The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, August 23, 1855, Image 1

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    mhihuj itiJwmiJiWMiM;
u i r i u
(i U E T. T E .
t. -i".ffSS
IMiVfMciil lo tlici Principle or I!iiior:rii!y, ami Iliu tlliMiiiilii'.illnii of UeiiortU itml Useful IiUcIIIromcc.
gft 00 Per Aiiniim
KCoviHiuind, o. 'i., immsuvv, avouhi r., irr
NVMftV.U 44.'
ri'iiLimiKD r.vitnY tiiuiiiimv,
OFFtCBIn lll.tniitKr'nllviit'iMi, Main
titrcvt, next door went ".Scollshurg Home."
ti:hii invAiiiAiiLY in aiivamuk.
Ono copy, for nnayey. $A 00.
It Month. (.1 III),
" " " thro, months, 'XW.
,?.TNil nstier will lm illtcoullniii-il nnlll
til irrr.i)(ii mo pr.ld.ftt;
Will Ixi Inirrtnl (it Ida following rate. I
Ou. 'iimrmir twelvo Unci or (em, onol
Imtrtlou. fi 00 i esoh miliViUPiil inr
lion, II ()l). A llher.l dcdilutloti madj tu
yearly idvcrtlncrs. j
.uiikv" riui, iu iwciTf linen nr IPWI
iitniri; tv
J. H. Mclti.iNr, M. ll Oirvnllk
I. N. Hmiiii, IXr,,
Dsi.iins' Hmiiii. I Alliniiy.
I,. K. (IllllHH, 1 , Kolrm.
.S. II. Tavldh, Jnckionvllle.
JuMrn Twiiu'kiii. I.clniiil Crcik.
F. 8. HiiLiuKt), (ircK'jn C'ltr.
XX'. 11. Kiiuun, IU' , Portland,
(lix, AntlN, AtliirU.
(Iro II. AwtiMimr. M. II , .tnckwuivlllu
llniyn A XXVmiii, Jnckinntille.
J. Disntrn, tlrrr Crrrk.
J, H. (UnULt, Kwi., 1'nrt Oif'.nl.
0. lluMKunw, lllcof IhrCulumlilf.
Awm H llimciui, !i., LVmc liar.
Col W. rV.Kiumtv, Klklon.
(S. I'ijioH, IV, Wlnclimlrr.
Jos. Hkvxpi.Ijii, Canynutlllr.
Ann mi.i ner. l er, III tUc xallrr
'Mid tat blouomt of ummcr
to rot.
Oh. rtt, I.lllr, ret, no earn can nimll,
For itrotn srowt the lutf
OVr lh Ir.r.fnolittiird Kr.Te
Of tho fatrrnt rlonrrr of Iho lf.
rih. alrepe with tho turf on her,
A. wo Is Id her, t ate, In th x alley fair,
'JJId the blovomt of .innmrr lo rct.
Oh. ml, Lilly, rut, ic.
From tho S. F. Ooliicn la
To Nellie.
(ientle N'ellle, filry crctur,
How I ml' thy airy form j
How tblno every wrl'.knnwii f.'fitnr",
And Ihy hcnrl in kind uml nrm !
How Ihy merry, ringing UughUr,
All po freo from oriel' nnd enrr.
And Ihy voice so meet mid icnltf,
A. Iho ecng. of nnnelj aro I
Dearest Nellie, cold mid dreary,
l.nnp; and Mrarltnmo ti mr,
1. Iho path of llf. to fullniv,
When attended not by the.
I.Inper not, then, I licucrrli thee,
Inr from mrj no longer stny,
For tho world cent, culdiiudrheerlriii,
l.ov'.l ono, hun Ihou'rl farnw.y.
Till) ISoldltll'n Keif,
Soldier, rrstl thy warfure o'tr,
Slcop Iho strep that knows not brosklngi
Dream of batlle-llclds 110 moro,
Days or tl.njrer, nlirhts or tiuklng.
In our IIo'h oncnantcil lull,
Hands uimcon ihy couch aro strcwhiR,
Fairy .trains or munio lull.
Kvory sense In slumber .lewlni;.
Soldier, rest I thy wnrfnrao'cr,
Sltep tho sleep that know, not breaking t
Dream of bnttlo-flelds no mora.
Mora of toll, nor night of naklntr.
Tho sun li&s gono from Heaven,
And nature sinks to rest
And the glow upon tha obeer of even
lias faded In tho writ ;
Now lovers nmto on sacrad things,
Iirlght eyes and moonlight bowers,
And fairies nn their purple wings
Disport among tha fluwerti
Night s spaugled tent I. drawn arouud,
And earth becomes enchanted ground.
