The Umpqua weekly gazette. (Scottsburg, O.T. [Or.]) 1854-1855, August 16, 1855, Image 2

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    1ttA. ftX.-.U.
-vllUpnilU VlUfll CUC.
' '
orricc in in,tiii:ni:r.s nuiniiNc
Doon wkst tcorrsnrr.o uorsn.
TIltirMl'ty.Aiifflttit 10, I85f
'l. Subscribers who do not nke express
notlco to the contrary, arc consl.lctcd ft
wlthlng to continue thdrtulmlrtion.
2. If subscribers crdcr the discontinuance'
of their periodicals, tho publishers may cm-,
tinua to KM tacm until an nrrcirogi'i arc
3. If anb-cr b:rs neelect or renio to tak
their periodicals from tho oflco to which;
ft... km.. iIIbm)..! Id.v am I, ..1,1 tiknnnh11t!..
till thi'V have settled the bill, and ordered
Ihrm flltAnllniirtl. ':
Occun. .tJnU torvlio for Hit;
CJai:i!t i. I
laii Pienttr&J)crixral tf thj 101b
It., we Cnd letter froia J. II. C. MuJd.
cc tf the pcrsoa who It was supposed
VouU receive the contract for carrying the
tails t:wcen Saa Francisco nod 1'npct'i
.'oanJ, touebIa3 at Crescent City, 1'crt Or-
ford, UraiquA City, &c. according to the
provtilou cf a late smendmsnt to tbo Tost
OQico appropriation bill. Mr. MutM bow
srer, Informs us In. bis Utter that be bas
only taken tho service between Astoria and
Cdympla, and wo arc left In Ignorance as to
whether the other ponton ef the service Is
to to performed or nrt. How Mr. M. coulJ
tare received tho c.vitrtct for carrying the
malls only between the two places ftbovci
mentioned, when tbo law mitkorhrcs the 1
w "... i
If. General to contract for nail serrlco be
twetn San Francisco and Olympla, and ex
r'rcsily provides for leaving tho malls at the
4. ir sutocriwrs remove io eintr T'arev .-.. - f . ... ,n.u. n .....b........ n , ; i was awaio III it llieso i-entieiiii'ii en nun imiii caiiniil pioituco MUU mm
wUhontlnformlnsthevubllshsrsj aiul the' "Vn L?,Xt b i Mr. King was too much for him In this ,uttallcl polill.-nt slews .lillerent Iron. ,,re itoo (I.ihiKIi of, l... ....nn ..: ,
fi The courts have. leclJ J that fuIng , ' ,cntlcicnts fearlessly, altho ami ilcslre.l n l.ostilo nwliiiff Immcill.TH-irsBt ilh to . ilo. nml I uiiiiIJ bo tho hues VlO.000 by . iiter nt se... in.l,
rfffi.uncdte fcue aU-ly. to which .Mr. King replied... the Utnersuu lonlicnaton.s.elflron. them, thev a.o n.teily ...1 ie.l nn.l llio r....-
laoulh of the Umpqua end other places, weiiwlth you; and you're no poet- -'pon honor(
Meatnletstoastermlne. The following Is you are not; s take It easy, and don't work
ncepyci sne uw prov.ues mr suss
terrlce 1
Sic 3. And le it furthtr tnacttJ, That
the Poitmastir General be, and Is hereby
Tltn nf flrnn Shn.llll'nf fP HAT.
l'ort Townicnd, In the Territory of Wash. '
lagton.andat inch other points as sba I bo,
deslgnatea by the I'otmas.ter Oenerl :
rnvided, Tnai inecoairaci lor aiu -Tlcc
bo adrerttied by the Fostmaster Ocn
Hal, In pursuance of existing laws, and let
to tbelowest bidder . Ind prorulrd furthtr.
That the Postmaster General, If be shall
iletra It for the public Interest, may contract
for nld scrvleo with the lowest bidder as
aforesaid, nndcr tho advertlMd proposals
Md.V.W. Mw " . -----. . , 7
h..r.Mi..rf. inr mi arrics lciwccd
ut points aiorcFam; aau mai i
of n!d torvlea shall not excecl
one bandred and twenty thousand
per annum.
Thus It will be seen that the Pctmaiter
r...1 . .m ..ii!mrtMl In nntrte t far
...... . i ... .u. s..i. .-
. port o. sn.s u, . - -, -,
ay possible construction of the above act ;
and If he bad any such authority by Tlrtue i
ef Ids eOce, and he bas failed to m ke any
provision for the transportation of tho malls ,1
by sea to the Umpqua, and other places on
the coait, then he has committed a most fla
gTant act of Injustice to Uiose places, wh'ch ,
will continue to have, ns It already bas had,
bllghlln; and ruinous effect upon tho fu
tnro properIty of southern Oregon and
northern California. Dut wo belterett to bo
an unwarranted assumption of power j we
do bit btlteve that the Pc.tmailtr General .
