l no
less exempt from defamation by wnnton
charges. Opprobrious epithets nro pour.
ed out upon tho honest motives of n
citizen nnd mighbor, who Is tlio more
sensitive, In tho ratio ol Ids own con
iclousuesi of Integrity. Theso I111I
crlmluato charges of dishonesty exlill. I
a wnnt nf dimity . They oxposo their
nuihors to thosuinlcloii that their judg
ments nro directed by their mm expo,
ricuco nml feelings.
Tlmriinre. doubtless, iiinnv who are
governed In tliclr political action by
prejudice, Interest anil personal icuiok ,
U.IT .. rI1I.II..V 1111 ll'ill. ...II. ...U .....
... 11.. 11 . .1.1 i... ..p.. 1. 1
'",' ; ' J ... 1 1 s.i.-s
majo.liy are g.ver,e.y .."..
lives. NV lillu tho lurmcr may pan ler
to mercenary and niivntooiuU; tho hit
ter aro disposed tixiippurl those nieasi 1
ures that will ndvancu thu general pros
perity and stability of thu country
tt UIIO 1110 nilllinr suppmi nitu r, . .....
- ,K, - mo liner i-siimiiio in
tho litter eslluinto them
imililenl exnonents and iiistrumei
I-...'. ... r . . II.!. -I
I In- Imlisctluiinnio cuargo 111 pomicm
dishonesty upon tin-latter is empty and
criminal, nnd, though often reiterated,
will foil to tho ground, and llsu only to
ncruse their authors.
There can ho but ono palliation for
such conduct. hen lliu soreness nnu ,
. , , , . . . ., ,, . 1: ...,
chagrin of defeat fxctes tho bitter v..
111 nni'iivrriinii in nasi 00. we io.iv uivn-i
11 .... ........ !.....
,lUy tlio mafiirit tint iim p..Bhihm, ...-
." . '.. .1 . ..i.- .1 !...
gr.iceuu 10 suuinu ijniv.., -
h---- - 1 . ,
vuidablo result, nnd veil molt Her. io
..11. ....!!.. t. i.i.,! I .r iirssti---tii ttlll
niui iniiiv- 1.1..1.... ........- ,-
Uko good citlens to thewill ofthu ma-
joniy, nnu 111110 too imuio -"-'v-
hi the excitement of nn imporljini
itctiail ntul its is natural inai
.. ............ . ..lllll
warmth of feeling should bo generated,
and lliat. in llii .nrmsluess of upi"H,
nll( oVfi-nce, hicnutlrtuniiil tillwiitvc(j
expressions should occ.isionally a lp.
11... ... 1..... ,I.a Ii. ti-cl. mill
,.u m-i. ,v ..H,.n...... ..... , . --,
inu uniioi-uu una .. ---
uou d seem proper mat inu imirinvii
. . 1. 1.
neignoors aim menu -.u ,i.-
KctICr in peace
i'or the Umpqua Oaxctle.
i. irnis weru 111.11I0 to sccuro the prison
ors. Thu volunteei Iiavo behaved well,
Ambrose, Indian .igeni. wn cu coo u
. r
III) .I.I..-.I. H-iii'mi w
Tlio Indian murderer.
ipiito settled.
n.o to bo delivered up to the authoiities
uf trcka.
17. S. Dlttrlct oiu-lfueUoii
ComiiIj AHBiut Tcrssi, If33,
nitir wi:i:k.
Ilox. M. I. Dranv, Mine.
W. II. Fuirar, K, U.S. Out. Ally.
W. (J. T'Vuult. Iim.. I'ro. Ally.
J. W. Drew, Dtp. U. S Marshal.
T.l'jle, Sheriff.
a II 'r.ul..i- t'Arrk.
" " " " ".. 1.
Altornoya preseill, .nessra. rnrrnr,
. 1 11 -i... 1. ..:..i, i'.Ai (!ni.ln -
Mlirln-11. Chad wick. Cook, Crosl
T'Vault, Kenny, Prim, menau, ;uo
slier, Heed, Culver uml Steams.
Grand Juror., W. S. lliiydcn.Uoro
man,) W. W. Fowler, Jn. U. l).vli,
II. W.Nixon, Woodford Ileams, Jms,1
llarrelt, Isaac Woolen, Itowland Hall,
John Kennedy, George Koss, Juine.
I'oolo, N. 11. Kvnns, liber Ivncry, II.
.a . . Ill I!. I. It'... MllistISS
.-.,.-,..-., . .
IJ. Urlllill, N. v. risH, ..i. mm....,
K. II. Ilull.ThouiiiH llailey, Clllton Hi.
ley, Granville Lewis, Ilenj.-ArmMrong.
Tho Grand Jury presented 15 truu
bill, of Indictment, vU. 1 ii.uicimeni
for murder; 1 for assault with Intent to
kill; 3 foraelling liquor to Indians i 10
for Belling liquor without license
Twenty-eight cases on tho civil doek
..1 Trials havo been lind In tho follow
In criminal cases continued from tho
May Term, A. D. 1Q55 :
Vrr inrv of Ureiron w James iinm
lin. Indictment for assault Willi intent
to commit muidor. Film for Territoy.
T'Vault for dof 't. Vn.llct Not gull
ty of ussault with Intent to commit
niuraor, uui gu.ny 01 "". ...-..-cod
to pay 11 lino of 8'-50 and costa of
Tenltory of Oregon im llor.ico Isli.
Indlatniont for nssnult upon l-'ranoli
Hall by alioatlng with n pistol with In
tent to kill. T'Vmilt and Culvor for
Tonltory. I'nrrar, Cnuli, MoshcT.nnd
Kenny lor deft. Verdlot Not ;uUty.