Rcoai. KxTiux'AOiXCK. Queen Ellia
both, It scsmi, nover wore a gown twice,
and xvben sho died there xvero In hor ward
robe no loss than three thousand complete
dresses. She posseaxrd among her f.nii
srmix'tho drct'ci of all nntlons.
fur ont yra r, IJft fornix monlliN.tjIi ; fr. uaaary to ilipmt fiotn lluit cilltotii on l.i.
IriPoil tm.tlll.a 4 1(1 I .. Mil lnCJ I
".t "".". .., youriiBcoiiiilj lint ilioulil you preleril. t'""..-' l",uu """
.llAEellrwaXM '' ui. in ll. hi.chen, a. it ' "' " ""J , I If" I y"
ibrr will l eaiiiliiucl till fiirUi, and clmr- "' -ifctly imumUtial to inc." I B" ' "citk'r', ou 1,a,vc lW
v( accordliiKlr. ', -11,1. o...itr...l llu, i..,i,l,r n(u .Mr. ,",'".c " B"" '"". Mra. I'eppcr,
i.til-'WiTj "' ' '1'iw -ut to Iiiium kioping. Mta. " "'",, ,u". " ,w'",v Hl" ",,vu" l '"' el0,,!,l ,,le
Th. MJSWxiiLM author ,V,"'r w u,'",'l ' ,"' ilfol,,,,,u.df "'J,'" "" UT "f "IIW tlijlit In Ibn
...V,.?.0'0."'II,C.,,.,,I,, !?:f,,", "fnu'-.r. ' , ,. , wltli nip. Mr. I'eiiiier. Airalti 1 com. . ..l.l i ...
icu in rccriro nicriiiiiiii nun n lirllt """"" itl'y i imi uuni' ,....i .... . i .. v
uicnl. fur the llaullu and rtwli.1 for Ihr, iiiiimUt but m anon m her toilet wa' "'a'' . " lo "lk.u.P .l.alr-" . . "Jnzebel,
nnlnvmiKK ,,, ,. . li-!'d, Im, ..fl thu room, ,,. id fitting . V,'"' rcn' i,,r ' 4,l'i,cr' ll l,,,'jl , No uiwcr.
,";if'?nncl:,'',',,,,,99lrO,,l,,rt0,,,'l'?'''''tl.UMtehe o thu. tumina. , '""" f" 'W "JWe, !., ,
ii. w.: Mr.r ... i:...,. wi, i till: " """" i aim no tu
i i i
l . ,". "i which tuu pariooK xv t great ,. , - ,, ,. , i.,D,, i " """" oy rimroiu.-, extent of our conceded r
1aI Hr,.lu.. -...I -ri... i .P. Iho lorui of his lady In his soon . uwU ,.i .1,. I,. ,t t.i.'!:. " '. "" conceueu I
FVUUI, :r:ii3," i... hTu" '""? ..UI.Ml.rtlonr.eelnlIcrMfu. U loak nfLT, "" .'"o I JC-r.itut preiont
--..r .. , ""- T':' :"'""'":" "'""""' ,"u lv odL'cd In her nrlii.n. nn.r r..rIU. V. .itf ."..... i, , . ...inuicato Uiat we shall bo
Tlio Urnvool I.lTTv nuF... , "e ,l """" low" "" ft "I,1"8 u" . locking her I,,, ho ..ail. n Ih. .. 7. Y. ..." "" "T l."V ?" " " u?on '."' even before next new-year.
" i .1011, II l .1 .1 r uuguemruyjl', nillCU IflXtngOII ItlC .nililorrt will inn linw
- i M-......UI. m. i. . , ..beaded youth on tho front door.sleti to t-Mo brnr I.I.m.,I....:i...ii ,.l..! e.a' or w,u. M0 J'?,v
I grov i;;,a,irn ' Ii ' abor7und r ftte"t 'V' 0,,d fl,, '7 T " "' "" ' t. ."d rlwhS r.hould mKi i IZI
VmoSil.f.l down tbo loci, of her .ofl md.-ln.- ,.Li,... n... .i. ... . ... ' !r 'Mr. 1'. lld not escape: and then be bo- 'i.nihiW but 1.1. .-, f.,.. til n.. ima ?oulu ."?..? Pa.,wd
''ri'-lr,. . l.r:, ' .. V'":" ' T,!"' ,tookbl..,.eirtoaro.taur.ntforl.i..din of l.!. iln l C ,r 1 . ."' ' " ",0.n," "u " ono
Aril, iiiiiin.1 rir at tmra n (!. & ,.----....,..,,.... vs 1 i - rk. i... a .1 .