bis any authority to makecontracta contra
ry to, the cTHent Intention of an act of
CongTM!. It Is unnecessary for us to go,
over again tho Inconvenience tbTtople are
dally laborlnj; under by having their mall
matter travel all over the northern portico j
of tho Tcrrltoty taking it four weeks to J
come from San Franciico, when it ought to,
arrive In tbat many days tbo great neces
sity for this icrvlce called for by half the
people of Oregon. All this bas been shown
end discussed until (t bas become and "old
eong." Tha mall strnmcr paifts by our
harbor, and coull leave tha malls for tbo
whole ef louthtrss Oregon, anl notbs de
tained three hours 5 andyct all our ma'l mat
ter 'has to go up to the Columbia river, and
then cone back across the country two hun
dred miles, and then It -frequently fails to
arrive. What can tuninus men do who rely
en California for their supi lies, with such
imtferialn mall facilities I They nroTsipl
11 Ighpranco alicut the state of the markets;
hofarrner can find no market for Ida sur-
plus'product'i our nevrrpaper cannot bo sus
tained In tha rlcbcit Lslf of Oregon, from
iho fact that it fa InipoiilUe to get liens
with which to fill It, and make It of any
inUrest to the public : while tha other por
tion of tho Territory hoi four papers width
crafavcrcd with all tho mall ecrvlco that
they require, with a corresponding comnier
ilul prcspcrlty which baa been facilitated by
Judicious mull arrangements. The people
of k'ou'htrn Oregon have waited patiently
fur ho past four ytars for this tcrvice, ho
j Ihg and expecting that It would Le given
tajta by tho general government i they re
lied on tho Intrinsic merit of their cause
the actual oecwlty for such rervlce. Tlie
p!, M. S. S. Co. contracted for the perform
sne"of that if 1 vice once, and tho were per
mitted Lv the Postmaster General to fcrcak
XMrSStfSinSi th.-y'r. unworthy ofyour friendship, your -folowns l3nguaC: Iro.ilv towauls his opponents. In this, oerucy hlJl.orful-ll.eeoinitry'.gone,"
tltce, In the Stato of California, to Olympla. ' esteem, or the scintillations of your ren. . ,riio coju.i wSjc, jlft, nrcvnlled In' however, I htvebeeii most egreglously rhlines in Mr. Toady j" nnd so It t'ori.l
In tho Territory cr-WMblnston.touchlnj at Avoa"-We have received your commu- Cnlifornta, nl n sctlieinoiit of dilllcnl ' mlit.ikeii. which I nm truly sorry for, every ono nets his part, mm" iM mj.!
5BR?y;fHtePr1rtoI3, a:,IoB'- At irescnt we cannot.publbh ,. ,jUllj,ff(irenl froll) ,10 disMinoi; ns 1 havo not niilj been a porsomil kn..ledKo Mr. Vorisopl.t n tho grand
nuShsaiT.or UmtZa. and AmX n maniac, when ills weighed In the ! friend of his, but once give him 1 ny voto r..u..tnlnhead. without whow presene..
...r i....rnr..n chfuiirniKr n., Ii wnn'i iisv in devote so much attention to t . r ... 1. :..., ,,.. ,..!., nf . rn, Hut lv lie nun tvnulil Inml still nml me enrm
1 id 11 riiiuii ui j v.vui ljuvh '. j 1 ww .. - j - --- - - iriin 111 rrnimi. is. nus inu l si vii'iwa
lltlinlconlmet with. Impunity. Again our
' Delegate Interposed, nd life abovo net was
......I .. 11.. 1... nP Mini
General Lane had tlionMnrnncoof the Post
master General tlmt the spirit ami Intent of
tint net should bo carried out Immediately,
ntiJ that the people of tlil pnrt of tliu Ter
ritory nnd their Interests should no longer
Ik! mado subservient to thoo of the Col urn-
l!XT,'l.iaBiUVlllmtto river valleys. Yet flto
I mouths havo puscd and wo hear nothing
more of It, nml In the meantime every other j
I plaeo on the coast Is abundantly tuiplicd .
tut tlio Umpqii. lint wo Mill havo hopes
! that tlio Postmaster Oncral has made somo
'provision for us In this matter wo cannot
aeehowhucannvotdlt, and net according1
to tho provisions of the abovo act. Thcroj
Is ten times tho necessity for occanmall tcr-
vlco to the Umpqua, tbat thero Is to I'ngctaj
Sound1 our wall goes up to Washington
Territory an I then back J yet l'ugct's Soun J ,
Is given tho preference as far s wc can
learn. If tho Postmaster Geueral ln.
njaln rcfuscil to grant us this service If ho
has by any far-fetched oplntons of ccouoray,
evaded tho positive directions of tuo above
Mtibcn let tho deep-mouthed curses of a
t'orbcaranco In this matter has long sines
ceased to be a virtue. Wc now dismiss the
subject until wc hear something more detl
CiinnwrosnEsTH. "S G , Esq." i
Your roctry. "Tlio Immigrant," has been re
cclrvU. Wo woulJ comply with your re-t
quest and publtili It, but we can find neither
ibj thss . meature nor sense In your rroduc. i
lion, three Important requisites In poetry.
Although It Is entitled "Tho Emigrant," wo '
have utterlv failed In llndln? nnvthtng In It!
pertalolug to emigration, wlthjut the follow-1
I Ing which Is a fair sampls of the whole
will admit of such n construction : I
' "On the stormy deep I shall mourn and weep
1 not none will hear mo moan '
""T' ;'' , " ,
mil. ut'i
And I am left In the wcrld alone."
,1 inaiiv imiiiTTinnK rrmiiD i.tii iini u iiiiuu .1 .i... i.i.t.ii.t.. lit... r.