Teitllory of Oregon ivs. (leorgo I.lV
lugHton. indictment for assault upon
I;, II. I)'iy by slioollng with n plstnl
wild In tint t to commit uiiitdnr. I'llni
for Tenltory. Cook, T'Vaulland Ken
ny for deft. Verdict Not guilty nf
nssnult with Intent to hill, hut guilty of
assault, Heiiteuced (11 ono year' im
pilaoumuut In I. Inn county jail, nml (0
pay costs of prosecution.
Nntlun of nu iippticallon for tnodlfl
entlou uf tho scnlenco liaa been given,
Latest War lYuws.
Tho nllles Hindu nn unsuccessful at
tempt 011 tho lHth Juno to storm Ho.
imstopol, but weru repusud with torrl
lile sliiiighlvr.
Aucoiiuts puhllslied In tlio Loudon
Standard, sav llm loss of llm lliitish
olllceia in hilled and wounded iimnunta
to no less llmneoveiity. I'm 111 llm
iihstlunoy and coumgo with which llm wns mainlained by tli'u lliillsh
at tho, and tho necessity of
uioiitiiiilly tetireiiig from llm attach,
thu slaughter 011 all sides lias been liti
Miicnse unit tr tlio information bo ror
... 1 . . .
, , , ,,,,, , j, of
. , vntu 11..1,.
abort of four thousand. The greatest
.... .......; -" "V
pottinn of the loss w.11 expeiluiiced in
a rnvluo where n powerful nu unexpec
ted battery was opened on tho troops.
.. - )(,r0 , l(, fonr ,mt
too loss
.. , . ,.. ,, . , , ,..,.
!.." - - - ..... ......,....---..-- ...-.,-,
I I I I a I I
stun stlil, l.ilt night, liiutiin additional
llifninmliou hail liectl reciovcil. llio
Allies lust tuiiibly by thu apilugiug of
it uihio, and during tho confusion, thn
UiissIiiim ivcnptuied liiu Mamelon
Tho Trench from tliclr position In
: 11117 t-iniuviuii, piuiiiK'ii mu i.,iiiniiuii
.1... i .1.... ., 1 it...
,.. .. , ,... .,...
viiiiiniM urntiiiu 111 inu jiinrries, 1110
, - -Wl.. , , oflw ,..,,
m M b( t waf iromMjf
1 u nsurrnt as Hint 01 inu r.nimi.
.,. j r ieM MUekl TlhouKli
' . . .. . "
,ft ,cvcru ,utt i.tiulil nut have been so
if u (i ((ul JeuA , ,,, ,.
tfl1lllitv 0f ttu .Mamelon by llm llus-
sinus. Tliat will iiecrsiiuto niinthej
.1 -1 i........ ...........
SIOIIII mill nnuilivr imuiuvr iiuu.ui
, , A ths nawa
,, Mburo ,ifou, to ll.e Allies than
w(iW hnl (l occurm tnco ,
, f (lli e, t , ((0 re.
1 D " . . . ..
,,,,,,1,1 ni n comclueiice, mat mo
fu,ioul nttneks ofllio Allies on aebss-
, ,..L .. !...... ,1... 1 ml. r in,,..
.'i 11 1 hi 1 iuun iitn-u uii - .t
,w -,,,,1.
crsary of the llattle of Wa-
The giand assault on Scpattopol hss
for thu im-seiit failed, still two such
nroud and iioworful imlious as I'rauco
Fi .nice stock t! per cent. With this
impression, tho Legislature of Franco
had been convoked for the purposo of
negotiating a new loan of a hundred
urn hundred and fifty million! of dol
lars, whilst tho llrilis!. national dobt
I . , 1
w Increasing ul an juoriiiou. rate,
Iu ilsell, this may not seoui remarka
ble, but uimsii an examination of tho
Ainttcrdniu p.ices curient, it appear
llnil Itusshius f per cent, aro ijuoteit
ut 10 5-8. Thu credit of Russia, not
withstanding tho fact that shu is enga
ged in a desperate struggle with tho
two ualibiii claiming to bo tho most
potveiful iu Hurope, aided py n lliifd
nut nt all insignificant, has never tail
ed. This fact is truly slgulllcnut.
Atir.nirANSiiAiii' Siiooti: i:sii.-
111:11 in 1111: Di:km:i: or Mkiia.toi-ol.
.1 . :' .1- r n.... I.....I l.
-.1 geiiiiciouii ui iiu.i "'"" "j
' it... .iiiniiiur nf vi'iiuribtv. a 1-itler from
- "..'-. : t" .. . ...
11 vuitiii' fileud who at tho date of tho
letter wan lighting in mo ranaa 01 inn
HiisiUii force! nt Sebastopol. Tim
following Is nu oxtrncl Iromtl.o letter :
Foutiikss oi-Skiiutoi-ou
I nm getting nlong
pretty well, although somowhnt trouli
ed witli nn Attack of it fuver prevail
iug liero nt this tluio. Myself, wllh
somo four hundred and fifty Ynnkco
boys' liMVedono our purl in dolendlng tho
strongest military works in tho world.
Wo nro on duty only in tlio day tlmo
and uso nothing but tho long Anion,
can lille. Dr. Tenbronck U with us,
and somo forty oilier Amcrlcau phy.l
clans i thoy nro employed constantly
niuht nml day. Wo 1.110 won, ami
nro universal luvorilus with the
l'm:i Mau.iiam.
Camioiinia Statu Elkctiom.--Governor
lligler has Issued a nrocla
.nation ordering u election of Statu
officer! to bo hold on the llrt Wcdnos.
day In September next.
YeForiiiwi from tlio soutli read thi
coiuiniinlcatlon of "Ciilidor."
-. j .. ..