' t'l.'ivii it hiiiii wis una iiirii.i.
fibs sleep. 'ne.tli K.t .h. Iwl warkeU for '. . .r ".. ,l,,n,,H''' "ul n" WM "Mr IVt.ner vnu l.a.l I.MI., r.. 11 . ""', n"ufr''"v ''P"b Iirst gets up In tho morning nt ten 'who Is to lilamel mo timo lias como
ripoV ' .ti I about the bouse I' home ai fai Ux. vou can f. r.m " t l gi? ' "" ! " fl '' c,oc dre"M iMf' P on I W,,en a" ,1,U "m,t CM,' and ,ho Mnc'
Wlnrtth. dowers .oonct l.loMom In .pilr. Hastily dressing himself, l0 proceed. I ', . J.XVm I ! 'tt r-i ''".. to,nJ,ui.n1I',,;f . ' ha t, in, which nro six or seven bullet tlmonloas xvhining of tho hypocrite b
And..phyr, the perfume, nf cd to I,.v,,.,gt ,h ,irr, , ioonH "'" J ,! Iwnaklngnn awful How long JlrsIWr kept her liege holes, )nd goes lo areitiurant ft" as poxrerle.s In Influencing Jublic opl:,.
A. SihTblnls com. ..,r,.,.. toeing - C"l'rehonded tho whole of It, and was TAllat,fSrTttm, 1 lurJ m dl,rnn" "Ie."1 Milh nu, Atut. After break fa t, starU for Ion a. the assumed whine of the beg-
' OMc.1 . ly, r'c ?, Ac?' , J?V r'!,.rul.ftl "rV: '""l'C"'fot.ed J ', " j T,, fe . Mitt . S a'!d "1 ' "'"" f8""1 ,'" ."'.e' A- ofllce to look over tho papers, and garb in procuring a penny.
,, . , , with the rell-ictlon that ho bad ,J; "'' ' discovers that he is called a scoundrel!) 'o know some men who hare made
7U:"ZPr"R UnU Cr,,'e W th"1- ,''," rwY ,0 ''uu,l, ' - ",,1 ' nK l I" V m "r0 "0t "' U,";.r in.r?m,ud' bUl l,f in " of ". "" nVothe" d a 'u.Ir uK.x. in this .un.m.tb.e Irnnsac
UeDaio;Vrlh. .lac., f"" "'"' " " H. too. After ssonieil"1 ! ' ,, , . r l l "'" " t "mT. '"r l'uPPy i" ""other ; he smiles nt the tlon. Lot them make tho most of It.
There ,,... Purrl. hc.u,. loKr.t glow' ou '"' '" t o of of ihcll,,. ). "jf, "."J "? t'f'o.r l., , ! '" in tx luurnlng or two af.. pr0IJM.c, of Lw, goraelhing .When they get the peo-
thole.. breakfast, of which ho took w th gusto.M , ,,,Ml',ll,an,, '''""' oir botnu'terxvardii, to put bis bond into tho bed- 0do:fils out and disnatches three1 pie wUl be a bicRer set of fools thai.
And ,b. -rn..'I.V. .he lie.,.. ,,,;y ,,, ,, thon , down ,0 wait for M?s. V.f OJaT'ln stole J'Z' ?" F '" " !""," TT " Sllonges a re! t " sSrf l' take them tZL-DmoZic h!,
uu, rem, i.uiy, red,. Xv. M10 was n lonir 1 1110 com nir. nml I... . Vl'0,,'fj "'. '" door, ho stole up "Hetsy Jane. I'xo mado tho k tchen ..m.i. i. .1....?.. i...i ..i ' ;.,,,.
........... .. 1...1 1. .!." .- . ."' .. 'stairs
monri nucfo iuo iiruon inuniiur. pun on me ,.." .....j.." uu.u n i.iiia
Mr. I't'iMX'i-'n wilo.
now tu: hilt 111:11 ut
"Mm. IVppor, I labor umlor llio Im
pression ilint It U high ilmo von wore
'((otllnglironlil'iiM. Ai my former houso
keeper initlorotooil all my wishes witli
regard to thes.i lliiugri, I louwl ll utiiiec.
je.siiry tit givo nny order repucllug
(hum ; lint wltli you It la dillbrent. At
3 mi Iiiivii tint got n meal In lliahtiuso,of
ctiuiao yini iiiiovv nothing or tlio rogu.
latioiisuftho huiischnlil.
'"'In tlio lint placo you will make n
(Iro in hcio. That done, you will cook
dm lirniilifiikt nml bring It In lioro ns 1
hnxo nlwnxs boon accustomed In tnklnu
mine In bod nml tin not consider it nuc.'