Me'ancholy fate, truly 1 to be "left In the ,,njt tlsls for publication In '.ho news
world alone." llut you're ntxtaken, S. 0 , 1 nnpers. I ni"ow principles of willed I
tirj are a few mere of the same kind "left"
7imntii up .u.o . r...vv '"""
1 nnr tnnre. er we Tion t be rcjnoniluie lor
your early disease. If your friends base
.' .. .. :. . . ..
.. -. .., .--.,
.1,3 awny" and left
ft you. just let 'em rip,
one who hss rrovct bimielf to be a liar, a
,,!,,(, If he JM "go Ove ..u. .. .... ..... 6--.
hundred Mind on aw n," he had a per- 1
........ .1 . !...- .I.Li l.l
ices ngas so uoo,nu uu iiiju. .u
pas' and not 'call' Lira, of course. I'osl-
lively according to Uoylc no shcniDasan
aVut that
"A.Uamrhule" Yourcomroantcatlonan-
pears In another column. In aniwcrtoyour.iio satisfy woundul honor. Hut with
...... i
. j
that the schooner "Loo Choo" hal bern
wrcckeU at vha roout!l of the Umpqua river.
Orryoi Tlmti.
A p33uire fabebood. Yoa stole It from ,
t;,e Gazttte, as you have been In the hablt(
of j0nifl Bnd aro loo contemptibly mean to
gT0 u, crej(t We thought that we would
j,aM A,a t jal ptr0as you would havo
trj0i tj)Bt p., upon ijtjge,' afur knowing
a, we ,j0 jj0W TOtt ult& to try In your inno-
jway to practice tho same upon the
Slalciman, some to or three years since.
D'ye remember Low you used to chuckle
over It, cUJ Exceedingly ihirp, la your
way. j
Ths "Umpqua Cazetto" bas taken an
Irishman' hoist, (downwards) In size. I
Ongonian. I
Tho Umpqua Gazette bas done no such '
thing. At the commencement of the pres
ent volume we enlarged our paper, by ndd
Ing another column to each page, making
the columns longer, &c. It has continued
that size ever since. A few week slnco we
changed the alio of tbo head, but it made,
no difference with the size of tn rest 0: our,
paper, as every boly knows but tho astute
editor of the Orcgonlan. The aboro Is a
bout as nctr the truth as be ever gets.
C01.V1LLE Gold Mixr.s. The return of
Wells, Fargo & Co. 's messenger from tbe
mines, although Ids report which wc pub
lish In enotber column contains nothing
moro tUn has alrcudy been established, has.
created quite a sensation In tho Willamette'
satley. Everybody tbat can go, nro going.
It has becu well conflrmed that incro aro
rich mines of gold there, Lut nothing Las
been arcirtalned yet In regard to Its extent.
Thousands of peorlo will be thero In a very
short time, and we hope their most sanguine
expectations rnoy be realized, yet we very
much fear that many will return with heav
ier heart 1 anl lighter purse, than they start
nllh. A party will start from this place in
a fuw div.
aCr liy the burning of a house recently
In San I'ranclsco, a little gill fourycars old, ,
tbo daughter of Mr, Anthony Durkln, was 1
burned to death. She was In bed sleeping,
and Lcfuro asslatanlo could reach' Lcr tho
bouse was In flames.
O- Wo aro Indebted to Capt. Wlllougbby
of tho schooner Astoria, for flics of Callfor
n'a paper, and to S. K. Smith, for deliver
ing Ikeni at en early hour after her arrival.
nQlrr wbT we Late not rcrerrca io tuit hit tho obiocl utmi to imvo icn io uir reuounu w uiu injury u u---"-
a. ,.-t..e . rt.. ..t I. 11.. -.. Im I -.?... 1!f- I!... i. t.t. si.n rMsis1v.iist f tlfmiii fnr lit a(.llul toil l.l!h tl) VCt .Of
.no sura ui matter uviuiw uv ; i - bv " v,ininuiiici isim sw iwsisvst .. .,. -- - -- --- - a-
dollars I .m,,i fnr lha nai,T : "rerr small notatoes' Whv multlulv the chances of a fa tali let I tho fiildo assaults of sucli pigmies.
. ,......!.. . :...i.,r I. nt in iii rniieii nl iiisauiinnr:crs.wmi
MM.. ....... . -..-, - I
&-u.Tho schooner Astoria, which nrrlveil
on tho lllh Inst, brought soventy tons of
goods lbs merchants In this place. Hy thin
arrival Mtrrltt. Opponliclmcr .t Co. have
received n largo addition to their already
heavy stock of merchandise, which they are
selling very cheap. Seo new advertisements.
Win. Urnnd A Co., nml Herald Pox, have
rccelvcil new goods nlo, which they aro of.
fcrlng very low. Head their advertisement.
1'iikor. Wo it.tcd last week that tho
schooner "(Mil Fellow" hail stilled for tho
Umpqua. Wo were mistaken It was
tho "Astotla." Tho Odd Fellow was up for
Crescent City.
&aV.Col. Anderson, demncat, Is elected
Delegate from Washington Territory, by SO
An Affair of Honor.