M..ku ll.-, kitchen fire 1 Ye,. I'll
.!. .nl. Tln tualu. lire In the bed. .
room ! I'll , thai, too. Then take"
lint l.rokki...t I.. I .1,1.1 J,... .
if l .1.. i i.. i.i m ii T
II I ilul A .1 the i .llr. IVt.iipr unl
nnu uiuugl.l deeply l..r n few mliiutos,
n lew inlnutoi,
ing arrived nt a
, sho proceeded
x nen, nppaieully linxjiig
satitinclory conclusion
Ilk lill.. . ..a
lluxiug gnt a nlro (Iro kindled lit tho
hilchuu, she rarrlcd sotnucoal Into lr,,
, IVa niuirliiu nl. filled ui bit stovi-. b.v.
'ing ascertained that ihcro u not n
.prk of lire in ll. That duly ier
loiinvd, thu next prepared tli.t broak-
ami be bet-an to f-l .
! cry. iv-Ynntf out im..i,iH.i.i; . ' f,:Y,T.
ii . .. -
'icurtains, bo saw boxv nlfalrs were with
icgniil tu tho store. Something liko a
''suspicion of tho real stato of nfl'airs bo. I
gan In dawn upon bis mind
U'lillo kitting thrrr-.liii thus
111. fllk IrflfttAal m.I I... .A.... 1 l
"MiMiiiii,miu ii u vIIIiail. 10U, 19.
not to bu believed. I enn't believe It.
no, nor I won't either. Hut she shan't
escape, that', certain; if .ho should mv
riMiiitallon for ill.rnllv. u-ni.l.l l. fn,.....V
Hone! forhav'ntl i.,1,1 Sol... !,.,.
plolon all nlong boxv I xvas going
?"" ..5r,,o.w w.uwb ?
i .. -- v n " i i mi i., ,. .,.,.. .. i........ ji.. f. .. - i. .
, "M..ku Ih-, kilchrn fir,, 1 Y... I'll ?T,n m u.ul ." ,or -w.nlK " ul "J".
Z g ol,V .Zhretunnndtnk ' "'' ll' c wXk
'.,"'" '" n,nK0 " rtlt P nnu '"..,,. !,!, i?,.,r r .t:..t '..t ,.-..J.
tin. fire every morning, and let me lio1,
.incii, nnu now 1 wns going to shut her
i up, nnd feed her on broad and xvaler, if
jslio il.ucd In say sho wouldn't do it t"
", cosy little nrr.iiigoment, .Mr. Pop
per, .am n sou voico liehlud liuil.
iMr. P. started tip, and thoro stood
.Mrs. P. right behind his chair; laugh
ing just ns hard as sho could. Mr.
lYppcr put on a sovcro look,
"iiit down in that chair, madam," ho
sald,ioIiitlngluthe ono ho bad just va
cated, "while I linvo a little couvorsa
linn xvilh you."
"Ntixv I sliould bo pleased to know
why you did not obey my orders tlds
morning, nml where you havo been nil
the forenoon I"
"Whero I have been this foronoon.
Mr. IVtiner, I have not the least allien.
lion to tell you: I havo been down
town doing n little shopping. have
purchased some lovely napkins; just
look at Iheni," said sho, holding them
up demurely for bis inspection, "I only
paid n dollar n piece fur them ex.
trcmely cheap, don't vou think ...I"
iiiu iiuueu.
Mr. Puppor xvus astonished ; bow shit
dared to turn tho conversation In this
xvay xvas a mystery to him. Suddenly
his bottled xvrnth broke loose. Turn,
ing Homely upon her, bo said
"Betsy Jane, you disgust me ; you
serin to mqku xery light of this matter;
but It Is moro serious than you imag.
iuo, ns you will find to your cost pros
cntly. if you do not Instantly hgmy
pardon in a submlseiveinaniior, I shall
exert my autlioiity to In Ing you to
ii proper sento'of your nilsoon.
duct, by iinptixoniiij; you in one ofnxy
chnmbora until you nro willing to tiro,
mlso strict obedience lo my wlihos."
At tlio closo of tlili very eloquent nnti
dignified incocli, Mr. IVjipcr ilravv liltti.
solf lilt to lil full height, ami stationed
himself boforo Mr. I',, romlylo receive
expression of narrow nml pottlluneo;
lio liail no doubt (list the would fall
down nt Iliu foot, and iny
"Dear Philander, won't you please
fnrglvo mo this timo, and I'll nuvur do
o any tnorol" i
And lm wit going to say, "Bot.y1
Jnno you'd better not:" but instead ofl
doing nil tlili, what tlo you tliluk she,
did t Lanihcd lilut rlttht In llio fiieo! I
Mr. Popper xvas nwlul wrnlliv. llu.
sptiho up in n volco of tliund(ir,nnd said;
.xirs. 1
VmMtr, walk right up ataira
fT w U.Ul ." ,0r "i"1" " ul .'.
'Tf " . M I'lV. Hfi' T l "0"'B
" f ' " " ' rf "".'" """' .l"??",'
cr.1'.1 rotM '") lK"o i ""I I can't think
ol doing so hefuro..
, .... .
"Ilutyou mini, Mrs. Pepper."
I ,..n ": ii . ' . . '', i,
I . P""'"11 ' V0 l ' '' )U'W
'll''vlo carry .,,, for I ,,7 xvnlk!"
J Mr. P. looked nt his wife for n mo.
' ',"'"!. .i t ,ft oI.lsniwit 5
,, i , , , V i K """""'ii0",
I "V !.0US ' V "'"'. .
'. , J?, .i .WU" i .7 a'"1 ?T
.1 ,n S'V "". ",""lt, " l,ult l )'Uto;
',' , b, b V, V ,
"or! "" ""Pining itiai, no lm
." ". " " ."",,:t' B,,u w on
Lrossod In bii.Ii,...i
trosseu tit oiuiiiess.
.. "i..! fc . T. .. - V.I'",.0'T?"ICC
i.,..,!,, '
nnu aaiu. i uilt BLUi'miiir in inxn n
n, carefully us possibl,, nnd ap.
H't'5 : i1'? ,'? ,,w ?.,l;.t l0-
with rage.
mM Vi .,,. . , , . .
I . M"' 'Val '.'"' !'. front of the fnc
;,"rc3'',8 lovo-let'eii. 'Iho one
, b,,0.,vn "W i peruiing nt
V.'?1 P3rl cl'!-1r "oment. xvas fn.ui n, who it n
?. who TnZneA'
1....1 ... ... . r ... . . ..' .
'ofsir k, T..r..r;i.rr.r"
iiiiii iiiii-M inn inn in i-i M ill nn , ..
sent Hint n letter or ilniuilssul.pron.uing
her undoing friendship, and accomp.v
livllll! tho kmn.i with n Inrti nfU. I..t. '
and some xvalnul meals.
Hut it xvas not the love-letters nlono
that made Mr. outrageous. Iluhad
been ometliliig of a traveller in his dav.l
and had collectod s cnuit in, o..,i.
. , . .. . . o-- - j ..-i.
cot nt them.
ono nnu sunt un an etrnut uriiiiw..
r.. I. ... .
desk with his Indian order
to havo a firo, ns tho day xvas rather
chilly. In ono corner of the firo place
xvas Mr. P.'a best beaver, filled in. with
On a small table, closo to Mrs. P..
was a boautiful Hat China dish, filled
xvttn bears oil, In which sho had sunk
Mr. IVa best satin cravat, nnd having
fired ono cud or it, It nlforded bersufit
olont light I'm her labors (or Mr. P
had closed thy blinds, for tho hotter so
curity of tho culprit.
tin somo coals in fiont of tho fire,
was iur. r. s silver cliilstenlng hoxvl, in
xvhich Airs. P. xvas popping corn.whlcli
sho over ii ml anon stirred xvith tho
fiddle boxx', meunxvhilo occasionally
punching up tho firo with tho tkldle.for
.Mr. r. nnd, xvitn coniincndablo lore
sight, removed tho sliovsl and tongs.
Mr. 1. condescended to peep thro'
tho keyhole, until ho had obtained a
ptelty correct Idea of what xvns going
on within, Never xvns a Pepper so
llred as he. lie fchook tho door. It xvas
securely fastened within, and resisted
all bis efforts to open it. Ho ordered
Mrs. P. to open or take the ennscquen.
ces; hut ns sho did not open it, It is to
ositics mnis rambles, which ho bad do. i sent, she iittendod to tho guest. whon,l'.,,lVl ""'""" n' u iunn-in -,, .-...,.-.,,.. .u , .,. ,Ua,
posited In a cupboard In the very room tho following conversation took placo ,lnl """lilne '''Pon tl" tnble : knows., poor, Iiolf-slanred tailor, and he has
In which be bad confined Mrs. P., nnd Mcli should (.(.prefaced bytho reinnrkil" '"! " h' "'ere,' rUchcs Ueut of ,he rl1 "T'0?' "0 n'rQ fV, , " ',
she had uot at ih.n,. I' thr, .in. V,,i ii..i .... .. .1 xvlndow : xxr tes nn attie lo on "moral .'But e has been married!" said-
bu jirosuiniid tltnt .lio preferred llio con
MijucncoJ. Mr. 1. darted down Main
like a madman,
I must put n stop lo this," bu tho't,
or i runii not novo a rag of clothe on
my bam.
in 1 1... I....I." i Vii ..
o lite bedtoom j but M. y. Wal not tol
I I I oi if i" y' .Sl'. tn0W l,,al ,'
lind lea Mo door unlocked, for !io bad
fuonna no iiaaieit, but.
flic, bad n j0n of letting bimbave the
buiefll ofber fire; to, l.a.l ly
nu.w.n. iu.s? uwiuef oi cologne, niie
inrew mo conienn upon tlio lire, nnd
In ft fow mlnutei bad the a ntiifaclion of
oeing it entirely cxtiim uiilinil. Tliai
diitv !... lAr. it . .