Wo sou by tlio San Francisco Chnrn
Wo of tlio USlh ult., tlmt a dilliculty
occurred between Mr. Cuticn, duo of
tlio nsslgneea of Adams Ae Co., nml
James King of Win. .Mr. Cohen nl-t.ielii-1
Mr. King In tlio street, wlwtu.
upon tlio latter administered to tlio for-
I Imvo oer boon opposed to tiacllinij
- . . I . IIS
on mornl grounds. .My opinluni were
knuuii to .Mr. Lolion '. nml iieniionu.i',i
dressed 1110 tho nolo which you tail lliu
Impudence to uclivcr.iiu was w.11 nwaro
ipuilenci'todelivcr.liownawelUwaro I
,at It would not bo nccepte.l or nn-
sercdiilhrniatively. 1 fact Is vjI-
Ilcient to demonstrate hi contemptible
cowardice In this silly nttempt to man
ufacluro for himself ft reputation for
Whilst nothing could luduco bio to
change my principles upon tho iibjcct
of duelling, my consci-nco is perfectly
easy n to my right, und the propriety
of defending inysilf should 1 bvcisaul.
Do not flitter yourself, sir, that this
communication is ruado out if regard
litlicr to yourself or to Mr. Cohen. I
imi not nsliamrd, nml shall nbido the
rclu(, Jamiis KiNiior Wsi.
.0 cni.iiVf, in nn blo article
,,, f1,., f ...t.'iiitf diilicul-
-I "
lies y mortal eomuii, s pracucu "
such an extent in cainortia, uses mo,,
M10n0, , unileratood 111 Coropom cnuu-,.liitf
'trio ltrc It still prevails, for there,
(rCS WIU'TC II Illll prOVailJ, lur mtir,
unless tho (ilTeiuo bo of tlio molt mor-
. ii I .--
wa anu uiiiorgucnuio cuaracier, cij
'chanco of lifo it allowed and expected
1 1 iy liio antnnnisis. iney may nym iu hid riiiii i' -
I forttilles, but they do not fight tntalie'laiid ilbfeeling Inwards (.icnoral Katie,
. .. . . ff .. !..!..
tic ini.iit.-il.le. A scratch is itltlicicut
.. .
.... . . ,. .1 . .1 l...t ....
moiaciis inai incro nro nus iir
. .,,,., ,L. , eB ust fv to aiiv '
somiblo ndvocato of tho "codo of Lou
or." a result tu the ultim 1 ration, the
settlement by mortul combat,
Yet in 1
' """" ....
California, scarco any offence, real or'
imn-iiiarv. is thought too trilling lobe
lliu.. And cveriliodv resorts
o ......
to it,
The Chinese in tho mines list
lion of nil ndhereuts of tho codo I
basest characters retort to (his mctli
nt Katnlillililiiff their renutntiun. ns Will
its tlio most rcspectauic. nai iiivn.
.l.n.ll. n.ull.nnrniiil Prill il mnlll. '
a . I Sill a !
u"" ".' 1 1" "V w. :"'. li
n gcntleinan ol a blarltgutru I in.
And ho who is a gentleman needs no
such endorsement of hit character.
W., vnninrn in a.iv lliit Jnmci KInt i
of Wm. has not lost ensto with five1
men of overv tliousnnil. Itecauso no lias
retuieu to light .ur. uouen, w.m'.o tie
. 7. I . ..I 11. I '
has never dunu un act in Iho .Slate
which has inado him so many 'friends,
or raised him to high in the oa(imutiou
of those who previously weto an Wo
do not bilicvo that any man, knowing
him, cun doubt his phyilcnl ciiurngti.
He has shown what is much higher in
tho scale of reason's estimate, a moral
courago which dares act in nccordnnco
with a teuto of duty, even in defiance
of n potniblo popular unfavorable, opln
ion. Of the (lillicuilios leading to (he
challenge, and of hit manner of refus-
Iiu.'. wo havo nothiiiff to say. Ilul wc j
do npprovo of tho courage which ilarct
net in accordance with conscience.
SrntxoriBLD Mass., July 3, 1855'
Tho gingham establishment, known
at tho (Jlutgow Milli at South Ilndley
Tails, was burned thl ufternoun. Thu
firo oilgiiiated in a pilo of yarn, in the
attic, and it supposed to havo been
tho result of spontaneous cornbutllon.
Tho machinery and bullding.wlth much
of tho stock, wcro destroyed. Most
of thomunufiicluicd gooiU wero saved.
Tho lots it estimated at 8250,000; in.
turcd'for 8150,000. Two men wcro
injured by falling from ladders, and
ono man killed by the fulling of a
wall, .
Why Is an old maid like Sebastapol t Be
came b: 1 Is not yet tuLcn.
"greaser" in tho caitip. Tho first Mood iillectiiig their inlcreHs. Among outers, .caiieii is 1001 lor jinwiwiH "
'thus shed in this couulrv was, if w-o nils. Hio said ono hail been paued niilhoiiz..eIo that right.
itnko not, that of a negro. According' ing tin) I'o-t Mailer (iencrul to con. In my next I will Ireal or tlio inv
ito the code, wero not the two colored tract for cnrrjlng tho IJ. S. malt semi, mantnt inti-reits of hcottsliurgiiml tlio
I . . ., . ... t . .t ..t.'.. i.t.. 1... ... I'r .nr.1. i-ii nml l'i.i,iiiii Vntliie. nml thusu who arc
iHi.fnniiitra"iri..iiiiiifii.ii iiiiiiii'biiiii:i.. iiiijiiiiiiv i.l-... .mi. ............ ....... .,. . ....... --
I HIIM.kWI.1... ... ........ -..- ---
For tlio UmniiUA Unreltc.
Klkton, 0. T. Aug. Ill, 1855.
HiUTim (aAiKrrii Dear Sir: In
nccnril.'iiii'n will, .nvnvnwrit ih'innnrat.
lo nincilcs, I enst my voto nt tlio lust.
Juno election lor tin- w little ilfmiicrnliu
ticket. I (Innu tills hecnusu I not only
thought licit I was thereby promoting
tlio liost principles, but nlso tlmt I vtaa
rmppoitlug tho beat ntt'ti. I inn tumoil
than I'vor n.ilUlU'il rliico tlio clci'tloii,
i. '
tlmt I w.ia light, nlbolt ninny of my il llbfoitum'!, &. Ilnw fu'iii'iil wo
iii'lglilioia boni'slly viitrrtntiiT illHVriil I tho i.proasbnia of syinpitlliy fin
opinions from my own, nml tliNhas Kil I thl nii'ruhnnl nml llmt, uliu him lost
In ninny lilllo uiintruwiflus, wlilcli Ihlaryo invt'iliui'iils by tlio IiislmiiIiiIiIk
think Imvo been intlior n Ikiu'Hi In us ' wmMiifrs'iif I'linlilonro, but whn biivo
than otherwise, fur wo Ircipienlly linil Uet niuiu left than fonrIHVis uf the
lis refer to our "liuolt Inriilii" In fitl(lil woikiny i-liss In I'uipipm Vulley, who
en uiirincinnrlvi. Tlii-rnrimtrovi,ule!lliiliur liioeaioiully lorn llvellhooil, nml
have nlwnya been comlucteil wllli tho Inr.i conlonteil nml hnppy, wliilu mine
boil of yooil foellnjj, for wo liavo been' of these (,'eiillenien nro leailini; is lifool
liinj-ht to belluvo tlmt jiulilics shoiilili'coinpurntivo eiiso, iiinliliiff money,
not bo nlloweil to outer into or ililluib'lmoro or less, nil tho time ilwnyi
our porsomil ri'l.iltons. liming occa-j
(ion tu islt Sciitlsburi;, recently, tm
mnl.o somo pmehnses, I was not litllo
Mirpiiieil to seoHUch n bitter spiiil pro
vailiiij'in thomlmtsofaoiueof)oiirbus.i
iik'M nii'ii.uilh whom I liavobciu in tho
inbit ol Ui'iilin Willi horetoloio. .Now,
! IV ""'" '"J i -!
mv iirinrii
..1,1.,..., i,,. 1..., ... . .Iliiumoti inn
,u., ut wlicti men so lr forget
,...t.,. . ,,, i,,,!,,!,.., l ,,;,.,. ,
mnko ,wee.,j,. ileehnitloiis nbmit
tholiaiivnlititiitily ti(litler ultli tlu-m, '
,,el ln! ,l,!lt mlCiUlVnco v.ul.l dio-
,,lto puuio nml ueuiral discmsioii of
tt,0,3.11H,,,itim.iiy to ililler wllli them, '
1 lliit (it'illnr sii fill filti.iit li.tliliui
1 ,.i,,clu.,' ,u,jt.cS th.if aeeiii to
t ,,.,,,,, I0 ,uci, hicUeiing nml rccriui
Iltimtlun siniinif tho looiI iioonlo of vour
,, alll nm goI0V,ial .urpiluil
that you Imtc not rcfened to this matter,
ere this, in yo'ir piper. Such eaprea
sioiu r. theTfuilonbig, which -
tcrcil In my lieniiug, wjuld seem to re '
ipilro tonw esjdaualioii llsroiils your
column: !
"It bas been ascertained miico iho
..lrllnii. that uu tliiuls ol the leol le
of Oregon arc il d fools." "Kiiy ,
person who voted for Jo. Line, ought
to gn to It II," A:c. 'llieso nml siuiU I
I ir cxpressloiis, moro profatio nnd ovon j'
more iiIihtiio If poi.iMe, I heard fiom
ono who I had lliitlertd myself was n
.. . . . . . I l.
,,,,., ,1(HU.;,V ,, w!in wns uil,;
rr.ifj.ttitte wn '. .win v nil'. ..linen ins
. , ,.,.,. .....m.. ...1... of,,-,,,,,
llieso Ilili rxulierances i.rpasiiun'n-fuio to turn nn Its uxis.
as too disgusting to bo discussed 1 digressing, nnd I Imvo iil'icli
U lim l.l.u.ili.rt . "v .... ....
and which tbo authors themselves can-
'.. t. .11 ... t... 1 -.1 A.l ..f MTt.. n ai.lii.r
not fail to feil nsh.imcd of after n sober
iiui nm in n-ii naii.iiiii.-uu ..-.....
Second thought let us proceed nlouco
... .1... ... .f... I. I mhii.a .il Btl!
itmi 1 do this not becatnu I fear that
lluir avowed nnd mallco will
...i...! I..I.. .... .11 'ntir
,,uiiiuiiuiiiin - ij mu . j
lurnb Io servant IliCiilUCil wnri uiu com-
I i.liiiu.ntnrv eo'Miiimen of "il 11 lools."
".'..".". w ..... --. - ..