' locking Uio iloor, Ae atatfoued bor-'
(vii in n cuiiveiilent noiil on to bear
, uverytbliig that trampired within.
In tt fow inoinctita .Mr. I'. waa infe in
Iliu niiattnietlt. mill nn nnnri n I,.. I.,l
m, oim n toon ns ho lifKlj.Iti opinion) lo tho foul nsporslon ; butllporsons "nJer prelcnco that they wero
window, ho stood bolt up." f0r fear that tho story may find cro practicing tt, she'nawmed that to exist
iiiiuillo of tho room, Vid denco abroad, wo will simply contra, which bad no existence, nnd tho con.
I voic
como fotth I"
ou think to eicaixj 1"
flOIISe. Air. I'. Ijg'Ii.h In
feel uneasy, and hastily commence lo
icnrrli tho room,but had not proceeded
' when he bears a slight titter sotne-l
iici u iii iiiu iiciiuiy oi mo ttoor. llu
listens n tnnment nnd it is reinmled '
." o mo uoor, lie attempts to,
, !" ". ndi lilmwlf ft p.l.oner.- "
'ihoru Ii 030 mora r.hnnce, ho thinks, f
nlld burties to the window ; butnlas for I
Darting to iho door, he nttempts to
Mr. Pepper' his xxife bas just removed
inu launersnd lie cannot escape.
Ho tits down on a chair ond looks
, ruofully nround him. nnd presently bu
' arijos uud picks up u few fragment, of
n K'llcf w"e" ' l.vinfc' '"' ,liu carpet,
ii. i....r.. . tt. i. .. .',. .1
"' '"lY'J !"" "10 UUllini: CUtl..AUIl.tJw..-.4....tU,...A.L.X.. -, o.v.
lilt fVallilll .. ...Af..ll. .
, i vu,,,'u"..' V. J ".
, in one corner of tho caso. Mr. 1 fa
Kff'X, P .. ,
I . (,00,U. l"?o.fil't.Mrs.P.,'xxhen you
i i unn- 1.1.1 imi is .... 1 .i
...'VM, ""'"". wu "u."u noi
llll Ihnn A !.!. . .. l.i .11 T.I!
..... ..v.j...
fire, nn.f put on the tea-kettle: won't
you please togct upaud get breal
Iti.c Tsvelvo I'o.nul "CI.u
A .1 .' ..... ..
folloxvin- Mod ono"
Tbo l.,udlord of ft hotel, built of
!.nnr.i. ,,,l in,.,i i
.1.0'lVkulkDin.xvaynente 'Kl ...i "" " : . .. v
i u nil u it i n itn.. ii.ii ....! i..
iI" thrv th V I.Vbo Su
, ,.....i,. ,...t .r..i. .. m.i ...
-1 "twelvo pound chunk," which ran liko '
xvlld fire through tho place, and caused
iiniln nn ovrlliimnni X (.... ..1.- -r
torxva-ds u miner from nnother quarter
liaving bejrd of the twelvo pound
."chunk," arrived nt tho hotel, and nt
onco mado application to tho intidla.h-
for loil-tii... Ilor l,.),n,l i..i .if i
-- Q'-'O' -. ...m....v Ulllli .U"'
t'tat tho storv bad pxnln.lA.I tv.l
... . . . I --,----. .v.v... before his nrnv.-il. nml il.n lr..iu
,dy had enjoyed tho sell xxith tho rest:
"It was your husband, m.i'nm.wnsn't
it, xvho got tho twelvo pound chunk 1"
i. if. 1...1 i . .
iiu un. Bumu neip. i oc eve" ro
plied she, with a sly laugh
"tes, I sposo so. Whero xvus ho
digging l"
"Oh, that's a secret."
"Yes, I s'poso it is." replied tho ml
ner. "Ho thinks he'll get unother thsro,
don't ho f
"I don't knoxv what ho thinks, but I
Know no xx'on t. '
"I shouldn't think It improbable, a!.
though It's possible."
"So they say."