After Ucii. I.ano w us iiomlnnted for
Dele 'ato to Coiicreis, lit the urgent ro ,
-. 0..,r ...-...-.-,.-.-- . .--- '
iiuestofhls frleiiiKlicsnnliil.-coiisu ig,
for tho purposo of informing the good
. , ... .-- . ,.
iieonlo ortliat nlaco, ol act ioil-
gress had piia.'il during tho last ivitlon
I'uget' Sound, by was of Humboldt
liny, Crescent City, Port Orfor.l, Ump.
qua, A:c.; nnd Hut tho 1'. M. (,
at - I - ..ail.iM Indl ltl(llll
was uu'iiorizen 10 .....n.
IlMM k.1Im tot V fllf till! St'ltlCO lit U bill
'. V' ... "' . . rcionnnn
mat nau uetn niauu pru.r, m wi-,UUu
per annum. Tho licncral stated hi Iho.
"course of hlr iccapllulaliou, that ono!
Heiirv L'l.iv Mudil was nt W'nsliliiglon
when ho left, toady to enter into con-
tract Willi uiu r. w. wenariiuuni i pwr-.
f. I il ...Mill. I
I'" ......, - .... Y 1
I.t... 1 . .1 .1 :!...,, ,1.1 I...'i
i.. u.oaeniuo, mm ui ........." ,
inai no iiiuuKi" mo iimua iiiiuni ..v.v..
at thu Umpquii in a very thort lime,
tVc. After tlio f'oioral had left on hit
eiuuiioiicvitug lour, u.o iiiiuiuuu
only In Scojtiburg but throughout tho (
county, wcrn freu to express llrtir opin.i
Ion that ho had made I'.ilso statements,'
.1 . .1 ..(.... .. ..A ... I. I....I .1... ',
luaiiiio tuuis uio iiui un ii"" a"-ii
ted. and used this to mnnufucturo can.
1 ilul for the immortal "hero of Kucur-
nacion." '1 ho mml steamer not com
lug, thcto speculations imvo beon con
tinually indulged in over tiuco tho
election, and tho most vindictivo uudl
personal aterlions havo bocn in.tdu
f....A al. III illlilCB tl'lift
Uglliutl mu, uuu ui..i'i .
voted fur him.
Now, what nro Iho facts? Mr,
Mudd has received tho contract for car
rying tho mails between Aatori.1 and
I'ugul's Hound, only, as io informs Iho
editor of tho Pionur $ Democrat, but
not a word is said about thu orlgfml
design of tho net to loavo thu mail at
inturmediuto ports between San Fran
cisco nml l'ugct's Sound. And Gon.
Lano did amht in procuring the pas.
sage, of tha bill, which was plain and
to the point that tho 1. M. General was
requited to put tills service into opera
tion. The 1. -M. General hat fulled to
carry out Iho provisions of this law, at
leabt It seems so far as we havo nny In
foimatlon on the subject; and I Gail.
. i i la .!.. i. .... Mrl. .
I, alio to bo held roKimiaflilu for llili
for llio violations of ttnly on tlio pad
of povetnini'iil olllcliili I 'I'liostf liypor.
crllicttl urntli'intMi nilbt clmrjjo wills
lliu i.niio proiitlutv Ilint bo shniilil bo
iii'M rcsponsllilo lor lliu (linnimei ilnno
by lliu oitiition of Ml. Vcsiiiliia, nml
w'llli ii a iiiiicIi aliow of mied'usfull
iniiliilnliiliill tlii'lr tinlnt.
'I'licro bat ln'i'ti nmuli anbl tibout tin
nriuubliii( nl their fute, nml turmhiu:
this Hum nml lliulii'M nfonl,"wbol
tl.irociitcilalu mi npluloii tliireilo;; fimu
ilidrs. Hut tho titlo of their iiyiupti
ihics seenia tu run nil one wny. 'I'lii'
f.iimer, th. mechanic, nml tho nitlntn,
who il.iily labor for their ruliviteuro,'
Irnili'ta ol their money, nro set i
nn "fo.iN" for not ileetiti; old "u'
(town I
,1,,..." ... 1' i,,.i,..l ,,r i:
(i.lilU'l. tl
i- ..i...
Uim. who has doiio just what ho told
,h..l rut b
person w
us ho hinl, but which luia not been car.
iy tlits I'. iM. lieiieial. All
Ins :iro nriiu 'iuteil wlln the
tifiiiffn.ftc fifi'lllliri 11 Slllit.'.'i ill llh i. I 'I
wilfhavo reaillv: nbseueil tint there i.ji
,'n kind of n sjhlemalic i.rganitilio.i.
aeeminirlv ns be rominon roiueut'fiii
inilnnce: tluvo nro tomn that ;
the sun tiies nml neta for tuelr pariini beni'lil.iinillhnt llio ill,i;r wuainadi' 1
"d n fools" llial ! nrv lh' for- t
porntinu tic facto, nnd when i.y ei ,
s nii'lliliig K'tl,nll tho town mint l.iujjli ,
.mil consiipioiitly when thiy liil.e (
iiiillT. fsersliuilv niul sillier", or there
la 'Vouu thing wioi.g with tho carils."