Tho miner hero paused awhile, ami
nt last, nfter somo reflection, bo said :
"1 s'poso tho chunk's gone, nlul "it t"
"Oh, no, it's lu tho other room.
Would you liko to seo it."
"Well, 1 should; but 'taint lying
around loose, Is it I"
"Not exactly," said tho lady, throw,
ing open tho doorTor there It Is in tho
Tho miner bout over, when a pair of
cniioiiy iish wore extended, nnd giving
tlio jolly landlady one look, ho left for
parts unknown.
From the S. F. Golden Era.
Dully Routine of n Crtllfornin
Hill tor.
An Rnsteru paper announce! as a
matter of nowi, tbnt it has "bocn In.
formed by n mot reliable corrcipon
"BiinuBi uhtb it siprcfeni rcnu ns
somowliero in California an editor who
lh" nclua,Ii, killo1 ''ut ono tor n
I year( nnd Jim been shot at but lix
times during that period."
A mistake, or eiM a willful libel,
.how. at onco tlio unreliability of ',
eliabilitv of cor.
reapondciiU generally, nnd tlio Igno.
ranco of that particular editor who al
lowed himself to bo Imported upon by
being Induced to endonoand clrculatu
tlio malicious Blunder. Of caurin.
Ihcro at homo, xvhero evcrv ono knnwi
. better, it If hardly ncccwary to rdvo
tho lie ( n term xvo usually inako uso
I'ji in iniiiornia 10 signtiy n uillurcnce
diet it, assuriiiL' our brethren in tho'.scrtucnco xvos a revulsion in public)
uast that an almost universal acquain opinion which consigned tho alders and
tanco with tho members of tho pressljOuetters in this persecution (o eternal
of California warrants us in expressing infamy. And so it bas been and will
tho opinion that thcro is no. editor in
tho Stato xvho lias been compelled to
limit hit appetite for blood to ono vie.
titn in a twelvemonth and xvo take
down our double-barrelled shot gun ns
wo promulgate the assertion (a favor-
ilo xvay xvo Itavo of convincing pcoplo
that xvo nro richt.1 Wo xvill "also
state," that in California nn editor of a
nexvs paper is expected by bis patrons
mid tho public to "lay out" ono man1)
pr month for every thousand copies
of tho circulation ofhls journal ; nccor
dint; to which calculation wo aro onti-
tied to sovcnty.txvo lives per annum.
xvo navo not availed curselfof tho full
ight during
moro than
So, eastern
improbable It is
iress inUaluor
through twelve
man I
" uruer uiai wo may more luiiy
I "osni editor passes his t me, nnd tboi
r.lLt..i t t.i i... .i.n.. '-.....
I.S.. . a., .. . ..'.tf. -".. , .
!,, dutic, at)j ,i.0 .tvt0- In wuch he
oxccutci them evcrv twtntv-fourhouri.
. -----
iirsi gcuupinino mon.tng nt ten
... .
Z.Z. "1 . -" '?.: ".VI-". ' .UJ
ting a leader, xvhen as tho clock" strikos
l..i.... a. lauaa ... . . ..fat. ... t.i. I.
viocn, aiargu iiihii nun a cow.u.uu
Ill ono Iianu. A n Slol 11 luO Otner. OIlU
a boxxk-knife iu l.U belt, valks in and
, him if 1,1, nam, is ; ho an.
xvcrs by knocking the intruder down
'"opnirof stair, with n chair. At
ttrpit-n r. I'lnrk limi lint i.ii niini .i.inna
.,., - .-....T b viinitkMHV
i..en accepted, Md udd.niy ..i
"! ' ';'-"Hujo affair of
. that naturo to settle nt the beach that
day at three o'clock: goes out, kills
,t,j;vtf4K"n,.y- bli'rli tot tho olltce,
aiu ul"' BmS1ll,iero gelniixed up in
f rcct roxv, and has iho heel of bis
b.0.0' s.',ot .lr ''-Y. f--chcnt ; laughs to
think lioxv licautitully it xvas douo ; ar-
. , .. , - I .1 I
reform." oud then starts for the theatre:
is attacked on tho corner of a dark j! "Married 1" exclaimed tho alderman
alley by threo men, kills two of theiiv,"!y. ' bavo been married twice !'
and takes tho oilier to tho statlonhouso,
Returning lo tho ofllco tit eloveri o'.
clock nt night, knocks a man doxvn
who attempts to rob him, kills a dog
xvith n piece of paving stone, ccts run
over by a cub, and has the tail of his
coat stilted with a thrust from a knife.
nnd two bullet-holes put through bis
beaver as he steps within his own door ;
smiles at his escape ; writes until txvo
o'clock, ami then "turns in," xvith tho
happy conciousness of having two duels
to fight tlio next day.