And ngatn, tlnro nro those who laiigli
nt tho preeiso time, nt t!ni atalu jokw or
tlio ubsceiiu attempt nl i it nml nnolh
er puty who nro nltnek.'d with nflo-,
Ixnt lit ofsiifrtlog whetiover Mr. Veil
I.. I if ..Ml... ... ,..C,I ll.t....
iiini 11 laHCBnuuu. .....mi ih
,,, AmlwtMy I. It has Ills,
'nntntrv." tavs Mr. Vcrlsoi.lit. "Di-tii
Hut I nm
inure to
-- o; ... . ....
njy llian, I fear, you will Imj willing mi
encumber your column with, so I will
..ttrtiinilii.r vmtr f.illlltllia W Itll. PO 1 W III
cloto this by siuildy saving, tint I nm
1. no of thoso "fools" who auppoited j
Ccn. Line, who help support Ihoiuor
chants of .Scotlsburg, beeaiiso I lliink
them a lirerssary class or eillsriis as
much so, but not more so than nny otli-
cliiss I Rvnuntliiao witli tliem in
tho unfortuimto prospects of Scottsbiirg
hut not more Willi tliem titan 1 110
for Iho mechanic, lliu nrlliiiu, Iho pro
fVriinnt.1 mill, nnd tho farmer, for It
. .11
takes nil llieso to nmko nny sill.igo or
community prosperous; nnd that laws
.-. : a .1 I . !.
nro euncletl m Amerliu lor 1110 ne 11111
- - - - . .. ..... 1 1....
or all, nml nut lor any u.,.
, lliu winking mail lias tm. saiuu rig. 1
to his oniiiioii ns lias tho uiillinunirc, nl.
Ihniiuli ho may tun tlits sisk sf holiifs
identified with them.
Very truly nun,
A. DAMl'llL'l.E.
Nlllllliliir)' r Klatu' rVi'Ws.
From tho N. V. Herald, July 5.
Tho mooling of tho Know .N'olhlnj
. a.,,., c II of .MHiiachusetts.nt llos-
t,,,, Tu.-id iy, vaialtemlnll.y tibout
rgo dt.K.i.uii..,. 1 iiu cnurao 01 ttiu ze
. .'
.. r.' I.,. III. M, I. .1.1, 1 1 f '..iiii.m
ceuers iiuiii in" .,v,, ......-.
. .'.. it 1
-ii,.,. vna nnnrovcil 01 uoiiiiiy. mm 11
' .,iilfnrni ol piiuciptes Idenllcnl with I
, ,ml tt.prrtuil by thu minority of thej
,iiiioiial Cnliveiition, svaa nuonivn.
(jov (lli,lt.r m fjenntor Wilson
tt.cro ln0 )rlnc)m upenkorH. In the
., .j r ,, lltur ,e Rui In regard
l . . .. ..tin ... .1..
tliu tlaverv nullalion : "iieii ine
In.t bondman can tlaml up ami bay,
"I nm a man, n brother, nn American,
aye, n inilivo American," then nnd nut
till then.will tho limitation of tho tlavory
question ceato in this republic."
The Simon I'uro wfilgs of Miiliioheld
a Stute Convention at I'm (land mi I'ri
day, and iininiuatd Hon. Isaac Iteed
for Governor. AuthNcbratk.-i, null,
Know Nolhing.nnil unlLMithio Liquoi
law roBolutiouB wore ndoptcd.
Tho Know Nothing Stnto Council nl
Goorgia lias been in Eesslon nt Mnrou.
The ndopted tho Goorgia pbitforin.iiud
nominated Hon, Garrett Andrews for
Tho fioo toll parly of New IInnii.
thlru met at Concord mi tlio'J7tli Juno,
tn henrtho lions. Jamea Hell ami John
I. Iliile. tho newly clDcMed 11. S. Sena.
tors from that Stnto.uxpreat their views
upon tlio great quottlons now agitating
tho public nil ml.
The Denrniatli' Stalo Comniilleo
' HIllMIIIMU !) I'lSVIS ' """l ' " ll
of Now Voili hnvn Issued n call for n
.Stnto Convention, to bo held at Hym
ctiso mi thu "Dili August, for tlio pur.
puso of uuinhiallug cnmlidntus for audi
Stnto ollicei at mo In bo filled nt lliu
i'Ii'imIiiii in Nuvemher, nml tilsn In ih.
lurinliio tho timo mid mnmier of chnoii.
log ih'h'gnli's In Iho next Democrallo
Nittlmiiil Convention.
Thu tlilul nnnlvvrsnry nf iho Young
Mi'ti'n Demonrallo Union ('hilt una
celebrated on Saint day nveuiug in tho
Mi'tiopnlllnu Theiilte, New Vol It.
Hi ii couip my wiih qullo iimneromi, mid
una addressed by John Cochrane, (Jen,
N've, nml ulhcr.i,
Gov. IVase, of Texas, lias linen re
unmhmled for lo-elecllou, Ho nvowi
open war ngalnst thu kiinwiiuthlnga,
C'loni Vatiliiiit,i(iu.
Judge Miihoii, Iho Couuiilasloiior of
Piilenlif, liistt ri'ilgiieil. It I prob.nbln
tlmt Mr. Shtigiil, chief cleik in iho Pa
tent Ollico, will Hiiccei'il hint.
Mr. Wilson, Commistioiier of tins
(it'inTiil 1, 1111I Uillci'.hiit burn removed,
m iiccomit of hnowmithiiiglsm, -io n rnrrespuuileitl of the IkrxiUL
.Sumo tweniy-llvo rlerlia, Ve., in iho
it'lerul Ueiiarluii'llta huso been iimiiv.
oil, lor hating loruiud tin uciiuaiulaiiio
wil'i "S un."