No wonder that California editors
aro objects of jealousy. Hereafter our
eastern contemporaries xvill ploaso do
us tho justico of believing no correspond
dent xvho may intimate anything at
variance xvith conclusions xvhich may
bn drawn from tho above picture.
Doestlcks' new book, about to he publish
. cd In .New York, Is entitled "Nothing." lu
his preface ho rays : "In n literary point of
1 view the book claims nothing. This Is the
: manufacturer's conclusion; In a literary
I point of x lew this book .mounts to' nothing.
This will be the reader's conclusion,"
Fnuallclmit ItiiMnl'iiiK Itlo( ,'
I'utltlofia wero clrculiitttiff Iri New
York for fignuturea praying tlio Legl
lature of thatritato totuialawsagalnit
the uao of tobacco and strong ten, l'b
vegetarians, too, contemplated petition."
,lng :!io leglslnturo for a law against tho
lurthor uso or meat. In tlio present
ago it i Impossible to tell what ox.
tremes may not bo reached by IogiiIa
tlon. Indood, xro nre aomcllmcs Inclin
ed to think our whole government Ii
but one great Insano asylum, whero tho
keepers nro ns crnsy ns the Inmates.
When Connecticut pJlisd horloXiii
gent laxvs relalivo to a moro iltlct ob
sorvanco of tho Sabbatlt.sho committed
jan net uhlch done moro to destroy n
ruvorence Tor that day than anything
clio. When .Massachusetts enacted
I lw l"or tlio punishment of witchcraft,
i nnu urougni to mo siaxo nunureuf oi
i be, until by a strong and powerful com.
binnrlon tho really good In community
set their faces against the fanaticism of
the present aire. Hiliaion is mads ni
(mockery Christianity is turned Inton
utiitntM transaction nnd tlio socialities
of life embittered by the cool and de
liberate hypocrisy of men who bava
I clothed themselves In tho "livory of
bmven to servo tho devil in."
'H"? people of tho United States talk
as fluently about tho progress of tho
prosont ago ns a school-boy talks nboul
Lis lesson ; but It Is a trails tho times
clearly indicate, that xve are retrograde
Ing and going bick to the dark sge.
xvben fanaticism and snperstillon "run
riot" In Iho xrorld. And who is to blame
in oil this work I Let any man go to
tho temples dedicated to the worship
I of tho living God, nnd seo there tho
and bo whd should preach tbo Gospel
.lecturing on politics seo tho legislator1
basely catering to the fanatical notions
t , vi (ut, i.-, ....;.,.. i. .i,.ii...
miqutious nnu unjusi go to mo couru
,A ...!, .,. x.i.i-i .ti-i
dline. twltllntr nd turnlntr to meet tbl
. - . . w . . ...
or tnal popular clamor, and Iben fell os
I . - . "
Scok at tiii: Gate ok Paha--
I t X fllXA. t 1 1 f llAInn HulAaiKil
mi . jv. .uuu., mijj iciiuivu
irom n uouuicwiira wonu snu a scoi.
ding wife, appeared at the gate of Par.
adl.o- Peter nsked bim If lo had ever
.been to Purgatory.
"No," said Hto taUor, "but I have
been mameit.
-.......-. ,
"oh."Rid Peter, ".hat t, n &n
me." "
! 1 ue tailor list! scarcely not In before
a tat, turtle-eating alderman came,
pulling and blowing.
'Hallo! you felloxv," said ho, "open'
tho gate."
"Not so fast," said Peter. "Itavo you'
over been In Purgntory 1" " V
Vin," said tho alderman, "but what
" i lieu go nacK. again," Sam 1'eter.
"Paradiso is not tho placo for fools.-"
Wooden Nvtxgos Oltdo.m:.
There is a Parisian dandy, who, wo,
think, rather outdoes Connecticut.'
"C had at. his restdenco a
complete costume of a groom.- When
'ollcring nil attention to otto of the
fair sex, he used to say, 'Permit mo tu
sond you a bouijuct by my black ser
vant 'Ho then repaired to his garret, and"
took out his Mucking bottle, polis'jcd
his fiico and hands, put on bis livery;
and knocked at tho lady's door.
"Hero,' ho said, "aro some flowers'
sent by my master to Madame.'
'He hod spent the Inst five franee lu
tho purchase. Madame xvas so delight'
do xvith tho present Hint sho presented
a limit to tho bearer.'
That Is a clear pocketing of three?
dollars, and a lady's favor Into tlibv
. '
A western editor lu speaking of a steam
boat explosion, m; s thai three persons wire,
slightly killed! - -
if.. ii ti. In tl.A mi.nn.. I r-.. I.k f iL.s
"Isom. W.,"";tV.