J.ulgu Waldo,' (hi) ('ommiisloner of
IViimous, Ins been tlecleil to a seal
ilion thu Supremo beueh nf Couuei'll.
rill, mid It 1 1 t'l i'i;;ht that hu will resign
tho nllh'o uf Cnmmblnuer of I'alcuta.
I'iiIiIiu prochi'iriliou of iho Jnpati
ti.Mlj h:n been m nle by tho I'risldenl.
Citi.KtinA no.N 01 I.Mii:i'i:.Mii:n: D.v v
i Ni:w Vniiit ami Ki.iuwiimii:.
Tlio d.iy passed nil' llile,ly. So far n
wa lie ml fiom t'. mi w.iatiu troubK'.iiii
ii.ll, ti distil linici uf nny soil. All
pisa.d iil'i'jli'llv. An occasinal ibuw
ei'ilniii'!,' tlio day cooled olflhii ntuivn.
plier", I it til lh dust mid some
u'tat ! t'n1 cilcbmtlull.
Tho 1111I1I try ilispl iy in tin) city wnt
'nilliaiit. Now Vnrli can turn nut tho
Hues! military divliimi uver ajitti on pa in 11clt1.1l aerslco.
'Uiu liquor l.w went into fnrro ns
tho I.t-glahitiii.1 directed. I'very 0110
who Ihiisty ilalietl his ilil-n 11 1 uiu.
tl. Tliejr did mi in HrooVI)ii ns well
as In New Vurll. Thero was no troub
In .110 artests no seizures. Wn havo
not he ml tit" opinion of tho Carson
league, but everybo Iy ello tvemi nails
lied Willi thu operation nodi'lfcd of Iho
law for ihn lint day.
In tlio evening the rain, howcvor.rath
er iiiterferril with lite fiiownrka. Tho
lioiuanili In thu I'nlh tiied Io kerptlry
under nn tiinbtcll.i, Lut they failed in
their clfotlr.
Tho ll.tltiinoroAtis were considerably
hnken up on Thursday moriilng by
nlmt is supposed to bavu been un earth,
quake. Tliu shock wns sensibly fell
lor many miles nrotind, but so far at
known 110 casualties had happened.
Another mail robber, a clerk in tho
pott ollico nt Chicago, has been nrrelt
etl. I 'o or thousand dollars wrro found
in his mum, nml It Is billuved that 10
or 815,000 had boon stolen from tho
mails nt that ollicu.
At thu 1st term of tho Supremo
Coutt of Hlmdo Island there wero -III
petitions (orilivorce. Thlrty-iiluu wcro
granted, anil of llieso twenty-iilno wero
I10111 wives. Iliero must I10 a terrlblo
stalo of nir.ilrt in llhodo IsUml,
Mrs. Iiiiilitio W, Davis tind Mrs. I.ti
ey Stonu lllncliwell nllicUllv nnnoiiuco
1I1.1I tint next's rights convet).
(inn will hu held in Cincinnati nn tho
17th mid lSlh of October next.
Ci:ntiiM- Ami:iik'a. Late advices
from (.'1i1tr.1l America statu thr.t tho
iinllii'tiliis of Nicarngtin havo orderetl
(hat Col. Kinney 11111I Mr I'ubunttho'd
In put to death by nny cisil or militaiy
ollicer or ollicei , il (hoy atu found
within tho tvnitory of thu republic,--Much
nlarm prcvailctl.
A ttrnngo and injtlvrlnuiiln.iMo ru
eido waaeiiimiiltli'il in llrooklvtt 1111 tho
uightnf Jtinu '.' IloriitioN.Gus
tin mid Miia Willi. tins. They wero
rijund upon n lounge on the back piaz
za of his lather's liuiiso the next morn
ing. A phiul which hail contained
prusslc ncid was found near them. Tho
l.uly biin'uiikiKiWiilothitiiiiglibors.niid
appealing to bo n perron of rerprctn
bihty, she wilt buried in mi nrislonrntlo
slsle. IVotn kiihicquinil iuvcttigalloit
it appears that idm hat leil n life of
diitilitfiil sirlne, utnl that young Gtiitiu
was herftlend nml cuuiianion.
Trom tho Oregon Statesman.
I.iilnr from till) Cul villi) lolil
"tlliii"i-lt!tiii-ii of W!ll,B'nr
rjo (V -'o.'a ."lacasfiiuor Ilia
1'oitTi.AKit. July 21, lflnn.
I'ltiliM) V!M. Dear tiir : Wo tend
you un rtbstr.ict of thu report brought
liy Mr. A. V. Wilton, our messenger
just urilvod from Ft. Colvillo. Mr.
Wilton ditl not go fitithur thnn Ft.
Colvillo, outug In tho opposition of tho
IndlntiK, they being tiuwilliing that tho
Amuiicans thoiild work the mini's un
til a tidily had been matlo with them.
Ho icpoitM that little or no milling
can be (I0116 until ltl September, on
.iccnunt of high wntur. Tho gold thus
far obtain il ii Tlont Gold, and tirobnly
as good diggings nt was found any
where hi California.
Tho mining has beeil confined lo
two bars one nu tho noitli nnd iho
other on Iho noitlh tido of tho liver
fund il'Oicillc. They have nveragiil
from 81 00 lo 625 00 to Iho man jier
day. Mr. WiUon it-port, nil the lilbt."